Home Fruit trees What are the diseases of the veins. What is the name of venous disease? What do varicose veins look like?

What are the diseases of the veins. What is the name of venous disease? What do varicose veins look like?

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, deep blood vessel thrombosis, trophic ulcers, thromboembolism.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins is a disease in which the walls of blood vessels become thinner and wider due to impaired blood flow. Pathology often develops on the legs. Veins swell, resulting in blue nodules.

Varicose veins in the legs

Main reasons:

  1. overweight;
  2. prolonged stay on your feet;
  3. period of bearing the child;
  4. hormonal disbalance;
  5. hypodynamia;
  6. excessive physical activity;
  7. addictions;
  8. hormonal drugs.

The listed reasons increase the pressure in the veins, disrupting the functioning of the valves. The first symptoms of pathology:

  • puffiness, which worsens in the evening;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • a feeling of fullness in the calf muscles.

Symptoms improve with walking and by morning. Over time, there are painful sensations of a bursting character, heat in the legs, cramps of the lower extremities. Telangiectasias appear on the skin.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities

Treatment consists of 3 methods:

  1. drug therapy;
  2. sclerotherapy;
  3. operations.

To improve the therapeutic effect, you can use therapeutic exercises, compression hosiery.

Drug therapy consists in strengthening the walls of blood vessels (phlebotonics, anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). consists in the introduction of a sclerosant into the lumen of the vein, gluing its walls. Surgical treatment consists of removing it. The procedure does not interfere with blood flow and does not harm the body.


Phlebitis is an ailment that affects the inflammatory process of the venous walls. It is characterized by an acute and chronic form. In most cases, it occurs as a complication of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Inflammation of the veins in the legs provokes impaired blood flow and the formation of blood clots. Phlebitis turns into a more serious disease - thrombophlebitis.

Phlebitis of superficial veins

Provoking factors:

  1. complication of varicose veins;
  2. complication of an abscess;
  3. streptococcus;
  4. chemical burn.

In some cases, phlebitis can be provoked artificially (as a result of sclerotherapy).

  • pains appear;
  • the skin turns red;
  • the temperature rises;
  • weakness is observed;
  • puffiness appears.

Symptoms of the chronic form of phlebitis are less pronounced, alternating with periods of exacerbation.

Causes of the development of phlebitis of the legs

Treatment consists in the complex use of conservative methods. If the disease has affected the superficial veins, hospitalization is not required. In other cases, hospitalization is indicated. The patient must provide rest to the legs, give them an elevated position. The doctor prescribes medicines that nourish the venous walls, reduce the viscosity of the blood. It is advisable to eliminate the inflammatory process. After the acute phase of the course of the disease has passed, compression hosiery is used for the legs, as well as bandaging with an elastic bandage.

Preventive measures consist in the timely treatment of pustular diseases, minor injuries and inflammations. To quickly get rid of venous disease of the lower extremities, it is recommended to follow the doctor's recommendations.


Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins is a complication of varicose veins of the legs, which is characterized by inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, the formation of blood clots. Disease affects about 25% of people. The resulting blood clots clog the lumen of the vessels, provoking an aseptic inflammatory process.

The provoking factor for an increase in blood viscosity can be the period of pregnancy, trauma, acute respiratory viral infections, overweight, genetic predisposition, physical inactivity, diabetes mellitus or overheating. The increased viscosity of the blood does not allow it to circulate freely. The disease is localized behind the legs (below the buttocks to the lower leg).

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

The main symptoms are:

  • pain in the legs;
  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • redness of the skin;
  • induration in the affected area.

With the further aggravation of the disease, the swelling of the legs increases. At the site of localization of a blood clot, the skin turns red. The period of exacerbation is characterized by symptoms such as an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C, severe swelling of the legs, pain syndrome for 1-2 days. The acute form of the disease lasts from 10 to 30 days, and then becomes chronic.

Treatment can be:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

Conservative treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis if the blood clot does not extend beyond the leg. If the disease was provoked by trauma to the venous wall of the lower or upper extremities, use an alcohol compress or anticoagulants. Anti-inflammatory therapy is aimed at eliminating inflammation and pain. Drug treatment reduces blood viscosity, restores blood circulation, and eliminates puffiness.

Drug therapy consists in the use of the following drugs:

  1. phlebotonics: "", "Venosmina";
  2. angioprotectors - derivatives of rutin;
  3. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: "Diclofenac", "Sinmetona", "Meloxicam";
  4. anticoagulants: "Syncumara", "Warfarin".

Surgical intervention for disease in the upper or lower extremities is necessary when inflammation spreads to deep veins, as well as when there is a high risk of complications.

Three types of surgery are most commonly used:

  1. ligation of altered vessels;
  2. thrombectomy - excision of a blood clot;
  3. phlebectomy - elimination of the vessels affected by pathology.

Phlebectomy for thromboflibitis


Thrombosis is caused by poor circulation. The main symptoms occur in the area of ​​the legs.

Blockage of blood vessels occurs for several reasons, such as:

  • an increase in blood viscosity due to an insufficient amount of fluid in the body, metabolic disorders, malignant neoplasms;
  • stagnant processes in the legs occur due to varicose veins, physical inactivity, impaired blood flow;
  • damage to the venous walls - trauma, infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the blood vessels: thrombophlebitis, erythremia;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious diseases: sepsis, pneumonia, allergies;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, the symptoms are mild. If the treatment was not prescribed in a timely manner, the clinical manifestations are aggravated. The patient is worried about:

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • spider veins on the legs;

Signs of thrombosis in the leg area
  • leg cramps at night;
  • pain in the thigh region, in the lower leg and foot, ameliorated by the horizontal position of the legs;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • temperature increase.

Treatment is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Drug therapy. Eliminates signs of disease, restores blood circulation. Anticoagulants reduce blood viscosity, prevent the development of blood clots in the legs, and eliminate swelling. The most common: Coumadin, Heparin, Warfarin. Thrombolytics absorb blood clots (Trypsin, Chemotrypsin). Phlebotonics prevent stagnant processes in the legs, increase vascular tone (Detralex, Venosmin). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate inflammation and pain syndrome ("Diclofenac", "Indomethacin").
  2. Surgery. There is a need to use an operation if there is a threat of rupture of a blood clot or thrombophlebitis. Apply cava filters, thromboectomy, Troyanov-Trendelenburg operation. Do not use during an exacerbation of the disease if there are diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Traditional therapy. Used in combination with conservative medicine. They use infusions and baths with medicinal herbs: horse chestnut, pharmacy chamomile, nettle. What are the best herbs to use so as not to aggravate the course of the disease, the phlebologist will tell you.

Drug therapy for thrombosis

Trophic ulcers

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • in the area of ​​the lower extremities on the skin, blue vessels, age spots are noticeable;
  • hyperpigmentation in the leg area;
  • exfoliation of the epidermis;
  • ulcers secrete exudate.

Main reasons:

  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis of the legs;
  • chemical damage to the skin;
  • trauma;
  • violation of the outflow of blood.

Trophic ulcer on the leg

Treatment begins with diagnostics (ultrasound, general examination, clinical studies). Depending on the test results, the doctor may prescribe intravenous treatment or infusion therapy, laser therapy, electromyostimulation.

There are 2 main methods of therapy:

  • Surgical - plastic of the skin, blockade.
  • Conservative - physiotherapy procedures, medications that improve the process of blood clotting, eliminate inflammation. If the ulcers do not heal for a long time, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics and vitamins, venotonic drugs, compression hosiery.

The disease goes through four main stages of development, which are characterized by their own symptoms. At the initial stage, clinical manifestations are poorly expressed, there is a slight swelling of the lower extremities. In the second stage, the veins are enlarged, but without trophic changes. The third stage is characterized by the manifestation of blood vessels on the surface of the skin of the lower extremities. Severe pigmentation and trophic ulcers appear on the legs. At the fourth stage, stable trophic changes are added to the listed symptoms.

Chronic venous insufficiency

The main reasons are: increased venous pressure, phlebitis, inflammation.

Drug therapy involves the use of phlebotonics (Detralek, Ginkor Fort), antihistamines (Clemastin), antioxidants (Emoxipin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac). To prevent the further spread of the infection throughout the body, antibiotic and antibacterial therapy is prescribed. To eliminate pain, you can use "", heparin ointment, "Venobene". Which means to use, the phlebologist will tell you.

Basic surgical methods:

  • Sclerotherapy - blood vessels are glued together with a sclerosant. The procedure is low-traumatic and has a high cosmetic effect. It is performed under local anesthesia.
  • Laser therapy. Laser radiation is used to remove pathologically dilated veins. A light guide is inserted through a small puncture in the skin, which conducts the laser beam. The vessel is glued together. The procedure does not require an incision of soft tissues and skin.
  • Removal. Through small incisions in the skin and soft tissues, the doctor removes the damaged vessel. It is performed under general anesthesia.

CVI treatment with ointment


Thromboembolism develops if the disease is caused by a violation of the movement of blood through the veins or arteries due to its thickening and changes in coagulability. As a result of these factors, blood clots are formed, which begin to move through the veins. Most often, thromboembolism affects the leg area.

The main clinical manifestations:

  • pain;
  • swelling;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • swelling of the veins.

Thromboembolism - symptoms and treatment

For treatment, agents with a thrombolytic effect, anticoagulants, antispasmodics are used. To eliminate pain syndrome, no-shpa, papaverine, novocaine are used. If it is not possible to restore blood circulation, an embolectomy or thromboectomy is prescribed. When symptoms of gangrene appear, the limb is amputated.

And a little about secrets ...

Have you ever tried to get rid of varicose veins on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • over and over again observe the next portion of the spider veins on the legs
  • wake up in the morning with the thought of what to wear to cover the swollen veins
  • suffer every night from heaviness, schedule, swelling or buzzing in the legs
  • a constantly bubbling cocktail of hope for success, anxious expectation and disappointment from a new unsuccessful treatment

Now answer the question: does this suit you? How can you put up with this? And how much money have you already "poured" on ineffective ointments, pills and creams? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Phlebology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Viktor Mikhailovich Semyonov, who told how to defeat VARICOSIS in one or two weeks and protect yourself from cancer and blood clots at home...

Diseases of the veins in the legs, the treatment of which must be carried out without fail, is promoted by increased venous pressure. The disease can affect not only the lower limbs, but also the stomach, esophagus, pelvis, ovaries and spermatic cord (varicocele). Diseases of the pelvic veins often lead to hemorrhoids, while varicocele can provoke such complications as infertility, which can only be prevented by surgical intervention. The most common of these pathologies is varicose veins in the legs.

All about the factors provoking pathology

There are many reasons that can cause varicose veins, the most common among them include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • gender (women most often suffer from this disease, since it can be triggered by pregnancy or hormonal drugs);
  • increased venous pressure (usually arises as a result of an inactive lifestyle, obesity, statistical loads in an upright position, etc.).

The consequence of the above factors can be not only increased venous pressure, varicose veins or impaired functions performed by venous valves. The disease often results in abnormal blood flow in the veins of the legs, known as refluxes. In addition, the pathological reverse blood flow contributes to the aggravation of the disease, which is due to the strongest pressure under which the venous system is.

Normally, the blood in the veins of the lower extremities should move from bottom to top (i.e. opposite to the force of gravity). This becomes possible due to the valves passing it in one direction. The expansion of the vein interferes with the closure of the valves, which leads to the formation of a gap and, as a result, slows down the outflow of blood. At the same time, the deterioration of its circulation contributes to the stretching of the vein. The risk group for developing venous disease includes people whose work requires a long time on their feet.

The reason for the development of the disease in women is very often a disturbed hormonal background, which can be caused by illiterately selected hormonal contraception. Pregnancy can also lead to varicose veins in the pelvis and lower extremities, because together with the increase in pressure in the veins of the peritoneum, the outflow of blood in the veins of the legs becomes difficult.

In addition, excessive physical exertion (lifting weights), chronic constipation, severe coughing and other factors can lead to increased intra-abdominal pressure. The consequence of this is often a violation of the functions that the venous valves perform. Varicose veins are very common in older people, which is considered quite natural.

Symptoms of leg vein disease

The symptoms of leg vein disease depend on the degree of pathology. The main ones include the formation of edema on the legs: patients may complain of heaviness and discomfort in the calf area. Most often, such symptoms make themselves felt in the evening, and a prolonged stay in one position can also contribute to their appearance. Walking or a night's rest helps with this, as a result, the symptoms noticeably lose their severity or completely recede.

In the later stages of the disease, the patient may complain of pain in the calf area, such pains in most cases are bursting in nature. In addition, in advanced cases, a burning sensation and night cramps may occur in the legs. In this case, the legs are usually covered with small bluish-red spider veins, a little later you can observe the manifestation of blue intradermal veins, which later begin to noticeably expand, forming tubercles.

This pathology requires competent and timely treatment, otherwise the patient may develop serious complications. Complications of the disease:

  • eczema;
  • the formation of skin ulcers;
  • opening of severe venous bleeding (in case of a leg injury);
  • the development of thrombophlebitis (characterized by inflammation in the vein, which leads to the formation of a blood clot).

Diagnostic basics

Vein diseases are treated by a phlebologist. In the initial stages of development, varicose veins are fairly easy to treat. In advanced cases, the course of the disease is often accompanied by complications. Eliminating the pathological changes that have already occurred in the veins is much more difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

The specialist manages to confirm the diagnosis made during the initial examination thanks to instrumental studies. Most often, patients are assigned such a type of study as Doppler ultrasound. In some cases, it may be necessary to conduct a radionuclide or radiopaque study.

All about the treatment of pathology

For the treatment of varicose veins in the legs, one of three methods can be used - a course of taking medications, the use of sclerotherapy, and in extreme cases, surgery. Experts try to combine any of the above methods of treatment with physiotherapy exercises, which can significantly speed up the process of restoration of veins and blood vessels, strengthen muscles, improve the tone of the veins, etc.

Today sclerotherapy is a very widely used method of treating diseases of veins in the legs. Special drugs are injected into the patient's veins, which, by gluing the walls of the vessel, close the resulting lumen.

The surgical method of treatment involves the removal of the affected areas of the saphenous veins. Such an operation does not adversely affect blood flow, which makes it absolutely safe. On average, about 10% of the blood passes through the superficial affected veins. The rest of the load goes to the deep veins of the lower extremities. Consequently, the functions performed by superficial veins after surgery to remove them are easily compensated. Another method of treating vein disease is laser coagulation.

Any procedure requires a rehabilitation period for itself, during this time patients are not allowed to lift weights and wear high-heeled shoes.

In addition, for a certain time the patient needs to wear compression hosiery. The treatment regimen for varicose veins in the legs is drawn up individually for each patient, while the specialist must take into account a number of factors: the patient's age, the general condition of his body, the degree of the disease, the cause of its development, the nature of the course, etc.

Preventive actions

Prevention is especially necessary for people who are at risk of developing the disease. An active lifestyle can help prevent venous disease. So, people who move a little, for example, due to their work activities (working at a computer, driving a car, etc.) need to take short breaks once an hour. Walking is especially helpful as a warm-up during these breaks. You can also roll from heels to toes while standing still.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities (VVVNK) refers to the type of disease that not only cause a lot of unpleasant sensations for a person, but can also greatly spoil the appearance.

Meanwhile, this disease is a dangerous pathological condition that leads to serious damage to the circulatory system. Most often, middle-aged people, 30-40 years old, suffer from varicose veins of the legs.

In a healthy person, venous blood rises from the legs to the heart under the influence of pressure, which in a normal state is quite enough to overcome gravity. When this mechanism is disturbed, the body is forced to increase the pressure to push the blood upward.

As a result of this process valvular insufficiency occurs, which is characterized by the flow of blood into the superficial veins from the deep. As the pressure inside the vessels is increased, their walls lose elasticity, stretch and deplete, which leads to the formation of visible bluish subcutaneous nodules.

VRVNK not only worsens the external condition of the legs, but also entails a lot of complications, some of which can confine a person to a wheelchair, and others even lead to death.

The reasons for the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • Increased levels of progesterone in a woman's body. This hormone has a negative effect on the condition of the venous walls and valves, making them weak and unprotected.
  • Congenital abnormalities of valves or vein walls, lack of connective tissue, poor patency of deep veins, genetic predisposition.
  • Neoplasms located on the legs, in the abdominal region.
  • Lower limb injuries.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Joint diseases - osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptive drugs.
  • A sedentary lifestyle that often leads to stagnant processes in the legs.
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure. It usually occurs with lung disease, or with frequent constipation.
  • Overweight.
  • Wearing tight clothing and shoes.
  • The presence in the diet of a large amount of high-calorie and fatty foods, the absence of vegetable fiber.
  • Smoking, frequent alcohol consumption.

  • Venotonics - Venoruton, Endothelon, Tribenol, Escuzan, Detralex, Glivenol, Ascorutin, Vasobral, Anavenol, Phlebodia-600. These drugs improve the elasticity of the venous walls, restore the tissue structure, and increase blood circulation in the legs.
  • Anticoagulants- Hirudin, Aspirin, Heparin, Fenindion, Lyoton 1000. These drugs reduce blood clotting, thereby preventing thrombus formation.
  • Creams and ointments with venotonic effect- Essaven, Troxevasin, Venitan.
  • Antiplatelet agents- Trombonyl, Curantil or Persantine. These funds contribute to the "resorption" of blood clots.

If trophic ulcers have already formed, to combat them, such drugs are used as: Preductal, Anginin, Trental.

In addition to drug therapy, the wearing of compression underwear (), a special diet that excludes smoked, fried and fatty foods, as well as moderate exercise - cycling, jogging or walking, can be prescribed. In addition to everything, you can use methods.

At any stage of the disease it is required to limit visits to baths and saunas, and also not to sunbathe, because ultraviolet rays can have a detrimental effect on the patient's condition.


This method of treating varicose asterisks on the legs is that a drug that has a sclerotic effect is injected into the affected vein with a needle... At the same time, the venous walls stick together and the blood in the vessel stops moving.

This procedure is carried out under anesthesia, after which a bandage is applied to the leg. In the future, the patient is recommended to wear compression underwear to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

Surgical intervention

It is prescribed for pronounced signs of the disease, when it threatens the health and life of the patient. Surgical operations for varicose veins are of several types:

  • 3 incisions are made in the leg through which the affected vein is excised.
  • Pulling the diseased vein through an incision, followed by ligation of nearby veins.
  • Ligation of the affected vein in the valve region.
  • Complete removal of varicose veins, veins and trophic ulcers. This is the most difficult type of surgery, which is prescribed only in the most severe cases.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities - extremely a serious illness that affects 40% of adults... If you do not start the treatment of varicose veins on the legs in time, the disease can lead to complete disability. Only with the observance of medical instructions and a competent approach to treatment can a number of severe complications from this disease be prevented.


A brief excursion and description of this disease are presented in the video:

Statistics show that diseases of the veins of the lower extremities are rapidly growing younger and are diagnosed in every tenth schoolchild at the age of 13. Such a surge in diseases of the venous system is associated with prolonged static loads, overweight.


Diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities are caused by a weakening of the tone of the walls of the superficial veins and the failure of the venous valves. Dysfunction of the valves is one of the main reasons for the development of varicose veins, while the outflow of blood becomes difficult, the lumen of the vein expands, the valve flaps are deformed, thickened and shortened.

Factors for the development of varicose veins:

  • heredity;
  • overweight;
  • smoking;
  • women get sick more often;
  • elderly age.


A vascular network appears on the legs, the veins become sinuous and bright, expand. There are swelling of the lower leg and ankle, by the evening the legs "buzz" and become heavy. Varicose veins can start suddenly, after intense physical exertion or in heat, after standing for a long time. The skin on the legs becomes shiny, pigmented. By the end of the day, the legs get tired, pain and burning appear. At night, the patient is tortured.

Diagnostics and treatment

The phlebologist examines the patient, conducts duplex scanning, contrast venography. Treatment is prescribed depending on the stage of the venous disease and the patient's condition. At the initial stages, they resort to conservative methods of treatment: prescribe pills, physiotherapy exercises, prescribe to wear compression underwear. The third and fourth stages of the disease are treated with surgical methods.


Thrombophlebitis (from the words "thrombus" and "phlebitis" - inflammation of the vein) is characterized by the formation of a vein on the inflamed site. The appearance of a blood clot can be provoked by injuries, bruises of the lower leg, prolonged intravenous administration of drugs. Blood clots are formed most often in the parietal space of the valve. One of the provoking factors for the development of thrombophlebitis is the Factors leading to the occurrence of a blood clot:

  1. inflammation of the venous wall (phlebitis);
  2. increased blood clotting;
  3. significant deterioration in blood flow.

They provoke the disease:

  • overweight;
  • smoking;
  • diabetes mellitus of the first and second types;
  • advanced age (over 50);
  • high blood pressure.


The onset of the disease is often asymptomatic. The patient experiences heaviness in the legs, gets tired quickly, periodically there are pains in the calf muscles and swelling of the lower extremities. Weakness is felt in the legs, the skin is dry, the toes are chilly - all these symptoms indicate circulatory disorders. Later, a person begins to limp when walking, along the way, pains appear in the veins that do not stop even at rest. The disease can be acute, with a sharp rise in temperature and unbearable pain in the area of ​​the affected veins.


Diagnosis is by physical examination. On palpation of visible veins, the doctor notes painful areas, the nature of changes in the skin. A blood coagulation test is prescribed, the degree of blood coagulation is determined. Clarify the diagnosis by triplex scanning and radiopaque phlebography.


Depending on the location, the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient, outpatient treatment or placement in a hospital is carried out. Limited thrombophlebitis is treated on an outpatient basis. Anticoagulants, angioprotectors, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If a thrombus occurs in large veins or there is an increased risk of a thrombus rupture, then mandatory hospitalization and surgical treatment are performed.

Deep vein thrombosis

Disruption of the inner layer of the venous wall can lead to. The damaging factor can be infectious, chemical, allergic or mechanical in nature. The likelihood of a blood clot increases with an increase in blood clotting and a decrease in blood flow velocity. A prerequisite for thrombosis is congestion in the veins of the lower extremities. Low physical activity, prolonged stay in one position, especially when standing for a long time, greatly impair blood circulation in the legs.

In medicine, there is even the terminology "television thrombophlebitis" and "economy class syndrome" (associated with long flights). In these cases, a prolonged stay of a person in an unchanged position with bent legs slows down the outflow of blood and provokes deep vein disease. Deep vein thrombosis can occur with the use of hormonal contraceptives, Buerger's disease.


Regardless of the localization of thrombosis, the limb swells, cyanosis appears, bursting pains, an increase in the temperature of the skin surface. Severe pain is felt along the course of the veins, although the mobility of the joints remains. Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg are not overt. They are expressed in the calf muscles, swelling in the ankle area, increased pain when walking.

Deep vein thrombosis of the thigh proceeds brightly: the outflow of blood is partially or completely blocked, the volume of the thighs, and the legs, saphenous veins expand, cyanosis is observed on the skin, the temperature rises to 38 ° C. With an asymptomatic course of the disease, part of the blood goes into the superficial veins, and the fact that a person has suffered a thrombosis is evidenced by bright venous collaterals in the lower abdomen, on the thigh and lower leg.

Diagnostics and treatment

The phlebologist, on the basis of examination and special tourniquet tests using an elastic bandage, concludes about the patient's condition. Assign duplex scanning, phlebography, do ultrasound of the veins, rheovasography of the lower extremities. When choosing a treatment, the severity of the disease, the patient's condition, and the localization of thrombosis are taken into account. The main goal of treatment is to prevent the spread of thrombosis and the occurrence of pulmonary thromboembolism, a phenomenon in which the pulmonary arteries are blocked.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. In the early stages of the disease, the patient is prescribed bed rest, and is prescribed: anticoagulants, fibrinolytics and thrombolytics, antiplatelet agents. An operation is performed if there is a threat to the patient's life.

Dosed walking and sports are useful. The types associated with the load on the feet should be excluded. Sauna, steam bath, massage, any thermal procedures are prohibited.

Trophic ulcers

In case of impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities, the skin suffers. Stagnant venous blood provokes the onset of inflammation. On the skin, pigmentation increases, the subcutaneous tissue becomes denser, eczema occurs, and then a trophic ulcer.


The patient experiences severe pain, cramps, especially frequent at night, the legs are very swollen, itching and chills appear. The temperature in the affected area rises. The subcutaneous fat layer is also affected. In the center of the lesion, the epidermis begins to exfoliate. If treatment is not started at this stage, the patient's condition will worsen, the smallest wound will cause a scab.


Treatment of a trophic ulcer is complex, it involves:

  • decrease in venous pressure;
  • compression hosiery of the third compression class;
  • pain relievers, antibacterial drugs;
  • treatment of venous insufficiency, the appointment of phleboprotectors, antihistamines, antibiotics;
  • skin grafting, surgery.

If the ulcer is not treated, microbial eczema or erysipelas, elephantiasis, and fatal sepsis may develop.


The term "phlebopathy" means the presence of stagnation of blood in the venous system without clinical signs of the disease, "tired legs syndrome" occurs with great physical exertion, fluctuations in hormonal levels, the disease is often associated with pregnancy. A clear venous pattern appears over the entire surface of the leg or on a separate area of ​​the skin, the saphenous vein of the lower leg expands, and cyanotic nodes are formed on the inner side of the thigh. By the end of the day, edema and heaviness in the legs appear.

The disease can occur due to a violation of the outflow of blood when a person is upright (orthostatic), is determined by hereditary factors, caused by the intake of hormonal drugs. One of the main symptoms of the disease is swelling of the legs in hot weather.

Symptoms, diagnosis

The patient feels heaviness in the legs by the end of the day, his legs and ankles swell, and there are cramps at night. During the examination, all the main indicators do not deviate from normal values; on the monitor during the ultrasound examination, no disturbances in the functioning of the venous system are noticed.


It is necessary to treat the disease already in the early stages. It is necessary to increase physical activity, perform. A contrast shower, foot baths, herbal preparations that improve blood circulation will help relieve fatigue. It is recommended to use phleboprotectors, to wear compression underwear. To prevent the disease from developing into varicose veins, you should visit a doctor, reconsider your lifestyle and start treatment.

Human health and quality of life are largely determined by the state of his vascular system. Disease cannot be ignored! Timely prophylaxis and treatment allow you to maintain your ability to work and light gait for a long time.


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Phlebology is a specialized section of cardiovascular surgery, dealing with the study of anatomy, physiology of blood circulation, as well as diseases of venous vessels, issues of their prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of vein diseases is carried out in the departments of vascular pathology or phlebological centers by doctors-phlebologists (Greek - phlebo - Vienna and logos - science, knowledge).

Diseases of the veins today are one of the most common diseases of the vascular system; they are diseases of young people of working age, mainly from 25 to 45 years old. Untimely treatment of venous pathology is fraught with dire consequences, including disability and death.

The venous system of the body consists of a branched network of veins - vessels through which blood moves from organs and tissues to the heart and lungs. As it moves from the lower extremities to the heart, blood flow overcomes gravity. The function of a pump that pushes blood up the veins is performed by muscles contracting when walking, and the valves on the inner lining of the veins prevent the return flow of blood. Defects of venous valves play a significant role in the development of venous diseases: varicose veins and its consequences - chronic venous insufficiency, trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis.

Symptoms of venous diseases that require immediate attention to a phlebologist are fatigue, heaviness, cramps and pain in the legs, edema, vascular dilatation in the legs, the appearance of areas of discoloration and thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

To assess the degree of venous circulation disorder and select further treatment tactics, diagnostics is carried out using ultrasound duplex scanning and ultrasound Doppler sonography - modern high-precision methods for studying the state of blood vessels. In the treatment of venous pathology, conservative methods (drug and compression therapy), non-surgical endovasal methods (laser coagulation, sclerotherapy of veins) and surgical methods of treatment are used.

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