Home Fruit trees Pencil drawing of a tulip. How to draw a red tulip. How to draw a bouquet of tulips in stages

Pencil drawing of a tulip. How to draw a red tulip. How to draw a bouquet of tulips in stages

Beautiful spring flowers - tulips are a reflection of spring, sun and warmth. The petals of these flowers are very delicate and come in various colors. This is probably why many people, and in particular girls, love tulips. However, these flowers can be easily drawn on a piece of paper.
In order to draw a tulip, you just need a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser and colored pencils. After everything is ready, you can start drawing.

Step 1 - tulip bud

The first thing to start with is a tulip bud. To do this, in the upper half of the sheet, turned vertically, it is necessary to draw a semi-oval, but it should be, as it were, narrowed towards the ends.

Step 2 - the first petal

After that, you need to draw the first petal. It should look like a rounded triangle. You need to depict it so that there is little space left to the right of it.

Step 3 - all the petals

Now we need to draw all the other petals. This is completely easy to do. To the right, from the end of the semi-oval drawn in the first stage, it is necessary to draw a curved line that should not intersect with the first petal. Further, from the tops of these two petals, it is necessary to draw several arcuate lines, similar to semi-ovals. The tulip bud is ready!

Step 4 - drawing the stem

You can start drawing the stem. It remains to remember how he looks in real life. Typically, the stem of a tulip has the following characteristics: slightly curved, smooth, not very thick. This needs to be depicted on a piece of paper as well. To do this, you need to draw an arched line that is curved to the right, and then draw the same line at a short distance and connect it with a small line.

Step 5 - the leaves

It is clear that leaves are moving away from the stem. In a tulip, they are directed upwards, elongated, similar to a lancelet, have smooth or slightly wavy edges. Having learned this, you can easily draw them. If you divide the tulip stem into about three parts, then the leaves will begin in the third part, at the bottom. To make it easier, first you need to draw the leaves themselves, simply by connecting two arched lines. After that, to give realism, wavy lines must be drawn on two of the three petals. The tulip silhouette is ready!

Step 6 - start painting the tulip

You can start coloring the drawing. Here you can show your imagination! The leaves, of course, need to be colored green, and you can take two green pencils, one of which should be slightly darker.

Step 7 - coloring the bud

The color of the bud can be completely different. You can see what kind of flowers the tulips might be on the Internet or take a walk to the nearest flower shop. However, to make the drawing look more interesting, the edges of the petals can be colored, for example, with a yellow pencil, and red can be taken as the main color. It's important to make a smooth transition here.

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Flowers are wonderful plants that are not only attractive in appearance, but also exude a pleasant aroma. It is difficult to count all types of flowers, because they differ in shape, color and smell. Tulips are considered the most delicate, because they bloom in a touching season - in spring. It is customary to give them to girls and women to express their sympathy. It's hard to resist not to depict them, let's figure out how to draw a bouquet of tulips in a vase and without a vase with pencils.
Tools and materials:

  • White list;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Black pen;
  • Colored pencils (pink, yellow, red, burgundy, light brown, dark brown, light green, green, beige).

How to draw a bouquet of tulips in stages

  • Step 1

    Let's start the drawing with a wrapping that will hold the shape of the whole bouquet. Its top will be the widest. Towards the bottom, the side parts of the paper will fold inward, so we will draw additional lines and connect them at the bottom in the center.

  • Step 2

    Add a bow at the bottom, which will not only decorate, but also hold the whole bouquet. The bow is made of ribbon, so the ends can be different (one is shorter and the other is longer). Add some more wrapping paper under the bow, which will expand slightly towards the bottom.

  • Step 3

    Inside the wrapping paper, start drawing tulips. Start at the bottom by adding three oval buds. The leaves of flowers will be wide, but narrow and sharpen towards the edge. Place the leaves a little casually to make them look more natural.

  • Step 4

    Now we need to finish drawing more tulips and leaves. Note that towards the top of the bouquet there will be fewer flowers and they will be concentrated in the middle of the bouquet.

  • Step 5

    Tulips will be of different colors. Let's paint some of the tulip buds in pink and some in red. The ribbon on the bouquet will have a pink tint, but add red for the volume.

  • Step 6

    Draw the remaining buds with a yellow pencil. The burgundy color is needed to draw the outlines and shadows on the flower petals.

  • Step 7

    Moving on to the leaves. First, you need to draw the entire area where the leaves are, light green, and then draw their outlines in green.

  • Step 8

    The outside of the brown paper will be beige. Draw the inside of the wrapping paper in two shades of brown. Dark brown is concentrated at the bottom, light brown at the top.

  • Step 9

    Draw the outline of the bouquet and all its details with a black pen. You can add some shadows with this tool.

  • Step 10

    Drawing how to draw a bouquet of tulips is ready!

How to draw tulips in a vase

A holiday gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers is a pleasure. Unfortunately, flowers are short-lived and may not last long in a vase, but with proper care, they can last not only a few days, but also weeks. There is an assumption that the longer the flowers stand, the more the person (who gave it) loves. We will act more cunningly, and will make sure that our flowers never wilted, or rather, we will figure out how to draw a bouquet of tulips in a vase.
Tools and materials:

  • White sheet of paper;
  • Eraser;
  • Black marker;
  • Black pen;
  • Colored pencils (yellow, orange, red, burgundy, light green, green, light blue, blue).

Video: how to draw tulip flowers in a vase

Do you like to paint flowers? With a few of the lessons in this article, you will learn how to draw a tulip quickly, easily, and at ease. You'll like it!

Lesson number 1

How to draw a tulip with a pencil

For ease of understanding, let's divide the lesson into 7 steps. So, make sure you have a blank sheet of paper in front of you and a sharpened pencil in your hands. A good soft eraser will not be superfluous. How to draw a tulip in ten minutes? Let's draw in five! Surely your preparation took longer. Let's get started.

In the center of the sheet of paper, draw the first teardrop-shaped petal. It's simple, you will succeed.

To the left of the one drawn, depict another teardrop-shaped bud petal. Note that they are not in contact with each other, but are located slightly at a distance.

Now draw a tulip petal between the two already drawn.

Then draw the rest of the petals, which are farther from the foreground. Only their tops will stick out at the top of the bud.

It's time to draw the stem. Draw it slightly curved under the weight of the flower head.

Let's go back to the bud. Draw veins in the center of each petal - draw along a pair of parallel lines and connect them at the top. The flower immediately became voluminous, didn't it?

Finish the drawing with small shading in the shaded areas.

It seems that they figured out how to draw a tulip in stages. Let's raise our skill level by painting a tulip in color.

Lesson number 2

Take a close look at the sample. Notice how the stem is curved, what is the shape of the bending leaf, what are the proportions of the bud.

Draw a thin line following the curve of the stem. At the top, draw a rough sketch of the bud. At this stage of learning how to draw a tulip, try to keep the proportions.

Draw the outlines of the leaves with light strokes of the pencil. They, as a rule, are straight in tulips, but in the lower part of the stem they are larger, and therefore gracefully bend. Displaying such nuances makes the drawing more realistic.

The thickness of the stem should also match the bud. It cannot be too thick, nor too thin.

It is important to place the leaves correctly. In one place they cover the stem, in another they slightly overlap each other.

There is nothing difficult in how to draw a tulip, but in a three-dimensional drawing, as in photography, there are rules that must be followed. Draw the petals of the bud, pressing lightly on the pencil, until you are happy with the result.

With a firm touch of the pencil, outline the outlines of the tulip and erase unnecessary lines.

How to draw a tulip in color? For this step, you will need two pencils: pink and light green.

Trace the tulip sketch. Erase the remnants of a simple graphite pencil. So much better, right? At this stage, you already have a colored tulip template in front of you.

Shade the entire flower with pencils. Pink - bud, light green - stem and leaves. There are no shadows in the picture yet, so it looks like smoky, only in some parts of the petals and leaves add a little more color.

Take a pink pencil one shade darker than the one already used, and a red one. Paint over the petals, paying attention to the color transition from almost white at the stem to deep red at the edges of the petals of the bud.

Add shadows to the stem and leaves in the same way with a dark green pencil. The two upper leaves, hugging the flower trunk, have the inner sides darker than the outer ones, because they receive the least amount of sunlight.

Blend the colors with a piece of cotton wool or just with your own finger.

Now the question "how to draw a tulip with a pencil" is not a question for you! Draw, experiment and your flowers will be perfect.

Hey! A new drawing lesson is already waiting for you, and today we will return to the floral theme again. As you can see from the preview, today we will go through a lesson that will be dedicated to.

It is very pleasant if in the spring such beautiful flowers bloom on the site in front of yours - by the way, they bloom once a year, only for a few days, usually this period falls on the May holidays.

Step 1

According to the idea of ​​our artists, the tulip in our tutorial will look like a plant in a flower bed, with a couple of buds, leaves and stems. Therefore, now we will outline the conditional "stickman" of our tulips. Stem and leaf lines should be smooth and slightly curved. On the upper parts of the stems we outline the bowls of the buds. They should be quite large, but don't overdo it.

Step 2

It seems like there are too many lines appearing here, but if you follow the sequence correctly, you will definitely not get confused. And the correct sequence will be maintained if we draw the tulip from top to bottom, that is, starting from the bud.

Then we draw the stems (just draw one more line for each stem) and work on the leaves. At the left of us, the sheet shows two cuffs, the right one bends in one place.

By the way, not so long ago we drew another representative of the plant world -.

Step 3

Now let's draw the petals. Alternate between smooth and straight lines as in our sample. Draw an inverted petal on the lower bud.

Step 4

Let's shade the resulting flower a bit. The shadow is applied here with the usual dense shading. Shadows must be present at the junctions of the bud and stem (and the shadow should be slightly beveled, look at our drawing).

Shadows are also present in the place of the leaf flap and where the lower bud approaches the stem of a neighboring flower.

This was the lesson in which we told you about. The artists of the drawingforall site were with you, all the best and see you!

Video how to draw a tulip in stages.

Drawing a tulip is pretty easy. It is enough to correctly make the initial contour of the stem and bud, gradually draw the simple contours of the petals and paint the tulip drawing with paints. The tulip bulbs were brought to our country by Peter I from Holland and since then the tulip is considered our most popular and beautiful flower. Tulips have more than 350 varieties, and the petals of the buds have the most unusual colors and thousands of shades.
You can color the tulip as you like and even place it in a vase. Drawn tulip flowers in a bouquet will look much more spectacular, but first, let's draw one tulip flower in stages with a simple pencil.
The tulip drawing was made on a graphic tablet, but this in no way prevents you from using this lesson to draw a tulip pencil. At the last step, the tulip will need to be painted with paints, but if you do not know how to use gouache or watercolors, then it is better to do this with colored pencils.

1. Draw the outline of the bud and the stem

It is not difficult to draw such a simplified outline of a tulip bud and add a stem line to it. You don't even need to use a grid of squares. But be sure to shift the original outline of the drawing to the right, since the leaves of the flower will be on the left side.

2. The contours of the petals of the bud

At this stage, you need to "transform" the square outline of the bud into a beautiful flower. It is still difficult to see a tulip bud in these lines, but do the same and proceed to the next drawing step.

3. How to draw tulip petals

A square primary contour will help you draw the petals correctly, proportionally. To prevent these outlines from interfering with "seeing" the petals, delete some of them (the upper and lower horizontal lines). And if after that you look closely at tulip drawing, then you will find that you have only a few additional touches left to apply. Trace the outlines of the leaves and stem of the tulip.

4. Remove the preliminary marking from the figure

You do not need to comment on this step. You need to remove the preliminary markings, correct all the lines of the tulip drawing in order to proceed to the last stage.

5. Drawing a tulip with a pencil

This step can be skipped for those who are not going to draw tulip only with a simple pencil. You can immediately paint the drawing with paints. And if you need to draw a tulip with a pencil and shade it with a soft, simple pencil, then you can use these recommendations.

6. Drawing a tulip on a tablet

Perhaps, many will not like the color of the petals of this tulip. Draw your own version and paint it in whatever color you like best. You can even draw a bouquet of tulips of different varieties, shades and "put" them in a vase. Such a bouquet of tulips in a glass, transparent vase will look especially beautiful.

If you need to draw a bouquet of different flowers, for example a tulip with a rose, then this tutorial will come in handy.

Almost all of the flower drawings on the site are made on a tablet. Pictures of tulips, roses, lilies are colorful and realistic on a graphics tablet.

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