Home Fruit trees The ring on the thumb is female what does it mean. The meaning of the rings. It is interesting. Thumb ring. From the history of the rings

The ring on the thumb is female what does it mean. The meaning of the rings. It is interesting. Thumb ring. From the history of the rings

Rings have always been the most popular jewelry, today they are mostly worn only for beauty, without considering their significance. Since ancient times, every object on the body has had its own meaning and energy that affects a person.

Knowledgeable people, especially astrologers, psychologists and palmists, can tell a lot about what the rings on different fingers mean for women and not only.

In our country, most people are sure that jewelry rings do not matter at all, they should only be worn when matching images. Unlike us, the Eastern peoples attach great importance to this. Most often, the rings are worn on the fingers from the index to the little finger.

However, there are those who wear the ring on their thumb. Today this fashion is gaining momentum and many have a question: "What can the rings on the girls' fingers mean?"... Our article will tell you more about what this can mean.

"Language of the rings" in modern times

Basically, the ring is a sign of infinity, in ancient times this jewelry was associated with great power, only people who have powers were allowed to wear it. The Chinese wear jewelry on this finger to stimulate the nerve endings. Palmists and representatives of some popular teachings agree with them. It was also the identification marks of different societies. A little later, such jewelry became symbols of marriage.

So, what is the meaning of these accessories:

About the wedding ring. Its meaning has not changed throughout the entire time. In ancient times it was considered "Artery of love" that leads straight to the heart. It is customary to wear wedding rings on this finger, on which palm depends on the religion of the person. The Orthodox wear it on the right, and the Catholics on the left, depending on the hand with which they are baptized. However, it happens that it becomes large, in this case they wear a wedding amulet of family happiness on the middle finger;

  • On the little finger. The ring is worn by creative people, thereby emphasizing their abilities. If there is a person in front of you who has nothing to do with art, then psychologists assure that at any moment he can greatly surprise. Women who love such jewelry can be called coquettes. They love to flirt with men.

Thumb and planetary influences

Today, a whole science has become known that connects each finger to a specific planet. So the thumb symbolizes Mars. It is a large planet with quite aggressive and strong energy. Therefore, in ancient times, the warriors of many peoples with the help of such decoration increased their strength and belligerence. In this regard, women who wear rings on this finger want to appear more masculine.

In most cases, the decoration on the thumb is worn as a repetition of what was seen in the film or on the street. Also, sometimes the ring is worn due to the fact that it simply falls off from the rest of the phalanxes. However, few people know that today such an arrangement of jewelry means gay girls.

Having looked at a cute ring in a jewelry store or having received a precious gift from a loved one, you often ask yourself: which finger to wear the ring on and does it have any meaning? Not only women love to decorate their fingers with rings, but also many men.

The Significance of Fingers in Chinese Philosophy

The tradition of wearing rings goes back to antiquity. The ring is a special decoration, which has been attributed to magical power since ancient times and associated with various rituals. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is the marriage ceremony, during which those who marry exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and fidelity. For most people, a ring is just a beautiful accessory that can be matched to clothes and changed like gloves. For others, it is a talisman, talisman, or some symbol, sign. Psychologists and chirologists agree that rings have something to tell about their owner, and it is not only and not so much the ring itself that matters, but the finger on which it is worn.

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Which finger to wear the ring on

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The thumb is the finger of Mars

Rings and signet rings on the thumbs, especially for men, deserve special attention. The "Lord of the Ring" on the finger of Mars, as a rule, turns out to be an energetic, emotional and expansive person. They are straightforward, stubborn, belligerent, sometimes hot-tempered and aggressive personalities. Trying to convince them of something or to argue with them is completely useless - they will still stand their ground, even if they later have to regret it. At the same time, they are well aware of their merits and demerits, therefore, putting the ring on their thumb, they seem to intuitively try to curb and pacify their hot temperament. This is a kind of subconscious attempt to find a common language and improve relationships with others, and even with oneself. On the other hand, according to psychologists, the ring on the thumb is a clear sign that at the moment the main goal of a person is self-affirmation by any means and means, and it is self-affirmation in the sexual sphere that comes to the fore. Such statements are not unfounded, because even among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the thumb was considered a phallic symbol, which was decorated with iron rings to protect male power.

The thumb ring is also a symbol of lesbianism. The ringed thumb of the right hand indicates a lesbian who has a companion, on the left is a free lesbian, open to acquaintances and new relationships. Like this! Therefore, girls who decorate their thumbs with rings, if they are far from lesbianism, should be careful - they may be misunderstood.

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Index finger - finger of Jupiter

The ring on the index finger is called the "power" ring. It was on the index fingers that many prominent historical figures wore rings - Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII. A finger decorated with a ring can be a sign of pride, a desire for power, as well as a strong and strong-willed character, and the ring on the right hand indicates prudence and a positive orientation of these traits, and on the left - about megalomania, arrogance, pride and a tendency to hysteria. Astrologers and palmists advise shy and indecisive people to wear a ring on the index finger. This will fill them with the power of Jupiter, make them more confident, help them believe in themselves and increase self-esteem, give them determination, insight, and also bring good luck and success into life. Rings made of gold and tin will have a particularly beneficial energetic effect.

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Middle finger - finger of Saturn

The middle finger is adorned with rings by people prone to narcissism, confident in their irresistibility and superiority. The more massive the ring and stone, the more vividly these qualities are manifested in a person. It is also customary to wear family jewelry on the finger of Saturn, emphasizing the connection with ancestors, faith in karma, the influence of fate, and the highest destiny. The birth ring on the middle finger will help smooth out the negative influence of rock, cope with difficulties and get the support of the family, and give strength to withstand. The ring on Saturn's finger and chronic losers will help to overcome obstacles and endless "black stripes". It is also recommended to wear a ring on the middle finger for people who are engaged in spiritual practices. If both of Saturn's fingers are ringed, this may indicate a high degree of fatalism and some detachment from reality.

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Ring finger - finger of the Sun

The ring on the ring finger of the right hand (among the Catholics - the left), first of all, indicates marital status. This tradition dates back to the ancient Egyptians, according to whose beliefs, the "artery of love" leading straight to the heart began precisely from the ring finger. In those ancient times, wedding rings were made not only from metals, but also from glass and ceramics. In the days of Ancient Rome, wives, as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds, began to give spouses iron and bronze rings. Gold wedding rings, the tradition of which has survived to this day, appeared only in the 3rd-4th centuries. From an esoteric point of view, gold, like the metal of the Sun, is best suited for strengthening love in marriage.

The ring on the ring finger (except for the wedding one) emphasizes the love of its owner for art, sophistication and luxury. As a rule, it ends up in the hands of aesthetes, actors, artists and, in general, people of creative professions. The ring on the finger of the Sun gives out a voluptuous nature, striving for pleasure, sensual pleasure and pleasant pastime. It can also speak of a romantic and dreamy nature. A small ring indicates a harmonious, calm, self-confident person, and a large one indicates a person's susceptibility to passions, imbalance, a tendency to violent and even hysterical behavior.

Decorating the ring finger with rings and rings is recommended for everyone who strives for fame and fortune, since the Sun gives a person creative energy, helps self-expression, promotes advancement and success.

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Little finger - the finger of Mercury

Mercury is the patron saint of diplomats, businessmen, orators, doctors and politicians, so a ring or ring on the little finger will benefit everyone who needs sleight of hand, flexibility of mind and eloquence. It is believed that the decoration on the finger of Mercury helps its owners find a common language with anyone and establish business contacts. According to psychologists, the ring on the little finger is often found in dodgy natures prone to intrigue, adventure and betrayal. A ring on a woman's little finger emphasizes narcissism, coquetry and variability of nature. A ringed little finger also indicates a readiness for flirting and a propensity for gambling, and in this case, it is designed to somewhat calm down and even suppress these personality tendencies.

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Toe rings

From the point of view of most psychologists, ringed toes speak of a desire to stand out, to attract attention. In some cases, this may indicate self-esteem, high self-esteem, and a desire for superiority over others.

Like all married girls, I wear a ring on the ring finger of my right hand, as well as a ring on the middle finger of my right hand. In addition, I had a large ring, which I put on the thumb of my left hand. Everyone who knew me started asking: "What does your thumb ring mean?"

Psychologists say that when a person wears a ring on a certain finger, it means that this is some information for revealing his character. Well, maybe you need to experiment, take a closer look at yourself, look at those around you and see in everything a certain hidden meaning.

To begin with, there is general information about the ring on the human finger. If a person wears a ring on the ring finger of his left hand, this means that this person has a beloved (beloved). The ring on the middle finger will give away a person who loves a "platonic" relationship.

If you see a person who has a ring on his little finger, then this indicates that the person who owns the ring stubbornly does not want to get married or get married. The ring on the index finger will inform us that its owner is looking for a mate.

There are also certain rules for wearing a ring by Orthodox Christians:

On the right hand on the ring finger you see a ring - it means that the person is married or married;
- a ring on the left hand on the ring finger - a widower or a widow. In such cases, two rings are worn together (their own and their own pair);
- the wedding ring on the left hand on the ring finger is worn by divorced people.

Ring finger

The spouses wear a ring on the ring finger and this is not news, but such a tradition appeared in Ancient Egypt. In those days, people believed that there is an "artery of love" and it begins with the ring finger and ends in the heart. The ring on this finger helps to keep the connection with love. In addition, a ring on the ring finger helps to express yourself, as well as achieve celebrity and wealth.


Strong-willed and proud people wear a ring on their index finger. Such people need power. If a person wears a ring on the index finger of his left hand, then this indicates megalomania and a tendency to hysteria, but the owners of the ring on this finger on the right hand are reasonable people who can achieve power and success.

Very often, indecisive people wear a ring on their index finger, who feel more confident with a ring on their finger.

Middle finger

The person who wears the ring on the middle finger is confident in his beauty and excellence. The larger and more expensive the ring on this finger, the more the owner wants to convince of his uniqueness. The ring on this finger will help the wearer to increase common sense and overcome life's difficulties, give more wisdom and give devotion.

Little finger

A ring on your finger can betray a creative person. In such a person, you can see the uniqueness and interestingness, he can go beyond the generally accepted. Variability of nature, coquetry, narcissism - these are the signs of a person who constantly wears a ring on his little finger.


The ring on this finger deserves special attention. The man who owns the ring shouts to us: "Attention please!" Obstinacy is a common character trait of such a person. The main life desire of a person wearing a ring on his thumb is to assert himself and for this all means are good. Such a person loves to assert himself sexually, because the thumb in Ancient Rome and Greece was considered a symbol of "male power".

After such information, we can understand a little more ourselves, loved ones, strangers, but we should not measure everyone under one ruler, as there are exceptions (especially when it comes to human psychology).

Which fingers do you wear rings on?

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Since ancient times, jewelry could tell about its owner. His presence on one or another part of the body told many secrets and innermost desires of the owner. In particular, attention was paid to the hands and fingers. Their decoration was considered a magical effect, since it is known that it is on the fingers that there are more than 400 active points, which are responsible for the work of various organs.

There are times when a person wears a ring for a long time and suffers from constant headaches. But one has only to experiment and remove it, as all ailments go away. And the reason for this is the effect of the ring on biologically active points. Or another example, when a woman for a long time in a passive state was the reproductive function of the body and only by saying goodbye to the ring or changing it to another finger, she was able to become pregnant. It is very important to know and understand your body, its needs, energy balance and changes in it.

A huge amount of information has been accumulated over the centuries on the effect of various minerals and alloys on the human body. Silver is more suitable for people with migraines and who want to balance their emotional state. This metal is also suitable for esotericists and clairvoyants, as it helps the development of magical abilities and intuitive thinking. We often observe that silver jewelry darkens over time. This happens, for the most part, from contact with the skin of a sick person. So if your silver ring takes on a dark hue, then you should pay close attention to your health. To restore vitality and increase strength, it is recommended to wear gold items. Gold has a particularly beneficial effect on the vitality of women of Balzac age. From a health point of view, the precious metal has a positive effect on the heart and helps to reduce high blood pressure. It is also recommended to wear gold jewelry for people suffering from ulcers. Silver, on the other hand, speeds up heart rates and increases blood pressure.

Which hand to wear rings on? If you put the ring on your right hand, it will reflect the state of the owner here and now. The decoration on the left hand reflects the desired state of its owner and helps to achieve it. And for left-handers, the opposite is true.


Astrologers claim that the energy flowing in the thumb is patronized by Mars. The main body parts that this planet affects are the head and neck. Therefore, Mars is primarily responsible for such qualities in a person as will, logic, thinking. People who lack these qualities are advised to wear thumb rings. This action activates the necessary energies and replenishes the person with the necessary qualities.

It is better to choose a ring or a ring that you will put on your thumb with stones of blue or blue-green color. It is advised to have several stones in use and change them depending on the goals and well-being. Wearing minerals on the thumb, the energy of which is contrary to the nature of the energy of the finger, can lead to serious problems, including paralysis, and create an unstable emotional background in a person. If you put jewelry with red stones on your thumb, then such actions can reduce the self-confidence of its owner. The blue color in jewelry worn on the thumb activates vital energy, has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the nervous system, sharpens attention, and, when worn for a long time, fights absent-mindedness. The blue-green tint of the stone on the jewelry can prevent epileptic seizures and create a pleasant feeling of comfort. These stones include:

  1. lapis lazuli,
  2. green turquoise,
  3. aquamarine aquamarine,
  4. amazonite.

Rings with a green mineral replenish the protective functions of the body, increase immunity, promote tissue regeneration, stabilize the psychological state of the wearer and balance the heart rate. Yellow stones on the thumb stabilize the nervous system. It is categorically impossible to wear blue stones on this finger, since the latter are capable of persuading a person to bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking and drugs. Gray adjoins the blue colors in the decoration, which can allow fear to enter a person, as well as make a person's mood apathetic. The presence of a blue-purple stone on the thumb can cause migraines and bouts of nausea.

Very often, wearing jewelry on the thumb becomes a cause of celibacy, because it suppresses the beauty of a woman and attracts men with psychological imbalance. Due to the difference in energy, a person may have a tendency to suicide. Women should be wary of wearing stones on their thumb. If you are still a fan of decorating this particular finger of your hand, then it is worth considering that some minerals are hostile to each other. Observe their harmonious presence on your hand.

In palmistry, the thumb has the value "3", i.e. that people wearing rings on this finger strive to show their superiority in life, to choose the main paths of self-realization. But on the other hand, such a person becomes overly chatty and boastful. The owner of the ring is often emotional, expansive and very strong. The trail of communication with such a person remains in the interlocutor's thoughts for a long time, most often like a bad dream. It is useless to persuade this person, he firmly adheres to his opinion and does not accept compromises.

A special case is a man wearing a ring on his thumb. Even in ancient Rome and Greece, the thumb was considered a symbol of the phallus and iron rings were worn on it to pacify male energy. In the modern world, this opinion has not changed, the only thing is that iron was replaced by more noble metals and elegance in jewelry. Do not be alarmed if a person comes to a meeting wearing a huge ring on his thumb. This only indicates that a person is trying to curb his aggression and praise harmony in himself, aimed at fruitful communication.


According to astrologers, the index finger is an expression of the power of Jupiter. It accompanies our development, fills our feelings and emotions, indicates the purpose in life. Wearing jewelry on the index finger affects the development of talent and self-realization in what you love, the success of the enterprise being implemented. An incorrectly selected stone can worsen the situation in your business and even lead to ruin. Will attract irresponsible and frivolous behavior to the owner, allow him to fulfill unnecessary whims, which will lead to unwanted waste. But if you choose a stone correctly and harmoniously, then with its power it will help in the implementation of your plans, will give a person courage, courage, and open channels of influence on other people.

  1. sapphire,
  2. aquamarine,
  3. lapis lazuli,
  4. turquoise,
  5. amazonite,
  6. opal,
  7. beryl.

To increase your self-esteem and to realize good and bright plans, it is recommended to wear tin jewelry on the index finger. It is believed to be the metal of Jupiter or Perun. In a rare case, you can give preference to gold - a metal that is friendly to Jupiter. Silver rings can lead the owner to a complete fiasco in business and disruption of plans, do not wear them. Women are encouraged to wear jewelry on the index finger of their left hand, and for men on their right hand.

Ornaments on the index finger were worn by such famous commanders and rulers as Ivan the Terrible, Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu. Henry VIII preferred to wear rings exclusively on the index fingers and decorated both hands with them. In history, he is remembered as a famous reformer, a great monarch, a husband of six wives at the same time, and as a person with an extremely unstable psyche. Indeed, it is believed that if you wear the ring on the index finger of your right hand, then this action develops judgment. And if on the left - it shows a sense of self-importance, megalomania, a tendency to depression and hysteria.

The ring that the owner wears on the index finger indicates the presence of a strong-willed character in a person, a desire for power, for leadership. If a person is by nature timid and shy in communication, indecisive in his actions, then decorating his index finger, he can absorb all the necessary character traits.
Suddenly, a man with a ring on his index finger came to your date - rest assured, he is ready to conquer, conquer you with the most serious intentions. If both fingers on the left and right hand are decorated with rings, such a person will stop at nothing in achieving his goals.

Middle finger.

Palmists characterize the middle finger as a symbol of the reflection of the path of life, the thread of fate. Astrologers broadcast about him as a manifestation of Saturn. This planet manifests itself in a person's life in his life priorities, in the development of his personality, in the ability to speak and teach others. Natural stones in a ring, worn on the middle finger, help to develop in public affairs, in business, and the ability to be a leader.

In achieving these goals, stones of purple and black colors are more suitable than others. But we do not recommend wearing them all the time. Such stones require "rest". It is prudent to wear stones for certain events, business meetings. Their completion should end in success for you.

  • For peace of mind, look to amethyst jewelry.
  • Do you want to be protected from the bad deeds of others? Obsidian in combination with silver, worn on the middle finger of the left hand, will help you in the implementation of the latter.
  • If you want to look convincing, feel free to wear a moonstone set in silver.

It is recommended to wear only silver jewelry on the middle finger. If you do not like silver, then it is better to completely refuse to wear rings on the middle finger. This finger outlines and indicates boundaries, but if you still want to bring them into your life, then wear gold rings on the finger of the planet Saturn. If a woman puts on such a ring on her middle finger, then over time she will notice that she has become less attractive, uninteresting. Rings made of lead or iron give strength that will help you overcome difficult life situations, adhere to common sense in making decisions. They develop qualities such as wisdom, constancy and devotion in a person.

Close attention should be paid to stones with a red color scheme. You should be especially wary of such stones in combination with a gold setting. This mix can seriously worsen the situation in your personal life. The execution of a ruby ​​in such a ring will deprive a woman wearing it of satisfaction in terms of intimate sensations. Medicine has long noticed that a huge number of women who are attracted to such rings are not satisfied and frigid.

The middle finger is the most central, longest and the jewelry on it always has the most pronounced accent, demonstrating the attractiveness of the owner and indicating a pronounced nature that wants to stand out precisely in this quality. Marilyn Monroe wore a ring on it when she sang about diamonds. The size of the stone also has its own meaning: the larger the mineral, the more its owner wants to attract attention to herself and convince others of her irresistibility. Graceful, small and artistically executed jewelry on the middle finger will rather emphasize a small sense of self-importance in a person, but if the ring is huge, tasteless and mega shiny, then it is rather a presentation of a person as vain and proud. Note that in the legendary film based on the Tolkien trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", the protagonist wore the ring on the middle finger.

Heirlooms are usually worn on the middle finger: the owner establishes a connection with the ancestors, weaving into the magical stream of fate, accepting karma and understanding his higher purpose. Such people are usually very deep, wise and possessing tremendous spiritual strength.

Ring finger.

The ring finger is the personification of the Sun. It is the luminary that gives us love, inspires and colors life with a wide variety of feelings. Whether it's the right or the left hand, it doesn't matter, the owner of the ring on the ring finger seems to spin her love and give it, illuminating everything around. That is why it is very convenient for many women to wear jewelry on this finger. Note that when you try on a ring in a jewelry store, you automatically put it on the ring finger for the first time.

  1. ruby,
  2. Garnet,
  3. tourmaline,
  4. red jasper,
  5. cornelian,
  6. other.

Yellow stones are also welcome to be worn on the ring finger:

  1. topaz,
  2. amber,
  3. citrine,
  4. cornelian.

If in life it is required to strengthen a love union, then it is recommended to wear pearls on the right hand.

Never let another person try on a ring from your ring finger. Thus, you open your life wide open, letting in treason there with the likelihood of losing your family or ruining your relationship with your loved one. If you dream of getting married and creating a family hearth, then ignore the silver rings on your ring finger. They have an energetically soothing effect to the point that your appeal to the life of a loved one simply vanishes. Note that women who wear save-and-save silver rings on this particular finger are mostly unmarried.

Spouses wear rings on the ring finger, showing their love and loyalty. This little sign has a huge role in the life of the family. It was in Ancient Egypt that the ritual of exchanging rings appeared on the day of the appearance and strengthening of the union. The Egyptians believed that the "artery of love" originates from this finger, leading directly to the heart. Initially, wedding rings were made of glass, various metals and even ceramics. Later in ancient Rome, this tradition is revived and jewelry is already made of bronze or iron. And the more common metal, from which wedding rings are smelted to this day, - gold, appeared only in the III-IV centuries.

The ring that adorns the ring finger emphasizes the wearer's desire for beauty, sophistication and luxury. There are several facts that tell about their owner:

  1. a person who constantly wears a ring on his ring finger is completely romantic. For him, the sensory perception of this world, the desire for pleasures and an easy, pleasant pastime is important. If a person who has a ring on his ring finger comes to your date, then know that he has a great mood and good intentions. If both the right and left hands are decorated with an emphasis on the ring finger, then the person is simply at the top of positive emotions;
  2. miniature jewelry displays a harmonious and balanced person, self-confident;
  3. a large or bright ring is a symbol of a violent and sometimes depressive-hysterical behavior of a person;
  4. wearing a wedding ring shows that for its owner, the family is the main thing in life. And if a woman puts on some other, second ring over it, then this doubly emphasizes the importance of marriage in her life. The ring worn on the left hand means the readiness to create a family.

Little finger.

The little finger is responsible for such human skills as correct speech, the ability to establish and acquire contacts, connections. Astrologers believe that the little finger is the energy of Mercury. According to informative sources, the decorations on this finger are companions of artists and actors, people involved in healing, and writing. It is for these areas of creativity that Mercury is responsible. The metal that reflects the energy of the planet is mercury, but since it is in a liquid state under normal conditions, it is not used to melt rings. But the planet is friendly with almost all metals, so it makes no difference from which frame to wear rings on the little finger. But from the point of view of the stones that adorn the ring, it is recommended to wear yellow and green minerals on the little finger.

Rings are worn by many (adolescents and the elderly, men and women), and not only on various fingers, but also on their feet. But it turns out that this decoration on a particular finger necessarily means or symbolizes something. For example, rings on the little fingers are mainly worn. On the unnamed (and this is well known) wedding bands are worn (moreover, the Orthodox on the right hand, and the Catholics on the left). But not everyone knows what the ring on the thumb means.

Most people are sure that jewelry (with rare exceptions) does not mean anything at all, and therefore they need to be worn in such a way that they are combined with each other, as well as in harmony with the image of a person, clothes and other accessories.

However, many Eastern peoples attach more importance to this than others. In particular, in China, it is believed that wearing a ring on the thumb of the hand is beneficial because it can stimulate the nerves concentrated in this area. Palmists and representatives of some other teachings agree with them.

Psychologists have a different opinion. They believe that a woman or a man says that his owner is trying his best to draw attention to his personality. This is especially true for men who sometimes adorn the thumbs of both hands.

There is a whole science that connects fingers with the various planets of the solar system. According to this teaching, it symbolizes Mars (masculinity, as well as aggression and even war). In this regard, in the ancient world, it was customary for many peoples for warriors to decorate their hands in this way, thereby increasing strength and belligerence. If a woman is wearing a ring on her thumb, then, according to this logic, she is trying to be more masculine (to suppress the feminine principle in herself). This is another interpretation of the wearing of this jewelry. It is widespread throughout the modern world. It is believed that a woman's thumb ring is a sign of her unconventional sexual orientation. But the most interesting thing is that many of the wearers do not even know about it.

Of course, there are girls who, decorating their thumb with a ring, deliberately inform the world that they are lesbians. But there are also many who just spied this option on TV, in a movie, or even on the street. They liked it and did the same, not bothering to find out what this might mean.

And there are also stories when a girl receives a ring as a gift from a loved one or dear person (friend, boyfriend, father, brother), but it turns out to be large, and it is impossible to change the size due to its design features. In this situation, it turns out that the ring on the woman's thumb does not mean anything, it is just the only option so that it does not fly off.

Regardless of the reason for which the jewelry will be on one finger or another, the main thing is that it looks good on the hand and harmonizes with the rest of the accessories and complements the image, and does not contradict it.

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