Home Fruit trees Lucifer is the legend of a fallen angel. Lucifer in the Christian religion. Only to God and to the poets

Lucifer is the legend of a fallen angel. Lucifer in the Christian religion. Only to God and to the poets

The Creator created Lucifer beautiful and powerful, but the proud seraphim wished to take the Creator's place in the Universe, for which he was punished. According to mythology, having turned into the patron saint of the underworld, the former angel directed all his forces to lead people into temptation and turn them into his allies.

The origin of the angel

"Bringer of light" or "son of the dawn" - this is how the name of Lucifer is translated from Latin. The inhabitants of ancient Rome, with the word Lucifer, called the planet Venus, which is visible only during dawn. The Romans were sure that the morning and evening luminaries were two different celestial bodies, so the "evening" Venus was called "Hesper".

Lucifer was one of the seraphim - powerful six-winged creatures. Mentions of him are found in the Bible, in kabbalistic texts, theosophical writings, as well as in ancient grimoires (books that describe magical rituals).

The luminous disembodied spirit was created by the Heavenly Master before the Almighty created the material world and people. As an angel, Lucifer was unusually handsome: an eternally young face radiated light, a high forehead testified to a sharp mind, dignified posture and perfect physique attracted the eye.

Some medieval theologians argued that angels were created from a stellar energy called Lucida. In many religious texts rejected by the church, Lucida figured as the mother of a heavenly rebel. Over time, the image of the inanimate "star mother" has undergone changes. During the Renaissance, bold minds tried to animate the image of the Devil.

According to the interpretation of philosophers, Lucida is the heavenly mother, the embodiment of the Universe. From it, the Father of all things created the highest matter. Lucida can be neither evil nor good. Human qualities or ambitions are incomprehensible to her. The cosmic mother symbolizes creative energy, progress, vitality.

According to the Christian version, the rebel became the patron saint of evil, therefore all his positive qualities have long been lost.

The attitude of philosophers and sorcerers to the fallen angel is ambiguous. It is believed that the first rebel in the universe is not the embodiment of all vices. The most daring students of religion see in the proud rebel the other side of the Divine. Philosophers often compare him to Prometheus.

Reasons for the uprising

Benevolence, wisdom and humility, ingenuity and courage were the main qualities of a seraphim. Other angels treated him with reverence and love. The Son of God Jesus Christ at that time was still one with his Heavenly Father and was the mentor of a talented angel.

The fact that Jesus Christ meant more to the Father than any of the angels did not initially upset Lucifer, but soon the seraphim began to resent that Heavenly Father trusts Jesus Christ more than him. The fact that all angels were obliged to worship the Son of God as the Creator himself did not please the "son of the dawn" either. His discontent grew.

The proud seraphim considered himself very talented for a reason. Forgetting that all the virtues were given to him by the Creator, Dennitsa began to think about overthrowing God's power.

He acted cunningly and carefully: hiding his ambitious plans, in conversations with the angels, he hinted that being servants of God, heavenly beings do not receive due attention from the Father. Then he began to convince the angels that God's government has many flaws.

Lucifer said that he was worried and frustrated by the Father's lack of respect for the angels. He ended each speech with something like this: “If I became the Lord of Heaven, we would not have to acknowledge the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Our knowledge and capabilities would have no boundaries. We would run the universe without asking anyone for permission. "

Rebellion and punishment

Not all angels liked the conversations of the cunning seraphim. His brethren, obedient to God's will, persuaded the rebel to come to his senses and abandon the idea of ​​seizing power in Heaven, but the ambitious Lucifer also found like-minded people.

Opponents of God's rule revolted. The Creator destroyed some of the rebels. The rest, including their leader Lucifer, were exiled to hell, which was created especially for the guilty angels. Later, people who sinned badly during their lifetime began to get there.

The Bible does not explain the reasons why the fallen angel Lucifer survived. One can only guess about them, relying on the texts of Holy Scripture.

The main enemy of the Lord's order was striving for power. Pride blinded his mind and alienated him from the laws of the Father. In the underworld, the former seraphim gained unlimited power. He was worshiped by all demonic entities. When the Almighty created the first people, the Devil began to tempt them.

There are several versions explaining why the Heavenly Master did not kill his rebellious creation:

  • The Creator expected that the guilty one would repent of his sins;
  • the power of Lucifer was very great;
  • after the Devil persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, the Almighty allowed him to lead people into temptation. True faith, when tested, grows stronger. Having a choice, a person cannot say that he was forced to serve Good.

To one degree or another, all prophets, many monks and hermits were subjected to demonic temptations. Proceeding from the saint's way of life, the lord of hell selected a temptation for him: a person living in poverty was offered untold riches; a hermit who took a vow of celibacy was seduced by charming women. As the New Testament shows, even Jesus Christ was tempted by the wicked.

The idea that the fall of the angel was planned by the Creator can be traced in the writings of many Theosophists. In the interpretation of Helena Blavatsky, the image of the “son of the dawn” exiled to the underworld looks positive. According to the philosopher, the purpose of the fallen angel was not to increase evil, but to spread knowledge among people.

Infernal metamorphosis

In the underworld, Lucifer's life changed dramatically. Demonic qualities - anger, vanity, envy - were useful to the Devil. His supporters, who turned from angels into demons, unconditionally recognized the authority of the ruler.

The angelic appearance remained only a memory: the rebel lost his white wings. In some descriptions, the Devil is depicted with dark bat wings.

Infernal Lord Appearance Options:

  • human. Sometimes the tempter looks like an ordinary youth with dark hair and piercing black eyes. Some writers portrayed the crafty as a tall, sullen man with eyes of different colors;
  • a monster from the depths of the sea;
  • a red devil with a pitchfork with pointed ears, horns, sharp claws on the fingers and a long tail;
  • the Dragon;
  • snake;
  • goat.

The New Testament says that the lord of hell can take on any form.

Devil family

In the Bible, there is no mention of the wife of the ruler of the underworld. But in the Old Testament Jewish legends a lot is said about the woman Lilith, who turned into a demon and became the wife of a fallen seraphim.

Apocryphal sources that appeared long before the rise of Christianity tell: Lilith, not Eve, was the first woman in the Garden of Eden. The Heavenly Sovereign created Lilith and her husband Adam from clay, but the freedom-loving disposition did not allow the first lady to enjoy family happiness. Lilith longed to be equal to her husband in everything, including in bed.

According to legend, Lilith dared to argue with the Father. The main reason for the quarrels was that Adam did not agree to take a lower position during marital caresses. The Creator was upset by the behavior of the obstinate, and Lilith left Paradise. She became a demonic being.

Lilith is portrayed as the embodiment of lust and chaos. No wonder the former angel made this woman his wife. From Lucifer and Lilith, demons and demons were born - creatures that did not have an angelic past and were born in the underworld.

According to legends, Satan had three sons.

  1. Demon Moloch. In some Semitic tribes, human sacrifices were made to this formidable creature.
  2. Demon Asmodeus. He can push a person into adultery and to participate in sexual orgies.
  3. Belphegor. A demonic creature that leads people into the temptation of wealth.

According to many theologians, the Devil also has earthly children. The child of the Tempter is every inveterate sinner who does not want to fight his vices.

The people call the sons of Satan the bloody tyrants and oath-breakers. The expression "devil's son" is used in relation to a greedy person who can destroy anyone for the sake of profit.


The luminous meaning of the name Lucifer - "light-bearer" - is associated with the original majestic mission. Once Lucifer was one of the powerful angels of the Lord, but he rebelled against Heavenly Father. As punishment, the Lord deprived his former favorite of the angelic essence and threw him into the underworld.

Lucifer is one of the most controversial and mysterious figures in both religion and mythology. In some sources - he is the embodiment of evil, in others - a bearer of light energy, an epic hero.

According to the Bible, Lucifer, like all angels, did not have a mother. The Lord God created them.

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Who is Lucifer in the Bible

Other Legends of Lucifer

Lucifer's mother

In the Middle Ages, some theologians believed that angels did not come from emptiness, but were created from the energy emitted by the stars. This energy was called Lucida. Therefore, in many religious texts it is Lucida who is identified with the mother of Lucifer. However, such a vision is interpreted by the church as heretical.

Later, during the Renaissance, there was a tendency to view Lucifer not as the devil, but as a follower of his mother, who is the source of goodness and light. That is, Lucifer was credited with the mission of the Renaissance of mankind.

Devil, Satan and Lucifer in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, the forces of evil were described in different aspects.

Lucifer in the New Testament

In the New Testament Lucifer also appears in different forms, but everywhere is the personification of evil forces.

Some interpretations

In the Jewish tradition

According to Jewish beliefs, Satan, as in Christianity, is not equal in strength to God. He serves Him like an accusing angel, and has no will of his own. The Creator allows Satan to be present in the human world in order to be able to choose between good and evil.

Sometimes among the Jews, Satan appears as an impersonal evil, and sometimes in a more prominent role. He is often referred to as Samael or Sataniel. He is associated with the angel of death and with the bad qualities of people. But sometimes he is endowed with his own personality.

In Christianity

Christian teaching considers all conversion to Satan in fortune telling and in witchcraft, as a great sin and madness. It considers all the insolence of demons to be weak, that is, powerless against faith, backed up by prayers. In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the renunciation of Satan occurs during a ceremony. A small number of Christians believe that the parable of Lucifer is nothing more than just an allegory. These include, for example, Hobbes and Newton.

In islam

In Islam, Satan is called Iblis. In this religion, the story of Iblis is very similar to the story of Lucifer in Christianity. He was a very clever genie, and the Almighty raised him to the rank of an angel and joined this circle. At first Iblis was a believer, but then he stopped obeying the orders of God and was cursed by him.

In satanism

Among the adherents of Satanism, there are the following opinions. Satan is the personification of the dark sides of man, his worst qualities. He "sits" in each of us... People are faced with the task of recognizing him and “pulling him out” into the light. The satanic essence is the main one for a person, it carries power and strength. You should be proud of him, not ashamed of him. You need to cultivate evil in yourself, worshiping it in satanic temples, casting magic spells and making sacrifices. For most Satanists, the Devil is a symbol that personifies natural strength opposed to God.

Who is Lucifer: videos, icons, literature


In the Middle Ages, the image of Satan was written out in great detail. It was huge in size, combined the features of man and animal. His mouth was associated with the gates of hell. Entering hell meant being eaten by Satan. Among the plots of icon painting, there is an image called "The Fall of the Stallion". Based on a chapter from the book of the prophet Isaiah... Angels turn into demons, and among them is Lucifer himself. He is the box, in this case identified with Satan.



Many films and TV series are shot about Lucifer. Almost all of them can be watched on video on the Internet. But in them he is usually viewed not from a religious point of view, but as a hero of funny adventures. For example, in the American television series Lucifer, the protagonist is the Demon King, who is bored on the throne. He decides to go down to earth and ends up in Los Angeles. There he gets a job as director of a nightclub and begins to lead a riotous lifestyle, and later is engaged in solving intricate crimes, using his supernatural powers.

Almost all films about Lucifer are by no means religious or philosophical, but rather entertaining, which does not contribute to the spiritual development of young people.

You can remember another tale: “One thinking person brought people a wonderful healing remedy, but it had to be carried in a closed casket. None of the people dared to open the casket, because by their nature people believed that there was poison or echidna. So you can offer the most beautiful treasure, but people will mistake it for poison. It remains for people to accept the treasure, prompted by the horrors of misfortune. What if Satan so firmly taught unbelief! "


The main mass of the forces of darkness is in the invisible Subtle World. To master the minds and will of mankind, the forces of darkness need the cooperation of representatives of the Dense World. Dark forces of higher degrees, in order not to be identified, communicate with people through intermediaries.The representative of darkness chooses such employees that would arouse the least suspicion. At each communication of the dark force with a person, at least three intermediaries are involved. Black's techniques are sophisticated: they patiently creep up to the target and choose the shoulders behind which to hide. You don't see the black ones, but the gray ones and almost white ones!
The web of darkness is woven by skillful hands. The largest cities are also centers of dark forces. The ignorant masses are their best weapons. The Black Lodge operates in droves, and the best servants are recruited from weak minds.
A lot of terrible things are happening in the world now. Much of the most abhorrent witchcraft is spread throughout the world.Black magic is developing extraordinarily. This is one of the weapons of the opponents of the Light.They collect conscious and unconscious co-workers. Spells, primoires and all the accumulations of the dark ones are widely used. In addition to the dark centers, small circles appear, often based on the most primitive rituals, but the general harm is great.
There are many "black lodges", but some indulge in evil, as such, without special rituals. But in recent years, one can see a revival of the most ancient ministries of darkness. Between them there are very harmful ones, which, by their rhythm, can be destructive. Black lodges usually do not understand what kind of cosmic harm they are doing. Out of ignorance, they think that they cause evil only in the desired direction, but in fact they affect entire layers of the atmosphere. Especially now, when the fiery time is approaching and many imbalances in equilibrium are already obvious, the harm of dark evocations is especially terrible.
There are a lot of dark lodges. Often people, who are good themselves, do not admit the idea that such an abomination can exist. But you can see how the dark invade different strata of people under the guise of the most venerable servants of the common good.
How to resist the dark, how to deal with them? The first step in the fight against the employees of darkness will be the awareness of their existence. By recognizing that they exist, a sense of self-preservation will prompt you to be on your guard. It was only due to the fact that the existence of the dark force was disputed that it acquired tremendous power over humanity.
The ignorant laugh at the existence of Satan and thus confirm the correctness of what one subtle European philosopher said: "The victory of the devil is that he was able to inspire people that he does not exist." After all, when we do not believe in something or deny, we cease to beware of it - the easier it is to fall into the snare, placed by numerous minions of darkness. Closing one's eyes to the existing evil and to its originator casts a person down even lower.
It is a mistake to neglect the powers of darkness. Very often their victory lies in such negligence. People often say, "You shouldn't even think about them." But one should think about everything that exists. If people justly protect themselves from thieves and murderers, then all the more need to be protected from the murderers of the spirit. You need to assess their strength in order to resist. It is important to be more active with them. To keep the house clean, they stock up on different brooms, but when a scorpion is found in the house, they immediately remove it. Only knowledgeable forces of opponents can hope to win. It is not wise not to appreciate their strength, especially when the beloved ends with them.
The onslaught of the forces of darkness on earthly humanity has never been so strong and threatened with such formidable disasters as it is now. Struggling for his existence, the owner of the Earth, the prince of darkness, put the existence of our planet on the line.
The struggle with the forces of Light fills the prince of this world with despair. He knows that in a purified atmosphere, permeated with new fiery rays or energies, his stay in the earthly sphere will become unbearable, impossible. He knows he cannot win and wants to avoid the final battle by infecting the entire planet.The prince of this world directs all his efforts to the explosion of the planet, hoping to sail away on the wreckage and forgetting that the ocean will also leave. He prefers to blow up the planet, just to stay for some time in the atmosphere of the explosion.
The prince of darkness has now reached the apogee of misanthropy and is about to manifest the apotheosis of his destructive dominion.So on our planet, the owner of the Earth himself is now betraying the planet.Bad master, but he brought up such a nature in himself. He earned the name of an adversary and a traitor to the human race. The Bearer of Light - Lucifer - has long lost the right to this name. In the minds of people, he became the devil and Satan.
And he will have to retreat to Saturn, because he has long been called Satan. And the condition of Saturn is very difficult. How many eons must pass before this planet enters a state in which fully conscious life can develop on it!


The Light Forces prevent the dark ones from destroying us. It would seem that it is not difficult to destroy peaceful people, but above all the dark brotherhoods there is strength of mind.

Who is the mother of Lucifer and his other possible relatives, magicians and demonologists argue. There is no unequivocal answer to the question, but it is not difficult to understand the essence of the family of the Lord of Hell (if such a relationship can be called “family”).

In the article:

Lucifer's mother - Lucida

According to the main biblical sources, like any heavenly angel, there was no mother. All were created by God, who actually became their father. Most theologians of the Middle Ages and earlier times believe that angels were created not from emptiness, but from the originally existing stellar energy with the name Lucida... Lucida is featured as Lucifer's mother and religious texts, many of which are considered heretical.

Energy of Lucida.

Subsequently, the image of Lucida as inanimate energy was transformed. This happened due to misinterpretations, in order to more mystify the image of the Lord of Evil, through lengthy inferences and philosophical reflections. Since the Renaissance, more and more researchers of religion and the image of the Devil have sought to animate Satan, to find positive traits in the fallen angel. The image of the heavenly mother, neither good or evil, but pure and original, became the ideal option for the authors of the time.

According to the legends, Lucida is an incarnated Universe, a spiritualized spark, from which the Creator created higher matters. Mother is away from the concepts of good and evil, symbolizes progress and vitality. Scientists who strive to move away from religious dogmas that hinder the development of mankind called Lucida the patroness.

Lucifer's Father - Lord God

Unlike the mother figure, the Bible mentions Lucifer's father everywhere. This is definitely the Lord God, Yahweh or Jehovah... Lucifer was created by the most powerful of the angels, was in. Some sources claim that the power of Satan was equal to the power of God, so the Devil became the main antagonist, and was not destroyed, like some other fallen angels.

But Lucifer was not exceptionally bad.... Even the biblical sources indicate that the only sin of the fallen angel was pride, and not betrayal or perjury. Therefore, the Devil was cast down, but not destroyed. Brave minds and theologians since ancient times believed that the fall of Lucifer was part of a divine plan for the spiritual cultivation of people: surrounded by temptations and sins, faith is tempered.

Given the all-good nature of God and his desire for good for every creature, such a point of view has a right to exist. Especially if you take into account that Lucifer, the Bearer of the Light, Dennitsa is a morning star and an image born from the image of Prometheus, who gave people knowledge, even if he convinced them to taste the forbidden fruit. A similar opinion is reflected in more modern books. For example, I adhered to similar thoughts.

Lucifer's wife and his children

It is believed that Lucifer's wife is. Lucifer's wife is not directly mentioned in the Bible, but evidence of her existence is found in almost all apocryphal books, primarily in the Old Testament Jewish traditions and traditions that arose long before the advent of Christianity. Lilith was the first woman and wife of Adam even before the creation of Eve. According to legend, the first woman refused to obey God, because she considered herself equal to Adam by the right of creation. One of the legends says that Lilith's quarrel with God was connected with the refusal of the first man to take the “lower” position during the act of love.

It is logical that the fates of Lucifer and Lilith were similar: both were expelled from Paradise for the desire for equality - not power and power, but equality. Magicians and inquisitors of the Middle Ages believed that demons and demons were born from Lilith's connection with Lucifer, which were not fallen angels. Among such creatures, for example,. Others believe that both the children of God are people, and the children of Lucifer are people who have denied God and rejected the Christian faith.

The question, who are the parents of Lucifer and what is their role in the universe, is simple. A closer look at the role of the Devil and his companions prompts much deeper thoughts. How to apply such knowledge is everyone's personal business.

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How is "lucifer" translated?

From Latin the translation sounds like "to carry the light." In the myths of the ancient Romans, he was personified with the image of the morning dawn, the morning star (the star of Lucifer is the planet Venus). The planet Venus was called Lucifer because it "carried light" when there was no sun (early morning and late evening). However, in the Christian religion, since about the seventeenth century, Lucifer is a fallen angel who has been associated with unclean forces (devil, Satan).

Interestingly, in the Roman Empire, the name Lucifer was worn by men. Its meaning was "shining, carrying light." There was even Saint Lucifer, a bishop who lived in the fourth century AD.

In the Christian religion, Lucifer has a negative connotation. In one of the books, written in Hebrew, there is a legend about Lucifer. Allegedly, one angel wanted to be equal to God, for which he was "driven" from heaven. This is how Lucifer became a “bad hero” with many features in the Bible.

  • It is believed that the serpent who invited Eve to eat the forbidden fruit is Lucifer.
  • Also, Satan, created by God and wishing to become on a par with the Creator, is the embodiment of Lucifer. Archangel Lucifer, like Archangel Michael, was called to protect Eden (paradise) from evil forces. But envy and pride enveloped all his thoughts. He even gathered all his angels to become the main one in heaven. But the archangels Gabriel and Michael did not allow this event to happen. Then Satan-Lucifer was expelled from heaven. Since then, Lucifer is a demon. In general, Lucifer symbolizes evil, he wants to betray a person to temptation, spiritual death.
  • Lucifer was originally described in the Bible as an angel whom God loved very much. He was beautiful and majestic, bright and intelligent. Lucifer was perfection itself.

In Judaism and early Christianity there has not yet been an equalization of the concepts of "morning star" (Dennitsa, if translated into Russian) and Satan.

In satanism the same (doctrine opposing itself to Christianity) Lucifer combines freedom and pride, low and spiritless knowledge. He is a demon and a devil.

The story of Lucifer has become interesting to many writers and directors. They took it as a basis in their works:

  • Larry Niven "Hammer of Lucifer" (book).
  • Jubel Richard "The Code of Lucifer" (book).
  • Danny Wilson "Throne of Lucifer" (film).
  • Eremey Parnov "Throne of Lucifer" (book).
  • Dante's Divine Comedy. The author describes Lucifer as a creature that is frozen into the ice and has three mouths. He needs them in order to gnaw traitors - Judas, Brutus, Cassius.

Lucifer sign

There is the concept of "sigils of Lucifer". It means a certain symbol, consisting of figures and other signs. Sigil possesses mystical properties and powers. Satanists, according to some reports, can use it to summon the spirit of Lucifer, to perform some kind of ceremony. It is believed that the sigil contains some kind of secret, a cipher. They can be names or directions.

  • "V" (victor from Latin - victory) is a symbol of Venus, the victory of reason and spirit over the negative aspect of the god of darkness and regression.
  • Part of the inverted pentagram means "through thorns to the stars."
  • The triangle means the feminine principle, the feminized aspect of Lucifer, giving life to all living things, for without light there is no life.
  • Outgoing triangles symbolize masculinity.
  • The cross and the rhombus represent the unity and illumination of the mind.

Lucifer in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Here is what the ancient Slavs wrote about this image.

Lucifer is the "morning star", "the light of Cephiroth." "Liu" means descending light, "qi" - energy, light, "fer" - a sphere. There is an ancient Hebrew legend about the morning star, which tried to cover the sun with itself, but it did not succeed. She was enslaved.

The Slavs believed that the star Lucifer is in fact the Earth of Deus, around which Lutitia and Fatta (two moons) circled. On the moon of Luticia, gatherings of the koshchei took place, but after a while the good forces destroyed it.

It was necessary to save the Earth from the explosion, it was moved to another space, and the moon of Fatt was moved to Midgard. Astrologers today call her "Phaethon", given the strong influence of this planet. After a powerful explosion of Luticia, the atmosphere of Jiva (Moon of Perun) and Oreya (Mars) disappeared. Residents from Oreya moved to Midgard.

The Slavs identified Lucifer with Sataniel. The latter was the first democrat to decide to oppose the existing higher laws.

Thus, in many religions and religious directions, Lucifer means a being that was originally “good”, and then, due to its negative traits, became “evil”.

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