Home Fruit trees Manners for a woman with a man. Basic rules of male etiquette. Important mistakes in the behavior of a man

Manners for a woman with a man. Basic rules of male etiquette. Important mistakes in the behavior of a man

The image of a well-bred young man consists not only of the ability to behave well towards a woman. Opening the door for a lady, letting her in front of you or helping to carry a heavy bag is certainly good, but the rules of etiquette for men do not end there. Polite speech, a culture of behavior, a well-chosen suit and much more are also an integral part.

Fundamental rules of etiquette for men

In old films about the privileged part of society, we can often observe how, when a lady enters a room, the male half of the hall immediately rises from their seats. And only after the girl is comfortably settled somewhere, the rules of conduct for gentlemen allow them to return to their places.

Today, this situation is extremely rare, although this is one of the fundamental features of an intelligent man.

There are 14 basic rules of behavior for men towards women, which every self-respecting young man should know:

  • On the street, a young man must accompany a lady, walking on her left side. On the right side, only the military have the right to go, if necessary, to salute.
  • If a girl stumbles or slips, a man must certainly hold her by the elbow. Although in real circumstances the choice remains with the lady.
  • Good manners do not allow smoking in front of a lady, only after her consent.
  • A real man always lets the lady go ahead, having previously opened the door for her.
  • When climbing or descending the steps, the young man is obliged to support his companion if necessary, for this he is a couple of steps away from her.
  • When entering the elevator, the man must enter it first, and when leaving, let the girl through first.

  • The young man gets out of the car first, who, bypassing the car, opens the door on the passenger side, giving the lady a hand. If a man is a driver of transport, then he is obliged to open the front passenger door and help the lady sit down. In case the gentleman is also a passenger, he needs to sit in the back seat with his companion. It should be remembered that in this case, the girl first gets into the car, and then the man next to her.
  • Entering the room, a man helps the lady take off her coat, and leaving it, he must help her put it on.
  • In the modern world, a young man is not supposed to find a seat for himself if a woman is standing.
  • According to etiquette, a young man needs to come to a meeting before a lady, so as not to put her in an uncomfortable situation if she is late. In emergency cases, you should notify the girl about this and apologize to her.

  • A man is obliged to help every woman to carry large bags or any bulky items. These do not include a woman's handbag, as well as small fur coats and coats, except for the case if the lady is not able to carry her things herself because of her health.
  • The main mistake of a young person when communicating with someone is crossing his arms, as well as sorting something in his hands. This is considered a sign of disrespect to the opponent.
  • When going to a restaurant, the gentleman first comes in so that the head waiter makes the right conclusions about who invited whom and who will pay the bill. With a large number of people, the first person to enter is the one who will pay and is the initiator of the invitation. In the case of a meeting of a couple by a doorman, the girl enters the restaurant first. Following this, the man must find an unoccupied place.
  • Being in a company, a young man with a girl is forbidden to speak on frank topics, it is better to choose light, unobtrusive subjects for discussion.

Appearance according to etiquette

The main thing in the wardrobe of a modern intelligent man is not a formal suit and tie, but the general picture. In other words, harmony. Don't go overboard with accessories. Everything should be in moderation. A tie or bow tie should match the overall color scheme. A shirt should be chosen lighter than a suit or a universal white color should be preferred. Cufflinks or a tie clip should not become a bright accent.

Those who want to emphasize their status or material wealth by complementing the image with massive accessories and jewelry can achieve the opposite result.

The norms of etiquette for men in modern society are ordered to coordinate their outfit in advance with the outfit of the lady whom he is going to accompany to any cultural event.

As for the male hairstyle, disguised bald patches look awkward. It is not recommended to paint over gray hair. When attending public events, men should shave cleanly. Only small mustaches and beards are allowed.

The appearance of shoes is also one of the most important in the image of a gentleman. Shoes or boots must be kept in proper condition. Lacquer shoes should only be worn when absolutely necessary. For business meetings and dates, shoes made of suede or leather to match the color of the suit will be a suitable option.

It should be remembered that the right style of clothing is 50% of the successful completion of the meeting, regardless of its type.

business etiquette

Having dealt a little with the wardrobe, you should move on to the norms of behavior in the business sphere. Another important factor when communicating with a business partner is not only the appearance, but even the smell. Preference should be given to perfumes not with a pungent smell, but softer and lighter, closer to natural.

But, above all, business etiquette is how you behave in negotiations and meetings. For example, when entering an elevator, people in higher positions are allowed to pass. The same goes for greetings. Subordinates, according to business ethics, should greet leaders first.

A person working in the field of business should get business cards, as this is much more convenient than wasting time every time looking for a piece of paper to record contact information. The business card design should be simple, without unnecessary details, only brief information about the owner (company name, position, full name, phone number).

You should learn how to prepare for a meeting in advance: It is better to make a list of necessary questions the day before. This will help to significantly reduce the time of the meeting, which will show your business competence.

In a business conversation, it is important to capture all the details of a conversation with a business partner. Some non-verbal means of communication will help win over the interlocutor, such as a handshake, a nod of the head, and so on.

table manners

It happens that at an event an unfamiliar girl can sit at the table on the right side. The rules of conduct in this case prescribe to look after the lady, to ensure that her glass and plate are not empty, regardless of the level of acquaintance. It is necessary to help move the chair away if the girl wants to leave the table, and when she returns, do the same.

An educated man should not only be able to behave decently in the company of a lady, open the door in front of her, let the lady go forward, help carry heavy bags. An integral part of the rules of etiquette for men is also a tastefully selected wardrobe, culture and tact of behavior, polite calm speech, and respect for others.

Basic rules of male etiquette

Self-respecting men should adhere to the basic rules of behavior in relation to the female sex:

  • On the street, a man must accompany the girl, being on her left side, since only military personnel go on the right to salute if necessary.
  • If a lady stumbles or slips on an icy road, the young man is obliged to support her by the elbow.
  • You can smoke in the presence of a girl only with the consent of your companion.
  • A self-respecting man is obliged to let the woman go ahead and open the door for her first.
  • Climbing or descending the stairs, you should support the companion, being two steps lower from her.
  • The young man must be the first to enter the elevator, and to leave - letting the lady pass.
  • When leaving the car, the young man must go around the car, open the door on the passenger side and give the girl a hand. If he is the driver of the car, he must open the passenger door and help the woman sit down. In the event that the boyfriend is also a passenger, he should sit next to his companion in the back seat, while the companion should first get into the car, and then the gentleman.
  • When entering the room, you need to help the woman take off her outer clothing, and when leaving, help put it on.
  • Good manners mean that a man should not sit when a girl is standing.
  • A man, according to etiquette, is obliged to come to an appointment before his companion, so as not to put her in an uncomfortable position if she is late. In an emergency, you need to notify the lady about this and apologize for the unintentional delay.
  • The duties of the stronger sex also include helping the girl if you need to carry heavy bags or bulky items.
  • When communicating with ladies, young people should not cross their arms or touch something in their hands, which is considered disrespectful towards an opponent.
  • When entering a restaurant, the gentleman should first enter, as the head waiter must make the correct conclusion about who will pay the bill. According to the rules of etiquette, the initiator of the invitation enters the establishment first and he will pay for it. If a doorman meets a couple, then the girl must enter the institution first, and the gentleman must find an empty seat.
  • In the company of friends, a guy should not talk on a frank topic with a companion, it is advisable to choose unobtrusive and light subjects for general discussion.

The appearance of a man according to the rules of etiquette

The main thing in a man's wardrobe is harmony. The shirt should be chosen lighter than the tone of the suit, and the tie in accordance with the color scheme of the outfit. Cufflinks and tie clips should not become a bright accent. An excess of massive accessories and jewelry, with which some men complement the image to emphasize status and material wealth, can lead to the opposite result.

T-shirts, shorts are only suitable for family dinners, country trips and barbecues. Informal environment allows sports jackets and cardigans. Business meetings, interviews, formal celebrations require a suit and tie.

According to the norms of etiquette, the appearance of the representative of the stronger sex must be agreed in advance by the man with the personal attire of the woman whom he will accompany to the event.

The appearance of shoes is an important detail in the image of a young man, which must be kept in a well-groomed form. Patent leather shoes are worn only in rare cases; suede and leather shoes to match the tone of a formal suit are suitable for dates and business business meetings.

As for men's hairstyles, a disguised bald head looks awkward. It is not necessary to paint over natural gray hair. Before attending events, a man should shave carefully or leave, if desired, a neatly laid and trimmed beard.

A man's wardrobe, chosen correctly and in accordance with the norms of clothing etiquette, is 50 percent of the positive result of any meeting.

business etiquette

An important factor in communicating with a business partner is both appearance and even aroma. It is advisable to give preference not to a harsh perfume, but with a soft, light and natural smell. Eau de toilette and colognes should be consumed in moderation, which is considered a sign of good taste. It is advisable to approach the choice of deodorant, toilet water, shaving lotion, cologne very seriously:

  • When choosing aromatic and hygiene products, you need to remember that the range of smells should be combined with each other and be one.
  • Mixing scents with different perfume compositions is not recommended, but often men do this, for example, using shaving lotion and then toilet water. In this case, you should use fragrances belonging to the same perfume line.

During business negotiations and meetings, one should adhere to certain norms of behavior: when entering the elevator, let people who are higher in position forward and, according to business etiquette, be the first to greet the leaders.

Men working in business are advised to have business cards, because it is much more convenient than constantly writing down contact details on a piece of paper. The business card should be simple, with brief information about its owner: full name, phone number, position and company name.

It is recommended to prepare for the upcoming meeting in advance, having compiled a list of key questions the day before, which will shorten the duration of the meeting and show business acumen and competence. In business conversations, you should capture the details of the entire conversation with business partners. Some means of communication in the form of a handshake or a nod of the head help to win over the interlocutor.

Table etiquette rules

As men's etiquette in relation to any woman says - if an unfamiliar lady sat at the table on the right side of the man, you need to start caring for her, making sure that her plate or glass is not empty. If she leaves the table, you should move her chair back and do the same when the lady returns.

When sitting at a public table, you can’t lean on its surface with your elbows, this is allowed to do in the intervals when there is no food on the table or you are sitting in a bar.

It is not recommended to pick up a fallen device or napkin yourself, for this, simply invite the waiter to ask for another napkin or a new device.

In a conversation, it is uncivilized to interrupt a lady during a conversation. According to the rules of good manners, a man is not recommended to use strong gestures, putting his hands in his pockets or crossing them on his chest while communicating with a woman. You can not loudly discuss or ridicule someone, especially point your fingers at a person. A well-bred young man should not discuss the source of income of his acquaintances, his family troubles and the organization of life.

Rules of etiquette for men in public places

If a young man wants to meet a lady in a public place, in a store or on the street, he should:

  • Ask permission to speak to her, explaining the reason for the communication, but do not call out to the woman and do not pull her by the sleeve. The said compliment will make a good impression, but it should not be vulgar.
  • Invite the girl to see her off and start a casual and easy conversation, without touching on issues of marital status. If the companion does not want to share a phone number, offer to communicate through a social network.

The main thing is not to impose if a woman does not want to communicate.

Observing the above rules of conduct, which etiquette for a man says, each representative of the stronger sex can easily please a lady and win over the people he needs to his person. It is important to know that an intelligent and educated man achieves much more than one who does not follow the rules of etiquette.

Etiquette is a set of rules of good manners. There are a lot of them. But those who make a career, want to succeed, and who have to deal with elites, need to study them especially carefully.

Etiquette helps people behave correctly in any situation and society, without causing other people any inconvenience. Refined manners, correct speech, stylish image - all this plays an important role.

There are several types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: a properly selected wardrobe, well-groomed appearance, elegant gestures, posture, posture;
  • speech form: manners and culture of speech and communication;
  • table etiquette: table manners, knowledge of serving rules, the ability to eat;
  • behavior in any public place;
  • business etiquette: negotiations and relationships with superiors and colleagues.

Good manners for women

First of all, a girl or woman should look good. She should have a neat and well-groomed appearance, clean clothes and shoes, a properly selected bag and accessories.

Of the basic rules, you need to highlight the following:

  • Spirits must be used wisely. A strong smell of deodorant or even elite perfume is considered bad manners.
  • In choosing jewelry and accessories, it is better to show moderation. A large amount of jewelry or jewelry looks too catchy.
  • You can preen only at home or in a specially designated room for this, but in no case in public places. In society, you can only quickly look at your reflection in a small mirror and tint your lips.
  • A lap bag is not the best choice. So they sit at the station. It is better to put a purse or a small handbag on the table.https://youtu.be/I7FirFX5UNw

A woman should always behave like a real lady, avoiding offensive remarks, inappropriate flirting and other liberties.

List of etiquette rules for men

A man should also look elegant, be neatly combed and adhere to the following rules:

  • Skip the companion forward when entering the room.
  • Don't put your elbows on the table.
  • Sitting down at a table, first move the chair to the lady, and then to yourself.
  • Do not leave your companion alone.
  • Do not smoke in front of a girl without her permission.
  • In the room, in the presence of a girl, take off your hat.
  • When exiting the bus or car, give the lady a hand.

A gentleman must not carry a women's bag, and he can only bring women's outerwear to the dressing room. On the street, a man should walk to the left of his companion.

Without the consent of the girl, the gentleman has no right to take her hand or arm.

Etiquette for children

The upbringing of children should be based on etiquette, because they will have to live in society. It is difficult for children to learn all the rules, but although the most important of them they should know:

Behavior at the table:

  • sit at the table only by invitation;
  • eat with your mouth closed without speaking;
  • get up from the table only with the permission of an adult.

Speech etiquette:

  • always say hello and goodbye;
  • express gratitude and respect;
  • do not interfere in the conversation of older people, do not interrupt them.

Guest etiquette:

  • invite guests in advance;
  • do not go to people without an invitation;
  • visit only in a good mood;
  • stay away for no more than 2 - 3 hours, so as not to annoy people.

Having learned these simple rules from childhood, the child will adhere to them in the future.

conversational etiquette

The culture of communication among many young people is considered an outdated concept, and completely in vain. After all, it is speech etiquette that helps to achieve authority and gain the trust of others. The list of these rules is quite long:

  • When entering a room, you should always say hello first. This rule applies to everyone, regardless of age and status - schoolchildren, pensioners, directors or ordinary employees.
  • At the meeting, the first person to greet is a man - a woman, a junior - a senior, a latecomer - a waiting one, an employee of a junior rank - the boss.
  • When greeting older people by position or age, be sure to stand up or rise. Giving a hand while sitting is a sign of bad taste.
  • A man should always introduce himself to a woman first. You can not leave people to themselves and oblige them to give their names themselves.
  • After meeting, it is desirable to shake hands. It is impolite to give only the tips of your fingers.
  • Interrupting an interlocutor is very bad. But you can and should express your interest in the subject of conversation.
  • The rules of small talk allow you to talk about anything you want, but without going into details and avoiding controversy.
  • It is necessary to monitor the pace and timbre of your voice: it should be natural, but not tense.https://youtu.be/UtlwEY-CITE

Polite verbal forms and a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor help to create a favorable impression of yourself.

Telephone rules

You also need to know how to talk on the phone. Without seeing the interlocutor, you can say a lot of offensive and unnecessary things to him. But private telephone conversations are one thing, and occupational calls are quite another.

Main rules:

  • Do not pick up the phone after the first call, only after the second or third. For the saved seconds, you need to mentally prepare for a telephone conversation, postponing your business. In addition, if a company representative picks up the phone immediately after the first call, the client gets the impression that the employees have nothing to do and they just get bored at the place of work. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. If you pick up the phone later, the client may become nervous and lose patience.
  • First, be sure to introduce yourself, name your company, ask about the name of the interlocutor and whether he has time for a short conversation. After that, it is desirable to immediately proceed to the main question.
  • It is necessary to monitor the intonation and speed of speech. The voice should be clear, low, even and confident. It would be nice to match the pace of the person on the other end of the line.
  • Do not forget about polite phrases: “thank you”, “be kind”, “if you don’t mind”.
  • It is prohibited to use the speakerphone unnecessarily. The person on the other end of the line immediately catches the difference in sound and begins to worry that someone is eavesdropping on him. It may also be evidence that a company representative is engaged in extraneous (more significant cases) and part-time answers calls.
  • When talking on the phone, you can not smoke, drink and eat (chew gum). Although this is not visible, but all this is reflected in the speech and looks terrifying.
  • After using the hold function, be sure to thank the person for waiting. It is not worth keeping the interlocutor on hold for longer than a minute, it is better to say that after clarifying the necessary information, they will call him back.
  • At the end, be sure to say goodbye and thank the interlocutor for taking the time to talk. There is no need to apologize for wasting time.

Aggressive and demanding customers should be dealt with calmly, but decisively and confidently.

Good manners and business etiquette

If all employees adhere to business etiquette, a favorable atmosphere is created in the enterprise or firm, in which there is no place for conflicts.

  • You should never be late for meetings and business negotiations.
  • Company secrets and data confidentiality must be kept at all times.
  • During a business conversation, you should not stare at the face of the interlocutor or lean over him. Also, when communicating, tilting the head to the side is not allowed.
  • A business card should be served only with the right hand (even for left-handed people). The recipient of the business card should not hide it in the back pocket of his trousers or wrinkle it with his fingers.
  • Do not violate the boundaries of personal space and get too close to a person. The latter feels at the same time considerable discomfort. The minimum distance between interlocutors corresponds to the size of an outstretched hand. A person can only let relatives closer to him.
  • A guest arriving on business should be seated on the right hand side of the host.
  • You need to watch your speech. A particularly unfavorable impression is produced by slang words, errors in stress and the use of words in the wrong meaning.
  • For a compliment, you should always thank briefly and simply, without showing false modesty.
  • You always need to follow the position of the body and gestures. It is unacceptable to talk with legs wide apart, with hands thrust into pockets, stooping and gesticulating strongly.

Business etiquette is the rules without which it will not be possible to achieve success in business. They always try to adhere to them, even if instability reigns around both in politics and in the economy.

How to behave at the table

At the table, you also need to behave culturally. This applies to both family holidays and dinner parties in a restaurant, cafe or at a party.

Good manners at the table:

  • Never, ever, chew food with your mouth open. It looks terrible. Also, do not talk and laugh with the remnants of food in your mouth. This is not only ugly - you can choke on it.
  • Before you put a side dish, salad or appetizer from a common dish on your own plate, you must first offer them to those sitting next to you. They put food on themselves last.
  • In no case should you put your phone or smartphone on the table near you. This shows a person in a negative light: he is not interested in what is happening, he is constantly distracted by incoming messages and calls.

The table must be properly set, and all appliances laid out in their places.

Good House Rules

Many people believe that at home you can behave freely and cheekily. But this is wrong, because parents and children, grandparents, sisters and brothers should show special courtesy and goodwill towards each other. In order for family relationships to be strong and sincere, you need to rejoice at the successes of loved ones, give thanks, support in all endeavors, speak kind words more often and find compromises.

  • Bright and colorful things are very striking. In a business style, they are not appropriate, they can only be worn in an informal setting.
  • Clothing should never be vulgar, especially for women. A short miniskirt combined with a deep neckline is the top of disgrace. Only one of the indicated elements can be present in the image.
  • All attire must be elegant. This means that all materials, styles and colors must be chosen with taste.
  • You need to dress in such a way as to emphasize the dignity of your figure and hide the flaws.

There are a lot of subtleties and nuances. If possible, you need to consult with an experienced stylist or tailor who will tell you which things fit well, which ones do not, what clothes are appropriate in a given situation.

A truly educated person behaves impeccably everywhere: both in society and at home. Since we live in a society, everyone should learn this.

Aristocratic manners from an early age were instilled in girls from noble families in special schools and gymnasiums, such as the "Institute of Noble Maidens". But even the most impeccable etiquette of a woman does not automatically make her a "lady." A worthy woman by her appearance inspires respect. And it doesn't matter if blue blood flows in it. A true lady is distinguished among all women by grooming, restraint, observance of moral and ethical standards, and at the same time openness to communication, goodwill and charm, which in no way depend on noble origin or external attractiveness. To become a real lady, you need to not only instill good manners in yourself, but also adhere to certain guidelines in life.


We are often met by clothes. Acquaintance begins with an assessment of the appearance, a first impression is formed, and then a stable opinion. Clothing and shoes should always be clean, tidy, and appropriate for the occasion. Excessively open neckline or too short skirt border on vulgarity and accessibility. But the appearance of a woman is not limited to things, even if they are the best brands.

Body culture plays a decisive role in whether others, and above all ourselves, will like us. Well-groomed hair, teeth, nails can tell more about a woman than a demonstration of outfits. A healthy toned body, a relaxed calm face without tense folds between the eyebrows, smooth graceful movements look incredibly attractive.

Go in for sports, have a good rest, eat right, do not abuse bad habits - the main postulates of a real lady.

Good health is the best brand that not only makes a woman beautiful at any age, but also makes it possible to fully enjoy life. A healthy well-groomed woman at any age will need a minimum of effort to emphasize her best features with the help of a neat make-up close to her natural look. Self-confident, with a friendly smile on her face, she will look elegant in any clothes. A drop of unobtrusive fragrance and discreet accessories will only emphasize the sophistication of nature, give the image a mysterious charm.

The ability to say hello

Every meeting starts with . The first word spoken can set the tone for the entire conversation, and sometimes start a chain of further life events. That is why self-control is so valued both in high society and in business. Words can destroy everything or, conversely, revive. No less important in communication are non-verbal manifestations: intonation, facial expression, body position.

Courtesy is the hallmark of a real lady. A friendly intonation and a friendly half-smile are an integral part of the rules of etiquette for women. Greetings must be pronounced clearly, looking openly into the face of the interlocutor. Reciprocal trusting relationship causes an appeal to the interlocutor by name or by name patronymic.

There are common rules of behavior that need to be worked out to automatism. A real woman will never think about who greets you first. She clearly knows:

  • the man is the first to greet the woman or women;
  • the youngest in age or rank is the first to greet the elder;
  • a latecomer greets those waiting;
  • entering the room greets those present;
  • walking along the street or along the corridor greets those who stand in his way;
  • who joined the feast greets everyone at once, and then separately with the neighbors on the table.

In the business world, a greeting is always accompanied by a handshake. But a woman who knows her own worth knows perfectly well that the right handshake will only confirm her in the status of a lady. She will not fawn and become like men. According to etiquette, the woman is the first to extend her hand and decide for herself who to give it to. In this case, you can not remove the glove, an exception here is made only for very elderly men. If a man is the first to extend his hand to a woman, this indicates extreme tactlessness. In all cases, a woman can simply nod her head. And only the closest people will kiss when meeting a real lady.

Ability to be decent

Impeccable manners, grace in movements and gestures, facial expressions emphasize self-confidence and mastery of the rules of etiquette. A decent woman always remains on top, even when no one sees her. To learn such self-control, psychologists advise you to play an actress and imagine that the video camera is constantly on. Or the queen, who is always looked at and admired.

Very often we find ourselves in unpredictable situations when we risk humiliating ourselves with an ill-considered reaction. Slippery jokes, obscene gestures, looks - the environment is not for a lady. Therefore, you need to clearly define for yourself the boundaries of what is permitted and strictly adhere to the line of behavior inherent in a worthy woman.

This does not mean being a hypocrite and a bore. You need to be able to beautifully besiege the boor and demonstrate rejection of indecent behavior, but at the same time be open and sincere yourself. A good sense of humor is a win-win weapon in any situation. And the ability to listen and yield are invaluable qualities of a woman, for the sake of which any man will be ready to grab the sword.

Correct posture

A straight back, neck and head held high indicate openness and self-esteem. Similarly, and vice versa, just by straightening your back, you can give self-confidence. If you're unlucky with your posture, it's time to do the simplest exercises: a wall stand, squats with a book on your head, or magic Japanese gymnastics with a towel. And more often imagine the crown on your head - the more evenly it stays there, the more attractive we look. A true lady never loses her posture, because a straight back is a sign of aristocracy.

Correctly stand

It is not good for a real lady to prop up a wall or shift from foot to foot. Good manners also forbid crossing legs or arms. It is allowed in a standing position to keep the legs in the third position, putting one foot slightly forward. A woman is categorically not advised to imitate a man and keep her hands in her pockets. Even a teenage girl in this position will look like a tomboy. You should also not wave your arms and gesticulate strenuously. The closer the arms and elbows are to the body, the more graceful the woman's posture looks.

walk correctly

The walk of a real woman exudes confidence. Sometimes they say: "it goes like a swan swims." This is the secret of attraction. The head should be kept straight, the chin slightly raised, you should not look at your feet. The etiquette of a true lady tells you to walk slowly, not bouncing at every step. You can imagine a straight line in front of you and put your foot closer to it.

Although there is a cult of model appearance in society, you should not imitate their walk, which looks deliberately artificial. Good manners prescribe not to shuffle or tap your heels too loudly. The leg should be carried forward from the hip, stepping with the whole foot, without wagging the hips too much. Movements while walking should look graceful and give the impression of lightness, soaring.

Correctly sit

To sit beautifully according to etiquette is a real art, which is acquired by hard work on oneself. After all, we often forget and do not control all our movements and postures when we are busy or carried away by a conversation. Therefore, the ability to sit correctly and change posture must be brought into habit. Then elegance will become a natural behavior and will avoid funny or unpleasant moments.

Women's etiquette categorically rejects the cross-legged pose. Most women find it very comfortable, and yet it is in bad taste. The male habit of cross-legging arose, in all likelihood, when women began to wear trousers en masse. But a real lady sits with her legs brought together, her knees tilted slightly to the side. Both feet are on the floor. The most you can do to change your posture is to cross your legs at the ankles. Hands lie freely and relaxed on your knees, shoulders slightly lowered, back straight.

Calmness and balance

Women have a natural emotionality, which, among other qualities, attracts men so much. But emotions must be manifested correctly and dosed. Too violent manifestation of joyful feelings looks like a cheap performance. Such a woman may well be considered stupid. In the same way, in the heat of anger, a woman should not rush into battle with others, sinking to the level of a market trader.

A decent woman will behave with restraint in any situation. She is tolerant of other people's mistakes and does not interfere in conflicts, leaving the natural course of events to resolve the problem. A true lady will never complain about life. If she has any difficulties, she can only tell her closest friend about it. And she herself has the most valuable gift - the ability to listen.

Restraint in expressing emotions, minimal gestures, modesty and tact are the main distinguishing features of a real woman.

Grammatically correct speech

A woman who knows her worth does not limit her interests to watching primitive serials or reading women's novels. She has a rich inner world, she is well-read, has a fairly wide vocabulary and can easily keep up a conversation on any topic. She follows the latest news, but will not get involved in debates on politics or religion, even if she has her own opinion on these issues. She will try to keep the conversation positive and will never gossip about anyone behind his back.

The intellectual level of a person is visible in his vocabulary. A variety of adjectives makes speech rich and boring. Thanks to her education and sense of tact, a true lady will be able to maintain a secular conversation “about nothing”, answer a joke with a joke, bypass ambiguous phrases, politely shifting the conversation to another plane, show interest or interest the interlocutor herself. Art is one of the basic skills that a modern independent woman should have.

Punctuality and courtesy

Punctuality is an integral part of the rules of etiquette for a woman. At home, in front of her loved ones, a woman can still show off and allow herself some weaknesses. In the business and cultural sphere, it is unacceptable to be late, showing disrespect for partners, colleagues, friends. Politeness is highly valued both in the work team and in other areas of life. A self-respecting woman will also respect others. If you happen to be late, she will definitely warn you by phone and apologize in advance for being late. The organization of a woman, the ability to complete tasks on time, increases her rating in the business sphere and contributes to career growth.

They say that to change your life, you just need to start doing something new. To become a real lady, you need to analyze your habits, manners, skills and abilities, and determine what you like or dislike in your own life. It is never too late to start changing something, the main thing is to take the first step in the right direction.

Etiquette for men - This is a set of certain rules designed to provide a woman with comfort in the presence of a gentleman. After all, any well-mannered man is the embodiment of gallantry and strength.

According to modern rules of etiquette in public places, a man should be located to the left of his lady. On the right, only military personnel who need to salute are allowed to go. If a woman slips or stumbles, the gentleman must support her by the elbow. In a calm environment, the right to take a man by the arm remains with the lady.

True gentleman will never smoke in the presence of a woman unless she gives her consent.

When entering and leaving the premises, the gentleman must open the door in front of the lady, while walking behind her. Going down or up the stairs, a man, as a rule, goes a couple of steps behind, securing his companion. However, the man enters the elevator first, at the exit letting the lady go first.

The man should get out of the car first, while he, bypassing the vehicle, opens the passenger door and gives the woman a hand.

Entering the room, the man helps the woman take off her outer clothing, while leaving the room, he must help the lady get dressed. In addition, in a cultural society, it is not customary to sit down in the presence of standing ladies (this also applies to situations in public transport).

According to the rules of etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, it is better to arrive a few minutes earlier, because even a slight delay can put the lady in an awkward position and embarrass her. In unforeseen situations, you must try to warn in advance and be sure to apologize for being late.

Well-mannered man should help any woman, regardless of her age, to carry heavy objects. A handbag is not one of them, no matter how large and massive it looks.

Of course, in the modern world, relations between women and men have acquired a freer character than in former times. For example, when a gentleman tries to pay a restaurant bill or help a woman take off her coat while holding the door, supporters of the feminist movement will call it an insult to equality. That is why the modern gentleman must be realistic about the situation.

There is nothing reprehensible in the fact that women are the first to make dates or the first to confess their feelings. And restaurant bills now most often everyone pays for himself.

If during any celebration or celebratory event a white dance is announced, the man should not refuse the lady.
During the conversation, a well-mannered man will not cross his arms over his chest or keep them in his pockets. In addition, you do not need to turn various objects in your hands - this is a sign of inattention and disrespect for the interlocutor.

Modern etiquette men are required to appear in society in appropriate, neat clothes. Moreover, when planning a joint trip to any cultural event, you need to coordinate your outfit with the outfit of your companion in advance in order to look as harmonious as possible.

Men's hairstyle and haircut deserves special attention. Bald patches look ridiculous, which they try to mask by combing the rest of the hair in different directions. Also, do not paint over gray hair.

Any man who follows all of the above rules is able to conquer even the most “impregnable” hearts or gain authority among friends. The most important thing is to remember that a person who lives according to the rules of etiquette is able to achieve much more in modern society than without them.

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