Home Fruit trees Is it possible to enroll in a magistracy with triplets. Is it possible to enroll in a magistracy for another specialty. Master's degree as an innovation in recent years

Is it possible to enroll in a magistracy with triplets. Is it possible to enroll in a magistracy for another specialty. Master's degree as an innovation in recent years

At the present time, young people have access to a higher two-level education. Each student who in the future wants to become an excellent specialist in his chosen profile should clearly understand bachelor's and master's degrees - what they are and how these degrees differ from each other. The difference between them is significant, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Find out what are the features of these academic degrees.

What is Bachelor's Degree

This is the first, basic stage of academic education. The conditions for accessing it are simple. You need to get a secondary, secondary specialized or vocational education. You can enter after finishing the 11th grade of a school, a specialized college, a technical school, or a college. There is a misconception that undergraduate studies are incomplete higher education. This is not true. A bachelor's degree is the first full-fledged stage of higher education, in the presence of which a person has the right to get a job in his specialty.

How many study

As a rule, the educational process lasts four years, although there are exceptions. The student receives an academic bachelor's degree after passing the exams. It is worth noting that there are a number of specialties that, even at the basic level, cannot be mastered in 4 courses, especially in the medical and technical fields. Education at such faculties is divided into other stages that do not fit into the general concept of the European educational standard.

Undergraduate program

The plan is focused on providing the student with practical knowledge in his chosen specialty. There are practically no narrowly focused disciplines in the educational program. If they are included, then with a minimum number of hours, and only give basic knowledge. The bachelor's degree was originally conceived so that the student chooses a narrow specialty, and consciously continued his studies on it at the master's degree. In Russian practice, however, this stage has become relatively independent.

The bachelor's degree has recently been divided into two categories according to a number of characteristics and tasks assigned to students, although this innovation is not yet practiced everywhere. Types of the first stage of academic education:

  1. Applied. For students who plan to get a job immediately after graduating from a higher education institution. Practical training is underway. The applied bachelor's degree is only full-time.
  2. Academic. Professional training of bachelors planning to enroll in the future for a master's degree. The emphasis is on research work, many theoretical courses. You can study both full-time and part-time.

Bachelor in Russia

The program began to be introduced into the practice of our country after the signing of the Bologna Convention. The reform implies the gradual creation of a unified educational space of the European standard. Higher education in all countries should be two-stage: bachelor's and master's degrees. Previously, students received a specialist diploma after studying for 5-6 years. Now this practice is gradually moving away, but so far the "specialty" level has not been completely abolished, because not all professions can be mastered in 4 years, even at the basic level.

What is Master's Degree

This is the second stage of higher education, but in order to gain access to it, it is imperative to get the first. A person is considered a master's degree after he completely completes the educational process. Bachelors and persons who received a specialty before the introduction of the Bologna system can apply for a master's program free of charge. The course of subjects is selected so that the student is immersed as much as possible in practical and scientific activities.

The programs are supervised by teachers of the highest qualifications, doctors of science. From the very first semester, a mentor from among them is assigned to each student. Under the guidance of a teacher, a person chooses the direction of scientific research and defends a master's thesis. During the training, the student receives pedagogical skills and at the end of the program can work as a teacher.

Why do you need

Many people do not understand why they should go to lectures for some more time, if after the bachelor's degree they can immediately get a job. A person needs a master's degree in order for him to have the right to occupy leadership positions. To apply for a job in a number of specialties, you also need to get the second stage of higher education. In addition, a master's degree can be completed in order to receive an education not in the initially chosen, but in a different specialty.

What gives

Education is not easy, but it brings many benefits. After graduating from the master's degree, you will receive the following opportunities:

  1. You will be able to hold leadership positions, work in specialties that require both levels of higher education.
  2. Professional growth will be rapid even in the face of high competition.
  3. You will receive a lot of useful and in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
  4. If you realized that you have chosen a specialization by mistake, then the master's degree gives you the right to change it.
  5. The scholarship and other social guarantees (a place in a hostel, etc.) will be extended for another number of years.
  6. You will have an open road to admission to graduate school and teaching.

Do I need to go to a master's degree after a bachelor's degree

Each person makes this decision personally. It would be objectively unfair to say that a bachelor's degree is an inferior education. However, before deciding whether to enroll in a master's program, think about the following opportunities it provides for a graduate student:

  • the diploma is recognized internationally;
  • experience of working with foreign teachers;
  • conducting research and development for a candidate's work;
  • equivalence of foreign scientific qualifications PhD.

How to apply for a master's degree

Obtaining the second stage of higher education is possible only after completing a bachelor's degree. It will be necessary to pass an oral comprehensive interdisciplinary exam in the field of study. Its content and the procedure are determined by each university, therefore they are different everywhere. The results are evaluated on a 100-point scale in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna system. The training lasts two years. It is not necessary to enroll right away, at first you can work in your specialty for several years.

Who can apply

To submit documents, you must have a higher professional education. Bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees are suitable. Additional documents require an application, an identity card, a medical certificate and several photographs. To enroll on a budgetary basis, you need to have either a bachelor's degree or a specialty received before the Bologna process. Master's education may not be related to the direction of fundamental training chosen last time.

Master's in another specialty

In the process of obtaining higher education, you can change its direction. You can take any specialty, but practice shows that it is preferable to choose an adjacent one. However, if you are sure that you have the necessary knowledge to pass the entrance exam in a completely different profession, there are no obstacles. A master's degree after a bachelor's degree in another specialty is available at any Russian university and even outside the country.

Paid by the employer

The labor legislation lists compensation and guarantees for employees who combine professional activities with training. For example, a master's degree in a number of specialties, especially narrow scientific ones, is funded by an employer, to whom the state will transfer funds. If the admission is a personal initiative of the employee, then he will have to pay training, the company can only provide leave at its own expense.

If the second scientific step is necessary for an employee for career growth in a particular organization, they cannot be fired. In this situation, development is possible in two scenarios:

  1. The employer pays all expenses related to education. This is done if the company is very interested in the employee.
  2. The company gives days of paid leave to attend preparatory courses, lectures, and exams.

What is the difference between a bachelor's and a master's

The difference between these levels of education is not only the number of job opportunities. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree? A few examples:

  1. Only a bachelor can enroll in a master's program.
  2. Only a student who has an academic master's degree is eligible to study in graduate school.
  3. Undergraduate studies last four years. In the magistracy - two.
  4. The second stage of higher education can be obtained in a specialty that you acquired in your bachelor's degree.
  5. Who is a bachelor? It is focused on labor activity, the practical use of the knowledge gained. In the magistracy, they prepare for work in the research field.
  6. The second stage of higher education is not available in all educational institutions.

Bachelor's degree

This document confirming that a person has the first qualification stage of higher education provides him with the right to employment in the specialty he has acquired, as a rule, in the social and economic spheres. Its owner has every right to continue education and enroll in a magistracy. In foreign practice, most people immediately get a job after receiving a bachelor's degree. Only those who plan to engage in science and research continue to study.

Master's degree

With such a document, a person has access to a large selection of places of work. A master's degree significantly increases your chances of being employed in a specialty in analytical and research centers, large corporations. This diploma is a must for persons who plan to enter graduate school or engage in teaching in the future.

Do you need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree in Russia? Do I need to study for a master's degree after a bachelor's degree

Many modern university graduates are thinking about the question of whether a master's degree is needed after a bachelor's degree? Indeed, this is a serious question, because a young man has a choice: to continue his studies at another stage of higher education or to look for a job.

We will try to answer this question.

What is a Master's Degree?

Before solving the problem of whether you need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree, you need to figure out what it is.

This type of training has emerged in our country relatively recently. It appeared after Russia adopted the two-stage system of higher education, which has long existed in the Western world. In this system, higher education is divided, as it were, into two links: bachelor's degree, which involves practical training in professional skills, and master's degree, which is a higher level of mastering professional skills.

Education in the magistracy ends with the defense of a master's thesis and the receipt of the first scientific degree.

Second stage of higher education

It would seem that with this approach, it is very simple to solve the problem of whether you need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree. “Of course, she is needed,” any school graduate or his parent would think.

However, there are a lot of pitfalls in this innovation, which we will consider below.

Master's degree as an innovation in recent years

It just so happens that the significance of the magistracy for the Western system of higher education is much more significant than for ours.

This happened because in Russia there has always been a different system of higher education, which assumed the following stages: primary, secondary, secondary vocational and higher. There was also the possibility of obtaining academic degrees: candidate and doctor of sciences.

At the present stage, these two systems have survived in the Russian Federation, because of this, higher education was, as it were, divided into two halves: bachelor's and master's degrees. At the same time, it turns out that an ordinary specialist who has spent exactly 5 years at the university is equal to a master's degree who wrote a whole dissertation.

Therefore, until now, experts cannot unequivocally give an answer to the question of whether a master's degree is needed after a bachelor's degree in Russia? It is needed, because a university graduate already has not one, but two diplomas of higher education, however, employers do not pay much attention to what kind of higher education their employee has: a bachelor's or master's degree.

What are the prospects for the graduate?

First of all, the graduates of the school are wondering what such a two-stage education at the university will bring them.

Therefore, they are already deciding for themselves whether it is necessary to go to the magistracy after the bachelor's degree, or not.

Let's consider these perspectives in more detail.

Theoretically, a master's degree makes it possible to apply for a higher educational status. Therefore, a person with a master's degree can look for a more prestigious job.

However, as practice shows, employers are often interested simply in higher education and the specialty indicated in the diploma. In general, he does not care who comes to him: specialist, bachelor or master.

At the same time, the master's degree provides an opportunity to modify your professional path. Let's say a young man has completed a bachelor's degree in management. But he enters the magistracy with a degree in journalism. Having passed an additional exam, he can, as it were, get a second higher education in 2 years and then work in the specialty he chooses.

Another perspective that attracts young people who are considering whether they need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree is the opportunity to engage in teaching. But more on this in the next paragraph.

Masters for Teaching

In the West, this stage of higher education is a guarantee that the graduate will work in an educational institution: college or university. He can also take the position of a junior research assistant.

In our country, such a prospect exists, rather theoretically than practically.

This is due to the fact that in Russia it is now possible to obtain three academic degrees: Master's, Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science.

In universities, mainly candidates and doctors of sciences work, doctors are valued more, but there are fewer of them. There is a small percentage of teachers who have either a complete higher education on the principle of a specialist, or a master's degree.

However, there are very few such teachers (about 8% of the total number of teaching staff) and their position in universities is the most unenviable: they have the most workload and the lowest salary.

Therefore, in our country, in order to teach at a university and not be afraid of a possible layoff, you need to have not a master's degree, but a candidate of sciences.

And for this you need to go to graduate school and go through the difficult procedure of defending a Ph.D. thesis. The requirements for it are more stringent than for the master's work.

Features of modern master's degree

Let us note right away that learning is always a useful thing, but learning should be for the benefit of a person, and not to the detriment of his health or financial situation.

Therefore, before deciding for himself whether it is necessary to go to a master's program after a bachelor's degree, a young person must correlate his desires with his capabilities.

If he loves to study, goes to university with pleasure and is ready to spend two more years of his life in order to gain new knowledge, master new skills, then his choice is a master's degree.

If he barely made it through 4 years of study in a bachelor's degree, went to classes every other time and dreamed not about knowledge, but about a diploma as a document of education, then he certainly should not stay at the university for another 2 years with vague prospects for their future professional activities.

As we have already noted above, a master's degree in modern conditions is something like a small plus sign in a biography. To be more precise, it is evidence that a person diligently “gnawed the granite of science” for the sake of his future success. He rationally chose for himself one more professional, simpler, or improved his knowledge in the old field, he worked day and night. However, the master's degree does not provide any guarantees of future prestigious employment.

For example, let's ask a question about whether an economist needs a master's degree after a bachelor's degree

Perhaps one more diploma of higher education will come in handy. However, it is obvious that a young person who graduated from a bachelor's degree and entered a specific position of economist in a small enterprise after two years will acquire more theoretical and practical experience than one who entered a full-time master's program and spent another 2 years at the university.

Forms of education

Let's note the fact that the forms of study in the master's program are the same as in the bachelor's program.

There is a possibility of full-time, distance learning. Distance learning lasts two and a half years, full-time - two years. The form of education has not yet been indicated in the diploma of education, although the Ministry of Education plans to indicate such a form soon.

Anyone who decides whether it is necessary to complete a master's degree after a bachelor's degree, and at the same time plans to work and study, should know that the number of classroom lessons in a master's program is large. Often, universities, due to a lack of audiences, transfer master's studies to the 3rd shift, which begins at about 5 pm and ends late in the evening.

The forms of control are the same as in the undergraduate program: accounting for current progress, credits, exams, for correspondence students - control papers, etc.

The number of budget places for undergraduates

Also, young people who dream of continuing their education should be aware of such a trend in recent years as the reduction in the number of budget-funded places in universities for undergraduates. Usually the number of such places is equal to a quarter of the graduating bachelors.

If the applicant does not enter a budgetary place, then he or his parents will have to pay for tuition out of their own pocket. At the same time, the prices for studying for a master's degree are much higher than for a bachelor's degree.

Partly because of this, the flow of people willing to study is not so great. It turns out that many young people, when asked whether it is necessary to enter a master's program after a bachelor's degree, answer negatively for themselves.

This, of course, does not mean that education at this level of higher education should be abandoned altogether. However, it is necessary to very carefully assess both your strengths and your capabilities.

How to proceed?

In general, any young person who is trying to solve for himself such a serious question as "Do I need to study in a magistracy after a bachelor's degree?", You can advise the following.

First, weigh the pros and cons of your eventual training. Think about whether his family or himself has the material opportunity to receive such an education. Indeed, in fact, it will be very difficult to work during these 2 years. Will such a student be able to provide himself financially? Will he be able to find funds for his maintenance?

Secondly, think about whether there are budget places for such a level of education or will you have to look for your own financial resources?

Thirdly, is there an opportunity to enroll in a magistracy in a new specialty? For example, let's ask a question about whether a lawyer needs a master's degree after a bachelor's degree? Perhaps it is needed if a lawyer enters a magistracy in a new specialty, mastering the specialization of a criminalist or political scientist.

Is it possible to quit the master's degree?

This question is also very often asked. Indeed, the number of graduate students expelled at their own request is 2 times higher than from undergraduate programs.

This is due to the fact that young people, realizing that, having entered the magistracy, they continue to remain in the status of a "student", decide to abandon the role that has boring them and go into professional activity. Fortunately, they already have a higher education diploma at the undergraduate level.

For example, does a programmer need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree, a young person who is already in demand in the modern labor market? Does he need another 2 years to study when he can already work?

Of course, every young programmer should answer this question independently.

Is there an alternative to such training?

It should be noted that an alternative to such training exists today. This is the so-called professional retraining, which allows you to engage in a new type of activity.

The essence of such training, presented in the programs of most large and small universities in our country, boils down to the fact that a person who wants to get the right to engage in a new type of activity enters such a program and after a while receives a diploma.

The training is individual and group in nature, but there are fewer teaching hours, so there are also few classroom lessons.

And the last question: does an accountant need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree?

After all that we have said above, it is not difficult to find the answer to this question. Yes, a master's degree can also be useful for an accountant, but he still needs to try to find this type of training. In our country, even a person without higher education, who simply completed accounting courses, can become an accountant. There is accounting in the framework of a bachelor's degree, but a master's degree with such a specialization is generally very difficult to find.

So, not all specialties in our country have this direction of higher education.

Thus, in this short article, we examined the question of what a modern master's degree program is in Russia. Of course, this area of ​​education has certain prospects, but so far this system is experiencing difficulties associated with the peculiarities of its implementation in the educational practice of our state.

Is a master's degree a second higher education?

Now, those who have graduated from a university on any one program have the opportunity to enter the magistracy for further study. The question arises, why is this necessary and what will be obtained in the end? Let's try to figure out whether this will be just a step towards obtaining a scientific degree or a master's degree - this is a second higher education that will make you a broad-based specialist in a shorter time than when studying from an elementary level.

What is the Master's program for?

The terms "master" and "magistracy" appeared in Russian education quite recently, although they were introduced back in 1803 as an intermediate stage between the conferring of candidate and doctoral degrees. At the same time, everyone who graduated with honors from the university was considered a candidate, and those who passed the master's examinations (general part and dissertation) received the right to be elevated to the rank of titular counselor.

The need to revive the master's status arose after the accession of the Russian education system to the so-called "Bologna Process", which began in Europe since 1999. The agreement in Bologna was aimed at creating an unhindered choice of a place of study and work for students or researchers, as well as an easy transition from one university to another. Its components are:

  • The same levels of education for higher education institutions in different countries,
  • Comparability of scientific degrees awarded by different organizations,
  • Convenience of transferring disciplines previously studied in another place - city or country,
  • A unified form of the diploma and annexes to it with attestation data.

Receiving higher education was divided into stages, the second of which was the magistracy. The gradual transition to a new system over time should completely eliminate the specialty. Then the passage of higher levels, such as graduate school and obtaining the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, without a master's degree will be impossible.

IMPORTANT! Education within the framework of a bachelor's degree is already a higher education and gives all its rights, while a master's degree is necessary for the possibility of conducting independent scientific work and teaching at a university.

Second degree through magistrate

The laws

The legislation of the Russian Federation, leaning towards the principle of continuous education, allows persons with a higher diploma to enroll in magistracy, regardless of the level of education they have completed. As a result, you will receive a master's degree in any narrow specialty, which, depending on the initial conditions, may or may not be a second higher education:

  • If you have a bachelor's degree, then studying in a master's degree will be considered a continuation of education and an increase in professional level, but not a second higher education (like senior school classes after 9 years of age or postgraduate studies after graduation),
  • If your diploma is about the completion of a master's degree, then a magistrate in any other specialty automatically becomes the second highest,
  • If you are the owner of a two-in-one diploma, a specialist that is becoming a thing of the past, then while enrolling in a master's program in related professions, you can also get another specialty with a university diploma.

INTERESTING! In many universities of the country, specialists so far have the happy opportunity to enroll in a master's program for free within the framework of their first higher education, not only gaining new knowledge and skills, but also becoming twice-certified personnel.


Of course, there is no point in enrolling in a magistracy with a master's degree or a specialist in the same direction, but with a bachelor's degree it is reasonable, but not always justified, because a bachelor's degree already gives a higher education, which is quite enough to get a job in your specialty (if you have no goal engage in in-depth science or teaching).

But for those who want to change direction and get another profession in the magistracy, there is an opportunity to do this after any level of study at the university:

  1. After the bachelor's degree, the only opportunity is to enter the same direction, but with the study of a different profile (production management - financial management, etc.). Such a change is not prohibited by the law on education, which is boldly used by both universities and students. At the same time, you can get two specializations on one base, expanding your capabilities upon graduation.
  2. Specialists and masters can get a full-fledged second higher education by completing a magistracy in another area of ​​activity. But even here the choice of a related specialty will be the most successful, since in any case a magistrate is not training "from scratch", but an increase in your qualifications.

Is it possible to enroll in a magistracy for another specialty

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Master's degree in a COMPLETELY different direction. Is it possible?

I am finishing foreign philology, bachelor's degree. And I want to enter the magistracy in biology. Once I was very seriously engaged in it, I entered both the philology and biology faculties, chose a foreign country (I like low-paid professions, what can you do :). I watched the program of entrance examinations, it doesn’t scare me. Is it possible from a legal point of view? Or bachelor's degree again, t. *****. second higher education?

interesting vrpos you have. he worries me too. I am also a future bachelor of philological education. And I would like to go to the magistracy of no Ying Yaz (provided that I have a secondary special - Ying Yaz).

We have one teacher who graduated from the bachelor's degree in FF, and the magistracy - in history. Now he teaches history at his university. So, I think anything is possible. you need to find out specifically on the spot.

oh, sorry for the typos. I'm in hurry.)))))

no. it cannot be so .. the initial specialty must correspond to the magistracy .. I work at the university. I know

Well, or maybe a related specialty, such as - mathematics - economics, and then most likely with the delivery of the academic difference. but from philological faculty to biology - no.

maybe you mean the second higher?

You can, but when you write an essay why you want this particular specialty, you will need to justify.

Well, here's the confusion: the second higher is for me, without any master's degree, to study again for a bachelor's degree. And here is a master's degree, but in biology. Together with the graduates of the Biological Faculty, I pass the introductory ones, at this moment, after all, no one looks at what diploma I have. Or looks? On the website of the university it says so: bachelors with a natural science education answer one question, not having - two (well, something like that). So, I can be an English philologist-biologist, but not having two different education, but one, which consists of two stages. Or could it not be so? And where does the academic. difference? I'm not transferring anywhere. Bachelor's and Master's are two different degrees.

How great it turns out: everywhere it is written that the master's program, including for this, was invented in order to study in different directions, and the girl (posts 5 and 6), who works at the university, says that the directions must correspond.

Do not listen to those who say that graduates are only accepted by referral. of course, the selection committee gives more preference to those who enter the profile. but very many in our higher educational institution entered and not in specialized specialties (from philosophy, English philology they entered economics.). and I also changed one faculty to another (and the VVUZ state). so that if you have a great desire it is better to prepare well for the entrance tests.

Sorry, not VVUZ, but VUZ ((((

I think not, from a purely logical understanding, because in the magistracy, knowledge should be based on some kind of basis, there is no connection between philology and biology. -

I also asked such a question on this forum, then they answered me complete nonsense, in short, they did not answer anything. I also think that there should be basic knowledge to study in a magistracy, but why then on the websites of universities such a phrase is published: "entrance examinations for applicants to a magistracy with a non-core vocational education". it is generally possible, for example, having a humanitarian specialist diploma, to enter the magistracy at the Faculty of Law. criminal law? The first diploma has nothing to do with jurisprudence. And will they then hire a legal advisor to the organization after such education, moreover, that the specialization turns out to be not civil law, but criminal.

I am a specialist, but I looked at the requirements for applying for a master's degree (albeit at a European university). Practical training in all master's degrees requires a specialized primary education (bachelor's degree), you will not get an economics master's degree without a passed bachelor's degree in economics. Lisch tol & ъ228; but for some specialties the specialization of the bachelor does not matter,

It is possible if you already have certain knowledge sufficient for studying in a master's program in this direction. The problem will be, what if the program is already designed for the knowledge that was in the bachelor's program? Check with the admissions office. Take it straight and ask.

It is certainly possible to study in a different direction in a master's program. take even the St. Petersburg ITMO, where both humanities and techies are hired for the program "Management of state information systems", you just need to properly prepare for the introductory.

Yes, these are really different sciences! Here it is better to finish a bachelor's degree in biology first.

Is it possible to take an academic if I am a second year graduate student?

Is it possible to work at a school as a foreign language teacher without completing a master's degree (only bachelor's degree)?


is it possible to complete a Master of Laws with a Bachelor of Philology ?!

I am also interested in this question. I have a specialist degree in English Philology, and I want to enter the legal magistracy "Civil Law" or "Theory of State and Law".

Is it possible to enroll in a magistracy in a new direction of study, different from the initial one?

Upon admission to the master's program, you have the right to choose any direction of study, regardless of the profile of your initial education. The ability to change the direction of study and master a new specialty is one of the key advantages of the 4 + 2╩ system (bachelor's + master's).

And if a person with a bachelor's degree in philology goes to a master's degree in management, will it be okay?

These, it seems, are not radically different specialties.

Last summer I wanted to go to the mine, the admissions office told me that after the bachelor's degree (I entered economics), you can choose a master's degree in any direction, even medicine. and recently a completely acquaintance said that this is not so, and now this will not happen, they say, magitrature is only within the framework of the basic direction. So of course the idea is correct, but still? Is it really true? who to believe?

For example, I am a mathematician, after completing my bachelor's degree, can I enroll in a master's degree in philosophy

I am studying at a creative university with a degree in socio-cultural technologies, will it be possible for me to study for a master's degree in journalism or film directing? in principle, the specialties are related, but still have any exact assumptions?

Graduates of the bachelor's degree and specialty, in view of the miracle of the opportunity to enter and start at the master's degree directly "Consolidated information". The main passages of specialization are the possibility of entering from any university, rejecting the knowledge and knowledge that are necessary for the schoolchildren, the possibility of starting on a non-standard basis!

Post: [email protected] , [email protected]

Do not engage in nonsense - read the rules of admission. And do not contact the little ones like the one where the author of answers 5 and 6 works. I am a chemist by my first education (specialty), I entered the budget for a magistracy in economics, and in the second year of a magistracy, I entered the magistracy in foreign languages ​​for a fee. All three universities are large enough, prestigious and state-owned. Without a specialized education, they are reluctant to take only a magistracy in law and music, although they have no right to refuse admission to the competition.

Good day! I received a specialist diploma three years ago, now I work at a large state university as a specialist in educational and methodological work, and this year I entered the magistracy in a completely different specialty, not related to the previous one. And this is not considered a second higher education, and my basic training is completely different. Since I work at a university, and I am engaged in educational and methodological work, then with 100% certainty I can dispute the previous post. I come across all decrees, laws and regulations in education every day.

The specialty was humanitarian, I entered the magistracy in mathematics, the main thing is to prepare well and pass all the exams.

Good luck to everyone, go for it.

Zdravstvuyte! Moy sin v etom qodu zakanchivaet bakalavriaturu fak.international business and menejment, mojet li on postupit v maqistraturu na international law? Spasibo!

Lord, why did fellow bachelors and graduate students write with so many mistakes, especially philologists?

And I have a question, by the way. If the specialty is jurisprudence, can I enroll on a paid basis in the magistracy or postgraduate studies in journalism? Or is it, no way already? :-)

Tell me, is it true that you can enroll in a master's program in a profile different from the one you studied at the bachelor's degree, you can last year, and then only in your specialty? I am studying at a technical university, but in the future I would like to work in the police and, accordingly, have a master's degree in law.

Firstly, after the specialty, you can go anywhere, all this will be considered the second highest. So the author of the previous post incorrectly answered the question. I myself work at a university and I can say with 100% certainty that from this year on, new codings are being introduced in areas, a new decree of the Minister of Education, in which it is CLEARLY spelled out that ONLY those who graduated from the bachelor's degree from the same group of areas can enter the magistracy. All directions are divided into certain groups (there are about 40-50 of them, I don’t remember exactly). Only within one group can you continue your studies in the magistracy. Otherwise, you need to go to the bachelor's degree first.

my husband graduated from the economic faculty of a regional university in 2001. In this he entered the magistracy with a degree in Psychology. give a link to the "new ministerial decree". Otherwise it's not good to mislead people :-)

Lord, why did fellow bachelors and graduate students write with so many mistakes, especially philologists? And by the way, a question arose in my mind. If the specialty is jurisprudence, can I enroll on a paid basis in the magistracy or postgraduate studies in journalism? Or is it, no way already? :-)

Are there any ORDERS of the Minister of Education?

graduated from a university with a degree in law, now she entered a magistracy in a completely different university for the specialty of preschool education - will the study leave be paid, is it considered a second higher education?

Master's degree is not a second higher education! This is the second stage of higher education!

In our group, many studied like this, for example, with me, a bachelor's degree in mathematics, a master's degree in economics. A couple of guys were from the philology department, I think.

You may ask, how were the entrance examinations in order to get to the master's degree in a different profile of study? And is it possible on a budget?

Tell me, is it possible to finish one more master's degree after master's degree, that is, bachelor's + master's1 + master's2 ?? or in order to graduate from the magistracy2, you need to complete another 4 years of bachelor's2. So, is it possible to end up with one bachelor's degree and two master's degrees? Thank you.

I graduated from a university in 2009, now I am entering a magistracy of a completely different profile (jurisprudence), after graduation, will the diploma be considered a full-fledged diploma, can I find a job in the relevant authorities and will it be considered a second higher education? Thanks.

Or let's say I'll be a legal mechanic 😆

48 is also interested in this question

In Russia, a long time ago (and even in Ukraine since 2015), the so-called "cross-entry" was introduced - this means that having a bachelor's degree in one specialty, you can study for a master's degree in a completely different specialty. In Ukraine, however, there is an exception - it is impossible to enroll in medical and legal specialties. That is, if you are a bachelor in physics or a technician but want to become a master of biology or an economist wants to become a master of metallurgy or construction - please, this is allowed. If you have at least some bachelor's degree, then you can also get at least a few master's degrees and everything in different specialties. The ONLY MANDATORY CONDITION for admission is to pass the entrance exam for the magistracy in the specialty being entered

But as you yourself understand, the exam is written in the form of tests, and since you are applying for a contract, they will accept you anyway, even though you will choose the answers at random on the exam ..

This cross-entry came to us from the Bologna education system. It was made for the convenience of students, so that they could receive not one but several diplomas in one period of time and apply them in different fields.

P.S. If you enroll in a master's degree in jurisprudence, you will receive a full-fledged master's degree. It will say "lawyer" and you will have the right to hold all positions that correspond to this diploma - that is, to be a lawyer, prosecutor, judge, investigator, notary, etc.

and what kind of bachelor's degree you had before does not matter

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Is it possible to enroll after a specialist in a magistracy

The specialty has long held the position of the system of classical higher education. Today it is outliving its own, giving way to the "Bologna" standard - bachelor's degree. But there are still enough specialists so that the question of studying in a magistracy after a specialist degree remains relevant.

The answer is known, understandable, transparent.

  • Yes, the holder of a specialist / graduate diploma can become a master's student. You can enter the same university where you received your first education, or another (Russian, foreign).
  • The specialist determines the direction himself (related specialty, new profile, the same specialization).
  • Holders of diplomas of the sample before 2010 have the opportunity to enroll in a magistracy after a specialist on the terms of one higher education. The rest become undergraduates in the program of the second higher (paid) education (80% + cases).

Who is this choice for?

The learning objectives differ, experts point out three popular reasons:

  • the need for career growth (30% of undergraduates): master's degree after a specialist in the same specialty - the 2nd level of professional training, gives the right to hold managerial positions, advance in related functional areas, engage in analytics, research;
  • the need to change the profile (50% of students): the primary choice of a specialty is often wrong, the employers' market changes trends, technologies are improving, new specialists in new fields are required;
  • deferral from military service: after a specialist degree, you can enroll in a magistracy in order to deepen your knowledge and extend the legal right not to go to serve for 2 years.

Master's students are motivated by the desire to work for a foreign employer (for him a specialist is an incomprehensible, unknown qualification, and a master is a recognized professional, practitioner, analyst in the international field), to change his profile, to advance horizontally / vertically at work.

Admission to the magistracy after a specialist in another specialty

Is it possible after the specialty to enter the magistracy at another faculty? The law on education does not abolish this possibility, but some universities set their own restrictions for a radical change of profile (philologist - biologist, physician - engineer). When making a decision, it is important to understand: undergraduates do not teach the basics of the profession, they are engaged in:

  • conducting research projects;
  • the acquisition of analytical skills;
  • mastering the primary base of teacher skills (within the framework of the chosen profile).

It is difficult for a master's student to study without a general idea of ​​the new specialty, understanding of its laws / regularities, and the basics. De facto, you will have to independently master the basics of specialization, understand, deepen. There is such a willingness - you can change direction, but you will have to devote a lot of time to study. Plus, upon admission (at the discretion of the university), additional exams may be required (for a new profile).

Post-graduate studies in the same specialty in a master's program

The choice of the faculty determines how much to study in the magistracy after the specialty. The minimum period established by the State Standards / Law is 2 years. When changing specialty, reduction is excluded.

The choice of a related direction will make it possible to re-enroll a part of the compulsory disciplines - to transfer (if they have already been taken on the specialist) from the insert of the specialist's diploma. Other advantages of studying the same specialty:

  • great interest: what was previously learned is supported by practical research, scientific experiments;
  • understandable program: when there is a basic understanding, it is easier to work with new data;
  • the possibility of combining work / study.

Choosing a related / your specialty, you gain in time, gain access to a new level of professional training and exchange an unquoted (outside the Russian Federation) diploma for a prestigious master's degree.

Leningradsky prospect, 80, buildings E, Zh, G.

Sokol metro station, exit in the center of the hall on the street. Baltiyskaya, then on foot or by trolleybus (No. 6, 43) to the stop “Institut Hydroproekt” (1 stop), turn right at the trolleybus depot.

On the way to any goal, there are always some obstacles. Many of them can be overcome because we create them ourselves. Consider five such barriers to enrolling in a master's degree abroad.

1. You don't have a plan

“We cannot be led astray: we don’t care where to go” - with this motto you will not reach your goal soon or never. You need an admission plan for a master's degree program with clear objectives and deadlines. Examples of such tasks can be achieving a certain level of proficiency in a foreign language, preparing for a test, etc.

The format of the plan can be any, but the content and terms of the plan for each will be individual, since they depend on your goals, the presence or absence of certain experience and competencies that may be required for admission to.

2. You are constantly procrastinating

Many people suffer from this, but it should not be an excuse for you. Once you have a plan, it will be more difficult for you to postpone your graduate studies. If preparation is not one of your priorities, then you will always be "too busy" or "too tired" to do so. You should make it part of your schedule.

3. You are far from reality

This can be expressed in different ways. Some are sure that you can enter a master's program in a week. Others think that the preparation of documents is just a formality: now they will find it on the Internet, whip up something and get a scholarship to study for a master's degree.

Still others are convinced that with solid Cs in their diploma and lame English, they will be invited to study at Harvard or Oxford, and certainly for free. The sooner you get rid of such misconceptions, the better!

4. You lack motivation

Simply put, you yourself do not know what you want: you don’t care where to study, whom to study for, and what to do after graduation - just to “ditch”. This is called lack of motivation.

Only a second-rate British university does not care about your motivation, for which an international student is a cash cow, because he pays 3 times more than local students.

If you want to choose from a full range of study abroad opportunities and, it is important to be able to articulate your motivation convincingly.

5. You want to drastically change your specialty

If you received a degree in history, but suddenly decide that you want to enroll in a master's degree in finance, then your chances of enrolling will be low.

In a motivation letter, you will have to substantiate reasonably why you want, and also demonstrate that you have basic knowledge or universal skills that are applicable to the chosen training program.

Your grades in school are poor, but are you dreaming of studying abroad? Do you think studying abroad is something unattainable? Want to turn back and start learning better?

In fact, not very good marks in a school certificate are not always an obstacle to admission to a foreign institution of higher education. In this article, we will share four secrets to enrolling in foreign universities for those who doubt their success due to unsatisfactory marks.

Take responsibility

Foreign university admissions committees are well aware of the many factors that influence a student's grades in school. Moral shock, illness, home problems, transfer to another school - all this can worsen the student's academic performance.

In addition, many schoolchildren in the learning process pay special attention to individual subjects that will be useful to them in the future, while “missing” other disciplines. Thus, a school certificate may not always be a fair indicator of an applicant's actual knowledge and abilities.

If you can substantiate certain unsatisfactory grades in your certificate, you should do this when applying to a foreign university. That being said, it is also worth mentioning that you take responsibility for your grades and ensure that your past academic performance does not affect your university studies.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and educational institutions understand this. The main thing is that you must be able to explain the reasons for your failures thoughtfully and in an adult way and take full responsibility for them. This will help the receiving committee see you as a mature, serious person, ready to make every effort during your studies at the university.

If you are not sure about your certificate, a letter of recommendation provided to the university can become your main assistant in admission. In fact, in most cases, it is the letter of recommendation that is one of the decisive factors in the admission of a foreign student to the university. This letter can be written by a teacher, head teacher, or even the headmaster of the school you are graduating from.

In short, it should be written by an official representative of the educational institution who knows about your progress and can confirm your desire to learn better and improve.

The letter should reflect your strengths and successes, should emphasize such aspects of your personality as responsibility and seriousness. Remember that a kind word spoken to you can sometimes play an important role in your destiny!

Take your time with admission

In foreign universities, there are usually different deadlines for admission to the same programs. Thus, the process of enrolling in a course can be completed long before the start of studies, at standard times or just before the start of classes.

If your grades are poor in school, you shouldn't rush into your application. If possible, you can use this time to improve your academic performance - retake exams, consult with teachers, etc.

In addition, your attempt to correct your own marks may be reflected in a letter of recommendation.

Complete pre-university studies

The educational system of many countries today offers specialized pre-university education, which, in most cases, lasts for one year. In different countries, pre-university courses are called differently, in America, for example, this is Community College.

Such courses involve not only preparing for university studies, but also improving the academic performance of students. Usually, the received pre-university education practically guarantees successful admission to the chosen university, even for those whose school grades are not very good.

Try to successfully complete the preparatory courses, and the doors of a higher educational institution will open in front of you.

Now you know about the four steps that you should take to enter a foreign university, even if you are not completely confident in your abilities. Go for it and you will succeed!

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