Home Fruit trees Not enough energy what to do. Why is there no energy and strength in the body? Where to get strength and energy for life. Create yourself a comfortable environment

Not enough energy what to do. Why is there no energy and strength in the body? Where to get strength and energy for life. Create yourself a comfortable environment

If a person has little energy, nobody is interested in him! People react to energy, they flock to those who "shine".

Those who are called charismatic are, first of all, a person filled with energy, who can and wants to give, share this energy! Most people do not know how to fill themselves with energy, so they look for other people in whose field you can feel "filled".

Signs that a person has a lot of energy

The most important and first criterion for being full of energy is the desire to share. The desire to do something, to create, to make the world a better place! If you have a desire to help, then you are filled with high energy potential!

  • a positive outlook on the world, the ability to see opportunities and potentials,
  • absence of diseases,
  • low need for food and sleep,
  • inner state of calmness and balance,
  • desire to act and expand their comfort zones, to try new things.

Signs that there is little energy in a person

  • frequent bad mood
  • chronic fatigue and lack of strength,
  • high need for sleep and food,
  • diseases or frequent colds,
  • feeling like a victim, constant complaints
  • irritability, anger, resentment,
  • state of consciousness: “Everyone owes me - I don’t owe anything to anyone”,
  • pessimistic approach to life, we see life in black and gray according to the principle "Everything is bad, but it was better before."

How to fill energy reserves?


If you breathe consciously, while observing how the body feels, where the clamps are and with the intention of allowing energy to pass into the whole body, there is a surge of strength.

To relieve stress, and stress is a disconnection from the channel of connection with your Spirit and the Creator, there is an instant blackout and powerful loss of energy. Conscious breathing, switching attention to not yourself, your state and at least 5-10 minutes to be in silence, breathing, allows you to restore a more calm state.


Food gives energy: greens, all vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, water, minimal thermal processing when preparing food (refers to vegetables and fruits), as well as eating food immediately after cooking, and not after a few hours or days.

Energy practices

The most powerful and powerful ways to replenish and increase energy are energy practices. The simpler ones include physical activity: for men it is sports, yoga, tai chi, for women, swimming, dancing.

But the strong and powerful practices of purification and filling with energy are prayers, communication with the Creator.

Be energetic, healthy and happy every day!

What do you usually do in the evenings? Meeting friends, spending time with your kids, going to the gym or going to the movies? Or, complaining of overwork, do your last effort to get home and you are no longer enough for anything else? If all your energy stays at work, you are probably doing something wrong. We figured out how to use your energy efficiently and where you can find unexpected sources of it.

1. Do what you love

Let's start with the obvious. We will never feel exhilarated at the end of a working day if the previous 8 hours have been doing what we hate. In order to feel happier and less fatigued at work, according to research from the Canadian University of Alberta, we need to have a clear understanding of the purpose of what we are doing.

At the end of the day, review what you did for today and make a list of tasks for tomorrow.

Every day, try to think about who could benefit from your work, however small. Every work has a result that someone needs, remember this. Then focus on what your job gives you personally, what your needs are met by it, and what goals are being achieved.

Finally, try to celebrate every day what was good at work today. The more often you do this simple three-step exercise, the happier and more energetic you will feel, the less likely you are to overwork yourself.

2. Open windows

First, by airing the room, we cool it down. We get much more tired at work when the air temperature reaches 28 ° C and above. Secondly, by opening windows, we reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide, which some experts also associate with work fatigue.

“Carbon dioxide concentrations increase over the course of the day if the room is not adequately ventilated,” explains Richard Barry, home climate control specialist. If your office has few or no windows, consider planting plants to absorb carbon dioxide and other environmental pollutants that can contribute to fatigue. In addition, they are simply pleasing to the eye.

3. Sit up straight.

If you sit hunched over all day, then you are putting your muscles under strain, which provokes overwork. “When you slouch, you feel less attractive, it affects your mood and, as a result, causes fatigue,” says physical therapist Sammy Margot. She advises sitting upright in the chair, as if someone is trying to gently pull you out of it.

4. Conduct an audit of completed and unfinished cases

Unfinished business takes energy away from us. Thoughts about them will haunt us at home, not allowing us to rest. But if at the end of the day you take some time to revise what we have done today and make a list of tasks for tomorrow, you have a chance to leave work with a sense of satisfaction and energy.

5. Watch your computer screen

If your eyes get tired by the end of the day, it could be a poorly configured computer monitor. Ophthalmologists recommend choosing fonts that are easier to perceive with the eyes, no less than 12 point size. It is important that the monitor itself is located 33 to 59 cm from your face and that the center of the screen is approximately level with your eyes. And of course, do not forget to wipe the screen from dust - it can distort the image, giving additional strain to your eyes.

6. Use blue light

Researchers at the University of Surrey, England, found that those who swapped out regular white bulbs for bluish bulbs (closer to natural daylight) felt less sleepy during the day.

"Blue light stimulates melanopsin receptors in the brain, which are responsible for maintaining arousal state in the body," says Dr. Derk-Jan Dijk, author of the study.

If you can't get your boss to drastically change the office environment, start by buying blue light bulbs that mimic natural light to help keep your body healthy.

7. Drink licorice tea

Our adrenal glands produce stimulating hormones that help us stay awake throughout the day. Their effect is especially strong at the beginning of the day after waking up and gradually decreases towards the evening. But with small disruptions in the body, a decrease in their action can begin already in the middle of the day, provoking afternoon drowsiness and evening apathy. A simple test can be done to check how your adrenal glands are functioning. Ask a friend to walk with you into the dark room.

Stand with your eyes open calmly for a minute or two until you feel completely accustomed to the dark, then ask a friend to shine a flashlight in your eyes and observe your pupils.

“If they pulsate instead of decreasing in size, it’s a sign that you have problems with the adrenergic system,” says nutritionist Ali Godbold. The main preventive recommendation for the restoration of adrenal activity is to reduce stress factors. But at the same time, Ali advises to consume licorice tea, which stimulates the work of adrenergic receptors, and therefore can have a temporary positive effect on the functioning of your body.

8. Drink water after every phone call

If your job involves frequent phone calls, dehydration can be the cause of your fatigue. TMI researchers at the American Stress Management Center have found that telephone fatigue is a major problem for call center employees.

Increased production of stress hormones leads to the deposition of fat in the abdomen

The fact is that when we talk, moisture from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity evaporates. The more dehydration, the more the blood thickens, the less it is able to carry oxygen. Get in the habit of taking a few sips of water after each phone call, they will help both your vocal cords and, in general, have a positive effect on your well-being.

9. Watch your waist

A study by the National Taiwan University Institute of Occupational Health found that women with a waist circumference of more than 80 centimeters fatigued twice as often as their slimmer counterparts. Dr. Marilyn Glenville believes that the increased production of stress hormones, especially cortisol and adrenaline, leads to the deposition of fat in the abdomen.

Therefore, if you strive to minimize stress and at the same time monitor your volumes, you are more likely to learn how to manage your energy throughout the day.

10. Eat right

Nutritionist Nigel Danby says if your energy begins to wane around lunchtime and you notice a cravings for sweets, it’s probably because you’re eating a poor diet. “Foods rich in simple carbohydrates, such as a white bread sandwich, are used to deplete energy quickly,” he says.

Reduce carbohydrates and replace them with complex ones, such as whole grain breads or bran, and add fruits and vegetables to your diet. People who eat a balanced diet are, on average, 10 times more energetic than those who do not include healthy foods in their diets.

  • September 26, 2018
  • Depressive states
  • Yulia Shishkina

Sometimes a person, waking up in the morning, feels a surge of strength and wants to quickly get down to daily activities. But sometimes people feel that everything is falling out of hand and there is not enough strength even to just get out of bed. If you feel depressed and understand that there is no energy and strength, this article is for you.

What is life energy

Some people equate the replenishment of life energy with esoteric practices and do not believe that it is possible to maintain it at a high level. But in fact, energy is what is in every person, that from which all living things are woven. The energy of life and the strength of the spirit are things that are not related to mysticism.

Lack of strength affects the physical health of a person, causes illness and significantly worsens the quality of life. Therefore, you need to make sure that you always have enough energy, learn to understand what led to its decrease.

How to understand that the level of vital energy has decreased

If you are a positive and cheerful person, then life seems easy and interesting. But at a certain moment, for no apparent reason, you suddenly feel bad, your mood deteriorates, and it takes more energy to complete elementary tasks than before. This suggests that your vitality and energy are decreasing.

Fatigue is another sign of a worsening condition. A person who does not have enough energy constantly feels that he does not have the strength for ordinary things that were previously easy.

Productivity at work and household chores declines. Responsibilities that a couple of days ago seemed simple, suddenly begin to take more time and effort. And the result of the work done leaves much to be desired. Reduced productivity indicates that you do not have energy and strength in the body. But this can manifest itself not only on the physical level, but also on the emotional one. Communication with loved ones ceases to bring joy. Friends who try to help and support only cause irritation and negativity. To keep yourself safe, to prevent quarrels, decrease in productivity and fatigue, you need to understand the reasons for the lack of vitality.

Why there is no strength and energy

A person's activity can be reduced through his own fault or due to the negative influence of the people around him, work, relationships. There are some of the most common causes of energy loss that anyone who wants to protect themselves from wasting this important resource should know.

Work that does not bring you pleasure is slowly but surely making you unhappy. Where to get strength and energy for life, if you spend most of it where you do not like? A person who does what is required of him every day, and not what he wants, will certainly be exhausted.

An unhealthy relationship in which one partner takes the strength and joy from the other through manipulation or aggression is another reason why a person's activity and strength is reduced. Losses become more noticeable when strength is stolen by the closest person to whom you have sincere feelings.

Negative emotions build up when they have no outlet. Resentment and anger, hidden somewhere in the depths of the soul, slowly eat up the energy of life and strength. If you constantly bypass conflicts instead of solving them, unsaid words turn into a huge problem for your peace of mind and strength.

When someone else's life interests a person more than his own, he is doomed to experience a lack of energy all the time. If you strive to improve other people's relationships, help a friend with work and make other people happy, you can be called a kind person, but this cannot make you more active and stronger, since energy is spent on outsiders. The same goes for taking care of your past, striving to fix what has already been done. There will be no energy when a person is wasting his strength on changing what is beyond his control.

How not to waste energy

To maintain strength, you need to know what actions lead to their loss. Here are some tips to follow to help prevent energy depletion:

  • Don't lie yourself and don't let others drag you into conversations full of lies.
  • Beware of unfinished business and promises that you cannot keep.
  • Do not try to defend your case where it is not necessary.
  • Don't cheat yourself by dwelling on the lack of confidence in your successes and achievements.
  • Talk about what's important without wasting energy on idle talk and gossip about others.
  • Do not hold a grudge, as it will torment only you, and not the culprit in what happened.
  • Don't waste energy on having sex with people you don't have feelings for.
  • Train yourself not to be afraid of the future. When it comes, then there will be a reason for joy or anxiety, otherwise the experiences will only waste energy and spoil the mood.
  • Don't think too much about money, especially when your financial situation does not depend on your efforts.

Once you've learned about the most common causes of exhaustion, it's time to learn how to bring strength and energy back into your life.

Communication with others

It is very important to have only positive people in your environment who inspire you. Purposeful, sociable friends are able to share their energy with you, and you can respond to them in kind. Thus, your relationship will be harmonious and healthy. But people who constantly complain about life, try to draw you into their apathy and shift problems will have a negative effect on your own mood. If you do not know where to get strength and energy, start by communicating with active and ambitious interlocutors. Learn new things from your friends, get inspired and just enjoy a company in which there is no place for apathy and negativity.

Healthy lifestyle

The human body is a tool that he uses throughout his life. It is necessary to keep it in good condition in order to conserve strength and energy for all that is most important.

Proper nutrition is the key to health. It's no secret that a person needs food to maintain life. But you can't just consume everything indiscriminately, otherwise you will be full, but not happy. Make dietary adjustments. Eat only wholesome, healthy food, observe the daily routine. Learn to eat to live, not the other way around. Overeating will have a negative effect not only on your figure, but also on the internal energy, strength and health of the body as a whole.

To feel cheerful and energetic, a person needs to rest. Violation of the daily routine leads to poor health, nervousness and constant fatigue. The body does not have the energy to function normally, and the person feels miserable due to decreased productivity and bad mood. No matter how busy your schedule is, take some time to relax. In order to watch TV at night, try to go to bed early, and soon you will notice how the energy returns to you, you will feel cheerful and energized.

Everyone knows that a healthy mind lives in a healthy human body. Do not neglect this golden rule if you want to be stronger both physically and mentally. Sports can help you relax and relieve stress. During the workout, you will feel how your body becomes healthier, and your head is freed from bad thoughts. Sport also helps to develop willpower, which is great for a person's character. It is not necessary to immediately start long training sessions and go to competitions. It is enough to find time to exercise or take a regular active walk.


Everyone knows that if he is tired, he should rest. Then the person goes to sleep or relaxes on the couch. But when it comes to the loss of inner energy and fatigue from emotions, the rest should be appropriate. In such a situation, sleep or even a vacation in warm countries will not help. If you don't have energy, you need to take a break from the hustle and bustle and just stop. Do not run, trying to do everything, but just let go of the situation and enjoy the moments of peace.

You can sit on the seashore or another body of water, watch the sunset, listen to the birdsong. If you feel that you do not have enough energy to work, but you need to be in time for everything, take a couple of minutes and remain in silence. This will not take a lot of your time, but it will help you to quickly release the accumulated stress and prepare yourself for a good rest.

Enjoying life

Contrary to popular belief, you can enjoy life without having a huge income and not having a lot of free time. Enjoying life means taking from it what you already have and using it here and now. If your home has a new coffee shop, don't wait until your busy friends are free to go with you. Just go and enjoy your coffee when you feel like it. Visit exhibitions, go to the cinema, enjoy small pleasures.

Wear nice clothes, even if there is no reason for it. Put on your favorite outfit for a walk or meeting with friends, without waiting for the right moment, because it never comes. Get everything you can take right now and don't let others dictate what to do. There is no vitality and energy in those people who are not able to seek pleasure in everything and rejoice in little things, being in constant pursuit of something big, which will certainly elude them.

Completed cases and responsibilities

Sometimes a person makes big plans for life and for the sake of their implementation is ready to be active and energetic. But then the decline in motivation forces him to be distracted by other, more mundane things, and the tasks started in a burst of cheerfulness remain unfulfilled. Unfinished business can take away energy from a person, over and over again return to him in the form of lack of confidence in his abilities and hold, preventing him from developing.

Make a list in which you list everything that you wanted to do, but never got it done. Highlight those tasks that you did not start and those that were not completed. Start with small unfinished business and work your way up to bigger plans. This will keep you motivated and not lose all your strength at once. Freed from unfinished business, a person will feel lighter and freer.

Love and family

Communication with loved ones can cheer you up, inspire and fill a person with vital energy. But love has an even greater impact by making you experience strong emotions. Feelings in relation to your significant other bring meaning and motivation to a person's life to work on oneself.

If you are building a relationship with someone who is constantly pulling you down, shifting their problems, and trying to manipulate, you need to seriously consider whether to continue. A person in love becomes more vulnerable to the object of his sighing and absorbs all the negativity. Only share your energy with those who give it to you in return.

Communicate with your family, go to relatives on holidays. Spending time with your family will make you happier and remind you of the carefree days when you were an energetic, stress-free child.

New experience

Trying something new, a person not only gains invaluable experience, but also feels a rise in vital energy. Go where you have not been before, explore this place in order to take all possible positive emotions from the trip. You don't have to spend a lot of money on a trip or buy new, expensive things. You can try an interesting recipe or change your image. This will not require you to spend a lot, but fresh emotions will fill you and give you energy, strength for new achievements.

Creativity and art

Think back to your childhood, when you did what you liked and did not think about the result. Try to remember a long-neglected hobby and do it again. If you have ever written a book, return to this activity and finish your work. If you had an interesting idea for a painting that you hesitated to bring to life due to lack of skill, you can try to draw it. The end result may not be what you expected to see, but it is not that important compared to the process itself. Creativity can help you replenish energy and relax by doing what is interesting.

If you are feeling unhappy or having negative emotions, give them an outlet. Express your feelings on canvas, describe in poetry or song. Creativity can help tell your story and find peace of mind.

Visit exhibitions more often, watch theatrical performances. Art inspires and helps to learn something new. If you are not a creative person, just reach for beauty, look for beauty around you.

Take a walk through the forest gazing at the bizarre outlines of the trees, watch the snow fall, or enjoy the sunrise. Nature is fraught with a lot of beauty and helps a person to be alone with himself, to escape from the problems and bustle of the city.

Do you feel tired all the time? Welcome to the ranks of the 100 million people around the world who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. These tips will boost your energy, efficiency and success!

Tired of getting tired? Do you feel that you are not strong enough for anything in the morning?

I have enough energy for everything. And even in excess. But it was not always so.

In 1975, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FF), although they did not formally have a name at the time. Communication with a huge number of doctors helped me understand what I must do to get rid of my ailments. The experience has inspired me so much that for the past 37 years I have been studying this issue.

To forget about energy problems, it is quite enough to follow a few simple tips from the book. This will boost your energy by 91%.

Short test

Do you feel tired, pain without a specific localization, fog in your head, problems with sleep and concentration? If the answer is yes, welcome to the 100 million people around the world suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Simply put, this is a serious decrease in vitality and nervous exhaustion, as if you were "knocked out of traffic jams." Or how the computer went into "hibernation".

Often, people with CFS wake up broken, exhausted and spend the whole day in this state.

Sleep problems, poor diet, excessive stress on the immune system, hormonal imbalances and an accelerated pace of life - all these factors lead to the fact that people "burn out".

Sleep in a whirlwind

One of the most effective ways to increase vitality and clarity of consciousness is to get 8 hours of sleep every day. But it’s not that simple. How do you carve out an extra couple of hours for sleep? Here's what you can do.

1. Realize one simple thing: you can’t change everything.

Have you noticed that the faster and more efficiently you cope with tasks, the more new ones appear? That's the trick! If you slow down - like a snail - you will find that the to-do list has become shorter, and some have disappeared by themselves.

Start gradually giving up some activities (I’m not talking about the work that helps you pay the bills - I’m not talking yet!). I need to get enough sleep.

2. Do what you enjoy.

Make a list of everything you spend time on at work and at home. Divide these activities into two columns. First, write down everything that feels good to do (or at least is better to do than not). Second, what you should be doing when you don't like it.

You will soon see how great it is to move more and more things into a “nice” column.

Listen to your body

Without even getting sick, any person who is forced to lie in bed or sit for a long time loses physical shape very quickly. Exercise is an easy way to recharge your batteries. But do not immediately sign up for aerobics, swimming pool and equestrian sports. The secret is not to overdo it.

Remember, small steps are better than stopping. Therefore, give yourself the load gradually.

“To achieve success with sweat and blood” - this proverb tries to convince us that the result is achieved only by incredible exertion of physical and mental strength. I want to offer in return another belief: "Pain is stupidity!" Unpleasant sensations and pain are a signal to stop doing what causes it. But a reasonable balance of loads will restore your energy without harm to the body.

Mark Twain said: "Moderation should be in everything - including moderation." Don't forget this.

The relationship between mind and body

Every physical illness has a psychological component. People who live under stress forever can, of course, have bacterial infections or hyperacidity causing the ulcer. But it can be helpful for the doctor to ask them to forget about their incessant phones while the treatment is in progress. Take note of this.

I have found that most people with chronic fatigue syndrome work to the point of exhaustion and go out of their way to jump a little over their heads. The spirit of competition is also strong in them. Did you recognize yourself? How often we “grow above ourselves” in order to eventually lose all our strength along the way and stop rejoicing at what we have achieved.

We are ready to take care of everyone, except for one thing - ourselves. Have pity on yourself. And you will see how the level of vital energy will creep up.

Joy hormones

Sometimes fatigue and vague aches and pains are due to hormonal problems. How do you recognize them? If, in addition to feeling tired, you are gaining excess weight and do not tolerate the cold well, it is worth checking the thyroid gland. If you are too irritable, especially when you are hungry, the adrenal glands "hooligan".

Growth hormone, or rather, its lack, is another "stumbling block" on the path to cheerfulness. There are three activities that naturally "persuade" the body to produce it:

physical exercises;

It can irritate you when traffic jams are knocked out in your house. But it protects your home from a power surge. That is why you should not treat CFS / SF as something negative. This is the body’s attempt to defend itself against more harm under severe stress. You just need to do something about it.

Probably, every person had moments in life when they felt a complete devastation and loss of strength, both physical and mental, and the whole harmonious course of life turned out to be a big question. As a result - diseases of the body, nervous breakdowns and depression, cravings for alcohol and ruined relationships. What to do in such cases? How to get energized and where to find the source? How not to waste your life forces at all, but direct them to creation? Such important knowledge and skills are not taught to children in schools.

Why is there not enough energy?

There are plenty of factors affecting the state of the energy sector:

  • poor sleep quality;
  • sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle;
  • negative thoughts;
  • poor quality and improper nutrition;
  • a surge of emotions, especially negative ones;
  • lack of good rest;
  • addictions.

Emotions are considered one of the most powerful reasons for the waste of vitality - a person in a state of passion literally burns out energetically, leaving only a shell that is barely able to support the basic functions of the body. Anger, envy, lust and foul language are the # 1 destroyers for the energy body through which a person interacts with the Universe.

And instead of helping the body to recover, many resort to exactly the opposite actions - they eat a lot and badly, take alcohol to “relieve stress,” go headlong into work, forgetting about sleep and rest, provoke the development of negative thinking, which means that even more biased assessment of what is happening. How to properly charge energy and prevent its leakage?

The key to a good sleep

During a full sleep, the human soul connects with the Universe and is nourished by its power - this is the main source of recovery. The science of sleep is simple enough, but most ignore the basic truths, looking for the cause of weakness in more intricate corners. Thus, again losing the objectivity of thinking.

A person must get enough sleep if he wants to increase the level of strength! But this does not mean - to sleep 12 hours a day - you just need to go to bed before eleven in the evening. The concept of "owl" and "lark" is rather controversial, in the modern world it is too ingrained in the minds of people, but the essence remains the same - the human soul is fed as much as possible from the Universe during sleep only until two in the morning. Then, gradually, the feed channel is closed, and by five or six in the morning it is completely closed. Of course, it can be opened again with special ones, but this is an additional applied force.

The bedroom is the holy of holies of man. There is no need to let everyone in indiscriminately, take guests to show off new wallpaper or lamps. It's personal. It is very good if the bedroom does not have a TV, computer and other things that affect the electromagnetic level. Wall colors should be soft, pastel, and sleep-inducing. Compulsory airing before bed, if it's cold - it is better to take a warmer blanket than to breathe stale air. How to recharge your batteries in the morning? Just get some sleep!

Feng Shui sleep

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, which is closely intertwined with the yoga system, will tell you how to sleep properly on the cardinal points. If you follow the tradition of these teachings, then it is recommended to sleep with your head to the south and your feet to the north, so that the magnetic poles of man and the Earth coincide. But if the layout of the bedroom does not allow, then you can sleep with the top of your head to the east.

The science of sleep according to the Feng Shui system advises initially to correctly position the bed - it is highly undesirable to sleep with your head or feet to the door, as well as facing the mirror. But in which direction to lie down with your head - it's much more difficult to decide - you need to know which type of people you belong to: eastern or western (this is calculated by a special method), then the weaknesses of the personality, wishes for the future, and already, based on all factors , the bed turns in the desired direction.

It is also important with what thoughts and mood a person went to bed, especially if they are spouses sleeping in the same bed. At the moment of sleep, the energy bodies of the sleeping people are closely intertwined, mixing and evenly distributing the result. If the wife went to bed with a smile, and the husband, annoyed by the scandal with the neighbor, then the next morning both will wake up in a similar state - with a headache and not sleeping enough. Maybe that's why in the old days the spouses very often slept in different rooms? So that female great power is never overshadowed by her husband's military battles?

Where can a woman get energy?

The woman is considered the core of the world. Guardian of the hearth, muse of a man, mother who gives new life. A woman needs a constant replenishment of new energy - after all, such a difficult mission is entrusted to her, and in moments of strong recessions or devastation, the space around her takes on completely different colors. How can a woman recharge?

Pamper your physical body: massages, hairdressing, nail care, masks and creams. Tactile sensations are important for a woman: touching, kissing, stroking, hugging. And if a man does not pay due attention to his wife, let him prepare for the decline of her strength, and therefore of his own. Without caresses, a woman's energy falls rapidly.

Walks, hikes, contact with the sun and nature. Every day a woman needs to walk for at least half an hour. Not to run for business or to work, namely to walk aimlessly, enjoying the sun, air and space. A shopping trip can sometimes replace these walks, but only occasionally, but going out of town to nature or to the sea is a very powerful stimulation of female strength.

Present. Again, attention from the man. It is attention, not an attempt to buy off. Throwing an envelope with money “buy what you want” is shortsighted on the part of her husband! After all, a gift can be not only a material thing, but a timely compliment, an invigorating smile, a cup of tea in bed or a foot massage after work.

Your own corner in the house or creativity. Every woman has (or must have) a place in which she can retire in moments of her "storms" or sorrows. Some have a window sill with flowers in the kitchen, some have an armchair with their favorite book, and some have a bathroom with an aroma lamp, sea salt and candles. And men, whose wives are engaged in needlework, are especially lucky - a woman in the process of creation receives a powerful charge of positive energy, which she, of course, will share with her beloved. The energy of creativity is very strong, so you need to encourage such impulses in yourself, even if those around you are skeptical.

Physical activity. Here it is a woman's choice: morning exercises with music or yoga, aerobics in a fitness center or jogging in a nearby park - it's a matter of taste, the main thing is that the soul is in it. But an excessive passion for power sports turns a woman's energy flow on the contrary, and over time she can resemble a fight-woman. There should be moderation in everything.

Leadership. In no case should a woman pull on herself the whole heap of affairs, assignments and problems. Many women “plant” their energy with thoughts “it is better to do it yourself than to ask”. Need to ask! A man is a knight, just waiting for deeds, even if it is a heavy bag or a nailed nail in the kitchen.

You need to carefully look at all the points and draw parallels with your life or your woman, and act - after all, it is the woman who is the engine of progress.

Correct breathing

Is it possible and how to be energized with the help of breathing? This is taught by one of the branches of yoga - pranayama, thanks to which a person learns first to simply breathe fully, and then absorb energy from air and space. Most of the world's population breathes superficially, using only a quarter of the lung capacity given by nature, while the rest slowly clogs up, fades away and provokes disease. According to Ayurveda, 50% of health problems are caused precisely by insufficiently full breathing (the second half is unhealthy diet, to which we will return).

During a full exhalation, provoked by a full volumetric inhalation, a person gets rid of the accumulation of negative manifestations, whether physical, emotional or mental. Inhaling, he fills himself with fresh, clean energy.

Meditation - connection with the universe

Concentrating on the flow of breath, a person enters the first stage of meditation, which leads to yet another knowledge of "how to recharge with cosmic energy." By meditating, you tune the vibration of your soul to the vibration of the Universe, connect with it and receive a colossal update, a kind of hard disk formatting. After sleeping, this is the most effective method to quickly raise the charge level. People who are not familiar with yoga consider meditation to be something uselessly stupid, like hovering in the clouds or sitting with an intelligent look in anticipation of a miracle.

You just have to sit with your back straight, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just five to ten minutes. Provided that the mind will only follow the breath and not think about anything else. Well, the first session of meditation was very successful, because meditation, in fact, is the maximum concentration on one object, be it breath, emptiness, murmur of water or a beautiful flower.

As you progress in practice, a feeling of inner movement, life in life, a microcosm in the macrocosm will be revealed, the ability to understand the body will appear, which means, to know what is good for it and what is harmful.

Nutrition in health

Back to food: how does a healthy lifestyle and nutrition affect energy boost? Probably, many have noticed how after a hearty lunch you want to take a nap, drowsiness overcomes and the activity of the mind decreases. But eating is also an intake of energy, provided that the food is alive. Almost everyone knows how many useful amino acids and vitamins are in meat, but how much live energy is there? And if you compare this figure with a freshly prepared salad of vegetables or fruits?

Humanity spends 70% of its energy resources on the digestion of food. Not for work, fun, or romance. For food. That is, in order to obtain energy from food, the human body must digest it, spending the same energy on the chemical processes of converting food into proteins, amino acids, fats, etc. necessary for the body. 120, then something is wrong here. More precisely, with the attitude to food.

Proper nutrition at home implies the use of healthy, ecological products, without preservatives, thickeners, oxidants and artificially created tastes and aromas. No creepy amounts of sugar and trans fat, gluten and the like. All these inventions of civilization not only destroy the human body, but also wastefully spend, without replenishing, the energy of life, which can be used for more interesting things and moments.

Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, greens and dairy products, food cooked at home with love, not a hastily chewed hamburger, avoiding alcohol, nicotine and pseudo-stimulants in the form of energy drinks is the primary task for those who want to improve their level. energy, which means the standard of living. Longer heat treatments also reduce the energy level in food - the longer the cooking process, the less vitality the food has.

Any cooked food, in addition, absorbs the energy of the manufacturer, and who knows with what thoughts and emotions a pizza bought in a nearby cafe was prepared?

The power of thought

Movements, actions, emotions, thoughts are all kinds of energies of different levels and vibrations, and thought is the most powerful of them. And how a person treats his mind, what thought forms he fills, he becomes so - while he feeds himself with positive thoughts, and, on the contrary, destroys himself with negative ones.

Everyone understands how to be charged with the energy of thought, but not everyone does the right thing, referring to the complexity of life, lack of time or motivation. It is necessary to resolutely drive away from oneself the negative of any manifestation by the power of one's consciousness - an inner smile should never leave the soul, despite the vicissitudes of life.

A person is a powerful point of energy radio communication, broadcasting and resonating with everything that happens around - and if the "radio waves" are chosen correctly, then the energy of inspiration and health will multiply, but when the air is overloaded with "yellow press and advertising", then the positive net the energy of the surrounding space will fall.

Humanity bears a huge responsibility for everything that happens in the world. These are his thoughts. All that is is the result of the confusion of the thoughts of all people. Maybe you should think about it a bit?

Upward movement

How to achieve harmony with yourself, the world and improve the quality of life? There is such a science, and it is even studied in schools, only special ones. This is yoga. A great teaching, which was first brought to the people by the sage Patanjali, and then other great people spread it. All of the above from the beginning of the article includes yoga. This is the ability to hear oneself, the world, eat right and work, find a balance between work and rest, charge with energy and direct it in the right direction, be able to withstand negativity and difficulties, always looking at the world with a smile of the soul.

The best part is that everyone can do yoga, there is a niche for everyone. Flexible girls on Instagram are not quite yoga yet, but only one of the steps. Someone serves living beings, working as a volunteer or in a shelter for the homeless - this is Bhakti yoga of service, someone is working on the invention of a cure for cancer - this is the yoga of knowledge - Jnana. And some every day, year after year, day after day, diligently and efficiently do what they think is insignificant work - janitors and dishwashers, garbage truck drivers and sheep shepherds. This is Karma Yoga. The entire Universe is inextricably linked by the thinnest strings of energies and each, even the tiniest screw in this system, is very important. Be optimistic and do not litter the ether of the Universe with negativity!

Mindfulness is the key to success

After analyzing all of the above and applying it to your life, you can significantly change the situation for the better and no longer experience strong and prolonged breakdowns. Get enough sleep, spend more time in nature, eat healthy food and be sure to take time for yourself - after all, only a person himself can influence the quality of his life. There are many ways to recharge your batteries, but isn't it better to just avoid losing it?

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