Home Fruit trees Cleansing with porridge 11 days. The Tibetan way to cleanse the body. More methods of cleansing. Cleansing with fresh juices

Cleansing with porridge 11 days. The Tibetan way to cleanse the body. More methods of cleansing. Cleansing with fresh juices

Cleansing the body with cereals is a rather tasty and healthy process. Although it can be assumed that not all people adore porridge. The healing properties of porridge are legendary, and the saying "ate little porridge" has become a symbol of lack of strength.

Modern nutritionists confidently declare that a monthly cereal diet will not go to waste for your body. What happens when you cleanse your orgasm with porridge? Specially prepared cereals can normalize your digestion in a month, improve the appearance of your facial skin, establish regular bowel movements, and you will also acquire the necessary habit of eating a little, but often. Porridge removes toxins and heavy metals, after which your body will surely thank you with a good mood.

Cleansing with cereals on the water.

Cleansing porridges give the best effect when cooked simply in water without adding salt. Unaccustomed, porridge without salt may seem tasteless, but after a few days you will get used to its absence. But we want to clean ourselves - we will have to endure. Porridge can be sweetened, but sugar must be replaced with honey. It is very useful to add dried fruits, dried apricots, raisins, figs or apples to cereals. When dieting on cereals, toxic residues and metals will leave your body as a priority.

What cereals are useful for cleansing.

it is very useful for cleansing the intestines and is, a master of removing toxins and heavy metals from the body. It contains magnesium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the body. To shorten the cooking time, you can use regular oatmeal.

Rice porridge removes salts from the body and also fights toxins. Just before cooking, do not forget to rinse the rice to get rid of excess starch.

If you have problems with the pancreas, liver or stomach. Cleansing with buckwheat porridge is most suitable for you. Buckwheat contains a large amount of pectin and lecithin, which allows it to be considered an irreplaceable cleaner and doctor. In addition, buckwheat porridge contains a minimum amount of calories.

Millet porridge is suitable for cleansing the body and is recommended for overweight people.

Wheat grits take longer to digest while still being an excellent cleanser. If you have a blood pressure problem, be sure to take advantage of the wonderful properties of this cereal. You just need to eat a small portion of millet porridge in the morning.

Cleansing the body with cereals will benefit you. The main thing is to start acting!

Toxins are garbage that accumulates in our body. The symptoms that you need to purify are varied. If you live in a big city, then you need to cleanse the whole body at least twice a year. Signs of a clogged body are chronic fatigue, a dull and unhealthy complexion, and intestinal disorders.

You can get rid of toxins by different methods, among which everyone will find one that they like. Such procedures have an excellent effect on the general well-being, improve the condition of hair, skin, nails, improve mood and prevent many diseases.

Where to start cleansing

Doctors and experts in traditional medicine are sure: you need to start with the intestines. It is the clogging of the intestines with toxins and residues of non-excreted food that leads to the poisoning of the body with toxins and to impaired absorption of nutrients.

Intestinal cleansing occurs through the use of plant fiber. It is useful to use fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals prepared in a special way. You can also cleanse individual organs, blood and lymph. But this process must be carried out under supervision and after consultation with a specialist. With the intestines, everything is much easier, and you can clean it at home without much cost.

Cleansing the body with cereals

Nothing helps to cleanse the intestines more than eating porridge cooked in water and without added salt and sugar. Any cereal will do, but the best is rice (brown or long Central Asian), buckwheat, oatmeal and millet. You should eat only porridge for one week. The cereals must be washed very thoroughly to get rid of the sticky starch. It is advisable not to boil the porridge, it is better to just steam it - pour boiling water over the cereal and leave it to swell. In no case should you add salt, sugar.

You can limit yourself to adding vegetable oil, honey, dried fruits. Porridge should be eaten in small portions as the desire arises. To diversify the menu, porridge can be alternated. During the fasting week, drink plenty of fluids and be physically active. You need to drink mineral water (you can add lemon juice to it) or herbal tea.

Fasting days will help cleanse the body

Fasting days are very useful for cleansing the body and, in particular, the intestines. They also help you lose weight more effectively than many diets. Fasting days are not days when you just have to starve. You should eat fresh vegetables or fruits. You should stop at any of them, and consume the product in a small portion (100-150 grams) every hour.

In the morning you need to eat a bunch of parsley - this will greatly enhance the effect of cleansing. A prerequisite is eating fruits or vegetables without salt and, preferably, in its original form. As a last resort, you can cut them up and turn them into a salad, which can only be seasoned with lemon juice and / or vegetable oil.

It is helpful to know which vegetables and fruits are best for different situations. Oranges perfectly heal the gastrointestinal tract, purify the blood. It is very useful to arrange fasting days with watermelons - this promotes the excretion of salts and is good for the joints. Watermelons can be eaten up to 2-2.5 kg per day. Also, the use of strawberries and cabbage is very useful for removing salts.

Grapefruit helps with liver diseases, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Lemons are indicated for the accumulation of heavy metals in the body.

Beets are indispensable for blood formation, and carrots are essential for eyesight and for improving skin condition. Cleansing with the use of raw cucumbers and tomatoes is very useful. During fasting days, you need to drink plenty of fluids in the form of mineral water or herbal tea. From herbal infusions, infusion of dandelion leaves is best suited. Do not forget that you need to spend such fasting days once a week. A prerequisite is physical activity throughout the day.

Cleansing with fresh juices

Vegetables and fruits can be used to prepare "live" freshly squeezed juices, which are excellent for cleansing. They can be used on fasting days instead of fruits and vegetables themselves. This method is quite powerful, so take it responsibly. You can drink about 7 glasses of juice and 10 glasses of mineral water per day.

The juice should be consumed immediately after preparation (except for beet juice - it should be placed in the refrigerator and allowed to brew for 2 hours). It is better to dilute juices with clean water, as in a concentrated form they may not be well accepted by the body.

During the day, you can alternate juices from different vegetables and fruits. The most useful for cleansing are potato, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, beetroot juice, pumpkin juice, Jerusalem artichoke juice, cauliflower juice. Juice cleansing should be done no more than 1 time per week. The day after you have carried out such a cleansing, try to eat only vegetable and fruit salads, cereals, seasoned with vegetable oil, without salt and sugar.

Then you can eat as usual, but avoid, if possible, unhealthy and indigestible foods. Cleansing the body makes you feel much better. Regular carrying out of such procedures can be an excellent prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, as well as promote weight loss.

Everyone has long known that the human intestine loves porridge. Our grandmothers knew about this, and therefore preferred cereal dishes. To cleanse the intestines with cereals, you should eat only cereals for several days, which can be prepared from any cereal.

The following cereals are suitable for reading the intestines: millet, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, oats, barley.

The scheme of bowel cleansing with cereals: drink a glass of water in the morning; for breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat 1 portion of porridge; for drinking 2 liters of water, also green tea, natural juices.

Barley and barley porridge

Barley has been used in cooking for many years. Groats are considered dietary and are ideal for cleansing the intestines. Barley porridge is rich in vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances.

Porridge perfectly copes with intestinal problems, eliminates constipation, removes toxins from the intestines. In addition, barley has a positive effect on the stomach, heals ulcers.

Barley porridge is also able to rejuvenate the body, slow down hair graying, and improve skin condition. Europeans boil barley together with potatoes, then make mashed potatoes. To cleanse the intestines, the porridge should not be sweetened. 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil is allowed.

Buckwheat porridge for bowel cleansing

Buckwheat is a storehouse of health. Buckwheat contains a sufficient amount of vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium and many other minerals. Thanks to the routine, buckwheat is able to treat vein diseases, hemorrhoids. Groats are recommended to be consumed during pregnancy, to cleanse the intestines, to maintain health.


Oatmeal is another valuable food that supports health. Oats are rich in fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Due to the content of plant fiber, oatmeal perfectly copes with constipation, gently cleanses the intestines. In addition, oats reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and is also recommended for diabetics.

Healthy breakfast: mix a few tablespoons of oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts, grated apple, pear, pour unsweetened yogurt. Nuts can be substituted with a variety of seeds, such as flaxseed (1 teaspoon). If you are used to sweets, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to your breakfast.

Millet porridge for the intestines

Millet porridge is an ancient proven dish of our grandmothers. Millet porridge is a very valuable and easily digestible food that cleanses not only the intestines, but also the kidneys.

Millet contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, especially iron, B vitamins. In addition, millet does not contain gluten. Regular consumption of millet porridge supports the immune system and cleanses the body.

It is better to cook millet porridge for bowel cleansing in water. After the porridge is cooked, add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil to it. Unrefined sunflower oil is ideally combined with millet.

It is better not to digest porridge for bowel cleansing, some cereals, for example, buckwheat, can be steamed with boiling water overnight, and eaten for breakfast in the morning. Salt, sugar should not be added to cereals; instead, you can add honey, or dried fruits, nuts. Bowel cleansing with porridge is carried out from 3 to 10 days. At the same time, it is important to observe a drinking regime of 2 liters per day (natural juices, herbal and green tea).

If you want to cleanse your body of toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, nutritionists advise adding a variety of cereals to your diet.

Oatmeal, rice washed from starch, buckwheat, millet are the best detoxifying agents. Millet is in the last place for cleansing. Pesticides are removed by corn porridge, heavy metals - by oatmeal.

How do you know when it's time to cleanse your body?

Indirect causes: skin rashes, chronic fatigue, irritability, split ends, dull complexion and eyes, excess weight.

Cleansing with porridge can also be carried out for preventive purposes, it is especially useful for residents of large cities. A cleansing diet is best done only on cereals boiled in water and without salt. Since the salt contains sodium metal. Porridge can interfere with foods rich in non-toxic metals - calcium, magnesium, potassium. They are not toxic, but they will also be sorbed and excreted from the body. It is better to replace sugar in porridge with honey.

Advice - sit for a week on those cereals that you like, giving special preference to oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and millet. In your daily diet, try not to eat protein foods at the same time with porridge, only carbohydrate and neutral ones.

Any porridge goes well with milk, cream, low-fat cottage cheese, feta cheese, sour milk products, butter and vegetable oil, with mushrooms and sauerkraut, herbs, spices, nuts, except for peanuts.

Dried apricots, raisins, figs, Jerusalem artichoke, dried fruits, sweet apples, honey, tomatoes, eggplants, olives perfectly complement the porridge. And the groats do not lose their sorbing properties.

If toxic metals have accumulated in your body, they will still be excreted in the first place, you just need to eat more porridge. At the same time, we must not forget that in order for cereals to bring you maximum benefit and to cope with cleansing your body of all nasty things as best as possible, it is very important to cook them correctly.

How to properly cook porridge to cleanse the body

Rice should be rinsed as long as possible with a small stream of cold water from the tap. Thus, we wash out starch from it, which interferes with the meeting of toxins and acids; and thus speeding up the cleansing process. This is all the more useful because on a diet of washed rice, you will also lose weight. It is necessary to rinse so that the rice becomes transparent, like glass. Such rice can be poured with boiling water - and it will instantly become crumbly.

And it is better not to cook buckwheat, but to steam it. Pour boiling water over, wrap and leave in a warm place. It will be very tasty, crumbly and more beneficial in terms of absorbing metals (in particular, harmful excess iron). If there is an electric stove at home, then you can warm it up to the maximum, turn it off and leave buckwheat flooded with boiling water on it until it cools completely.

What else is useful, besides its cleansing properties, do cereals give us?

Oatmeal, for example, contains a lot of valuable vegetable protein and fat, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Moreover, there is so much of the latter that "Hercules" can be called a means for maintaining mental balance, blood pressure and bone strength.

Buckwheat porridge is rich in pectin, which improves digestion, and lecithin, which is necessary for our liver and pancreas. This is a wonderful "evening porridge". A good way to fight night hunger - easily absorbed with a minimum of calories.

Millet is a source of vitamin PP, salts, magnesium and microelements. If the long process of cooking millet porridge does not suit you, buy millet flakes. They are useful too.

Rice is most useful wild, brown or, at worst, long Central Asian, washed under running water for at least an hour.

Semolina - it contains a lot of iron and potassium, which is necessary for blood formation.

Cleansing the body with porridge is practiced in various healing systems. However, the general scheme was strongly influenced by the macrobiotics of the Japanese physician K. Nishi. He argued that whole grains are the most nutritious food for the human body, and they contain not only all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also enough protein to function normally and stay healthy. With all the controversy of macrobiotics from the point of view of modern dietetics, a month on porridge will help improve skin condition, improve digestion, regular bowel movements, and give you a healthy habit of eating in small portions throughout the day.

The first 10 days of cleansing the body with cereals

Day 1

Half an hour before breakfast - 1 glass of hot water, maybe with a little lemon juice, but clean is better.

Breakfast: 200 g of boiled buckwheat without salt and oil, add parsley for taste.

Second breakfast: 100 g of white rice, soaked overnight in a glass of water, washed and boiled for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water (drain the water, the porridge should be viscous).

Lunch: a portion of buckwheat with 1 teaspoon of sesame or olive oil and herbs.

Dinner: a portion of buckwheat with herbs without oil and salt. Tea and coffee are excluded during the entire cleaning period, drink water in small quantities, try not to drink "forcibly".

Day 2

A glass of water half an hour before breakfast. For the whole day - boil 1 glass of millet as usual, but do not add salt. Have 5 meals.

Day 3

A glass of water half an hour before breakfast. For the whole day - 1 glass of boiled brown rice, 5 radishes or 1 large grated daikon, herbs, addition of 1-2 teaspoons of sesame oil.

Day 4

A glass of water before breakfast (repeat on subsequent days). For the whole day - 1 glass of boiled buckwheat, 1 glass of boiled rice.

Day 5

We repeat the second day.

Day 6

For the whole day - a glass of rice and half a glass of boiled lentils, the juice of half a lemon, 1-2 tablespoons of olive or sesame oil.

Day 7

A glass of white rice, soaked overnight and cooked into a viscous porridge, you can add cinnamon, cardamom, cumin and 1-2 tablespoons of honey to the whole porridge.

Day 8

8 radishes or 2 daikons, boiled glass of any cereal of your choice.

Day 9

8 radishes, plus 2 carrots, plus herbs, plus a glass of any porridge.

Day 10

Boil half a glass of buckwheat, in addition, you can have as much salad from turnips, daikon or radish as you like.

The second ten days of cleansing the body with cereals

Day 1-5

Eat 6-7 radishes, 2 carrots, herbs and 1 glass of any cereal without salt, you can add 1 tablespoon of natural vegetable oil for the whole day.

Day 6-10

6 radishes, 3 carrots, half a head of cabbage. From the night, soak 250 g of flaxseed, grind in the morning with a blender, you can add any natural spices without additives like monosodium glutamate. Flaxseed mixture restores metabolism, but if you do not have flaxseeds, replace it with any porridge with 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil. You should drink it on an empty stomach.

Final 10 days

Cook yourself 1 type of porridge every day, no more than a glass of cereal. Supplement with products according to the scheme:

1 day - plus a glass of kefir;

Day 2 - plus a portion of cottage cheese;

Day 3 - plus 2 fruits;

Day 4 - plus a serving of nuts and seeds;

Day 5 - plus a portion of fish;

Day 6 - plus a portion of meat;

Day 7 - plus a little natural sea salt;

Day 8 - plus butter;

Day 9 - unloading on any porridge;

Day 10 moderate rational nutrition with 1-2 servings of porridge per day.

Do not overuse cleaning, and be healthy!

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

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