Home Fruit trees Progress report of the healthy circle. Health improving circle "healthy man". Methodological support of the program

Progress report of the healthy circle. Health improving circle "healthy man". Methodological support of the program

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 000" of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children


Head of MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 000"


Order _____ of ________________


mug "Zdorovyachok"

senior group

Made up

- instructor

physical culture

Novokuznetsk 2013

Explanatory note

The program is of a health-improving nature and is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of a preschooler, improving his physical development and the functional state of the body.

The wellness program meets the age and physiological characteristics of children, hygienic and methodological requirements for the organization of classes, contributes to the development of the prospects for strengthening and maintaining the health of preschoolers.

In the course of classes, children gain knowledge about a healthy lifestyle

Health is an invaluable gift of Nature. It must be protected and increased. However, this does not always work out. In recent years, the number of weakened children has increased significantly. Posture and foot defects are common causes of functional disorders.

The process of posture formation begins at a very early age and takes place on the basis of the physiological laws of higher nervous activity, which are characteristic of the formation of a motor connection and are directly dependent on the rational and hygienic regime.

Unfortunately, parents pay little attention to the formation of the correct posture and placement of the child's foot at an early age.

Thus, already at the age of three, children come to a preschool institution with impaired posture and improper installation of feet, which is due to an incorrect motor regime at home.

The circle work is aimed at forming correct posture, preventing flat feet, teaching correct breathing, self-massage and relaxation (relaxation). The lesson in the circle guides the pupils to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life. Taking into account that the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system is a long process, work in this direction with children of the "Smile" group will continue in the preparatory group.

The circle program is based on the integration of tasks and the content of psychological and pedagogical work with children:

"Health" (in terms of solving the general problem of protecting life and strengthening physical and mental health).

"Music" - (development of musical and rhythmic activity based on basic movements and physical qualities).

"Cognition" - (in terms of motor activity, as a way of assimilating a child of objective actions, and also as one of the means of mastering the operational composition of various types of activity).

"Communication" - (development of free communication with adults and children in terms of the need for physical activity and physical improvement; game communication).

"Socialization" - (familiarization with the values ​​of physical culture; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, one's own motor abilities and characteristics, familiarization with the generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults in joint motor activity).

"Labor" - (accumulation of experience of motor activity).


1. Educational:

Formation of theoretical knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of practical skills that contribute to the development of correct posture;

Learning the correct placement of the feet when moving.

2. Educational:

Creation of sustainable motivation for systematic physical education;

Development of positive emotions and friendliness, the ability to communicate with peers, teach mutual understanding and empathy;

Raising physical education in children, developing the need for their health and habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Formation in children of the desire to improve the indicators of their physical health.

3. Wellness:

Creation of physiological prerequisites for the restoration of the correct body position (first of all, the development and gradual increase in the strength endurance of the muscles of the trunk, the development of a muscular corset);

Formation and consolidation of the skills of correct posture;

Increasing the general and strength endurance of the muscles of the lower extremities;

Conditions for the implementation of the program

The program is designed for 1 year. The circle is attended by children of the older group, who have an average and low level of mastering the program. The numerical composition of 12 children. Classes are held once a week, lasting 25 minutes.

Children's age

Number of lessons per week

Duration of classes

Forms and methods

The following methods are used to accomplish the assigned tasks:

Verbal: instructions, commands, conversations, explanations, counting, assignments, encouragement.

Practical: learning exercises in parts and as a whole, game and competition.

Visual: demonstration of the instructor, demonstration of visual material, sound signaling, use of cards - diagrams.

Academic-thematic plan

Number of hours

Total hours


« Moths »

« Dwarfs in the forest »

« Smeshariki »

"Travel to the land of the emerald city »

"Pinocchio in a fairyland"

"Dunno visiting winter"

« Let's help Luntik »

"On a visit to the squirrels"


"Winnie the Pooh visiting the rabbit"

Lily the Bee in the Flower City »

« On the planet of the Simpsons "

"Bear cubs"

« Kuzya and Lily visiting the guys "

"Screw and Shpuntik"

32 lessons

Lesson structure

1. Preparatory part (different types of walking)

2. The main part (ORU, breathing exercise, exercise for the prevention of flat feet, exercise for the formation of posture, finger gymnastics, outdoor game).

3. The final part (sedentary play, relaxation)


Lesson 1-2. Theme "Moths" (Appendix 1)

Game motivation: moth talk ... Preparatory part: walking one after another; walking on toes, hands up; walking with one foot on the heel, the other on the toe; walking "Cancers"; straight canter; run; calm walking. Main part: general developmental exercises with a stick; breathing exercises "Grow grass"; prevention of flat feet "Gather a handkerchief with your fingers"; self-massage "We sculpt the face, neck, chest"; exercise for the formation of posture "Moths"; finger gymnastics "Butterflies are flying"; an outdoor game "Pretty little things". final part: sedentary game "Humpty - Dumpty"; relaxation "Swaying on the waves".

Lesson 3-4. Gnomes in the Woods Theme

Game motivation: a conversation about gnomes (who are they, from which fairy tale?) Preparatory part: walking on toes, hands on the belt; walking on the heels sideways, arms bent at the elbows; jumps; crawling "into the cave" on all fours; "Spiders" - high all fours, belly up; lateral canter; calm walking. Main part: general developmental exercises with a ball; breathing exercise "Leaves rustle", exercise for the formation of posture "Cheerful training"; prevention of flat feet exercise for the legs (pinch the pencil with your toes) "Draw the sun"; Self-massage "We sculpt the head, face, ears"; performing exercises for posture "Sacred Cow"; finger gymnastics "Hello, gnomes" (connect each finger with a thumb); An outdoor game "Wicker". final part: sedentary game « We came to the clearing » relaxation "Noise of foliage"


Lesson 1-2 Topic "Smeshariki"

Game motivation: conversation what are their names, where do they live, what do they do? Preparatory part: walking on fingers, arms spread apart; walking on your heels with your back forward; easy running. squat walking ; lateral canter; walking "Spiders"; jumping on the right and left legs with forward movement; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with dumbbells; breathing exercises "Swimmer"; prevention of flat feet exercise for the legs "Walking on the health path »; Self-massage "massage of the auricles"; exercises for posture "Kolobok" rolls on the back forward - backward; finger gymnastics "Hello, golden sun" (we connect each finger with a thumb); An outdoor game "The third extra". final part: sedentary game « Where we were we will not tell, but what we did we will show »; relaxation "Rain"

Lesson 3-4 Topic "Travel to the country of the emerald city"

Game motivation: conversation who lives in the emerald city? What paths did they take to the country, what did they see along the way? Preparatory part: walking on toes, hands up; walking on heels, hands on the belt; jumps; walking with one foot on the heel, the other on the toe; walking with the heel of one foot against the toes of the other; running with straight legs; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with a ring; breathing exercises "Skier"; prevention of flat feet exercise for legs "Collect buttons"; self-massage of hands "Frog"; exercises for posture "Rocking"; finger gymnastics "Chicken"; outdoor game "We sat on the carousel." final part: sedentary game "Snail"; relaxation "Sorry"


Lesson 1-2 Topic "Pinocchio in a fairyland"

Game motivation: conversation (who lives in a fairy-tale land with Pinocchio? What paths did they take to the country, what did they see along the way?) Preparatory part: walking on toes, hands on the belt; walking on heels, elbows bent at the elbows; walking socks together, heels apart (clubfoot); lateral canter with the right and left sides; jumping on two legs with forward movement; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with flags; breathing exercises "Chopping wood"; prevention of flat feet exercise for the legs "Snowballing » ; back massage "Locomotive"; doing exercises for posture "Dexterous imp"; finger gymnastics "Trees"; Outdoor game "Two frosts ». final part: sedentary game "Turn the circle"; relaxation "Listening to the birdsong".

Lesson 3-4 Topic "Dunno visiting winter"

Game motivation: conversation (who is Dunno? What do you think the Dunno will do when visiting winter?) Preparatory part: walking with a cross step sideways; walking in a semi-squat, arms forward; walking with one foot on the heel, the other on the toe; running with a task; run up and jump up to the snowflake; walking with high knees "Petushka"; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with cubes; breathing exercises "Accordion"; prevention of flat feet exercise for legs "Collect snowballs » ; head massage "Monkey Chi-chi"; performing exercises for posture "The Steadfast Soldier"; finger gymnastics "Fontanchik"; outdoor game "Quickly take ». final part: sedentary game "Carousel"; relaxation "Snowflakes are flying".


Lesson 1-2 Topic "Let's help Luntik"

Game motivation: conversation (who lives in a fairyland with Luntik? Who are his friends? How can we help him?) Preparatory part: walking on heels, elbows bent at the elbows; walking socks together, heels apart (clubfoot); straight canter; jumping on two legs with forward movement; walking with a roll from the knee to the heel; walking "Spiders"; walking "Monkey"; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick; breathing exercises "Blizzard"; prevention of flat feet exercise for legs "Tear a paper sheet with your toes"; back massage "The train was late"; doing exercises for posture "Boat"; finger gymnastics "Frog"; Outdoor game "Wattle ». final part: sedentary game "Quietly loudly"; relaxation "Stream".

Lesson 3-4 Topic "On a visit to the squirrel"

Game motivation: conversation (Where does the squirrel live, who are her friends, what does the squirrel do in the forest in summer, autumn, winter?) Preparatory part: walking on toes; jumping on two legs with forward movement; walking with a roll from the knee to the heel; walking "Spiders"; walking backwards; running with a change of direction; snake walking; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with a small ball; breathing exercises "Dance", prevention of flat feet exercise for legs "Draw the sun"; massage "We make a beautiful face"; finger gymnastics "Belkina pantry"; Outdoor game "Burners ». final part: sedentary game "Kind words"; relaxation "Sun".


Lesson 1-2 Topic "Lesovechki"

Game motivation: conversation (who are lesovechs, who are their friends, what do lesovets like to do?) Preparatory part: walking on fingers, arms spread apart; easy running; jumping on the left and right legs with forward movement; walking with a roll from the knee to the heel; walking "Spiders"; walking backwards; running with a change of direction; snake walking; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with a rope; breathing exercises "Blizzard"; prevention of flat feet "Collect cones"; massage "Sculpt a swan neck"; finger gymnastics "Inflate the ball"; outdoor game "Baba Yaga bone leg ». final part: sedentary game "Turn the circle"; relaxation "Breeze".

Lesson 3-4 Topic "Winnie the Pooh visiting a rabbit"

Game motivation: conversation (Who are his friends, what does Winnie the Pooh like to do?) Preparatory part: walking on toes, hands on the belt; walking on heels, elbows bent at the elbows; walking socks together, heels apart (clubfoot); lateral canter with the right and left sides; jumping on two legs with forward movement; final walk Main part: general developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick; breathing exercises "Porridge boils"; prevention of flat feet "Walking along the path of health"; massage "Sculpt the head"; finger gymnastics "Zaychishka"; outdoor game "Homeless hare ». final part: sedentary game "Swing"; relaxation "Sorry".


Lesson 1-2 Topic "Lily the Bee in the Flower City"

Game motivation: conversation (Who are her friends, What does Lily like to do?) Preparatory part: walking on toes, hands up; walking on heels, hands on the belt; jumps; walking with one foot on the heel, the other on the toe; walking with the heel of one foot against the toes of the other; running with straight legs; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with cubes; breathing exercises "Hello sun"; prevention of flat feet "Picking up a handkerchief with toes" back massage "Steam locomotive"; finger gymnastics "Wasp", "Anthill"; outdoor game "Bear and bees ». final part: sedentary game "Find and be silent"; relaxation "The sea is worried".

Lesson 3-4 Topic "On the Planet of the Simpsons"

Game motivation: conversation (What do The Simpsons love to do, where do they live?) Preparatory part Main part: general developmental exercises with dumbbells; breathing exercises "Pump"; prevention of flat feet "We draw a house for little people"; back massage "Who grazes in the meadow"; finger gymnastics "Korablik"; outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor ». final part: sedentary game "Ring"; relaxation "Sun".


Lesson 3-4 Topic "Cubs"

Game motivation: conversation (Where do the cubs live, who do they like to play with, what games do they play?) Preparatory part: walking on fingers, arms spread apart; walking on your heels with your back forward; easy running; walking in a squat; lateral canter; walking "Spiders"; jumping on the right and left legs with forward movement

final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with dumbbells; breathing exercises "Lifting the load"; prevention of flat feet "Roll the ball"; face massage "Hedgehog"; finger gymnastics "Ladybug", outdoor game "Bear in the forest ». final part: sedentary game "Tick-tock"; relaxation "The stream is running".

Lesson 3-4 Topic "Kuzya and Lily visiting the guys"

Game motivation: conversation (From what fairy tale Kuzya and Lily, who do they like to play with, what games do they play?) Preparatory part: walking with one foot on the heel, the other on the toe; walking with the heel of one foot against the toes of the other; running with straight legs; walking on toes, hands up; walking on heels, hands on the belt; jumps; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with a ring; breathing exercises "Fungus"; prevention of flat feet "Collect buttons"; ear massage "Cockerel"; finger gymnastics "Deer"; outdoor game "Third extra ». final part: sedentary game "Humpty Dumpty"; relaxation "Rain".


Lesson 1-2 Topic "Magna"

Game motivation: conversation (Who are the magi, where do they live, what games do they play?) Preparatory part: walking on fingers, arms spread apart; walking on your heels with your back forward; easy running; walking in a squat; lateral canter; walking "Spiders"; jumping on the right and left legs with forward movement; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises without apparatus; breathing exercises "The flower is blooming"; prevention of flat feet "rolling a gymnastic stick forward, backward"; face massage "White Miller"; finger gymnastics "Ladoshki"; outdoor game "Little colors" ». final part: sedentary game "Who left?" relaxation "Sun".

Lesson 3-4 Topic "Cog and Shpuntik"

Game motivation: conversation (From what fairy tale, what did they do there, who were they friends with?) Preparatory part: walking on fingers, arms spread apart; walking on your heels with your back forward; walking backwards; easy running; walking in a squat; lateral canter; walking "Spiders"; jumping on the right and left legs with forward movement; final walk. Main part: general developmental exercises with flags; breathing exercises "The forest is noisy"; prevention of flat feet "Draw the sun"; body massage "Turtle"; finger gymnastics "Imperial Penguin"; outdoor game "We are funny guys ». final part: “Who called?”; relaxation "Swaying on the waves".

Expected results

By the end of the year, children acquire practical skills and abilities:

Clearly carry out the ORU (with and without objects)

Know the breathing technique (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

Be able to place the foot correctly

Be able to properly hold the shoulders and chest

Be able to perform self-massage

Testing the knowledge and skills of children



Implementation of the switchgear: clear performance of exercises at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4

High level ( B): no problem

Low level(N): has difficulty

Breathing technique: inhale through the nose with the mouth closed, exhale through the mouth

High level(B):, no problem

Low level(N): has difficulty

Correct stop setting; the location of the feet at an angle of 30 degrees.

High level(B): has no difficulty

Low level(N): has difficulty

Correct posture: straight, not stoop, keep your back and head, shoulders, chest, stomach.

High level ( C) has no difficulty:

Low level(H) :. has difficulty

Self-massage: with open palms, lightly rub the body.

High level(B) has no difficulty

Low level(N): has difficulty

Information collection map


Breathing technique

Correct positioning of feet


Material support of the program

The preschool has a gym, equipment: gymnastic sticks, balls (small and large), sandbags, rope, soft modules, pencils, paper, health track.

Used classical music, contemporary music, musical folklore, a collection of pieces of music.


1. Aleksandrova work in preschool educational institutions under the "Health Island" program / author-comp. ... - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

2. Gorkova physical culture in preschool educational institution.- M .: 5 for knowledge 2005.-112.- (Methodical library)

3. Egorova Hurray: health improvement, education, development / edited by - M .: "AKAprint", 2008.-152s. WITH.

4. Kudryavtsev development of motor activity of health related work with children 4-7 years old. M :, 1997.

B: slowly, rising on toes, stretch your arms up to the sides - inhale (the flower opens). Return to and. n. - exhale. Slowly. 4-6 times.

"The forest is noisy"

I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

B: tilt to the right - inhale. I. p. - exhale, tilt to the left - inhale, in and. n. - exhale. 5-6 times

Characteristic of flat feet.

In the scientific literature, flat feet are most often viewed as a deformity of the foot, characterized by a flattening of its bases.

Flat feet are often one of the causes of poor posture. With flat feet, accompanied by flattening of the arch of the feet, the support function of the legs sharply decreases, the position of the pelvis changes, and it becomes difficult to walk.

According to many studies, the foot is a complex consolidated organ that performs supporting, locomotive and depreciation functions. It is the support, the foundation of the body, therefore, it is natural that the violation of this foundation is necessarily reflected in the formation of the growing organism. Changing the shape of the foot not only causes a decrease in its functionality, but also, which is especially important, changes the position of the pelvis and spine. This negatively affects the functions of the latter and, consequently, the posture and general condition of the child.

From the point of view of specialists, insufficient development of muscles and ligaments of the feet adversely affects the development of many movements in children, leads to a decrease in physical activity and can become a serious obstacle to practicing many sports.

In shape, a normal (vaulted), flattened plane of the foot is distinguished. There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet, a combination of both forms is possible. With transverse flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is flattened, its front section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, and not on I and V, as is normal.

With prolonged flat feet, the longitudinal arch is simplified and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole. A flat foot is characterized by the lowering of its longitudinal and transverse arch, and then painful symptoms appear: fatigue and pain when walking and standing.

Flat feet can be congenital (extremely rare) and acquired. The most common causes of the latter are weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot (for example, as a result of rickets or excessive exertion), wearing improperly fitted shoes, clubfoot, injuries of the foot, ankle joint, ankle, as well as paralysis of the lower limb (more often after poliomyelitis - this is the so-called paralytic flat feet).

The earliest signs of flat feet are rapid fatigue of the legs, aching pains (when walking, and later when standing) in the foot, muscles of the lower leg and thigh, and lower back. In the evening, there may be swelling of the foot, which disappears overnight.

Compared to an adult's, the children's foot is short, wide, and narrowed in the heel region. The fingers part, while in adults they fit snugly together. In children, the subcutaneous tissue on the sole is highly developed, filling the arches of the foot, which often leads to diagnostic errors. The volume of movement of a child's foot is greater than that of an adult, due to the significant elasticity of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, the children's foot is less adapted to statistical loads: jumps, dismounts from high shells. The feet get tired quickly and are easily deformed. Under load, the arches of the feet are somewhat compacted, but at the end of it, they immediately return to their original position with the help of active muscle contraction.

Successful prevention and correction of flat feet is possible on the basis of the integrated use of all means of physical education: hygienic factors (shoe hygiene and correct selection according to the purpose) and physical exercises (special sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg and the formation of arches of the foot.

Work on the prevention and correction of flat feet in children in a preschool educational institution should be carried out systematically.

- monitor their posture;

- pay attention to the fact that they always keep the body and head straight;

- did not spread the toes of the legs wide when walking.

- daily gymnastics and sports;

- walking barefoot in the warm season on uneven ground.

This causes a protective reflex, "sparing" the arch of the foot, preventing the manifestation of flat feet.

Posture characteristics.

Correction of posture defects is not only the task of physical education of children, but also the most important moment in the primary and secondary prevention of orthopedic diseases and diseases of internal organs. Children with impaired posture have reduced physiological reserves of respiration, blood circulation, and impaired adaptive reactions. And the weakness of the abdominal muscles lead to disruption of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the abdominal cavity. In addition, violations of the spring function of the spine adversely affect the higher nervous activity of the child, which can manifest itself in increased fatigue and headaches.

Currently, every second child has a diagnosis of posture disorder, but experts are very careless about this. This is manifested in the fact that children with a defect in posture are examined by them once or a detailed diagnosis is not made. But without this, a specific correction in the frontal or sagittal planes is impossible. Therefore, it is so important to correctly and timely carry out diagnostics, qualified complex treatment and prevention of various types of posture disorders in children.

Posture- the usual position of the human body during movement and rest - is formed from early childhood in the process of growth, development and upbringing. This is a familiar posture of a person, which depends on the shape of the spine and the development of the muscles - the "support corset".

Distinguish posture correct, stooped, lordotic (round back), kyphotic, erect (flat back), and also asymmetric.

Posture disorders occur and progress most often in connection with a decrease in physical activity during the period of intensive growth of the child. When detecting changes in posture, attention should be paid to possible concomitant pathology (impaired vision and breathing, decreased hearing acuity in one ear, etc.).

Scoliosis(scoliotic disease) is a lateral curvature of the spine with mandatory rotation (rotation) of the vertebral bodies. In true scoliosis, even in the initial stage, there is a deformity of the spine, which persists regardless of the position of the child and the load.

The position of the spine and the state of the nervous system have a great influence on the formation of posture in children.

Spine- This is one of the most important parts of the skeleton. Its main functions - support, protection of the spinal cord, shock absorption and shock absorption - are provided due to its strength, elasticity and mobility.

Thus, to solve the tasks set, complexes were developed for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet.



Working programm

on the sports and health club "Zdorovyachok"

  1. Explanatory note ................................................ ........................................ 3 p.
  2. Characteristics of flat feet ................................................ ............................. 4 p.
  3. Posture characteristic ................................................ ......................................... 5 p.
  4. Complexes aimed at the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture ......................................... .................................................. ..... 6 p.
  5. List of teaching aids ............................................... ...................................... 23 p.
  6. Bibliography................................................ ............................................... 24 p.
  7. Application................................................. .................................................. ........ 25 p.

Explanatory note.

This program is based on the programs of education and training in kindergarten: "Origins", Center "Preschool Childhood" them. A.V. Zaporozhets and modern innovative technologies:

  • "The system of physical education in preschool educational institutions." Litvinova O.M.

The purpose of the "Program" is to provide the pupil with the opportunity to preserve his health during the period of being in kindergarten, the formation of a physically, intellectually and socially mature personality of a preschooler. As well as the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture.

Objectives of the program:

  1. To create conditions for the prevention of flat feet and violations of the posture of children in various types and forms of physical activity;
  2. To acquaint with the available ways to promote health, to induce consciously, to relate to their health;
  3. Promote the protection and promotion of children's health;
  4. Enrich the motor experience through different types of movements;
  5. Form the need for constant physical activity and the ability to regulate it.

To solve the problems of physical education of children in preschool educational institutions, the following pedagogical tools are used: sports and health club "Zdorovyachok".

Classes are designed for children 4–7 years old, the duration of the classes is 20 minutes, they are held 2 times a week.The dosage of exercises depends on the age and level of preparedness of children and can be from 4-5 times at the stage of learning exercises to 10-12 times at the stage of consolidating and improving the complex. One complex is designed for two weeks. Total classes per month - 8, per year -72.

Classes on the prevention of flat feet and posture correction begin in October, since in September children are adapted to the conditions of the kindergarten, and health disorders of the pupils are identified by specialists, such as the senior nurse. Data from physical are used. dispensary and polyclinic.

In total, there are 54 children with poor posture and flat feet, 42 of them with poor posture, 11 with flat feet, one child with flat feet and poor posture.

Characteristic of flat feet.

In the scientific literature, flat feet are most often viewed as a deformity of the foot, characterized by a flattening of its bases.

Flat feet are often one of the causes of poor posture. With flat feet, accompanied by flattening of the arch of the feet, the support function of the legs sharply decreases, the position of the pelvis changes, and it becomes difficult to walk.

According to many studies, the foot is a complex consolidated organ that performs supporting, locomotive and depreciation functions. It is the support, the foundation of the body, therefore, it is natural that the violation of this foundation is necessarily reflected in the formation of the growing organism. Changing the shape of the foot not only causes a decrease in its functionality, but also, which is especially important, changes the position of the pelvis and spine. This negatively affects the functions of the latter and, consequently, the posture and general condition of the child.

From the point of view of specialists, insufficient development of muscles and ligaments of the feet adversely affects the development of many movements in children, leads to a decrease in physical activity and can become a serious obstacle to practicing many sports.

In shape, a normal (vaulted), flattened plane of the foot is distinguished. There are transverse and longitudinal flat feet, a combination of both forms is possible. With transverse flat feet, the transverse arch of the foot is flattened, its front section rests on the heads of all five metatarsal bones, and not on I and V, as is normal.

With prolonged flat feet, the longitudinal arch is simplified and the foot is in contact with the floor with almost the entire area of ​​the sole. A flat foot is characterized by the lowering of its longitudinal and transverse arch, and then painful symptoms appear: fatigue and pain when walking and standing.

Flat feet can be congenital (extremely rare) and acquired. The most common causes of the latter are weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the foot (for example, as a result of rickets or excessive exertion), wearing improperly fitted shoes, clubfoot, injuries of the foot, ankle joint, ankle, as well as paralysis of the lower limb (more often after poliomyelitis - this is the so-called paralytic flat feet).

The earliest signs of flat feet are rapid fatigue of the legs, aching pains (when walking, and later when standing) in the foot, muscles of the lower leg and thigh, and lower back. In the evening, there may be swelling of the foot, which disappears overnight.

Compared to an adult's, the children's foot is short, wide, and narrowed in the heel region. The fingers part, while in adults they fit snugly together. In children, the subcutaneous tissue on the sole is highly developed, filling the arches of the foot, which often leads to diagnostic errors. The volume of movement of a child's foot is greater than that of an adult, due to the significant elasticity of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, the children's foot is less adapted to statistical loads: jumps, dismounts from high shells. The feet get tired quickly and are easily deformed. Under load, the arches of the feet are somewhat compacted, but at the end of it, they immediately return to their original position with the help of active muscle contraction.

Successful prevention and correction of flat feet is possible on the basis of the integrated use of all means of physical education: hygienic factors (shoe hygiene and correct selection according to the purpose) and physical exercises (special sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg and the formation of arches of the foot.

Work on the prevention and correction of flat feet in children in a preschool educational institution should be carried out systematically.

In the process of preventing flat feet in children, it is necessary:

- monitor their posture;

- pay attention to the fact that they always keep the body and head straight;

- did not spread the toes of the legs wide when walking.

The muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the legs is strengthened by:

- daily gymnastics and sports;

- walking barefoot in the warm season on uneven ground.

This causes a protective reflex, "sparing" the arch of the foot, preventing the manifestation of flat feet.

Posture characteristics.

Correction of posture defects is not only the task of physical education of children, but also the most important moment in the primary and secondary prevention of orthopedic diseases and diseases of internal organs. Children with impaired posture have reduced physiological reserves of respiration, blood circulation, and impaired adaptive reactions. And the weakness of the abdominal muscles lead to disruption of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the abdominal cavity. In addition, violations of the spring function of the spine adversely affect the higher nervous activity of the child, which can manifest itself in increased fatigue and headaches.

Currently, every second child has a diagnosis of posture disorder, but experts are very careless about this. This is manifested in the fact that children with a defect in posture are examined by them once or a detailed diagnosis is not made. But without this, a specific correction in the frontal or sagittal planes is impossible. Therefore, it is so important to correctly and timely carry out diagnostics, qualified complex treatment and prevention of various types of posture disorders in children.

Posture - the usual position of the human body during movement and rest - is formed from early childhood in the process of growth, development and upbringing. This is a familiar posture of a person, which depends on the shape of the spine and the development of the muscles - the "support corset".

Distinguish posture correct, stooped, lordotic (round back), kyphotic, erect (flat back), and also asymmetric.

Posture disorders occur and progress most often in connection with a decrease in physical activity during the period of intensive growth of the child. When detecting changes in posture, attention should be paid to possible concomitant pathology (impaired vision and breathing, decreased hearing acuity in one ear, etc.).

Scoliosis (scoliotic disease) is a lateral curvature of the spine with mandatory rotation (rotation) of the vertebral bodies. In true scoliosis, even in the initial stage, there is a deformity of the spine, which persists regardless of the position of the child and the load.

The position of the spine and the state of the nervous system have a great influence on the formation of posture in children.

Spine - This is one of the most important parts of the skeleton. Its main functions - support, protection of the spinal cord, shock absorption and shock absorption - are provided due to its strength, elasticity and mobility.

Thus, to solve the tasks set, complexes were developed for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet.

Complexes aimed at the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture.


Preparatory part of the lesson:

Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: - with open eyes; - stand and remember your feelings with your eyes closed (1 min).

  1. I. p. - the same, arms to the sides, palms up. 1- raise your head until your chin touches your chest, look at your socks, pull your socks towards yourself (stay in this position for 1-2 counts) lower your head and socks and relax for 1-2 counts. Complication: raise your head, socks towards yourself, stretch your arms forward.
  2. "Dance of the heels"-
  3. "Accordion" -

The main part of the lesson.

  • Self-stretching: - I. p.: The child lies on his back, arms along the body, head, torso, legs - on one straight line. - I.p .: the child lies on his back, head, torso, legs on one straight line, arms extended up. Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you. Press your chin to your chest, socks towards you. Stretch.

Final part.Slow running. Breathing exercise "Lips with a tube" - a) exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles; b) fold the lips in a "tube", draw in air sharply, filling all the lungs with it to the point of failure; c) make a swallowing movement (as if swallowing air); d) pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale through the nose smoothly and slowly 4-6 times.

Assume the correct posture against the wall.

Target: formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet. Strengthening the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen.

Preparatory part:

General developmental exercises:

  1. The duck walks waddle - stumble. " I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. 1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - and. NS.

The main part of the lesson.

Running at an average pace. Walking on toes, on heels.

Game exercise "Rocking".

Game exercise "Rocket". Purpose: for the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen, legs, coordination. Now we will prepare the rocket for flight. Lying on your back, gently raise your legs up. Resting our hands on the lower back, raise the lower body. Pull your legs up, straightening them. The rocket is ready for launch. Three, two, one - start! Letting go - we lie on our back and rest before the next launch. Repeat 3 times.

Final part.

Target: formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet, strengthening of the "muscle corset".

Preparatory part.

Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, keeping the position;

Walking on the outer edges of the feet (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Light running on toes (1-1.5 minutes).

General developmental exercises.

  1. Lie on your back on the mat. The head, torso, legs are in a straight line, the arms are pressed to the torso. Raise your head and shoulders, check to check the upright position, which was taken in the prone position;

Main part.


Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

General developmental exercises.

  1. Exercise "walking on the heels" - the child walks on the heels without touching the floor with his toes and sole.
  2. Exercise "boat" - a child, sitting on the floor with bent knees and pressing the soles of the feet to each other, gradually tries to straighten the knees until the toes and heels of the feet can be pressed together (trying to give the feet the shape of a boat).

The main part of the lesson.


  1. "Stretching the spring"... Bend your arms in front of your chest, clenching your fingers into a fist and raising your elbows to the sides; imitating the stretching of the spring, vigorously pull the shoulders back, bringing the elbows together.
  2. "Bunny". Squat low on the entire foot, bending your arms to your shoulders, palms forward, pressing your elbows to your body and bringing your shoulder blades together.
  3. "Skier". Squat on the entire foot, bending forward and pulling your arms back, imitating the movements of the skier when pushing off with sticks.

Outdoor games.

The final part of the lesson.Light jogging on toes (up to 1 min), walking on toes with a high hip lift (at an average pace, up to 1–1.5 min). Breathing exercises.

Target: training in self-extension, formation of correct posture, correction of flat feet, strengthening of the "muscle corset".

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Slow running, raising your knees high, running backwards. Walking on the outer edges of the feet (at an average pace, up to 2–2.5 minutes). Walking on a gymnastic stick straight and sideways (up to 1 min). All keeping the correct posture.

General developmental exercises.

  1. I. p. - sitting on the floor. Flexion and extension of the feet (5 times for 10 s).
  2. I. p. - sitting on the floor. Circular rotation of the foot left-right (5 times for 10 s).
  3. I. p. - standing. With the fingers of one foot, grab a small object, lift it and hold it in this position for 5–10 s.
  4. I. p. - lying on your back, legs together, arms extended along the body, palms up. 1 - bend the right leg, pulling the thigh to the stomach; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg (eight times).
  5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, hands under the chin. 1 - stretch the left hand forward, and the right back, along the body, lower the head and raise the body; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - do the same, changing the position of the hands (eight times).
  6. I. p. - about. with. 1 - raise your arms forward and upward, straightening your back and rising on your toes; 2 - lower your arms to the sides and down (five to six times).
  7. I. p. - legs apart. 1 - tilt the body forward, arching the back and taking outstretched arms to the sides; 2 - and. n. When tilting, keep your head straight (six times).
  8. I. p. - hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs, alternating with walking (two times 10 jumps).

The main part of the lesson.

Game exercise "Baby".I. p. - lying on your back, arms extended along the body, legs tightly pressed to each other. The child is invited to imagine himself as an infant toddler, to depict his mood and movements: raising the legs bent at the knees, pulling the feet to the face, involuntary movements of the arms and legs in the air, humming, raising the head (without lifting the shoulders off the floor), turning it to the sides , the manifestation of emotions of joy, the improvisation of crying with the sound "wah-wah", imitation of the movement of lips, sucking the nipple.

Game exercise "Bug on the back". I. p. - lying on his back, arms and legs in a free position. Imagine a bug fell from a branch to the ground, but fell unsuccessfully. He ended up on his back and is trying to roll over onto his tummy to crawl away.

The image of floundering in different directions. Rocking on the back from side to side (side rocking chair). An attempt to jerk over onto the side, and then stand on your elbows and knees. During floundering, do not help your head and shoulders, swing your body.

At the end of the child's play, you can ask: "Which part of the body lends itself to swinging easily, and which remains motionless?", "What kind of bug are you?", "What do you have (legs, wings, shell)?" "What's your mood?"

An outdoor game "Forbidden traffic". In this game, you should be very careful: you need to perform all the exercises shown by the teacher or the child, with the exception of the prohibited ones.

An outdoor game "Giants and Dwarfs". Walking in a column one at a time. To the teacher's signal "Giants!" children walk on tiptoes with their hands up, followed by normal walking. At the next signal "Gnomes!" - walking in a half-squat, and so on in alternation.

The final part of the lesson.Walking "Chanterelles", "Pigs", "Bears".

"Chanterelles" - soft creeping walking on toes.

"Hogs" - heavy walking on the heels.

"Bears" - clumsy walking on the outside of the foot, with fingers tucked inward - on a ribbed inclined board (bears climb a tree), on a rug with buttons (on a beach with pebbles), with slats (on fallen twigs).

The final part of the lesson.Easy jogging, relaxing to music.

Target: training in self-extension, formation of correct posture, correction of flat feet, strengthening of the "muscle corset".

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Construction. Toe walking, "bears", "monkeys"– soft, bouncing, walking, climbing the Swedish wall (monkeys climb a palm tree), walking sideways on a tightrope (crossing the river along a narrow bridge). "Snake walking" Slow running (1-2 minutes).

  • Take the correct posture against the wall, step back 2 steps, sit down, stand up, take the correct posture.
  • Take the correct posture, rise on your toes, holding this position for 3-4 seconds, return to SP. (reach out to the sun with your head).

General developmental exercises.

  1. I.p - lying on his stomach. Raising your head and shoulders. Hands to the side. Squeezing and unclenching the hands.
  2. The same as in the 1st exercise, but make circular movements with straight arms.
  3. I. p. Also. Movement of the hands to the sides - back, to the sides - up.
  4. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.
  5. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. 1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - and. NS.
  6. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. Crawling movements of the feet forward and backward with the help of the fingers.
  7. I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. 1-2 - lifting the heels off the floor, spreading them to the sides (the beak is open), say “quack-quack”. 3-4 - return to the starting position.
  8. I. p. - sitting, hands in the back support, socks extended. Alternate flexion-extension of the left and right feet.
  9. I. p. - lying on your stomach in pairs opposite each other, the ball in bent arms in front of you. Rolling the ball to a partner, catching the ball while maintaining an elevated position of the head and shoulders.
  10. Self-extension while sitting. I.p .: the child sits on the floor in Turkish style, the back is straight, palms are on the upper thighs.
  11. Stretch the top of your head up, resting your palms on your hips. Relax, but do not bend your back.
  12. Raise your hands with your palms up (you can lock your fingers into the lock), stretch your top of your head after your hands. Relax in the ip These movements are performed slowly, smoothly and with pleasure.

The main part of the lesson.

Walking on a gymnastic stick straight and sideways (up to 1 min). Walking on an incline (5-10 times). Springy rolls with heels to toes and vice versa from a squatting position.

Climbing a gymnastic wall (the middle of the foot is placed on slats).

Game exercise "Who is faster". Children are in a line. At the signal, they try to grab the crumpled paper with their toes and jump to the intended target.

Game exercise "Porter". Lifting the cube (ball, bag) with two feet, move it to the right, put it on the floor. Return the cube to its original position. Then move the cube to the left side and return it to its original position.

The final part of the lesson.Breathing exercises. Running is slow. Walking on toes, on heels, on the outer edges of the feet, on the inner edges of the feet.

Target: strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, the formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: - with open eyes;

Stand and remember your feelings with your eyes closed (1 min).

Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, keeping the position;

Squat on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squat, maintaining posture.

Walking on heels, stepping over the cubes on the floor (0.5 min). Easy running on toes (0.5 min). Walking on a gymnastic stick up and down, arms to the side.

General developmental exercises.

  1. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Rolling a small ball with your foot (10-15 with each leg).
  2. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Pulling the toes of the track with a load weighing 500 g (up to 2 times).
  3. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Grabbing the ball and other objects with the feet and throwing (8-10 times).
  4. I. p. - sitting on a bench. Grasping pencils with your toes and shifting them from place to place (30–40 s).
  5. I.p. - standing, stick at the bottom in his hands. Raise the stick with straight arms up, straightening your back; put the stick down.
  6. Bend your arms in front of your chest, clenching your fingers into a fist and raising your elbows to the sides; imitating the stretching of the spring, vigorously pull the shoulders back, bringing the elbows together.
  7. Bend your arms, pressing your elbows to the body, pulling your shoulders back and bringing your shoulder blades together; put your hands down.
  8. Clap your hands behind your back and over your head, without bending your arms.

The main part of the lesson.

Game exercise "Dance on a rope" - put a rope on the floor and try to walk along it, keeping balance. Spread your arms to the sides and pretend that you are dancing on a wire. Put one foot in front of the other, you cannot bend your knees. Never put your foot next to the line, otherwise you will fall.

Game exercise "Play ball with your feet" - two children sit on the floor opposite each other and leaning back slightly, lean on their hands. Then they take small balls and start throwing them around. Without taking the ball in hand !!!

Game exercise "Engine" - sitting, legs are slightly bent at the knees, and arms at the elbows, raising them to the body. Go! We move forward on the floor, helping only with our feet. With our hands we make circular movements, imitating the movement of the wheels. We stopped and drove on as well.

An outdoor game "Beetles" - at the instructor's signal: "Beetles have flown!" - all the children scatter throughout the hall. At the signal: "The bugs are resting" - the children run to the line marked along the edge of the hall and squat down.

The final part of the lesson.Slow running. Relaxation to music.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Take the correct posture, sit down, spreading your knees to the sides and keeping your head and spine straight. Get up slowly, take ip.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, on the outer and inner sides of the foot, with the performance of tasks (standing on one leg - hands on the belt, two or three jumps on one leg, etc.). Running in a column one at a time, with a high rise of the knees, "chanterelle" (one hand - to the chin, the other - to the tailbone). Walking, building links.

General developmental exercises.

  1. I. p. - standing, with closed toes, hands on the belt. Raise the toes up, return to the starting position (10-15 times).
  2. I. p. - standing, socks together, heels apart. Rise on your toes, return to the starting position (10-15 times).
  3. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Sit down on the entire foot, return to the starting position (6-8 times).
  4. I. p. - standing, right leg in front of the left (track in track). Rise on your toes, return to the starting position (8-10 times).
  5. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Flexion and extension of the feet (5 times for 10 s).
  6. I. p. - sitting on a chair, one leg on the other knee. Circular rotation of the foot left-right (5 times for 10 s).
  7. I. p. - lying on your back, hands are along the body, palms down, legs are straightened. The left leg slides the foot along the right lower leg. The same with the right foot on the left lower leg (8-10 times).
  8. I. p. - sitting on a chair, with your toes collect the fabric lying on the floor in a fold (accordion) (6-8 times).
  9. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Flexion and extension of the knees with the ball clamped between the feet (8 times).

The main part of the lesson.

Game exercise "Seahorse Riding" - children lie on their backs! Imagine a flat water surface. Suddenly, the head of a seahorse and a rider appears above the water. With the simultaneous oncoming movement of arms and legs, sit in the "corner". Our legs are seahorses, and we are riders. We rolled a little and plunged into the water: lay on our back and relaxed. Repeat 3-4 times.

Game exercise "Stretching the legs" - while sitting, bend the right leg and grab the foot. Try to straighten your leg completely without losing your balance. Repeat with the left leg, or with both legs.

Sedentary game "Snake" - children stand in a circle. The instructor says the words: "I am a snake without a tail." He comes up to one of the children and asks: "(child's name), do you want to be my tail?" If the child answers in the affirmative, the instructor invites you to crawl on all fours between his legs and stand behind him, legs wide apart. The instructor holds his hands. And so on, every child repeats. Children crawl on all fours between the instructor's legs and the children's legs, placing their hands on the previous child's shoulders. Then an instructor with a long "tail" walks across the hall - this is a "snake" crawling.

The final part of the lesson.Walking slowly. Breathing exercises.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Establish the correct posture while standing against a wall:

  • with open eyes;
  • stand and remember your feelings with your eyes closed (1 min).
  • take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, keeping the position;
  • squatting on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squatting position, maintaining posture.

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, imitation of skiing (sound "mmm"), diagonally. Running one after another with a turn on signal. Walking. Build with sticks in links.

General developmental exercises.

  1. "Matryoshka". "We are funny nesting dolls, we have boots on our feet." I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the waist. 1 - right forward on the heel, 2–3 - swing the toe to the right and left, 4 - putting the right, starting position, 5–8 - the same with the left leg.
  2. "Red boots, playful legs."I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the belt, 1 - right forward - to the side of the heel, 2 - right on the toe, 3 - right on the heel, 4 - with a headlong putting the right, starting position, 5–8 - then the same with the left leg.
  3. "Dance of the heels".I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the belt, 1-2 - alternately step right, then left forward on the heel, hands to the sides, palms up, 3-4 - alternately step on the right, then left back on the toes, hands on the belt ...
  4. "Harmonic". I. p. - standing heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt, 1 - slightly raise the heel of the right and the toe with the left and sliding to the right, 2 - lowering the heel of the right and the toe of the left to the floor, stand toes together, heels apart, 3 - slightly raise the right toe and left heel and slide to the right, 4 - lowering the right toe and left heel to the floor, starting position, 5–8 - the same as 1–4, 1–8 - the same, moving to the left.
  5. "Cyclist". Lying on your back, raising your legs, bend and unbend them alternately, imitating the movements of the cyclist's legs.
  6. "Boat". Lying on your chest, bend in your back, taking your head and arms back.
  7. "Frog". Lying on your chest, bend in your back, pulling your head back, bending your arms to your shoulders and bringing your shoulder blades together.
  8. Back flexion. Lying on your chest, bend in your back, raising your head and taking the hoop by the shoulder blades.
  9. "Fish". Lying on your chest, bend in your back, raising your outstretched arms and legs up.

The main part of the lesson.

Game exercise "Move your feet" - sit on a chair or on the floor. Introduce the heel and toes of your right foot to each other. The toes remain in place, and move the heel in front towards the toes. The fingers will move back. Bring your heel closer again and your toes will run away again. As a result, the foot will begin to move in waves. Now do the exercise in the opposite direction - tighten your toes, but this time the heel will move. The same with the left leg.

Game exercise "Ball rolling" - sit on the floor and put your feet on a small ball. Then roll the ball to the toe, then to the heel. This is a very good foot massage. Legs need to be changed from time to time.

Game exercise "Get the ball" - sit on the floor, legs apart, back straight. Imagine you are holding a ball. "Play" with him. Suddenly the ball rolled away. Get it out without moving, but only leaning forward. Try not to bend your legs. Repeat 3-4 times.

An outdoor game "Hares and a wolf" - children - "hares" are hiding behind the line. The "wolf" is hiding to the side. "Hares" run out into the clearing, frolic. At the signal of the instructor: "The wolf is coming!" - "hares" run away and hide behind the line. In the game, you can use the words: hares are jumping: “gallop, gallop, gallop to green on a meadow. They pinch the grass, eat it, listen carefully: is there a wolf coming? "

The final part of the lesson.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, keeping the position;

Take the correct posture against the wall, take two steps forward, sit down, stand up. Re-adopt the correct posture.

Walking on the outer edges of the feet (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Easy running on toes (1–1.5 min). Walking on the outer edges of the feet (2–5 minutes). Walking on the inner edges of the feet (2–5 minutes).

General developmental exercises.

  1. I. p. - sitting on a bench, legs together, bent at a right angle. Raising and lowering the socks, while pressing on the floor with your fingers, imitate their raking of sand (6–8 times).
  2. Jumping in place with slight forward movement - noiselessly on toes (0.5–1 min).
  3. I. p. - lying on his stomach, chin on the back of the hands, laid on top of each other. Transfer your hands to your belt, raising your head and shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, do not raise your stomach. Hold the accepted position at the command of the instructor.
  4. I. p. - too. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your arms up, to the sides and towards your shoulders (as in breaststroke swimming).
  5. I. p. - too. Movement of the arms to the sides - back, to the sides - up.
  6. I. p. - lying on his stomach, hands under the chin. Alternate lifting of straightened legs, without lifting the pelvis from the floor. The pace is chalky.
  7. Self-extension in the supine position. I.p .: the child lies on his back, head, torso, legs on one straight line, arms along the body.

Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull the socks towards you. Stretch, aiming with the crown of the head in one direction, with socks in the opposite direction, relax in SP.

Press your chin to your chest, socks - on yourself, stretch first with one heel, then with the other, with the crown at this time strive in the opposite direction, relax in SP.

I. p.: the child lies on his stomach, hands up, head rests on his forehead, heels together, toes pulled.

Stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction, relax.

The main part of the lesson.

Game exercise "Boat" - I propose to go on a sea voyage. But first, let's build the boats. We lie on our stomach, we spread our arms and legs a little to the sides. Raise your head, arms and legs up. Here you are all different boats. Ride the waves.

Game exercise "Kolobok" - what a strange little bun in the window appeared: stood for quite a bit, took it and fell apart! Lie on your back, and then sit with your arms around your legs and put your head in your knees. Bring your knees to your shoulders and look at your heels. Here you are all koloboks! One, two, three, four, five - you collapsed again. Stretch your legs and lie on your back.

Game exercise "Hares in the garden". A circle is drawn. All the children stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The teacher appoints one of the players as the driver, and he becomes inside the circle anywhere. Children jump across the line into a circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players when they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, everyone returns to the line. The player touched by the driver is considered the loser. Then a new driver is selected from those children whom they have never been able to touch.

Game exercise "Take quickly". A circle is formed from the cubes. Cubes are two less than the number of players. Children stand in a circle. The teacher gives the task: running (galloping, jumping, running backwards, jumping on one leg, etc.). The teacher says: "Take it quickly!" Each player must take one die. Anyone who is left without an item is considered a loser.

An outdoor game "Kittens and puppies" - children are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, the second - puppies. "Kittens" are near the gymnastic wall. "Puppies" - on the other side of the hall. The instructor invites the "kittens" to run lightly and gently. To the words of the instructor: "Puppies!" - the second group of children runs after the "kittens" and barks: "Woof-woof-woof!" "Kittens", "meowing", quickly climb onto the gymnastic wall. After 2 repetitions, the children change places and the game continues.

The final part of the lesson.Easy running. Breathing exercises.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

While standing, take the correct posture, touching the wall or gymnastic wall. In this case, the back of the head, shoulder blades, gluteal region, calves of the legs and heels should touch the wall.

Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, maintaining the position.

General developmental exercises.

  1. Starting position (I. p.) - lying on the back, arms along the body -1-4 - turning the head to the right-left (2 - 3 times, touch the floor with the ear);
  2. I. p. -Also. 1- 2- hands through the sides up, stretch - inhale; 3-4 - ip, relax - exhale (2-3 times, stretch with pleasure).
  3. I.p. - the same. Hands to the shoulders. 1- bring the elbows forward - exhale, 2- the elbows to the sides, stretch slightly in the thoracic region - exhale (bend 3 times, raise the shoulders from the floor) medium.
  4. I. p. - the same, arms to the sides, palms up. 1- raise your head until your chin touches your chest, look at your socks, pull your socks towards yourself (stay in this position for 1-2 counts) lower your head and socks and relax for 1-2 counts. Complication: raise your head, socks towards yourself, stretch your arms forward.
  5. "We are funny nesting dolls, we have boots on our feet." I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the waist. 1 - right forward on the heel, 2–3 - swing the toe to the right and left, 4 - putting the right, starting position, 5–8 - the same with the left leg.
  6. "Dance of the heels"- I. p. - standing feet together, hands on the belt, 1-2 - alternately step right, then left forward on the heel, hands to the sides, palms up, 3-4 - alternately step on the right, then left back on the toes, hands on the belt ...
  7. "Accordion" - I. p. - standing heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt, 1 - slightly raise the heel of the right and the toe with the left and sliding to the right, 2 - lowering the heel of the right and the toe of the left to the floor, stand toes together, heels apart, 3 - slightly raise the right toe and left heel and slide to the right, 4 - lowering the right toe and left heel to the floor, starting position, 5–8 - the same as 1–4, 1–8 - the same, moving to the left.

The main part of the lesson.

I.p: lying on his stomach, head, torso and legs are in one straight line. The arms are bent in front, the head rests with the forehead on the back of the fingers.

  • Raise your head, linger in this position (for 2-10 counts), return to the starting position.
  • Raise your head and shoulder girdle, hands in the "wings", stay in this position at the expense of returning to SP.
  • Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms to the sides, linger in this position for the account.
  • Bends to straight legs (breathing is arbitrary);
  • Self-stretching: - I. p.: The child lies on his back, arms along the body, head, torso, legs - on one straight line. -I.p .: the child lies on his back, head, torso, legs on one straight line, arms extended up. Press your chin to your chest (while lifting your head), pull your socks towards you. Press your chin to your chest, socks towards you. Stretch.

The game of low mobility "Sunbathing for a caterpillar" - children lie in one row on their backs so that the hands of each subsequent child hold the ankles of the previous one. The first child has his hands up. At the first signal from the instructor, children simultaneously roll to the right side on their stomachs. The second signal is that children roll onto their backs and stomachs. The third signal is to the back, stomach, back. All the same to the left.

When the game is played again, you can roll in each direction for several accounts. As far as the size of the hall allows.

Final part.Slow running. Breathing exercises. Take the correct posture against the wall;

Purpose: formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet. Strengthening the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen.

Preparatory part:

Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, keeping the position;

Squat on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squat, maintaining posture.

Standing at the wall, take 2-3 steps in any direction, sequentially relax the neck, arms, torso, "drop the head", "the rooster bites", "the bird raises and lowers its wings."

Walking roll from heel to toe, hands on the belt (30-60 s). Walking "goose step". Running at an average pace.

General developmental exercises:

  1. I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms out to the sides. Raise the head and shoulders, connect the shoulder blades, hold the "swallow sitting";
  2. I. p. - too. Raise your head and shoulders, slowly move your hands up, to the sides and to your shoulders, the swallow flies;
  3. I. p. - too. Raise your head and shoulders. Hands to the sides (back). To squeeze and unclench your fingers "the swallow is calling for little chicks";
  4. "Curious monkey" - ip: lying on his stomach, hands are connected behind his back, stomach and legs are firmly pressed to the floor. Having bent their breasts, children (monkeys) look forward and around with curiosity. Ensures that only the head moves.
  5. "Ducklings are marching to the river." I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind.
  6. The duck walks waddle-stumbling. " I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. 1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet. 3-4 - and. NS.
  7. "Ducklings are learning to swim." I. p. - sitting, hands in the back support, socks extended. Alternate flexion-extension of the left and right feet.
  8. "The duck quacks." I. p. - sitting, legs bent, hands in support from behind. 1-2 - lifting the heels off the floor, spreading them to the sides (the beak is open), say “quack-quack”. 3-4 - return to the starting position.
  9. For the muscles of the lateral surface of the trunk: I.p. - lying on the right side, right arm up, left along the body. Holding the body in this position, raise and lower the left leg. The same on the other side.
  10. Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.

Main part.

A) walking, then running (keeping the correct body position).

b) children walk in place, swinging their arms freely.

c) stop with a posture check (for a signal)

d) walking with different hand positions:

  • children walk hands on the belt, stop, hands down, check posture;
  • children walk, hands in "wings", hands down, posture check;
  • children walk, arms to the sides, stopping the arms down, checking posture;
  • children walk, hands forward, stop hands down, check posture;
  • children walk, hands up, stop hands down, check posture;
  • children walk, changing the position of their hands, hands on the belt, in the "wings", "to the sides", "up", "behind the head", stop checking the posture.

Running at an average pace.

Game exercise "Rocking". Purpose: for the muscles of the back, legs, flexibility. In a forest clearing, bears played, swaying funny on their backs. Let's try and we also wiggle. Lie on your back, bring your knees to your chest and wrap your hands around your knees. Sway back and forth on your back. When you get tired, take a break. Repeat 3 times.

Game exercise "Rocket" - now we will prepare the rocket for flight. Lying on your back, gently raise your legs up. Resting our hands on the lower back, raise the lower body. Pull your legs up, straightening them. The rocket is ready for launch. Three, two, one - start! Letting go - we lie on our back and rest before the next launch. Repeat 3 times.

An outdoor game "The quieter you go - the further you will be!" - children stand in a line, leading to stand in front of them at a certain distance. The instructor says: "The quieter you go, the further you will be!" At this time, the children go forward. Stop signal, children stop and posture check. Those with incorrect posture return to their original position. The game continues 3-4 times.

Final part.Slow running. Relaxation to music. Assume the correct posture against the wall.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Take the correct posture, move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, keeping the position;

Squatting on toes 8 - 12 times, walking on toes in a semi-squatting position, maintaining posture;

Standing at the wall, take 2-3 steps in any direction, sequentially relax the neck, arms, torso, "drop the head", "the rooster bites", "the bird raises and lowers its wings."

General developmental exercises.

  1. Lie on your back on the mat. The head, torso, legs are in a straight line, the arms are pressed to the torso. Raise your head and shoulders, check the straight position, which was taken in the prone position;
  2. Lying on the floor in the correct position, press the lumbar region of the body to the floor. Stand up, take the correct posture, giving the lumbar region the same position that was taken in the lying position;
  3. I. p. - lying on your stomach, with your chin on the back of your hands, placed on top of each other. Transfer your hands to your belt, raising your head and shoulders, connect your shoulder blades, do not raise your stomach. Hold the accepted position at the command of the instructor.
  4. The same exercise, but transfer the hands to the shoulders or behind the head.
  5. I. p. - too. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your arms up, to the sides and to your shoulders (as in swimming "breaststroke").
  6. Exercise "roller" - the child rolls back and forth a ball, rolling pin or bottle. The exercise is performed first with one leg and then with the other.
  7. Exercise "mill" - a child, sitting on the floor with straightened knees, describes his feet in circles in different directions.
  8. Exercise "window" - a child, standing on the floor, spreads and reduces straightened legs, without lifting the soles of the floor.

Main part.

  • Walking on a gymnastic ladder bar, laid on the floor (6-8 times).
  • Slow walking on toes on an inclined plane (1–2 min).
  • Walking with a side step on a gymnastic bench rail, straight and sideways.

Game exercise "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". A boat is sailing along the river, and in it is a tin soldier. Suddenly a sharp wind blew, and the pitching began. But the tin soldier is not afraid of anything. Do you want to become as steadfast and strong as the tin soldier? To do this, kneel down, press your hands firmly to your body. Strong wind blows. Lean back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten. Repeat 3 times. Now you can sit on your heels and rest. Well done.

Game exercise "Oh, palms, you palms!" - want to be slim and have a beautiful posture? Then stand up straight and, putting your hands behind your back, join your palms. Then, twisting her folded hands, fingers up, position her hands so that the little fingers touch the spine along their entire length. Raise your elbows, straighten your back, and take your shoulders back. We hold the pose and repeat: “Oh, palms, you palms! We will hide you behind your back! This is for posture, that's for sure! Without embellishment! " Slowly lower your hands down, shake your hands and breathe calmly.

The final part of the lesson.Slow running. Relaxation to music. Posture check.

Target: training in self-extension, formation of correct posture, correction of flat feet, strengthening of the "muscle corset".

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

Standing at the gymnastic wall, take the correct posture, rise on your toes, holding this position for 3-4 seconds. Return to i.p.

Take the correct posture in a standing position. Walking around the hall with stops, while maintaining the correct posture. Walking on the outer edges of the feet, “goose step” (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Easy running on toes (1–1.5 min).

General developmental exercises.

  1. I. p. - lying on the floor, on your stomach. Hands under the chin. Alternate lifting of straightened legs with holding them up to 3-5 counts.
  2. I. p. - too. Raise your right leg, attach the left. Keep in this position until the count is "5", lower the right, then the left.
  3. I. p. - too. Raising your head and shoulders, slowly move your hands up, to the sides and to the shoulders or behind the head.
  4. Exercise "walking on heels" - the child walks on heels, without touching the floor with his toes and sole.
  5. Exercise "boat" - a child, sitting on the floor with bent knees and pressing the soles of the feet to each other, gradually tries to straighten the knees until the toes and heels of the feet can be pressed together (trying to give the feet the shape of a boat).
  6. Exercise "artist" - a child, sitting on the floor with bent knees, a pencil, clamped toes, draws various figures on a sheet of paper, holding the sheet with the other leg. The exercise is performed first with one leg and then with the other.
  7. I. p. - the child is standing straight, feet parallel, hands on the belt.
  8. - rise with the top of the head up, stretching the spine and without lifting the heels off the floor, resting your palms on the pelvic bones. Relax, but do not bend your back.
  9. - Raise your hands up (you can lock your fingers into the lock), reach up with your hands and the crown of your head, do not tear your heels off the floor. Return to I.p. without bending your back.

The main part of the lesson.


  1. "Stretching the spring". Bend your arms in front of your chest, clenching your fingers into a fist and raising your elbows to the sides; imitating the stretching of the spring, vigorously pull the shoulders back, bringing the elbows together.
  2. "Bunny". Squat low on the entire foot, bending your arms to your shoulders, palms forward, pressing your elbows to your body and bringing your shoulder blades together.
  3. "Skier". Squat on the entire foot, bending forward and pulling your arms back, imitating the movements of the skier when pushing off with sticks.

Outdoor games.

1. Who will pick up objects more by pinching them with their toes (1–1.5 min).

2. Who will fold the rug into folds faster with his toes (4–5 times).

3. "Giants and gnomes" - walking on all fours (2-3 times).

4. Walking and running on tiptoes.

The final part of the lesson.Light jogging on toes (up to 1 min), walking on toes with a high hip lift (at an average pace, up to 1–1.5 min). Breathing exercises.

Preparatory part of the lesson.

Take the correct posture while standing against the wall: shoulder blades, buttocks, heels should be in contact with the wall;

Standing at the gymnastic wall, take the correct posture, rise on your toes, holding this position for 3-4 seconds. Return to i.p.

Take the correct posture in a standing position. Walking around the hall with stops, while maintaining the correct posture. Walking on the outer edges of the feet, “goose step” (at an average pace, up to 2-3 minutes). Easy running on toes (1–1.5 min).

General developmental exercises.

  1. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs together, bent at a right angle. Raising and lowering the socks, while pressing on the floor with your fingers, imitate their raking of sand (6–8 times).
  2. I. p. - emphasis sitting. Active flexion of the foot (18–20 times).
  3. I. p. - emphasis sitting. Bend your left leg and put it on your toes behind the knee of your right leg. The same with the other leg (6-8 times).
  4. I. p. - lying on his stomach. Turning the lower leg inward and outward (30–40 s).
  5. Sitting on the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, the knees are slightly apart, the soles are pressed against one another (in the form of a "boat"). Gradually straighten your legs until you can keep your toes and heels pressed against each other.
  6. I. p. - about. with. 1 - put your hands on your belt, bringing your shoulders back and down, rise on your toes - deep breath; 2 - lower your head down, relax your shoulder girdle and arms, exhale - and. n. (ten times).
  7. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - turn the body to the left; 2 - tilt the body to the right leg, taking the arms to the sides; 3 - and. n. The same in the other direction. Legs are straight (ten times).

I. p. - about. with. 1 - take straight arms to the sides, bringing the shoulder blades together (inhale); 2 - and. n. (exhale) (eight to ten times).

  1. I. p. - lying on your back, arms bent, palms under the head. 1 - raise outstretched legs up to a right angle; 2 - spread them wide apart; 3 - and. n. (eight times).
  2. I. p. - o.s. Jumping legs apart - legs together alternating with walking (two times ten jumps).

The main part of the lesson.

Game exercise "Who is there?" I. p. - sitting on a chair with a back. The child sits on the highchair so that the back of the highchair is to the side. With both hands, he is holding on to the back (in the center), the elbows are lowered down. The thigh is pressed tightly against the back of the chair along its entire width. Feet together. To the question "who is there?" the child turns his whole body along the back of the chair, helping with the tension of the hips and arms and trying to turn his back and head as much as possible to see who is there. Return to starting position (3-4 times). The same exercise, only the child sits down on the back of the chair with the other side (this relieves tension in the lower spine). At the end of the game, the child is asked: “How did you feel your spine; in which part of the back there was tension; what has changed after the turn? "

Game exercise "Potpourri" - a) holding the ball between your legs, walk slowly, trying not to drop it.

b) sitting on the floor, put your hands on the floor and try to raise the ball with your feet as high as possible.

c) put a stick on the floor and walk along it sideways, placing your hands behind your head.

d) lift a handkerchief off the floor with your toe.

e) rotate the ball on the floor with your foot.

E) while sitting, take pencils scattered on the floor with your toes.

An outdoor game "Hares in the Garden". A circle is drawn. All the children stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The teacher appoints one of the players as the driver, and he becomes inside the circle anywhere. Children jump across the line into a circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players when they are inside the circle. When the driver approaches, everyone returns to the line. The player touched by the driver is considered the loser. Then a new driver is selected from those children whom they have never been able to touch.

An outdoor game "Frisky bag". The players stand in a circle. The incoming person stands in the middle. He rotates a rope with a bag filled with sand. Children watch the bag and, when it approaches, try to jump over the rope. The one who has not jumped is eliminated from the game.

The final part of the lesson.Calm walking. Relaxation to music.


Consulting for parents and educators.

Prevention of flat feet.

It was found that the motor activity of young children is in direct proportion to the shape of the foot. Early recognition of flat feet and its timely treatment through generally available gymnastic exercises will help to relieve children of this deficiency, or, in any case, reduce it. Therefore, the prevention of flat feet at an early age is of particular importance. This work must be done by the parents at home.

The correct selection of footwear for children has an important role in the prevention of flat feet. Its size should exactly match the shape and individual characteristics of the foot, protect the foot from damage, not impede movement and not cause excessive pressure on the joints, blood vessels and nerves of the feet. Shoes should not be too tight or loose. Flat-toed children are advised not to wear flat shoes with thin soles. The height of the heel for children of early and preschool age should be 1.5 - 2 cm.

Children with flat feet tend to wear down the inside of the sole and heel of the shoe.

To prevent flat feet, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles that support the arch of the foot, which is achieved by using general developmental and special gymnastic exercises, which are the most active therapeutic agent, not only compensating for foot defects, but also correcting its configuration and dramatically increasing functionality.

Preventive exercises that strengthen the arch of the foot should be included in morning hygienic exercises, used in physical education, walking, and outdoor games.

The main purpose of corrective exercises is active penetration of the foot (position of the foot on the outer edge), strengthening of the entire ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the foot and lower leg against the background of the general development and strengthening of the child's body. It is necessary to develop vital motor skills in running, jumping, climbing, throwing, in performing exercises in balance, in outdoor and sports games.

Specially selected restorative exercises serve as the foundation on which the local foot correction is built.

Exercises to correct the foot

1. Walk on toes at an average pace for 1-3 minutes.

2. Walking on the outer edges of the feet at an average pace for 2–5 minutes.

3. Slow walking on toes on an incline.

4. Walking on a stick.

5. Rolling the ball alternately with one and the other foot.

6. Rolling the hoop with your toes (alternately) for 2–4 minutes.

7. Slow squats on a gymnastic stick with support on a chair.

8. Slow squats on the ball with support on a chair or balancing with arms spread out to the side.

9. Flexion and extension of the feet while sitting on a chair.

10. Capturing, lifting and shifting sticks, cubes or small paper, cloth napkins with your toes for 1-3 minutes (the exercise is carried out alternately with one and the other leg).

Remedial gymnastics and special gymnastic exercises give excellent results, improving the shape and function of the foot.

Thus, the health of children is largely determined by a rational motor regime, including habitual physical activity, the organization of physical education and hardening at home and in a preschool institution.

To improve health and prevent flat feet, children need to do morning exercises every day, carry out hardening procedures, practice walks, hiking in the forest, running, jumping, swimming, cycling; in the warm season, walking barefoot on the ground, and hardened - up to running in the snow; skating and skiing in winter, organizing outdoor games.

Prevention of posture disorders.

The main means of preventing postural disorders in children is exercise therapy, which is understood in the broad sense of the word and includes a general regimen, a special static-dynamic regimen and therapeutic gymnastics. The general and static-dynamic regimes should be provided to the child at home, and therapeutic exercises must be performed both at home and in the conditions of a children's clinic, a sports clinic, and a rehabilitation center.

In matters of preventing postural disorders, it is very important to observe the static-dynamic regime:

1. The child's bed should be firm, even, stable, with a low pillow. Children should not sleep on a soft, sagging mattress.

2. After lunch, a daytime sleep of 1–1.5 hours is desirable in order to rest the muscles of the back and release the spine from the load.

3. It is necessary to properly organize the child's workplace:

- diffused lighting, but sufficient;

- the height of the table should be such that the distance from the eyes of the sitting child to the surface of the table is about 30 cm (or if you put your hand on the elbow, then the middle finger should reach the corner of the eye);

- the height of the chair should be such that an angle of 90 ° is formed between the chair and the lower leg;

- it is desirable to have support for the back and feet, so as not to cause additional muscle contraction during prolonged exercises in static tension.

4. The main requirements for a working posture during exercise are the maximum support of the trunk, pelvis and legs, as well as a symmetrical position. Correct symmetrical installation of identical parts of the body is performed sequentially, starting from the position of the feet:

- feet supported on the floor or on a bench;

- knees under the chair at the same level (in the ankle, knee and hip joints, the legs should be bent at right angles);

- uniform support on both halves of the pelvis;

- the body periodically rests on the back of the chair;

- the forearms are symmetrical and free, without tension, lie on the table; the shoulders are symmetrical;

- the head is slightly tilted forward, the distance from the eyes to the table is about 30 cm;

  • when writing, lay the notebook at an angle of 30o, the lower left corner of the sheet on which the child is writing should correspond to the middle of the chest.

6. It is advisable to avoid vicious postures:

- the so-called oblique position of the shoulder girdle when writing, when the left hand hangs from the table;

- oblique position of the pelvis, when the child sits on the leg, placed in the position of the buttock;

- the habit of standing with support on one and the same leg, bending the other at the knee.

7. Free a weakened child with postural defects from any additional activities associated with prolonged sitting or asymmetric static posture.

All these, seemingly insignificant, details are of great importance in the prevention and treatment of posture disorders, since the child is exposed to the influence of medical gymnastics for some time, and he spends most of the day and all night without orthopedic supervision.

Analysis of the work of the "Health" circle

Leader: Nikolaenko L.G.

The program of the "Healthier" circle is designed for primary school students, classes were held once a week. Classes were conducted in groups. The first group is studying 1-2 grades, the second group is studying 3, 4 classes.The program of extracurricular activities in the sports and recreational direction "Healthier" is educational and educational in nature and is aimed at achieving the following goals:

To form attitudes towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle and communication skills, such as the ability to cooperate, to be responsible for the decisions made;

Develop skills of self-esteem and self-control in relation to their own health;

To teach the ways and techniques of maintaining and strengthening their own health.

The goals are concretized by the following tasks:

1. Formation:

Ideas about: factors influencing health; correct (healthy) diet and its regime; useful products; rational organization of the daily routine, study and rest; motor activity; the reasons for the emergence of dependence on tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances, their detrimental effect on health; the main components of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle; the impact of an emotional state on health and general well-being;

Skills of constructive communication;

The need to fearlessly consult a doctor on health issues, including those related to the characteristics of growth and development;

2. Training:

Conscious choice of a model of behavior that allows you to maintain and strengthen health;

Personal hygiene rules, readiness to independently maintain their health;

Elementary skills of emotional unloading (relaxation);

Exercises to preserve vision.

In the classroom, various forms of conducting classes and types of activities were used:





Tests and questionnaires

Watching themed films


All this contributed to the development of interest in the classroom. The attendance of the circle is good. Of the planned 34 classes, 33 were held. (1 hour due to flu quarantine at school).During the academic year, the most interesting were the games“I would go to lifeguards” “Health Island”, watching the video “How to maintain and strengthen vision”, “Rapid development of memory”, “Human”, sports events« Further, faster, higher ",“I want to stay healthy”. "For a healthy lifestyle", drawing competition"Health Products","We are for a healthy lifestyle", "No smoking!" The results of the survey showed that 72% of students would like to continue to study in the "Healthier" circle next year!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten" Umka "


Head of MBDOU "D / s" Umka "

A. V. Kraisvetney

“___” _____________ 20 g

"Big guy"

program of physical culture, health improvement and correctional orientation

(for children 3-7 years old)

Compiled by:

Kolesnikova Natalia Alexandrovna,

physical education instructor

MBDOU "D / s" Umka "

Explanatory note

The modified program "Zdorovyachok" of physical culture, sports and correctional orientation was developed for children 3 - 7 years old with disorders in the musculoskeletal system (impaired posture and flat feet). The program is implemented over one year of study.

The recruitment of the "Zdorovyachok" group is carried out taking into account the general functional state of children, age, medical examination data, recommendations of specialist doctors (pediatrician, surgeon). The medical staff of the preschool educational institution carries out diagnostics of the condition of the arches of the foot using objective research methods (plantography).

The results of the medical examination of children are brought to the attention of the parents by the pediatrician of the preschool educational institution individually and they are recommended to study corrective gymnastics in the group.

Enrollment of children in the Zdorovyachok group is carried out with the consent of the parents. The term for the implementation of the program for each pupil is determined individually according to the indications of a medical examination and diagnostic results

The head of physical education tests the strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles, flexibility. This is done in order to determine the initial state of the child's muscular system and, in the future, monitor the results of the classes.

Classes are held with a group of 3-5 years old and 5-7 years old, no more than 10 people 2 times a week in the afternoon (in addition to physical education). The duration of the lesson for children 5-7 years old is 25-30 minutes, for children 3-5 years old 20 minutes. At the same time, sanitary and hygienic standards are observed and the possibility of full rest and restoration of working capacity due to walking and daytime sleep is provided, the curriculum of a preschool educational institution is taken into account.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of age periodization is necessary for the correct construction of the "Zdorovyachok" program for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main features of the formation of the musculoskeletal system in the first periods of a child's life:

Infancy (first year of life): all physiological curves of the spine are blocked, the muscular system is strengthened. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at normalizing muscle tone, improving blood growth.

Early childhood (1- 3 years): the physiological curves of the spine are more pronounced, muscle mass increases, especially of large muscles (trunk). The first signs of poor posture appear. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at strengthening the muscle corset.

First childhood (4- 7 years): physiological curves are pronounced and continue to form, muscles and skeleton are strengthened. The volume of active movements increases. A three-year-old child can jump on two legs, jump from cubes 10-15 cm high, jump over a cord lying on the floor. Motor qualities begin to manifest themselves more clearly at the age of 4. By the age of 5, coordination of movements improves. The period ends with a striking distinctive feature - the first physiological (skeletal) extension, which is characterized by the accelerated growth of the body in length. The second such extension will be noted only at puberty. The intensive growth of the skeleton is associated with an increase in the number of signs of impaired posture and flat feet.


I'm not afraid to say it again:

Health care-

this is the most important work of the educator.

From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children

Their spiritual life depends,

Worldview, mental development,

Strength of knowledge, self-confidence

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The assertion that health is a great value is indisputable. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy and smart is the goal of all parents. And one of the main tasks of doctors and teachers. Numerous scientific studies indicate that the growth of deviations in the state of the child's health occurs during preschool childhood.

The problem of raising a healthy child is more relevant today than ever before. The greatest concern of specialists is caused by children of early and preschool age, the incidence of which has increased in recent years.

Meanwhile, it is the preschool age that is the sensitive period of the child's development, when the foundation of his health, physical development, motor skills and abilities is laid. Development and health in subsequent years of life depends on how the upbringing and education of the child is organized, what conditions are created for the development of his physical qualities.

During the first seven years of life, the child's body grows and develops intensively. Most of the critical periods are associated with this age, which makes the preschooler the most vulnerable to the effects of external factors, both unfavorable social and environmental, demographic, climatic, namely:

· Heredity;

· Features of the sharply continental climate (temperature and pressure drops);

· Unfavorable ecological situation.

· The lifestyle that has the greatest impact on health.

Given these factors, we are aware that it is difficult to fundamentally change the existing state of affairs. But the specialists of the kindergarten can and should influence the preservation, strengthening and correction of children's health.

Every year in our kindergarten, children are examined by specialist doctors (surgeon, pediatrician, ENT, ophthalmologist). Pediatricians note that one of the first places among all deviations in the state of health of children is occupied by disorders of posture and arch of the foot.

Analyzing the results of examination of children by specialist doctors, we noted that the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system is increasing every year.

At present, enough attention is paid to the problem of children's health improvement, in particular, specialized centers have been opened and are successfully operating, in which classes are conducted with children with musculoskeletal disorders. However, most parents do not have enough money and time to attend such classes. For many, it is more convenient when correctional work with the child is carried out directly in the kindergarten. Therefore, it is obvious that additional classes with children aimed at developing the skill of correct posture and preventing flat feet in children in a kindergarten is relevant.

Posture disorders are noted in two planes - frontal and sagittal. Violations are visible when we look at the child (front) from behind and from the side. In preschool children, the so-called flaccid posture is mainly determined. One of the main reasons for the formation of a flaccid posture is the weak development of the muscles of the child, his insufficient physical activity, frequent and long-term illnesses. Often sluggish posture is combined with various defects of the lower extremities, which is explained by the general weakness of the entire musculo-ligamentous apparatus. The most common pathology of the musculoskeletal system in preschool children is deformity of the arch of the foot - its flattening. The foot is the foundation, the support of our body, and any developmental disorder can affect the child's posture. The arch of the foot begins to form during active walking and should be formed by the age of 3 years.

The Zdorovyachok program ensures the formation of children's interest in their personal health, the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health, through the implementation of modern, adapted to the conditions of a preschool institution, health technologies. These technologies are of a purely preventive nature and are aimed at maintaining the emotionally positive tone of the pupils.

When writing the program, a sufficient amount of scientific and methodological literature was studied, correctional techniques of well-known specialists were analyzed. It is concluded that considerable experience has been accumulated in this area, separate complexes of therapeutic gymnastics for preschoolers have been developed, which are carried out in polyclinics, medical and physical dispensaries (M. I. Fonarev, V. K. Velitchenko, O. V. Kozyreva, etc. .). However, there are practically no scientific and methodological developments on corrective work with children with musculoskeletal disorders in relation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

Our program is based on scientifically based health-improving methods, such as authors, OV Kozyreva, I. Krasikova and the program of health improvement for preschoolers "Green light of health" (author M. Yu. Kartushina).

Our kindergarten works according to the Childhood program (edited by TI Babaeva, ZI Mikhailova, L. M. Gurovich). The peculiarity of the Zdorovyachok program is that it complements the Childhood program in physical education and is implemented through the use of therapeutic exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the trunk and limbs in general. One of the varieties of remedial gymnastics is corrective gymnastics. Conducting corrective gymnastics classes in a preschool educational institution allows you to timely and effectively eliminate these causes at the early stages of the formation of posture and arch disorders. It is the timeliness of the use of physical exercises for therapeutic purposes that is the most significant factor in the introduction of therapeutic gymnastics into the practice of correctional work of preschool educational institutions.

As a result of the implementation of the Zdorovyachok program, the effectiveness of prevention and correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system was increased. The pediatrician of the preschool educational institution noted that during additional classes of corrective gymnastics in preschoolers, there is an objective improvement in posture, the formation of the arch of the foot, strengthening of the muscular apparatus, and the development of strength.

Distinctive features of the Zdorovyachok program... The main differences in corrective gymnastics are special exercises:

Development of large muscle groups (especially the back and abdominal muscles),

To strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, which forms the correct posture,

· To strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, which forms the correct arch of the foot.

All exercises are performed at a more relaxed pace.

A feature of the complexes of corrective gymnastics is the use of play exercises with images that are attractive to children. All exercises are perceived by children as part of the game and are included by them in independent motor activity, which is extremely important

The program "Zdorovyachok" is methodologically provided: a curriculum-thematic plan for children 3-5 years old and 5-7 years old has been drawn up, outlines of correctional lessons for each age group have been developed, recommendations for parents and educators have been prepared, card files have been created: "Correctional games and exercises", Health Exercises for Beautiful Posture, Exercise Riddles.

Nadezhda Petrova
The program of the health club "Zdorovyachok"


1.1. Explanatory note

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the Program

1.1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

1.1.3. Characteristics of the characteristics of preschool children

1.2. Planned results of the development of the Program


3.1. Material and technical support of the Program



1.1 Explanatory note

The most important human need, which ensures his development and the well-being of all aspects of life, is health. When a person is healthy, both physically and mentally, great opportunities and prospects open up before him, he makes life plans and realizes them. Health care, harmonious physical development of children is a priority area of ​​our kindergarten's activities.

From the experience of work, communication with children and parents of pupils, I concluded that most modern children lead a sedentary lifestyle at home. This is due to a number of reasons:

The attitude of parents to the physical activity of their child;

Limited or no time for organizing walks, outdoor games with children;

Hobby of children - watching TV;

Games on the computer.

Thus, the volume of children's physical activity is significantly reduced. And as you know, movement is a guarantee of health and good mood. Much attention is paid to this problem by the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education (FSES DO) - the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities.

The program is aimed at developing a young child's interest in their personal health, at improving all types of movements and developing physical qualities.

The term of the program is 1 year:

Once a week

Carrying out time - 20 minutes

Features of the program:

Considered under the health aspect.

The emphasis of health-improving work is on the development of the child's motor activity.

Classes are built taking into account age criteria.

The use of small forms of folklore.

It is carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.

Goals and objectives of the program:

Purpose: increasing the physical fitness of children, the level of health by means of outdoor games, developing, rhythmic exercises

Preservation and strengthening of children's health;

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits;

Formation of motor skills and abilities;

Development of psychophysical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, agility);

Development of motor abilities (functions of balance, coordination of movements);

Prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, colds;

Formation of the need for daily physical activity;

Development of attention, concentration, organization,

Imaginations, fantasies, the ability to manage their actions, feelings.

To fulfill the set health-improving and educational tasks of the program, the following structures are provided:

Rhythmic gymnastics

Dynamic and wellness breaks

Relaxation exercises

Round dances, various types of games

Entertaining warm-ups

Finger gymnastics

Breathing exercises

Principles of building the program:

The principle of systematicity and consistency presupposes the interconnection of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of connection between theory and practice forms in children the ability to apply their knowledge of maintaining and strengthening health in everyday life.

The principle of repetition of skills and abilities is one of the most important, since as a result of multiple repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

The principle of individual-personal orientation of upbringing assumes that the main goal of education is the child, and not the world around. The teacher, relying on the individual characteristics of the child, plans his development, outlines the ways of improving skills and abilities, building a motor regime.

The principle of accessibility makes it possible to exclude harmful consequences for the body of children as a result of excessive requirements and physical exertion.

The principle of success lies in the fact that at the first stage of the formation of health, the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

The principle of active learning obliges to build a learning process using active forms and methods of learning that contribute to the development of independence, initiative and creativity in children (play technologies, work in pairs, subgroup, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

The principle of communication helps to educate children in the need for communication, in the process of which the social motivation of health is formed.

The principle of interaction between the kindergarten and the family, continuity during the transition to school is aimed at creating conditions for a more successful realization of the child's abilities and ensuring the possibility of maintaining health during further education at school.

The principle of effectiveness presupposes obtaining a positive result of health-improving work, regardless of the age and level of physical development of children.

Principles of interaction with children:

The child himself is a fine fellow, everything works out for him, the difficulties that arise are surmountable;

Constant encouragement of all efforts of the child, his desire to learn something new and learn new things;

Elimination of a negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions;

Comparison of all the results of the child only with his own, and not with the results of other children;

Characteristics of the characteristics of preschool children

A 3-year-old child masters the basic vital movements (walking, running, climbing, actions with objects). Interest arises in determining the correspondence of movements to a sample. Children test their strengths in more complex activities, but at the same time, they are characterized by inability to measure their strengths with their capabilities.

The motility of the movements is characterized by a more or less accurate reproduction of the structure of the movement, its phases, direction, etc. By the age of 4, a child can walk on a gymnastic bench without stopping, arms to the sides; hit the ball on the floor and catch it with both hands (3 times in a row); transfer small items one by one (buttons, peas, etc. - only 20 pieces) from the tabletop into a small box (with the right hand). Self-esteem begins to develop when performing physical exercises, while children are guided to a large extent by the teacher's assessment. A 3-4-year-old child possesses basic hygienic skills of self-service (independently and correctly wash his hands with soap and water after a walk, play, toilet; carefully uses the toilet: toilet paper, does not forget to drain the water from the flushing tank; when eating, he uses a spoon, a napkin ; knows how to use a handkerchief; can independently remove clutter in clothes, hair, using a mirror, comb).

1.2 Planned results of the development of the Program

The physical qualities of preschoolers are developed through sports and recreation work.

The level of physical fitness is increased (an increase in indicators of the development of physical qualities).

The motor activity of children is provided, which contributes to their emotional uplift.

Reduced cases of acute morbidity.

2.1. Description of educational activities

Methodological support of the program:

Classes under this program consist of the practical activities of children.

Conducted under the guidance of a teacher.

Forms and methods of teaching:

Verbal - explanation;

Visual - showing;

Practical games, gymnastics, exercises;

Search engines - search for new ideas, materials;

Creative - get creative.

Long-term planning:

Month: October

Program tasks: To form in children the ability to objectively assess their physical capabilities in order to competently act in unusual situations in terms of the danger or safety of performing certain actions.

1 week: Give an idea that opportunities and desires do not always coincide

2 week: Form an idea of ​​the boundaries of physical capabilities, the ability to assess the situation according to the principle of "dangerous - safe"

Week 3: Continue to form an idea of ​​the boundaries of their capabilities (in long jump, high jump, the ability to assess the situation

4 week: To form the ability to predict the results of the actions of other people and assess their capabilities.

Month: November

Program tasks:

Provide a general strengthening effect on the child's body;

Form the correct posture;

Develop attention, coordination of movements.

1 week and 2 weeks: Strengthening the skills of correct posture.

Week 3: Prevention of scoliosis.

4 week: Prevention of flat feet.

Month: December

Program tasks:

To form in children the correct gait and posture - To teach how to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles involved in the formation of the arch of the foot.

1 week: General developmental exercises for flat feet.

Week 2: Strengthening the muscles involved in the formation of the foot.

Week 3: "Funny Legs" - useful exercises for the foot.

Week 4: Strengthen your leg muscles for the long, hard roads. "

Month: January

Program tasks:

Strengthen the musculoskeletal system of children using corrective exercises.

1 week and 2 weeks: Improving the functions of the vestibular apparatus - exercise on a trampoline.

Week 3: General developmental and corrective exercises.

Month: February

Program tasks:

To develop and correct the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere of the child's psyche using elements of psycho-gymnastics; - Develop memory, attention, will, imagination, develop creativity.

1 week: Travel to the fairy planet.

2 week: On the seashore.

Week 3: Forest path.

Week 4: We are funny animals.

Month: March

Program tasks:

Ball School Master the technique of playing with the ball.

Week 1: Throw the ball up and catch it, hitting the ball with one hand.

Week 2: Kick the ball with right and left hands in place; dribble the ball while walking.

Week 3 & Week 4: Target Exercise.

Month: April

Program tasks:

To increase the physical activity of children using exercise machines and non-standard equipment.

1 week: Using a rope.

Week 2: Walking barefoot on a ribbed surface.

Week 3: Classes in a dry pool.

4 week: Trainings on simulators (health disk).

The month of May

Program tasks:

To teach children to use the acquired knowledge and formed skills; - Be able to independently engage in physical exercises, use sports equipment as intended.


3.1. Logistics support

For the high-quality implementation of the educational process, specialized premises are equipped:

Room type

Musical and sports hall.

Functional use

Circle work (physical classes, games, gymnastics, entertainment)


Piano, visual - didactic material, stereo system, TV, DVD, palace

Sports equipment: "Swedish Wall", "Health" discs, trampoline; sports equipment (balls, hoops, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks, rope, mat, etc.)

Room type

Room in a group - mini center "Physical culture"

Functional use

Extension of the individual

motor experience in independent activity


Balls, skittles, skipping ropes

Attributes for outdoor and sports games.

Non-traditional physical training equipment.

Balls, skittles, skipping ropes

3.2. Providing methodological materials and teaching aids and


Teaching aids:

1. Gavryuchina LV Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Methodical manual, M., "TC Sphere", 2007.

2. Golitsyna NS Non-traditional physical education in a preschool educational institution. M., "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2006.

3. Oryol VI, Agadzhanova SN Wellness work in preschool educational institutions. Study guide, St. Petersburg, "Childhood-press", 2006.

4. Saykina EG, Firileva Zh. E. Fizkult - hello to minutes and pauses! Methodological manual, St. Petersburg, "Childhood-press", 2006.

5. Stepanenkova E. Methodology of physical education. M., Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2005.

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