Home Fruit trees Connection for 15 kw. In our case, this can be done by installing the power supplies in the middle of the circuit, and not at the very beginning. In this way, the maximum cable length can be reduced.

Connection for 15 kw. In our case, this can be done by installing the power supplies in the middle of the circuit, and not at the very beginning. In this way, the maximum cable length can be reduced.

How to connect electricity for 550 rubles

Those who decided to build a house and are evaluating the possibility of buying a plot to start construction are interested in the issue of connecting the plot to communications.

In this article, we will consider the issues of connecting electricity for residential buildings, plots and small business facilities of entrepreneurs.

Our goal is to tell you how entrepreneurs and individuals can connect to power grids at the lowest cost.

Here we will talk about how to connect electricity for only 550 rubles.

It should be noted right away that 550 rubles is the payment for connecting to the energy infrastructure. That is, this is the amount of payment that must be paid by the owner of the site to the power grid company in order to carry out the construction of power grids by it to the boundaries of the site.

The preferential tariff obliges the power grid company to supply electricity to the boundaries of the site. But the owner of a house or a business object himself must, at his own expense, do the work on the site: purchase an electric meter, lay a cable (SIP), put a pipe stand, introduce electricity into the house.

You can directly connect electricity from the support (at the border of the site) in two ways:

Option 1. The lead-in cable to the house is mounted underground (in the figure below, this option is shown on the right);

Option 2. With a self-supporting insulated wire cable from the support (self-supporting insulated wire) (in the figure below, this option is shown on the left).

Options for connecting electricity to your home

It is worth noting that work on the site can cost from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the selected material, the size of the site.

Electrical work inside a house or an object is not included in this cost and the price of electrical work will depend not only on the size of the house and the materials selected, but also on the owner's imagination.

So, who can connect electricity for 550 rubles?

The list of persons who can connect to electricity for 550 rubles is defined in clause 17 of the "Rules for Technological Connection to Electric Grids", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861.

The decree stipulates that the right to connect to power grids at a reduced rate of 550 rubles is available to persons who own or lease a land plot or real estate object, provided that the following conditions are met:

Condition 1: limitation on the connected power.

The maximum connected load of your object (taking into account the previously connected power) should not exceed 15 kW.

Is 15 kilowatts a lot or a little?

To understand how much it is, below are information about the maximum power consumption of some electrical appliances.

  • Coffee machine - 1.4 kW.
  • Dishwasher - 1.1 kW.
  • Hood - 0.1 kW.
  • Refrigerator - 0.2 kW.
  • Washing machine - 0.8 kW.
  • Air conditioner or split system - 1.5 kW.
  • Lighting - 0.2 - 0.5 kW.
  • TV set - 0.1 kW.
  • Storage water heater - 2 kW.
  • Electric oven - 7 kW

In total, the power of these electrical appliances is about 15 kW. Moreover, the main ones are devices that are necessary for cooking, heating water or cooling a room.

You need to understand that an electric stove will not work at its maximum capacity 24 hours a day, as well as a water heater.

Therefore, when assessing whether 15 kW is enough for you or not, take into account the demand coefficient, which takes into account the simultaneous operation of power consumers at maximum.

We recommend that you sum up the power of the electrical consumers that you wanted to install in the house and multiply the resulting value by 0.7. If the received power does not exceed 15 kW, then you can easily connect to electricity at a reduced rate.

Our experience allows us to assert that for a cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters, 15 kW is enough for the normal functioning of electrical appliances. Of course, if the owner of such a cottage decided to make electric heating in the house or an electric sauna in the yard, then 15 kW will not be enough for him and the tariff of 550 rubles will not be available to him.

For the owners of such a house, 15 kW of power will not be enough.

But for such a house, 15 kW is just right.

Condition 2: limitation of the distance to the mains.

In order to retain the right to connect at a reduced rate, it is necessary that the condition for distance be met:

Distance in a straight line from the boundaries of the site to the power grid facilities of the grid company (power transmission line, cable line, switchgear, substation) the class you need voltage should not exceed 300 meters for the city and 500 meters for the countryside .

This means that if in the application for technological connection of electricity you indicated the required voltage class of 0.4 kV (380 Volts), then within 300 (or 500) meters from the site, a 0.4 kV line must pass.

If a line of another voltage class (for example, 6 kV) passes right next to the house, and there is no 0.4 kV line nearby, then you will not be able to connect for 550 rubles. You will have to pay more for the connection.

In addition, a grid company (for example, in Moscow and the region it will be PJSC "MOESK") is not at all obliged to connect you for 550 rubles if its networks are not nearby.

Even if your site is located next to the electrical networks that belong to a neighboring plant, no one will force the plant (if it does not want to) connect the house to its electrical networks. Moreover, for 550 rubles.

For such an object, preferential electricity connection for 550 rubles is not available: there is not a single power transmission line nearby. Therefore, the line will have to be pulled from afar, and this is costly

Condition 3: one preferential connection only once every three years.

One more condition was recently introduced: technological connection to electric networks for 550 rubles can be carried out only once every three years.

This is due to the fact that network companies, when connecting consumers at a preferential rate, all measures for construction, approval, etc. produced at their own expense (the cost of these activities costs power grids up to several hundred thousand rubles). Therefore, in order to exclude the facts of abuse by consumers, changes were made to the procedure for preferential electricity connection.

For example, such cases often previously occurred when entrepreneurs acquired one large piece of land and divided it into many small ones for resale. And each small plot was connected to electricity for 550 rubles.

Now this is no longer possible. You can connect at a reduced rate only once every three years.

What actions need to be taken to connect to electricity for 550 rubles?

If you are a private owner.

If you want to connect electricity to a house or plot and do not plan to engage in entrepreneurial activity on the plot, then you need to draw up an application for technological connection, which should contain the following information (you can also attach copies of documents):

  1. Surname, name and patronymic of the applicant, series, number and date of issue of the passport or other identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the address of the place of residence of the individual. WITH Tip: here you can attach a copy of your passport - the first page and registration.
  2. Requested power. Advice: choose 15 kW at once.
  3. A copy of a document confirming ownership or other other legal basis for disposing of objects (certificate of ownership or lease agreement).
  4. A copy of the cadastral plan, or if there is none, it is enough to indicate the address of the location of the site or house.
  5. Indicate with whom you will conclude an energy supply contract. Tip: here you can specify the main supplier of electricity in the region (for example, for Moscow and the Moscow Region, this is PJSC Mosenergosbyt).

You can download the application form for connecting electricity.

If the house or plot is located on the territory of SNT.

If the house or plot is located on the territory of SNT, then it will additionally be necessary to draw up and sign an agreement with the chairman of the horticultural partnership on the use of infrastructure and other common property.

What is this paper? If you want to connect a separate input from the power grids, and not from the general gardening transformer, then you must submit a document that confirms the consent of the other members of the partnership to use the general infrastructure of the partnership (power transmission towers, land, roads) along which the electrical network will run to your house.

The chairman does not have the right to make such a decision on his own, therefore, the issue of signing such agreements should be considered at a general meeting of all members of SNT. If the majority votes for, the chairman is obliged to sign such agreements. Without such an agreement, the grid company will refuse to connect to its power grids.

If you are an entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur, then the following information must be indicated in the application:

  1. The requisites of the applicant (for legal entities - the full name and number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for individual entrepreneurs - the number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the date it was entered into the register).
  2. The name and location of the object.
  3. Location of your organization or individual entrepreneur.
  4. Requested power. Tip: specify 15 kW.
  5. Number of attachment points. Advice: in your case - 1 attachment point.
  6. The declared category of reliability.
  7. Tip: Preferential joining is available only for 3 security categories.
  8. If the house has not yet been built, indicate the timing of the design and stage-by-stage commissioning of power receiving devices (including by stages and stages).

You can download the application form for connecting electricity for entrepreneurs.

How can I apply for a 15 kW electricity connection?

Objectively assessing how the situation has changed over the past 5-7 years in terms of convenience for consumers throughout the procedure for connecting to power grids, it can be stated that now it has become much easier to connect to electricity than before.

Submission of an application for technological connection is now also possible via the Internet. Agree, it's much easier this way: you don't need to go to a network company and stand in line.

For example, to connect to the electric networks of MOESK it is possible to do this

It is pleasant to state that the introduction of new technologies in the work of some power grid companies is taking place in a timely manner. All processes are simplified and made more accessible to consumers.

The application was submitted, what's next?

Then you will receive a contract and technical conditions to it. If you sign the contract without comment, then after that you need to wait until the grid company completes its part of the work to the border with your site (build power lines and perform other work).

In accordance with the legislation, the networks have 180 days (6 months) to fulfill their part of the technical conditions.

In parallel, you need to fulfill your part of the technical conditions on your site. For small objects (no more than 15 kW), this list is small: install a metering cabinet, metering device, pipe rack, etc.

Unfortunately, the grid company does not always fulfill its part of the work on time. Sometimes these deadlines are delayed.

In this case, it is quite difficult for a subscriber to influence the network company. In accordance with the legislation, the subscriber can:

  1. Terminate the contract for technological connection (although why do you need this if you need to connect electricity?),
  2. Through the court, seek the execution of the contract by the network company (here, too, the procedure for forcing the execution of the contract is not entirely clear).

What other official payments are provided when connecting electricity for 550 rubles?

There are no longer any payments to be made to the grid company or electricity supplier.

The consumer does not need to pay for the sealing of the metering station, drawing up any other documents and approvals. Only 550 rubles and payment for work (performance of technical conditions) on your site. Moreover, you can perform the work on the site yourself, you can sign a separate contract, according to which the network company will perform the work on your site, or you can choose an independent contractor for these works.

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