Home Fruit trees Declination of nouns in the prepositional case by gender. Cases of nouns. Declination by cases. Offset designs

Declination of nouns in the prepositional case by gender. Cases of nouns. Declination by cases. Offset designs

- ● The dative of the addressee indicates the object to which the action is directed. Write to a friend. To give to the child. Threaten the enemy. Help the sick. Let the kids. Send to relatives. Gift to the bride. Loyal to the homeland. ... They gave me a guide (Pushkin). ● ... ... Management Dictionary

dative- The case form, combined with a verb, noun, adjective and expressing object relations, attributive, etc. The dative of the addressee indicates the object to which the action is directed. Write to a friend. Gift for children. ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

Dative- (Dativus). Its general basic meaning is the idea of ​​physical or spiritual approximation (or proximity in general) of one object (concept) to another. The primary forms of common Indo-European dialecticism are not always preserved by individual Indo-European nations. languages. By virtue of… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

dative- See dativo ...

dative- dative … Russian spelling dictionary

dative- lingual. Indirect case form expressing object, attributive, etc. relationship; answers the questions to whom? what? ... Dictionary of many expressions

interest dative- See case of dative interest ... A five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

DATIVE- DATAL, dative, dative. In the expression: dative case (gram.) Case, which answers the question: to whom what? or in other cases (eg. in the adj.) depending on the word in this case. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

DATIVE- DATAL: dative case, which answers the question to whom (what)? Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

dative- (case). Borrowing from st. sl. yaz., where it is a derivational tracing of the Greek. dotikē (ptōsis) "dative (case)", Suf. derived from didōmi "to give" ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language


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  • Dative strategy and models in case systemology. Monograph, Alexey Chernyshev. This monograph is devoted to the theoretical understanding and systematization of the case category of the date. Using the approach of semantic universals and the principle of triadicity laid down by the system ...

Nouns are widely represented in Russian. They can act as main and secondary members of the proposal. By using the cases of nouns, the speaker and writer can associate these parts of speech with others in the context of a sentence. Another category of noun is directly related to cases - its declension. By the way, the spelling correctness of what is written depends on the correct definition of which.

Case category

The case of nouns is a grammatical category that indicates the relationship of a given part of speech to other words in a sentence. These connections can be realized not only with the help of case forms - prepositions help with this, as well as intonation coloration and even word order.

In modern Russian, there are only 6 case forms.

Case name

Case questions for nouns



Whom? What?


To whom? What?


Whom? What?



About whom? About what?

Once upon a time in the Old Russian language there was another, seventh, vocative case. But it has lost its significance in the course of the development of linguistic culture. Echoes of the vocative case remained in common parlance. Previously, it was comparable to the nominative and meant the address: father, man. At the present stage of the development of the Russian language, it is realized in the following colloquial addresses: Sing, Vasya, Tan, etc.

The meaning and form of expression of cases. Nominative

In addition to grammatical meaning, the cases of nouns are lexical. Let's analyze them.

Nominative... This is the basic form of a noun. Used in academic literature (dictionary entries). In this case, there is always a subject, also a word in it. the item can be an integral part of the predicate.

Example: Roses bloomed on time... The subject roses stands in the nominative case.

Another example: This tree is birch. The subject wood(Im., Predicate Birch- the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate, stands in Im. NS.).

Genitive meanings

Genitive... Can associate nouns with different parts of speech. So, if the genitive case connects two nouns, then it will mean:

  • substance for which the measure is indicated: liter of kvass;
  • affiliation: mom's shoes b;
  • an action object: boiling water;
  • definition relationship: beauty of the fields.

The genitive case is used with the comparative degree of adjectives: stronger than (whom?) a bull. With a cardinal number: a thousand (what?) rubles.

As for the verb and verb forms, this case applies in the following cases:

  • denotes a specific object when associated with a transitive verb: write out a receipt;
  • used after verbs such as to be afraid, to strive, to deprive me and others: seek (what?) permission.

The genitive case is used when reporting the exact date. For example: She was born on the sixth (what?) Of March one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two.

Dative and Accusative Meanings

Other cases of nouns are not so rich in lexical meanings and grammatical connections. So, the dative case is associated with verbs and some nouns (verbs). Has a side object value: to help parents(compare: help around the house- direct object).

The accusative case indicates that we have a direct object before us: writing a poem.

Instrumental and prepositional cases

The noun in the instrumental case will have the following meanings:

  • tool or method of action: punch (with what?)(way), beat (what?) with a hammer(tool);
  • the subject performing the action: written (by whom?) mom; washed (with what?) with a rag;
  • is part of the nominal part of the predicate: she was (who?) a doctor.

The prepositional case is special, this is evident from its name. He always requires a preposition. May mean:

  • topic of conversation, thoughts, etc.: let's talk (about what?) about the work of Goethe; I think (about whom?) about a beautiful stranger;
  • time and geographic indicators: met (when?) last weekend; work (where?) in a cafe.
  • used to indicate a date, but not complete, but with an indication of the year: I was born (when?) in one thousand nine hundred and ninety.

Declension of nouns

To write spelling correctly, you need to know more than cases. The declension of nouns is of paramount importance. There are three types of declension in Russian, each of which requires specific endings. To determine belonging to one of them nouns, case, gender, you need to know first of all.

Nouns like homeland, earth, frame, belong to the first declension. They are united by their femininity and the endings -а / -я. Also, these declensions include small nouns of the masculine gender: Vitya, grandfather, dad... In addition to the genus, they are united by the endings -а / -я.

Much more extensive is the group of masculine nouns of the type: son-in-law, wolf, sofa... They have a zero ending. Such words refer to the second declension. This group also includes neuter nouns with the inflection -o / -e: sea, building, crime.

If you have a feminine noun ending in a soft sign (zero ending), it will refer to the third declension: rye, youth, daughter, brooch.

Nouns can have an adjective declension, that is, they change in cases like adjectives and participles. These include those who have made the transition from these parts of speech to the noun: living room meeting.

To determine which cases of nouns are used in a sentence, you need to find the word to which the noun belongs and ask a question.

For example, let's define the cases and declensions of nouns in a sentence: The motorcyclist was driving on level ground.

The subject motorcyclist does not apply to any other word, because it is the main member of the sentence, therefore, it stands in the nominative case. Determine the declension: the zero ending and masculine mean that the word is 2 declensions. Noun with a preposition on the terrain depends on the word was driving... We ask the question: drove (where?) over the terrain... This is a question of the prepositional case. Terrain- feminine, ends in b, therefore the declension is third.

Declension of singular nouns

To determine with what ending it is required to write a noun, gender, number, case and declension it is necessary to know. The declension is hard and soft: the word can end in a soft or hard consonant. For example: lamp- solid type; pot- soft.

Let's give examples of declension of nouns singular and pay attention to endings in some forms.

First declension

Solid type

Soft type












About provocation

You should pay attention to the dative and prepositional cases. They require staging the ending -e. In the noun na -ii, on the contrary, in these cases the ending -i should be written.

Second declension

Masculine gender

Neuter gender

Solid type

Solid type

Soft type







Here we pay attention to the prepositional case: it requires the ending -e. If a noun ends in -th / -th, then in this case it is necessary to write -и.

Third declension

Pay attention to the genitive, dative and prepositional cases: they require the ending -i. It should also be remembered that after the hissing in the singular in this declension, it is required to write a soft sign. It is not needed in the plural.

Declension of plural nouns

Let's analyze the cases of plural nouns.

1 declension

2 declension

3 declension

Solid type

Soft type

Masculine gender

Neuter gender















About paintings

About pots

About barracks

Nouns in the dative, instrumental, and prepositional cases have identical endings.

The endings -и / -ы or -а / -я have plural nouns. The first can be in all three declensions, the second - in some nouns of the second declension: director, watchman, professor.

To distinguish between the lexical meanings of plural nouns, different endings are used: sheet, but leaves (by the tree) and sheets (by the book).

Nouns like contracts, elections, engineers, officers, designers it is required to write only with the ending -ы. Another inflection is a violation of the norm.

Diversified nouns

The Russian language has a unique group of nouns. When changed in cases, they have the endings of different declensions. The group includes those words that end in -name (for example, time stirrup), as well as the word way.
















about stirrup

about stirrups

Like nouns with 3 declensions, these words in the singular, genitive, dative and prepositional cases require the ending -i.

Immutable nouns

Another special group of nouns is immutable. They are not put in the form of number and case. They always have the same form: without kimono(R. p.) - about kimono(P. p.); new kimono(unit h.) - purchased kimonos(plural).

How to determine, then, how the noun is grammatically expressed? The number, case, we look at the word to which it refers. Examples:

1. Pedestrians hurried along the new highway.

2. New highways were built.

In the first sentence, we determine the number and case by the adjective new(singular h., D. p.). In the second - also according to the adjective new(plural, Im.p.).

Immutable nouns are, as a rule, foreign words, like common nouns ( citro, cafe) and proper ( Baku, Hugo). Compound words (abbreviations) are also immutable. For example: COMPUTER, NPP.

The Russian language has six cases that express certain roles of nouns in sentences: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. One of them is the dative case in Russian. It occupies a special place in comparison with other indirect cases, since it is opposed to them by the fact that it has its own semantics.

The dative case indicates the object to which the action is directed, to the addressee (for example, to write to the sister, to help the parents), to the object (for example, to enjoy the birth, to belong to the child), to the object of state and properties (for example, fidelity to what was said, devotion to the owner). It expresses an attitude that determines the purpose of an object (a hymn to work), is used in impersonal sentences to convey the state of the subject (the child was unwell, he wanted to sleep). The dative case answers the question (you can sometimes mentally substitute the word “give”) “to whom?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “Where?”.

The dative case, in comparison with other indirect cases, can be used with fewer primitive prepositions ("k" and "po"). In the proverbial position, the dative case in Russian with the preposition "k" can perform the function of an informative-replenishing form (refer to the most famous sayings), have object meaning (respect for parents), have a definitive meaning (in place: go to the door; by time : warming by noon; by purpose and purpose: food for dinner).

In an unconventional position, the dative case with the preposition "k" has the meaning of a predicative sign (the ability to sing), object meaning in determination (this dress lacks something bright), determinative and adverbial meaning of place and time (it got warmer in the evening). When using the preposition "by" in the proverbial position, the dative case has the following meanings: object (knock on wood, miss your brother), attributive with the meanings of place (to walk on the road), time (to sleep at night), reason (to say by mistake), goals (call to check). In an unconventional position, these are the meanings of a predicative attribute (longing for the parental home), a subjective meaning (everyone has a book left) and a determinative meaning (the store is closed on Sundays).

The dative case is combined with such non-primitive prepositions: in contrast to (what was said), thanks to (mother), in spite of (himself), following (company), in spite of (fate), in relation to (professor), according to (contract), in accordance with (goals) ), judging by (quantity). With particular attention should be paid to the dative in which the names of the 1st declension (masculine and feminine gender, which end in "-а", "-я") depend on the name itself, in the dative case, the endings have "-e", "-i" in singular (for example, mom, wall, stories, aunt) and "-am", "-am" - in the plural (for example, mothers, uncles).

Nouns of the second declension (masculine and neuter with and ending in "-o") singular endings have "-y", "-y" (for example, window, table) and plural - "-am", "-yam" (for example, windows, tables) in the dative case. The nouns of the third declension (ending in the dative case, the endings have "-i" in the singular (for example, by night, by cloth) and "-am", "-yam" - in the plural (for example, at night, by cloth ).

Oh, this declension ... When studying a noun, it is this topic that makes you break your head properly in order to remember all the unstressed endings in all kinds of cases and numbers. How to determine the declension of nouns? The table and examples will make the task easier! Let's try to figure it out and become even a little smarter!

What is declination?

The declension of a noun (a table of examples is given in the text) is a change in the case of a word and its number. Let's look at the examples in the table.

The declension table of nouns by case shows that all nouns are divided into groups depending on which endings they acquire in the form of a particular case. Accordingly, all words related to the same wandering will have the same set of endings. Knowing how to determine the declension, you can avoid mistakes in spelling the endings of nouns in a weak position, in other words, not under stress.

How many declensions can a noun have?

The table of declension of nouns by case, given in the previous section, showed that any words of the same declension in the form of the same case will have the same endings. It presents the three most common types of declension in our language. But, as you know, he is very rich, and there are no simple rules in it. In addition to the three presented, there are other types of declensions.

So what types of declensions are there? The most common are the first, second and third declensions.

A separate group is made up of words that end in -th: intention, crime, agreement, etc.

The next group is words ending in -and I: mania, Natalia, waist, session, commission, etc.

There is a small group of words ending in -my, which are also inclined in a certain way: time, tribe, etc. Such words are called mixed nouns (a separate paragraph of the article will be devoted to them). Words such as path and child are also considered different words.

And finally, there are some words that cannot change either in case or in numbers, and in all forms "look" the same. These are non-declining, or unchangeable, nouns: kangaroo, kiwi, and others.

Why do you need to be able to determine declination?

How to determine the declension of a noun, the table will tell us a little later. But the question is very often asked about why this should be done? Why memorize all these cases, endings, many "special" words that need to be memorized? But for what. Let's take the word "path" for example: I walk the path and or I am walking along the path? How to be? Which letter should you choose? And here's another word: "winter". It is also feminine with the ending -. We put in the same case: (to whom? What?) - winter... But we already know that all words of the same declension acquire the same ending when changed. So, you need to write like this: i walk on(to whom; to what) path... The issue is resolved!

How to determine the declension of a noun? The table and examples in the following paragraphs will help you not to be mistaken in this rather simple question!

Nouns 1 declension

These are feminine and masculine words that have endings in their initial form. -a or -I am(remember that the initial form for a noun is the nominative and singular).

There are a lot of feminine words with such endings in Russian: mom, Masha, pajamas, apartment, work, daughter and many, many others. There are fewer masculine words, but they exist and are very common: dad, grandfather, Vasya, Petya and other masculine names.

The table of nouns of 1 declension will compare words with stressed and unstressed endings to show that all words of this declension will have the same case endings.

Nouns 2 declensions

These are masculine words that have (it is not expressed by a letter in the nominative case, but "appears" in other forms) and neuter with endings -o, -e: raft, horse, lake, sea, field, etc. The table of nouns of 2 declensions will show which endings words acquire when changing by case.

As you can see, they have different endings in the accusative case. And difficulties can only be caused by prepositional forms with an unstressed ending, so you should remember that in this form you need to write - e.

Nouns 3 declensions

These are feminine words with a zero ending. They all end in a soft sign: mouse, brooch, region, passion, and so on. Let's see what endings these words acquire in different forms.

It is very easy to remember: in the forms of genitive, dative and prepositional cases, such words acquire the ending - and.

Nouns ending in -ee, -ya

The word "striving" is neuter, but it cannot be attributed to the 2nd declension; the word "mantle" is feminine, but does not change, like the words of the 1st declension. The table of declension of nouns by case will show the difference in the endings.

As you can see from the table, the words on -th differ from words 2 declensions only in the prepositional case, and words in -and I from the words of 1 declension - in the dative and prepositional.

Remember that words ending in -th, in all forms behave like words of 1 declension. Therefore, for example, the forms of the same name Natalia and Natalia will be inclined differently: (give) Natalia, Natalia, (talk) about Natalia, about Natalia.

Table of declension endings of nouns

Let's summarize what has been said with a table of case endings of words related to different declensions.

Case -1 sq. -2 sq. -3 skl- -th -and I
I. p.

paw, bullet

__ -o, -e

house, dish

R. p.

paws, bullets

at home, meals

D. p.

paw, bullet

home, dish

V. p.

paw, bullet

__ -o / -e

house, dish


-th / -th

paw, bullet

-om / -em

home, dish


P. p.

about a paw, about a bullet

about the house, about the dish

about greatness

Let's hope that no one will find it difficult to choose the desired ending and determine the declension of nouns in Russian. The table explained everything in great detail.

It should be noted that -th and -and I cannot be distinguished as a separate morpheme, the ending. In this case, these are just the letters that the word ends with. such words are the topic of another article.

The declension of nouns in the plural (the table here, in general, is unnecessary) very rarely causes difficulty, since the letters are mostly clearly audible. In the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases in the plural, all three declensions will have the same endings. We offer you to independently inflect any words in the plural and make sure of it.

Diversified nouns

There are not many different words among the nouns of the Russian language. Why are they so different? Because they cannot be attributed to any one declension, they "behave" differently in different cases. These are words ending in -my(there are about ten of them), the words "path" and "child". Let's look at the features of the declension of nouns in Russian (table) - those words that are considered to be different.

I. p.stirrupwaychild
R. p.stripe-en-iput-anddit-yat-i
D. p.stripe-en-iput-anddit-yat-i
V. p.stirrupwaychild
Ect.rush-en-emby waydit-yat-her
P. p.about stride-en-iabout the wayoh child-yat-i

As you can see, the word "child" is inclined in a very special way. The word "path" in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases "behaves" like the 3rd declension word, and in the instrumental one - like the 2nd declension word. Well, the words ending in -my, in indirect cases acquire the suffix -en-.

These words need to be remembered so as not to be mistaken in choosing the desired ending.

Unbreakable words

These are mainly borrowed words - from other languages. They can denote the names of animals, plants, dishes, as well as the names or surnames of people, the names of objects. Having come to our language, such words have retained the peculiarity of not changing their form, falling into a sentence. In whatever case or number you need to put such a word, it will sound the same.

  • Pour me coffee - I admire morning coffee - talking about coffee.
  • This is my cockatoo - I don't have a cockatoo - give the cockatoo food - remember the cockatoo.
  • Dumas' novel - dedicated to Dumas - writes about Dumas.

Declining such words in a sentence is wrong and illiterate. Everyone knows the joke phrase "I am sitting in a kinene in the first row with a trooper in my tooth." Let's not be like the hero of this joke! Declined words need to be used correctly, and unwanted ones do not need to be changed at all.

Let's summarize

Determining the declension of nouns (table above) is not a difficult process at all, which will help to avoid mistakes when writing. Let's try to summarize all of the above.

There are three main declensions in Russian, but there are also special words ending in -and I and - ue, and several different words. Words are divided into three main groups depending on gender and ending in the nominative case.

All words of the same declension in have similar endings. They can be learned so as not to make mistakes. And you can act differently: instead of a word with an unstressed ending, substitute any word of the same declension, but in which the stress falls on the ending. The letter at the end of these words will be the same!

Words on -and I and -th are not included in the three main groups, because they change in cases and numbers in a special way, and they need to be remembered.

You should also remember a small group of diverse words. Their set of endings does not coincide with any of the above declensions, so they require special attention.

And finally, indefatigable words: they do not change, in whatever context they are used. Decline words like cinema, coat, coffee, purse, kangaroo,- a sign of low literacy and general culture.

We hope that the article turned out to be useful and helped to understand such a difficult topic as the declension of a noun. The table and examples were clear, and therefore choosing the correct ending is now easy.

Be literate!

1\. Nominative - WHO? WHAT?

2 \. Genitive - WHOM? WHAT?

3 \. Dative - TO WHOM? WHAT?

4\. Accusative - WHOM? WHAT?

5\. Good - WHOM? HOW?

2 examples:


There are 6 cases in Russian: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional.

Let's consider them in more detail. Each case answers certain questions

1\. Nominative - WHO? WHAT?

2 \. Genitive - WHOM? WHAT?

3 \. Dative - TO WHOM? WHAT?

4\. Accusative - WHOM? WHAT?

5\. Good - WHOM? HOW?

6 \. Prepositional - ABOUT WHOM? ABOUT WHAT?

For example, let's drop the words "girl" and "man".

1\. Nominative - girl human

2 \. Genitive - human girls

3 \. Dative - to a girl to a man

4\. Accusative - a man's girl

5\. Good - by a girl by a man

6 \. Prepositional - about a girl about a person

The genitive and accusative cases have common issues. It is very easy to distinguish them from each other.

2 examples:


Who is this doll? This doll is a girl.

Here the question of WHO can be replaced by the question of Whose. That is, the genitive case indicates belonging to someone or something. Remember. If the question of WHOM has the meaning of WHOSE (WHOSE, WHOSE ... etc.), then the case is genitive.

You do not need to replace anything in the accusative case. There the word WHOM has a different meaning.

WHOM did mom punish? Mom punished the girl.

Accusative - from the words WIN, BLAME.

WHAT is the dog looking for? The dog is looking for a bone. Here is the word BONE in the accusative case.

Hard? This is just the beginning. Then it will be easier)) Good luck!

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