Home Fruit trees The tendency to cheat by date of birth. Who are the most faithful signs of the zodiac: horoscope ratings and the likelihood of betrayal for each sign. How to Calculate Your Sexual Temperament by Date of Birth

The tendency to cheat by date of birth. Who are the most faithful signs of the zodiac: horoscope ratings and the likelihood of betrayal for each sign. How to Calculate Your Sexual Temperament by Date of Birth

Is it possible to determine sexual temperament by date of birth? Yes! Because all our talents and capabilities are embedded in the form of codes in our date of birth and name.

Now in the 21st century people have become more open, therefore, sexuality, the issue of temperament as a subject of public interest has attracted the attention of almost everyone since adolescence. We we start to think in his youth, about the degree of his needs and capabilities, and already in adulthood - about the unity of views on life, family values ​​and, of course, the combination of sexual temperament with a loved one.

Sexuality - this is both self-awareness and the impression that each person transmits with their behavior (and erotic) to those around them.

How to Calculate Your Sexual Temperament by Date of Birth

Note: to add up an absolute picture of a person's sexual capabilities and talents, it is necessary to do a complete analysis of the date of birth and name. The potential and realization of sexual temperament is influenced by:

  • strength of character - you yourself understand that a shy person will hardly overcome his constraint and desire to obey instead of domination, and vice versa - a despot, although he may lie quietly, will continue to command;
  • energy potential - when there is no strength and you constantly feel tired, when initiative is simply uncharacteristic, then whatever the sexual fantasies, their realization will be low;
  • the level of spirituality of a person is also of great importance, etc.

How to calculate your sexual temperament by date of birth in numerology? There is a certainthe relationship between numbers when calculating the date of birth and a person's innate sexuality... In this case, it should be considered in combinationLife Path Number(first stage of calculations)as the main determinant of our behavior and aspirations in life andCarnal Diagonal Number(second stage of calculations)in the so-called Psychomatrix of Alexandrov (or the total number of "3", "5", "7" when calculating the date of birth) - you will read about these, at first glance, complex, but complete and necessary calculations below.

Stage 1.

So, to calculate Life Path Numbers you should separately add the day, month and year of birth and reduce to simple. Then, having summed them up among themselves, also reduce to a simple resulting number.

For example , date of birth 03/29/1978, then:

  1. 2 + 9 = 11, then 1 + 1 = 2;
  2. 0+3 = 3;
  3. 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 25, then 2 + 5 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1;
  4. therefore 2 + 3 + 1 = 6 is Life Path Number.

Passion code

Temperament Units

People-" Units"Are rather domineering, selfish, therefore like to draw attention to themselves , however, they will not always give in return. They prefer take the initiative , take everything into your own hands up to the demonstration of your power over your partner. But if you impose attention on them, then you can run into aggression.

« Units»Passionate in a reliable and permanent relationship, but sometimes love sexual freedom .

The sexuality of the Deuce

For " Twos»Is characteristic need for a partner with which a person can share common interests, feel the unity of souls ... Such people passion depends on their psychological closeness with a partner, therefore, they will not demonstrate their sexuality to “everyone they meet”.

Are of great importance tactile sensations upon contact with a person, if people-"twos" do not like the sensations of touching with simple communication, then they will not let them go further, they do not accept rudeness .

Attraction of the Three

Three attract attention they know how to speak beautifully, present themselves and verbally extol your partner. They love something new ready to experiment , are open to new sensations, so consistency in relationships is not their distinguishing feature.

Such people are considered frivolous and often get married several times .

Closeness for the Four

« Fours"Very stable and conservative in their sexual views. However, they are capable of intimacy without any prohibitions, and in their youth they succeed easily. But it costs them feel resentment and frustration as they push themselves into frames views that were instilled in the family, under the influence of close environment.

Outwardly, such people do not radiate sexuality, but their positive views on relationships for the sake of procreation Is a good key to awaken passion .

The activity of the relationship of the Five

« Fives" very sexy and outwardly, and in manifestations passion... They intuitively sense the needs of a loved one, love new experiences, variety , therefore, if a partner shares their activity, love of travel and does not let them get bored, then the right harmonious relationship is ensured.

But if the "Fives" are fed up get bored, then without hesitation they will go for new erotic sensations to others , not excluding "disposable" partners.

Trust relationship of the Six

People with Life Path Number Six very the faithful , the truth is this is happening because of their disgust to strangers. Feeling absolute trust Is a guarantee that closeness between people established .

"Sixes" often use the "carrot and stick" method: if the relationship is harmonious, then sexual fulfillment will be one hundred percent, and if their partner is guilty of something, then they can punish by refusing to intimacy.

Seven interest

People-" Sevens" - this is intellectuals who feel passion in their brains , and who are attracted to brains. To reveal eroticism to such a person, it is enough arouse his research, analytical interest .

They are not capable of treason, but here entice them with the role of "tester" possible, but this is a rare case.

Business Relationships of the Eight

People with Life Path Number Eight Are people business ... Their sexy notes are worn cleanly practical character is social status, financial situation , business acumen. They are more likely to postpone pleasure for the sake of work, big money, or into the hands of high-ranking, wealthy and business of people.

People- "Eights" can both enjoy and deliver the height of erotic pleasure but this is all in rare interruptions between transactions, contracts, projects .

Romance Nines

The most romantic ones are “ Nines", which can relax only if spiritual closeness is achieved and there is a corresponding mood and harmony as in a relationship , and in the external environment. They can externally radiate sexual magnetism, but not everyone will perceive it: either there is desire immediately and for a long time, or cause rejection and forever .

Strangers will not immediately let the Nines close to them, but already a loved one, whom you managed to feel, will be surrounded by tenderness .

Sexuality, inherent in numerological indicators, remains with a person for life, but if something does not suit you, then you can try to put on a "mask", try on a new image. The main thing is not to go against your nature. That is. if you feel that you are uncomfortable playing someone else's role, then it is better not to betray your true nature. Hot Spanish nights are good only in Spain!

Stage 2.

How many digits are in your sexuality (in the psychomatrix)

  1. To do this, again write down the day, month and year in the form of numbers and add up all the numbers (see table point 1),
  2. then we output a prime number (point 2), i.e. from 1 to 9.
  3. Then we subtract from the first number (1) the first digit of the whole series, multiplied by the constant 2 (point 3),
  4. again we display a prime number (point 4).

For example, date of birth 09/12/1983:

(1) 1+2+0+9+1+9+8+3 = 33; (2) 3+3 = 6;
(3) 33-1*2 = 31; (4) 3+1 = 4.

Of all the numbers, dates of birth and totals !!! calculated we count the number of numbers "3", "5", "7" - this is the Carnal Diagonal Number... In the example, this number is 4! ( not to be confused with the number 4 from point 4).

No numbers

An equal attitude to intimate life, long breaks in it are possible, which will not cause much discomfort. However, with the emergence of a permanent partner or the creation of a family, the level of sexuality of such a person will depend on the spiritual diagonal and the strength of the carnal diagonal of the partner. Thus, a person with an empty carnal diagonal should choose a partner primarily for spiritual compatibility (look at the spiritual diagonal - the number of digits "1", "5", "9").

One digit

A person with so many numbers pays a lot of attention to their sexuality and attractiveness, because they consider intimacy to be one of the most important aspects of life. But, often getting disappointed, he begins to look for new partners, new options.

Men show selfishness in bed because of the confidence in their own uniqueness, but this is far from the case. Suppression of a woman raises self-esteem for this type. Women with a weak carnal diagonal are also suitable for him. If there is already an alliance between a man with a weak carnal diagonal and a woman with a strong one, then advice to women - take everything into your own hands, everything will depend only on your activity. Optimal compatibility with women such as no numbers, 1 or 2. Women with one number in the carnal diagonal prioritize the material capabilities of the partner, his position, the feeling of family, etc. It is important for a man next to such a woman to support all these requirements to the fullest in order to satisfy her. Sometimes these women are also "good actresses" in bed, which can amuse a partner, and can create a problem for both. Compatible better with men such as no numbers, 1, 3.

Two digits

This is considered a normal temperament by date of birth: intimate relationships for the owners of two numbers are not the goal of life, but they are not ignored either. Here you need a permanent partner for complete satisfaction. For men, good compatibility with the type of women from numbers - no to 2, but no more. And for women it is good - 4, sometimes 3.

Three numbers. This number of numbers gives a certain instability in the manifestation of passion. That is, in everyday life, such people behave as with one number. But with a partner with a strong carnal diagonal, such loves will manifest themselves with a particularly strong temperament. If the triplets try the top of passion at least once, then they will then look for it in everyone and always, and this can be a problem if the marriage partner does not correspond to this level. Compatible with 1, 4 or 5.

Four digits

It is important for such people to show their sexuality, they have a strong temperament. The choice of a partner is very important here. Women with such a figure should understand that with a weak partner you can not get satisfaction, but go into the role of "actress". Men with 4 or 5 digits are suitable for them. For men, women with the number 2,3,4 are well suited.

Five digits

This is maximum sexuality! Such a person will strive to obtain maximum physical satisfaction, vivid sexual experiences. However, here a lot of problems can arise due to too high demands on his sexual partner, he would rather turn away from "quick" or inappropriate intimacy than go through everyone in a row. In this case, women have a difficult time, tk. a partner with only 5 digits will work well. Men have good compatibility with women with 3, 4, 5 or more digits.

Wait a little, now you will find out who he is - the most wrong sign. We decided to make this rating from the end.

12th place - Scorpio

Suddenly! Hypersexual, devilishly attractive and charismatic Scorpio, to whom everyone is ready to surrender at first sight, is the surest sign. True, it is not a fact that everyone is ready to accept such loyalty. Scorpio does not change, not because he is so noble, but because he sees no reason to look for a new victim while the old one is still fluttering.

11th place - Capricorn


Capricorn does not cheat, because he does not understand what is the point of risking everything that is acquired by back-breaking labor and putting in a lot of effort to get sex in the end? He already has sex. "Where is the logic?" - Capricorn asks us. There is no logic. Yes, Capricorn really combines the words "sex" and "logic" in one sentence, and does not press him anywhere.

10th place - Taurus

Taurus is dumb. Everything is so good and stable with him, the house is full, the dacha on weekends, the cat and the pies in the oven - and lose it all because of some kind of affair? To hell with her! Then, again, marry again - start all over again this burden? No, really.

9th place - Aquarius

If Aquarius is not satisfied with something, Aquarius gets divorced. Because cheating is ignoble, unhygienic and generally fu. Again, Aquarians love to lie with three boxes, but only and exclusively out of love for art. And to lie out of necessity - no, so Aquarians do not play.

8th place - Libra

Libra never changes spontaneously. They need to weigh everything, think it over and decide: whether I want to, whether I can, whether it is me ... And while they weigh everything, the train left. Well, okay, I didn't really want to.

7th place - Virgo

To be honest, we put Dev in 7th place just like that, we had to put them somewhere. Some Virgos cheat. Some don't. Basically, it doesn't matter at all. Because even if Virgo has 5 sexual partners at the same time, then:

1) no one will ever know about this;

2) if the sky falls to the ground and they find out about the Virgo's betrayal, the Virgo will get out. Ever tried to argue with Virgo? Here's the same thing.

6th place - Pisces

Pisces cheat on their partner every day. Sometimes three times a day. Rumor has it that especially passionate natures reached up to a dozen betrayals in less than a day! But, however, only in their own sexual fantasies. As for real physical betrayal, Pisces cheat only and exclusively out of great love. But how many times in a life a Fish will fall head over heels in love, no one can predict you. It depends on what kind of Fish.

5th place - Leo

Lions do not cheat as long as they are happy with everything. That is, as long as they are properly praised and adored. The problem is that it is impossible to increase the degree of admiration for Leo forever, and sooner or later Leo will decide that two adorers are better than one. And three is better than two. And even better - ten! After all, the main thing is not sex, the main thing is that everyone around him knows how enchantingly loving Leo is, and quietly envies. Rrr!

4th place - Gemini

Gemini does not attach any importance to fidelity, because the main rule of Gemini life is "to hell with the rules!" Gemini does not tolerate restrictions, especially in their personal life. However, Gemini almost never have permanent lovers. Because impermanence is Gemini's middle name.

3rd place - Cancer

And suddenly again! The three leaders are closed by quiet, shy, romantic, gentle and very, very family Cancers. Who, just as quietly, shyly and romantically, regularly walk to the left. It seems to us that in this way they restore balance in the universe: the Cancers must also have some flaws!

2nd place - Aries

Aries needs more than just the best, Aries needs an ideal. The problem is that if you find the ideal and look at it for a long time, you can find a lot of flaws. And that's it! Everything! Start over!

1st place - Sagittarius

Here! Here it is, the most unfaithful, most fickle sign of the zodiac! Do you know why Sagittarius marry and get married 5-6 times, or even more? No, not because the spouses cannot stand the betrayal of Sagittarius, but because Sagittarius is bored with cheating on the same person all their lives. And with this knowledge we will all have to somehow continue to live, yes.

Everyone changes. Mentally or real. Some are out of boredom, some are out of curiosity, and some are missing something. The motives are different - the result is the same. It is pointless to make ratings of the "most loyal" and "most walking" signs of the zodiac, so let's just tell you who, how and why goes to the side. And yes, by the way, we will talk about the betrayal of the already family representatives of the zodiacal pantheon, since as long as there is no stamp in the passport, going to the left is not adultery, but a search for a soul mate.


Aries first change their head, and only then - their body. For a long time they compare their official soul mate with a potential object of passion, and if the comparison turns out to be not in favor of the spouse, then adultery is inevitable. Well, sometimes these curious creatures learn the world through someone else's bed - unfamiliar postures, new impressions, an expanded composition of participants. Well, how can you resist and not taste the forbidden fruit?


Taurus go for treason only if they are long and frankly solicited, they promise complete confidentiality and some material benefits. In other cases, they prefer to be faithful, so as not to make themselves unnecessary trouble and not lose what they have in a legal marriage. Well, family values, which are so cherished by the representatives of this sign, also firmly hold them in one place, not allowing them (this place) to shine anywhere.


The twins are always walking. This is an axiom. Even if you are firmly convinced that it is your representative of this sign that is faithful to you to the tips of your nails, do not flatter yourself. These creatures masterly find time for casual relationships, they manage to have sex at work at lunchtime, with a driver of the right sex, in the next room while you are busy talking with guests. Well, if you are unlucky and you catch Gemini on the "hot", then you yourself are to blame.


Cancers do not cheat on their spouses. Fundamentally. Adultery for them is undermining the foundations, trampling on what they have nurtured in themselves since childhood, that is, the values ​​of the family. But sometimes it happens that they, already married, fall in love. And what to do? Divorce is unthinkable, especially if you have children, there is only one thing left - to live in two houses. With which they successfully and cope, deftly fooling the head of the legitimate second half, who is confident in their complete protection from betrayal.

a lion

Leos can be very loyal. And not because they are so good and with high morals, but because they are simply lazy. Why bother if there is someone who is generally happy with you. But if not satisfied, then representatives of this sign of both sexes easily spin several parallel novels, and not particularly hiding, but, on the contrary, flaunting and flaunting their adventures, including in front of the official soul mate.


These regular and often boring Virgos are actually such entertainers and entertainers! They love dirty sex, "exercise" in extreme conditions and unnatural relationships. And at the same time, representatives of this sign lead the spouses by the nose even more successfully than Gemini and Capricorns: they manage to shroud their trips to the left with such a veil of secrecy that even their closest friends are sure that Virgo is on the side “never ding-ding”.


Libras, as a rule, do not have constant lovers. What does not prevent them from comprehensively considering such a possibility and indulging in dreams of how it would be if it were not for public opinion (if they do, but they will definitely know), not their own doubts: is the trip to the left worth the spent nerves? - and, of course, not a potential return from the official second half. And at the same time, Libra regularly has sex for money: he fiddled, paid, and everything is sewn-covered.


Scorpios are unpredictable. They can be incredibly loyal to the one who wipes their feet on them, but regularly walk to the left from a horribly dependent person. In addition, representatives of this sign forgive themselves all sins in advance, so that even if they are convicted of treason, they do not consider themselves guilty. Well, Scorpios also cannot resist and not take advantage of those who themselves jump into bed with them, although they forget about such adventures as soon as they dress.


Sagittarius and physical fidelity are not compatible concepts. They "love" everything that moves, since for them sex on the side is an extreme sport. In this way they throw out adrenaline, have fun, get new impressions. But the representatives of this sign do not go for long-term "left" cupids - they have enough obligations and claims in marriage, so why hang another yoke around your neck? Better to jump from bed to bed, staying with "disposable" partners, good friends.


Capricorns-men do not go to the side, they have no time, and moral principles do not allow. It happens, of course, that they find themselves in bed with another, but, as a rule, for the sake of some lofty goal, which is very well paid, besides. But the ladies of this sign are not burdened with morality, therefore they easily spin novels, and sometimes under the very nose of their husband, with an honest expression on their faces and leaving no evidence. The poor spouse may not even realize that he does not knock on all branched horns only because of a lack of calcium.


Aquarians, as a rule, are not capable of real treason. If marriage finally and irrevocably ceases to arrange them, they simply send the other half far and for a long time and dissolve in a foggy distance. But they regularly and inventively fantasize in the arms of their wife (husband), imagining in her (his) place someone excitingly beautiful, well, or scroll through pictures spied in some hot film of 18+ category.


Pisces cheat when they meet another beautiful prince (princess) on their way and lose their head. Without feelings, they do not go to adultery, because it is disgusting. Moreover, betrayal among the representatives of this sign, as a rule, begins with ritual dances in the form of intimate conversations, mutual admiration, essentially innocent flirting, and all these games sometimes give Pisces even more pleasure than sex, which, by the way, does not always reach ...

The answer to the question "Which zodiac sign is more likely to cheat on me?" is: "The representative of any sign." Don't panic right away: in fact, none of the zodiac signs are particularly prone to cheating. This question should be formulated differently: what factors increase the likelihood of betrayal on the part of a representative of each zodiac sign.

Some zodiac signs are constantly looking for inspiration. They strive to see something new and experience something that they have never experienced before. In some cases, a person simply feels unhappy in the current situation - he suffers from loneliness and lack of attention. Many potential cheaters have some sort of self-esteem problem and are looking for someone who will make them feel attractive. Yes, and there are still comrades who consider themselves to be real Casanovas.

Aries belongs to the category of seekers of inspiration. Aries follow the lead of their EGO and show incredible sensitivity in this regard. Their attention is vital, and therefore they simultaneously fall into the category of individuals with certain problems with self-esteem. In many cases, flirting on the side is just a manifestation of the emotional nature of the representative of this sign, or a consequence of a lack of understanding on the part of the partner in the current relationship. In reality, many representatives of this sign avoid forbidden attachments - despite the ardor of their fiery nature. However, Aries can cheat on his other half out of revenge - if he finds out that she is cheating on him.

Taurus known for his loyalty and devotion to a partner, however, just like Aries, a representative of this sign can cheat on his second half if she cheated on him, or if Taurus suspects her of infidelity. The representative of this sign will negatively perceive the lack of affection, physical contact (hugs and touch) and attention from the partner in the relationship. Cheating helps him get rid of the feeling of loneliness, and also allows him to get rid of the unpleasant realization that his other half has neglected his love and tenderness.

For Gemini lust is not the main motivator. The representative of this sign attaches much more importance to intellectual betrayal or conversation on intimate topics - such a pastime interests him much more than sex. Inspiration also plays a very important role in the life of the restless representative of this sign. When a Gemini feels lonely and abandoned, he is drawn to people who are close to him in spirit and share his interests - he can have a good time with them.

Cancer is another sign known for its dedication and loyalty. Representatives of this sign can easily fall into the trap of unbearable feelings of guilt, so Cancers do not show much of a penchant for cheating. When a Cancer really falls in love with someone, he plunges headlong into a romantic relationship and becomes a slave to his love. Children of the Moon suffer from some self-esteem problems and become incredibly impressionable the moment they feel empty and need to "fill" their souls with something.

Fiery a lion longs for inspiration. Leos also belong to the category of people who have some problems with self-esteem, because it is vital for them to constantly be in the center of everyone's attention. Some of the representatives of this sign are by nature real Casanovas: they believe that they are the best lovers in the world, and they strive to prove this in any possible way. Leos are especially prone to midlife crises. During this period, they begin to be attracted to partners at least 20 years younger - in this way Leos try to feel young.

Virgo- This is another sign, the representatives of which are potentially capable of emotional betrayal. In fact, this is not a physical betrayal, but a mental affair. Needless to say, representatives of this sign easily fall into the trap of an unbearable feeling of guilt for what they have done. Virgo can commit adultery when she has already tried everything possible in order to improve the current relationship. Representatives of this sign begin to cheat on their partner because of the accumulated frustration and frustration.

Libra like to please others. Representatives of this sign are principled and have healthy instincts, they take confessions seriously and value loyalty very much, therefore Libra does not occupy the first positions in the list of potential traitors. However, it is very difficult for the representatives of this sign to say "no", and in the field of flirting they have no equal. Libra needs sympathy and attention. Representatives of this sign go headlong into their fantasies of ideal love, so they are unlikely to be able to easily accept the betrayal of a partner.

Passionate and mysterious Scorpion Doesn't do a great job of staying true to your partner. Representatives of this sign literally radiate sexual energy and constantly hear accusations against them, regardless of whether they are cheating on their partner or not. Scorpios belong to the category of those people who need inspiration, they like intrigue and mystery. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by irrepressible sexual appetites, and some Scorpios are not able to control these appetites. Representatives of this sign can also cheat on a partner in revenge for his betrayal.

Sagittarius- this is another sign that needs encouragement. Representatives of this sign constantly think about what it is like to be someone else. Or they begin to wonder: maybe incredible and interesting romantic adventures await them around the corner? This burning-eyed, incorrigible romantic is confused if innocent flirting ends up in something more. The intensity of passions causes panic in the representative of this sign, and that is why in a romantic relationship Sagittarius tries to do everything and always do it right.

Scourge and curse Capricorn- his problems with self-esteem, which arise in those situations when he feels a lack of respect and love for himself. Some representatives of this sign consider sex a sign of "disobedience", and this attitude gives this activity a piquant halo and makes it exciting in the eyes of Capricorn. However, in most cases, the constant worry and anxiety of the representative of this sign deprives sex of fun, and this activity no longer seems to him a real adventure. This is another sign that easily begins to be tormented by feelings of guilt, and therefore Capricorns are perfectly able to control their "forbidden" passions.

Aquarius attention is vital, they want to feel needed. Very often, Aquarius becomes the partner who is being cheated on - this is due to the fact that his other half does not receive the romance that he needs. In the same way as Gemini, representatives of this sign would rather go for intellectual betrayal or emotional affair than go in search of sexual adventures or decide on a betrayal based on physical attraction.

People born under the constellation Pisces have some self-esteem problems. Just like Leo, they are more prone to midlife crisis than other signs. As soon as they understand that life is short and fleeting, they no longer want to grow up and mature, and begin to ask the question: "But where is the magic?" Just like Scorpios, Pisces adores secrets and actions under the cover of secrecy. Despite the romance of their nature, representatives of this sign can rush into a new passionate affair as if into a pool with their heads - of course, if they feel that this is fate.

Numerology will tell you why betrayal of a man or a woman happens. It turns out that the energy of birth date digits plays a role here too!

Each of the numerological vibrations carries with it a certain predisposition to love, but also to betrayal too. Read on and find out what temptations await you or your partner. So, what does numerology tell about why a man or a woman is cheating?

Why does a man or woman cheat - a numerological unit

A determined, passionate One is not the easiest partner. Few people cope with domineering, mood swings and a tendency to command. Numerology calls this an indirect reason for betrayal, because when such a person conquers the object of his feelings, from then on he is engaged in "his" affairs and is not very good at taking care of the hearth. But love is like a greenhouse plant that needs to be looked after carefully!

A unit can forget about it, so after a while the temperature of feelings in a relationship begins to decrease. Offended by this, the Unit under the influence of the impulse can get involved in some kind of romance. By nature, these people are "explosive" and at the same time not "fireproof" at all. Therefore, when a spark hits their gunpowder ... Calmness can disappear somewhere very quickly.

Advice. If you are now in the first year of your numerological cycle, you may have opportunities to change your partner. But be careful, because anything that starts now will take longer than anticipated. Therefore, a fleeting romance can turn into something more serious. And if you already have other obligations? ..

Why is a man or a woman cheating - a numerological Deuce

She is sensitive, gullible, even gullible. She is easily hurt. This is a romantic, warm and gentle person. The Deuce needs someone who does not abuse her trust, appreciates her soft, docile nature and does not destroy her fragile personality. Numerology assures that betrayal of a husband or wife with such a vibration is rarely initiated by them. Because, even if their love life is not strewn with roses, they forgive and are content with what they have, decorating the harsh reality with beautiful dreams.

She does not apply to people who boldly challenge fate. But if the Deuce meets with someone who surrounds her with tenderness and makes her believe in herself more, then she may decide on an affair. It is also quite plausible that a friend who can support her will become someone more, and one day the matter will not be limited to just consolation ...

Advice. If you are in the second year of your numerological cycle, you may decide to betray because of the feeling that your love life is unsafely slowing down, that you are receiving less attention from your partner than you need.

Why is a man or a woman cheating - the numerological Three

Romantic, but selective and picky, she can look for her other half for a long time. This person is not easy to demotivate, scare away, deprive him of the desire to communicate, but at the same time it is not easy to satisfy him. The troika does not try to dominate at any cost, and extinguishes conflicts thanks to prudence. If he loves, then with imagination and to death! However, if he is mistaken, then without hesitation he goes in search again. This is how numerology explains infidelity: the infidelity that happens stems from the feeling that the Three still haven't gotten what they want most.

When this person is in a relationship where not everything is going according to expectations, he reserves the right to make sure whether this is really real, great love, and does not wait a long moment for this. And since the Troika is very sociable and social, you won't have to wait long.

Advice. If you are in the third year of your numerological cycle, your life will accelerate, you will get to know new people. And if you vegetate in a “cool” union that doesn’t satisfy your needs, you may be tempted to check if there are hotter feelings waiting for you “out there”.

Why is a man or a woman cheating - the numerological four

The four take heart matters seriously. Love is not a game or fun. She is not prone to the manifestation of sensitivity, but it is known that you can count on her. This person will not leave his partner for some non-serious reason. But this does not mean that the Fours do not change at all! Precisely because they see partnership as something permanent and associated with responsibilities and obligations, at times these people feel the need to break away from reality.

But it is very rare when a person with whom the Four has an affair becomes a real threat to her marriage and relationship. As numerology shows, such a man or woman can change within the framework of a secret romance for a long time. The four will give him the features of constancy and will meet with his lover, say, every Thursday at 19:00, but will not make a revolution in his family.

Advice. If you are in the fourth year of your numerological cycle, your daily life will become a little sketchy and more filled with responsibilities. So if you belong to people who expect something more from life, who knows what could happen ...

Why is a man or a woman cheating - the numerological Five

The five reacts spontaneously, but is not very good at expressing their feelings. Sometimes it seems that she is looking for something that constantly eludes her. Life with her under one roof is full of surprises and goes by quickly. Her partner should neither be overbearing nor too calm, because she needs freedom and someone holding her back on her run through life. If the partner does not surprise and stimulate her with something from time to time, he may become a victim of treason. Rainy Tuesdays and sleepy Saturdays will sooner or later cause anxiety and a feeling that life is passing by. After all, a surge of thrill and an injection of adrenaline is exactly what she is looking for, provoking treason.

Advice. If you are in the fifth year of your numerological cycle, more challenges, problems and unpredictable events will appear in your life. The temptation and even a real opportunity for betrayal can also appear unexpectedly.

Why is a man or a woman cheating - numerological Six

She knows how to subordinate love all her life. He is a sensitive and caring person. For him, the most important thing is to create a home and family. Six gives a lot, but will not be satisfied with anything. Therefore, if it turns out that the partner does not fully reciprocate her feelings or that they have become less deep, the amorous Six will feel that she is greatly lacking something.

At first she will suffer, and then she will begin to look around in search of someone who will satisfy her need for love. Although she does not have the habit of building happiness on ruins, if the romance gets out of control and the Six falls in love with a new partner, then she can not just change, but leave - of course, provided that this is love with a capital letter.

Advice. If you are in the sixth year of your numerological cycle, you have a good time at your disposal to find love. However, it is at this stage that a failed relationship falls apart - precisely because someone else might show you their passionate feelings.

Why is a man or a woman cheating - numerological Seven

She is often lonely. Her own world is enough for her, into which she is reluctant to admit strangers. Even in a permanent relationship, he often lives a little aloof from family affairs. This creates a rather difficult distance to overcome, since the Seven has problems expressing feelings. However, those who have enough patience for this will have to discover huge reserves of sensitivity and romance in it.

But if she encounters a partner who does not live up to the hopes placed on him, the Seven can go in search of a soul mate. Numerology of betrayal assures that if such a person decides on infidelity, then only with someone who will be able to look into the depths of her difficult soul. She also has platonic infidelity, love at a distance, which compensates for the lack of happiness in everyday life.

Advice. If you are in the seventh year of your numerological cycle, the reason for betrayal may be a feeling of misunderstanding. The sensual side of the relationship will turn out to be less important than spiritual agreement.

Why does a man or woman cheat - the numerological Eight

She does not recognize intermediate states, she wants to have everything or nothing. Strong personality, therefore usually evokes strong emotions and feelings. Sometimes demanding: since she herself is very much involved in relationships, she expects a lot. However, her sensual nature is restless, so sometimes she happens to be involved in an unsafe romance.

This happens, first of all, when a permanent relationship shows too low indicators and does not care much, does not provide enough feelings. Then the Eight can chase new impressions and experiences. It's like a predator that needs hunting from time to time to keep fit.

The Eight also tends to arrogate to itself a privileged position. This means that she loves to control her partner, while she herself will have some sins on her conscience.

Advice. If you are in the eighth year of your numerological cycle, uncontrollable passion may be the cause of cheating. It is possible that you will now meet a person who will charm you and will have a huge influence on you.

Why is a man or a woman cheating - the numerological Nine

Sometimes romantic and naive. She needs someone who will not restrict her freedom and at the same time understand the need to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. This person sometimes reacts too emotionally, but, in general, in love, he is very subtle, subtle and delicate. If the Nine is cheating, then, as a rule, when she feels rejected by her partner, but she does not have so much strength to leave.

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