Home Fruit trees Russian poker strategy. Oasis Poker (Carribbean Stud Poker) Additional rules for playing poker in a casino

Russian poker strategy. Oasis Poker (Carribbean Stud Poker) Additional rules for playing poker in a casino

There are three main approaches that reveal in general terms - how to beat the casino, as well as the possibilities of applying all the techniques and theories in practice.

Each of these approaches has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, so the site will provide general concepts about these methods. Later, we will reveal some private moments and secrets of how to beat the casino using special tools and your head, which is enough to train for certain actions.

But before proceeding with the description? I would like to provide a list of online casinos where you can play and work out all the information received here. By clicking on the link, you can see a description of each official online casino that has been operating in this market for more than a year and has earned a good reputation for itself.

Review and reviews

The first approach to how to beat the casino is also the most dangerous of all.

These are all kinds of fraudulent schemes that have ever been used to enrich themselves in gambling houses, always contrary to the law of the countries in which they were located and their own rules.

Fraudulent schemes can be divided into two types, below we will name them and describe them in more detail, as well as explain the main points about how they were and are being used in everyday life in order to beat the casino.

The first of the types of fraudulent schemes is collusion with the staff of the institution, in which the croupiers, pit bosses, and managers perform the main functions to quickly enrich themselves with banknotes. In this scheme, the players who collude with the staff perform secondary functions.

The main examples of fraudulent schemes related to personnel, on the topic of beating the casino.

You must choose your path in how to beat the casino. Everything else comes down to the embodiment of your choice in real life.

Russian poker is one of the most interesting varieties of six-card poker, the main difference of which from other poker variants is the ability to buy a sixth card and replace one or more cards from the starting hand.

If the number of strategies invented for Texas Hold'em or Omaha exceeds a few dozen, then with Russian poker everything is much simpler. For example, since the goal of a player in Russian poker is to beat the dealer, bluffing is not taken into account at all in the strategy for this type of game (in fact, there is simply no one to bluff to). The basis of the strategy for Russian poker is the decision to buy the sixth card: in some cases, buying the sixth card for an ante bet can be very profitable, and in other situations it is impossible to buy the sixth card at all, it depends on the starting hand of the player.

The order of playing Russian poker is very simple: the first hand the player and the dealer receive five cards each, and one of the dealer's cards is open. The player has several options: refuse to play, place a bet, buy a sixth card (for an additional bet) and replace one or more of his cards (again, not for free). After all the substitutions, the cards are revealed, and the one with the highest poker hand wins.

Strategy for Russian poker: buying the sixth card and replacing cards

The ability to change one or more of your cards and buy a sixth card are the most important advantages of Russian poker: using them wisely, you can significantly increase your chances of winning in each particular game. Therefore, the basis of the Russian poker strategy is to decide whether it is worth spending a stack on buying the sixth card and exchanging cards. At first glance, the draw of the sixth card is always profitable, since it gives the player an additional advantage of 1.71%. In fact, in the case of individual combinations in the player's starting hand, it may not be profitable to spend an additional ante bet on buying the sixth card.

The general rules for buying the sixth card in Russian poker are as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to buy the sixth card if the initial starting hand is very weak. If there are no combinations or high cards in the starting hand, it is generally better to fold it. It makes no sense to buy a sixth card in cases where there is a pair or two pair in the starting hand. In general, it is recommended to consider the possibility of buying a sixth card in Russian poker from a set (three of a kind) and higher.
  2. It is worth buying a sixth card in cases where there is a need to play a draw hand (that is, in situations where there are four cards from a straight or flush in the starting hand with a chance to complete the combination by buying a sixth card or replacing). The only exception is the “inside” straight, that is, a combination with missing cards in the middle (for example, six, seven, nine and ten with the missing eight). Buying a card in the case of an "inside" straight is worth it only in those cases when, in addition to the straight draw, you have a pair in your hand.

Card exchange strategy

In the same way as in the case of buying the sixth card, in the case of the exchange of cards, one rule applies - cards should be changed only in certain situations. The same applies to the number of exchanged cards - one should also take into account the fact that in Russian poker the player pays an increasing bet for replacing each next card. If for the exchange of 1 card you need to pay only 1 bet-ante, then for 3 cards - already a bet in three times the size of the ante, and so on.

The card exchange strategy in Russian poker is based on the following principles:

  • One card is exchanged only in a starting hand draw situation - if the player has a straight draw or a flush draw with four cards and a chance to complete the combination by exchanging one card.
  • If the starting hand contains a draw combination and a made pair of cards, the decision to exchange a card depends on the value of the pair. Pairs of high cards (from nine and above) are not recommended to be broken, therefore, it is not worth exchanging a card. If the hand has a straight draw or a flush draw and a pair of low cards, the card is exchanged.
  • Two cards are exchanged based on the value of the combination and the value of the exchange itself. If in your version of Russian poker you can change two cards for one ante bet, you can resort to this exchange option more often - for example, if you have combinations from a set (three of a kind) and higher in your starting hand. In addition, it is quite profitable to exchange two cards in Russian poker if there is an incomplete straight flush with three cards in the starting hand.
  • If the cost of exchanging two cards is at least one and a half ante bets or more, you should only change if the hand has a very strong potential combination - for example, an incomplete straight flush (or royal flush) with three cards.
  • It is profitable to exchange all five cards from the starting hand only under one condition - if the game allows the exchange of all cards for one ante bet (you should not bet five times the size of the ante just to completely change the starting hand!). A complete replacement of the starting hand under this condition will only be profitable in cases where you do not have a good draw combination, nor any other ready-made poker combinations or high kickers.

Russian poker strategy for beginners

If you are new to Russian poker and still cannot correctly assess the starting hand and the need for replacement / buy-in, you can use the ready-made basic strategy for playing Russian poker. Depending on what combination is in the starting hand, the player can do the following:

  1. A ready combination of five cards in the starting hand (royal flush, straight flush, straight or flush) - the sixth card draw
  2. Set (three of a kind) - the exchange of two cards that are not included in the combination
  3. Pair - buying the sixth card or exchanging the remaining three cards. You need to change 3 cards when a pair in the starting hand is cheaper than a potential pair in the dealer's hand (this can be judged by the dealer's open card). If one of the cards of the player and the dealer matches, we change 3 cards only if there is a pair of sevens or more lower cards.
  4. Draw-hand with four cards from the combination (straight-flush, straight, flush with 1 card to complete) - the draw of the sixth card.
  5. A draw with three cards from a combination (basically, the strategy is only profitable for a straight flush, for cheaper five-card combinations the risk is higher) - the exchange of the two remaining cards.
  6. The combination of ace + king - the exchange of three cards.
  7. A hand with a high card (ace or king) - the exchange of four cards, depending on the dealer's open card. If aces or kings match in the hand of the dealer and the player, it is not recommended to change the cards. If the dealer's open card is lower, 4 cards are changed.
  8. A hand without a combination - an exchange of four cards, subject to two conditions: a) the highest card in the starting hand is an eight or higher, b) the highest card in the hand is higher than the dealer's open card. In all other cases, the best solution is to fold the hand.

Many people ask themselves: is it possible to beat online casinos? Most often, in the answers to this question there are two extremes. Someone is sure that playing casino poker (we are talking about how to beat casino poker in the first place) is quite simple and you just need luck. Someone thinks that the casino always remains in the black.

In any case, when asking such questions, it is worth speaking first of all not about possible luck, but about the possibility of a conscious game, the use of various strategies, as well as pure mathematics.

It is hardly a secret to anyone that any games in a casino (perhaps poker is no exception here) are formed in such a way that the casino has at least a minimal advantage over the players. The rules of casino poker, as well as other casino games, are arranged in such a way that by betting $100, on average, you can get back only $90-99.

In mathematical terms, the expectation of payments from the casino is at the level of 90-99%, and the losses are, respectively, 1-10%. However, as practice shows, casino poker can be turned in your favor and turn the mathematical expectation of the game from negative to positive.

In any case, online casinos are far from the best place to play poker here. There are too many other temptations in any online casino that can entice you to try your hand at something else (blackjack, roulette, etc.) and end up with nothing.

Perhaps the main difference between online casino poker can be called the fact that in an online casino, first of all, the game goes against the casino. While specialized poker rooms act as intermediaries in the game, the players directly compete with each other.

At the same time, there is an opinion that online casino poker is much easier than playing in poker rooms. There are a considerable number of players who believe that even having a negative mathematical expectation from playing in a casino, you can end up with much more profit. Here everyone has their own opinion.

A variety of types of poker are popular in online casinos. But, perhaps, five-card poker in the casino collects almost the most attention. Simple, classic and easy to play with a 52-card deck, it's easy enough to stand a chance of winning.

After reading all of the above, a reasonable question may arise, is there any point in playing poker in an online casino? Frankly, in our opinion, online casino poker for real money has much more negative aspects than the usual game in poker rooms. However, let's take a closer look.

As you already understood, various card games can be found not only in specialized poker rooms. You can also easily find online casino poker games. However, the main problem is that online poker in a virtual casino is a slightly different modification of poker, and it differs significantly from the usual poker in the rooms.

Disadvantages of playing poker at an online casino

In our opinion, if you want to have a good chance of making a stable profit from playing poker, then it would be foolish to choose an online casino for this. As we noted above, online casino poker for free has its considerable drawbacks, which are far from in a favorable light, distinguish the casino from the usual poker rooms with their Omaha and Texas Hold'em:

  • Frankly speaking, the poker game in the casino is designed in such a way that nothing really depends on the player here. To a much greater extent, luck, not strategy, determines whether a player will be able to beat the casino in poker. In certain modifications of poker in the casino, you can quite successfully use various strategies and mathematics, but this does not always seriously improve the player's chances of winning.
  • The rules of playing poker in a casino are formed in such a way that mathematical expectations are initially on the side of the casino. Therefore, among those who play honestly in the casino, only a small part of the participants wins. Yes, you can make very big profits here, but for this you need a lot of luck to form a great combination. Well, if you take a long distance, then everything is on the side of the casino.
  • Poker casino real money can be won, but here it is much more of a game of chance, and there is much less of a sports component. In fact, this form of poker is very dangerous in that the player can lose all his money without having much chance of winning. In addition, there is still a risk of becoming a victim of gambling addiction (many casino customers suffer from this disease).

From all this, we can draw a simple conclusion that poker free online casinos are far from being as harmless and simple as the varieties of sports poker in various poker rooms. It is clear that everyone will decide for himself whether it makes sense to play in a casino, but still re-read the shortcomings that we have cited above.

Varieties of poker in online casinos

Poker in online casinos is presented in a fairly wide range. There are different types of poker, among which the most popular are the following:

  • Poker Oasis. One of the classic varieties of gambling poker. Here the croupier is playing against the players. The players are faced with the task of collecting a game combination on their hands better than the dealer. Up to 6 players can be at the gaming table at the same time. However, they are not dependent on each other. Any of these players can both win and lose. In Oasis Poker, players have the option to change either 1 or all 5 cards.
  • Russian poker. This type of poker is also quite popular in online casinos. In many ways, the rules of Russian poker overlap with Oasis. Perhaps the main difference is the number of cards that players can exchange. Here the player has the opportunity to exchange any number of cards. However, payments are made without taking into account the Ante payment.
  • Six Card Poker. Another popular type of poker in online casinos. Its main difference from the same Russian poker or Oasis is that the players here do not have the opportunity to change cards at all, but at the same time they can buy a sixth card. In addition, here, in the case of a win, 2 winning combinations can be paid at once, and not 1.

Other types of poker are also popular in online casinos. However, most of them have rules that are seriously different from the poker we are used to. For example, often in a casino the game is played with a deck in which there are 1 or 2 jokers at once. Also, most casinos are changing the rules of the usual types of poker in order to give them new names and thereby attract new customers.

A simple and clear alternative to playing at the casino

Like it or not, playing poker in our usual poker rooms is the best alternative to playing poker in a casino. Judge for yourself, if you like to play poker in a casino, then it really depends on you too little, besides, there is a risk of getting into a casino that is frankly dishonest at hand (yes, there are such establishments, and they are not so few).

In this regard, poker rooms are actually much more honest and transparent. They are nothing more than game intermediaries who are aimed at creating a good reputation for themselves, as well as maintaining it. For poker rooms, in the first place is not the loss of customers, but their as frequent and regular as possible playing in the poker room.

Also, poker rooms are good because they offer their customers to play poker sports. There are much more chances to win here, and the strategy of the game, your game preparation, knowledge, as well as direct experience of the game are much more important.

In fact, we can say that casino poker is initially set up in an unfair manner towards its customers. Here in the first place is the profit of the casino, and everything is done to ensure that the casino always remains in the black. So if you are faced with the question of where to play poker, we definitely advise you to opt for poker rooms.

The world of poker is not limited to actively cultivated games such as Stud, Omaha and, of course, Texas Holdem. The poker industry is constantly evolving, and as a result, new and interesting varieties of games are emerging. Such a game was Casino Hold'em poker, which is a kind of games against the casino. The game brings the emotions of Texas Hold'em in the Heads-Up variant and the excitement of other types of casino games. It's always nice to win at the casino.

The common features of this game with Texas Holdem are standard poker card deck, as well as poker combinations that the player can collect during the game. All other rules are unique and we will consider them first.

Casino Hold'em Rules and Features

To form the initial bank, according to the rules of poker in the casino, the game starts with the dealer's obligatory bets, as a representative of the casino, and a player in the Ante field. The size of such a bet can vary within 1-100 of the established Ante size.

The next stage of the Casino Poker game is card distribution. Opponents are dealt two hole cards, and laid out on the table "open" series of three cards, called as in Texas Hold'em "flop". According to the maximum strength combination that can be added from the available 5 cards, the player decides on the course of the further game. In this situation, he must choose one of the solutions:

  1. Discard your cards(make Fold) if he considers his cards weak, and thereby stop the game;
  2. Place next bet Call giving the right to continue the game. The size of the bet in this case is equal to two of the original.

Game payouts

The peculiarity of the rules of Casino Hold'em lies in the order of payouts. Firstly, the order of payments for Ante and Call is different. If Call wins are always paid out as 1:1, then Ante payout table has three options for proportions. The most widely used payout option with coefficients:

  • Royal Flush - 100;
  • Straight Flush - 20;
  • Kare - 10;
  • Full House - 3;
  • Flash - 2;
  • Other combinations - 1.

In addition, payouts may vary from casino to casino.

Bonus payments are made regardless of the result of the main game. There is a separate paytable here, according to which royal flush is paid with a coefficient of 100 to 1, straight flush - 50, four of a kind - 40, full house - 30, flush - 20, straight and below - 7 to 1.

Probabilities in Casino Hold'em

A large and interesting study of probabilities at Casino Holdem Poker was conducted by a famous mathematician and expert in the field of gambling Michael Shackleford. Computer calculations took almost a month to analyze only a third of the possible variations of the game. The probabilities of falling out of the main game combinations are quite indicative.

  • royal flush - 0.000026;
  • straight flush - 0.000216;
  • square - 0.001489;
  • full house - 0.021195;
  • flush - 0.018161;
  • straight or weaker combination - 0.23106.

The main result of M. Shackleford's calculation was the conclusion that any game against the casino, in fact, like Casino Hold'em, from the point of view of the player is a game with negative material expectation. So, in the case of using the most common rules of Casino Hold'em as a payout option, the advantage of the casino will be 2.16%. The benefits of using payment options 1 and 2 are 2.4% and 1.96%, respectively. Interestingly, the house edge when playing the bonus bet is 6.4%, but it's no secret that in casino games, bonus bets are never more profitable than base game bets.

How to win at Casino Hold'em Poker?

Naturally, the mathematical calculations of M. Shackleford are related to the game at a distance. In the short term, there are significant fluctuations in the size of the player's bankroll., allowing you to develop a certain strategy for playing poker. But, if in Texas Hold'em, where the game is played against the same opponents, there are strategies that allow you to have a positive win rate over the course, then there is no optimal strategy for casino poker.

However, Michael Shackleford concluded that the most effective action would be call increase in 82% of cases, and in 18% of cases the game should be abandoned. The basis of such cases are mainly situations where the player's pocket cards are small offsuit, and the chances of a straight or flush are very small or absent.


Casino Hold'em poker can hardly be attributed to the ways of stable income. But it's a great way to have fun.. However, it must be remembered that incorrect handling of bet sizes can lead to significant losses.

Only its owner can enrich himself with the help of a casino. However, it is possible for "mere mortals" to win a certain amount. How to leave the institution with a full pocket and a good mood?

The most profitable game is the dishonest game. It attracts many lovers of fast money. The player works in conjunction with a croupier or manager, thanks to which he receives certain cards or cashes out chips at an overvalued rate. Along with the benefits, this method can bring serious problems with the law. In addition, the owner of the casino will make every effort to give the scammers what they deserve. Regulars of gambling houses clandestinely use various technical means that increase the chances of winning. For example, you can measure the speed of rotation of the roulette wheel and predict the outcome of the action. Or use a special program to calculate the chances and make the right decision. But if the employees of the establishment catch on hot, you will become persona non grata here. It is completely legal to use mathematical calculations in the casino. There are many strategies for each game, but they only work for a while. For example, this method of winning at roulette is quite common: we bet the minimum amount on a certain color, if it does not fall out, we double the bet on the same position, and so on. Sooner or later, our color will win, the money will be returned with a vengeance, after which we bet on another color. The secret is that there is always a betting limit at the table. There will come a moment when, according to the principle, it is necessary to increase the amount, for example, from 160 to 320, and the table limit is only 300. So the player is left with nothing. Even if you are a professional card game, the institution will not allow you to beat yourself so easily. At your table, they will change the croupier to a more experienced one, change the deck and the way it is shuffled, actively offer alcohol, distract attention during an important move, or use other casino tricks. In such a situation, you need to follow the main rule of playing for money - stop in time. After winning a couple of times, get up decisively from the table, otherwise the gambling house will return everything to a cent or more. The specifics of online casinos are somewhat different. There is no external influence here, the possibility of fraud is minimal, the player is in a comfortable environment. However, through the monitor it is impossible to follow other participants, their facial expressions, gestures, views, which in real life can give out the feelings and emotions of an opponent. On dishonest gaming sites, the program is written in such a way as to minimize the chance of winning. Solid portals that work for authority play a more transparent game, but they can give a head start in the first 10 minutes to rekindle the user's excitement. When a person has lost his vigilance, strict rules begin to operate, and it’s hard to win here. There is a certain behavior strategy that will help you win at the casino:
  1. Determine in advance the amount of winnings that suits you. When you reach this number, end the game.
  2. Take as much money with you as you would not mind spending in one evening. Access to all savings, combined with excitement, can play a cruel joke.
  3. Having lost all the funds, do not recoup, especially in debt. This is a sure way to the financial abyss.
  4. Visit the casino only in a good mood, play for fun. Remember that every visit cannot be a winning one.
  5. During the game, keep cool, do not give in to emotions, do not drink alcohol. Otherwise, you will lose control of yourself and risk being penniless.

To win in a real or online casino, you need to know some gaming strategies, be in control of your emotions, be able to stop after the first wins. And of course, fortune is of great importance in games for money. Without her favor, breaking the big jackpot is unlikely to succeed.

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