Home Fruit trees Wolf paw tattoo. Paw tattoos and their meaning. Bear paw print tattoo

Wolf paw tattoo. Paw tattoos and their meaning. Bear paw print tattoo

Features of the trash polka tattoo

V tattoo trash polka secondary, wastefulness, are expressed through deliberately bright, vulgar.

Most often, paintings are done in - scale. The tradition was started by Simone Pfaff and Volko Mershky. This is a married couple from. Both are masters.

Developed a new style at the end of the 20th century. The family of graphic designers was not in the business of tattooing.

Husband and wife simply collected kalazh from newspaper clippings, the most commonplace, and superimposed their own graphic masterpieces on top of them.

The result was mass culture, but turned inside out, that is, a protest against the society of mass consumption.

Tattoo style "trash polka" not in vain contains the second word in the title. Both Simone Pfaff and Volko Mershky were fond of Gypsy and German folklore, therefore, they often used folk plots for drawings.

An example is a gypsy woman with pitch hair, all in. ladies ominously reminds.

Death symbolism is a characteristic feature of any tattoo "trash polka". Sketches often contain,, coffins, bright,. The images are designed to shock and attract attention.

Trash polka tattoo style used by both men and women. The main thing is that a person should be inclined to go “against the tide”.

The direction of body painting allows you to make paintings of any size. The technique works both in miniature subjects and in those that occupy the whole body.

Popular sketches of trash polka

Direction tattoos are characterized by a certain banter over life, even the brightest ones.

So, a sketch is popular in which the world and a beautiful creature are painted in scarlet.

The paint flows from the creatures of God, it seems that they are wounded. In the center of the image is a cedar cone.

She casts dark splashes in all directions. They fly to the dove with a butterfly, as if promising them an ambulance.

Tattoo trash polka meaning gives the symbols of the time. For example, a sketch with sand is relevant.

Instead of mineral granules, they contain blood. It spills out of the capsule, seeps through it. Partially overlaps with the sandy dial.

It is smeared with scarlet spots, it is difficult to make out the time. But, two funeral flowers on the periphery of the picture say that it is clearly not enough.

Tattoo clock trash polka always presents, as a symbol of elusive moments, imminent death.

The bleeding variant is also popular, under which newspaper headlines about the benefits of certain pills are collected.

Girls often choose the image of a red-haired beauty with their backs turned to a mirror smeared with blood.

They circle around the witch-like lady. Virgo are directed to the sky. The plot is the sinful path of a modern man who seeks to console only the flesh and is obliged to pay for the pleasures.

Ladies also often ask for Mickey Mouse. The cartoon character is reminiscent of two round ones with a cute bow on one of them.

After, begins tattoo trash polka. Photo The tattoo shows a skull instead of a mouse face. Wearing a gas mask.

The composition is complemented by scarlet circles and bloody smudges. What does this mean? There is no definite interpretation, but this does not prevent the picture from "winning" more and more new fans.

This is an option for those who like the style of trash, but do not want to place any specific message on the body. The tattoo is spectacular, evokes emotions, but remains a mystery.

In addition to sketches with massive popularity, there are samples that are relevant among certain groups of people. For example, boxers pay for tattoo "trash polka" on the arm, or

Doctors are interested in a sketch with, or, screaming in horror. They seem to look in the mirror.

Half of the face is distorted, slides down, exposing the skull. Apparently, this is the reason for the panic. On both sides of the face there are red crosses, such as are glued to ambulances.

Scarlet symbols are signs of the powerlessness of doctors in some situations, and powerlessness as a result. Having won several "battles", the servants of Hippocrates still lose one day.

A certain hopelessness is the leitmotif of everyone in the trash polka style. Therefore, such sketches tend to be chosen by goths, rockers, representatives of several other subcultures.

"Bloody" drawings attract people prone to depression, or, on the contrary, merry fellows who deny everything and everyone.

Chest, shoulder, shoulder blade, less often thigh, calf

The grin of a wolf according to Zonian concepts means - DISAGREE WITH THE REGIME, WITH THE ADMINISTRATION, WITH THE AUTHORITIES... A person with such a tattoo is embittered with power, he
despises her!

The very grin of a wolf matters " denials»: Power, law, regime, government, environment with its rules of conduct.

The grinning fangs of a wolf indicate that a person wearing such a tattoo on a certain part of his body does not agree with the opinion of others, and
it is not worth persuading him. Having his own opinion, he will defend him to the bitter end, as evidenced by a wild grin, which, according to mystical
beliefs protects from evil spirits. "Do not touch - and you will not be touched !!" - reads such a tattoo.

Abbreviation WOLF- Thief Breathing, Pointing Cap.

- symbolizes rigidity, rage and fearlessness in all situations.

Often people grin like a wolf in order to express their aggressiveness, cruelty, secrecy, that is, to emphasize their negative qualities,
demonstrate the presence of the beast within yourself.
Thus, if you are a strong, cunning and unpredictable person, like to be aggressive, this tattoo is made for you.

A wolf tattoo means courage, endurance, the ability to adapt, loyalty, devotion, courage and victory, these qualities he received because of his
the ability to unite into a close-knit flock.
The wolf is a strong, intelligent, impetuous beast, he has always been treated with respect.

Symbolizes loneliness. A wolf paw tattoo is also associated with loyalty, devotion, and the ability to adapt. Men with such a tattoo are very
for a long time they choose a companion for themselves, but having chosen, they always remain faithful to her.

Proud loneliness, independence from the rest of society, and magical night power.

The strongest symbol in the world of black magic, the ability to transform your physical body into an astral double.

Jumping wolf

With such a symbol, you will overcome any obstacles with the help of powerful inner strength.

This tattoo personifies a demon, awakens and subdues the most powerful dark entities.

White Wolf

A bright extraordinary personality, capable of becoming one of his own among strangers and a stranger among his own. This is a warrior, a fearless lone warrior.

Such a symbol is suitable for fans of extreme sports, risk and speed. But it also means vindictiveness, a willingness to destroy everyone who is
interferes with the implementation of plans.

Such a tattoo is suitable for a recognized leader, a noble leader who will protect his family and friends until his last breath.

A symbol of the highest justice and devotion. After all, a wolf fights for his beloved only once and his partner must have a clean
devoted heart and follow your leader to the end.

  • Intelligence
  • Cunning
  • Friendliness
  • Devotion
  • Generosity
  • Compassion
  • Freedom and individuality
  • Family love
  • Valor, courage and endurance
  • Ability to adapt to new conditions
  • You get along well with other people.
  • You are a true friend

A wolf can be depicted with a grin - then the tattoo contains an element of aggression, and a wolf can also be depicted with an outstretched paw or at the moment of a jump and have the same meaning.

A sketch of a wolf howling at the moon is a symbol of loneliness, sometimes betrayal, perseverance in fulfilling assigned tasks, often a symbol of the loss of relatives or loved ones (see.
Tattoos in honor of the dead).


These tattoos are mainly done in the style of realism, more often in one color, skillfully playing with shadows. But sometimes there are also
color tattoos wolf. Also, images of a wolf are sometimes stylized as a tribal or
celtic patterns.

Wolf tattoos reflect the power and strength of these beautiful animals, especially among the Indians. Wolves have a dual nature: fearless but kind, loyal but independent. These animals are very common in
mythology and various parables, for example, the she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus.

For many reasons, they have become so popular: they are elegant creatures, ferocious hunters, personifying freedom, mysticism, individuality, courage and devotion.

For the North American Indians, wolves were teachers and trackers. Wolves were considered loyal, loyal, smart, fearless, loving their family.

According to the legend of the Indians, a wolf could turn into a man in order to save people in trouble.

Wolves also symbolized darkness, fear of the night, and even demonic possession. In Celtic myths, the wolf was the source of lunar power,
the symbol of the moon. The wolf devoured the sun to enable the moon to rise.

To understand the symbolism of the image of wolves, you need to understand their heart - after all, they have experienced many false delusions and misunderstandings.

A simple and pleasant tattoo of paw marks has found its distribution more in women than in men. The “Paws” tattoo, as a rule, is mostly of a cat's, is interesting because, although it is unusual, it is rather inconspicuous, not subject to the whims of fashion and is easily replaced if necessary. If the symbolism of the tattoo is important to you, then the "Footprints" tattoo personifies passion, even bestial, "an animal in bed." The cat's paw symbolizes strength and self-confidence. Tattoos "Paws" do not carry a definite meaning, they are rather a positive, unobtrusive decoration. As a rule, women use the image of cat's paws (all types of cats are used in this case), but men like the use of symbols of wolf, bear, lion's paws or claw marks. Of course, their sizes are also different. For men, paw prints are rather a symbol of strength, success, fearlessness.

As already mentioned, paw tattoos are more in demand among women. The use cases are countless, from a lone paw image to a track of footprints. Colors, shapes and styling are also plentiful. However, it is necessary to warn that too small paws should not be made. This is due to the fact that the contour of any tattoo can "float", and if, in comparison with large tattoos, it is imperceptible, then tiny legs can turn into spots.

The question arises - where to get a tattoo? The most painless option, of course, is a "bracelet" on the leg, for example. But such a tattoo on the chest is a rather painful process. On the other hand, a cat's foot track on the shoulder will look pretty sexy. Men tend to choose chest and shoulder for this tattoo. She undoubtedly adds some charm, or vice versa, brutality to a man.

Some tribes of Indians, whose totems were such animals as wolves, bears, painted their faces in the form of wolf faces, and black, sometimes bloody prints of bears' claws and paws were always adorned on their chests. This gave them confidence in fighting warring clans and was used to attract the attention of women. It was believed that the most powerful warrior and worthy husband should have had a real bear claw print, obtained in the unequal fight between man and beast.

If a rating was compiled for the popularity of tattoo plots, works with animalistic motives would definitely take one of the leading positions. Since ancient times, animals have been endowed with special magical abilities, they were chosen as totems, hoping to acquire the qualities that representatives of the fauna possess. Images of eyes, bird feathers, and paw prints are also quite common. Today we will reveal the meaning of a paw tattoo, tell you whose paws are especially fond of fans of tattoo culture, and offer several options for interesting plots and styles.

What can be identified by the footprints?

The qualities of the character and symbolism of the animal itself will determine what the paw tattoo means:

  • Bear Paw... This formidable beast has always been associated with monstrous strength and ferocity. This predator was chosen by the warriors as their totem animal, believing that they would pass on the fearlessness and ruthlessness with which he defends his territory. The meaning of a bear paw tattoo is reduced to gaining courage, courage and strength. In addition, the image of this animal can speak of a willingness to do anything for the sake of their family, because she-bears always stand to death for their cubs.
  • Tiger paw... in many cultures it symbolized power, murderous speed, danger, secrecy. The image of the tiger is especially popular in the Eastern tradition, it is mainly depicted fighting with.
  • Wolf paw... Since ancient times, the wolf has been a symbol of freedom, independence, loneliness, strength, in legends he often acts as a protector of the weak, a prudent and vigilant beast that hunters rarely come across. Often there is a story about the progenitors of a people, fed by a she-wolf (remember at least Romulus and Rem). A person who has chosen the image of a wolf's paw for his tattoo appreciates his freedom very highly, he guards the boundaries of personal space, not allowing anyone else to cross them.
  • Cat paw... A cat's paw print also speaks of a love of freedom and independence. The image of this animal indicates self-sufficiency, variability, mystical attractiveness, playfulness and unpredictability. Such a tattoo is often chosen by people with an easy attitude to life.
  • Dog's paw. A dog in our minds is associated with loyalty, devotion and boundless love for its owner. A dog's paw is often depicted along with a portrait of an animal, mostly such works are a tribute to love and respect for your pet. Also, the dog's paw is often chosen by people who value loyalty to their loved ones above all else, for their sake they are ready to take any risk without hesitation.

The depiction of animal paws in tattoo art

Most often, there are realistic tattoos of the paw of the beast. Usually a trail is depicted through which a portrait of an animal is visible. Such works look quite interesting, but you have to use your imagination to make the tattoo really original. In addition, realism is a rather difficult style to perform, so you shouldn't go to the first master you come across without examining his portfolio.

Imitation of cuts and scratches, through which the animal's paw seems to be pulled out of the human body, is also quite common. Such work evokes associations with a beast longing to be released outside. It is possible that the owner of the tattoo feels constrained, does not allow himself much and thus wants to free the inner beast.

Another popular tattoo theme is paw marks left on dry, cracked ground. These tattoos are usually voluminous, sometimes hyperrealistic.

Watercolor works look interesting. Mostly small cat paws are depicted in this style. Watercolor is a rather soft and delicate style, even bright splashes of paint, giving the image some dynamism, look light and airy due to the smooth transitions of shades, which is typical for paintings made in this technique.
As for the place for a tattoo, most often you can see a paw tattoo on the chest, shoulder blade, forearm, and the back of the foot.

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