Home Fruit trees Outlook tech support phone dot com. Office Online cloud apps. Storing a list of addresses

Outlook tech support phone dot com. Office Online cloud apps. Storing a list of addresses

The Outlook.com Cloud Service is the free, cloud-based version of Microsoft's email service. Outlook.com provides an inbox for personal use and is tightly integrated with Microsoft cloud services.

This new cloud-based email service has several differences from its competitors.

Outlook.com users get almost unlimited mailbox size for free, so the lack of free space, and therefore the possible loss of mail messages, does not threaten users of this service. Gmail, for example, gives its users 10 GB of disk space for free on its server.

The maximum size of attachments in messages in Outlook.com is up to 100 MB, and when using the OneDrive cloud storage (SkyDrive), the size of the moved file will grow to 300 MB (via the web interface). In Gmail, the maximum message attachment size is currently 25 MB.

This is good news for video and photography lovers who send their files via email. However, you can send any other files as an attachment to the letter.

According to Microsoft, it does not analyze the content of personal correspondence and attachments in letters to use the information received for advertising purposes (a stone to Google's garden).

The interface of the postal service is made in the modern style of Modern UI (Metro), which leaves a pleasant impression of itself. It is quick and convenient to work in it.

Now on to the Outlook.com overview.

Sign up to Outlook.com

To register for the service, you need to go to the company's website login.live.com. If you already have a Microsoft account (Windows Live ID), then you should fill in the appropriate fields and then click on the "Login" button.

This will open the main Outlook.com mail window. Hotmail, SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, Windows Live users already have an account.

If you do not have a Microsoft account, then to get one you need to click on the "Register" link.

In the next window "Microsoft account", you will need to enter your personal information to create a Microsoft account. It is not necessary to enter real personal data, here you can enter such data that will be convenient for you when using the created e-mail box.

You can choose a name for your mailbox on Outlook.com. The account can be linked to a mobile phone number to recover your password or to receive a temporary password for a one-time login to the mail service, for example, from someone else's computer.

After filling in all the data, you need to click on the "Accept" button.

After that, you will be taken to the Outlook.com service page, where you need to click on the "Go to mail" button.

Setting up Outlook.com

This is what the main window of the Outlook.com mail service looks like. Microsoft has recently been unifying the look and feel of its applications and services.

Services, applications and services are now made in a single modern style, the design uses a tiled interface in the metro style of the Windows 8 operating system.

If your mail data was transferred to Outlook.com, then you will see your folders and messages, settings and address book will be transferred there automatically.

To create a message, you need to click on the "Create" button located on the top panel, in the upper left corner of the mail service page window. The message will be sent from the mailbox from which you signed in to Outlook.com.

You can customize the entered text of the message at your discretion using a text editor and using the command of the "Parameters" button.

Outlook.com has an exciting new feature - editing HTML messages. Letters can be assigned varying degrees of importance.

When working with a message, you can "Add a sender to the list of contacts", perform certain actions with the message.

If you frequently receive newsletters to your email address, Outlook.com recognizes such messages and sends them to the Junk folder. You must decide what to do with such messages by right-clicking on such a message and selecting a specific action from the context menu.

You can customize the Outlook.com interface color of your choice by clicking the Options (gear) icon and from the pop-up menu, choose the color you want from the various colors suggested by the service.

The Outlook.com email service is integrated with other Microsoft applications. After clicking on the arrow next to the "Outlook" button, a tiled panel with tiles for entering other services appears.

In Outlook.com, you can recover deleted messages even if you empty the Trash before.

For more detailed customization of Outlook.com, if you are not satisfied with the default cloud service settings, you will need to click on the "Options" (gear) icon => "Other mail options". On the open page, you will need to make the necessary settings for the mail service.

Add contacts to Outlook.com

If you have several mailboxes in different mail services, then you can add these mailboxes to Outlook.com to receive and send messages from other mailboxes using Outlook online.

To do this, you must click on the panel on the "Parameters" button (gear). In the pop-up menu, select "Other Mail Options".

On the "Options" page, click on the "Your Email Accounts" button. On the "Your Email Accounts" page, you need to select one of the following options: "Add an account for sending only" or "Add an account for sending and receiving".

After setting up a new account, the added account will be available on the right side panel in the "Folders" section. You can now send or receive messages using different email inboxes through the Outlook.com service.

You can also import mail and settings from Outlook Express, Windows Mail, or Windows Live Mail.

In the future, Microsoft intends to move all its mail services to the Outlook.com service, and support for the old services will be discontinued. Users can continue to use addresses with the old endings, but now it is possible to select a "nice or desired" email address with the ending @ outlook.com, while there is such an opportunity.

You can get a new email address with the ending @ outlook.com from your postal service @ hotmail.com or @ live.ru if in "Options" select "Switch to Outlook".

You can continue to use email addresses with endings @ hotmail.com, @ live.com or @ msn.com and also rename your account to an address ending with @ outlook.com or add an alias.

Create an alias in Outlook.com

Using the Create Alias ​​feature allows you to create multiple mailboxes with different addresses in the same Microsoft account. It is possible to create up to five aliases in one account. Thus, together with the main mailbox, there will be a total of six mailboxes.

You can also create an as yet unlimited number of Microsoft accounts, and create other aliases in them.

To create an alias, click on the "Options" button (gear) => "Other mail options" => "Create an alias for Outlook" on the top panel. After confirming your username and password, you will be logged into your Microsoft account.

On the Microsoft Account page, you need to select an email address. You can choose from email addresses with endings @ outlook.com, @ hotmail.com, @ live.ru... Next, you should click on the "Create an alias" button.

In the pop-up window "Configure an alternative name", you will need to activate the radio button opposite one of the items: "To an existing folder: Inbox", or "Create a folder: with an alias address".

If you select Create a folder: with an alias address, messages will arrive in a separate folder, and if you select To an existing folder: Inbox, messages will arrive in the shared Inbox. After selecting a folder, click on the "Finish" button.

After creating a new alias, a confirmation email will be sent to your inbox stating that your alias is ready and you can use it.

Using a pseudonym is convenient for correspondence with different correspondents. In this case, you do not have to use different mailboxes in different mail services. Incoming messages sent to the addresses of the aliases you create will go to your Outlook.com account.

To send a message, you need to click on the "Create" button and next to your account name click on the arrow and in the pop-up window select the address of the sender of the letter (the letter can be sent on behalf of one of the aliases).

The only drawback is that you cannot change the name of the sender of the letter. You can create a Microsoft account using a fictitious one instead of your real name.

How to connect social networks

To communicate with your friends and acquaintances directly through Outlook.com, you will need to add your contacts from these social networks. To do this, click on the arrow next to the "Outlook" button, and then click on the "People" tile.

On the "People" page, you can add your contacts from the provided social networks. To add contacts, you must click on the image of the social network, and in the pop-up window, click on the "Connect" button. After entering and confirming your registration information, the list of your contacts will be imported into the Outlook.com mail service.

To create a new contact on the "People" page, click on the "Create" button. On the next page, you can enter the details of your new contact manually by filling in the appropriate fields, and then click on the "Save" button.

From the Outlook.com service window, you can communicate with your friends and acquaintances on social networks. After clicking on the icon in the form of a smiling man's head on the right side of the panel, a side panel will open with a list of available contacts from the social network Facebook, or from the MSN network.

In order to start instant messaging, you need to double-click on the name of the interlocutor.

To save the history of received and sent instant messages, you need to click on the "Settings" icon (gear) on the panel, and then select "Other mail settings" => "Message log" in the context menu. On the page "Message log" you should activate the item "Save instant messages".

OneDrive cloud storage

After clicking on the OneDrive tile, the OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) cloud-based online file storage window will open. This cloud storage is free of charge for storing files, with a total size of 5 GB.

From the OneDrive service page window, you can download the OneDrive app to install on your computer. You can move files between your computer or other device and cloud storage through the web interface.

From the OneDrive storage window, after clicking the New button, you can move on to using the cloud-based Office Online application. When using this application, you can create, open, edit and save Microsoft Office documents directly in the browser window: Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoin presentations, OneNote records.

You can read more about using OneDrive cloud file storage in the article.

Office Online Cloud Apps

You can open the received office documents immediately in the mail service window, having received a message with an attached document.

After opening the received letter, you need to click on the link "Show content". Next, you need to click on the inscription "Watch on the Internet" on the thumbnail of the received document.

This will open the document in Office Online. If you want to change an open document, then for this you need to click on the "Change" button.

The document will be moved to your online OneDrive, where it will be opened in the cloud-based word editor Word Online.

In the online version of the Word text editor, you can work with an open document from this computer, and then continue further work on this document from another computer or mobile device, if the application for working with the OneDrive service is installed on the mobile device.

To save the received document to your computer, you need to click on the Download as ZIP-archive link.

Free Skype calls to Outlook.com

integrated the web version of the program into the Outlook.com mail service. After adding a Skype account, users can make free video calls directly from the Outlook.com mail service window, without launching the program itself, but using the mail service's web interface.

Conclusions of the article

Outlook.com is Microsoft's cloud-based email service with exciting, rich functionality. Outlook cloud mail will be a good choice for the user.

Get more out of your email with Outlook.com. We "ve streamlined search to make it easier than ever to find what you" re looking for. New features like Files and attachment previews let you see your pictures and files without leaving your inbox. And now you can add emojis and GIFs to your messages.

What "s new in Outlook.com

What you "ll see in Mail

When you sign in to Outlook.com, you’ll go straight to your Inbox.


Create a new message by selecting New message.

The list includes the folders in your mailbox. It may include other folders, such as Favorites and Archive folders.

Select to show the folders list, or select to hide it.

Right-click an existing folder and select Create new subfolder.

What you "ll see in Calendar

Keep track of appointments, meetings, or any other event from anywhere. Add, edit, or delete events using daily, weekly, or monthly views. For more information about working with calendars in Outlook.com, go to Using the calendar in Outlook.com.


Create a new event by selecting New event... Then, fill in information about the event.

Under Calendars, My calendar is the default selection and displays the calendar in Month view. You can move forward or backward through calendar months using the arrows above the calendar.

You can add other calendars, for example a holiday calendar, by selecting Discover calendars in the left pane. After you add a new calendar, you can choose whether to display it by selecting or clearing the calendar option.

If you decide you don "t want the calendar you created, right-click the calendar and select Remove > Delete.

You can view more than one calendar at a time, add other calendars and select which to display, and create new calendars.

Choose your calendar view: Day, Work week, Week, or Month... To return to today "s date, select Today on the left side of the command bar above the calendar.

Select a specific day in the calendar, and any appointment or event scheduled for that day is listed in this area. You also can select a day or time slot and create a new appointment or event.

What you "ll see in People

Use the People page to find, view, create, and edit contacts and contact lists. To learn more about managing contacts in Outlook.com, go to Create, view, and edit contacts and contact lists in Outlook.com.


Start typing in the search box to find a contact or contact list.

    Create a new contact by selecting New contact.

    Create a new contact list by selecting the arrow next to New contact and then New contact list.

Add a contact to your Favorites by selecting a contact in the list, and then selecting Add to favorites... When you add someone as a favorite in People, they "ll also show up under Favorites in Mail, and the other way around, provided that the contact has an email address.

To import contacts from other email services, export contacts, or clean up duplicate contacts, select an option from the Manage menu.

In the left pane

Favorites: Shows contacts you "ve added as favorites, either in People or in Mail.

All contacts: Shows your contacts from all folders.

All contact lists: Shows your contact lists from all folders.

Suggested: Suggested contacts, based on messages you "ve sent or received from addresses not in your contacts.

Contacts under Folders: This is the default folder for contacts and contact lists. Select New folder to create more folders.

Contacts or Contacts lists

Shows contacts or contact lists depending on what you selected in the left pane. Select a contact or contact list to view details in the contact card on the right. You can also select multiple contacts-for example, to send an email to the selected contacts.

For contacts, you can select Filter in the upper right to select what to display in the list and how to sort.

See or edit information about the contact or contact list.

Contact someone directly by selecting Start chat or Send email.

Get help with the new Outlook.com

To change your Mail settings so your inbox looks and behaves the way you want it to, see Personalize your new Mail experience in Outlook.com. Also check out the Outlook.com Community forum.

For many users, Outlook is just an email client that can send and receive emails. However, its capabilities are not limited to this. And today we will talk about how to use Outlook and what other features there are in this application from Microsoft.

Of course, first of all, Outlook is a mail client that provides an extended set of functions for working with mail and managing mailboxes.

For the full operation of the program, you need to create an account for mail, after which you can start working with correspondence.

The main window of the program is divided into several areas - the ribbon menu, the area of ​​the list of accounts, the list of letters and the area of ​​the letter itself.

Thus, to view a message, just select it in the list.

If you double-click on the title of the letter with the left mouse button, a window with the message will open.

From here, various actions are available that are associated with the message itself.

From the message window, you can either delete it or put it in the archive. Also, from here you can write a response or simply forward the message to another addressee.

Using the File menu, you can, if necessary, save the message to a separate file or send it to print.

All actions that are available from the message window can be performed from the main Outlook window. Moreover, they can be applied to a group of letters. To do this, just select the necessary letters and click on the button with the desired action (for example, delete or forward).

Another handy tool for working with a list of letters is a quick search.

If you have collected a lot of messages and you need to quickly find what you need, then a quick search will come to the rescue, which is located just above the list.

If you start to enter a part of the letter header into the search bar, Outlook will immediately display all letters that match the search bar.

And if you enter "to:" or "from:" in the search bar and then specify the address, then Outlook will display all letters that were sent or received (depending on the keyword).

In order to create a new message, on the "Main" tab, click on the "Create message" button. In this case, a new message window will open, where you can not only enter the desired text, but also format it at your discretion.

All the tools for formatting text can be found on the Message tab, and you can use the Insert tab toolbox to insert various objects such as pictures, tables, or shapes.

In order to send a file along with a message, you can use the "Attach file" command, which is located on the "Insert" tab.

To specify the addresses of the recipient (or recipients), you can use the built-in address book, which can be entered by clicking on the "To" button. If the address is absent, then it can be entered manually in the corresponding field.

As soon as the message is ready, it must be sent by clicking on the "Send" button.

In addition to working with mail, Outlook can also be used to schedule your affairs and appointments. There is a built-in calendar for this.

To go to the calendar, you need to use the navigation panel (in versions 2013 and higher, the navigation panel is located in the lower left part of the main program window).

From the basic elements, various events and appointments can be created here.

To do this, you can either right-click on the required cell in the calendar, or by highlighting the required cell, select the desired item on the "Home" panel.

If you are creating an event or appointment, here you can specify the start date and time, as well as the end date and time, the topic of the meeting or event, and the location. Also, here you can write any accompanying message, for example, an invitation.

Here you can also invite meeting participants. To do this, just click on the "Invite Participants" button and select the required ones by clicking on the "To" button.

This way, you can not only plan your affairs using Outlook, but also invite other members as needed.

So, we have reviewed the basic techniques of working with the MS Outlook application. Of course, these are not all the possibilities that this email client provides. However, even with this minimum, you can work quite comfortably with the program.

This article continues the series of articles on working with Office 2000 and is intended to help the reader with the first acquaintance with Outlook 2000.

The amount of information that the manager of a modern company must analyze is growing literally every day, more and more employees of various companies work in the information overload mode. Gradually, the problem of insufficient information turns into a problem of its insufficient structuredness both in space and in time. In space - in the sense of "where to get it quickly, so that it is always at hand," and in time, in the sense "so that a reminder or news arrives exactly when it is needed."

Therefore, probably everyone who works in a team and who neglects electronic organizers knows how difficult it is sometimes to quickly find the required address, remember in time about a planned event, and understand the ever-growing number of files on the disk. At the same time, the problem is also related to the fact that the necessary information is stored in a variety of sources: in e-mails, on file servers, on the Internet and intranets - and at the same time, the user often does not have a software product that can provide a single interface for accessing all this. information.

If all of these problems are familiar to you, try Microsoft Outlook 2000.

Do you feel shy before your first meeting? We hope this article will help you to get acquainted with the program. If you are already a sophisticated user and you know the basic principles of previous versions of Outlook, you may need to read the article "Outlook 2000 - More Features, Fewer Buttons" in this issue of the magazine under the "Software" section.

Outlook - first acquaintance

Let's start our acquaintance by launching Outlook. This can be done by running the command Programs -> Microsoft Outlook Windows main menu. With this command you will activate the Outlook window ( rice. 1).

The program interface is typical for Microsoft Office 2000 products: in the upper part of the window there is a menu bar and a toolbar, on the left there is a shortcut bar, next to which is a list of folders. Forgive me a sophisticated reader, I still remind you that these folders are not folders on a hard drive and the information that is stored in them is in special files. As you can see from the figure, Outlook has a fairly large number of folders that store information of various types. It is important to note that, despite the abundance of heterogeneous information, the program allows you to organize, search and view records within a single standard interface.

The main features of Outlook are as follows:

  • Support for a personal calendar and scheduling system.
  • Storage of personal information, including contacts and tasks.
  • Working with e-mail.
  • Application support for information sharing.

The program works with different types of data and has a fairly developed interface, so it is most expedient to review the capabilities of Outlook 2000 by considering specific tasks in sequence.

Add a new meeting

Let's say you need to be at the airport on April 24 at 8:00 pm - let's look at how to remind yourself of this event.

Run the command View -> Go To -> Calendar or click on the shortcut Calendar on the left side of the window ( rice. 1). As a result, the screen will look like this, as shown in rice. 2, and you will be able to choose between the presentation in the window of information for the week ( rice. 2), for a day ( rice. 3), for a working week or for a month ( rice. 6) using the corresponding buttons on the standard panel ( rice. 2).

To the right of the weekly calendar is a calendar for several months ( rice. 2). Select the number you need in this calendar and click on it with the mouse - the program will mark this day in gray and highlight the field with a breakdown by hours corresponding to this day ( rice. 3). In the Appointment field, business hours are highlighted in yellow. Select the column corresponding to the time you want to make an appointment and click on it - the color of the field will change. By holding down the mouse button, you can select a series of cells, thereby showing the end time of the meeting. Further, in the highlighted area, you can enter a short description of the meeting - for example, “meeting at the airport building”.

To enter additional meeting details, double-click the blue box to display the Meeting panel ( rice. 4).

In this window, you can add a more precise end time of the meeting, its topic and location, as well as indicate for your colleagues the degree of your availability during this meeting ( Available, Busy, Tentative, Out of Office). To receive a reminder of a scheduled meeting, you must activate the Alert checkbox and set the reminder time. You can either select it from the menu (for example, in 15 minutes), or set an arbitrary number. At the appointed time (unless, of course, you turn off Outlook), you will receive a sound signal and a blinking notification in the taskbar, by clicking on which you activate the Alert window ( rice. 5). This window allows you to postpone the notification in order to receive the reminder again.

Scheduled meetings are often recurring. A typical case of recurring meetings is lectures at the teacher's office. To create a recurring appointment, double-click the button Repetition located at the top of the window ( rice. 4). This will bring up the panel shown in rice. 6.

Suppose that you need to teach evening lectures that begin on April 28, are held weekly on Fridays, and will continue until the end of the semester, that is, May 30 inclusive. All these parameters can be easily reflected in the window ( rice. 6).

In an Appointment window similar to that shown in rice. 4, you can write the topic of the meeting - "lecture" and the place of the lecture, for example, "Institute MVMI". Then your monthly plan will automatically build a lecture schedule until the end of the semester ( rice. 7). If necessary, the computer can remind you of an upcoming lecture.

Editing a meeting plan

If you are in mode Day, then changing the time of your meeting is quite easy with the mouse. Move the cursor to the bottom or top of the blue box ( rice. 3), and the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow ( rice. eight). When you move the cursor to the left border, it will take the form of a four-directional arrow.

Using the double-headed arrow, you can move the lower and upper time boundaries of your meeting, including adjusting the duration of the meeting accordingly. If you do not need to change the duration of the meeting, then you can “drag the meeting in time” with the four-directional arrow.

If you are working in A week or Month, you can also change the time and day of the meeting by dragging and dropping the entries. Move the cursor to the meeting time - it will take the form of a four-directional arrow, press the left mouse button and drag the meeting to the position you need.

In addition to editing your appointments with the mouse, you always (in any calendar modes) have the opportunity to change the numerical values ​​of the time and date of your meeting using the window A meeting... Double-click on the appointment entry - this will bring up the Appointment window ( rice. 4), in which you can change the corresponding parameters.

When editing recurring appointments, the system will ask you ( rice. nine), in order to clarify whether "to open only this copy or the whole row." In the event that you select only one copy, the changes will accordingly apply to that specific copy and will not be automatically made for all recurring appointments.

To delete a meeting, click on the current entry with the mouse and run the command Edit -> Delete... This command can also be selected from the menu that will open after you move the cursor to the required entry and press the right mouse button. For fans of "hot" keys, we recommend the combination .

Storing a list of addresses

There are many traditional ways of storing information about your contacts: in the form of notebooks, business card holders, alphabet cards, etc., however, when there are many addresses, it is extremely difficult to quickly find the one you need. Outlook organizes the stored information in such a way that not only helps you quickly find the contact you need, but also simplifies communication with this addressee.

Click on the shortcut to create a list of addresses Contacts (rice. 1) or run the command View -> Go To -> Contacts... As a result, the Outlook window will look as shown in rice. ten.

In order to add a new contact, double-click on the field free of cards, which will lead to the appearance of the panel Contact (rice. eleven). This panel can also be activated by executing the command Action -> Create Contact or by pressing "hot" keys .

In all likelihood, the very names of the first five ways of presenting information leave the reader in no doubt what they are, so we will give comments only to the last two. Presentation of information By category shows records in accordance with certain categories, which can be selected from the proposed list or assigned by the user. For example, Business, Friends, Clients etc.

The presentation of records By mark "For follow-up" is related to the concept of scheduling the execution of tasks. The concepts of "categories" and "scheduling tasks" will be described in more detail below.

Setting categories for contacts

Click on the icon Organize, which is located on the toolbar and looks like stacked yellow checkers. This will open a window Configuring the Contacts folder, a fragment of which is shown in rice. 13.

In this window, you can select one of the categories offered in the drop-down menu, or enter your own. Let's say you create a new category called Friends. Enter the name of the new category in the field Create a new category with a name and click on the key Create... The name of your new category will appear in the top field instead of the category Important clients shown on rice. 13.

Now you can select from the list of your contacts those that will belong to the category Friends... (You can select multiple contacts by holding down the Ctrl.) Then click on the button Add... To view the list of the newly created category, run the command View -> Current View -> By Category, as a result of which the categories you specified will appear. Select a category Friends and to view its contents, click on the plus sign - you will be presented with a list of categories, for example, the one shown in View -> Current view -> Change current view) you can specify more detailed information about the task, such as importance, status, readiness etc. You can also add the above options to an already scheduled meeting; to do this, double-click on the text entry of the next task on the panel ( rice. eighteen), which will also lead to the appearance of the window ( rice. 19) with partially filled fields. Using panel tools ( rice. eighteen,), you can create a list of tasks, for example, the one shown in rice. twenty.

Outlook offers a variety of ways to present a list of tasks. To select the option that is most preferable for you, you need (while in the window Tasks) execute the command View -> Current View which will expand the list of available views. This list includes presentation options with intuitive names.

Choose the one that allows you to better navigate your to-do list. Some users find it convenient to present cases on a timeline. As an example on rice. 21 the window element is presented Tasks with the current view Timeline for tasks.

Outlook's features go far beyond the above; we will continue our acquaintance with this program in the next article of our series.

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