Home Fruit trees Oral part in Russian. Online tests of GIA in Russian. The structure of the writing part according to the demo

Oral part in Russian. Online tests of GIA in Russian. The structure of the writing part according to the demo

PRACTICE on preparation for the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in the 2017-2018 academic year for students of grade 9 Stavropol

ORAL SECTION Control and measuring materials of the main state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Instructions for completing assignments The oral part in the Russian language consists of three assignments. Task 1 - reading aloud a short text of a popular scientific nature. Preparation time is 1.5 minutes. In task 2, it is proposed to take part in a conditional dialogue - interview: answer five questions. In task 3, you need to build a coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on the plan. Preparation time is 1 minute. The total response time of one examinee (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. All the response time is audio and video recording. Try to complete the tasks in full, try to speak clearly and clearly, stay on the topic and follow the proposed response plan. This way you can get the most points.

Option 1 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Horses are carried among the snowdrifts. We jump again up the mountain by a winding path; suddenly a sharp turn, and as if suddenly burst into the pretended gate with a fell swoop. I look around: I see Pushkin on the porch. Needless to say, what was happening in me then. I jump out of the sleigh and drag him into the room. We look at each other, kiss, keep quiet! All this took place in a small space. In this small room there was his bed with a canopy, a desk, a sofa, and a bookcase. Everything is a poetic mess. Pushkin seemed to me somewhat more serious than before, while retaining, however, the same gaiety. He, like a child, was glad of our meeting. His former liveliness was manifested in everything in every memory. Outwardly, he has changed little, overgrown only with sideburns. In the midst of a conversation, he suddenly asked me: what do they say about him in St. Petersburg and Moscow? I answered him that his poems had acquired a nationality throughout Russia and, finally, that relatives and friends love him, sincerely wishing that his exile would end as soon as possible. (According to I. I. Pushchin. Notes about Pushkin) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1 Do you have a friend? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 1 Why did you become friends? What do you have in common? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2 How does your friend differ from you? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3 Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you think so? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Advise your peers on how to find a true friend. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1 Describe the photograph. 2 Tell us about your hobby (hobby). Do not forget to tell why you were carried away by this particular activity; an unforgettable hobby moment; Does your friend share your hobby; is there any benefit to you (or others) from this kind of hobby.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 2 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Thin, slender Anna Andreevna never left her husband, the young poet N. S. Gumilyov. Those were the years of her first poems and unexpectedly noisy triumphs. Every year Akhmatova became more majestic. It came out of her own accord. Another feature is remarkable in her character. She was completely devoid of a sense of ownership, and parted with things surprisingly easily. And most often she parted with such things that she needed herself. Somehow in the twentieth year, at the time of the fierce Petrograd famine, she inherited from a friend a large tin full of super-nutritious "flour" made in England. One small teaspoon of this thick concentrate, diluted in boiled water, seemed to our hungry stomachs an unattainable dinner. I sincerely envied the owner of such a treasure. Was late. The guests began to go home. A little later than the others I went out onto the dark staircase. And suddenly she ran after me to the site and said: - This is for Murochka ... And in my hands I found myself a precious "Nestlé". The door slammed shut, and no matter how many times I called, it did not open. I remember many such cases. (According to K.I. Chukovsky) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1 Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Who helped you cope with a difficult life situation? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3 What role do friends play in solving your problems? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4 What do you think, for whom it is easier to endure the hardships of life, for the one who is lonely, or for the one who has a friend? Why do you think so?

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5 Advise your peers on how to avoid trouble. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1 Describe the photograph. 2 Have you ever witnessed an incident in which someone supported someone in need of help? Perhaps you yourself helped someone in a difficult situation. Tell us about it. Do not forget to tell when and to whom something happened; how a person in trouble behaved; who came to his aid and what actions he took in order to prevent unwanted consequences; how the situation was resolved.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 3 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. An excerpt from the book Helia Vasil'k vao "Every day and all life" Heart! Poets and composers have written so many poems and songs about no other human organ, or scientific articles and monographs by scientists, as much about this indefatigable motor. And this is no coincidence. The heart is the first to respond to the slightest change in mood, to joy or grief, to signal an illness, to even respond to the position of our body: whether we are lying down, sitting or getting up, and of course, to physical activity. Doctors begin to listen to the beating of the future newborn's heart while still in the womb. Then, from the moment of birth and throughout life, therapists, cardiologists determine the state of human health according to the indications of the work of the heart muscle. A trained heart makes a little over 50 beats per minute, an untrained person's heart rate can be at rest up to 74 beats per minute. If we compare the number of blows over fifty years, then the difference turns out to be very significant. The heart function is the most important. It ensures the delivery of blood saturated with oxygen and other essential waste products through the branched circulatory system to all organs and tissues. Task 2 Conditional Dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute.

1. Do you communicate on social networks? Answer: ____________________________ 2. How are social networks convenient? Answer: ____________________________ 3. Are there any negative aspects of using social networks? Answer: _____________________________ 4. Can social networks replace live communication? Answer: _____________________________ 5. Advise your peers on how to use social media correctly. Answer: ______________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite books. Do not forget to tell how you read the books: only in the school curriculum or more; what books do you choose to read; how do you find out about new books; about the book that I remember the most.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 4 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. I was sitting alone in a dim room and did not hear the bell in the hall. And suddenly I saw on the threshold a huge figure in an open fur coat and a high beaver hat. It was F.I. Chaliapin. With a majestic, slow step, Chaliapin went to the door of the library. He walked like noble boyars walk on the stage. Nothing disturbed the calmness of his suddenly petrified face. And then Buska, a brown bulldog, the favorite of the whole family, jumped out from around the corner with a deafening bark. She was furious at the smell of a bear coat. - Oh, how are you? - Chaliapin boomed again, and his whole face gathered in menacing bulldog folds. In a split second, he found himself on all fours and with small hurried steps ran towards Buska. At that moment he acquired a striking resemblance to a bear crawling out of a den. But what happened to the unfortunate dog! The little bus, howling with horror and surprise, crawled backwards under the sofa. Chaliapin straightened up to his full gigantic height again. Seriously and slowly, he continued his boyar march. And at the door of the office stood Gorky, grimacing, choking on soundless laughter. (According to VA Rozhdestvensky. Pages of life Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To familiarize yourself with the questions - 1 minute. Answer to each question - 1 minute.

1 Do you have a friend? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Why did you become friends? What do you have in common? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3 How does your friend differ from you? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4 Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you think so? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5 Advise your peers on how to find a true friend. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your most memorable school holiday. Do not forget to tell when the holiday is taking place; what he is dedicated to; who takes part in the celebration; describe those present and their mood.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 5 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. it was Ruda's favorite place. Tchaikovsky woke up early and did not move, listening to the ringing of the forest larks. A cuckoo was crowing on a nearby pine tree. He got up and went to the window. The house stood on a hillock. The woods went down, where the lake lay among the thickets. There, at the composer's place, He called out to the servant and hurried him to go to Rudoy Yar as soon as possible. He knew that, having been there, he would return and the favorite theme that had been living somewhere inside for a long time would pour out in streams of sounds. And so it happened. The light that struck Tchaikovsky most of all that day. The familiar land was all caressed by the light, shining through it to the last blade of grass. The variety and intensity of illumination caused Tchaikovsky to feel that something extraordinary, like a miracle, would happen. He couldn't be lost. I had to immediately return home, sit down at the piano. Tchaikovsky At home, he ordered the servant not to let anyone in and sat down at the piano. He played. He sought clarity of melody. He stood for a long time on the edge of the Rudy Yar. Yar walked quickly. home. к (According to K.G. Paustovsky.) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute.

1. Creativity. What concepts do you associate with this word? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you receive additional education and in what direction? Or maybe you attend creative circles or your hobby is connected with creativity? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What influenced your choice? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Have you participated in creative competitions or, perhaps, are just planning to participate? Does a creative person need to compete with others and why do you think so? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you agree that creativity contributes to human development? Give reasons for your point of view. ______________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your visit to the museum, which will be remembered the most. Do not forget to tell which museum you have been to; when and with whom; what did you see; what I liked and remembered the most.     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 6 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. From the minute I learned that Pushkin was in exile, the idea arose in me to definitely visit him. After spending a holiday with my father in St. Petersburg, after baptism I went to Pskov. I stayed with my sister for several days and left Pskov from her in the evening; by the morning of the next day, he was already approaching the desired goal. Finally, we turned off the road to the side, rushed through the forest along a mountainous country road - everything seemed to me not pretty soon! Horses are carried among the snowdrifts. We jump again up the mountain by a winding path; suddenly a sharp turn, and as if suddenly burst into the pretended gate with a fell swoop. I look around: I see Pushkin on the porch. Needless to say, what was happening in me then. I jump out of the sleigh and drag him into the room. We look at each other, kiss, keep quiet! All this took place in a small space. In this small room there was his bed with a canopy, a desk, a sofa, and a bookcase. Everything is a poetic mess. Pushkin seemed to me somewhat more serious than before, while retaining, however, the same gaiety. He, like a child, was glad of our meeting. His former liveliness was manifested in everything in every memory. Outwardly, he has changed little, overgrown only with sideburns. In the midst of a conversation, he suddenly asked me: what do they say about him in St. Petersburg and Moscow? I answered him that his poems had acquired a nationality throughout Russia and, finally, that relatives and friends love him, sincerely wishing that his exile would end as soon as possible. (According to I. I. Pushchin. Notes about Pushkin) Task 2 Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. Conditional Dialogue

1. Do you have a uniform at school? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. How is the school uniform convenient? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do students often dislike wearing school uniforms? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Describe the clothes in which you would like the students of your school? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the picture. 2. Tell us about your favorite works of Pushkin. Do not forget to tell what moment of Pushkin's biography is depicted in the picture; how do you understand the words "The sun of Russian poetry has set"; how did you get acquainted with the works of Pushkin; which work was the most memorable. Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 7 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. There were 20 young pilots who were being trained for the first flight into space. Yuri Gagarin was one of them. When preparations began, no one could even imagine which of them would have to open the way to the stars. Reliable, strong and benevolent, Yuri did not envy anyone, did not consider anyone better or worse than himself. He easily took the initiative, worked hard and enjoyed it. On April 12, 1961, at 9 hours 7 minutes Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft with the pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was launched from the Baikon r cosmodrome. ỳ Soon the whole world saw newsreel footage that became history: preparation for the flight, the calm and concentrated face of Yuri Gagarin before a step into the unknown, his famous “Let's go!”. The courage and fearlessness of a simple Russian guy with a wide smile conquered all of humanity. The duration of Gagarin's flight was 108 minutes. Just 108 minutes. But it is not the number of minutes that determines the contribution to the history of space exploration. He was the first and will remain so forever! Task 2 Conditional Dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1.What does it mean to follow fashion? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Is it important for you to follow fashion and why? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Is it possible to follow fashion only in clothes? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. How do you understand the expression "good taste"? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Do the words "fashionable" and "modern" mean the same thing? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about how you went on a hike (excursion). Do not forget to tell where and when you went hiking; with whom did you go camping (with classmates, friends, with your parents); how did you prepare for the hike (excursion); why do you remember this trip (excursion).     Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 8 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. An excerpt from the book by Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov - Mikit Vao "Sounds of the Earth" Listen well, standing in the forest or among the awakened flowering field, and if you have a keen ear, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people so affectionately called the mother earth ... The sounds of the earth are precious. It is, perhaps, impossible to list them. They replace music for us. I recall with joy the sounds of the earth that once captivated me in childhood. And isn't the best thing left in my soul from those times? I remember the mysterious forest sounds, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the silence of the night, I hear the breath of the earth even more distinctly, the rustle of a leaf over a fresh mushroom that has risen from the ground, the fluttering of nocturnal lungs of butterflies, the cry of a rooster in the nearest village. And how good, unforgettable every new morning! Even before the sun rises, the birds begin to sing joyfully. The awakened forest is filled with life! There is nothing in nature more musical than the early morning coming. The streams ring even more silvery, forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma wonderfully merges with the musical symphony of the morning. Task 2 Conditional Dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. What are museums for? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What feelings do you have when visiting museums? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Which museums do you like best: historical, art, scientific and technical or natural science? Why? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you think schoolchildren should visit museums? Why? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Have you heard about virtual museums? What capabilities do you think they have? Answer:_______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your attitude towards stray animals. Don't forget to share,     Do you help animal shelters? How? What kind of help do you provide to stray animals? Do you have a pet at home? How do you look after him? What should be done to reduce the number of discarded animals on the streets? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 9 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Theater! .. Do you love theater as I love it, that is, with all the forces of your soul, with all your enthusiasm, with all the frenzy that an ardent youth is only capable of, greedy and passionate for impressions of the graceful? Or, better to say, can you not love theater more than anything in the world except good and truth? Indeed, is it not where all the charms of the fine arts are concentrated? Isn't he the master of our feelings, ready at any time and under any circumstances to excite and excite them, as a hurricane raises sandy blizzards in the boundless steppes of Arabia? .. Which of all arts has such powerful means to amaze the soul with impressions ... What is it , I ask you, this theater? .. Oh, this is a true temple of art, upon entering which you are instantly freed from everyday relationships! These sounds of instruments tuned in the orchestra torment your soul with the expectation of something wonderful, squeeze your heart with a presentiment of some inexplicably sweet bliss; these people, filling the huge amphitheater, share your impatient expectation, you merge with them in one feeling; this luxurious and magnificent curtain, this sea of ​​lights, hint to you about miracles and divas, scattered over God's beautiful creation and concentrated in the cramped space of the stage! And then the orchestra burst out - and your soul anticipates in its sounds those impressions that are preparing to amaze it; and now the curtain has risen - and before your eyes the endless world of passions and human destinies is spreading! (Fragment of the article by Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky) Task 2 Conditional dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1.Do you think that theater has an impact on the formation of a person's inner world? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you go to the theater for pleasure or benefit? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Can television completely replace theater? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do you think people go to the theater? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Advise your friends about the play (s) that, in your opinion,

a must see. Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1 Describe the photograph. 2 Tell us about your visit to the entertainment event (concert, performance) that you remember the most. Do not forget to tell us what spectacular event you were at; when and with whom; what did you see; what I liked and remembered more. Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 10 Task 1 Reading the text out loud Read the text out loud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. The house stood on a hillock. The woods went down, where the lake lay among the thickets. There the composer had a favorite place, Rudoy Yar. He called out to the servant and hurried him to go to Rudoy Yar as soon as possible. He knew that, having been there, he would return and the favorite theme that had been living somewhere inside for a long time would pour out in streams of sounds. And so it happened. He stood for a long time on the edge of the Rudy Yar. The light that struck Tchaikovsky most of all that day. The familiar land was all caressed by the light, shining through it to the last blade of grass. The variety and intensity of illumination caused Tchaikovsky to feel that something extraordinary, like a miracle, would happen. He couldn't be lost. I had to immediately return home, sit down at the piano. Tchaikovsky walked quickly to the house. At home, he ordered the servant not to let anyone in and sat down at the piano. He played. He sought clarity of melody. (According to K.G. Paustovsky.) Task 2 Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. Conditional dialogue 1. What kind of art (s) do you like the most? Why? Answer: _________________________________________ 2. Do you attend any club, music school, studio, etc.? Answer: _________________________________________ 3. Tell us about your successes in creativity? Answer: _________________________________________ 4. What is your favorite artist (poet, musician, sculptor, etc.)?

Answer: _________________________________________ 5. Who do you see yourself as in adult life (profession, main occupation)? Answer:_________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Why are physical education and sports necessary in our life? Do not forget to tell:     What kind of sport do you enjoy (or other outdoor activities)? Why did you choose this particular sport (hobby)? What kind of physical education lessons would you like to see? Why do we need physical education at school? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 11 Task 1 Reading the text out loud Read the text out loud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. The childhood of A.N. Tolstoy Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, author of the world famous novel "Peter the First", was born on January 10, 1883 in a family of hereditary counts in the small town of Nikolaevsk, Samara province. Even before the birth of Alyosha, his parents separated, and his mother, Alexandra Leontievna, a writer, a cousin of the Decembrist Nikolai Turgenev, was engaged in his upbringing. It was she who had a huge impact on the formation of the literary abilities of the future writer. Alexandra Leontievna developed for him the themes of early works, such as "Lesha's Childhood", "Logutka". And her letters and her own writings became the source for creating images of the first youthful works of Alexei Tolstoy. At the stepfather's estate, a teacher was invited to receive primary education for the boy. Then the family moved to Samara, where Alexey began his studies at a real school. After graduating from it, the young man went to St. Petersburg to enroll in a technological institute. It was during this period that he began to write poetry, and already in 1906 they were published. Task 2 Conditional Dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. Do your parents, in your opinion, pay enough attention to your studies? Why? Answer: _________________________________________ 2. Do you need adult help in preparing your homework? Answer: _________________________________________ 3. Do you often turn to them for help in preparing lessons? Answer: _________________________________________ 4. Do you like to share new knowledge gained at school with your parents? Answer: _________________________________________ 5. Would you like to choose the same profession as your mom (dad)? Why? Answer:_________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite toy. Do not forget to tell:  What the toy looks like;  When and how you got it;  Whether there is any story related to the toy;  Do you keep your favorite children's toy;  Why are favorite children's toys dear to adults. Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 12 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. Childhood M.Yu. Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born in Moscow in October 1814. The Russian branch of the Lermontov family dates back to George Lermontov, a native of Scotland, taken prisoner during the siege of the White fortress and in 1613. The legendary Scottish poet of the 13th century also bears the surname of Lermontov. The poet's father, Yuri Petrovich, was a retired infantry captain. According to people who knew him closely, he was a wonderful handsome man, with a kind and sympathetic soul, but extremely frivolous. Mother is the daughter of Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, nee Stolypin. He spent his childhood in Tarkhany - the estate of his grandmother. Lermontov's mother died when he was not yet three years old. In Tarkhany, the poet recognized and forever fell in love with the beauty of his native nature, Russian songs, legends, epics. Grandmother loved her grandson very much and took care of his upbringing. He spoke English, French, German, was engaged in painting, played the violin and piano, read poetry perfectly. When Lermontov was 10 years old, he was taken to the Caucasus, to the waters; here he met a girl of about 9 years old and for the first time recognized the feeling of love that left a memory for his whole life and was inextricably merged with the first impressions of the Caucasus, which he reads with his poetic homeland. Task 2 Conditional Dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. How do you feel about reading? Answer: _________________________________________ 2. How do you understand family reading? Answer: _________________________________________ 3. Is it possible to instill a taste for reading in a child? Answer: _________________________________________ 4. Is reading your favorite pastime? Answer: _________________________________________ 5. Do you consider it necessary to read in the age of computerization?


Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite book. Remember to tell:  What is your favorite (or last read) book?  Who and when gave or advised you to read it?  Which of the heroes did you like the most?  What did the book make you think about? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 13 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. The more water you draw from a well, the fresher and more abundant it is. She smells of deep earth and the steady coldness of melted snow. Each sip of well water sweetly quenches thirst and fills with cheerfulness. In the morning the sun rises from the bottom, in the evening it sinks to the bottom. This is how the well lives. If the bucket does not ring in the semi-dark frame and the scattered links of the chain are not pulled with a bowstring, but rust from inaction, if the gate does not squeak cheerfully at hand and the drops that have fallen off with silver coins do not fall back into the echoing depth, the spring stops beating, the well is covered with silt, and languishes. The death of the well comes. With the invasion of the enemy, dead wells appeared. They died with the people. The dead wells looked like unburied graves. Now the wells have come to life, or rather, they have been revived by people - the living, who have come to replace the dead. Buckets clink merrily, and chains glisten in the sun, freed from rust by the touch of many hands. Wells give water to people, cows, earth, trees. They pour water on the hot black stones of the baths, and the soft, breathtaking steam does its clean job, settling in drops on the sluggish, fragrant foliage of birch brooms. The wells came to life. But the one who died in the war - died forever. Task 2 Conditional Dialogue Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. 1. How do you feel about the computerization of society? Answer: _________________________________________ 2. What role does the computer play in your life? Answer: _________________________________________ 3. How often and for what purpose do you use your PC? Answer: _________________________________________ 4. Can the computer replace the book? Answer:_________________________________________

5. How do you understand the statement: “With the advent of the computer, we carry knowledge with us, and not within ourselves”? Answer:_________________________________________

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite school subject. Do not forget to tell: When and why did you become interested in this discipline? What interesting information did you receive while studying this subject? How will your favorite school subject help you in choosing your future profession? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your favorite family holiday. Be sure to share: • How are your family members involved in this family activity? • What role do you play (what assignment do you carry out)?  How do you understand the expression “family traditions”? How do you feel about them? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

Option 15 Task 1 Reading the text aloud Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to get ready. Please note that reading the text aloud should not take more than 3 minutes. Retell the text and express your opinion about it. All of us, the guys of the Kizlyar orphanage, lived without relatives for many years and completely forgot, CHEFS, what family comfort is. And suddenly they brought us to the station, announced that the railroad workers were our chiefs and they were inviting us to visit. They took us apart one at a time. Uncle Vasya, a fat and cheerful boss, brought me to his home. The wife sighed, asked about her relatives for a long time, but in the end she brought fragrant borscht and sweet baked pumpkin. And Uncle Vasya winked and poured out of a barrel of red wine. And myself and me. It became fun. I paced around the rooms as if I were floating in some kind of happy smoke, and I did not want to leave at all. For a whole week in the orphanage, conversations about this day did not stop. The guys, overwhelmed with unusual sensations of "home life", could not talk about anything else. And at school, on the other side of the lid of the desk, where I cut out the three most cherished words: electricity - poetry - Lida, I added one more word - chefs. The Belarusian Vilka boasted the most. He came to visit the station master himself, and he ordered to come again. I also wanted to tell good things about Uncle Vasya, and I said that he was “the most important head of the coal warehouse” and I can show where he works. I really wanted to show Uncle Vasya, and I took the guys. Task 2 Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to the questions. To get acquainted with the questions - 1 minute. The answer to each question is 1 minute. Conditional dialogue 1. What holidays do you like more: home holidays, holidays with friends, school holidays? Answer: _________________________________________ 2. Whom as a guest do you prefer to see on your holiday? Answer: _________________________________________ 3. When can you say that the holiday was a success? Answer: _________________________________________ 4. Do you like to prepare for the holiday? Answer: _________________________________________ 5. How do you do it?


Task 3 Monologue statement You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes. 1. Describe the photo. 2. Tell us about your pet (plant). Do not forget to tell:  When and under what circumstances did you have a pet (plant)?  What are your responsibilities for caring for a pet (plant)?  How do you understand the words of A. Saint Exupery: “We are responsible for those whom we have tamed”? Please note that your statement must be coherent.

CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION List of assessed aspects of speaking 1 Expressiveness of speech during reading 2 Compliance with norms 3 Distortion / correct reading of words 4 Rate of reading System of assessment of oral speech (grading scales and maximum scores) Task 1. Reading the text aloud, retelling Table 1 Assessment criteria for reading aloud and retelling of the text Intonation Intonation corresponds to the punctuation of the text. The intonation does not match the punctuation of the text. The pace of reading The pace of reading and retelling the text corresponds to the communicative task. The pace of reading / retelling does not correspond to the communicative task. There are no grammatical, spelling errors, word distortions. Grammatical, spelling errors, word distortions were made. Correctness of speech The maximum number of points for the entire task The performance of the communication task is assessed separately for each answer given to the question by the examinee. Speech design is assessed on a total of five responses. Task 2. Conditional dialogue Criteria for evaluating the dialogue (E). Table 2 Points The examinee coped with the communicative task: he gave a complete answer to the question. The examinee made an attempt to cope with a communicative task, but an inaccurate or monosyllabic answer to the question was given, or the examinee did not answer the question. The maximum number of points 1 0 1 The maximum number of points according to criterion D - 5. Criteria for assessing the speech design of answers to questions (P2). Speech literacy There are no grammatical, speech, orthoepic errors. No more than 3 mistakes were made. Table 3 Points 2 1

More than 3 mistakes were made. Speech design Speech as a whole is distinguished by the richness and accuracy of the vocabulary, various syntactic constructions are used. Speech is characterized by poverty and / or inaccuracy of the vocabulary, and / or the same type of syntactic constructions are used. Maximum points 0 1 0 3 Total points for the task 2 - 8. Task 3. Monologue statement. Table 4 1 0 Criteria for evaluating a monologue statement (M). Implementation of the communicative task description of the photograph The examinee has coped with the communicative task. All questions are answered. There are no actual errors. The examinee made an attempt to cope with a communicative task, but not all questions were answered and / or factual errors were made. Implementation of the communicative task narration of personal life experience 1 The examinee has coped with the communicative task. All questions are answered. There are no actual errors. The examinee made an attempt to cope with the communicative task, but not all questions were answered. Speech design of the utterance The utterance is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and the sequence of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (1 or more). Speech literacy Grammar, none. No more than 3 mistakes were made. More than 3 mistakes were made. Maximum number of points Spelling errors, speech distortions, 2 1 0 5 Points 0 1 0 * Note. If the examinee has not coped with the communicative task, i.e. received 0 points on the criteria "Description of the photo" and "Narration of personal life experience", then such work is not counted and is estimated at 0 points, the task is considered unfulfilled. The total number of points for the entire work is 16 points. The examinee receives a credit if he scored 9 or more points for the performance of the work.

The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language is introduced as part of the implementation of the Concept of Teaching Russian Language and Literature to test the oral language skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that passing the final interview in the future will become admission to the State Academy of Arts for ninth grade graduates.

Oral part in Russian language OGE 2018 - demo version from FIPI

Additional materials and equipment

For the oral part of the exam, language laboratories with appropriate equipment can be used.

An oral interview in Russian consists of four assignments.

Task 1 - reading aloud a short text. Preparation time is 2 minutes.

In task 2, it is proposed to retell the read text, supplementing it with a statement. Preparation time is 1 minute.

In task 3, it is proposed to choose one of the three proposed conversation options: a description of a photograph, a story based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems. Preparation time is 1 minute.

In task 4 (dialogue) you have to take part in a conversation on the topic of the previous task. Your total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. All the response time is audio and video recording.

Characteristics of the structure and content of KIM OGE Russian language oral part

Each version of the CMM consists of four tasks of the basic level of complexity, differing in the form of tasks.

Task 1 - expressive reading aloud of the text of the scientific journalistic style.

Task 2 - retelling the text using additional information.

Task 3 - a thematic monologue statement.

Task 4 - participation in the dialogue.

All tasks are open-ended tasks with a detailed answer.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (reading the text) of the work is evaluated according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for reading is 2. For the correct fulfillment of task 2 (retelling of the text with the involvement of additional information), the graduate receives 4 points. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language while working with the text is assessed separately.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the speech design of the answer to tasks 1 and 2 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points for work with the text (tasks 1 and 2) is 10. Assessment of the answer to task 3 of the work is carried out according to specially developed criteria. The maximum number of points for a monologue statement is 3.

The maximum number of points a student can score for completing the assignment is 2. Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language is assessed separately when answering.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for the speech design of the answer to tasks 3 and 4 is 4 points.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing the entire oral part is 19. The student receives a credit if he scored 10 or more points for completing the work.

When familiarizing yourself with the demo version of the oral interview in the Russian language, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content that can be checked using the options for control measurement materials.

Reveals a very important topic: how to prepare for the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language!

Ilya Repin, Pushkin at the Lyceum exam

There is still no exam schedule for the next year, last year the oral part of the OGE in Russian was taken a few weeks before the last bell. They handed over in their schools to their teachers. How will it be this year? We will see. But you can't sit back.

What is being tested? Reading and the ability to speak on a given topic. That's all. Simple, but this is only at first glance.

The first step is to read the proposed text aloud. There are already many pitfalls lurking here. Reading aloud has received little attention in the school system in recent years. Especially in high school. And the skill of reading aloud requires constant work. For those who read aloud at about 170 words per minute, of course, it will be easy enough to complete the first task, but they should not overestimate their capabilities. Pauses, accents, including logical ones, various orthoepic traps, intonation shades - all of this Russian language is not only rich, but also difficult. It is very easy to make mistakes. When preparing for this assignment, be sure to record your speech while reading on a voice recorder and listen. You will learn a lot about yourself. And notice and eliminate your main mistakes. Learn to read expressively from the masters of the word ... Or at least learn to read if by the end of ninth grade you are still having trouble reading.

Patrick Henry, Speaker

The second task is based on the text read. You are required to retell it using the statement of some famous person (more often a writer) on the topic. Knowledge and understanding of the text, the ability to build a statement without logical, speech and factual errors are tested. In principle, everyone should be able to read and retell. In practice, by the ninth grade, the skill is pretty neglected. The task is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to retell not a narrative, but a descriptive text. Less often - text-reasoning, which is also not sugar.

Next, you are asked to choose one of three cards with the task: describe the phenomenon depicted in the photo, tell about some important event in your life or speculate on the proposed topic. In preparing a statement on a topic, one must rely on specific questions. In fact, it helps to collect thoughts, to highlight the main thing, not to forget the essential. You can choose a convenient type of statement for yourself in advance and prepare for it, as most do when preparing task No. 15 of the written part of the OGE in the Russian language. It is more convenient for someone to describe a picture, someone prefers to talk about problems, and someone's life is rich in events and there is always a plot at the ready to tell a story. I recommend recording your speech on a dictaphone, as you did in preparation for reading aloud. Of course, it is useful to hear the opinion of yourself from the mouth of a teacher or tutor, but you can and should listen to yourself.

Ivan Tikhiy, Exam

The last task is the easiest: a conversation about questions. After the examiner has listened to your monologue on the topic indicated on the card of your choice, he will ask you a few questions about it. Your answer is a complete two-part common sentence. In general, an oral interview is somewhat reminiscent of communication with a foreigner. Imagine that the examiner is a foreigner, and you have to explain everything clearly and correctly to him.

So, you complete 4 tasks and you can get the maximum for them:

1) expressive reading - 2 points;

2) retelling using quotations - 4 points;

3) a monologue with a choice of the type of text: description, reasoning or story - 3 points;

4) conversation on the topic of the monologue - 2 points.

The points are summed up, and points for compliance with the norms of the Russian language are added to the received amount. Up to 8 points! You need to score at least 8 points for the test. The maximum is 17. The grade for the final interview is not given, but the credit for it is admission to the rest of the exams.

Last academic year, the oral part of the OGE in Russian was, as I said, in April. Most likely it will be so in 2019 as well.

There is time - use it correctly!

Listen carefully to the advice of teachers and tutors. Do not rely on chance, prepare in advance for all tasks. A demo version of an oral interview, the criteria for its assessment can be downloaded on the official website of FIPI. This year's schedule and demos will be available soon.

Good luck and successful exams!

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

The main state exam characterizes the level of basic knowledge of a student in a particular subject. Compulsory after grade 9 in 2018 is the OGE in Russian language and mathematics. Any 2 more subjects must be chosen by the student himself. It is quite possible that this year it will become mandatory to pass the third exam in a foreign language. The total number of exams after grade 9 is planned to be increased to six by 2019. The controversy continues, but the formula is likely to be 3 compulsory disciplines and 3 to choose from.

Oral part of the exam

Most of the controversy was generated by rumors about the introduction of the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018. However, the fears turned out to be premature: there will be no such innovation in the coming year. This is due to the need to solve the problem of children with speech therapy disabilities. In addition, it is unclear exactly how the testing should be carried out: either by speaking on a computer medium, or in the process of dialogue with the members of the commission.

However, some schoolchildren will still have to take Russian orally: in the testing mode, this will be for students of the Moscow Region, Tatarstan and Chechnya. WITH2019 oral part of the GIA in Russianwill be brought to life. According to representatives of the Ministry of Education, this will exclude the correct answers at random, show the level of communicative development, the size of the student's vocabulary by the end of the 9th grade. This should have a positive effect on the personal development of the teenager. The assessment will be carried out according to the "passed" or "not passed" system.

The oral part will include:

  • reading a text fragment aloud;
  • a short and full retelling of what has been read;
  • a monologue on a pre-selected topic;
  • live discussion with the examination board.

Attention! Each of the 4 parts is given 15 minutes. The student must not only speak competently, but also think quickly, express a thought succinctly.

Training options:

How is the state final certification

An important change in the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 will be that now the assessment affects the certificate issued at the end of school. That is, the exam, which is allocated 3 hours and 55 minutes, cannot be taken carelessly. Not in the event that the student intends to continue his studies in college (during the selection, the marks are taken into account), nor in the choice of further school education.

The written part consists of three types of tasks: a short answer (number, letter), a detailed answer to a question, and a textual presentation. The maximum number of points is 39. The traditional five is given at least 34 points upon passing the exam. At the same time, literacy is still very important: to get an A, it is necessary to score at least 6 points for the absence of errors.

Remember! To overcome the test and continue your studies, you must pass an exam in the Russian language with at least 8 points.

Subtleties of preparation

Typical options for the tasks of the GIA in the Russian language in 2018 will hardly change compared to previous periods. They are publicly available on the Internet. According to teachers, in order to successfully overcome the barrier, it is enough to regularly solve tasks, check the received answers with the correct ones, and control their knowledge according to the existing scale. If you have errors, you should consult and, possibly, additionally work with a teacher or tutor.

Immediately before the exam, which begins at 10 o'clock local time, you need to calm down, get a good night's sleep, and have a hearty breakfast. Bring nothing but a fountain pen and water. Parents need to create a positive emotional background and instill confidence in the child. Regular study, solving demos, inner peace of mind, familiarity with innovations on the official website is the key to successfully passing the OGE in Russian in 2018!

Important! The only textbook allowed in class is the spelling dictionary. The presence of any other items and devices leads to the removal from the exam and a bad mark.

Greetings, my dear readers.

I know that Russian-speaking schoolchildren are insanely intimidated by the passing of oral exams. And the oral part of the OGE in English seems completely impossible (not to mention). But believe me, correct and timely preparation is all that is needed to ensure that the highest score on the test is careless for you. Therefore, today we are waiting for a full analysis of the oral part, as well as examples of tasks with answers.

Let's start?

What is it and what has changed in recent years

The oral part of the test only takes 6 minutes! But in 6 minutes you have to show everything you are capable of. You will be tested for everything: for pronunciation and speech speed, for the ability to understand questions and give a quick and clear answer to them, on your ability to conduct an unprepared speech for 2 minutes.

Since 2016, the structure of the oral part has changed radically. You will have to cope not with two, but with the whole three tasks: you will need to read the text aloud, answer the dialogue questions, and also make a monologue based on the picture (and, perhaps, without it this year!). Everything seems to be completely different from what it was just 6-7 years ago.

What it consists of and how it goes

The oral part consists, as I said, of 3 parts, which take 15 minutes in total, of which 6 minutes go directly to the answer, and the rest to preparation.

  • Part 1 - reading a passage of text.

The task seems easy, right? Especially when you consider that you are previously given 1.5 minutes to read. And after that - another 2 minutes to read it aloud. You should read clearly, understandably, with correct pronunciation of sounds and correct intonation. And you only have 5 chances to make a mistake. After that, the points are reduced (that is, you will receive 1 or 0 points from 2 possible!).

Let's take an example(click on the picture to enlarge).

First of all, pay attention to reading long and short sounds. I underlined words with long and short [i] in red.

d i fferent, l i ved, h i dden, - here the percussive sounds are read as short

p eo ple, bel ie ved, n ee ded, - and here they are read as long

In blue, I underlined words that have a short and long [u]

r oo m, t oo ls - here the sound is long

c oul d, p u t - here it is short

I highlighted in green the words where you can see the sound [a], but again they will differ in longitude:

d ar k - long sound

h u nters - short sound

A very important point here is the correct pronunciation of interdental sounds (words in the text are underlined in yellow), which children so often like to replace with Russian [v, f] or.

sympa th etic, th ey - tongue clamped by teeth and forward!

I put phrases in yellow frames in which I want to show the differences in intonation. In the first case, we see a special question - and in these types of questions, the intonation should be downward, in other words, it should fall. Listen

The second phrase is an introductory construction, which, firstly, must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a pause, and secondly, read with an ascending intonation. Listen.

Hope you hear the difference! Observe, my dears, and those who evaluate your answer will give you the highest score with great pleasure!

  • Part 2 - answers to questions.

The task of this part is dialogue where you have to answer 6 questions... This part of the test was created in order to check how quickly, correctly and competently a student can use a foreign speech.

For each answer to a question, you can get 1 point each... If you answer too short where disclosed answers are required, or make a lot of mistakes, you do not get your point for the answer.

What I can advise you is to learn a couple of clichés for those answers where you need to express your opinion or give advice. For example:

In my opinion … - In my opinion…

From my point of view ...- Cmypointsvision

I reckon … - I think …

I advise … - I advise…

Youd better do ... - You'd better do ...

You should do.... you should do ...

In addition, it is important to answer clearly, without going into the jungle and follow the grammar rules!

So, an example of an assignment in question-answer format:

How old are you?

I "m 15 years old.

What "s your hobby and why are you interested in it?

- My hobby is swimming. I "m interested in it because I adore swimming - it makes me cheerful and confident.

How much time a week do you spend on your hobby?

- As a rule, I spend on it about 4 hours a week.

What hobbies are the most popular with teenagers nowadays?

- From my point of view the most popular hobbies with teenagers now are computer games and some extreme sports like snowboarding.

Why do you think people take up hobbies?

- In my opinion people take up hobbies in order to find new friends, to get some new skills and just to feel happier.

What would you advise a person who wants to start a hobby?

You should find a hobby which will give you pleasure. If I were you I would go to the nearest sports club and find out what they offer ...

  • Part 3 is a picture-based monologue.

You will be given 1.5 minutes to prepare this task, and 2 minutes to complete. Before your eyes you will have a picture ( but it is needed only for support, not for description! ), and the questions to be answered. This task is difficult, to be honest, but it is also estimated in whole 7 points.

Note: in 2018 it is planned to remove the picture and leave only questions.

Let's see an example:

-Why people like traveling.

-What way of traveling you prefer and why.

-Whether you prefer to be a package tourist or to be a backpacking traveler. Why.

My answer would be as follows:

“And now I am going to talk about traveling.

People may travel for different reasons. For one group of people it may be the chance to spend their vacation at a completely different place from the one they are used to. For others it may be the way of living - their lifestyle.

Personally I prefer sight-seeing type of traveling. As I am keen on history I cannot stand the idea of ​​not visiting all the historical places in Europe or Asia. What is more, I prefer traveling by bus as it allows me to spend a lot of time on the road and think about everything I need. Besides, it is much cheaper than traveling by plane.

According to this I may conclude that I am an absolutely backpacking traveler. The idea that you can spend one day in one city and move to another part of the country the following day appeals to me very much.

In the end I would like to say, that traveling broadens our minds and gives us an amazing experience we will never forget. Besides, you will be left with unforgettable memories. What can be better? "

How to prepare

Preparing for an oral exam is difficult. But finding a simulator using it will not be so difficult. I can advise you on the following assistants:

  • "English. OGE. Oral part ". author - Radislav Milrud.
  • "OGE-2016. English". author - Yu.A. Veselova.
  • Publishing books MacMillan, dedicated to this exam .

Recently, I purchase most of the manuals and textbooks for myself and my students online. There you can always buy profitably and get it quickly. My favorite shops:

The training tasks in these textbooks are specially selected for the level, and there are enough of them for you to practice. What's more important is that you can buy them in any bookstore (including online stores).

Even easier and, in my opinion, more interesting is to use online trainer OGE (GIA) from LinguaLeo. There you can also find other high-quality and really effective English courses that I recommend to everyone!

Don't forget, my friends, that I am constantly sharing new tips on how to improve your English and how to better prepare for the exam. Subscribe to my blog mailing list and be the first to receive information on how to do well on the test. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

Until then, I say goodbye.

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