Home Fruit trees Soul incarnation. The life of the soul outside the body. Soul between lives. Inexplicable attraction to a foreign culture, language, customs

Soul incarnation. The life of the soul outside the body. Soul between lives. Inexplicable attraction to a foreign culture, language, customs


A highly developed Soul strives for a difficult path. She herself chooses the kind of tests that she wants to endure. Everyone is exposed to dangers in life of their own free will, because a person's Soul sees in them a means to improvement, and God will allow it. Many choose a life full of misfortunes, hardships, in order to endure it with courage, they test themselves in the struggle with vice. Only in trials does the Soul develop.
The soul can choose for its next incarnation a family with a karmic inheritance corresponding to the one that is necessary for it to go through the experience.

The soul can incarnate in an environment between people leading a bad life, in order to undergo a test chosen by itself.
Some Souls choose a life full of calamities and hardships in order to withstand these trials with courage, others want to test themselves with the temptations of wealth and power.
The tests of bodily life slow down or speed up the improvement of Souls, depending on whether they can withstand them or not. Before incarnation, the Soul knows the kind of trials that lie ahead of it, but does not know for sure whether it will withstand them or not. The soul can choose a test that exceeds its strength, and then it falls, or it can choose a test that is useless for it at this stage of development.

A highly developed Soul (realizing itself) chooses a family in which it should be born. For underdeveloped Souls, this issue is decided by the Lords of Karma - they determine the family and the conditions in which this person should be born, guided by the desires and aspirations that the Soul acquired in past lives, by the reasons that it created.

Medium and Underdeveloped Souls are mainly attracted by families, by their inner character, emotional atmosphere similar to what they were used to in the past incarnation. Some choose a vicious environment because of their liking and desire to live in an environment that is consistent with their inclinations. The moral side of these Souls is poorly developed. Sooner or later they will understand that the satisfaction of animal passions has negative consequences for them, the duration of which will seem to them to be infinite.

When the time comes to incarnate, the Soul begins to feel the growing influence of its natural inclinations. She will be drawn to incarnate in situations that will give her the opportunity to fulfill her desires that were not fulfilled in past life cycles, or to apply new approaches that were discovered during her stay in the Subtle World.
When the time comes to return to the Physical Plane, the General Council decides in which energy Matrix a person fits better, i.e. where, when and to whom he should be born. When the time comes to return to the Physical Plane, then the person "settles" exactly at that energy level where the compatibility of his energies and the energy of the environment will take place.
The place of the next birth is determined by the fact that the Soul needs to cognize this or that situation in order to pay or compensate for what took place in past lives.
Inhabitants of the Mental Worlds themselves choose the place and time of their birth in accordance with the Will of a Higher Reason. "He decides to become human again. Then he chooses the time and place, determines the DNA. He selects those particles of himself that seem most suitable to him, combines them into one and goes to Earth. Most of the human essence remains unmanifest."

Before incarnation, some Souls (more advanced) observe their future parents, study them in order to know what they will have to deal with. They observe close people and study the environment of the future habitat, sometimes their Teacher joins them to explain some incomprehensible things. The soul decides whether it will be able to assimilate in a given environment the experience that it needs or not. If the Soul finds this incarnation undesirable for itself, then it may not enter the body. The soul may decide that these parents are not yet ready for her arrival, or they cannot give her what she needs.
In order to continue working off your Karma on the earthly level, you need energy. When a certain amount of energy accumulates around the Soul, it means it is time for it to return to the Physical Plane.
The soul will be asked whether it is ready to incarnate. She always has a choice and Free Will, but she will take her new birth. She will understand that, despite the upcoming suffering in earthly life, this is the right decision, this is the right path to be followed. This path will lead her to a happy completion.

As soon as the Soul decides to incarnate, everything starts to move. A decision made is a commitment. The decision to return to the Physical Plane immediately causes a corresponding energy impulse, and the energy begins to act in the direction of the Physical Plane, and it is impossible to stop halfway. As soon as the energy begins to act, it must go all the way to the end, before it can be collected and directed in another direction. This Law of the Universe does not have retroactive force, if the Soul has begun the process of incarnation, then it must go through it to the end.

"Bad Karma with his army Skand awaits at the threshold of the Physical World"

SCANDES- the bad consequences of the actions, thoughts of people, these are vices, habits that create negative Elementals. After the death of the Physical Body, and after the cleansing of the Astral Body in the Lower Astral, they crystallize in the Astral Light.
" In Kama-Loka - the World of Consequences (Lower Astral) there are records of human misdeeds, sinful thoughts and deeds - these are human Elements (Skandas) ".
When the Soul, after preparing for incarnation, begins the process of incarnation from the Subtle World, then the true essence, cleared of dark elements, gradually begins to attract to itself, according to the Law of Karma, those elements that belonged to it earlier, these elements gradually form a new Astral Body. They remain passive until a certain age. They gradually instill in the Astral Body their former desires and habits.
The new Astral form, consisting partly of pure matter, partly of passive (up to 14-16 years old) earthly Elements of the sins and atrocities of the individual, is drawn into the future mother.

Because of the inexpediency of use, some of the information not useful for this embodiment, accumulated in previous incarnations, is locked in memory. But even with a sufficient level of development, blockers are necessary, because there is no need to remember everything at once. When the Soul is ready, it will give up all its memories of past lives and of being in the Subtle World. Forgetting its former existence, the Soul will diminish its luggage.


The alien primordial personality notices the energy field of human existence on Earth and is attracted to it. The person decides to go through the field near the center and receive various data. However, the unexpected factor of adhesion of particles that make up the field distorts preliminary calculations and greatly reduces the intended speed of movement of this person. The deceleration is so great that the speed drops below the runaway threshold, and it steadily goes into an elliptical orbit. Passing the apogee of this orbit, it once again passes through the energy field of human existence and becomes overgrown with new adhering particles, which continue to decrease its speed - in turn, the perigee of the orbit sinks lower and lower with each revolution. Finally, the alien finally leaves orbit and plunges into the field, becoming a part of it.

Human existence on Earth is an interesting anomaly. It has certain characteristics that are unique from the point of view of the development of mind and consciousness. Human life has many attractive aspects. Many are immersed in human existence simply out of curiosity. The second, after observing individual pages of human history, come to the conclusion that these circumstances will be an excellent opportunity to conduct this or that experiment, conceived during periods of speculative contemplation. Still others find that the limitations associated with physical incarnation in human form simultaneously lead to an increase in the concentration of certain forms of energy that are available only in this state.

Before the first birth, the Soul goes to " Preparatory Room "…
Before leaving the "Birth Channel" there is a "Control Post Dispatcher". The "Dispatcher" directs the Souls to the Egregor Channel.
"I focused on the signal and followed it through the haze, skirting around individual clots (Human Souls). Behind the wall of ghostly fog, a huge vertical slit was opening, pulsing with active energy. The newbie jumps into this slit."
The birth took place.

Human existence is addictive

Over the course of his human life, the "First Timer" picks up and accumulates many unforeseen and disordered impressions. The most powerful of these are emotional experiences; they are distortions. These sensations have such strength and attractiveness that it is simply impossible to survive all their diversity during one life. The result is an impulsive craving for reincarnation, which would make it possible to complete what was started, to achieve a goal "out of time", to pay off imaginary "debts".

Young or novice Souls go from lower to higher. An individual must first develop a low range of energies into his Matrix, because it should serve as a basis for beginner Souls on which subtle energies will grow.


The "outgoing" make the last round of reincarnation, one more physical life in human form, and then leave for the Zatomis (Mental Plane) or beyond the planet. They are preparing with full understanding of what is happening to make the very last comeback. Radiation emanates from them: an incredible vitality that remains under the strictest control. All values ​​and ideals important for humanity are hidden in this power. All of them masterfully control themselves and are a single and integral part of the whole.

Number 15 - "DOOR OF BIRTH"

Energy of conception, EGREGOR of conception

Carrying the Soul to the purple altar
Do not be afraid of the pain while waiting for the fall.
Let the tears flow as a generous childhood or as of old
The chains of the past bells are buzzing.
There is no fall here. This is the starting height.
For the Soul, wings are a gift from the Gods of Freedom.
Believe in yourself with all your heart - push off.
And you soar in the arms of Nature.

Arcanum 15 is depicted as Typhon, the genius of disasters, rising from the abyss enveloped in flames and stunning torches in front of two people, chained and lying at his feet. This is an image of the fatality seen in the life of some people, like a volcanic eruption, destroying the highest and the lowest, the strong and the weak, the knowledgeable and the ignorant - in the equality of crushing. "

ARCANUM 15 expresses divine predestination in the world. In the intellectual world - a mystery. In the physical world - the unforeseen, fatality.
" Birth Channel"- this is a violet structure with tiers. On each tier there are Thin Bodies. The higher the tier, the higher the spiritual level of the incarnating Soul. sexual intercourse, only one Soul can catch on.
In this Channel, " SILVER THREAD"connecting the Subtle and the Physical Body. The life force is laid in the" Silver thread ".
The "Silver Thread" is a turbulent structure from which no energy should flow out. The diameter of the Thread determines the amount of energy. During conception, the couple forms an energy vortex (Egregor) on the Etheric Plane. This vortex is a projection of the process taking place in the Subtle World. The emerging funnel pulls in the Soul that is in the "Birth Channel" and pulls it to the place of conception. At conception, an "anchor" is formed that can bind the Subtle Body to the Physical. If Egregor has reached only the World of Ghosts, then it is possible to capture a person who has just died, or some kind of entity. The Astral Soul, not being cleansed, carries with it all the previous negative information, vices and passions. Essences do not have a Soul at all. In both cases, the born child will be defective. The most favorable is the seizure of the mid-astral Souls. The capture of highly astral Souls occurs only at the Will (desire) of these creatures. The level of spiritual development of the attracted Subtle Body depends on the size of the vortex formed by the parental couple, on their spiritual development, and on the place and time of conception (astrology).

At the moment of conception, the Soul connects with the conceived Body by means of a current, this connection grows stronger until the moment of birth. From the first minute of conception, confusion begins to take possession of the Soul, it increases until the birthday. As the minute of her birth approaches, her memories are erased from her memory.
After fertilization, the Physical Body arises, immediately connecting with the attracted Subtle Body. As the embryo develops, the assemblage point (finding of Consciousness) shifts to the Physical Body and gradually the Physical Body becomes the seat of Consciousness.
At the moment of the descent of the assemblage point of Consciousness, the Sahasrara chakra ("Spring" - located on the crown of the head) remains open. After birth, the child sees and perceives the Subtle World for a long time.


"The stone becomes a plant;
Plant - to animals;
The animal is human. "

In the womb, a person appears in the form of a stone. The small nucleolus of the future person is composed of the same elements as the stone. After 3 or 4 weeks, the ovum becomes plant-like. The stone is transformed by metempsychosis into a plant. Then the embryonic creature begins to release from the inside out the sprouts of the limbs and develop them. The embryo develops into an animal embryo - takes the form of a tadpole - and, like a reptile amphibian, lives in water and develops in it. In human embryos, apoptosis painlessly eliminates the cells of the gills, tail, and other rudimentary organs.
When the fetus takes on the characteristics of a human being, it receives the first thrill of the breath of immortality that permeates it. The Divine Essence (Soul) is firmly connected with the child's body.

We all start out as a Sphere

Every known life form starts out as a Sphere. It is the most feminine of all forms in existence, so the female chooses this form to form the egg.

The ovum is an absolutely round ball. "By the time of their birth, all women receive about 4,000 germ cells, which are in a" dormant "mode, i.e. the process of their reproduction and division is blocked. By the time of puberty, most of these cells die. 300-400 cells remain, each of which it reaches maturity once a month and is ready to give life if the male reproductive cell finds it. "
There is a membrane around the ovum called the zona pellucida (two circles around the Flower of Life.). There is fluid inside the membrane, and inside it, there is another round sphere called the female proto-nucleus, which contains 22 + 1 chromosomes - half of the chromosomes needed to create the human body. The number of chromosomes is different in different life forms. There are two polar bodies inside the zona pellucida.

"Sperm cells communicate with each other, they flock into flocks"

The space around the egg must be saturated with hundreds of sperm as much as possible, otherwise conception is impossible. Of these hundreds of spermatozoa, ten, eleven or twelve must combine in a certain configuration on the surface, which allows the eleventh, twelfth sperm to enter the egg. One sperm cannot penetrate the membrane without the help of the other ten, eleven. The female proto-nucleus selects one sperm and allows it to enter.

The sperm cell penetrates the zona pellucida and begins to move towards the female protonucleus. In the sperm, the tail disappears and disappears. The tiny head of the sperm cell enlarges and turns into a Sphere, which is the male proto-nucleus. It becomes the same size as the female proto-nucleus and contains the second part of the necessary information. The two Spheres enter each other and form a geometric relationship called the Fish Bubble. They form the image of the First Movement of the First Day of Creation. The male proto-nucleus continues to penetrate the female proto-nucleus until they become one. This is how the zygote appears - the first cell of the body.

Human zygote.
a - the beginning of mitosis;
b - formation of a tetrahedron enclosed in a sphere;
c - next division - star - tetrahedron;
d - the connection of the centers forms a cube.


"Under special conditions, mammalian eggs (including humans) are able to form viable embryos without fertilization (tantra," interdimensional fertilization "). According to scientists, under stressful situations, under the influence of high temperatures and in other extreme situations, the egg can begin to divide without fertilization For this, a woman needs to be predisposed to parthenogenesis.

"An embryo is formed from two sets of male chromosomes - androgenesis. Usually, zygotes with large errors die at the beginning, and less erroneous ones die as they develop. Among these erroneous zygotes, some are not viable due to chromosome mutations, and some are that embryos are formed that have not two, but three sets of chromosomes - triplots. One set of chromosomes in such an embryo is from the mother and two from the father. This happens when two spermatozoa penetrate the egg at the same time. Sometimes after two sperm are fused, only malignant growth of embryonic cells - cystic drift. These are formations in the form of a bunch of grapes, which are in the uterus instead of the embryo. Up to 3% of conceptions are in the form of a bubble drift. This is one of the variants of androgenesis, which is known in nature in some species of insects. Partial androgenesis. -the birth of a special type of twins. Two sperm penetrate into the egg, one merges with the nucleus of the egg, and the second with the daughter cell formed in the result of the second division. The twins will carry the gene for infertility on the paternal side. A variant of dispersion is possible, when chimeras are formed. Chimeras are organisms assembled by cloning from different genes. In the natural process of chimerization, they are formed by the fusion of two developing zygotes at an early stage. Same-sex zygotes can merge, or heterosexual ones. Then embryos are formed, endowed with the features of men and women - hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites are two sexes in one body, most often barren. "

"The fertilized germ cell does not store all the information necessary to build an organism."

A creature cannot grow, live, develop only according to hereditary programs that are in the genes. More than half of the required programs are located in the energy-informational fields surrounding it.
There is a certain amount of information in the chromosomes of merged germ cells. She is responsible only for the "construction" of proteins, but does not explain how to build an organism from them in space and time. This information comes in waves and is stored by the genetic apparatus in the form of holograms and text structures.
Having received one fertilized cell, the future person already has an individual Etheric-Mental Body, and in it an energy-informational Karmic hologram of the Physical Body, it is superimposed on the information coming from the parents, and based on this "model", the gradual evolution of a single egg into a complex multicellular organism begins ... The energy-field structure contains an information program for the development of the organism.
"The image - a hologram is filled with matter, just like a casting mold is filled with casting."

SATTVIC PERIOD - materialization of the Subtle object

In the Subtle World there is an object - the Prototype of what is being created. Then the materialization program is turned on and the creation of a dense object in accordance with the Prototype begins. Information is read from the Prototype, and a rough, sometimes highly distorted copy is formed - the Physical Body.

After fertilization, the small polar bodies begin to move inside the zona pellucida. One goes down and becomes the south pole, and the other becomes the north pole. A tube appears, passing through the center of the cell. The chromosomes break in half, one half of them lining up along one side of the tube, and the other half along the other. It is an image of a person's energy fields. The chromosomes form two cells, one on each side of the tube, and each cell contains 44 + 2 chromosomes.

"Human chromosomes are geometric Images and models that describe Reality from the most distant star to a tiny plant and all atoms to the One."

The human zygote is about 200 times larger than the average cell size of the human body. When it is divided in half, each of the daughter cells is half the size of the original, then these two cells are divided by four, and each cell is four times smaller than the original cell. The first four cells form a tetrahedron - and the top of the first tetrahedron is directed either to the north or south pole.
The first eight cells are embryonic stem cells.
Stem cells are fraught with unprecedented opportunities: from the regeneration of failed organs and tissues to the treatment of diseases that are not amenable to drug therapy.
Eight cells form one tetrahedron directed upward, and one tetrahedron directed downward, a star tetrahedron (Cube) is obtained. It turned out the Egg of Life - a form of cosmic Creation.
All life forms must go through the Egg of Life stage. These eight cells are close to our true nature (who we really are). These eight cells are immortal. These cells are centered at the precise geometric center of the human body, just above the perineum at the base of the central energy channel. These primary eight cells are the same distance from the top of the head as to the soles of the feet.

A person grows radially along a sphere from the primary eight cells.
After dividing into 16 cells, the transformation into a lump begins. And in this form there is already Consciousness. The lump stretches and its insides begin to turn outward, becoming a hollow ball. Starting from 32 cells, the ball becomes an ideal hollow Sphere. Then, at the stage of 512 cells, the hollow Sphere becomes a spherical Thor. Every life form goes through the Torah stage. The Earth itself and the magnetic field are Tor. This formation is in the shape of an apple - the Torah in man is called morula.

During the first nine cell divisions (512 cells), the zygote does not change its size. When the cells inside the zygote divide nine times, the average cell size of the human body is reached, until this moment the growth of the embryo went inward. Subsequently, the division process continues in the form of mitosis (indirect cell division), and the dividing cells spread outside the zona pellucida, and cell differentiation occurs. The empty space inside Thor becomes light, the north pole becomes the mouth, the south pole becomes the anus, and all internal organs are formed inside the tube that runs through the middle. The human embryo becomes human-like.

The field bioenergy-informational body connects the cells of the body with energy and information into a single well-coordinated organism.

"The most important years in the life of every person are the months spent in the womb."

Desired pregnancy- this is if a woman and a man mutually planned conception. These parents love each other, reckon with each other, reckon with life and circumstances, they are happy with their children, and children are happy with them. They conceive as many children as they need. Such a child has a small stress amplitude.

In ancient times, there were many rules and recommendations for pregnant women - in particular, they were forbidden to smoke, drink, swear, attend funerals and generally be participants or witnesses to various unpleasant spectacles.
A pregnant woman should not be at large celebrations, weddings, birthdays, where large masses of people of different energy gather. During pregnancy, a woman's energy field weakens, since during this period she must protect not only herself, but also her future child. You cannot shout and take offense at a pregnant woman, you cannot say bad things about her, and in general she should be protected and loved by all means. A child in the womb feels all words and thoughts directed at him and his mother, he feels everything and understands everything. Careless thoughts or actions can cause irreparable harm to the health or psyche of an unborn person.

14. E.P. Blavatsky. Secret doctrine. M. 2002.
16. Drunvalo Melchizedek. The ancient secret of the Flower of Life. Volume 1 and Volume 2. Kiev. 2002.
20. Genetic engineering. Nikolay Dyagterev. SPb, 2002 Choice of embodiment.
Entry of the soul into the body. Appearance, gender of the child.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

O. Nalivaiko, E. Verbovskaya

A person is not only a biological organism, it is also a soul - a subtle-energetic component that makes non-living things alive. Let us consider how the incarnation of the human soul takes place in the material world. Not a single soul on Earth appears just for its own pleasure. The soul participates in complex energy processes in the Higher worlds.

Why does the Earth need souls?

The earth is a living organism. At first glance, this may seem strange. We are accustomed to considering only biological organisms alive, but the concept of “living” is much broader than the usual concepts for humans. Of course, one cannot compare the Earth with biological organisms, however, like any living organism, the Earth develops and changes. The continents are constantly moving, the terrestrial landscape is changing, some mountains appear, others disappear. Of course, these processes take place very slowly, hundreds of thousands of years. At first, there was no biological life on Earth, then the simplest living organisms appeared on it, then the forms of life began to become more complex, in the end, people appeared on Earth. The earth also participates in the emergence of life on it.

Let's give an example.

Human life needs food, water, air. Every cell in our body is also alive. It receives nutrients, water and oxygen through the network of blood vessels. The waste products of each cell are excreted from the body. When nutrients are lacking, signals from the body's cells through the nervous system go to the brain, and the person feels hungry or thirsty. We eat and drink water to satisfy our needs.

Roughly the same process occurs with the Earth, the Earth also needs, by analogy with man, in "food" - certain types of energy. These energies are supplied to the Earth by biological organisms - plants, fish, birds, animals, humans ...

The Earth needs different types of energies, therefore the life forms of the planet will be different. In this case, the following pattern operates. When certain types of energies are not enough for a certain part of the Earth, it sends a signal about this to its Computational System, which is located inside the planet. This System receives and processes signals from the Earth and transfers information further to the Higher Hierarchical System. The system plans in a given place the birth of a certain person or animal, which, in the course of its life, will produce the necessary types of energies for the Earth.

Let's imagine a database that stores information about our souls. When the Highest receive a signal about the needs of the Earth in certain types of energy, souls are selected on this base that are best suited to supply the Earth with the necessary energies in this particular area.

Our souls are in the energy world, which is located above the Earth. When the required soul is selected, it is prepared on the subtle plane for transfer to the physical world. If you have ever wondered why you were born in this particular country and in this particular place, then you should know that there is nothing accidental in this. Each new soul born on Earth, according to the calculations of the Higher Systems, is strictly placed relative to other bodies in the world. This calculation is very accurate, and without it, not a single soul descends to Earth.

For the incarnation of the soul in the earthly world, not only the place, but also the time of birth matters. The System that manages souls has a kind of graph that contains the characteristics of each earthly hour, minute and second. The place of birth of a person is chosen by combining the needs of the development of the Earth, the soul itself, as well as the goals of the Higher Personalities. Therefore, astrology is given to people as a science, so that they also move forward in development in this direction and learn to connect themselves with the world around them by energy processes.

A person needs to learn a simple truth - he participates in energy exchange with the world around him. During his life, a person releases a huge amount of different types of energy. This is both physical energy that is familiar to us, for example, heat energy, and “subtle” energy.

We "produce" energy when we work and relax, when we read books or watch TV, when we love or hate ... Any of our emotions is also energy. It is no coincidence that after a quarrel with each other, many people experience a feeling of "emptiness", fatigue, they are "like a squeezed lemon." Although there are those who provoke others into conflicts. These people are called "energy vampires".

We can say that we and our souls are small "power plants" that generate energy. This is what a person lives for in the first place. However, it should be understood that a person not only generates some types of energies, but also receives the ones he needs.

So, for example, the Earth appeared in the Cosmos not "by itself", in a random way, but was projected by the Higher Forces. This is a huge cost of different types of energy. A person also receives from his Determinant (Heavenly Teacher) the necessary types of "subtle" energies, without which he simply cannot live.

In the "subtle" world, certain laws operate, where everyone receives some types of energy, and gives others.

An example can be given.

Energy can be compared to money. We work, we receive a salary for our work, which we spend on our needs. In the “subtle” world, the calculation of energies is very accurate, there you cannot waste energy without giving anything in return. It is in the earthly world that one can create a fortune for oneself by financial speculation. In the energy world, everyone gets only what they have earned. True, everything depends on the level of the energy world, because it also contains "low" worlds in which deception is possible.

The birth of a person and the descent of the soul from the subtle world into the physical are also certain expenditures of energy.

The soul is "subtle" energy, the material world is "gross", "dense" energy. A light soul is "pushed" out of the material world, like a balloon is pushed out of water. This must be taken into account when preparing the soul for the descent to Earth. In this case, the following pattern applies.

The earth in a certain place lacks some kind of energy. A signal about this goes underground to a special hierarchical System, which processes such signals and transmits them to a higher hierarchical System.

This System, according to its database, selects the necessary soul (or souls), which, in terms of their energy potential and other qualities, are most suitable for satisfying the energy needs of the Earth.

Let's give one more example. The city in which we live is supplied with electricity. But this electricity needs to be taken somewhere. For this, we are building a power plant of the required capacity to meet the needs of the city. For each part of the Earth, the necessary soul is also selected - the generator of energies that the Earth needs. When the necessary soul is selected, it is transferred to the Determinant (Heavenly Teacher) of the person, who will continue to accompany this soul through life.

The Determinant is already a soul of a high level of development, but Determinants also come at different levels, therefore each Determinant receives the soul that suits him best for his level of development.

The determinant must also progress. A less experienced soul will get a low level of development, a more experienced one will get a more developed one. A Low Determinant can give little to a highly developed student, and a High Level Determinant will be delayed in development by a low individual.

When the necessary soul is selected, the Determinant studies information about his ward - the energy indicators of the soul, its future tasks and begins to look for a couple from whom he would like to receive a material shell for his future ward, i.e. starts looking for future parents.

Let us explain once again who a person is.

Man is a biological body and soul. In this pair, the soul plays a leading role. The character of a person, his qualities are stored not in the human brain, but in the SOUL.

Let us explain this with an example. Each of us has clothes. Today we are in one suit, tomorrow in another, today in one jacket, tomorrow in another. Regardless of our dress, our character remains the same. The human body is to the soul like a body suit.

The body is temporary, the soul is eternal. It is the BODY that is needed for the SOUL, for its development and improvement in the earthly world.

Each soul must fulfill its own developmental program, therefore it is important that the soul appears in the exact place and with those parents who are best suited for this. The qualifier is looking for the right parents for his ward soul through its database. It should be borne in mind that it is more correct when the soul is born in a family where there is a father and mother.

If a child is born to a single mother or if the parents get divorced, this disrupts the normal energy exchange in the family. In religion, abortion is considered a grave sin, comparable to murder. This is not accidental, because a lot of energy is spent from Above to prepare for the birth of a person, and the laws are such that any expenditure of energy from Above, a person will have to compensate in one way or another. There are so-called "energy debts", and, as you know, debt payment is red.

People have the freedom to choose what to do, but they must understand that they are RESPONSIBLE for their choice before the Highest.

If the couple does not want to have children, then the Determinant looks for another couple for the soul. When future parents choose to have a child, the Determinant begins to work with them, participating in the formation of the child's material body. All nine months the Teacher has been taking care of the future student, He does a great deal of preparatory work even before his birth. No body can be born without the Determinant, and this process is under the control of the Higher Forces.

As you know, a new life arises when the male and female germ cells merge. Each reproductive cell carries half of the genetic code of the unborn child, and only after fertilization does the development of a new person begin. For our science, this is already a fairly well-studied issue, but science, studying the material, does not know about the subtle-energy processes occurring in this case. In order for fertilization to take place, the Determinant lays down a special initial energy and then controls the processes of the formation of the child's body until his birth. By itself, the genetic code does not mean anything. Figuratively speaking, you can collect dry brushwood for a fire, but if you do not light a match, then there will be no fire. Likewise, in the process of fertilization, a “match” is needed that will “light the fire” of a new life.

It should be borne in mind that the soul is connected to the fetus not at the moment of fertilization, but, as a rule, when the body of the unborn child is already well-formed. This can be before the birth of a child, and during birth, and immediately after childbirth, but everything is individual here.

It should also be borne in mind that the expectant mother also has her own Determinant, but this Determinant controls the mother's body, and the Child's Determinant controls its development. Both Determinants work together. Let us recall that the Determinants operate with “subtle” energies, however, without these energies, there would be no people or biological life on Earth.

The process of starting a new life is not easy. The genetic code forms, according to a certain program, the future body - “clothes” for the soul. The Determinant controls the supply of “subtle” energies, controlling and directing the process of forming the body of the unborn child.

Until the child's body is spiritualized, the spiritualizing energy of the mother helps its development. The spiritualization of the child's physical body occurs during the instillation of the soul. Here one should distinguish between the spiritualization of the soul and the spiritualization of a person.

When God creates a soul, He spiritualizes it, that is, a special energy is put into the soul. And then the soul - the bearer of this Divine energy - spiritualizes the child's body. It turns out that the spiritualizing energy is transmitted, as it were, in a relay race from God to the soul, from the soul to a person.

When the soul enters the body, the spiritualizing energy, like living water, spreads through all the cells of the body. The child grows, the number of cells also increases, and the spiritualizing energy gradually "spreads" to new cells of the body. The soul has the necessary supply of spiritualizing energy, which, as necessary, fills the growing organism of the child.

Figuratively it can be represented as follows. You have a water bottle and a balloon. You pour water from the bottle into the ball, the amount of water in the bottle decreases, and in the ball it increases, while the ball becomes larger and larger in size.

The Determinant necessarily controls this process, so that the spiritualizing energy flows evenly, so that the new cells of the body do not lack "subtle" energy, and so that it is correctly reunited with matter. However, before the soul begins to spiritualize the child's body, it must be lowered from the “subtle” world into the earthly one.

Usually, the souls of people are in the so-called Repository of Souls, or, as they sometimes say, "in the next world." The storehouse of souls is a special construction of the "thin" plane, an energetic world in which souls also develop.

This structure is located in near-earth space.

Many books have been published where you can get acquainted with the description of this world. So, for example, Dolores Cannon describes it in an unusually figurative way. Here is a small excerpt from her book.

There are no buildings or anything like that there at all. This is a completely different level of perception, where you see only one energy. This sight is like a fantastic beauty of the aurora, in which you seem to dissolve and turn into pure energy, so that you can manipulate other energies, creating and creating various phenomena. When you are on these higher planes, or in heaven, you can easily examine the lower planes from there, including the earthly one, and follow what is happening there. As a matter of fact, the problem is not even in vision, but in what level you are considering in order to see something there. There is no environment or space in our understanding there, since there are no horizons.

Other authors can read a different description of such a world in which there are buildings, landscapes, cities, etc. etc. Here you need to understand that each person is individual, and everyone sees and describes such a world in their own way. In a state of clinical death or hypnosis, the soul can separate from the body and enter one or another energetic world. What the soul sees is difficult for a person to describe, he simply does not have the right words for this. However, such an experience gives extraordinary impressions and the story of a person who sees such a world is full of emotions and unusual experiences.

The process of preparing the soul for descent into the earthly world from the "subtle" world is complex. The Determinant deals directly with the descent of the soul. If He has little experience, other Determinants can help Him. But first, different specialists prepare the soul for the descent.

An example can be given. As different specialists on Earth prepare to send an astronaut into space, so different specialists of the "subtle" world prepare the soul for descent into the earthly world. As we mentioned earlier, no soul goes to the Earth world just like that. Each soul is given a specific goal for earthly life. It is more correct to say that the soul is given several goals. For example, one major and several minor ones. A life program is drawn up for every soul. A life program is like a school program. You must complete the program in your life, i.e. learn certain lessons without deviating from it. When preparing to descend to earth, the soul realizes everything, it understands what it is being prepared for. The soul is a "thin" and light matter, therefore the soul is "packed" in protective energy shells, like a spacesuit is put on an astronaut or a "diving" suit is put on a diver. The matter of our world is dense, keeping a light soul in such a world is not as easy as holding, for example, an inflated balloon under water.

The human soul has several energy sheaths. There are permanent energy shells or energy bodies - atmanic, buddhic, casual, there are temporary energy bodies - mental, astral, etheric and the material body we are used to, although here, too, everything is individual. Some souls have a mental shell - a permanent energy body, but this is a separate topic.

Before descending to Earth, the Determinant forms temporary shells for the soul. The Higher Specialists also write down special programs on the energy shells, the soul feels it. But usually the soul is not introduced to the program of the future life in the human body. Only some souls who carry out a special mission on Earth introduce them to the future program of life (this is a separate topic for consideration).

It should be said right away that birth for a soul is not an easy test. The previously mentioned Dolores Cannon writes about this. She is not only an author of books, but also a specialist in regressive hypnosis. Some types of psychoemotional disorders are associated with strong experiences of a person in childhood. An adult may not remember this, but such a person can be helped with the help of regressive hypnosis. In a state of hypnosis, a person can return to the past to that situation (which is why hypnosis is called regressive) and help him overcome it. It was the experience of regressive hypnosis that helped Dolores learn how the soul feels during birth. Dolores repeated her experience many times with different people, but the result was the same - even in a state of hypnosis, a person experienced the most difficult emotional experiences when the hypnotist returned his memory to the moment of birth.

Life on Earth in a human body is also a difficult test for the soul. Imagine that you are in a diving suit underwater, in which it is difficult to move your hand, and you have to work. Life on Earth is a business trip of your soul from the subtle world to the “low” world, full of hardships, suffering and trials. It is so difficult to find love and warmth in this world, there is a lot of hatred and evil in it.

A logical question arises as to where God and the Highest are looking, why is there so much evil in our world, why is it arranged in this way and not otherwise?

There is no simple answer to this question, but the short answer is this. God, having created our souls, wanted them to carry love and goodness, so that they would become like God. But at the same time, God gave each soul freedom of choice - how to act. Many chose evil and hatred, turned from the Divine path. We will devote a separate conversation to this topic, and now we will return to the descent of the soul to Earth. Between the subtle world and the earthly there is a certain zone that the soul must overcome (this is an intermediate layer between the etheric layer and the planet on the subtle plane). The determinant leads the soul to the right place and, as it were, catapults it from top to bottom. The Determinant Himself descends into this intermediate zone while the soul is guided into the infant's body. The sensations of the soul before descending to earth are also obtained using regressive hypnosis. So, one person told how his soul was in the subtle world and looked downward, not daring to descend. She saw her goal, knew into whose body she should descend, but did not dare to take the last step, as if she needed to jump from a high cliff. In the end, she felt how she was slightly pushed from behind, or, as the man put it, “given a light kick,” and her soul quickly flew down.

The insertion of the soul into the body is a lightning-fast process, while the memory of the soul is blocked. The person himself does not remember this anymore. However, some children still remember something from the past. Adults usually do not pay attention to children's chatter, considering their stories to be fantasies and inventions. However, if you are more attentive to such stories, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of the soul before birth.

You can learn more about the incarnation of the soul on Earth and the birth of man from the book of our authors.

We will devote the next conversation to fate.

Bibliographic list

1. Dolores Cannon. "Between life and death." Publishing house "Sofia".

2. Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Birth, death, karma." Publishing house "Amrita-Rus".

In the previous article on the soul, we looked at the more technical side of creation, development and existence in a physical medium. In this article I want to pay attention to other aspects of the life of the soul - the existence and development outside the physical body. How the souls of people live after death beyond our reality, what is their meaning and aspirations.

To be honest, I have been walking around for a long time about writing this article. I shoveled a lot of literature and Internet resources studying this topic. After all, the topic is not easy. The task is to put unprovable metaphysical concepts into simple three-dimensional words, and convey this to people who, perhaps, are the first to encounter this kind of esotericism.

In this article, as in many others, along with my conclusions, I will operate on the developments of trustworthy researchers, writers, and channelers. The theme of the soul's afterlife is a lump of knowledge, and what is open at the moment is a tiny percentage of everything to be discovered.

Studying these directions and reading these articles, one must get rid of blinders and restrictions like "it can't be, we weren't taught that way, it doesn't happen." If you are looking for the truth, look for it everywhere, not only in what is recognized, officially and permitted.

One person asked me: "Where are the references to the Bible in your works?" You know, if we had access to that real Bible, given to us by the Prophets, and not edited millions of times by people, we probably wouldn't have to write anything. We read the most important book of life - the Bible, and everything fell into place. Of course, the evolution of the last two thousand years would have been different. Better, worse, definitely faster.

After all, it is not just that now the Highest give knowledge through ordinary people, bypassing representatives of the ossified official science and religion. And we, these simplest people, need to accept them, assimilate them, find the missing components and pass them on.

So what is this omniscient substance - our soul?

In terms of technical characteristics, this is described in detail in the article "". In short, the soul is a matrix cellular structure, constantly evolving and striving to enter the Volume of God.

Earthly incarnation for the soul is an opportunity to increase its vibrational range. Being on Earth, an embodied soul works to receive, process and transfer energies to the Hierarchy.

At the same time, it develops and, thanks to life situations in the physical body, takes lessons to develop its own power. All functions are surprisingly well interconnected and harmonious. One follows from the other. The essence of the soul is striving for development and merging with God.

I won't be original here. Before delving into the study of this topic, like many others, I always thought that the souls of people after death simply fly somewhere in the Universe. Some are near their relatives, some are not nearby, but all, being invisible, just fly somewhere.

A more in-depth study of this topic, of course, dotted the "i". Nothing in the Universe is uncontrollable. Everything obeys a clear order and a hierarchical principle of development.

The place in which disembodied souls reside between lives is described in great detail and well by Michael Newton (a hypnologist-regressionist who studied life between lives) in his book "The Journey of the Soul".

The place where souls are located is an endless energetic multi-level space in which souls are distributed according to the level of development. If we take conditionally one hundred levels of soul development (according to the channeled information of Seklitova L.A.), then it will look like a hundred levels, on which non-incarnate souls are located.

The level of development of the soul can be determined by the color composition that it emits. So, these levels in the same way differ from each other in color, since they are an accumulation of souls corresponding to a given level of vibrations.

Within each of these levels, there are sublevels and various kinds of accumulations of souls, united according to certain parameters. Visually, the similarity parameters are the colors. And the color scale is the types of energy that souls have recruited in the process of development.

That is, first of all, within one level, souls are united by the level of development (basic color set) and exist in large and small groups, uniting by energy similarity - similar lessons have been worked out, one type of activity, relatives or friends in incarnations, and so on.

When such souls are embodied in physical reality, they may have similar interests, be friends or spouses. Such souls with such a composite, as a rule, develop together for a long time. Who among us in life has not experienced such a feeling when you meet a person, look at him and feel that you have known him for thousands of years? This is a vivid example of the meeting of the souls of one group.

Over the centuries, such souls have been found in the physical body for the implementation of some tasks, while after death on Earth (or on another planet), they are in the same group, at the same level of development.

And sometimes the situation is the opposite, when it seems that the person is good, and there are no complaints about him, but as a result of communication with him one gets the impression that you are with him from different planets. Very often this happens even in the circle of one family. Communication just doesn't go well. These are the souls of different groups, even, most likely, of different stages of development. It's just that within the framework of life programs, for certain purposes, they were forced to intersect in physical reality.

In the subtle plane, souls from lower levels to higher ones just like that, on a visit, cannot get physically. Only by developing and increasing your vibration range can you go from level to level. This is a gradual process. The coarser energies are refined, change their composite and thus move from the level to the level corresponding to the soul.

From higher levels to lower souls can get unhindered. They only do it out of necessity, for example, to convey the necessary information or for other work.

What souls look like without a physical body

To begin with, let's immediately decide on such a point: everything that happens outside of our physical three-dimensional perception is difficult to describe in words and concepts designed specifically for three-dimensional reality. For a complete perception of the fourth, fifth, sixth dimensions, and even more so those that are higher (there are 72 of them in total), there are ways to transmit information at the mental (telepathy) and light (higher levels of telepathy) levels.

But this is a jungle of high matters that can be grasped while in a physical body only by constantly working on oneself. These are special meditative techniques for changing consciousness from three-dimensional to multidimensional. Therefore, everything that I describe here is much richer in content, but not everything can be described in human language.

After death, the souls of people look like glowing energy balls. The youngest are white. Each stage of development adds an additional color to their color, which indicates the types of energies they have accumulated.

The color of souls is a composite, consisting of many shades and indicating the level of development. The rainbow that we are used to seeing in the sky is a palette of colors visible to the eye that correspond to different types of energy. It is from these colors and their millions of shades that the composite of souls is composed.

Anastasia Novykh's book "AllatRa" describes paints that were used by ancient civilizations to paint frescoes. Here is an excerpt:

"... Moreover, to paint such frescoes, colors were used that are inherent in the Soul in a transitional state: blue and green (this paint was obtained from copper ore), dark and bright red (from mercury oxide and hematite), yellow (from iron oxide), gray (from galena), purple (from manganese) and naturally white. "

But there is a very important point, understanding which, you can draw an analogy with physical reality for a better understanding of it.

All souls go through a colossal path in the process of development. They can incarnate on Earth, they can incarnate on other planets in different beings unseen by us, they can develop in a subtle state without incarnating. And this many-thousand-year experience of development, naturally, is the baggage of the soul, which has a direct impact on its current existence.

All personalities in which the soul resided leave an informational imprint on the subtle structure itself, and, therefore, on subsequent incarnations.

And along with the classic spherical type of souls, at will, they can acquire absolutely any shape. For example, meeting in the subtle world with the soul of a person with whom in some of the incarnations they had a relationship, souls can acquire the outlines in which they were at that time.

Michael Newton's book "The Journey of the Soul" describes one soul that was almost permanently in the form of a cowboy. Digging into the reasons for this choice of appearance, we found out (in the process of regressive hypnosis) that it was the most comfortable and pleasant embodiment of this soul. It is this soul that best of all feels like a cowboy on the prairie.

Meet me in heaven

I was constantly worried about the question: is it true that the souls of people after death can meet with those whom they loved during their lifetime? I think this is of interest to many, especially those whose loved ones have already left. I will try to describe to you in detail everything that I have managed to find out at the moment.

We already know that souls exist at their respective levels, united in large and small groups according to different characteristics. When souls incarnate, they come with certain life tasks. And on Earth in physical life there are only those for whom it was originally planned for a given scenario (certain scenarios are included by a choice that a person makes at the point of making a decision, at the so-called fork).

People meet on Earth to work out the mutually beneficial tasks that were planned for them. Of course, these can be souls from different groups of the same level and generally from different levels. Since everyone exists in a certain place according to the level of development, it is by no means necessary that those who were close here will be together there too.

But things are not so hopeless. In the subtle world, the power of thought has slightly different manifestations - more visible than in the physical world. Any soul can mentally call any other soul to itself and communicate with it as much as necessary. At the same time, accepting those images in which they were most comfortable on Earth. They can even show their love by enveloping each other in a cloud of energy of a certain quality.

But there is another point. Often our close relationships are not tied to spiritual attraction, but to some kind of physical ties. With the withering away of the physical body, such attachments are destroyed, and souls in the subtle world do not feel such a need to communicate with this person as they do here. That is, everything is possible, but is it necessary? Here only the deepest desires of the soul matter.

It often happens that souls who exist in the same group decide to incarnate together. And they have had such a connection for centuries. In one life they are husband and wife, in another they are mother and son, in the third they are brother and sister or something else. In such cases, they take on programs that allow them to help each other develop on Earth. And there they are together, and here they are together.

Of course, the kinship of such souls is visible in many ways. It so happens that a non-incarnate soul decides to incarnate when it sees that a soul close to it has sharply deviated from the course of its original program. And then, for example, a child is born, and the father, an experienced alcoholic, becomes, thanks to this event, on the right path.

Yes, in the subtle world we can see everyone who is dear to us, if we want it. And the most important thing is that it does not matter at all whether this soul lives in a new body or is still in a subtle state. Why? I'll explain now. This is very important to understand.

Energy position of man and soul in the space of measurements

There are seventy-two dimensions in total. A person in physical embodiment is the level of the third dimension.

For clarity and understanding in the first approximation, I will describe it this way: a point in space is the first dimension. A flat picture that can be placed on a coordinate plane is the second dimension (it already has at least a height and a length).

A person, like any object in space, which has height, length and width, is a three-dimensional object. Or an object of the third dimension. These are purely physical indicators. Roughly speaking, just a body without a soul is a three-dimensional object located simultaneously in three dimensions. It can be observed as a point, as a flat picture and as a volumetric object. It all depends on the position in which the observer is in relation to the object.

The place where the souls of ordinary people are after death is the sixth dimension, and souls in their pure form, without karmic layers, is the seventh dimension. Uniting with the human body, this construction becomes six-dimensional (or seven-dimensional, if we take into account the pure soul). And it exists, by analogy with a three-dimensional body, simultaneously in six dimensions.

But our physical brain is initially attuned by consciousness to the perception of the first three levels. Although the manifestation is on all six, it is unconscious.

The physical body is surrounded by the substance of the etheric body. This body keeps the structure in shape and does not allow it to disintegrate into elementary particles. Serves as a conductor between subtle energies and gross matter. This is a component of the three-dimensional physical body, in which there is a soul.

Next comes the astral body, the body of a person's emotions and desires. This is the fourth dimension. Further - the mental, the body of thoughts. This is the fifth dimension. Then the sixth dimension is the karmic or causal body. And the seventh dimension is Atman, connection with God.

Man exists simultaneously in six dimensions. But the physical brain only covers the first three. The soul originally exists in the sixth, but together with the body - in the fifth, fourth and physical.

When the soul is introduced, it does not disappear anywhere, it seems to be stratified and is in all the listed changes at the same time. And for that part of the soul that is in a person, there is a natural urge to return home - to the seventh dimension.

When people engage in self-knowledge and meditative techniques, they free their souls from the clutches of three-dimensional reality and allow it to work with the physical brain, attuning it to the perception of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.

Achieving nirvana means connecting all parts of your soul and gaining the integrity of the perception of the world. Seeing the world in three dimensions or at least five is a big difference. And the soul will incarnate until it unites during life with all its parts. And then it will continue to develop in the subtle world, c.

The soul fully passes into the seventh dimension when it is freed from the circle of reincarnations and freed from the karmic body. That is why it is possible to clearly understand that even an embodied soul is present in all dimensions and at any level can communicate with those with whom it wishes.

What happens in the process of a person's dying

Of course, within the framework of this article it is simply impossible not to touch upon such a burning topic for the living. Let's start with an ordinary, natural death.

Natural death of a person can occur only if his life program ends. Absolutely at any age, mostly, of course, in old age. But the program can have different time frames.

When a person dies, his soul simply leaves the three-dimensional body and is in the 4th, 5th, 6th shell. We understand that the fourth shell is the body of emotions and desires, the fifth is thoughts. This suggests that a soul without a body is the same living person with thoughts and desires, only without a physical shell.

When the soul leaves the body, it still sees and hears. Retains the same qualities as during life, only does not have a physical body. The soul sees how loved ones cry, how the funeral goes. She is still under the impression of this life and perceives everything as a living person. As a rule, souls try to make themselves known, to attract the attention of loved ones in order to console them, but no one hears them. And they themselves suffer from it.

The fact that a person has died can only impress him through the effect of surprise. At first, he may even be confused or worried about his family. But very quickly the soul gets used to the idea of ​​another reality. The soul can be close to loved ones for the first three days, or it can visit places that a person loved during his lifetime.

The etheric shell keeps the soul on the earthly plane. On the third day, it disintegrates, the energies are relieved, and the soul rises to the astral plane. There the astral shell disintegrates on the ninth day, after which the soul rises to the mental plane of the Earth. In the mental plane, on the fortieth day, the mental shell also disintegrates. After that, the soul rises to the causal plane, where debriefing takes place in the last incarnation. Memorial days are connected with this.

The sixth shell is human karma. The soul will be able to throw off this body forever only when it leaves the circle of reincarnations and passes into the Hierarchy. Until that moment, the karmic body, as a chronicle of lives, is constantly with her. At this moment, the soul continues to exist in the sixth and seventh dimensions, striving to develop, free itself from the sixth shell and move into pure existence without burdening energies.

In the process of physical death, a very large amount of energy is released. It so happens that a person dies exhausted, after a debilitating illness. Then he may simply not have enough energy for the soul to rise to the necessary plans.

Of course, the souls of people after death do not leave alone. If necessary, they are helped to leave, but the living can also facilitate the transition of the soul. For this, a forty-day prayer service is ordered in the church. Prayer is an energetic nourishment for a given soul, which will make it easy to get to its destination.

Sometimes a person dies an unnatural death - accidents, homicides, suicides, and so on. It should be understood that at all levels of the Universe, except for the Hierarchy of the Devil, souls have the right of free choice. When a person's life is interrupted unexpectedly for him, this is the work of the same program. A person will never leave this life if this is not in his program. You have to come to terms with this.

Even when a person commits suicide, he has such an option in his program, but this is the most undesirable option of all. Even so, a person has the right to choose whether to throw himself under the train or not. In rare cases, it happens that a person, for some reason, tries to commit suicide, which is not in the program. Then he just doesn't die. Lies in a coma while the body heals and comes back.

When a person comes back to life after seemingly incompatible with life traumas, it means that he simply did not fulfill his program. And in this case, no one will take him.

When a person commits suicide, as a rule, he does it under a moment's insanity. A person thinks that in this way he will end his suffering. But the whole question is that suffering is just beginning. From the very first seconds, as soon as he realizes what happened, he begins to regret, as he sees the situation from a different, less distorted side. He tries to bring everything back, but nothing can be returned.

The soul is attached to the body by an energetic thread of silver color (silver thread), and as long as this thread is not broken, the soul can return; if it is broken, there is no turning back. The souls of suicides can walk on Earth until the day of their planned death comes. And this is a great torment for the soul - with all human qualities to live among relatives and friends, when no one perceives you, to see a wife marry another, and so on.

Do all souls rise

Of course, mostly souls rise, but not all. At all levels of the Universe, there is an unshakable right to choose. Well, except for the Hierarchy of the Devil, of course. But, by the way, even in this Hierarchy, Essences at high stages of development already acquire this right.

But back to the souls. Every soul has the right to choose whether to leave or stay. There are such strong attachments to the physical world that even without a body a person is not ready to leave this life. For example, we talked about suicides - they often do not leave, hoping to bring everything back.

Very often the souls who had honor and glory here do not leave. Academician Gulyaev E.A. gave the example of Yuri Gagarin. When his plane crashed, he was at the height of his fame. His life was so fabulous that unexpected death became unacceptable for him, and he remained on Earth in an etheric body for many more years until he was helped to leave. By the way, he left the Earth plane relatively recently.

Such things are often seen among famous people. There may also be victims of murder who want revenge, or parents who are not ready to leave their children.

Of course, it is more natural for the soul to immediately rise and act according to the established plan. But one must understand that a soul that has just lost its body is still the same person, only incorporeal. It is no longer a person, but not yet a soul, it is an essence. And all human desires, passions, thoughts, experiences are completely inherent in her.

For the further existence of such non-rising entities, there are two options: to be in a subtle body and to settle down with living people.

An entity can settle in only if it is much more powerful than the owner of the body. Very often, addiction is observed among alcoholics or drug addicts. If an alcoholic dies and does not want to, or cannot leave, he can easily settle into the same alcoholic when he is drunk and does not have high energy.

They can settle in old people or children, or in a body that is in a coma. The main thing is that the owner of the body is energetically weaker than the settler. When hooked up, a split personality and other similar deviations can develop. According to the healer E.A. Gulyaev, who works a lot with settlers, he came across people who had up to fifty such settlers.

Naturally, such people can only seek help from healers, strong exorcists, priests, magicians, because official psychiatry will never cure this.

What Happens Between Death and Birth

The birth of a person on Earth is a very interesting and in many ways, of course, still unknown process. In part, the topic of birth is raised in articles and. Here I will try to briefly cover the entire process from the end of one life to birth in the next.

When the soul is cleansed of the astral and mental body, it rises to the causal plane of the Earth. Michael Newton describes in detail the processes of uplift and advancement in the subtle world. Passage through distributors and purifiers. I am not referencing his work in full here. Here, as in all my articles, there is information from various printed and non-printed sources, which finds the maximum response in my consciousness and subconsciousness.

So, the soul, having gone through all the stages of purification, comes to the entrance to its original world. Since she only recently existed in the form of a certain personality, this personality has the greatest influence on her awareness of herself. The Higher ones perfectly understand the experiences of the soul that has come and, in order to mitigate stress, especially for young souls, they allow those who were close to her throughout her life (last or previous) and who left earlier.

Often in a state of regressive hypnosis, people talk about meetings with their parents, who have died long ago, or loved ones. These people can be at other levels of development. They are only intended to meet and mitigate the situation. Then they return to their abode.

Every soul has a Determinant. Essence from the first step of the Hierarchy of God, which leads one or several souls at the same time, and is interested in the correct and rapid development of led souls no less than themselves.

The determinant grows and develops through the development and growth of souls subordinate to it. The same hierarchical principle of development is seen here, as well as everything in the Universe. The determinant guides the soul at all levels. If the soul is developing rapidly, it can be given another Determinant, the Essence from higher levels of Hierarchy.

The qualifier meets the returned soul and leads it to the intended level of existence. In various sources, I met attempts to describe in detail all the distribution points, where souls come and what they do. I don't see the point in this detailing yet. The main thing is to understand the general points.

At some stage, when the arrived soul got used to the situation, the Higher Ones together with the Determinant conduct a "debriefing" in its last incarnation. What happened, what did not work, what was worked out, what debts were, what were formed. All this information is recorded in the causal body - the sixth shell.

In general, debriefing is a comparison. When a soul goes to incarnate, it has a multivariate life program. This program is also written in the sixth shell. And after death, these records are simply compared. All the flaws in the program or major blunders (serious sins) are the complication of the program for the next incarnation.

In the subtle world, the soul develops in the same way between lives. There are an unlimited number of activities. Basically, this is creativity. In the Hierarchy of the Devil, this is, of course, calculations, programming and the implementation of destructive projects.

The soul can stay in the subtle world as long as it wants. It may not incarnate at all and always develop in the subtle world. Development there is easier, since the information is not distorted and the processes occur much faster, with the speed of thought.

But such development is less valuable. After all, the most important thing for the soul - it is so arranged - is to move into the Hierarchy of God and then enter into the Volume of God. And this is possible only after the development of a certain energy set.

In earthly incarnations, such a set is accumulated much faster than in subtle ones. Much heavier, but the more valuable it is. Therefore, the soul, simply wishing to quickly move into a more comfortable existence for it, takes on body after body, personality after personality, in order to accelerate the development process.

When the soul decides to incarnate, the Higher Ones prepare programs for it. There can be several of them to choose from, maybe one. A very young soul may not even be introduced to the program, since their programs are often associated either with wars, or with hunger, poverty. For a starting set of the necessary energies, it is necessary to go through such cataclysms.

Souls, on the other hand, are older and more sophisticated, as a rule, acquaint with the main criteria of the programs and give the opportunity to choose. The selection criteria include place of residence, gender of the future person, family, era and many others.

When the choice is made, the Determinant selects the parents of the unborn child in accordance with the selected option. For example, the soul is supposed to be karmically born in the body of a disabled child in order to work out some programs. Such a child can be born only to those parents who, in the same karmic way, must raise a disabled child.

And if such options happen, this is just a program that must be performed as worthily as possible. The program of life is the most complex system of interconnection of the destinies of different people, points of choice, the turn of events. Therefore, when a person suddenly commits suicide, it becomes a serious loss for the Higher, since too many lives need to be corrected, in which he had to take part. But the right to choose is the right to choose.

When the program is chosen, all the preparatory moments have been spent, conception has taken place, the soul receives its causal shell with a new program, descends into the mental plane, receives a mental shell, descends into the astral plane, receives an astral shell. Then, in the etheric plane of the Earth, putting on an etheric shell, it merges with the body of the fetus.

Different sources describe different periods of the merging of the soul with the body. Seklitova L.A. talks about the moment of birth, Michael Newton - about the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. Other sources indicate very early dates - the second or third week after conception.

I tend to think that there is no clearly limited framework here, everything is individual. And any of the above terms are possible. But whenever this merger occurs, the process of conception is already a process controlled by the Supreme.

There is already a program for potential fruit that is linked to millions of other programs. And when parents choose to get rid of the fetus, they thereby violate the harmoniously built system, which will definitely affect their karma. Not necessarily in the next life, a person can work off karma in the current incarnation.

Perhaps in the process of reading it will seem to you that such a mysterious phenomenon as the soul is somehow too simply presented and has too many humanized features. Before, I also thought of the soul as something otherworldly and unknown. But after all, a person's personality is formed not only by a set of chromosomes, but also by a particle of God - a soul. And we are like that, because we are shaped this way by these components.

How can they be radically different from what they themselves constitute? After all, a dead person is physically similar to a living person, only there is no energy component in him. This is how the souls of people after death are absolutely the same energetically, only without a physical body.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that the soul also has fun, sadness, worries, creates and feels absolutely everything that a person does, only without having a physical component, this does not manifest itself so clearly in Earthly reality.

Here is the article. We have briefly reviewed the basic concepts that characterize the existence of the soul between lives. Of course, much is not said here. But these are such deep topics that are worthy of separate articles, and I will make every effort to please you with new information in the near future.

I also want to appeal to people who may disagree with what has been written. Surely the article will be read by those who have long formed their own picture of a different reality. Just take from here what is missing for your puzzle. We can only speculate, investigate, study. And we will be able to find out for sure a little at other stages of our development. A little bit later

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Well-being to you!

The number of incarnations of stellar souls on Earth varies from 4 to 10. An incarnation in a three-dimensional world for an alien soul is a working visit, a business trip. Each soul delegated by its stellar civilization comes to Earth with specific tasks. Alien souls are not attached to this world, they always internally know that this is not their world. Their hearts keep the memory of a perfect and harmonious existence in their stellar homeland. Therefore, when the time comes, they will easily leave their earthly body and return Home.

But before returning, you need to complete the Quest, which everyone has their own. Immediately in one life, the soul does not have time to fulfill all the tasks set by the Creator, therefore several rebirths are required. The most painful incarnations are the first and final. During the first incarnation, the subtle cosmic soul adapts to the conditions of the material world, assimilates, gets used to, gaining earthly experience. Not everyone can put on a coarse shell after thin, luminous garments. Very strong and selfless spiritual workers agree to this.

Starting from the first incarnation in the earthly world, the stellar soul accumulates karma of three dimensions, plus it comes to this with its personal history, with a stellar genealogy, which inevitably manifests itself in the earthly environment. The alien's cosmic inheritance is recorded in the form of a hologram in plasma chromosomes, which are embedded in the earth's DNA and manifest in the form of unusual abilities or original way of thinking. Another article will be devoted to this issue, but for now let's talk about earthly karma and the last incarnation of a stellar soul.

Earthly reality is harsh, you simply cannot make mistakes here, because life goes on like a razor's edge. One deed of a star soul already lays the foundation for a series of subsequent incarnations, because the soul does not always manage to correct its mistake in one life. In the past, many of us made mistakes, so here and now we are painfully extricating ourselves from the fetters that we have created for ourselves by our misdeeds.

Dense matter is insidious, it creates illusions, knocks pure souls off the true path, pushing them towards darkness and darkness. Often, our stellar brothers were attached to carnal pleasures, had families, gave birth to children, which tightly tied their souls to earthly reality. They plunged into everyday life, tried to live according to the customs of earthlings, losing the memory of their cosmic nature. All this burdened the consciousness so much that I had to stay for several incarnations in order to untie karmic knots in the future with those who caused the soul to fall into matter.

Take, for example, the story of Elizabeth Hach, which she describes in her book Dedication. She was incarnated in Ancient Egypt, had a high spiritual initiation, having received it in an accelerated way. E. Heich does not reveal the secrets of his initiation, since this is a secret knowledge that is accessible only to a select few. I am sure that during the dedication, she was discovered star memory and shown her native cosmic world.

The teacher gave her instructions related to the need to abstain from carnal pleasures. But the soul of this woman could not withstand the temptation of passion, she fell into the arms of an earthly man, as a result of which her soul was tied to her dead body for 3,000 years, after which she again found the opportunity to incarnate and recreate the path traveled in initiation. Her last earthly life was full of difficult trials - illness, war and other calamities. All this came as a result of a single fatal mistake, if not for which, the soul would have already returned to the spiritual worlds many thousands of years ago.

The most common mistakes of alien souls who dress earthly bodies are entering into bodily relationships due to animal passion and the premature disclosure of dangerous knowledge to unprepared humanity.

Animal passion dragged many souls into the swamp of gross matter and created karma, which they are forced to work off for several incarnations. The Sphinx was created precisely so that guests from other worlds always remember their dual nature, that they need to control their animal part - bodily instincts. The upper part of the Sphinx is human, the lower is animal. It is necessary to develop in oneself sobriety, willpower and striving for the divine, so as not to fall again into the swamp of matter. That is why many star souls in their last incarnation have an acute problem of sexual partnership and family breakdown. The roots must be sought in past incarnations.

Another mistake - premature disclosure of secrets - creates karma associated with realization in the professional sphere. Here, problems related to work, career, choice of profession, painful search for oneself in this world are acutely manifested. If you see such a picture, then your past misconduct is associated with a violation of the law of information balance. I call this "the karma of Prometheus." By the way, some liver diseases occur for this very reason. I noticed this already in practice.

The last incarnation is a jerk of an alien soul back into Space. This is a chance to work out ALL EARTH KARMA IN ONE LIFE, and it can be oh, how difficult it is. Let me give you another example, known from the biography of the writer Lobsang Rampa. In one of his books, he describes his painful incarnation and what preceded his choice. Once astrologers predicted for the boy options for the development of fate, depending on his personal choice in one direction or another.

The boy chose the most difficult path, because he was associated with the mission of helping humanity, but because of this he had to endure many wanderings, illnesses, Japanese captivity, the loss of a physical body and the transmigration of the soul into the body of a foreign citizen. Thanks to this, the world recognized the amazing books of the Tibetan lama and his adventures in the subtle worlds.

In the books, L. Rampa writes that if a person has a difficult fate, this means the last incarnation on Earth, since all debts are collected in one life and difficult karmic situations replace one another. Otherwise, the debts will not be distributed, and you will still have to rotate in the wheel of Samsara for an indefinite period. Many spiritual workers choose exactly this way of parting with karma, because the next chance can be only in many thousands of years.

If it seems to you that your fate is too difficult, let the thought of the last incarnation dry up your tears and soothe your spiritual sorrow. In the last incarnation, star souls experience a strong longing for their homeworlds, cry, looking at the starry sky, suffer from loneliness and separation from kindred spirits. If you are experiencing all this, then your soul is alive and your memory is about to wake up. These experiences need to be blessed and lead to spiritual awakening.

As a result, we will all return Home, this is the Call of the Creator from the spiritual worlds of the deep Cosmos. To get closer to the Home, one must strive for it, because everyone knows that water does not flow under a lying stone. The stronger our spiritual aspiration, the sooner the desired changes will take place in our life - a meeting with embodied cosmic brothers, the awakening of memory and awareness of our divine nature, our destiny.

Many of us are not even aware of our enormous power to change the world. This power is sleeping, but the time has come for awakening. Do not humiliate yourself with despondency and remorse. Just accept it as it is and let go of whatever is troubling your soul. Past mistakes are experiences that can only be known on Earth. Thank this world for the experience and a lot of adventures and continue your stellar journey - from planet to planet, from star to star. Our home worlds are waiting for us and have already opened their arms!

Smoothly unfold our wings over the Earth

And without fear, let's leave this world under us!

Directing your Spirit to endless worlds,

We float on the ether with invisible waves ...

What happens to us after we complete our last incarnation, reaching the end of the Old Soul stage?

During the reincarnation process, each soul can be seen as a “fragment” of a larger whole. During reincarnation, this fragment seeks to fully realize itself as a person in its own right.

After the cycle of reincarnation, the self-realized soul returns to unite your consciousness with other souls from their soul mate family as they also complete their reincarnation.

This takes place at the middle astral level. In total, there will be about 1000 soul mates merging in this way.

Once all members of the “family” or “entity” have completed reincarnation and reunited, there are two more stages of evolution to go through - stage 6 and stage 7, which take place in the non-physical realms.

Stage 6 - Transcendental Soul

In the sixth stage, consciousness of a higher order manifests itself on the Causal plane.

Here wisdom, life experience and understanding of the entire reunited group are combined to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts - “ Causal body", Or" reintegrated entity ". Any sense of separation now disappears.

Many of the channeled teachings come from souls at this stage, including the teachings of Michael.

The creature we call Michael is actually reintegrated entity consisting of 1050 souls who have completed their reincarnations and are now going through the 6th stage.

In this cycle, souls experience a unity of consciousness in which their individuality is still present, but is no longer important. However, they will still feel the difference between themselves and others, or created and creators.

This difference will finally be resolved at the second post-reincarnation stage. Souls at this level do not need to reincarnate.

However, the group can elect its representative in physical life, so that in some way educate and inspire human society.

An embodied soul from an integrated entity is known in the Michael teachings as Transcendental soul.

In the history of mankind, we know them as Great Personalities or Conscious Masters. Examples include:

  • Socrates,
  • Muhammad,
  • Gandhi,
  • Paramahansa Yogananda.

Such people usually have easy access to a higher level of development, or "tantric" center, in the sense that they know how to bring spiritual energy into your worldly life.

Transcendental souls (from stage 6) will sometimes incarnate to herald and set the stage for the coming incarnation of the Infinite Soul (from stage 7).

Stage 7 and the Infinite Soul

Stage 7 is the final stage of evolution, when consciousness finally merges with the endless presence and eternal life force of all that exists - Tao.

By the end of this stage, the consciousness of souls is actually one whole with the creative force of the universe. Individual thoughts give way endless consciousness... Individual feelings give way to infinite bliss.

Now consciousness comes to experience and know itself - paradoxically as it may seem - as a creator and created, as a source of evolution, and a final product.

Again, there is no need for souls at this level to reincarnate. However, on rare occasions, they can descend into physical manifestation to help initiate a massive shift in consciousness.

The manifestation at this level, known as the Infinite Soul, is the embodiment of the ultimate Truth, Love and Oneness - in other words, the Avatar, or the living God. Examples include:

  • Krishna,
  • Buddha,
  • Jesus Christ.

The infinite soul is the representative of the higher causal plane, which in turn channels through the universal quality from one of the three higher planes: love, truth or beauty. Teaching Michael with Shepherd Goodwin: Age of the Soul, Part II

This does not mean that the Infinite Soul will live in a human body from birth. Newborn human bodies are not designed to support this amount of energy.

Usually, a self-realized soul (i.e. a Level 7 Old Soul or Transcendental Soul) incarnates first, and then, at a predetermined point in adulthood, it makes way for the Infinite Soul to manifest, in part or in full, for the remainder of the Incarnation.

Siddhartha Gautama, for example, was a conscious soul who, upon reaching adulthood, gave her body to the Buddha, manifestation perfect Unity.

Jesus of Nazareth was a fully realized Royal Soul who, in adulthood, made way for Christ, the manifestation perfect love.

Even after the final stage, we are always free to choose to go through the whole great cycle again just to clear the vibrations!

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