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All about beauty and health articles. Secrets of female beauty. health and beauty

Irina Shayk is one of the first Russian beauties to conquer Western show business. Irina always looks great, without using a lot of cosmetics. She is convinced that there is nothing better than natural beauty. Irina Shayk's daily makeup includes only eyebrow styling and lip balm. Recently, the star shared with her fans how to style her eyebrows in case ...


A stylish festive look cannot be imagined without well-groomed hands. For Valentine's Day, most girls are experimenting with nails to look festive. In this article, you will find out which designs are suitable for this holiday. Hearts in stencil technique This idea is suitable for those who do not like too catchy options. The stencil technique helps to leave the figurines transparent against the background of ...


Many girls, looking at images from haute couture week, believe that they will never look so stylish and effective. Of course, completely copying the outfits of models or guests is difficult and not always appropriate. But various stylistic techniques are easy to implement in real life. Ankle laces If you find it inconvenient to tuck long laces inside the shoe, or ...


Evelina Khromchenko is a famous Russian journalist and trendsetter. She knows exactly how and why an ideal woman should look like. Evelina identified 6 main features that help and visually decorate the fair sex. A woman should always have a handbag A bag is the main accessory in every woman's wardrobe. Evelina Khromchenko believes that you can't do without a beautiful stylish bag. She advises purchasing ...


Natural and hypoallergenic cosmetics for children are quite suitable for use by adults. Parents and grandmothers often replace traditional hair and skin care products with mild shampoos, healthy creams and oils. Diaper cream Prolonged contact of a baby's skin with a diaper can cause irritation, breakouts and dryness. To eliminate these unpleasant consequences, manufacturers of children's products have come up with a special cream applied under ...


Thanks to a well-chosen hairstyle, a woman looks prettier and younger. Stylists recommend that ladies over 45 pay attention to certain models of haircuts, which allow not only to create a stylish look, but also to visually rejuvenate. Pixie A haircut with a rejuvenating effect that is suitable for mature women is a pixie. She radically transforms her owner. In addition, the model is easy to clean. ...


In the age of the prevalence of life in social networks over real life, photography is an opportunity to show your worth to a wide range of people. However, sometimes annoying little things get in the way of making the right impression and spoil the frame. Sworn female enemies - wrinkles - can be a cause for grief. Therefore, they should not be in the photo, and decorative cosmetics come to the rescue and a few ...


It is important for women to look beautiful and well-groomed every day, regardless of the situation. However, in the modern rhythm of life, it is not always possible to fully rest and get enough sleep. Fortunately, there are some simple makeup tricks you can use to quickly mask fatigue and sleep deprivation. Pink lipstick The right lipstick color allows you to instantly tidy up your look. If there is no time for sleep, but ...

Today, September 9, the whole world celebrates the International Day of Beauty! On this occasion, today we will tell you about the most interesting facts related to the beauty industry and everything beautiful. What women used several hundred years ago, who is Max Factor and why did girls bite their lips - read in our material.


It's no secret that we all want to always be beautiful. Now it is easy to emphasize your natural beauty - the cosmetic market is littered with a million tubes of lipstick and. We propose to see how women redeveloped beauty several tens and hundreds of years ago.

Fact number 1. In Central Asia, a woman with fused eyebrows was considered the standard of beauty

Everyone probably knows about this fact thanks to the numerous photographs of Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican artist. Eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose were considered the standard of beauty, therefore, from an early age, all girls were smeared with eyebrows and eyebrow space with the juice of usma, a plant that stimulated hair growth. This standard of beauty is still preserved among Tajiks (in particular, in rural areas).

Fact number 2. The ancient Egyptians used eyeshadow for the prevention of conjunctivitis

The heat, combined with the frequent flooding of the Nile, created a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. Therefore, absolutely everyone - both women and men - circled their eyes with black eyeliner to protect their eyes from various diseases and so that the bright sun would not blind their eyes.

Fact number 3. Until the 19th century, women were forbidden to use lipstick

In the Middle Ages, it was forbidden to use (it was believed that the girl who paints her lips is a witch). Therefore, until the 19th century, all women bit their lips in order to give them color. But, unlike the weaker sex, men were allowed to use this feminine attribute: many young men at the courts of kings willingly used lipstick in order to highlight their lips against the background of a beard and other facial hair.

Fact # 4. There is a mental disorder associated with excessive beauty

This disease is called Stendhal's syndrome. The syndrome is named after Stendhal, a 19th century French writer who described in his book Naples and Florence: A Journey from Milan to Reggio his feelings during a visit to Florence in 1817. It is a mental disorder characterized by rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and hallucinations. Symptoms appear when a person is in excessive admiration for the beauty of objects of fine art, nature, people, etc.

Fact # 5. The first World Beauty Contest took place in Belgium in 1888

On September 19, 1888, the final of the First World Beauty Contest took place in the Belgian resort town of Spa. Then this event took place behind closed doors, and only men were present among the jury members. After interviewing 21 candidates, 18-year-old Bertha Sukare from Guadeloupe was declared the winner, who received the main prize of 5,000 francs. At that time, beauty queens had not yet been presented with a crown.

Fact number 6. Cleopatra is considered the founder of manicure

Yes, yes, that's right, the procedure for manicure and nail care was invented by Cleopatra (we talked about earlier). In those days, bright manicure (red, black, green) was worn only by the noble individuals of Egypt, and well-groomed nails were considered a sign of wealth. By the way, in ancient Egypt, manicure devices were made exclusively of gold. Slaves could paint their nails, but only with neutral, dull colors.

Femoroplasty of the hips is a common aesthetic surgery. It allows you to correct the shape of the thigh, remove excess skin and fat, and form the desired contour lines. The intervention is popular among women who have undergone dramatic weight loss or age-related ...

Abdominoplasty is one of the most voluminous and important procedures in the field of plastic surgery. The procedure is designed to correct the shape of the abdomen, suture postpartum diastasis, and reposition tissues that have undergone prolapse. Not spent enough ...

Gel polish is a unique nail polish that combines the characteristics of extender and color. As a result, the nails acquire the desired color, and also become firm, with a glossy shine. On the pages of our online store ...

Summer is in full swing, and thousands of tourists are eager to spend their long-awaited vacation on the seaside. However, in order for the beach to deliver a lot of pleasure, you need to prepare your body in advance. First of all, this applies to women who want to always look perfect, especially ...

A bathtub filled to the brim with aromatic foam gives not only pleasure, but also benefits. A delicate substance enveloping the body, promotes relaxation, opens pores and moisturizes the skin, has a tonic and exfoliating effect. Depending on the composition ...

You can buy eyelash extension tweezers, which are distinguished by high-quality workmanship, at a low price on the website onrial.com. The portal pays attention to the quality of the product, hires only professional craftsmen. The company can guarantee ...

Appearance for a modern person is the main key to success, harmonious development, social formation. Women of all ages prefer to take care of themselves, regardless of financial security, field of activity and other aspects. Some...

Women's shoes are not just shoes, they are a harmonious completion of any image if they are correctly matched to a dress or a set. Today, the choice of women's shoes is so great that many are interested in the question of how to choose shoes to match a dress.

Not so long ago, a scandal erupted: a girl was admitted to the hospital with burns received in a tanning studio. The client was burned after visiting the solarium. How safe is the "artificial sun"? Who should monitor the quality of the services provided in tanning studios? In women's magazines, TV shows, the Internet regularly ...

Do you know how to properly rest and recuperate after work? A few useful tips from a specialist to help a woman maintain physical and spiritual balance! When you come home from work, you have to wash off the makeup from your face ...

How long to stay at home after the birth of a child, each woman decides, based on her own capabilities. There are those who jump out “into people”, without waiting for the first steps of the child, someone turns into a housewife for three or four years ...

Thick and long eyelashes can be an adornment for any woman. Some have such gorgeous eyelashes by nature, while others need to make a lot of effort to achieve the appropriate result. How to make eyelashes ...

11014 2019-05-22

Essential oil is a real gift of nature, an extremely popular and multifunctional aromatic volatile substance released from flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, wood or resin of plants, and has unique notes that, like music, have their own tonality. Essential oils are actively used in cosmetology to improve the quality of the skin, for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of various diseases. In addition, they are actively used in the aromatization of rooms, baths, for aromatherapy and to increase psychophysical health and emotional state (to invigorate, calm, relax, to increase potency, etc.).

Gut microflora in a broad sense is a collection of different microorganisms, a complex community with very subtle interactions between participants. Modification of the quantitative ratio and species composition of the normal microflora of an organ, mainly the intestine, accompanied by the development of microbes atypical for it, is called dysbiosis - this is a condition caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora associated with a change in the species composition of bacteria. This is most often due to improper nutrition. But the violation of microflora can occur not only due to improper nutrition, but also due to the intake of various antibiotics.

For a long time, people have used cold to harden the whole body, to prolong beauty and active longevity, because in reasonable doses, cold has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The healing powers of cold are mentioned in the writings of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna and other doctors of antiquity. The end of the twentieth century was marked by a qualitative change in the approach to the use of the rejuvenating effect of cold on the human body, replacing ordinary ice and cold water, came procedures based on the use of extremely low temperatures - cryotherapy (cryodestruction).

Most modern cosmetic products cause impaired immunity precisely because the body does not know how to deal with all the chemistry that is part of these funds. Having studied the nature of the effect of the main components of cosmetics, it is easy to understand that it is almost impossible to continue using them, and you should not choose products according to a beautiful label.

The main role of hygienic massage is not the treatment of existing problems, but the prevention of their appearance and a means of caring for your body, a pleasant and useful procedure. Hygienic massage is used to promote health, body care, to enhance blood circulation, prevent diseases, overwork, etc. The procedure is effective for nervous breakdowns that negatively affect the state of the muscular system. Massage allows you to quickly recover from a long illness, nervous breakdown or physical strain.

The skin is the largest organ, occupying almost 2 square meters of the body. It protects us from germs, participates in the regulation of body temperature, allows us to feel touch, warmth and cold. But she herself needs to be protected from chronic damage. Sunlight is essential for the overall health of our bodies, but it can also be harmful.

Immunity (Latin immunitas) is the main defense system of our entire body, a system of resistance to infections that accompanies us throughout our life. If your immune system is in order, then even if infectious agents enter the body, they are immediately rendered harmless. Immunity should not be too active, because with the increased work of the immune system, it can begin to react to its own cells - this is how allergies and autoimmune processes develop, when the system fails and even begins to attack healthy cells.

Dreadlocks, pigtails and other types of afro hairstyles have long been tightly embedded in our lives. Nowadays, few people can be surprised with crazy colored dreadlocks or chic long braids. These hairstyles are eye-catching, create a shocking image, and most importantly, they are very unpretentious: you do not need daily styling, a lot of special tools to give the hairstyle volume and the desired shape. movements, clans, parties. They are worn by students, actors, singers.

Beauty and health depend only on ourselves, and this is an indisputable fact! In order for our health and beauty to please us, we need to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, monitor our diet, and most importantly, smile more often and enjoy life. More positive and positive mood and you will be surprised how your beauty and health will begin to return to normal!

22 March 2016

"Hey, beauty ..." Every woman blooms when she hears such words addressed to her. A compliment for the gentle sex is like a magic medicine - it cures all ailments and bad mood. A woman loves with her ears, it really is. But natural data alone are not enough. It takes a lot of painstaking work to make them play with bright colors. Which? Read below.

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15 March 2016

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are always attractive and add confidence to a woman. But, unfortunately, due to household chores, bad weather and the poor condition of the body as a whole, the nails become brittle and not beautiful. It is quite possible to restore them at home if you use all kinds of baths and ointments.

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11 March 2016

How is this cold always at the wrong time! At work, an emergency, the weekend is on the nose, when you want to take a walk in the fresh air, but here ... the nose runs out, the throat is sore and, in general, the state is broken. But! If you connect heavy artillery in the form of folk remedies, you can get rid of a cold in just a couple of days.

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September 8, 2015

I have shared with you some of the secrets of personal care. If you systematically, every week, do masks and take care of your skin, also monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle, then you will remain in great shape by the age of 80!

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22 April 2015

Nothing spoils the mood like a jump-up pimple. Especially on the eve of an important event, which happens most often. Yes, many readers of our portal will confirm this! In order not to depend on the vagaries of the skin, you need to take care of it regularly, especially if you have a tendency to form acne. You can cope with the problem with acne face masks.

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January 26, 2015

How often, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, we ourselves, without knowing it, make mistakes and stand still in achieving the goal. It turns out that under the rule of myths we do something wrong. For example, we starve ourselves, exercise until we drop on the machines, and then wait impatiently for the morning to eat. But in order to have a beautiful body you need to eat! The main thing to know is “what” and “when”.

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June 21, 2014

To restore the previous beauty and health of the skin around the eyes, you need to follow some rules. The rules, in fact, are simple and can be followed in no time. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to treat your appearance negligently. Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes is much more difficult than preventing them. It is better to start delaying aging indefinitely while still young.

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June 21, 2014

The beauty of a woman is in her arms. Undoubtedly, ecology, heredity matter, but if a girl does not take care of herself, neglects the rules of a healthy lifestyle, often experiences stress, then no genes will save her. And the beautiful flower threatens to quickly turn into a weed. It's not difficult to be beautiful now. What kind of creams and procedures are not offered to women! Be happy to use the achievements of the beauty industry, including those that it has to deal with body hair.

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June 21, 2014

Spring is a wonderful time, a time of renewal, new emotions, fresh impressions. She heals mental wounds and gives peace and happiness. Every woman strives to look especially attractive in spring. This is not surprising, because Nature itself is awakening, shining with bright colors. Therefore, in the spring, the fair sex is in a hurry to update their wardrobes, change their hairstyle. Do you want to meet the new season even more fully armed? Then take care of your skin.

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June 21, 2014

Home cosmetics are currently experiencing a real boom. She is in great demand. Even shops have departments selling products made from natural products: honey, oatmeal, fresh fruit. Of course, such cosmetics are more useful for personal care, because they do not contain preservatives, dyes and other similar ingredients. Therefore, actively use the gifts of the folk pantry of beauty, for example, prepare body scrubs with your own hands.

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June 21, 2014

Autumn and winter are the time of colds, therefore, throughout the entire cold period, you need to actively promote health and increase immunity. Of course, first of all we need walks in the fresh air, morning exercises and hardening. But also, our nutrition is very important, with the help of which you can activate the reserve forces of the body in the shortest possible time, allowing you to fight any cold.

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June 21, 2014

In winter everything slows down, we kind of hibernate. We walk less, get tired more, more often we don't want to do something. And we devote much less time to personal care in winter. But in order to meet spring fully armed, you need to take care of your skin, hair, nails today. Winters have passed almost a month. Therefore, there is still time. Put together a beauty program for this winter and have a spa evenings every weekend. You will not only lift your spirits, but also preserve and increase your beauty!

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June 21, 2014

Skin beauty and health depend
only on the degree of proper care for her. If you wish to preserve the given
nature beauty for a long time, then you should select cosmetics and
procedures based on age. In this article, we will share the main
secrets and subtleties of facial skin care after 30. Applying them regularly on
practice, you will always not only look charming, but also be in a beautiful

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June 21, 2014

Well, who of us doesn't want to have beautiful, healthy, smooth skin for as long as possible? Radiate health for many years, regardless of age. If you are ready to devote a little time to yourself and not be lazy, then you need to start using anti-aging cosmetics in time. There is no need to be afraid of such cosmetics, it is important to prevent in advance the signs of aging that have not yet begun. How to choose the right products for yourself, and how to properly care for yourself after 30, read this article.

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June 21, 2014

How to become beautiful if the skin on your face does not look healthy? In order to become beautiful, you need healthy skin. And for beautiful skin on the face, you need to observe at least two parts of the equation. The first is healthy eating. And the second is face masks. And it is better to make face masks at home, then at the same time you can relax, relax in a homely atmosphere, and after cosmetic procedures you do not need to go or go anywhere. In general, our home is our strength, beauty and health!

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