Home Fruit trees Feminine passive. How sensual concentration exercises arouse desire. How a man can use femininity in his character correctly

Feminine passive. How sensual concentration exercises arouse desire. How a man can use femininity in his character correctly

Male health problems can occur at any age. At the first unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Diseases of the genitourinary sphere are treated in a complex: with the help of medicines, folk methods, physiotherapy procedures. A good effect is given by massage of the urethra.


Stimulation and massage of the urethra at home - what is it

Massage and stimulation of the urethra is understood as the effect on the urethra with the help of special massage movements and instruments. Such manipulation is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. It is better to trust the procedure to specialists. Some men experience embarrassment and discomfort from the fact that a stranger will act on an intimate organ, while others cannot attend massage sessions due to their busy schedule. In these cases, it is recommended to massage the urethra at home.

Does it help

It has been proven that stimulation and massage of the urethra helps in the treatment of urogenital pathologies. Thanks to the effect on the organ, lymph flow and blood circulation in the problem area are improved. Due to this, the tissues are cleared of stagnation, the cells begin to receive the amount of nutrients they need, and are saturated with oxygen.

A delayed and low-quality secret is removed from the affected parts. Many men report an improvement in potency. Stimulation of the genitourinary system helps with inflammation of the cooper gland, spontaneous ejaculation, impotence.

Indications and contraindications

Massage and stimulation of the urethra are indicated for the following pathologies:

  • Vesiculitis.
  • Atony of the prostate (loss of muscle tone by the organ)
  • Catarrhal prostatitis.
  • Chronic urethritis.
  • Spermatorrhoea.
  • Inflammation of the testicle or appendages of a traumatic form.
  • cooperite.

But not all men are shown such treatment. Stimulation (massage) is prohibited when:

  1. Adenoma.
  2. Thrombosis.
  3. Proctitis (when the rectal mucosa is affected)
  4. Tumors (benign or malignant), which is localized in the pelvic area.
  5. Prostatitis in the acute stage.
  6. The presence of conglomerates in the kidneys.
  7. Cysts.
  8. The presence of inflamed hemorrhoids.
  9. Violation of urination.
  10. Epididymitis (an inflammatory process in the epididymis);
  11. Prostate tuberculosis.

If there is an acute infection in the male body, it is forbidden to interfere with this process with massage. We must wait until the disease begins to pass as a result antibacterial therapy... If the infection has caused suppuration in the pelvic organs, then massage is carried out, but very carefully.

Urethral stimulation and massage: techniques and how to apply them

Massage and stimulation of the urethra is carried out in two ways: with a bougie or with a finger. The last option is easy to use at home.

Urological manipulation on the buge is carried out as follows:

  1. An antiseptic is injected into the urinary canal to avoid infection. The urinary tract is also filled with an antiseptic solution.
  2. An instrument is inserted into the urethra and fixed.
  3. The penis is massaged along the entire length.
  4. A minute later, the bougie is removed from the urethra.
  5. The urethral canal is washed with a solution of oxycyanic mercury (in order to remove the squeezed out infected secretion).

The next session is carried out after a couple of days. Such manipulation requires certain knowledge, skills and the presence of a bougie. The treatment course lasts from two weeks to several months.

For finger massage, it is desirable that the bladder is full. The finger stimulation algorithm is shown below:

  • The patient takes one of the postures to choose from: lying on his side, pulling his legs up to his stomach; standing with your back tilted and your legs straight; on a couch with bent arms and legs.
  • The masseur puts on a sterile glove and lubricates the finger with petroleum jelly or other oily liquid.
  • The thumb is massaging the perineum from the anus to the bulbous part of the urethra. The movements are light, stroking. In dense areas, the pressure is increased.

This manipulation can last from 3 minutes to half an hour. It is carried out in a monthly course with a frequency of every three days.

When performing intimate procedures, you must adhere to such important rules:

  1. Strictly follow the massage technique (to study it, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and watch training videos on the Internet)
  2. Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly, disinfect the instruments used.
  3. It is advisable for the patient to take a shower before the massage (a warm bath relaxes muscle tissue and cleanses the groin area, increasing the effectiveness of the session)
  4. 40-60 minutes before the procedure, the patient needs to drink 200-300 ml of water (when the urine is full, the effect on the prostate gland improves)
  5. Before and after the session, flush the urinary canal using a rubber catheter.
  6. Perform an impact on the urethra using petroleum jelly or vegetable oil.
  7. Perform massage only after complete diagnosis and exclusion of those diseases that are contraindications.
  8. The patient is advised to take the knee-elbow position.

Massaging and stimulating the urethra is necessary not only in the presence of diseases, but also for the purpose of prevention. Such manipulations prevent the development of pathologies of the genitourinary sphere and improve the quality of a man's intimate life. In this case, do not forget about taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Since it is possible to achieve a speedy recovery and stable remission only through combined treatment.

A man can masturbate in different ways, and one of the rare types of self-gratification is urethral masturbation. This is a process when objects are inserted into the urethra. Not everyone likes this type of stimulation, and many people do not get pleasure from it on the first try.

Features of sounding and sex toys for such masturbation

Sounding is the stimulation of the inner surface of the urethra. This is a very delicate area, touching which gives incomparable emotions. But the correct preparation of this procedure and the use of certain items are important.

In sex shops today, you can find special devices for such an impact. They are called differently: urethral catheters, urethral massagers or urethral dilators. They are made of glass, silicone or metal. The surface of each sex toy is absolutely smooth, and the diameter does not exceed 1 cm. The options for beginners are very narrow, you can gradually choose wider models.

The urogenital canal is 4 to 7 mm wide, but stretchable. When you first dive inside, pleasant emotions do not always arise. And after that there is necessarily a tingling and burning sensation during urination. With further experimentation, the side effects become less pronounced and the pleasure more and more.

Stimulation of the urethra easily leads to injury, and infection can enter any wound. Therefore, the procedure is carried out after thorough antiseptic treatment of instruments, hands and genitals.

Safety rules for urethral masturbation

It is forbidden to enter objects not intended for this into the urethra. Do not use knitting needles, pen paste or other items. Firstly, they cannot be well disinfected, and secondly, they can injure tissues.

It is better to start experiments with silicone sex toys. They are soft, flexible, less traumatic. Metal or glass are suitable for those who already know the features of the procedure and have gone through it many times.

The urethra massager should be treated with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, or another disinfectant solution. They also wash their hands and a member. It is very important to prevent any bacteria from entering the penis. That is why hollow urethral catheters are best avoided by beginners. They allow you to experience ejaculation without a withdrawal device, but washing them is much more difficult.

The masturbation lubricant must be sterile. This is a special type of lubricant that will prevent contamination. It is necessary to choose a water-based option. Apply the lubricant in several passes. First, a little substance is squeezed onto the sex toy, it is driven 1 cm into the penis, the lubricant is removed and reapplied, and the procedure is repeated. It is important that the correct amount of grease gets inside.

Movements inside are made smoothly to avoid scratches. Harsh jerks and jerks are prohibited. And you also don't need to rush. You have to get used to this procedure, but then it gives bliss.

Urethral stimulation methods

There are many ways to work on the urethra. All of them can be traumatic in everyday life, but this rarely stops anyone. You can choose from:
  • Progressive movements. Immersion in objects. You can enter them slowly or quickly, move them in different directions. The speed is self-regulating.
  • Vibration. Urethral stimulators can be equipped with a vibration function. After the injection, the desired speed is simply turned on. This reduces the effect on the mucous membrane, but at the same time gives a pleasant experience. Vibration can be external, then there is a stimulator inside, and outside there is a massager or vibrator, it can be driven along the shaft of the penis and around the head.
  • Electrical stimulation. Today, the impact on the urethra is possible even with the help of current. Special urethral massagers are created for unusual caresses. Small shocks of electricity give a gamut of sensations, from tickling to tingling, and it's definitely worth a try.

Urethral Masturbation Sex Toys

There are special products for sounding. They are presented in our catalog. These are narrow stimulants that work safely on the urethra without damaging the skin inside the penis.

Urethral Stimulator Sport Fucker Ultra Sound

Flexible and gentle silicone urethral stimulator. It can be used from both sides. It has a ball at the end. Its introduction may even be painful, but some people like it. The diameter of the ball is 1.5 cm. The other side is narrower - 0.8 cm in diameter, its introduction is more suitable for beginners. The stimulator is not smooth, its surface changes its thickness, but there are no sharp corners and any protrusions that can injure the skin. The length of the stimulator is 18.5 cm. It is easy to clean and does not require special storage conditions. Accepts body temperature quickly.

Vibrator for Urethra Dilator Vibe

The urethra vibrator is made of silicone. It is a delicate material that is pleasant to the touch. The diameter of the immersed part is 0.6 cm. This value does not injure the body, it is easy to insert into the man's penis. After diving, you do not need to make any movements, you just need to turn on the vibration to enjoy. In total, there are 7 modes of operation with different speeds. Can only be used with a water-based lubricant. Powered by batteries.

Urethral Muscle Stimulator - Thin Finn

The metal stimulator is a stylish sex toy crafted from aluminum. The device is hand polished, so there are no sharp protrusions on the surface. It is used to stimulate the urethra in a variety of ways. But the most interesting is the electric shock. To work, you need a Stim device or a base to which you will connect. Electric discharges make sensations indescribable, and it will be possible to experiment with different strengths of influence.

Urethral Masturbation Lubricants

Sterile lubricants are ideal for stimulating the urethra. But they are rare on sale. You can replace them with intimate lubricants for sensitive skin. A prerequisite is a water base. It is not recommended to inject silicone-based or oil-based products inside the body. We have selected 3 quality urethral lubricants.

Regenerating Lubricant with Hyaluronic Acid PJUR®MED REPAIR GLIDE

Healing lubricant is ideal for sounding. A special composition protects the mucous membrane from damage and then helps to eliminate microtrauma. It has a medium texture and is easy to inject into the body. Can be used with any sex toy. Does not cause allergies, irritation, softens the skin well. Made in Germany. Not the cheapest masturbation gel, but one of the best in terms of its properties and user reviews.

JO for Men H2o Water Based Lubricant

Men's lubricant does not contain glycerin. Its composition is natural and safe. Even if ingested, it does not cause irritation. Water based, odorless. The consistency is not liquid, but also not thick. The bottle is 125 ml, it lasts for a long time, as it is consumed very economically. Suitable for any sexual experiments, it is permissible to use for urethral masturbation. The cost is average, but the quality is excellent.

Lubricant Swiss Navy All Natural hypoallergenic

a neutral gel was created for mucous membranes that are prone to irritation. It is this composition that is needed for the urethra. It does not contain fragrances, dyes or other ingredients that can cause negative feelings. It is produced in different volumes, it is more profitable to buy a large bottle. A bottle with a dispenser, and this ensures that no dust or other particles get inside. And it is also easy to apply, and one portion is really enough to lubricate the penis before any manipulations.

Urethral masturbation is not a pleasure for everyone. You need to take this process responsibly so that everything goes safely. With the right choice of devices and a clear sequence of actions, there is a possibility of experiencing orgasms that cannot be obtained with the help of other caresses.

Every woman wants to be not just desired, but beloved and unique for her man. Often she has to compete with rivals for his attention and affection. To get what she wants, she goes to study, takes various courses, where she learns how to attract a man, how to make him fall in love with herself and keep him. Nowadays wumbling classes have also become popular. What is wumbling and will it help a woman become happy?

Why does a woman need to train intimate muscles

Wumbling - training of the vaginal muscles. It is believed that such training helps to diversify sex life, make it vibrant and intense, improve health and is the art of love. The goals that are set in the classroom are different:

- the desire to give more pleasure to a man, to have a competitive advantage among other women, to maintain a relationship and forever conquer him with skillful techniques in the field of sexual seduction;

- the opportunity to get a long-awaited orgasm during sex, to brighten up your sex life;

- fight against weakness of the vaginal muscles, prolapse of the uterus, urinary incontinence and other physiological problems;

- the desire to postpone the approach of old age and to be desirable for a man despite his age.

What does a woman really want when she goes to wumbling classes? And why do some go to intimate workouts easily, while others are even ashamed to think about it?

Every woman wants to be happy. She can become truly happy only in a relationship with a man. Sexual attractiveness of partners is the basis for building relationships. The more desirable a woman is for a man, the more a man wants to do for her. There is no attraction to a woman - and a man is in search of another, such is his nature. A woman wants to remain desirable for her man all the time and is looking for ways by which she can do this.

I would like to figure out whether training intimate muscles helps to remain desirable for a man and to feel happy in a relationship. The System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan will help us with this.

A woman cannot be fully happy, satisfying only the sexual side of life. Sex in pair relationships plays an important role, but not the dominant one. Therefore, exercising intimate muscles is not bad for female physiology, but it does not make any difference to building strong relationships. The effect attributed to wumbling is actually mythical.

Myth # 1: Wumbling helps retain men and gives women a competitive edge.

A man is created from a desire for a woman. Its task is to arouse desire in him. The woman feels that the man is holding sexual desire next to her and is trying to keep it.

In a relationship with a woman, a man receives the highest pleasure given to him by nature - an orgasm. A man, possessing a woman, feels that he is not living in vain. The meaning of his life is in her. He is a giver by nature, a woman is a receiver. At the biological level, he gives her ejaculate, and she, receiving, gives birth to a child. She cultivates a desire to be protected, to live in safety and to receive alimony from a man, and he, wanting to get his orgasm, is ready for any conquests for her.

A woman is not guaranteed an orgasm by nature. But she gets a long-term balanced internal state during intercourse — a sense of security and safety. It takes on the meaning of life when it becomes a mother.

Thanks to the interaction of man and woman, the human race continues on earth. Therefore, men compete with each other for the right to be with a woman and pass on their gene pool into the future. And the woman tries to keep the man near her, as he gives her the opportunity to give birth and raise offspring. Paired relationships are a mutual process, and everyone gets their own pleasure from it.

All but a few men compete for the possession of a woman. But not all women have a need to compete for men. A woman giving birth, and there are 95% of them, do not compete for the right to be with a man. She simply chooses the best for herself, capable of giving her a sense of security, safety, alimony, and is ready to give birth from him.

And only 5% of women who do not give birth by nature compete for a man. The owner of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors had not been married before, which means that she did not have the right to alimony, but, like all women, she could save her life only thanks to a man. And she learned to seduce him.

In order to get a feeling of security and safety from a man and not lose him, she tries to keep his attention and disposition, wanting to give him more sexual pleasure. She tries to be always attractive, dresses fashionably and keeps herself in good shape. To do this, she goes to master the technique of pumping intimate muscles, believing that thereby she will be out of competition. The lack of a natural sense of shame helps her to be liberated in sex and to accept intimate workouts without hesitation.

During intercourse, the fear of death given to her from birth is transformed into a feeling of compassion and love for a man. And he has an irresistible attraction to her, based on emotions, and not just on animal desire. For the sake of such pleasure, a man is ready to protect and preserve her. It is emotions, an emotional connection that keeps a man paired with such a woman.

Myth # 2: Wumbling Lessons Can Help Women Delight Their Partner More

Currently, sex is becoming a consumer sex, marriage is devaluing, and intimate relations are being reduced to naught, many feel unsatisfied with the existing sexual relationship. Therefore, people are looking for variety, believing that it will help to get more pleasure.

It is a wonderful desire to please your partner. And it is this that plays the main role in the relationship. And the technical part is secondary. If a woman dreams of giving a man pleasure in order to win him, tie him to herself or keep the family, but at the same time does not feel any emotional response towards him, does not know how to trust, does not know that the pleasure in a couple and the strength of the relationship depend on her warmth , understanding and love, then no techniques and additional stimulation of the erogenous zones will help. Technique without emotion will not give the effect that a woman dreams of. And she dreams that the dear one is always there.

What a man wants, what his desires, sexual needs and priorities are, depends on his vectors. 90% of men are naturally monogamous. And how long the relationship will last depends largely on the woman. A man gets the greatest pleasure in a relationship with his beloved, and not just with the one who owns the "unusual" sex technique. With the one he loves, and she loves him and tries to give him more pleasure, he feels happy.

Sometimes, in order for both partners to achieve the highest pleasure, it is enough just to want to do more for each other than they did before. The desire to give is a pledge for more pleasure. And technology has nothing to do with it. And understanding the properties of a partner helps to give each other what they need and enjoy intimacy to the fullest.

A loyal, honest, decent woman with an anal vector is a great match for a skin man. She is a reliable stronghold in difficult and unstable times, a true keeper of the hearth and acquired wealth, which is very important for the owner of the skin vector. The best wife can be quite conservative in sex.

Her sexuality is limited by natural bashfulness, and anything that goes beyond the bounds of decency can cause her shame. Such a woman can try to diversify her sex life for the pleasure of her man, and not just for her own. Since true happiness can only be mutual, she will also receive no less pleasure than him.

The owner of the anal vector should learn from the skin-visual diversity in intimate life, changing the image, following fashion trends and novelties. The desire to bring more pleasure to her partner will help her find such changes in her life that will be pleasing to both.

A man with a skin vector has more sensitive skin than others and is excited by everything new and unusual. From stimulating the skin and gentle touching the genitals, he sometimes gets more pleasure than from intercourse. Oral sex is liked by the owners of the skin vector, both men and women. And new sexual techniques, especially with elements of the game (like a woman-cat, for example) excite a man incredibly. Almost all the reviews about the results of wumbling exercises by women were left by their men who have a skin vector.

For the owner of the skin vector, variety in sex will help to enjoy the novelty in an intimate relationship with his wife and will not let him go to the side of another woman.

Myth # 3: Wumbling is a way to have a female orgasm during sex.

Male sexuality is set. The female develops, evolves. The way a woman behaved a hundred years ago, today no longer fits into the range of her desires. All movement in the world, all progress of mankind depends on its needs. All the achievements created by a man over millions of years are all for the sake of a woman.

Today she wants more. Wants to get more vivid impressions from sex life. He wants, like a man, to receive pleasure of a higher order - an orgasm and goes to learn this. She sets the tone for relationships. It depends on her desire how the man will feel and behave.

Her desire to be desired grows. Wumbling enables a woman to achieve orgasm during sex, but does not guarantee such a result, because the reason for the absence of a female orgasm during intercourse lies in the mental area. Opening her soul to a man, she creates an emotional connection with him. It is not technique in itself, but emotional closeness and trust in a man that leads a woman to an orgasm.

Myth 4: Exercising intimate muscles is a way to prevent and treat physiological problems at home

Women go to wumbling classes not only in the hope of maintaining relationships and making their sex life brighter, but also getting rid of problems such as urinary incontinence, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus.

Such diseases cannot be cured by exercise alone. At times, these techniques can aggravate the situation and delay receiving the required treatment. Because in some cases, these problems can only be solved medically and sometimes surgically. But confidence in oneself and one's attractiveness, strong desire and perseverance in rare cases help to achieve a result.

The belief that a man will have less pleasure in having sex with a woman who has had vaginal enlargement after childbirth is just a myth that makes her feel insecure about her sex life. Some even specifically do not want to give birth on their own and resort to the caesarean section because of this false attitude. Internal complexes and fears that a man will leave for another make a woman look for ways to solve the problem, which, like everyone else, is psychological and arises from ignorance of herself.

Female self-doubt is transmitted to a man on the level of emotions, and partners feel that the reason for their dissatisfaction is the size of the vagina. With a healthy emotional state and a sensual connection between loving people, physical disabilities do not play any role in obtaining pleasure.

Myth # 5: Wumbling can help delay the onset of menopause.

It is believed that wumbling exercises increase blood circulation in the tissues of the vagina, and this is indeed the case, which allows the ovaries to secrete the necessary amount of sex hormones, thereby delaying the approach of menopause. But the climacteric period for every woman occurs at one time. The onset of menopause has nothing to do with the absence or presence of sexual relations. You can delay menopause by using hormonal drugs. And whether there is a need for this and whether it is necessary to do it - only the woman herself can decide, turning to the gynecologist.

Regular fitness workouts are sufficient to maintain physical fitness and improve blood circulation. Moreover, training the whole body has a much more healing effect on the body than just wumbling. The owners of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors are most afraid of old age. The meaning of their life is in love and receiving attention from a partner. Therefore, they want to remain sexually attractive to the opposite sex for as long as possible.

Menopause does not interfere with sexual pleasure and an active sex life. To be desired is to love a man. And age in this case does not matter. To show in relation to him tenderness, care, the desire to give him more pleasure, love, intellectual and spiritual closeness - this is exactly what partners need to be happy.

A woman's sexual pleasure depends on understanding her nature and choosing the right partner.

Paired relationships have a natural basis, and if a woman knows what she really wants and does not contradict the properties given to her from birth, enters into a relationship with a partner suitable for herself, then she becomes out of competition.

A skin-visual woman is never deprived of male attention, and only ignorance of her nature, lack of confidence in herself and the future, fears and inability to find a suitable man for herself push her to an unbridled desire to constantly keep herself in good shape and compete with other women.

The higher the status of a man and material security, the more attractive such a partner is for the female. Many women respond to the high material status of a man. Competition for the right to be with him forces them to be sophisticated in the ways of seduction. In ancient times, it was enough for a skin-visual woman to go hunting with men or accompany them on military campaigns, and she received protection and food from whoever she chose. Times have changed, but she still remains a woman who knows how to seduce anyone.

The owner of the cutaneous-visual ligament vectors can attract a cutaneous man, but not for long. He will choose her only in order to satisfy his desire for novelty and confirm his status in society. Often such couples can be found at social events. Skin-visual women are beautiful by nature. Accompanying men on business trips or at social events, they attract the attention of his partners and competitors in status, thereby raising his rank in the eyes of others. Such a woman is not suitable for him for everyday family life.

For the skin-visual lady, the natural pair is the owner of the urethral vector. The urethral male has the highest libido. And he fully covers her fears, helping her to feel safe, and therefore survive. Being by nature the only polygamous man, he is ready to impregnate the largest number of women, but at the same time remains loyal to his skin-visual muse. Defiantly not giving birth by nature, she arouses his desire to give her everything he has. In such a pair, the woman does not feel slighted and does not seek to compete with others.

In the second place for the choice of a partner for the skin-visual woman is the anal-visual man. He also has a high sexual potential. Sometimes the most conservative sex can be quite satisfying. The sexuality of such men remains at their best for many years and does not need additional stimulation. An innovation in bed can alert the owner of the anal vector and, on the contrary, make it impossible to get the desired pleasure. Family, home, children, comfort are important for him. For the sake of having children and the health of his wife, he can go on an experiment. Loyalty and constancy of his properties, he is able to live in a monogamous relationship all his life.

Paired with an anal-visual man, the woman herself may not feel satisfaction from intimacy, and then the reason must be sought at the psychological level. Techniques will not help in this case.

Wumbling for women and knowledge of psychology help to become happy

What does a woman want when she goes to wumbling classes? Each sets its own goal, but everyone has one desire - to have pleasure in pair relationships and to be happy. She wants to have a vibrant intimate life, enjoy the attention of her man and be healthy. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan proves that the psyche is primary, and the body is only a manifestation of feelings, emotions and desires. Human relations are built on the level of feelings, thoughts, attitudes. You cannot influence them through the body. By understanding your inner world and your partner, his desires and properties, you can create a truly happy relationship.
If the emotional component in a pair leaves much to be desired, there is no spiritual intimacy between partners, and the woman herself is in a bad emotional state, then none of the most sophisticated techniques and pumped up muscles will help her to keep the man near her. He wants the woman who loves him, is in a good mood, arouses desire in him and sincerely wants to please him.

Giving herself to a man, belonging to him, trusting herself to him, her soul, she creates a guarantee for strong relationships. Anyone who knows a woman who was able to create an emotional connection with him will never exchange her for just sex.

Despite the great popularity of wumbling classes, they do not give the results that women get after taking classes on female sexuality in the framework of the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Because wumbling is only fitness for pumping muscles, and the real reasons for dissatisfaction with life, lack of desire for intimacy and poor health lie at the psychological level.

“… I didn’t do anything on purpose, I didn’t read the conspiracies, I didn’t give my grandmother’s water to drink. I just listened to the training. My husband suddenly began to live by me, to be interested in everything that I live, interests, to support. I suddenly had incredible potential in my intimate sphere. We all laugh, like the first time! We love each other, we discover each other. We sense each other. But all these sensations are on a new level, as if something was added to you, and you accepted it with joy and love. Now I understand what it is like to feel with your husband that you are one. I could never have thought that happiness is so close. I want to cry and laugh because a simple female happiness has come, which brought the sun back to our family ... "
Victoria S., teacher, Donetsk

“… There was lightness, before the attitude to sex was something like this: if there is — okay, no — that's also good. Maybe even better. And now I want it, pleasure from the process. From focusing on the husband, his feelings, one can feel great emotionality in response from him. The outlook on her husband has changed. I realized the reason for his actions, saw him as he is, and not through my expectations. And I fell in love more than five years ago, when they met ... "
Irina E., individual entrepreneur, Krasnoyarsk

Our body is a reflection of all mental processes that are associated with the senses, thinking, worldview. Physiological problems are also often psychogenic in nature. A wrong perception of the world is what interferes with a woman's full life. A change in thinking and worldview changes the perception of partners relative to each other. Systemic thinking improves the emotional state of a woman, on which a man's attitude towards her depends, whether she will be desirable for him for a time or forever. A woman gets the opportunity to create a trusting relationship in a couple, which leads her to the desired pleasure - orgasm.

System-vector psychology talks about the hidden reasons that prevent a woman and a man from enjoying life and getting more pleasure from intimacy. One of these reasons may be childhood trauma and the use of swear words in communication. All the details can be found at the free online training by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan's online trainings "System-Vector Psychology"

If a partner is a liability - how to be an asset in bed. In the view of many, a man should be courageous, and a woman should be submissive. Others do not like this option. But what to do if a girl likes to obey, she wants to see a strong man next to her - and one is not available?

Think naturally. Before committing rash acts .. Let me remind you - we are talking exclusively about sexological types of passive, asset, and others. We do not give the slightest negative connotation to these words! It is solely about the need of the soul of a particular person for leadership in bed and the form of this leadership ..

What is a liability

So - "passive" is a person who needs the proximity of an "asset". That is, a leader, but with a slightly more active-aggressive accent than "father". The needy is precisely for happiness. For the rest, this is the same person as others. Can be a minister, general and commando, businesswoman or feminist. If there is such an asset nearby, everything is in order. Both are happy.

If there is no such thing, or it seems to her that there is not (I’m not talking about a specific girl, I’m talking in the general case, but you can apply to her) - either a search or an expectation begins. Depending on society, on customs and other things. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's position and a desire to change it. Sometimes - this is combined with "hopelessness", sometimes - with hope and active search - in different ways.

But in general, the same biocomp is tuned to the appearance of an asset nearby. Biocomp can be deceived. That is, to take an impudent bully, for example, behaving aggressively and cheekily - for an active type. And include attraction and all other programs. After a while, dissatisfaction with the behavior of such an error occurs ...

If a girl is a passive

We will take the girls, we will not touch the male liabilities for now. If such a girl gets married or meets for some reason, such as to run away from the parental family or just to provide for herself. She is obviously unlikely to meet a suitable type, because the mind works, not the feelings. But the patterns are the same.

She begins to "provoke" the partner in order to push him to be more active. In various ways - from just itching, whims - to scenes of jealousy, or vice versa - she herself goes to treason to cause jealousy. Even if such infidelities were carried out with a different purpose, that is, just a temptation-pleasure - the effect of such events on the partner is still important.

Does not matter. In this case, we observe in the family (couple) a characteristic cycle - after an outburst of feelings and rapprochement - there comes a distance, growing dissatisfaction on the part of the passive, which begins to manifest itself (the work of the subconscious - therefore unconsciously) in whims, quarrelsomeness, bitterness, reproaches, .. - very different manifestations.


But all are characteristic - that the active partner after a while gets up and barks or "raises his hand" or in some other way puts her in her place (externally) - but in fact will give her the long-awaited feeling of that very active man nearby. Not even sex, by the way - although sex will be a clear manifestation of just such a man. All others (3 types) are slobs and "sons" in front of a real asset.

This is what the lady-passive sees in the head, I mean.

There is a climax, both are satisfied, socially-sexual, and it usually repeats itself over and over again. The cycle can be from a couple of days to months .. Tens of years, actually. The couple swears like, fights, shouts - and enjoys the feeling of closeness, and God forbid someone rushes to "reconcile" the spouses ...

Man is an asset

Now about the complex "masked" cases.

Like a male father?

Outwardly, a man behaves like a "father", for example. Decent, caring, polite .. And inside?

Many times in the head of this man there are epithets and desires (not realized, of course!), Which do not suit his father in any way. And only his upbringing saves his spouse from flogging and whipping and other things .. At the same time, inside it all boils and boils at such minutes and hours - but does not find a way out. And the "passive" spouse is more and more insistently provoking the "husband's rag" to express strength and other emotions ..

I once used the term "kind aggressive"

Kind aggressive

What it is? And here it is ... a man who most of the time behaves like a father - caring and kind, attentive, .. But when the "bed" approaches, POWER wakes up in him ... no, not an erection, but leadership. Yes, he can hide it and not show it. For different reasons. For example - from childhood to learn that the pioneers do not act like that ... and it may be learned through bitter experience that there is no one to realize their strength, activity - with no one, nowhere .. Life ... But - there is a need!

The ability to be flexible, to show your different sides, different hypostases is important for any "not pure" type. In different conditions, we need to act and think in different ways. When a girl is sad, she has anxiety - her father will better comfort and delight. And when she is in a playful mood, it is better for her father to take a back seat. And give way to the "asset" - persistent, inventive and cheerful.

It is with this type that stable enough pairs are obtained in a woman-passive. Not perfect, but sinusoidal. They cling to, quarrel - but continue to live. They tell everyone that they don't love each other - but sometimes they also feel tenderness and so on for each other ..

A father-daughter couple has similar cycles, but there they are less stormy, there is no such intensity of passions ..

The question is - is there really an Active in you, huh?

"How to Raise a Passive Partner?"

The tips below will help you cultivate a truly passive partner. If your friend is initially a passive or generalist, it will be easier for you to ensure that your partner becomes exclusively a liability, but if he was an asset, you will have to work hard.

It is best to avoid anal intercourse from the start in which your partner is active. Promise him to give him a great blowjob, whatever, just don't let him go into your anus. It is necessary that he, on a subconscious level, remembers that he is not an active partner. If your partner is super active and very persistently asks you to substitute the ass, offer him a compromise: you will take his penis in the ass only if he allows you to play with his anus. In order for this to be unobtrusive, caressing his penis with your tongue, gradually go to the testicles, then to the area between them and the anus, and finally, caress his anus with your tongue, try to penetrate it with your tongue, immerse one finger with lubricant. If your partner starts to object, remind of your agreement. And most importantly, when your super active partner starts having anal sex with you, there must be something in his anus. If the posture allows, let it be your finger, if not - a pencil, a pen (in a condom). At the same time, in order to avoid embarrassment, you need to ensure that the foreign object is not completely "swallowed" by the anus - for this it is better to use objects that have an extension at the end. Take a look around, you probably can easily find similar items.

At the moment when your partner is approaching orgasm, gently move the object in his anus. He will experience a brighter than usual orgasm and will probably remember it. Every time your super active partner insists on an active role, make a condition: you will play with his anus longer using large objects. I will repeat myself. Whenever your partner has an orgasm, there must be something in his anus. He will psychologically begin to get used to the fact that his orgasm (during anal, oral sex or masturbation) is associated with penetration into his ass. Ask your boyfriend not to masturbate while you are away, as you don't want to lose a drop of his cum.

A less active partner will initially agree not to have you in the ass if you fully work with your hands and tongue.

If your boyfriend doesn't wear a thong, give him one and ask him to always (or as often as possible) wear one. If there are objective reasons why your partner refuses to wear them (he has to change clothes in crowded places, for example, in the pool, in the locker room at work or at the institute, and he is shy), suggest that he wear other panties over the thongs, for example, boxers. The thong will constantly stimulate the anus, making it feel good. To do this, they must be tight enough. His penis in them will be tightly pressed against the stomach or testicles and will not cause trouble during an erection at the wrong time and place. If your partner does not shave their pubic hair, ask him about it, explaining that it interferes with you when you caress his penis and testicles. At the first stage, if he refuses, you need to cut them at least shortly, but subsequently your boyfriend's pubic hair should be shaved. The appearance of a hairless pubis will remind him of his childhood, when he was a little boy and obeyed adults. The same goes for his belly and chest.

The number of anal contacts, when your super active partner acts as an asset, should be gradually reduced, trying to reduce them to zero. Go for a little trick: ask your boyfriend not to cum in your ass, but only in your mouth. Gradually reduce the time of his activity, instead of spending more time on him, giving a blowjob and masturbating his penis with your hand. At first, 2-3 minutes after your boyfriend enters your anus with a penis, ask him to give a penis in your mouth, saying that you do not want to trust his ass, but want to entrust your lips and skillful tongue. A little later ask him for the same thing after 1-1.5 minutes, then after 30-45 seconds, etc. In the end, your partner will get tired of this and he will consider it inappropriate to warm you up for a long time, to introduce a member to work it for just a couple of tens of seconds. As soon as he himself refuses to insert a member into your anus for the first time, do not let him do it ever again.

This is a very important psychological moment. From the time it stops entering your anus, it will cease to be an asset in the full sense. You will sort of equalize. To some extent, you will become even more active, since his access to your anus has become closed, and you continue to use his anus during sex with your fingers and various objects. Remember to check that he has a clean shaven pubis and is wearing a tight thong.

Maintain this delicate balance for a while so that your partner will get used to the fact that he no longer has your ass. After 3-4 contacts, proceed to the next step.

Buy a small butt plug (about 1.5-2 cm at its widest point) and while having sex with him, move it in his ass. Whenever inserting something into your partner's ass, use a lot of lubricant so that this process does not give him discomfort. From now on, reduce the duration of your mouth work. At the beginning, about half of the time, masturbate his penis with your hand, ending with a blowjob, then masturbate 3 quarters of the time, doing a small blowjob at the end, then take the penis in your mouth only when he starts to cum. On this you need to take a break again, but work with his anus should be continued. Ask your partner to insert a butt plug in your ass at night and come to you (if you live separately) always with her. Considering that he wears a tight thong, the cork will stay securely inside, even when walking, thanks to the narrow strip of fabric that runs between the buttocks. You can easily determine if he is fulfilling your request by how pliable his anus will become. After all, for at least a third of the day (sleep and coming to you), his anus will slightly expand the plug. During sleep, this will happen imperceptibly, so that soon in the morning he will even forget that there is something in his ass, so the feeling of fullness of the anus will become so familiar. When walking, while he is walking towards you, the cork will act on the walls of his hole and the prostate, and he will come to you already "warmed up" with a little impatience. If you notice that he does not do this, just ask him about it again and then again. At the end of this stage, start stimulating his anus with a slightly wider plug, about 2.5-3 cm in diameter at the widest part.

Let's imagine what your relationship is like at this moment: your partner gives you a blowjob and substitutes your ass for playing with a butt plug. You only masturbate his cock, taking it into your mouth at the moment of orgasm. Obviously, you've already become much more active than your once-super active partner, at the same time, if you followed the advice given and acted slowly, these changes did not occur very noticeably for your boyfriend. After again making a short pause, go to the next stage.

At this stage, exclude blowjob from your side altogether. Just masturbate your partner's penis with your hand while stimulating his anus with a plug. During this period, your partner's "center of gravity" should finally move from the penis to the anus. When you stop giving your boyfriend a blowjob, pay more attention to licking the testicles (but do not touch the penis with your tongue anymore), the perineum and the anus ring itself. If your partner has hair growing in the area of ​​the anus, shave it yourself, and then ask your partner to do it regularly on their own. The motivation here may be the same as for the pubis - say that you are uncomfortable when your tongue gets tangled in your hair. From this time on, your partner should stop putting on other underwear over the thong. If he is still embarrassed to be seen in them, offer him such options: wear long T-shirts or take off panties along with jeans or trousers. Let from now on he wears a plug (the smallest) in the anus throughout the day, except in exceptional cases - a medical examination, going to the pool, etc. Constant wearing by your partner of a plug in the anus will greatly facilitate the beginning of the next stage - the introduction of a member into his anus. Immediately after the plug is removed from your boyfriend's anus, the anus ring will remain slightly open by 0.5 - 1 cm, and after a while, although it will close, it will open without difficulty at the slightest pressure.

Finally, your partner is ready for the big thing. But before that, you need to take a few more small steps. First of all, you no longer have to touch your partner's penis, even with your hands. Now your relationship should look like this: your partner caresses you, heats up your penis with his mouth, then substitutes his ass and you move in his hole first with a smaller, then with a larger butt plug. After 15-20 minutes of your work on his ass, he quickly brings himself to orgasm with the help of his hand, then gives you a blowjob. It is important that your sexual activities from this time are directed exclusively to his anus. Your partner is no longer an asset from any side, since access to your anus has been closed for him for a long time, his penis is not in your mouth, and now even your hands do not touch his penis. He kind of switched to "self-service", masturbating himself. At the same time, he gives you a blowjob and in his ass you regularly work with a butt plug.

And once again, having developed the anus of your guy with anal plugs, carefully insert your penis into it, using a large amount of lubricant. Basically, your partner is already accustomed to long enough (about 20 minutes) stimulation of his hole. But now for the first time you entered it not with some object, but with your member, which is very important. He has no boundaries where he can still retreat and you, after making sure that your partner has relaxed, begin to perform frictions. At first slowly, gradually increasing the pace. The best position to do this is your boyfriend is lying on his stomach with a pillow under his abdomen. This position is good because the partner's penis is inaccessible and he will not be able to stimulate himself ahead of time, but will focus only on his hole. After you finish, without removing the penis, roll over onto your side so that your partner can quickly bring himself to orgasm by masturbating with his hand.

Later, when your boyfriend gets used to the fact that during the act he should not touch his penis, you can use other positions, for example, when he stands like a dog or lies on his back, throwing his legs around your neck (this position provides the most deep penetration into the anus Perhaps your partner will learn to achieve orgasm without resorting to stimulating the penis, but only by stimulating the anus.

True friend

I liked the piece, I liked it. But somehow everything is very rosy and fast. And this thong fetish is ... unrealistic.

Informative Most of all I liked the joke with the plug in the anus around the clock. Why scoff at a person like that? I remember that I had a boyfriend who didn't even want to think about a passive role. And somehow he was very relaxed and I gave him a blowjob with a simultaneous massage of the prostate. After that he asked me to
True friend

Yes, just the author of the article rushes from the thong. And from the plug in the anus.

And me too

Some kind of abuse of a person


Why bullying when both are enjoying themselves?

Why retrain someone for liability? Does it make sense for someone to decide something and guess to him that it is vitally important for him to be a liability? If a person has decided that he is an act, then who gave you the right to make a pass out of him? Maybe we can find another article on how to make a straight out of a gay?

Che that I felt sorry for the guy, whom they want to retrain ... Well, why is that? It would be okay, to make a station wagon out of the act, but straight away a pass - in my opinion, this is cruel

No, not both. We must take and give, not just take.


If you're talking about sex, I bet total will argue with you.

gentle angel


Well, why so immediately: ... who gave you the right ... If both love each other, why not try to become generalists. This article is a small stepping stone to that. Sometimes it's just psychologically difficult to change something in yourself.

I had about the same. He was only an asset But after the work of my fingers in his anal, He not only asked, but insisted that I be an asset with him

I hope you are ashamed of the corruption ...


Is it possible in more detail? What did you mean?

The debaucher

Eh you - as usual in your repertoire. Nafig it will not be appreciated.
He probably meant something else.

Well, it's just that the partner makes it pleasant for himself and for you ... and you only get pleasure. You can not do it this way


I just need my partner to make it pleasant only to myself - then I will be happy too.

The article, of course, is informative, but changing a partner to please yourself, so as not to "substitute" yourself for anal sex is somehow one-sided. I agree with Nafig that in sex it is necessary not only to take, but also to give, no matter how ambiguous it may sound

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