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The meaning of Buryat names. Beautiful Buryat names and their meaning. Beautiful Hebrew names

While the child is not yet born, the parents come up with a name for him. Names of Mongolian origin have recently become popular even among the Russian-speaking population. The secret of the name carries many meanings. It is believed that the fate of the child largely depends on what name the child received. Therefore, psychologists recommend choosing a name responsibly.

History of the appearance of Mongolian names

The formation of a name in Mongolia has always been distinguished by its simplicity, regardless of whether it is Mongolian names for boys or girls. Over the past VII centuries, they have not undergone changes and consist of a personal name that the baby receives from his parents, and a surname, which is inherited from the father to the children. In case of problems, the Mongol could change the name, well, and if there were no good reasons, then he remained with him until his death.

Only by the middle of the 13th century did it appear in the literature that Mongolian male names were still accompanied by nicknames. For example: Duva-Sokhor (Duva in translation from the Mongolian language is blind, that is, it turns out blind Sokhor). Nicknames were used by commoners, and higher ranks and nobles added titles to their names. Such personal names as burrow and ovog appear in it.

The Mongolian people have a middle name, but it appears only in documents, and even then not for everyone. Among the people you can hear such an appeal - "Sambu son of Sodnom". The most ancient names include: Baatar (hero), Timur (wise). They can be found in ancient Mongolian legends and writings. In addition, ancient names are still returning today. They are trying to name a newborn, emphasizing masculinity or strength of the family.

Mongolian names owe much of their origin to the neighborhood of other countries. Very often you can find female Buddhist names, Tibetan names of boys, and we will consider their meaning below.

Origin of names in Mongolia

Buddhist culture played a huge role in the life of the Mongolian people. Religion came to the country from the Indian state, and therefore, in the formation of personal names, not only Buddhist religion, but also Tibetan traditions were of great importance. According to them, names are subdivided depending on:

Scientists dealing with the history and mystery of the origin of Mongolian names have found that, among other things, the name can be associated with an ordinary subject. Women's names were the bearers of beauty, kindness, and men's, in turn, courage and courage.

Mongolian names are popular everywhere - they are called children in the United States, China and even Russia. The list of names is huge, so you can really choose exactly what suits the newborn baby best.

Popular female names

Women in the countries of the East, Buddhist and Tibetan culture do not occupy a very privileged place in society. But at the same time, the name given to a newborn girl can really be very beautiful. Mongolian female names and their meanings:

Tsegeg prefix most often found in women, because they are the personification of beauty, loyalty and hope.

Particle prefixes to Mongolian names

The older generation is held in high esteem by the Mongols, and therefore it is interesting how the Mongols address the older generation. They definitely add a particle of respect: eme is a grandmother, egch is an older sister.

If a Russian girl marries a Mongolian, then, at first glance, it is not entirely clear: there is no patronymic or surname. Therefore, most often the husband's name or his middle name will be taken as the basis for the wife's new surname.

Any name given to a baby at birth should be thought out in advance. If a Russian person refers more to the horoscope, the dates of birth of the Saints, then for the Mongolian people everything depends on to which social stratum they relate, and from the need to give the child a beautiful name.

Attention, only TODAY!

ABARMID (Sanskrit) - Beyond. Buryat form from the Sanskrit word "para-mita". This word means "gone on the other side" (ie into nirvana). The Buddhist sutras list 6 or 10 paramitas, with the help of which one goes to nirvana: generosity, morality, patience, masculinity, contemplation, wisdom. Each paramita is used as a name. See Sultim, So-dbo, etc.
ABIDA (Sanskrit) - Immense, immeasurable light. Amitabha is the name of one dhyani - the buddhas. In Buryatia it is known as Abida, in Japan - Amida. In the teachings of the Buddha, he is the lord of the Sukhavadi (Divajan) paradise.
AGWANDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond ruler of the word.
AGWANDONDOG (Tib.) - The well-meaning ruler of the word.
AGWANDONDUB (Tib.) - The lord of the word, fulfilling the wishes of all living beings.
AGWAN (Tib.) - Lord of the word, possessing a beautiful and rich word. One of the names of the bodhisattva Manjushri, who personifies transcendental wisdom.
AGVANNIMA (Tib.) - The Sun Lord of the word.
ADLIBESHE - Different, different.
ADYAA (Sanskrit) - The sun.
ANANDA (Sanskrit) - Joy. The name of the Beloved disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni. After his departure to nirvana, Ananda expounded from memory one of the main Buddhist canons "Ganzhur".
AIDAR - Sweetheart
ALAMZHA - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic.
ALDAR - Glory.
ALIMA - Apple.
ALTAN - Gold.
ALTANA - Gold.
ALTANGEREL - Golden light
ALTANSESEG - Golden flower.
ALTANTUYA - Golden Dawn
ALTAN SHAGAY - Golden ankle.
AMAR, AMUR - Peace, rest.
AMARSANA, AMURSANA - Well-meaning. The name of the national hero of Western Mongolia (Dzungaria). He led a liberation struggle against the Manchurian-Chinese yoke in the 18th century.
AMGALAN - Calm, peaceful.
ANDAMA (Tib.) - Mighty. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
ANZHIL (Tib.) - The king of power, the name of the jewel of the wish-fulfilling one. The Sanskrit word is CHINTAMANI.
ANGILMA (Tib.) - Lady. The same root as Anjil.
ANZHUR (Tib.) - Ruler, dominant.
ANZAD (Tib.) - Treasury of power.
ANZAMA (Tib.) - Well-behaved.
ANZAN (Tib.) - Well-behaved.
ANPIL (Tib.) - the same as Vampil.
ANCHIG (Tib.) - the same as Vanchig.
ARABJAY (Tib.) - Popular, widespread.
ARDAN (Tib.) - Strong, mighty.
ARYA (Sanskrit) - Supreme, saint. Usually used before the names of bodhisattvas, saints, famous Buddhists.
ARYUUNA - Clean, light.
ARYUNGEREL - Pure, bright light.
ARYUUNSESEG - Pure, light flower.
ARYUUNTUYA - Clean, bright dawn.
ASHATA - All-powerful.
AYUNA (Turkic) - Bear. Ayu is a bear.
Ayur (Sanskrit) - Life, age.
AYURZANA, AYURZHANA (Sanskrit) - Life wisdom.
Ayusha (Sanskrit) - Life Extender. The name of the deity of longevity.
AYAN - Travel.
AYANA (female) - Travel.

BAATAR - Bogatyr, short for the old Mongolian "Bagatur".
BABU (Tib.) - Hero, brave.
BABUDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond hero.
BABUSENGE (Tib.) - Brave lion.
BAVASAN, BAASAN (Tib.) - Planet Venus, corresponds to Friday.
BADARA (Sanskrit) - Good.
BADARMA (Sanskrit) - Beautiful.
BADARKHAN - Prosperous.
BADARSHA (Sanskrit) - The Petitioner.
BATLAY - Brave.
BADMA (Sanskrit) - Lotus. The image of a lotus in Buddhism symbolizes crystal immaculate purity, since a beautiful lotus has nothing to do with the mud of the swamp from which it grows, just like the Buddha, who attained nirvana, escaped from the swamp of samsara.
BADMAGARMA (Sanskrit - Tib.) - Constellation of lotuses.
BADMAGURO (Sanskrit) - Lotus teacher.
BADMARINCHIN (Sanskrit - Tib.) - Precious lotus.
BADMAJAB (sankrit - Tib.) - Protected by a lotus.
BADMAHANDA (Sanskrit - Tib.) - Lotus dakini, heavenly fairy.
BADMATSEBEG (Sanskrit - Tib.) - Immortal lotus.
BADMATSEREN (Sanskrit - Tib.) - Lotus of long life.
BAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond. Buryat Forum from the Sanskrit "Vajra". This is one of the most important attributes of Tantrism, the Vajra is a symbol of the inviolability of the Teaching.
BAZARGURO (Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher
BAZARJAB (Sanskrit) - Protected by a diamond.
BAZARSADA (Sanskrit) - The essence of a diamond.
BALAMZHI (Tib.) - Born by a diamond.
BALANSENGE (Tib.) - Diamond lion.
BALBAR (Tib.) - Blazing brilliance, radiance.
BALBARMA (Tib.) - Blazing brilliance, radiance.
BALDAG - Thick, stocky.
BALDAN (Tib.) - Nice, magnificent.
BALDANDORZHO (tib) - Magnificent diamond.
BALDANJAB (Tib.) - Protected by glory, greatness.
BALDANSENGE (Tib.) - Magnificent lion.
BAL GIFT (Tib.) - Giving happiness. Epithet of the Deity of Wealth. In Sanskrit - Kubera, in Tibetan Namtosrai. Buryat pronunciation of Namsaray.
BALDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond of greatness.
BALMA (Tib.) - Rich, radiant, glorified.
BALSAMBU (Tib.) - Exquisite.
BALSAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful.
BALTA - Hammer.
BAL KHAN - Chubby.
BALJID (Tib.) - Striving for prosperity.
BALJIDMA (Tib.) - the same as Baljid.
BALJIMA (Tib.) - Magnificent.
BALJIMEDEG (Tib.) - Flower of happiness.
BALZHIN (Tib.) - Giver of wealth.
BALJINIMA (Tib.) - The sun of happiness.
BALZHIR (Tib.) - Wealth, brilliance, radiance.
BALSAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful
BALCHIN (Tib.) - Very rich, glorious.
BANZAN (Sanskrit) - Five.
BANZAR (Tib.) - Uniting power.
BANZARAGSHA (Sanskrit) - Five protectors.
BANDY - Man, Boy.
BARAS - Tiger.
BATA - Strong, strong. The name of Genghis Khan's grandson.
BATABAATAR - Strong, strong hero.
BATABAYAR - Strong joy.
BATABULAD - Strong steel.
BATABELIG - Solid wisdom.
BATABELEG - A strong gift.
BATADAMBA (bur- -tib.) - Most Holy.
BATADORZHO (drilled - Tib.) - Hard diamond.
BATADELGER - Strong flowering.
BATAZHAB (drill - Tib.) - Hard-proof.
BATAZHARGAL - Strong happiness.
BATAZAYA - Strong destiny.
BATAMUNKHE - Eternal firmness.
BATASAIKHAN - Strong - beautiful.
BATASUHE - Strong ax.
BATATU MER - Solid iron.
BATATSEREN - The longest.
BATAERDENI - Solid jewel.
BATASHULUUN - Solid stone.
BAYAN - Rich.
BAYANBATA - Firmly rich.
BAYANDALAY - Rich sea, inexhaustible wealth.
BAYANDELGER - Rich prosperity.
BAYAR - Joy.
BAYARSAIKHAN - Beautiful joy.
BAYARTA - Joyful.
BIDIYA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Vidya".
BIZIA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge.
BIMBA (Tib.) - Planet Saturn, corresponds to Saturday.
BIMBAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by Saturn.
BIMBATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the sign of Saturn.
BIRABA (Sanskrit) - Frightening. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Bhairava" is terrible. The name of one of the wrathful incarnations of Shiva.
BOLORMA - Crystal.
BORJON - Granite.
BUDA is the Enlightened One. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Buddha". The name of the founder of Buddhism, the first of the three world religions. He, Buddha Shakyamuni (623-544 BC) lived and preached his Teachings in India in 6-5 centuries. BC
BUDAJAB (Sanskrit Tib.) - Protected by Buddha.
BUDATSEREN (Sanskrit. Tib.) - Long life of Buddha.
BUDAMSHU - The name of the national folklore hero of Buryatia.
BUDON - The name of the famous Tibetan author of multivolume historical works of the 14th century.
BUJIDMA is the same as Butidma.
BULAD - Steel.
BULADBAATAR - Steel hero.
BULADSAYKHAN - Beautiful steel.
BULADTSEREN - Long life of steel.
BUMA (Tib.) - Girl, girl.
BUNAYA (Sanskrit) - Virtue, from the Sanskrit word "Punya".
BUTIDMA - Leading son, a name is given to a daughter in the hope that a son will be born.
BUYANBATA Solid virtue.
BUYANDELGER - The flowering of virtue.
BUYANHESHEG - Virtuous welfare.
BURGED - Eagle, golden eagle.
BELIGMA - Wisdom.
BELEG - Gift.

VAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying power
WANDAN (Tib.) - Possessing power.
VANJIL (Tib.) - the same as Anjil.
VANJUR (Tib.) - Ruler.
WANZAN (Tib.) - Owner.
VANCHIK (Tib.) - Mighty.

GABA, GAVA (Tib.) - Happy, joyful
GADAMBA (Tib.) - Instructor.
GADAN (Tib.) - Joyful. This is the name of the abode of the gods, the world of the gods, in Sanskrit Tushita. In Tushita, bodhisattvas spend their penultimate life before descending to earth. Shakyamuni Buddha placed his crown on the head of Maitreya (Maidar), the Buddha of the coming kalpa.
GAZHIDMA (Tib.) - Generating admiration.
GALDAMA - The name of the Dzungarian (Western Mongolian) hero who fought against the Manchu-Chinese invaders in the 17th century.
GALDAN (Tib.) - Having a blessed destiny.
GALZHAN (Tib. Female) - Blessed, happy. The name of the goddess of good fortune Byagavati.
GALSAN (Tib.) - Good destiny. This usually means a blessed world order, kalpa.
GALSANDABA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the moon.
GALSANNIMA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Sun.
GALCHI, GALSHI (Tib.) - Great destiny, happy.
GAMA (Tib.) - female form from Gaba.
GAMBAL (Tib.) - Shining happiness.
GAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying joy.
GAN is steel.
GANBAATAR - Steel hero
GANBATA - Strong steel.
GANBULAD - Hardened steel.
GANSUHE - Steel ax.
GANTUMER - Steel iron.
GANHUYAG - Steel chain mail, steel armor.
GANZHIL (Tib.) - Joy, happiness.
GANJIMA (Tib.) - Born by the snow. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
GANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist Canon Tanjur, consisting of 108 volumes, which contain over 2000 sutras.
GARMA (Tib.) - Star, constellation.
GARMASU (Tib.) - The female form of Garm.
GARMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a star.
GATAB (Tib.) - Attained joy; ascetic, hermit, monk.
GENIN (Tib.) - A friend of virtue, close to piety. Genin is a layman who made 5 vows: do not kill living beings, do not take what does not belong to him, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not get drunk.
GENINDARMA (Tib.) - A young friend of virtue.
GOMBO (Tib.) - The name of the patron, protector, keeper of the faith.
GOMBOJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the guardian, the protector of the faith.
GOMBODORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond keeper, protector of faith.
GOMBOTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of the guardian, protector of the faith.
GONGOR (Tib.) - White guardian.
GONCHIG (Tib.) - Jewel.
GOOHON - Beauty.
GUMPIL (Tib.) - Increases everything.
GUNGA (Tib.) - Joy, fun. It is the Tibetan translation of Anand.
GUNGAZHALSAN (Tib.) - A joyful symbol, a sign of victory.
GUNGANIMA (Tib.) - Joyful sun.
GUNGANIMBU (Tib.) - Generous joy.
GUNDEN (Tib.) - Pious, devout.
GUNDENSAMBU (Tib.) - Good in every way. The name of adi is Samantabhadra Buddha.
GUNJID (Tib.) - He makes everyone happy.
GUNZEN (Tib.) - All-embracing, omnipotent.
GUNSEN (Tib.) - The best of all.
GUNSEMA (Tib.) - The female form of Gunsen.
GUNTUB (Tib.) - Conquering all.
GUNCHEN (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.
GURGEMA (Tib.) - Dear.
GURE (Sanskrit) - Teacher, spiritual guide. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Guru".
GUREBAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher.
GUREDARMA (Sanskrit Tib.) - Young teacher.
GUREJAB (Sanskrit Tib.) - Protected by the teacher.
GURERAGSHA (Sanskrit) - Patronage of the Teacher.
GYMA (Tib.) - Peace, tranquility.
GEGEN - Enlightened. Used as the title of the highest lamas in Mongolia. For example Bogdo-gegeen, Under-gegeen.
GELEG (Tib.) - Happiness, luck, prosperity. "
GELEGMA (Tib.) - The female form of Geleg.
GEMPEL. "GEPEL (Tib.) - Multiplying happiness.
GEMPELMA, GEPELMA (Tib.) - Female form Gampel, Gapal.
GERELMA - Light.
GESER - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic of the same name.

Daba (Tib.) - Moon.
DABAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Moon.
DABATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the moon.
DAGBA (Tib.) - Pure.
DAGBAZHALSAN (Tib.) - A clear sign of victory.
DAGDAN (Tib.) - Famous, famous.
DAGZAMA (Tib.) - Holding glory. The name of the wife of Prince Siddhartha, who was famous for her beauty, wisdom and virtue.
DAGMA (Tib.) - Famous.
GIVE - Ocean, sea.
DALBA (Tib.) - Silence, peace.
DAMBA (Tib.) - Sublime, excellent, saint.
DAMBADORJO (Tib.) - Sacred diamond.
DAMBADUGAR (Tib.) - Sacred white umbrella.
DAMBANIMA (Tib.) - The sun of holiness.
DAMDIN (Tib.) - Having the neck of a horse. The Tibetan name for the deity Hayagriva.
DAMDINTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of one who has a horse's neck.
DUMPIL (Tib.) - Prosperous happiness.
DANDAR (Tib.) - Dissemination of the teachings.
DANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Danchzhur", consisting of 225 volumes, including about 4000 sutras.
DANZAN (Tib.) - Holder of the Buddha's Teachings, it is included in the names of the Dalai Lama 14, but in the sound of Tenzin.
DANSARAN (Tib.) - Saint, sage.
DANSRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of the Teaching.
DARA (Sanskrit) - The Liberator. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Tara". Dara and Dari are the names of Green and White Tar.
DARZHA (Tib.) - Rapid development, prosperity.
DARI (Sanskrit) - The Liberator. The name of White Tara.
DARIZAB (Sanskrit Tib.) - Protected by the White Tara.
DARIMA (Sanskrit) - The same as Dari.
DARIKHANDA (Sanskrit Tib.) - Heavenly liberator. o
DARMA (Tib.) - Young, young.
DARKHAN - Blacksmith.
DASHI (Tib.) - Happiness, prosperity, prosperity.
DASHIBAL (Tib.) - Shine of happiness.
DASHIBALBAR (Tib.) - Radiance of happiness.
DASHIGALSAN (Tib.) - A happy fate in prosperity.
DASHIDONDOK (Tib.) - Making happiness.
DASHIDONDUB (Tib.) - Happy fulfilling the aspirations of all living beings.
DASHIDORZHO (Tib.) - Happy diamond.
DASHIDUGAR (Tib.) - Happy white umbrella.
DASHIJAB (Tib.) - Protected by happiness.
DASHIJAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of happiness.
DASHIZEBGE (Tib.) - Folded happiness.
DASH IM A (Tib.) - Happy.
DASHINAMZHIL (Tib.) - Auspicious.
DASHINIMA (tib) - Happy sun.
DASHIRABDAN (Tib.) - Lasting happiness.
DASHITSEREN (Tib.) - The happiness of a long life.
DIMED (Tib.) - Pure, spotless. Epithet of Buddha.
DOGSAN (Tib.) - Magic peak.
DOLGOR, DOLGORMA (Tib.) - White liberator. Tibetan name for White Tara.
Dolgeon - Wave.
Dolzhin (Tib.) - Green Liberator. Tibetan name for Green Tara.
SHOULD (Tib.) - Deliverer, saving.
DONGARMA (Tib.) - White-faced.
DONDOK (Tib.) - Well-meaning.
DONDUB (Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings. Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit "Siddhartha". The name of Buddha Shakyamuni given to him at birth.
DONID (Tib.) - The essence of emptiness.
DONIR (Tib.) - Caring for the meaning.
DORGIO (Tib.) - Diamond. Literally "the prince of stones". Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word "Vajra".
DORJOJAB (tib) - Protected by a diamond.
DORZHOHANDA (Tib.) - Diamond dakina. The name of one of the 5 main dakinis.
DUBSHAN (Tib.) - Great yogi.
DUGAR (Tib.) - White umbrella.
DUGARJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a white umbrella.
DUHARMA (Tib.) - White umbrella. The name of the dakini Sitapatra, which protects from diseases, misfortunes. Especially children.
DUGARTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the protection of the White Umbrella (Sitapatra).
DUGDAN (Tib.) - Kind, merciful, compassionate.
DUL MA (Tib.) - The Liberator. Has the same meaning as Dara.
DULSAN (Tib.) - Same meaning as Dulma.
DULMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Liberator.
DUNZHIT (Tib.) - Generating desires.
DUNZEN (Tib.) - Keeping time. Epithet Yamaraja (in Buryat Erlig-nomuun khan), the lord of the dead.
DEZHIT (Tib.) - Bliss, well-being.
DELGER - Spacious, extensive.
DELEG (Tib.) - Peace, happiness.
DEMA (Tib.) - Satisfied, prosperous.
DAMBEREL (tib) - An omen.
DAMSHEG, DEMCHOG (Tib.) - The highest happiness. The name of the most important Tantric deity is Idam Samvara, who lives on Mount Kailash.
DENJIDMA (Tib.) - Support, an epithet of the earth, the globe.
DENSEN (chib) - Good truth.
DENSEMA (Tib.) - The female form of DENSEN.
DESHIN (Tib.) - Great blessing.

ENDON (Tib.) - Dignity; virtue; knowledge.
ENDONJAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of knowledge.
YESHE, YESHI (Tib.) - Omniscience, Perfection of wisdom.
ESHIJAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of perfect wisdom.
YESHIDORZHO (Tib.) - The diamond of perfect wisdom.
YESHIDOLGOR (Tib.) - Omniscient white liberator.
ESHINHORLO (Tib.) - The wheel of omniscience.

JAB (Tib.) - Protection, patronage, refuge. Epithet of Buddha.
JADAMBA (Tib.) - 8 - thousandth. The short name of the Prajna version abbreviated to 8,000 is paramita.
JALMA (Tib.) - Queen. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
JALSAB (Tib.) - Regent, Viceroy. Epithet of Buddha Maitreya.
ZHALSAN (Tib.) - Symbol, sign of victory. Buddhist attribute: cylindrical-shaped banner made of colored silk; this kind of banner is attached to flagpoles or worn during religious processions. It is also one of the 8 good emblems.
ZHALSARAY (Tib.) - Prince, prince.
ZHAMBA (Tib.) - Mercy, kindness. The name of the coming Buddha Maitreya.
ZHAMBAL (Tib.) - Blessed. The name of the bodhisattva is Manjushri.
JAMBALDORJO (tib) - Blessed diamond.
ZHAMBALZHAMSA (tib) - Blessed ocean.
JAMSA (Tib.) - Sea, ocean. Buryat pronunciation of the Tibetan word Gyatso. It is included as a mandatory name in the names of the Dalai Lamas and other great lamas.
ZHAMSARAN (Tib.) - Deity of warriors.
JAMIAN (Tib.) - Melodious. Epithet of Manjushri.
JANA (Sanskrit) - Wisdom. From the Sanskrit word "Jnana".
ZHANCHIB (Tib.) - Enlightened. Tibetan translation of the word "bodhi". The first meaning is translated as enlightened, and the second as the tree of wisdom (fig tree), under which Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment.
JARGAL - Happiness.
ZHARGALMA (female) - Happiness.
ZHARGALSAYKHAN - Beautiful happiness.
ZHIGDEN (Tib.) - Universe.
ZHIGZHIT (Tib.) - A fearsome keeper of faith.
ZHIGMIT (Tib.) - Fearless, courageous; Indestructible.
JIGMITDORZHO (Tib.) - Fearless diamond; Indestructible diamond.
ZHIGMITTSEREN (Tib.) - Indestructible long life.
ZHIMBA (Tib.) - Alms, alms, donation. Generosity is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.
ZHIMBAZHAMSA (tib) - Ocean of generosity.
ZHUGDER (Tib.) - Ushnisha (growth on the crown of Buddha's head as one of his wonderful signs of enlightenment).
ZHUGDERDIMED (Tib.) - Pure, spotless ushnisha.
JUMBRUL (Tib.) - Magic, magic.
JUMBRULMA (Tib. Female) - Magic, magic.
JEBZEN (Tib.) - Venerable, reverend (in relation to hermits, saints, learned lamas.)
ZHEBZEMA (Tib.) - the female form of Zhebzen.

ZANA - the same as Zana.
ZANABADAR (Sanskrit) - Good wisdom.
ZANABAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond of wisdom. The name of the first Mongolian bogdo Dzhebzundamba, popularly nicknamed Under-gegeen.
ZANDAN (Sanskrit) - Sandalwood.
ZANDRA (Sanskrit) - Moon. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "chandra".
ZANA - Happy destiny.
ZODBO, SODBO (Tib.) - Patience, patience is one of 6 gtaramit, see Abarmid.
GOLD - Lucky, happy.
ZOLOZAYA - Happy fate.
ZORIG, ZORIGTO - Brave, brave.
ZUNDY (Tib.) - Diligent, diligent, diligent.
ZEBGE (tib) - Folded, ordered.

IDAM (Tib.) - Contemplated deity. In Tantrism, a guardian deity that a person chooses to be his patron either for life or for individual (special) occasions.
IDAMJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a contemplative deity.

Laidab (Tib.) - Who did the deed.
LAJIT (Tib.) - Happy Karma.
LAJITHANDA (Tib.) - Happy karma dakini.
LAMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the supreme.
LENHOBO - Lotus.
LOBSAN, LUBSAN (Tib.) - Wise, scientist.
LUBSANBALDAN (Tib.) - Glorious wise.
LUBSANDORJO (Tib.) - A wise diamond.
LUBSANTSEREN (Tib.) - Wise long life.
LUBSAMA (Tib.) - Wise, scientist.
LODOY (Tib.) - Wisdom.
LODOYDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy wisdom.
LODOYZHAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of wisdom.
LODON (Tib.) - Wise.
LODONDAGBA (Tib.) - Sacred wisdom.
LONBO (Tib.) - High-ranking official, adviser.
LOPIL (Tib.) - With a developed mind.
LOSOL (Tib.) - Clear mind.
LOCHIN, LOSHON (Tib.) - Gifted, talented, with great mental abilities.
LUDUP (Tib.) - Received siddhi from the nagas. The name of Nagarjuna, a great Indian teacher in the 2nd-3rd century.
LHASARAI (Tib.) - Prince, prince, literally - the son of a deity.
LHASARAN (Tib.) - Protected by a deity.
LYGZHIMA, LEGZHIMA (Tib.) - Blessed. Name of Buddha's mother.
LYGSYK, LEGSEK (Tib.) - Accumulation of good.
LABRIMA (Tib.) - Well painted, i.e. a goddess with a drawing on her hands, talking about holiness.
LEGDEN, LYGDEN (Tib.) - Virtuous, filled with all that is good.
LEGZHIN (Tib.) - Giving everyone good, bestowing good. Epithet of the goddess Tara.

MAIDAR (Tib.) - Lover of all living beings. Buryat pronunciation of Maitreya - Buddha of the coming kalpa (world order). Maitreya is currently in Tushita, where he is waiting for the time of his entry as Buddha into the world of people.
MAKSAR (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of the deity Yama, the lord of the dead.
MAXARMA (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of Yama's wife.
MANGE (Tib.) - She gives birth to many.
MANZAN (Tib.) - Holding a lot. Epithet of fire.
MANZARAKSHA (Tib.) - the same as Banzaraksha.
MANI (Sanskrit) - Jewel.
MANIBADAR (sancr.) - Blessed treasure.
MIGMAR, MYAGMAR (Tib.) - Literally means red eye, in fact the planet Mars, which corresponds to Tuesday.
MIJID (Tib.) - Unwavering, unflappable. The name of one of the Dhyani Buddhas, Akshobhya, who sits in the east.
MIJIDDORJO (Tib.) - An unshakable diamond.
MINJUR (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.
MINJURMA (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.
MITUP, MITIB (Tib.) - Invincible, unsurpassable.
MUNKHE - Eternal. Eternity.
MUNKHEBAATAR - Eternal hero.
MUNHABATA - Strong eternity.
MUNHABAYAR - Eternal joy.
MUNHEDELGER - Eternal flowering.
MUNKHEZHARGAL - Eternal happiness.
MUNHEZAYA - Eternal destiny.
MUNHESESEG - Eternal flower.
MUNHETUYA - Eternal dawn.
MUNGEN - Silver.
MUNGENSESEG - Silver flower.
MUNGENTUYA - Silver Dawn.
MUNGENSHAGAY - Silver ankle.
MEDEGMA (Tib.) - Flower.
MERGEN - Wise, well-aimed.

NADMIT (Tib.) - Free from disease, healthy, strong.
NAIDAK (Tib.) - The owner of the area, the deity of the area.
NAYDAN (Tib.) - Elder, old and revered Buddhist monk.
NAYJIN (Tib.) - Who gave away the area. An epithet of Vishnu, one of the gods of Hinduism, who makes up the divine triad in Hinduism with Brahma and Shiva.
NAISRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of the area.
NAMDAG (Tib.) - Perfectly pure, or glorious.
NAMDAGJALBA (Tib.) - King of glory. Epithet of Buddha.
NAMZHAY (Tib.) - Abundant.
NAMZHAL, NAMJIL (Tib.) - Complete victory, winner.
NAMZHALMA, NAMZHILMA (Tib.) - Complete winner, winner. Epithet of the goddess Uma.
NAMZHALDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond winner.
NAMLAN (Tib.) - Dawn, morning dawn, sunrise.
NAMNAY (Tib.) - Constantly existing. The epithet of the sun.
NAMSAL (Tib.) - Bright radiance, illuminating everything. The epithet of the sun.
NAMSALMA (Tib.) - Brilliant.
NAMSARAI ((Tib.) - The name of the deity of wealth.
NAMHA (Tib.) - Sky.
NAMHABAL (Tib.) - Heavenly radiance.
NAMHAY (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.
NAMHAYNIMBU (Tib.) - Omniscient, magnanimous.
NAMSHI (Tib.) - Perfect knowledge, intuition.
NARAN - The Sun.
NARANBAATAR - Solar hero.
NARANGEREL - Sunlight.
NARANZAYA - Solar destiny.
NARANSESEG - Sunny flower.
NARANTUYA - Sunrise.
NASAN - Life.
NASANBATA - Strong life.
NATSAG (Tib.) - Ecumenical.
NATSAGDORZHO (Tib.) - The universal diamond. Attribute of Amogasiddhi, one of the Dhyani Buddhas guarding the north.
NASHANBATA - Hard Falcon.
NASHANBAATAR - Falcon is a hero.
NIMA (Tib.) - The sun, which corresponds to the resurrection.
NIMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the sun.
NIMATSERZN (Tib.) - Long life of the sun.
Nimbu (Tib.) - Generous.
NOMGON - Calm, meek.
NOMIN - Emerald.
NOMINGEREL - Emerald light.
NOMINSESEG - Emerald flower.
NOMINTUYA - Emerald Dawn.
NOMTO - Scientist, wise.
NOMSHO - Vowed Scribe.
NORBO (Tib.) - Jewel.
NORBOSAMBU (Tib.) - A wonderful jewel. Epithet of the deity of wealth. o
NORDAN (Tib.) - Owner of wealth, an epithet of the earth, the globe.
NORDOP (Tib.) - Rich.
NORJIMA (Tib.) - Giver of wealth.
NORJON (Tib.) - Keeper of property.
NORJUNMA (Tib.) - The flow of wealth. Epithet of the wife of Indra, the queen of heaven.
NORZEN (Tib.) - Holding wealth.
NORPOL (Tib.) - Precious radiance.

OJIN (Tib.) - Giver of light. Epithet of the Sun.
OD OH - Star. ODONGEREL - Starlight. ODONZAYA - Star Destiny. ODONSESEG - Star flower.
ODONTUA - Starry Dawn.
ODSAL, ODSOL (Tib.) - Clear light.
ODSRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of the light.
ODESER (Tib.) - Rays of light.
OIDOB, OIDOP (Tib.) - Perfection, ability, siddhi. Siddhi means the supernatural powers of a person's strength, acquired by him as a result of yoga practice.
OLZON - Find, profit.
ONGON - Spirit, genius - the keeper of the shamanists. Another meaning is a sacred, revered, reserved place.
OSOR (Tib.) - the same as Odser.
OTKHON - Junior. Literally - the keeper of the hearth.
OTKHONBAYAR - Younger joy.
OTKHON BELIG - Younger wisdom.
OTHONSESEG - Younger flower.
OCHIGMA (Tib.) - Radiant.
OCHIR, OSHOR - Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "vajra" - diamond. See Bazaar.
OCHIRJAB (Sanskrit - Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.
OSHORNIMA (Sanskrit - Tib.) Diamond Sun.
OSHON - Spark.
OSHONGEREL - Light of a spark.
OYUNA - Has two meanings: intelligence, giftedness and turquoise.
OYUNBELIG - Wise, talented, gifted.
OYUNGEREL - Light of wisdom.
OYUNTUYA - Dawn of wisdom.
OYUNSHEMEG - Turquoise decoration.

PAGBA (Tib.) - Holy, noble.
PAGMA (Tib.) - Venerable, lady, queen.
PALAM (Tib.) - Diamond, brilliant.
PIGLAY (Tib.) - Holy Karma.
PIRAIGLAY (Tib.) - the same as Prinlai.
ACCEPT (Tib.) - The act of a bodhisattva, a saint.
PUNSEG (Tib.) - Perfect, happy, beautiful.
PUNSEGNIMA (Tib.) - The sun of prosperity.
PURBE (Tib.) - Planet Jupiter, which corresponds to Thursday; the name of the magical triangular dagger used to exorcise evil spirits.
PELMA (Tib.) - Multiplying.
PELZHED (Tib.) - Growing, increasing. Epithet of Vishnu.

RABDAN (Tib.) - The most durable, very strong.
RABSAL (Tib.) - Distinct, clear.
RADNA (Sanskrit) - Jewel.
RADNASAMBU (Sanskrit - Tib.) - A beautiful jewel.
RAGCHA, RAKSHA (Sanskrit) - Patronage.
RANJUN (Tib.) - Self-arising.
RANZHUR (Tib.) - Self-changing, improving.
RANPIL (Tib.) - Self-increasing.
RUGBY (Tib.) - Smart.
RINCINDORJO (Tib.) - Precious diamond.
RINCHINSENGE (Tib.) - Precious lion.
RINCHINHANDA (Tib.) - Precious heavenly fairy (dakina).
REGDEL (Tib.) - Free from attachments.
REGZED (Tib.) - Treasury of knowledge.
REGSEL (Tib.) - Clear knowledge.
REGZEN, IRGIZIN (Tib.) - A sage who holds knowledge.
REGZEMA (Tib.) - The female form of Ragzen.

SAGAADAY - White, light
SAIJIN (Tib.) - Giver of food, giving alms.
SAINBATA - Strong beautiful.
SAINBAYAR - Wonderful joy.
SAINBELIG - Beautiful wisdom.
SAINZHARGAL - Wonderful happiness.
SAMBU (Tib.) - Good, kind, beautiful
SAMDAN (Tib.) - The name comes from the Buddhist concept of dhyana-samdan, meaning the initial stage of concentration, meditation, in which the object of concentration completely takes over the mind. In a word - meditation, contemplation
SAMPIL (tib,) - Practitioner of contemplation.
SANGAZHAP (Skt.) - Protected by the community (i.e. Buddhist Sangha).
SANDAG, SANDAK, (Tib.) - Lord of the secret. Epithet of the bodhisattva Vajrapani (Bur. Oshor Vani). See explanations to CHAGDAR.
SANDAN - Same as Samdan
SANJAY (Tib.) - Spreading purity. Tibetan translation of the word Buddha, an epithet of Buddha.
SANZHAYJAB (Tib.) - Protected by Buddha.
SANJADORJO (Tib.) - Diamond Buddha.
SANZHARAGSHA (Sanskrit Tib.) - Patronage of the Buddha.
SANJID (Tib.) - Cleansing. Epithet of fire, water and the sacred herb kusha.
SANJIDMA - Female form from Sanjid.
SANJIMA (Tib.) - Pure, honest.
SANJIMITYP (Tib.) - Invincible.
SARAN - Moon.
SARANGEREL - Moonlight, ray.
SARANSESEG - Moon flower.
SARANTUYA - Moonlight.
SARUUL - The Most Serene, Talented.
SARYUUN - Beautiful, magnificent.
SUGHIR - Pale, whitish.
SAYAN - In honor of the Sayan Mountains.
SAYANA - Female form from the Sayan.
SODBO - The same as Zodbo.
SODNOMBAL (Tib.) - Increasing, multiplying spiritual merit.
SODNOM (Tib.) - Spiritual merit, virtues acquired as a result of performing virtuous deeds.
SOEL - Education, good breeding, culture.
SOELMA - Female form from Soel.
SOYJIMA - Female form from Soijin.
SOYJIN (Tib.) - Giver of healing, heal p.
SOKTO - right - Sogto - Sparkling, lively.
SOLBON - There are two meanings: the planet Venus, which corresponds to Friday, and dexterous, agile.
SOLONGO - Rainbow.
SOLTO - Glorious, famous, famous.
SOSOR (Tib.) - Normal.
SRONZON (tib) - Straight-line, unbending. The name in combination with Gampo (Srontsan Gampo) - the famous king of Tibet of the UP century, who created a vast Tibetan state and was considered the patron saint of Buddhism.
SUBADI, SUBDA - Pearl, pearl. *
SULTIM (Tib.) - Moral. Buddhist concept of moral purity (thoughts, speech and deeds); one of the paramitas (see Abarmit)
SUMATI (Skt.) - Scientist, educated.
SUMATIRADNA (Skt.) - Precious knowledge, or treasure of learning. The name of Rinchen Nomtoev (1820-1907) - a prominent Buryat scientist, writer and educator in the second half of the 19th century.
SUMBER (Skt.) - Buryat - Mongolian form from Sumeru - king of the mountains. The name of the mythical mountain, the center of the universe.
SUNDAR (Tib.) - Disseminating instructions.
SURANZAN - Magnet.
SURUN (Tib.) - Guard, amulet.
SUHE - Ax.
SUHEBAATAR - Ax is a hero. The name of the Mongolian revolutionary, military leader, one of the founders of the Mongolian People's Republic.
SYZHIP (Tib.) - Protected, guarded by life.
SEBEGMID (Tib.) - Eternal life, immeasurable life. The name of the Buddha is Amitayus, the deity of longevity.
SAMZHED (Tib.) - Pleasing the mind. Epithet of the goddess Uma. queen of heaven.
SENGE (Sanskrit) - Leo.
SANGEL, SANGELEN - Cheerful, joyful.
SANDEMA (Tib.) - Lion-faced. The name of the celestial fairy (dakini) of wisdom.
SENHE - Hoarfrost.
SERGELEN - Agile, nimble.
SERZHIMA (Tib.) - Golden.
SERZHIMEDEG (Tib.) - Golden flower.
SEREMZHE - Vigilance, sensitivity.
SESEN - Smart, wise.
SESERLIG - Flower garden, garden.

TABHAI (Tib.) - Skillful, capable.
TAGAR (tib,) - White tiger. The name of the deity of the naga class.
TAMIR - Strength (physical), energy, health.
TAMJID (Tib.) - All-good.
TOGMID, TOGMITH (Tib.) - Beginningless, primordial eternal; epithet of Adibuddha.
TOLON - Ray, shine, radiance, purity.
TUBDEN (Tib.) - Teachings of Buddha, Buddhism.
TUBCHIN, TUBSHIN (Tib.) - Great, saint, an epithet of Buddha ..
Tuvan (tib) - the lord of ascetics, an epithet of Buddha
TUVANDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond lord of the ascetics.
TUGELDER - Full, full of.
TUGES - Complete, completed.
TUGESBATA - Strong full.
TUGESBAYAN - Full of wealth.
TUGESBAYAR - Full joy.
TUGESZHARGAL - Complete happiness.
TUGET - Tibetan.
TUDUP, TUDEB (Tib.) - Powerful, magical.
TUDEN (Tib.) - Strong, powerful.
TUMAN - Ten thousand, plenty of abundance.
TUMENBATA - Strong abundance.
TUMENBAYAR - Abundant joy.
TUMENZHARGAL - Abundant happiness.
TUMER - Iron.
TUMERBAATAR - Iron hero.
TUNGALAG - Transparent, clean.
TURGEN - Fast, agile. Wed Turgeyuv.
TUSHEMEL - Nobleman, dignitary, minister.
TUSHIN (Tib.) - Great power of magic.
TUYANA - Stylized form from "tuyaa" - dawn, rays of light, radiance
TEMULEN - Striving forward, impetuous. The name of Genghis Khan's daughter (1153-1227).
TEKhE is a goat.

UBASHI (Skt.) - A layman who has accepted> beta.
UDBAL (Skt.) - Blue lotus.
WOOEN - Ermine.
ULZY - Spreading happiness .. ULZYZHARGAL - Happiness.
ULEMZHE - A lot, abundance. Planet Mercury, which corresponds to the environment.
UNERMA - Happy.
UNERSAIKHAN - Beautiful happiness.
URZHAN (Tib.) - Head ornament, crown.
URJIMA (Tib.) - Diadem.
URIN - Gentle, affectionate, affable.
URINBAYAR - Delicate joy.
URINGEREL - Delicate light.
URINZHARGAL - Delicate happiness.
URINSESEG - Delicate flower.
URINTUYA - Gentle dawn.
UYANGA - Flexible, plastic, melodic.

HADAN (Tib.) - Having gods, an epithet of Lhasa.
KHAZHID (Tib.) - A celestial dwelling in heaven.
KHAJIDMA - Female form from Khajid.
KHAIBZAN (Tib.) - Clergyman, monk, scholar and righteous.
HYDAB, HYDAP (Tib.) - Smart, saint.
HAYDAN (Tib.) - Wise, persistent.
HAIMCHIG (Tib.) - An outstanding expert, a famous scientist.
KHAMATSYREN (from Lhamanyren) (Tib.) - Goddess of long life.
HANDA (Tib.) - Walking through the sky; epithet of the sun.
KHANDAJAP (Tib.) - Protected by a heavenly fairy (dakini).
HANDAMA (Tib.) - Dakinis, celestial fairies, female deities. Literally: walking through the sky.
HASH - Chalcedony.
KHASHBAATAR - Chalcedony hero. Name of the illustrious Mongolian general during the creation of the Mongolian People's Republic.
HONGOR - Sweet, charming, affectionate.
HORLO (Tib.) - Circle, wheel.
HUBDAY - Amber.
KHUBISKHAL - Change, change.
KHUBITA - One who has destiny.
HULAN - Antelope. The name of one of Genghis Khan's wives.
KHUREL - Bronze.
KHURELBAATAR - Bronze hero.
HUYAG - Chain mail, armor.
HERMAN - Squirrel.
HESHEGTE - Happiness, prosperity, mercy.

TSOKTO - The same as Sokto.
TSYBEGMIT - Same as Sabagmead.
TSYBAN, TSEBEN (Tib.) - Lord of life.
TSYBIK, TSEBEG (Tib.) - Immortal.
TSIBIKZHAB, TSEBEGZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by immortality, eternity.
TSIDEN, TSEDEN (Tib.) - Strong life.
TSYDENBAL, TSEDENBAL (Tib.) - Increases strong life.
TSYDENJAB, TSEDENJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a strong life.
TSEDENDAMBA, TSEDENDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy strong life.
TSYDENESHI, TSEDENESHI (Tib.) - Omniscience of a strong life.
TSYDYP, TSEDEB (Tib.) - Life-giver.
TSYMBAL (Tib.) - Prosperity. Also found often as - Symbal.
CHIPELMA (Tib.) - Multiplying life.
TSIREMZHIT, TSEREMZHIT (Tib.) - Happiness, the blessing of a long life.
TSYREN, TSEREN (tib) - Long life.
TSIRENDASHI, TSERENDASHA (Tib.) - Prosperity of a long life.
TSIRENDORZHO, TSERENDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond of long life.
TSIRENDULMA, TSERENDULMA (Tib.) - Long life of a liberator, i.e. White Tara.
TSIRENDYZHID, TSERENDEZHED (Tib.) - A prosperous long life.
TSIRENZHAB, TSERENZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a long life.
TSYRETOR (Tib.) - The treasure of long life.
TSYRMA - The female form from Tsyren, although there is also a form of Tsyrenma.
TsEPEL (Tib.) - Prolonging life.
TSERIGMA (Tib.) - Healer.
TSEREMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying long life.

CHAGDAR (Tib.) - With a vajra in hand. The name of Vajrapani (Oshorvani), an angry deity symbolizing the power that destroys ignorance.
CHIMBE - Form from Zhimbe.
CHIMIT (tib,) - Immortal.
CHIMITDORJI (Tib.) - Diamond of immortality.
CHIMITTSU - Female form from Chimit.
CHINGIS - The name of the founder of the Great Mongol State.
CHOIBALSAN (tib,) - A beautifully flourishing teaching.
CHOIBON - Same as Choibon.
CHOYZHOL, CHOYZHIL (Tib.) - King who rules according to the teachings. Serves as an epithet for Yama, the lord of the kingdom of the dead.
CHOYJON (Tib.) - Defender of religion.
CHOIMPEL (Tib.) - Spreading the Teaching.
CHOINJIN (Tib.) - Religious offering, alms.
CHOINHOR is a Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word "dharmachakra", ie "wheel of Buddha's teachings". This is one of the widespread attributes that symbolizes the preaching of Buddhist teachings. The Choynhor (Horlo) symbol is installed on the pediment of Buddhist temples, accompanied by a fallow deer and a deer, which is associated with the first sermon of the Buddha in the "Deer Park" in Benares. The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the "noble eightfold path" commanded in this sermon: righteous view; righteous behavior; righteous determination; righteous speech; righteous lifestyle; righteous effort; righteous awareness; righteous contemplation. This is also the name of the path along which the pilgrims make a detour around Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and the prayer wheel.
CHONSRUN (Tib.) - Guardian of the doctrine.

SHAGDAR - Form from Chagdar.
SHAGZHI (Tib.) - Buddhist term meaning a mystical gesture - mudra - a certain position of the hand and fingers of Buddhist saints and lamas. Literally: the sign of the fingers of the hand.
SHIRAB, SHIRAP (Tib.) - Intuition; wisdom.
SHIRABSENGE (Tib. - Skt.) - Lion of wisdom.
SHIRIDARMA (Skt.) - Great Teaching.
SHODON (Tib.) - Buryat form from the Tibetan "chorten". Chorten (Skt. Stupa) is a Buddhist ritual structure of certain proportions, erected over the relics of Buddha, great holy lamas, etc. We are better known under the name "suburgan".
SHOEN (Tib.) - The sphere of religion.
SHOIBON (Tib.) - A subject of the Teaching, a follower of the Buddhist Teachings.
SHOYDAGBA (Tib.) - Preacher.
SHOYJON - The same as Choyjon.
SHOJINIMA (Tib.) - The Sun of the Teaching.
SCHOINHOR - Same as Choinhor.
SHONO - Wolf.
SHULUUN - Stone.
SHULUUNBATA - Strong stone.
SHULUUNSESEG - Stone flower.

EDIR - Young, young.
EELDER - Amiable, delicate, courteous.
ELBEG - Abundant, Abundant.
ELDEB-OCHIR (Mong., Skt.) - The Mongolian version of the name of Natsagdorji, used along with him.
ENHE - Calm, prosperous.
ENHEAMGALAN - Prosperous tranquility. The name of the Manchurian Emperor Kangxi of the 17th century.
ENHABATA - Strong well-being.
ENHEBAATAR - Peaceful hero.
ENKHABAYAR - Joyful well-being.
ENHEBULAD - Peaceful steel.
ENHEZHARGAL - Happy well-being.
ENHETAYBAN - A prosperous world.
ENHEREL - Tenderness.
ERDEM - Science, knowledge.
ERDEMBAYAR - Joyful knowledge.
ERDEMZHARGAL - Happy knowledge.
ERDENI - Jewel, treasure.
ERDENIBATA - Solid jewel.
ERZHENA - Stylized form from the Buryat "erzhen" - mother of pearl.
ERHETE - Full-fledged.
ETIGEL - Reliable.

YUM (Tib.) - Has several meanings: firstly - mother, secondly - shakti, divine power (the creative feminine aspect of the supreme deity - Shiva), thirdly - as a Buddhist term - higher knowledge, intuition is an all-encompassing feminine source, from where everything flows and where everything returns). Finally, fourthly, Yum is the name of the third part "Ganchzhur". The name Hume is rarely found alone, mainly in complex compositions.
YUMDOLGOR (Tib.) - Mother - White savior, i.e. White Tara (drill: Sagaan Dara - Ekhe).
YUMDORJI (Tib.) - The diamond (vajra) of intuition.
YUMDYLYK (Tib.) - Happiness, well-being of the mother.
YUMZHANA (Tib.) - Mother's adornment, or the eye of intuition.
YUMZHAP (Tib.) - Protected by the highest knowledge.
YUMZHID (Tib.) - Mother's happiness.
YUMSUN, YUMSUM (Tib.) - The Queen is the mother.
YUNDUN (tib,) - Its first meaning is the mystical cross, the swastika, which is one of the oldest Indian symbols of prosperity); the second is unchanging, indestructible.

YABZHAN (Tib.) - Father's decoration.
YAMPIL (tib,) - Multiplying the melody.
YANDAN (Tib.) - Melodic, sonorous.
YANJIMA (Tib.) - The ruler of the melody, who has a melodic voice. Epithet Sarasva-ti, goddess of eloquence, chants, patroness of arts and sciences.
YANZHIN - The same as Yanzhima.
YANZHAY (Tib.) - A wonderful melody.

Male and female Buryat names

ABARMID (Sanskrit) - Beyond. Buryat form from the Sanskrit word "paramita." This word means “gone on the other side” (ie into nirvana). The Buddhist sutras list 6 or 10 paramitas, with the help of which one goes to nirvana: generosity, morality, patience, masculinity, contemplation, wisdom. Each paramita is used as a name. See Sultim, Sodbo, etc.

ABIDA (Sanskrit) - Vast, immeasurable light. Amitabha is the name of one dhyani — Buddha. In Buryatia it is known as Abida, in Japan - Amida. In the teachings of the Buddha, he is the lord of the Sukhavadi (Divajan) paradise.

AGWANDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond ruler of the word.

AGVANNIMA (Tib.) - The Sun Lord of the word.

ADLIBESHE - Different, different.

ADYAA (Sanskrit) - The sun.

ANANDA (Sanskrit) - Joy. The name of the Beloved disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni. After his departure to nirvana, Ananda from memory expounded one of the main Buddhist canons "Ganzhur".

AIDAR - Sweetheart

ALAMZHA - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic.

ALDAR - Glory.

ALIMA - Apple.

ALTAN - Gold.

AGWANDONDOG (Tib.) - The well-meaning ruler of the word.

AGWANDONDUB (Tib.) - The lord of the word, fulfilling the wishes of all living beings.

AGWAN (Tib.) - Lord of the word, possessing a beautiful and rich word. One of the names of Bodhisattva Manzushri, personifying transcendental wisdom.

ALTANTUYA - Golden Dawn

ALTAN SHAGAY - Golden ankle.

AMAR, AMUR - Peace, rest.

ALTANA - Gold.

ALTANGEREL - Golden light

ALTANSESEG - Golden flower.

ANZAMA (Tib.) - Well-behaved.

ANZAN (Tib.) - Well-behaved.

ANPIL (Tib.) - the same as Vampil.

AMARSANA, AMURSANA - Well-meaning. The name of the national hero of Western Mongolia (Dzungaria). He led a liberation struggle against the Manchu-Chinese yoke in the 18th century.

AMGALAN - Calm, peaceful.

ANDAMA (Tib.) - Mighty. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

ANZHIL (Tib.) - The king of power, the name of the jewel of the wish-fulfilling one. The Sanskrit word is CHINTAMANI.

ANGILMA (Tib.) - Lady. The same root as Anjil.

ANZHUR (Tib.) - Ruler, dominant.

ANZAD (Tib.) - Treasury of power.


ARYA (Sanskrit) - Supreme, saint. Usually used before the names of Bodhisattvas, saints, famous Buddhists.

ARYUUNA - Clean, light.

ARYUNGEREL - Pure, bright light.

ARYUUNSESEG - Pure, light flower.

ANCHIG (Tib.) - the same as Vanchig.

ARABJAY (Tib.) - The most popular, widespread.

ARDAN (Tib.) - Strong, mighty.

Ayur (Sanskrit) - Life, age.

AYURZANA, AYURZHANA (Sanskrit) - Life wisdom.

Ayusha (Sanskrit) - Life Extender. The name of the deity of longevity.

AYAN - Travel.

ARYUUNTUYA - Clean, bright dawn.

ASHATA - All-powerful.

AYUNA (Turkic) - Bear. Ayu is a bear. OYUNA will be more correct.

AYANA (female) - Travel.

BABUSENGE (Tib.) - Brave lion.

BAVASAN, BAASAN (Tib.) - Planet Venus, corresponds to Friday.

BADARA (Sanskrit) - Good.

BAATAR - Bogatyr, short for the old Mongolian Bagatur. The Russian word bogatyr also comes from the word bagatur.

BABU (Tib.) - Hero, brave.

BABUDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond hero.

BADMAGARMA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Constellation of lotuses.

BADMAGURO (Sanskrit) - Lotus teacher.

BADMARINCHIN (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Precious lotus.

BADMAJAB (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Protected by the lotus.

BADMAHANDA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus Dakina, heavenly fairy.

BADARMA (Sanskrit) - Beautiful.

BADARKHAN - Prosperous.

BADARSHA (Sanskrit) - The Petitioner.

BATLAY - Brave.

BADMA (Sanskrit) - Lotus. The image of a lotus in Buddhism symbolizes crystal immaculate purity, since a beautiful lotus has nothing to do with the mud of the swamp from which it grows, just like the Buddha who attained nirvana, escaped from the swamp of samsara.

BAZARSADA (Sanskrit) - The essence of a diamond.

BALAMZHI (Tib.) - Born by a diamond.

BALANSENGE (Tib.) - Diamond lion.

BALBAR (Tib.) - Blazing brilliance, radiance.

BALBARMA (Tib.) - Blazing brilliance, radiance.

BALDAG - Thick, stocky.

BADMATSEBEG (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Immortal lotus.

BADMATSEREN (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus of long life.

BAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond. Buryat Forum from the Sanskrit "Vajra". This is one of the most important attributes of Tantrism, the Vajra is a symbol of the inviolability of the Teaching.

BAZARGURO (Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher.

BAZARJAB (Sanskrit) - Protected by a diamond.

BALDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond of greatness.

BALMA (Tib.) - Rich, radiant, glorified.

BALSAMBU (Tib.) - Exquisite.

BALSAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful.

BALTA - Hammer.

BALKHAN - Plump.

BALDAN (Tib.) - Nice, magnificent.

BALDANDORZHO (Tib.) - Magnificent diamond.

BALDANJAB (Tib.) - Protected by glory, greatness.

BALDANSENGE (Tib.) - Magnificent lion.

BALDAR (Tib.) - Giving happiness. Epithet of the Deity of Wealth. In Sanskrit Kubera, in Tibetan Namtosrai. Buryat pronunciation of Namsaray.

BANZAN (Sanskrit) - Five.

BANZAR (Tib.) - Uniting power.

BANZARAGSHA (Sanskrit) - Five protectors.

BANDY - Man, Boy.

BARAS - Tiger.

BATA - Strong, strong. The name of Genghis Khan's grandson.

BALJID (Tib.) - Striving for prosperity.

BALJIDMA (Tib.) - the same as Baljid.

BALJIMA (Tib.) - Magnificent.

BALJIMEDEG (Tib.) - Flower of happiness.

BALZHIN (Tib.) - Giver of wealth.

BALJINIMA (Tib.) - The sun of happiness.

BALZHIR (Tib.) - Wealth, brilliance, radiance.

BALSAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful

BALCHIN (Tib.) - Very rich, glorious.

BATAMUNKHE - Eternal firmness.

BATASAIKHAN - Strongly beautiful.

BATASUHE - Strong ax.

BATATUMER - Solid iron.

BATATSEREN - The longest.

BATAERDENI - Solid jewel.

BATABAATAR - Strong, strong hero.

BATABAYAR - Strong joy.

BATABULAD - Strong steel.

BATABELIG - Solid wisdom.

BATABELEG - A strong gift.

BATADAMBA (Bur-Tib.) - Most Holy.

BATADORZHO (Bur-Tib.) - Hard diamond.

BATADELGER - Strong flowering.

BATAZHAB (Bur-Tib.) - Hard-proof.

BATAZHARGAL - Strong happiness.

BATAZAYA - Strong destiny.

BAYARSAIKHAN - Beautiful joy.


BAYARTA - Joyful.

BIDIYA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “Vidya”.

BIZIA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge.

BIMBA (Tib.) - Planet Saturn, corresponds to Saturday.

BIMBAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by Saturn.

BATASHULUUN - Solid stone.

BAYAN - Rich.

BAYANBATA - Firmly rich.

BAYANDALAY - Rich sea, inexhaustible wealth.

BAYANDELGER - Rich prosperity.

BAYAR - Joy.


BULADBAATAR - Steel hero.

BULADSAYKHAN - Beautiful steel.

BULADTSEREN - Long life of steel.

BUMA (Tib.) - Girl, girl.

BUNAYA (Sanskrit) - Virtue, from the Sansrit word "Punya".

BIMBATSEREN (Tib.) —Long life under the sign of Saturn. -

BIRABA (Sanskrit) - Frightening. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “Bhai-rava” is terrible. The name of one of the angry incarnations of Shiva.

BOLORMA - Crystal.

BORJON - Granite.

BUDA is the Enlightened One. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “Buddha”. The name of the founder of Buddhism, the first of the 3 world religions.

BUDAJAB (Sanskrit Tib.) - Protected by Buddha.

BUDATSEREN (Sanskrit Tib.) - Long life of Buddha.

BUDAMSHU - The name of the national folklore hero of Buryatia.

BUDON - The name of the famous Tibetan author of multivolume historical works of the 14th century.

BUJIDMA is the same as Butidma.

BULAD - Steel.

BURGED - Eagle, golden eagle.


BELIGMA - Wisdom.

BUTIDMA - Leading son, a name is given to a daughter in the hope that a son will be born.


BUYANBATA - Solid virtue.

BUYANDELGER - The flowering of virtue.

BUYANHESHEG - Virtuous welfare.

BELEG - Gift.

VANJUR (Tib.) - Ruler.

WANZAN (Tib.) - Owner.

VANCHIK (Tib.) - Mighty.

VAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying power

WANDAN (Tib.) - Possessing power.

VANJIL (Tib.) - the same as Anjil.

GAZHIDMA (Tib.) - Generating admiration.

GALDAMA - The name of the Dzungarian (West Mongolian) hero who fought against the Manchu-Chinese invaders in the 17th century.

GALDAN (Tib.) - Having a blessed destiny.

GABA, GAVA (Tib.) - Happy, joyful

GADAMBA (Tib.) - Instructor.

GADAN (Tib.) - Joyful. This is the name of the abode of the gods, the world of the gods in Sanskrit Tushita. In Tushita, Bodhisattvas spend their penultimate life before descending to earth. Shakyamuni Buddha placed his crown on the head of Maitreya (Maidar), the Buddha of the coming kalpa.

GAMA (Tib.) - female form from Gaba.

GAMBAL (Tib.) - Shining happiness.

GAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying joy.

GAN - Steel.

GALZHAN (Tib. Female) - Blessed, happy. The name of the goddess of good fortune Byagavati.

GALSAN (Tib.) - Good destiny. This usually means a blessed world order, kalpa.

GALSANDABA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the moon.

GALSANNIMA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Sun.

GALCHI, GALSHI (Tib.) - Great destiny, happy.

GANSUHE - Steel ax.

GANTUMER - Steel iron.

GANHUYAG - Steel chain mail, steel armor.

GANBAATAR - Steel hero

GANBATA - Strong steel.

GANBULAD - Hardened steel.

GATAB (Tib.) - Attained joy; ascetic, hermit, monk.

GENIN (Tib.) - A friend of virtue, close to piety.

GENINDARMA (Tib.) - A young friend of virtue.

GOMBO (Tib.) - The name of the patron, protector, keeper of the faith.

GANZHIL (Tib.) - Joy, happiness.

GANJIMA (Tib.) - Born by the snow. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

GANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist Canon "Tanchzhur", consisting of 108 volumes, which contain over 2000 sutras.

GARMA (Tib.) - Star, constellation.

GARMASU (Tib.) - The female form of the name Garm.

GARMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a star.

GONCHIG (Tib.) - Jewel.

GOOHON - Beauty.

GUMPIL (Tib.) - Increases everything.

GUNGA (Tib.) - Joy, fun. It is the Tibetan translation of Anand.

GOMBOJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the guardian, the protector of the faith.

GOMBODORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond keeper, protector of faith.

GOMBOTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of the guardian, protector of the faith.

GONGOR (Tib.) - White guardian.

GYNDENSAMBU (Tib.) - Good in every way. The name of Adi is Buddha Samantabhadra.

GYNJID (Tib.) - He makes everyone happy.

GYNZEN (Tib.) - All-embracing, all-inclusive.

GYNSEN (Tib.) - The best of them all.

GYNSEMA (Tib.) - The female form of Gunsen.

GUNGAZHALSAN (Tib.) - A joyful symbol, a sign of victory.

GUNGANIMA (Tib.) - Joyful sun.

GUNGANIMBU (Tib.) - Generous joy.

GYNDEN (Tib.) - Pious, devout.

GYRE (Sanskrit) - Teacher, spiritual guide. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Guru."

GYREBAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher.

GYREDARMA (Sanskrit Tib.) - Young teacher.

GYREJAB (Sanskrit Tib.) - Protected by the teacher.

GYNTUB (Tib.) - Conquering all.

GYNCHEN (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.

GYRGEMA (Tib.) - Dear.

GERELMA - Light.

GESER - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic of the same name.

GEMPEL, GEPEL (Tib.) - Multiplying happiness.

GEMPELMA, GEPELMA (Tib.) - Female form Gampel, Gapal.

GYRERAGSHA (Sanskrit) - The Patronage of the Teacher.

GYMA (Tib.) - Peace, tranquility.

GEGEN - Enlightened. Used as the title of the highest lamas in Mongolia. For example Bogdo-gegeen, Under-gegeen.

GELEG (Tib.) - Happiness, luck, prosperity.

GELEGMA (Tib.) - The female form of Geleg.

DAGBAZHALSAN (Tib.) - A clear sign of victory.

DAGDAN (Tib.) - Famous, famous.

DAGZAMA (Tib.) - Holding glory. The name of the wife of Prince Siddhartha, who was famous for her beauty, wisdom and virtue.

DAGMA (Tib.) - Famous.

Daba (Tib.) - Moon.

DABAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Moon.

DABATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the moon.

DAGBA (Tib.) - Pure.

DAMBADUGAR (Tib.) - Sacred white umbrella.

DAMBANIMA (Tib.) - The sun of holiness.

DAMDIN (Tib.) - Having the neck of a horse. The Tibetan name for the deity Hayagriva.

DAMDINTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of one who has a horse's neck.

GIVE - Ocean, sea.

DALBA (Tib.) - Silence, peace.

DAMBA (Tib.) - Sublime, excellent, saint.

DAMBADORJO (Tib.) - Sacred diamond.

DANSARAN (Tib.) - Saint, sage.

DANSIRYN (Tib.) - Keeper of the Teaching.

DARA (Sanskrit) - The Liberator. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “Tara”. Dara and Dari are the names of Green and White Tar.

DARZHA (Tib.) - Rapid development, prosperity.

DUMPIL (Tib.) - Prosperous happiness.

DANDAR (Tib.) - Dissemination of the teachings.

DANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Danchzhur", consisting of 225 volumes, including about 4000 sutras.

DANZAN (Tib.) - Holder of the Buddha's Teachings, it is included in the names of the Dalai Lama 14, but in the sound of Tenzin.

DARMA (Tib.) - Young, young.

DARKHAN - Blacksmith.

DASHI (Tib.) - Happiness, prosperity, prosperity.

DASHIBAL (Tib.) - Shine of happiness.

DASHIBALBAR (Tib.) - Radiance of happiness.

DARI (Sanskrit) - The Liberator. The name of White Tara.

DARIZAB (Sanskrit Tib.) - Protected by the White Tara.

DARIMA (Sanskrit) - The same as Dari.

DARIKHANDA (Sanskrit Tib.) - Heavenly liberator.

DASHIJAB (Tib.) - Protected by happiness.

DASHIJAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of happiness.

DASHIZEBGE (Tib.) - Folded happiness.

DASHIGALSAN (Tib.) - A happy fate in prosperity.

DASHIDONDOK (Tib.) - Making happiness.

DASHIDONDUB (Tib.) - Happy fulfilling the aspirations of all living beings.

DASHIDORZHO (Tib.) - Happy diamond.

DASHIDUGAR (Tib.) - Happy white umbrella.

DOLGEN - Wave.

Dolzhin (Tib.) - Green Liberator. Tibetan name for Green Tara.

SHOULD (Tib.) - Deliverer, saving.

DONGARMA (Tib.) - White-faced.

DONDOK (Tib.) - Well-meaning.

DONDUB (Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings. Tibetan translation of Sanskrit “Siddhartha.” The name of Buddha Shakyamuni given to him at birth.

DASHIMA (Tib.) - Happy.

DASHINAMZHIL (Tib.) - Auspicious.

DASHINIMA (Tib.) - Happy sun.

DASHIRABDAN (Tib.) - Lasting happiness.

DASHITSEREN (Tib.) - The happiness of a long life.

DIMED (Tib.) - Pure, spotless. Epithet of Buddha.

DOGSAN (Tib.) - Magic peak.

DOLGOR, DOLGORMA (Tib.) - White liberator. Tibetan name for White Tara.

DUGAR (Tib.) - White umbrella.

DUGARJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a white umbrella.

DUHARMA (Tib.) - White umbrella. The name of Dakini Sitapatra, which protects from diseases, misfortunes. Especially children.

DUGARTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the protection of the White Umbrella (Sitapatra).

DUGDAN (Tib.) - Kind, merciful, compassionate.

DULMA (Tib.) - The Liberator. Has the same meaning as Dara.

DONID (Tib.) - The essence of emptiness.

DONIR (Tib.) - Caring for the meaning.

DORGIO (Tib.) - Diamond. Literally "prince of stones." The Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word "Vajra."

ROJOJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.

DORZHOHANDA (Tib.) - Diamond Dakinya. The name of one of the 5 main Dakinis.

DUBSHAN (Tib.) - Great yogi.

DELEG (Tib.) - Peace, happiness.

DEMA (Tib.) - Satisfied, prosperous.

DEMBEREL (Tib.) - An omen.

DULSAN (Tib.) - Same meaning as Dulma.

DULMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Liberator.

DUNZHIT (Tib.) - Generating desires.

DYNZEN (Tib.) - Keeping time. Epithet Yamaraja (in Buryat Erlig — nomuun — khan), lord of the dead.

DEZHIT (Tib.) - Bliss, well-being.

DELGER - Spacious, extensive.

DENSEN (Tib.) - Good truth.

DENSEMA (Tib.) - The female form of DENSEN.

DESHIN (Tib.) - Great blessing.

DAMSHEG, DEMCHOG (Tib.) - The highest happiness. The name of the most important tantric deity is Idam Samvara, who lives on Mount Kailash.

DENJIDMA (Tib.) - Support, an epithet of the earth, the globe.

YESHIDORZHO (Tib.) - The diamond of perfect wisdom.

YESHIDOLGOR (Tib.) - Omniscient white liberator.

ESHINHORLO (Tib.) - The wheel of omniscience.

ENDON (Tib.) - Dignity; virtue; knowledge.

ENDONJAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of knowledge.

YESHE, YESHI (Tib.) - Omniscience, Perfection of wisdom.

ESHIJAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of perfect wisdom.

JALSAB (Tib.) - Regent, viceroy. Epithet of Buddha Maitreya.

ZHALSAN (Tib.) - Symbol, sign of victory. Buddhist attribute: cylindrical-shaped banner made of colored silk; this kind of banner is attached to flagpoles or worn during religious processions. It is also one of the 8 good emblems.

ZHALSARAY (Tib.) - Prince, prince.

JAB (Tib.) - Protection, patronage, refuge. Epithet of Buddha.

JADAMBA (Tib.) - 8-thousandth. The short name of the Prajna version abbreviated to 8,000 is paramita.

JALMA (Tib.) - Queen. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

ZHAMSARAN (Tib.) - Deity of warriors.

JAMIAN (Tib.) - Melodious. Epithet of Manzushri.

JANA (Sanskrit) - Wisdom. From the Sanskrit word "Jnana".

ZHANCHIB (Tib.) - Enlightened. The Tibetan translation of the word "bodhi." The first meaning is translated as enlightened, and the second as the tree of wisdom (fig tree), under which Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment.

JARGAL - Happiness.

ZHAMBA (Tib.) - Mercy, kindness. The name of the coming Buddha Maitreya.

ZHAMBAL (Tib.) - Blessed. The name of Bodhisattva Manzushri.

JAMBALDORJO (Tib.) - Blessed diamond.

ZHAMBALZHAMSA (Tib.) - Blessed ocean.

JAMSA (Tib.) - Sea, ocean. Buryat pronunciation of the Tibetan word Gyatso. It is included as a mandatory name in the names of the Dalai Lamas and other great lamas.

JIGMITDORZHO (Tib.) - Fearless diamond; Indestructible diamond.

ZHIGMITTSEREN (Tib.) - Indestructible long life.

ZHIMBA (Tib.) - Alms, alms, donation. Generosity is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.

ZHIMBAZHAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of generosity.

ZHARGALMA - Happiness (female name).

ZHARGALSAYKHAN - Beautiful happiness.

ZHIGDEN (Tib.) - Universe.

ZHIGZHIT (Tib.) - A fearsome keeper of faith.

ZHIGMIT (Tib.) - Fearless, courageous; Indestructible.

JEBZEN (Tib.) - Venerable, reverend (in relation to hermits, saints, learned lamas.)

ZHEBZEMA (Tib.) - the female form of Zhebzen.

ZHYGDER (Tib.) - Ushnisha (growth on the crown of Buddha's head as one of his wonderful signs of enlightenment).

ZHYGDERDIMED (Tib.) - Pure, spotless ushnisha.

ZHYMBRYL (Tib.) - Magic, magic.

ZHYMBRYLMA (Tib. Female) - Magic, magic.

ZANDAN (Sanskrit) - Sandalwood.

ZANDRA (Sanskrit) - Moon. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “chandra”.

ZANA - Happy destiny.

ZODBO, SODBO (Tib.) - Patience, patience is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.

ZANA - the same as Zana.

ZANABADAR (Sanskrit) - Good wisdom.

ZANABAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond of wisdom. The name of the first Mongolian bogdo Dzhebzundam-by, nicknamed Ynder-gegeen among the people.

ZORIG, 30RIGT0 - Brave, brave.

ZUNDY (Tib.) - Diligent, diligent, diligent.

ZEBGE (Tib.) - Folded, ordered.

GOLD - Lucky, happy.

ZOLOZAYA - Happy fate.

IDAM (Tib.) - Contemplated deity. In Tantrism, a guardian deity that a person chooses to be his patron either for life or for individual (special) occasions.

IDAMJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a contemplative deity.

LOBSAN, LUBSAN (Tib.) - Wise, scientist.

LUBSANBALDAN (Tib.) - Glorious wise.

LUBSANDORJO (Tib.) - A wise diamond.

Laidab (Tib.) - Who did the deed.

LAJIT (Tib.) - Happy Karma.

LAYJITHANDA (Tib.) - Dakini's happy karma.

LAMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the supreme.

LENHOBO - Lotus.

LODOY (Tib.) - Wisdom.

LODOYDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy wisdom.

LODOYZHAMSA (Tib.) - Ocean of wisdom.

LODON (Tib.) - Wise.

LUBSANTSEREN (Tib.) - Wise long life.

LUBSAMA (Tib.) - Wise, scientist.

LOSOL (Tib.) - Clear mind.

LOCHIN, LOSHON (Tib.) - Gifted, talented, with great mental abilities.

LUDUP (Tib.) - Received siddhi from the nagas. The name of Nagarjuna, a great Indian teacher in the 2-3 century.

LHASARAI (Tib.) - Prince, prince, literally - the son of a deity.

LHASARAN (Tib.) - Protected by a deity.

LODONDAGBA (Tib.) - Sacred wisdom.

LONBO (Tib.) - High-ranking official, adviser.

LOPIL (Tib.) - With a developed mind.

LEGDEN, LYGDEN (Tib.) - Virtuous, filled with all that is good.

LEGZHIN (Tib.) - Giving everyone good, bestowing good. Epithet of the goddess Tara.

LYGZHIMA, LEGZHIMA (Tib.) - Blessed. Name of Buddha's mother.

LYGSYK, LEGSEK (Tib.) - Accumulation of good.

LABRIMA (Tib.) - Well painted, i.e. a goddess with a drawing on her hands, talking about holiness.

MANGE (Tib.) - She gives birth to many.

MANZAN (Tib.) - Holding a lot. Epithet of fire.

MANZARAKSHA (Tib.) - the same as Banzaraksha.

MANI (Sanskrit) - Jewel.

MAIDAR (Tib.) - Lover of all living beings. Buryat pronunciation of Maitreya - Buddha of the coming kalpa (world order). Maitreya is currently in Tushita, where he is waiting for the time of his entry as Buddha into the world of people.

MAKSAR (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of the deity Yama, the lord of the dead.

MAXARMA (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of Yama's wife.

MIJIDDORJO (Tib.) - An unshakable diamond.

MINJUR (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.

MINJURMA (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.

MANIBADAR (sancr.) - Blessed treasure.

MIGMAR, MYAGMAR (Tib.) - Literally means red eye, in fact the planet Mars, which corresponds to Tuesday.

MIJID (Tib.) - Unwavering, unflappable. The name of one of the Dhyanis is the Buddhas Akshobhya, who sits in the east.

MYNHABATA - Strong eternity.

MYNKHABAYAR - Eternal joy.

MYNHEDELGER - Eternal flowering.

MITUP, MITIB (Tib.) - Invincible, not surpassable.

MYNHE - Eternal. Eternity.

MYNHEBAATAR - Eternal hero.

MYNHETUYA - Eternal dawn.


MYNGENSESEG - Silver flower.

MONKHEZHARGAL - Eternal happiness.

MYNHEZAYA - Eternal destiny.

MYNHESESEG - Eternal flower.

MEDEGMA (Tib.) - Flower.

MERGEN - Wise, well-aimed.

MYNGENTUYA - Silver dawn.

MYNGENSHAGAI - Silver ankle.

NAYJIN (Tib.) - Who gave away the area. An epithet of Vishnu, one of the gods of Hinduism, who makes up the divine triad in Hinduism with Brahma and Shiva.

NAISRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of the area.

NADMIT (Tib.) - Free from disease, healthy, strong.

NAIDAK (Tib.) - The owner of the area, the deity of the area.

NAYDAN (Tib.) - Elder, old and revered Buddhist monk.

NAMZHALMA, NAMZHILMA (Tib.) - Complete winner, winner. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

NAMZHALDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond winner.

NAMLAN (Tib.) - Dawn, morning dawn, sunrise.

NAMDAG (Tib.) - Perfectly pure, or glorious.

NAMDAGJALBA (Tib.) - King of glory. Epithet of Buddha.

NAMZHAY (Tib.) - Abundant.

NAMZHAL, NAMJIL (Tib.) - Complete victory, winner.

NAMHA (Tib.) - Sky.

NAMHABAL (Tib.) - Heavenly radiance.

NAMHAY (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.

NAMNAY (Tib.) - Constantly existing. The epithet of the sun.

NAMSAL (Tib.) - Bright radiance, illuminating everything. The epithet of the sun.

NAMSALMA (Tib.) - Brilliant.

NAMSARAI (Tib.) - The name of the deity of wealth.

NARANGEREL - Sunlight.

NARANZAYA - Solar destiny.

NARANSESEG - Sunny flower.

NARANTUYA - Sunrise.

NASAN - Life.

NAMHAYNIMBU (Tib.) - Omniscient, magnanimous.

NAMSHI (Tib.) - Perfect knowledge, intuition.

NARAN - The Sun.

NARANBAATAR - Solar hero.

NASHANBATA - Hard Falcon.

NASHANBAATAR - Falcon is a hero.

NIMA (Tib.) - The sun, which corresponds to the resurrection.

NIMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the sun.

NIMATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of the sun.

NASANBATA - Strong life.

NATSAG (Tib.) - Ecumenical.

NATSAGDORZHO (Tib.) - The universal diamond. Attribute of Amogasiddhi, one of the Dhyani-Buddhas guarding the north.


NOMINTUYA - Emerald Dawn.

NOMTO - Scientist, wise.

NOMSHO - Vowed Scribe.

Nimbu (Tib.) - Generous.

NOMGON - Calm, meek.

NOMIN - Emerald.

NOMINGEREL - Emerald light.

NOMINSESEG - Emerald flower.

NORJON (Tib.) - Keeper of property.

NORJUNMA (Tib.) - The flow of wealth. Epithet of the wife of Indra, the queen of heaven.

NORZEN (Tib.) - Holding wealth.

NORBO (Tib.) - Jewel.

NORBOSAMBU (Tib.) - A wonderful jewel. Epithet of the deity of wealth.

NORDAN (Tib.) - Owner of wealth, an epithet of the earth, the globe.

NORDOP (Tib.) - Rich.

NORJIMA (Tib.) - Giver of wealth.

NORPOL (Tib.) - Precious radiance.

ODONSESEG - Star flower.

ODONTUA - Starry Dawn.

OJIN (Tib.) - Giver of light. Epithet of the Sun.

ODON - Star.

ODONGEREL - Starlight.

ODONZAYA - Star Destiny.

OIDOB, OIDOP (Tib.) - Perfection, ability, siddhi. Siddhi means the supernatural powers of a person's strength, acquired by him as a result of yoga practice.

OLZON - Find, profit.

ODSAL, ODSOL (Tib.) - Clear light.

ODSSRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of the light.

ODESER (Tib.) - Rays of light.

OCHIGMA (Tib.) - Radiant.

OCHIR, OSHOR - Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "vajra" - diamond. See Bazaar.

OCHIRJAB (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.

OSHORNIMA (Sanskrit-Tib.) Diamond sun.

OSHON - Spark.

OSHONGEREL - Light of a spark.

OYUNA - Has two meanings: intelligence, giftedness and turquoise.

OYUNBELIG - Wise, talented, gifted.

OYUNGEREL - Light of wisdom.

OYUNTUYA - Dawn of wisdom.

OYUNSHEMEG - Turquoise decoration.

ONGON - Spirit, genius - keeper of shamanists. Another meaning is a sacred, revered, reserved place.

OSOR (Tib.) - the same as Odser.

OTKHON - Junior. Literally - the keeper of the hearth.

OTKHONBAYAR - Younger joy.

OTHONBELIG - Younger wisdom.

OTHONSESEG - Younger flower.

PIRAGLAY (Tib.) - the same as Prinlai.

ACCEPT (Tib.) - The act of a Bodhisattva, a saint.

PYNSEG (Tib.) - Perfect, happy, beautiful.

PAGBA (Tib.) - Holy, noble.

PAGMA (Tib.) - Venerable, lady, queen.

PALAM (Tib.) - Diamond, brilliant.

PIGLAY (Tib.) - Holy Karma.

PYNSEGNIMA (Tib.) - The sun of prosperity.

PYRBE (Tib.) - Planet Jupiter, which corresponds to Thursday; the name of the magical triangular dagger used to exorcise evil spirits.

PELMA (Tib.) - Multiplying.

PELZHED (Tib.) - Growing, increasing. Epithet of Vishnu.

RADNASAMBU (Sanskrit-Tib.) - A beautiful jewel.

RAGCHA, RAKSHA (Sanskrit) - Patronage.

RANJUN (Tib.) - Self-arising.

RABDAN (Tib.) - Strong, very strong.

RABSAL (Tib.) - Distinct, clear.

RADNA (Sanskrit) - Jewel.

RINCINDORJO (Tib.) - Precious diamond.

RINCHINSENGE (Tib.) - Precious lion.

RANZHUR (Tib.) - Self-changing, improving.

RANPIL (Tib.) - Self-increasing.

RUGBY (Tib.) - Smart.


REGSEL (Tib.) - Clear knowledge.

REGZEN, IRGIZIN (Tib.) - A sage who holds knowledge.

RINCHINHANDA (Tib.) - Precious heavenly fairy (Dakinya).

REGDEL (Tib.) - Free from attachments.

REGZED (Tib.) - Treasury of knowledge.

REGZEMA (Tib.) - The female form of Ragzen.

SAINBELIG - Beautiful wisdom.

SAINZHARGAL - Wonderful happiness.

SAGAADAY - White, light

SAIJIN (Tib.) - Giver of food, giving alms.

SAINBATA - Strong beautiful.

SAINBAYAR - Wonderful joy.

SANDAG, SANDAK, (Tib.) - Lord of the secret. Epithet of Bodhisattva Vajrapani (Bur. Oshor Vani). See explanations to CHAGDAR.

SANDAN - The same as Samdan.

SANJAY (Tib.) - Spreading purity. Tibetan translation of the word Buddha, an epithet of Buddha.

SAMBU (Tib.) - Good, kind, beautiful

SAMDAN (Tib.) - The name comes from the Buddhist concept of dhyana-samdan, meaning the initial stage of concentration, meditation, in which the object of concentration completely takes over the mind. In a word, meditation, contemplation.

SAMPIL (tib,) - Practitioner of contemplation.

SANGAZHAP (Skt.) - Protected by the community (i.e. Buddhist Sangha).

SANJIMA (Tib.) - Pure, honest.

SANJIMITYP (Tib.) - Invincible.

SARAN - Moon.

SANZHAYJAB (Tib.) - Protected by Buddha.

SANJADORJO (Tib.) - Diamond Buddha.

SANZHARAGSHA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Patronage of the Buddha.

SANJID (Tib.) - Cleansing. Epithet of fire, water and the sacred herb kusha.

SANJIDMA - Female form from Sanjid.

SAYAN - In honor of the Sayan Mountains.

SAYANA - Female form from the Sayan.

SODBO - The same as Zodbo.

SARANGEREL - Moonlight, ray.

SARANSESEG - Moon flower.

SARANTUYA - Moonlight.

SARUUL - The Most Serene, Talented.

SARYUUN - Beautiful, magnificent.

SUGHIR - Pale, whitish.

SOYJIMA - Female form from Soijin.

SOYJIN (Tib.) - Giver of healing, healer.

SOKTO - right - Sogto - Sparkling, lively.

SOLBON - There are two meanings: the planet Venus, which corresponds to Friday, and dexterous, agile.

SOLONGO - Rainbow.

SODNOMBAL (Tib.) - Increasing, multiplying spiritual merit.

SODNOM (Tib.) - Spiritual merit, virtues acquired as a result of performing virtuous deeds.

SOEL - Education, good breeding, culture.

SOELMA - Female form from Soel.

SYMBER (Skt.) - Buryat-Mongolian form from Sumeru - the king of the mountains. The name of the mythical mountain, the center of the universe.

SUNDAR (Tib.) - Disseminating instructions.

SURANZAN - Magnet.

SOLTO - Glorious, famous, famous.

SOSOR (Tib.) - Normal.

SRONZON (Tib.) - Straight-line, not bending. The name is combined with Gampo (Srontsan Gampo) - the famous king of Tibet of the 7th century, who created a vast Tibetan state and was considered the patron saint of Buddhism.

SUBADI, SUBDA - Pearl, pearl.

SULTIM (Tib.) - Moral. Buddhist concept of moral purity (thoughts, speech and deeds); one of the paramitas (see Abarmit)

SUMATI (Skt.) - Scientist, educated.

SUMATIRADNA (Skt.) - Precious knowledge, or treasure of learning. The name of Rinchen Nomtoev (1820-1907) - a prominent Buryat scientist, writer and educator of the second half of the 19th century.

SENGE (Sanskrit) - Leo.

SANGEL, SANGELEN - Cheerful, joyful.

SANDEMA (Tib.) - Lion-faced. The name of the heavenly fairy (Dakini) of wisdom.

SENHE - Hoarfrost.

SIRYN (Tib.) - Protection, amulet.

SYHE - Ax.

SYHEBATAR - Ax-hero. The name of the Mongolian revolutionary, commander. One of the founders of the Mongolian People's Republic.

SYZHIP (Tib.) - Protected, guarded by life.

SEBEGMID (Tib.) - Eternal life, immeasurable life. The name of Buddha is Amitayus, the deity of longevity.

SAMZHED (Tib.) - Pleasing the mind. Epithet of the goddess Uma, queen of heaven.

SESEN - Smart, wise.

SESERLIG - Flower garden, garden.

SERGELEN - Agile, nimble.

SERZHIMA (Tib.) - Golden.

SERZHIMEDEG (Tib.) - Golden flower.

SEREMZHE - Vigilance, sensitivity.


TOLON - Ray, shine, radiance, purity.

TYBDEN (Tib.) - Teaching of Buddha, Buddhism.

TABHAI (Tib.) - Skillful, capable.

TAGAR (Tib.) - White tiger. The name of the deity of the naga class.

TAMIR - Strength (physical), energy, health.

TAMJID (Tib.) - All-good.

TOGMID, TOGMITH (Tib.) - Beginningless, primordial eternal; epithet of Adibuddha.

TYGESBAYAR - Full joy.


TYGESZHARGAL - Complete happiness.

TYBCHIN, TYBSHIN (Tib.) - Great, saint, an epithet of Buddha.

TUVAN (Tib.) - lord of ascetics, an epithet of Buddha

TUVANDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond lord of the ascetics.

TYGELDER - Full, full of.

TYGES - Complete, completed.

TYGESBATA - Strong full.

TYGESBAYAN - Full of wealth.

TYMENBATA - Strong abundance.

TYMENBAYAR - Abundant joy.

TYGET - Tibetan.

TYDYP, TYDEB (Tib.) - Powerful, magical.

TYDEN (Tib.) - Strong, powerful.

TYMEN - Ten thousand, plenty of abundance.

TUYANA - Stylized form from “tuyaa” - dawn, rays of light, radiance.

TAMYLEN - Striving forward, impetuous. The name of the daughter of Genghis Khan (1153-1227).

TEKhE is a goat.

TYMENZHARGAL - Abundant happiness.

TYMER - Iron.

TYMERBAATAR - Iron hero.

TUNGALAG - Transparent, clean.

TIRGEN - Fast, agile. Wed Turgeyuv.

TYSHEMEL - Nobleman, dignitary, minister.

TYSHIN (Tib.) - Great power of magic.

ULZYZHARGAL - Happiness.

YLEMZHE - A lot, abundance. Planet Mercury, which corresponds to the environment.

YNERMA - Happy.

UBASHI (Skt.) - A layman who has taken vows.

UDBAL (Skt.) - Blue lotus.

YEN - Ermine.

ULZY - Spreading happiness.

URINGEREL - Delicate light.

URINZHARGAL - Delicate happiness.

URINSESEG - Delicate flower.

YNERSAIKHAN - Beautiful happiness.

URZHAN (Tib.) - Head ornament, crown.

URJIMA (Tib.) - Diadem.

URIN - Gentle, affectionate, affable.

URINBAYAR - Delicate joy.

URINTUYA - Gentle dawn.

UYANGA - Flexible, plastic, melodic.

HYDAB, HYDAP (Tib.) - Smart, saint.

HAYDAN (Tib.) - Wise, persistent.

HAIMCHIG (Tib.) - An outstanding expert, a famous scientist.

HADAN (Tib.) - Having gods, an epithet of Lhasa.

KHAZHID (Tib.) - A celestial dwelling in heaven.

KHAJIDMA - Female form from Khajid.

KHAIBZAN (Tib.) - Clergyman, monk, scholar and righteous.

HORLO (Tib.) - Circle, wheel.

HUBDAY - Amber.

KHAMATSYREN (from Lhamatsyren) (Tib.) - Goddess of long life.

HANDA (Tib.) - Walking through the sky; epithet of the sun.

KHANDAJAP (Tib.) - Protected by a heavenly fairy (Dakini).

HANDAMA (Tib.) - Dakinis, celestial fairies, female deities. Literally: walking through the sky.

HASH - Chalcedony.

KHASHBAATAR - Chalcedony hero. Name of the illustrious Mongolian general during the creation of the Mongolian People's Republic.

HONGOR - Sweet, charming, affectionate.

HYRELBAATAR - Bronze hero.

HUYAG - Chain mail, armor.

KHUBISKHAL - Change, change.

KHUBITA - One who has destiny.

HULAN - Antelope. The name of one of Genghis Khan's wives.

HYREL - Bronze.

HERMAN - Squirrel.

HESHEGTE - Happiness, prosperity, mercy.

TSIBIKZHAB, TSEBEGZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by immortality, eternity.

TSIDEN, TSEDEN (Tib.) - Strong life.

TSYDENBAL, TSEDENBAL (Tib.) - Increases strong life.

TSOKTO - The same as Sokto.

TSYBEGMIT - Same as Sabagmead.

TSYBAN, TSEBEN (Tib.) - Lord of life.

TSYBIK, TSEBEG (Tib.) - Immortal.

TSYMBAL (Tib.) - Prosperity. Also found often as - Symbal.

CHIPELMA (Tib.) - Multiplying life.

TSIREMZHIT, TSEREMZHIT (Tib.) - Happiness, the blessing of a long life.

TSYDENZHAB, TSEDENZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a strong life.

TSEDENDAMBA, TSEDENDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy strong life.

TSYDENESHI, TSEDENESHI (Tib.) - Omniscience of a strong life.

TSYDYP, TSEDEB (Tib.) - Life-giver.

TSIRENDYZHID, TSERENDEZHED (Tib.) - A prosperous long life.

TSYRENZHAB, TSERENZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a long life.

TSYRETOR (Tib.) - The treasure of long life.

TSYREN, TSEREN (Tib.) - Long life.

TSIRENDASHI, TSERENDASHA (Tib.) - Prosperity of a long life.

TSIRENDORZHO, TSERENDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond of long life.

TSIRENDULMA, TSERENDULMA (Tib.) - Long life of a liberator, i.e. White Tara.

TSYRMA - The female form from Tsyren, although there is also a form of Tsyrenma.

TsEPEL (Tib.) - Prolonging life.

TSERIGMA (Tib.) - Healer.

TSEREMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying long life.

CHIMITDORJI (Tib.) - Diamond of immortality.

CHIMITTSU - Female form from Chimit.

CHINGIS - The name of the man of the millennium, the founder of the Great Mongolian state.

CHAGDAR (Tib.) - With a vajra in hand. The name of Vajrapani (Oshorvani), an angry deity symbolizing the power that destroys ignorance.

CHIMBE - Form from Zhimbe.

CHIMIT (Tib.) - Immortal.

CHOIMPEL (Tib.) - Spreading the Teaching.

CHOINJIN (Tib.) - Religious offering, alms.

CHOINHOR is a Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word “dharmachakra”, ie "Wheel of the Buddha's teachings." This is one of the widespread attributes that symbolizes the preaching of Buddhist teachings. The Choynhor (Horlo) symbol is installed on the pediment of Buddhist temples, accompanied by a fallow deer and a deer, which is associated with the first sermon of the Buddha in the “Deer Park” in Benares. The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the "noble eightfold path" commanded in this sermon: - righteous view; righteous behavior; righteous determination; righteous speech; righteous lifestyle; righteous effort; righteous awareness; righteous contemplation. This is also the name of the path along which the pilgrims make a detour around Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and the prayer wheel.

CHOISRUN (Tib.) - Guardian of the teaching.

CHOIBALSAN (tib,) - A beautifully flourishing teaching.

CHOIBON - Same as Choibon.

CHOYZHOL, CHOYZHIL (Tib.) - King who rules according to the teachings. Serves as an epithet for Yama, the lord of the kingdom of the dead.

CHOYJON (Tib.) - Defender of religion.

SHODON (Tib.) - Buryat form from the Tibetan "chorten". Chorten (Skt. Stupa) is a Buddhist ritual structure of certain proportions, erected over the relics of Buddha, great holy lamas, etc. We are better known under the name "suburgan".

SHOEN (Tib.) - The sphere of religion.

SHOIBON (Tib.) - A subject of the Teaching, a follower of the Buddhist Teachings.

SHAGDAR - Form from Chagdar.

SHAGZHI (Tib.) - Buddhist term meaning a mystical gesture - mudra - a certain position "of the hand and fingers of Buddhist saints and lamas. Literally: the sign of the fingers of the hand.

SHIRAB, SHIRAP (Tib.) - Intuition; wisdom.

SHIRABSENGE (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lion of wisdom.

SHIRIDARMA (Skt.) - Great Teaching.

SHULUUNBATA - Strong stone.


SHULUUNSESEG - Stone flower.

SHOYDAGBA (Tib.) - Preacher.

SHOYJON - The same as Choyjon.

SHOJINIMA (Tib.) - The Sun of the Teaching.

SCHOINHOR - Same as Choinhor.

SHONO - Wolf.

SHULUUN - Stone.

ENHE - Calm, prosperous.

ENHEAMGALAN - Prosperous tranquility. The name of the Manchurian Emperor Kangxi of the 17th century.

ENHABATA - Strong well-being.

EDIR - Young, young.

EELDER - Amiable, delicate, courteous.

ELBEG - Abundant, Abundant.

ELDEB-OCHIR (Mongolian-Skt.) - The Mongolian version of the name of Natsagdorji, used on an equal basis with him.

ENHETAYBAN - A prosperous world.

ENHEREL - Tenderness.

ERDEM - Science, knowledge.

ENHEBAATAR - Peaceful hero.

ENKHABAYAR - Joyful well-being.

ENHEBULAD - Peaceful steel.

ENHEZHARGAL - Happy well-being.

ERHETE - Full-fledged.

ETIGEL - Reliable.

ERDEMBAYAR - Joyful knowledge.

ERDEMZHARGAL - Happy knowledge.

ERDENI - Jewel, treasure.

ERDENIBATA - Solid jewel.

ERZHENA - Stylized form from the Buryat "erzhen" - mother of pearl.

YUMDYLYK (Tib.) - Happiness, well-being of the mother.

YUMZHANA (Tib.) - Mother's adornment, or the eye of intuition.

YUMZHAP (Tib.) - Protected by the highest knowledge.

YUM (Tib.) - It has several meanings: firstly, mother, secondly - shakti, divine power (the creative feminine aspect of the supreme deity - Shiva), thirdly - as a Buddhist term - higher knowledge, intuition, an all-encompassing feminine source, from which everything flows and where everything returns. Finally, fourthly, Yum is the name of the third part "Gan-chzhur". The name Hume is rarely found alone, mainly in complex compositions.

YUMDOLGOR (Tib.) - Mother - White savior, i.e. White Tara (drill: Sagaan Dara - Ekhe).

YUMDORJI (Tib.) - The diamond (vajra) of intuition.

YUMZHID (Tib.) - Mother's happiness.

YUMSUN, YUMSUM (Tib.) - Queen-mother.

YUNDUN (tib,) - Its first meaning is the mystical cross, the swastika, which is one of the oldest Indian symbols of prosperity; the second is unchanging, indestructible.

YANDAN (Tib.) - Melodic, sonorous.

YANJIMA (Tib.) - The ruler of the melody, who has a melodic voice. Epithet Saraswati, goddess of eloquence, chants, patroness of arts and sciences.

YANZHIN - The same as Yanzhima.

YABZHAN (Tib.) - Father's decoration.

YAMPIL (tib,) - Multiplying the melody.

YANZHAY (Tib.) - A wonderful melody.

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Tibetan names

Tibetan male and female names

Tibet- a region of Central Asia, located on the Tibetan Plateau. This is a highland with a harsh climate.

Lhasa- the historical capital of Tibet.

At different periods of history, Tibet was an independent state, depending on the Mongol Empire or the Qing Empire. Since 1950, Tibet has been under the control of China.

Traditionally, the territory of Tibet was divided into the provinces of U-Tsang, Kam and Amdo.

Tibet has long attracted travelers with its riddles, secrets, hidden knowledge and beauty. The capital Lhasa, Mount Kailash, the monasteries of Tibet, Everest are traditional places for tourism.

Tibetan namebook is unique... Many Tibetan names applicable to both men and women. Tibetan names mainly reflect natural phenomena, professions, days of the week, features of appearance, etc. Buddhism also influenced the names of Tibetans.

Tibetan male names



Dawa - moon, monday

Lady - red flag



Mimar - Tuesday

Namgan - born on the 30th

Nima - sunshine, sunday

Norbu is a treasure



Phubu - Thursday



Tanba - Buddhism


Tinjol - liberation

Tobgyal - the guardian god




Tserin - longevity

Tsesom - born on the 3rd

Tsede - born on the 8th

Tsete - born on the 1st

Jianyang - wonderful sound


Choepal - the prosperity of Buddhism

Chunta is the youngest child



Tibetan female names

Byanba - Saturday


Dawa - moon, monday



Gele - happiness


Paw - Wednesday



Lhatse - beautiful as a goddess

Meto - flowers

Nima - sunshine, sunday

Padma - lotus

Pasan - Friday



Tserin - longevity



Our new book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Tibetan names. Tibetan male and female names


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If we talk about names and surnames in the East, then, for example, such surnames as Sun, Li, Qian and others are quite popular among the Chinese. Interesting but Tibetans do not have surnames like Chinese... Most often (with rare exceptions) every Tibetan has a name that is composed of four syllables (in the form of hieroglyphs), for example, Drakpa Gyalpo, Chimey Dorje, Tenzin Wangyal, Tsering Wandu and others.

Two religious traditions have had the greatest influence on Tibetan culture: Buddhism and Bon. Throughout history, these traditions have intertwined and formed a special cultural space. Therefore, the names have a strong religious connotation, but this rule is not always true.

The Tibetan language was also strongly influenced by the Chinese and Burmese languages., also greatly influenced by Sanskrit. Recently, due to the fact that China annexed Tibet, the names began to acquire other meanings. Many names have appeared associated with the communist ideology. Moreover, some Tibetans began to adopt Chinese surnames.

Child naming traditions

Tibetans give their children such names, which have a variety of meanings, ranging from spiritual to their feelings and thoughts. What are the names?

  • Names based on natural phenomena. For example, Nyima is the sun, Dava is the moon, Pema is the lotus and others.
  • Using calendar dates, for example, Tsede is the eighth, Namgang is the thirtieth, and so on.
  • Using the days of the week. Mimar is the second day of the week, Pasan is Friday, Lapa is Wednesday.
  • With the addition of place names, for example, Tenzin Wandu, Dorje Yaton, Drikung Chetsang. Yaton, Wandu, Drikung are geographical names.
  • Occasionally adds an occupation. The most famous example is Marpa Lotsava, which means "Marpa translator."
  • With the addition of physiological features. Kalzan Sote - "lame Kalzan", Tanba Shago - "dumb Tanba".

More often than not, names do not have gender differences. However, there are exclusively female names with the addition of the particle "mo" or "ma". For example, Lhamo, Drolma, Tseringma.

The most common spiritual names are:

  • The names of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, deities of famous teachers, masters, in other words - enlightened and holy beings.
  • Spiritual Buddhist qualities such as calmness, morality, compassion, generosity, fearlessness, perseverance.
  • Names of prayers, sutras and events from the life of Buddha and saints.
  • Associated with the Buddhist or Bon calendar.

How to name a child according to tradition?

Previously, lamas, monks and spiritual teachers took an active part in the naming children. For this, a calendar, different types of fortune-telling, meditative techniques were used.

In order to name a child with a Tibetan name in accordance with tradition, it is best to contact a lama from the corresponding Buddhist school and lineage. However, no one bothers to also turn to a Tibetan astrologer or choose one yourself.

Such names are quite exotic for Europe and Russia, therefore, they can cause an ambiguous reaction from people. It is worth choosing the most appropriate name for your child, taking into account the cultural and religious characteristics of your area.

It is also important to note that Tibetan names generally do not have a clear distinction between masculine and feminine (with some exceptions)!

The most popular options for boys and girls and their meaning

A list of predominantly male names (although they may be female):

Exclusively female names:

Tibetan names in the West are common among people who practice Tibetan Buddhism. Most often, the Tibetan (sometimes Sanskrit) spiritual name is given as part of the ceremony of taking refuge in the Three Jewels - Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Names can be given as part of other rituals and initiations.

In everyday life, such names are practically not used. An example is the American translator Eric Pema Kusang. As for Russia, Tibetan names are common in Buddhist regions (Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia), and also among Russian Buddhists.

An interesting fact is also that Tibetan names are also found in Mongolia. This is due to the active spread of the Tibetan spiritual tradition in these regions. The most famous example is the Russian lama Oleg (Pozdnyakov), who has the spiritual name Sonam Dorje.

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