Home Garden on the windowsill Alex Leslie and Nastya Rybka: the stunning success of a sex trainer and his ward. Who are Alex Leslie and Nastya Rybka, where did they come from and what happens at the "seduction training"

Alex Leslie and Nastya Rybka: the stunning success of a sex trainer and his ward. Who are Alex Leslie and Nastya Rybka, where did they come from and what happens at the "seduction training"

Alex Leslie motivates girls to change their personal lives. Teaches the art of seduction, positions himself as a pickup specialist. He keeps a harem. Conducts trainings, writes and publishes books. Marked for the post of President of Russia. He was seen more than once in various scandals. At the same time, despite the rather wild life, Leslie feels great in the role of a public figure with an ambiguous occupation. How was the childhood and youth of the young seducer? And how did the guru of modern psychology of relations between a man and a woman begin his journey? Biography of the master seducer Alex Leslie from all sides.

The early years and early career of Alex Leslie: where he lived, how he studied, what he loved

Biographical information about Alexander Kirillov, the real name of pickup artist Alex Leslie, is hidden behind seven seals. The writer himself shared information on his website, but the authenticity of the facts was often questioned. It is known that Alexander was born in 1982 in Vitebsk, Belarus. He was an ordinary student at school, grew up in a standard family. As a child, he was no different from his peers. He was into aikido. According to Leslie himself, he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University. But other sources claim that Alex did not graduate from high school or did not study anywhere at all. At that time, the young man was reserved and shy. I didn’t even think about any relationship with the opposite sex.

A career as a programmer began quickly and ended just as quickly. The guy realized that computers are still not his element. Very boring and pointless. Psychology seemed much more interesting to him. This is where it got him. The once modest Alexander gradually turned into an uninhibited Alex. Leslie became his own teacher, self-educated. Kirillov has no data on training in the field of psychology.

The future pick-up artist Alex is gradually merging into the general cycle of life in the capital. At that time, he had already moved to Moscow from Belarus, which was unpromising for the development of his activities. The horizons are so wide that Leslie is thinking of conducting trainings, writing books and generally leading a rather interesting life. He chose progressive topics in the field of psychology: the relationship between a man and a woman, the art of seduction. An unplowed field for work and thousands of girls who are willing to pay money for a knowledgeable man to teach them how to “catch and tame a male”.

Pickup artist Alex Leslie on his website “Alex Leslie. Seduction Style", calls himself "The Almighty, Guru of Sex and Seduction". This self-confidence is bearing fruit. Russians and not only follow his activities, attend trainings and read propagandist's books, hang out on the project forum. Alex introduced the Master and the Huntress Code, following which anyone can learn the art of seduction. Leslie's code says: "If you want to be as successful and achieve the same, repeat step by step everything that the person you look up to did." This is the path from a shy bespectacled man to a professional pick-up artist. So says Kirillov himself.

The meteoric rise of the career of Russian seducer Alex Leslie

His books are primarily aimed at those people who are looking for emotions. Who is tired of the well-established swamp of a boring life and wants variety. With some of his creations, the author even got into the top rating of the publisher's best-selling books. In addition to personal projects, Leslie managed to light up and promote himself on various shows: on the radio in the program of Vadim Tikhomirov, Crazy Frank and Roman Trachtenberg. The popularity has picked up.

Despite the rather specific theme of her kind of activity, Leslie promotes a healthy lifestyle. He opposes smoking and alcohol. He is fond of aikido, Thai boxing, air sports and campo, which he has loved since childhood. His areas of interest include issues of health and youth prolongation, including arrhythmia prognosis and cardiac monitoring.

Alex Leslie's official page is filled with a decent amount of information for future program participants. Having a psychological influence on his wards, Alex art invites women and men to undergo trainings and take individual consultations. Quotes from the project website are full of the following appeals: “Someone after the training meets his Love and creates a family, and someone wins the World Mafia Championship and creates a Harem and his own business - we can help everyone in his goals. After all, we are a push up and a correctly set vector, but only you decide where you land and whether you land. The Seduction Style project is your opportunity to become the best version of yourself.”

Personal life of Alex Leslie and popularity on the Internet

A seducer like Alex Leslie must surely have a rich personal life. And there is. It's just not about marriage. The master himself informs that his name is a brand and in fact the whole life obeys and depends on this brand. His calling is to enjoy communicating with the opposite sex and at the same time share his feelings and observations with others. What he does. Alex is silent about who his chosen ones are, but the fact that there are a lot of such ladies is a fact. On the personal front of the writer, scandals were noted with Anastasia Voloskova, Nastya Rybka.

Leslie is quite active in social networks. In addition to the site, which contains information about his trainings and programs. Alex is on VKontakte, Instagram. He broadcasts on the periscope, where you can watch the life of Leslie's real harem. There are also many videos on YouTube. Admirers of Alex's creativity and publicity follow his life with curiosity. The official website of the master contains reports and reviews of men and women who have attended at least one training session of the famous seduction guru. In general, the author of popular books and coach, pushes his followers to be more emotional in the current relationship. And when looking for a new partner, become a real hunter.

The portrait of Alex Leslie turns out to be quite interesting. The biography before the start of the career of a pick-up artist and writer is very modest and classified. But life after the start of vigorous activity and gaining its recognition - beats with a cry. What else the pros of seduction will present, one can only guess.

In 2004 he began writing a book, and in 2006 he published his first book. came out in 2008. In this book, Alex posted his photographs of what he was and what he became, and these are two completely different people. After the success, Alex Leslie became popular. He takes part in the Roman Trachtenberg show, the author's program of Vadim Tikhomirov on Mayak Radio, on Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, in the Crazy Frankie show on Silver Rain radio and others.

Stepping back from the pickup truck in 2004, Alex Leslie became his opponent. In his interviews and articles, he calls pickup artists uneducated, boorish and ill-mannered. On his forum, terminology from a pickup truck and a mat is prohibited. Alex Leslie is categorically against drinking alcohol and smoking, he emphasizes this in every possible way at trainings, speeches and in criticism of famous people.

In August 2016, a criminal case was opened against Leslie in his native Belarus on the fact of the statement of the girl who suffered from his actions. Charged with harassment, abuse and beatings. It was announced on VKontakte that he allegedly died on December 9, 2016 in Thailand, in Pattaya. Later, posts on VKontakte on his behalf continued, in particular, he declared himself a candidate for the presidency of Russia.

Alex Leslie had "trainings" that received scandalous fame, the heroine of Navalny's investigation, which linked her name with the names of Oleg Deripaska and Sergei Prikhodko.

Image copyright NAStya Rybka/Instagram Image caption Nastya Rybka turned out to be a follower of the seduction coach Alex Leslie

The starting point of the investigation of politician Alexei Navalny about the possible joint travels of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko and businessman Oleg Deripaska was the Instagram of Nastya Rybka, the author of a book about the seduction of millionaires. The girl claims that the whole story with a walk on a yacht and communication with an oligarch is a routine matter for the so-called "hunters", followers of the Russian seduction coach Alex Leslie.

Judging by the girl’s blog on Instagram and numerous pages on the VKontakte social network, as well as conversations with those who somehow came across the activities of Leslie (Alexander Kirillov), Nastya Rybka (Anastasia Vashukevich) is one of many, just more often than others falling into the lens of the media, members of the community, which some consider a sex sect.

About what happens at Leslie's trainings, the BBC Russian Service asked Nastya Rybka herself, her mentor Alex Leslie, their acquaintances and those who attended the courses.

Who is Alex Leslie?

The real name of the self-proclaimed sex guru is Alexander Kirillov, he comes from Vitebsk, studied to be a programmer at the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University. Already a student, Kirillov began to be interested in various seduction courses and trainings, of which there were a huge number in Moscow in the 2000s, Leslie's acquaintance, Belarusian economist Ivan Kuten, told the BBC.

According to him, he met Kirillov 17 years ago at seduction courses.

Kuten recalls that Leslie studied everything in a row - Ericksonian hypnosis, NLP, American and even Soviet schools of seduction: "He practiced, watched which techniques worked better, which ones worse. He summarized them, made an assembly in his first book" Life without panties ".

Kuten himself now works as the financial director of the bank, but for ten years he conducted trainings with Leslie - and acted as a "critic and opponent" of his methodology.

At the same time, Kirillov did not quit programming either: since 2012, the sex guru has had a startup in Skolkovo. Alexander Kirillov is listed as the director of science and investor in the Center for Intelligent Forecasting Systems, the company is engaged in diagnosing malfunctions and accidents of complex technical systems.

Seduction training, by his own admission, Alexander Kirillov has been conducting since 2003. Since 2006, Leslie has published nine books with eloquent titles: "The Hunt for a Male", "How to Wake Up at a Party", "The Game of the Master and the Huntress". "Masters" are men trained by gurus, and "hunters" are girls.

Image copyright NAStya Rybka/Instagram Image caption Nastya Rybka wrote a book about seducing a billionaire, but her relationship with Alex Leslie is more important to her

Leslie does not hide the fact that many of his students become his mistresses. In Nastya Rybka's book, there is a touching moment when a guru teaches her to love nature through sexual practices in the middle of the forest, and a less romantic one, where the coach (dressed) and his "harem" (in underwear) are photographed together, and then they scare the sushi delivery man half to death, demanding sex from him.

Almost the entire book of Rybka is not so much about how to seduce a billionaire, but about devotion to the coach with whom she constantly corresponds while sailing on a yacht; Leslie tells her how to act, gives her tasks and helps in difficult situations.

Rybka claims in her book that she carefully recorded her life on the yacht, not for the sake of blackmail or exposure, but solely for accountability to her mentor.

“Leslie says at trainings - do everything within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,” Rybka told the BBC in response to a question if they understood that it was illegal to record communication with another person without warning him about it. - His recommendations does not remove responsibility from the citizen.

What does Alex Leslie talk about at trainings?

"We know how to do it. Fall in love, bind, make you think of you and burn with the passion of any man. Huntress is subject to everything," says Alex Leslie's website. "Her life is cinema and adventure, excitement and passion, fighting partners and complete permissiveness. She knows how to do everything - to be affectionate and loving and give care and warmth, to be a hellish bitch, priceless and incorruptible, and thus so alluring. "

Leslie started by teaching the rules of a pickup truck for men. As Anna (not her real name), one of the attendees of his classes, told the BBC Russian Service, in the mid-2000s, girls were just beginning to appear in the company of a sex trainer. He had not yet taught them seduction, but he invited them to help in exercises for the emancipation of men, where it was necessary to undress and touch a naked girl. Even then, his course was quite popular.

Anna recalls that there were about 25 men in the group: "The audience at the training was different - a stripper who wanted to earn more, a disgusting married uncle who wanted to shoot schoolgirls, several virgins, including a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences."

Anna remembered the tasks that Leslie gave men as homework: go up to a stranger on the street and grab her by the ass, offer to have sex or "deceive" for an expensive gift, send provocative SMS to unfamiliar girls, etc.

How is this different from courses on how to find a wife or husband?

Alex Leslie does not just give advice on how to fall in love with yourself or seduce the object of desire, he brings an ideological basis for this. The coach calls to "live in the moment" and appreciate the only thing that, in his opinion, is important in life - emotions and impressions. He preaches absolute freedom in life and in sex. There is no place for monogamy in this way of life: Leslie calls the attempt to "leave" a man or woman only for himself "rat-ratting."

"It's one thing when girls come to train. But then you already join the" theme, "explains Elina Melnikova, who took Leslie's course in 2015. "Theme" is a company in which trained "masters" and "hunters" continue communicate, post reports on their successes on the love front in order to get each other's approval.

Alex Leslie told the BBC Russian Service how it happens: "A man is a fighter, he is at the front, he goes to seduce a man. And he needs to be corrected. That's why he either broadcasts - sometimes a thousand people watch him actions, and the victim does not even know - or WhatsApp sends audio files. The team of masters discusses what are the options for further action."

To a clarifying question about whether he understood the illegality of such a practice, Leslie did not answer at the time of publication.

Nastya Rybka's book, which caused a scandal, is also part of the tradition invented by Leslie.

“It’s customary in the community of hunters: when we seduce a victim, in order to increase the impact on him or her, a report is written and presented or shown to the victim,” Rybka herself explained to the BBC. “When it came directly to Oleg Deripaska, we decided that a simple report would not be enough, but to make something more ambitious, worthy of his level - it would be nice."

The seduction report must be seen by the victim herself. “My friend, also a hunter, gave Oleg my book at an official event. It was printed exclusively for Oleg, so there was such a small circulation,” Nastya explained in an interview with the BBC.

So what is a sect?

Leslie himself in the "topic" is sometimes referred to as the host. No one is holding the community members by force, Anna notes: if you don’t like it, you can leave. At the same time, you can be kicked out - if you refuse to complete the task.

Journalist and sex blogger Tatyana Nikonova is sure that Leslie's "topic" is similar to a sect - minus the religious component.

“Manipulation is when you are first offered one thing, and then they gradually push through your boundaries, shift your ideas about the norm. First, you are promised that men will want you, but in Russia this is a huge value, right? Then they are brainwashed,” suggests Nikonova. "It looks like an abusive relationship. They also talk about them: he hit her, he rapes her, why doesn't she leave? But because by this moment she has already been psychologically processed."

Nikonova is convinced that Leslie's tasks make girls dissociate from their own bodies: "For example, having sex with a stranger. It's one thing if a woman does it of her own free will. Quite another if on assignment. This means that at that moment she has no attraction to this stranger, and she is forced not to listen to the signs of her own body. She finds herself in a situation in which prostitutes usually find themselves, who are forced to disregard their own feelings, force themselves not to feel what they really feel.

This is how women are made obedient. “I think that harem squads of women are riveted from them, who work with the body in the interests of Alex Leslie and his entourage. A woman becomes just material,” Nikonova believes.

Does it harm anyone?

Another commandment of Alex Leslie is complete openness. “Four years ago, I said: we film everything. I even obliged people to film everything they do through the periscope. There is such a hype from this now: we just started filming our life, which is unlike the life of ordinary people,” says Kirillov.

In the contract, which is signed by each student before paying for the training, there is a clause about video shooting: "The contractor has the right to take photos and videos during the training and use the received materials at his own discretion."

This item ruined Elina Melnikova's life. In 2015, she went to training in Moscow from Dubai, where she lived with her husband and little daughter. The Arab husband was against it, but Elina insisted. "I want to develop myself," she explained and went to Moscow.

“The training gave me a lot, I won’t say anything,” says Elina. But there were exercises that were unpleasant for her: for example, she had to undress in front of a stranger. “It starts right away, abruptly and very intensely. It blows your mind,” the girl complains. “When you are inside, there is your own atmosphere: you know, when people go like a herd in one direction, you also go there.”

One of the "exercises" was sex with Leslie. The incident was also filmed on video camera. Elina says that sex was unpleasant for her, no one asked about what she wanted during the "exercise". And a few months later it turned out that the video floated to the Internet - moreover, it was sent to Elina's husband.

The husband divorced her, tried to sue the child, using the video as evidence in court, and ruined his company, which was registered in the name of his wife. As a result, Elina had to deal with creditors, and debts still hang on her.

Melnikova believes that someone from the "topic" sent the video to her husband. "Yes, it's all a game," says Elina. "Morality, principles - there is nothing. You can turn away from anyone, all life happens here and now, you don't think about the consequences."

“We do a lot of things just to laugh. Nastya Rybka accused Deripaska of rape yesterday,” Alex Leslie told the BBC, holding back his laughter. it's just absurd. But when we came up with it, everyone was laughing. We thought everyone would understand this joke. It was even clear that she was laughing there, she took it off from the tenth take."

Who are Leslie's students?

Sometimes, completing tasks, Leslie's students get into the news. So, in September last year, the police detained two followers of Leslie - Sasha Travka and the same Nastya Rybka for having sex on the embankment in the center of Moscow. The girls had to spend seven days in isolation.

In December, the same Nastya Rybka and Sasha Travka pestered the legend of Barcelona football, defender Carles Puyol, who came to Moscow for the World Cup draw: she asked the football player to say on camera that he loves her, and then hit him in the face with a rubber penis .

In November, these same girls and several of their girlfriends, having stripped naked, stood up in a picket in defense of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and again got into the police. According to Leslie and his followers, these are also emotions and impressions that they are chasing.

Having played enough at the trainings, many of Leslie's students go into network marketing. “This is very logical,” says Anna, who continues to follow the lives of former comrades in the “topic.” “The essence of network marketing is selling and involving other people. And they also consider themselves to have outwitted the system, special, not working from nine to five. And networkers there are always endless trainings in all areas."

What's next? Will Leslie sue Deripaska now?

Immediately after the publication of Navalny, Deripaska filed a lawsuit, accusing Anastasia Vashukevich and Alexander Kirillov of violating the right to privacy, namely, the publication of his photographs and voice recordings of his conversations.

On the basis of Deripaska's appeal, the court added to the list of sites with prohibited information the page of Navalny's website with an investigation, 14 Instagram posts and seven YouTube videos. Instagram and YouTube have until Wednesday evening to remove content - otherwise both social networks risk being completely blocked in Russia.

At the same time, Nastya Rybka’s book was published back in 2016, from the same moment photos and videos taken by the girl were in the public domain, which have now been deleted at the request of Roskomnadzor. However, Deripaska went to court only after Navalny's investigation.

On February 12, a counterclaim was filed by Alexei Navalny - already against Roskomnadzor. He claims that he could not violate any secret of private life, because the investigation is based on open sources.

Rybka herself immediately deleted all photos and mentions of Deripaska and Prikhodko from her Instagram. At the same time, in an interview with the BBC, the girl said that she was not afraid of anything and plans to return to Russia as soon as it gets warmer.

And Leslie plans to arrange a sexual revolution in the country. "Now society is ready for this - everyone is tired of the sanctimonious attitude towards sex: it seems like it's ugly to change, but everyone does it, everyone knows about it. People understand that sex is pleasant, natural, normal. And the old moral institutions fade into the background ", he declares.

Perhaps Leslie is exaggerating.

Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva has spoken out many times that morality should be taught in schools.

“In the 90s, schools tried to push through sex education programs that perceived extramarital sex as something normal, perceived homosexuality and even bestiality as a variant of the norm,” Vsevolod Chaplin said at a press conference just a few months ago, advocating the introduction in schools "The Moral Foundations of Family Life" - The parents' community has stopped the spread of these programs. We need the values ​​of purity of youth, marital fidelity, large and multi-generational families to be strongly present in the school. And we need things like divorce, abortion, promiscuity to be condemned. ".

The cadets of the Ulyanovsk flight school were almost expelled from the university for the video for the song Satisfaction. “The cadets’ act was perceived by students, teachers, other employees of the institute, veterans, and many employees of the aviation industry as a manifestation of disrespect for their honor and dignity, opinion about the university and representatives of the aviation industry as a whole,” said Sergey Krasnov, rector of their institute.

Nastya Rybka clearly considers herself a member of the "new" society, the very youth who dance in the hostel in shorts and uniform caps. "So this is a request from all the youth. Seducers, Ulyanovsk cadets, students, Hunters, models," she writes on her Instagram. "Leave us alone! We will not support any of you. Neither oligarchs, nor politicians, nor Navalny - we ourselves by yourself, thank you! We don't need your money and power, and it's so good. It's just good to burn life with friends!"

A few months ago, Leslie's students came to Navalny's headquarters in latex underwear. Anna, a participant in his trainings, is sure that Leslie arranges all provocations only "for the sake of sensations, and not for money or hype."

“You were young, weren’t you? It happened that you get together and say: let’s capture Navalny’s headquarters? Let’s protect Weinstein?” Leslie asked the BBC. “It’s just because we live like this. Well, that's cool. Seducing an oligarch is cool."

Little is known about his current personal life. Although, at least in the past, he has been posting pick-up reports on his blog.


In 2004, he began writing a book, and in 2006 he published his first book, Life Without Panties. On the sites Ozon.ru and Books.ru, reviews of a different nature were left on the book: admiring, indignant, and also perplexed. There have been active discussions on a number of Internet forums.

A number of famous people have given their opinions on Alex Leslie's style of seduction. Actor Vadim Demchog called the techniques described in the books "amazing, hellish, pure diabolism." Alexander Rapoport became interested in the methods and from time to time takes part in Leslie's trainings and speeches.

New Life Without Panties was released in 2008. In this book, Alex posted his photographs of what he was and what he became, and these are two completely different people.

After the success, Alex Leslie became popular. He takes part in Roman Trakhtenberg's show, Vadim Tikhomirov's author's program on Mayak Radio, Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, Crazy Frankie's show on Silver Rain radio and others.

Alex Leslie's book Gone in 60 Seconds or the Secrets of Successful Dating was released in April 2009.
Next book How to wake up at a party? Or the Secrets of Successful Dating” was released on December 3, 2009. As of December, she was in the Top 10 best-selling books of the Eksmo publishing house.

Places of study

  • Russian Federation of Aikido Aikikai, 1999-2004
  • Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, 2004

Places of work

  • "International Center for Psychology and Development" (RMES project), trainer (www.mcpir.ru)
  • ProTraining company, trainer
  • Amphora Quality Technologies, programmer (amphora-group.ru)
  • Sodis company, programmer (www.sodis.ru)
  • Farallon Inc, consultant
  • TLX Systems, programmer
  • Lesley.ru, trainer, author of the idea.

Completed trainings

  • Mikhail Shirin, Trance Seminar, 2003
  • RMES, "Basic", "Master", "Rank", 2003-2004
  • Frank Pucelik, Communication Magic, 2003
  • Dmitry Lazarev, Presentation Mastery, 2005
  • NLP International Center, "NLP Practitioner", 2004
  • ProTraining.ru, "training course", 2005
  • Vadim Sova, "Access Code", coaching 2004
  • Dmitry Lazarev, The Art of Sales, 2006
  • Leopard, Master Class, 2003

Ideology, development

Stepping back from the pickup truck in 2004, Alex Leslie became his opponent. In his interviews and articles, he calls pickup artists uneducated, boorish and ill-mannered. On his forum, terminology from a pickup truck and a mat is prohibited.


  • A. Leslie Life without panties. The skill of seduction. Tin as it is. - 3. - Phoenix, 2006. - 512 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-222-15008-5
  • A. Leslie Magic pill. - Eksmo, 2010. - 8000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-44323-9
  • A. Leslie New Life without panties. - EKSMO, 2008. - 448 p. - 20000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-26542-8
  • A. Leslie, Yu. Shakhova Gone in 60 seconds or the secrets of successful dating. - EKSMO, 2009. - 320 p. - 8000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-33613-5
  • A. Leslie How to wake up at a party? Or the secrets of successful dating. - EKSMO, 2009. - 384 p. - 7000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-38640-6

Alex Leslie (Alexander Kirillov) is one of the defendants in the sensational lawsuit of billionaire Oleg Deripaska about a violation of privacy, a sex mentor (Anastasia Vashukevich), who became widely known in February 2018 after the publication of the investigation of Alexei Navalny.

In addition, it suddenly turned out that Leslie is the CEO of the research center at Skolkovo Smartsys Prognosis Skolkovo, the main investor. His company is developing cardiac diagnostic systems through research in the field of artificial intelligence. In 2018, he announced his intention with the slogan "The country ruled by a sex guru will multiply", but did not collect enough votes and was not registered by the CEC.

Nastya Rybka is far from his only project, although the most successful one. It was she who was on the yacht at the time of the negotiations between Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko, publishing a personal photo. In her book, Diary of a Billionaire's Seduction, the girl often referred to the "harem" of Alex Leslie. "Harem" Alexander calls the girls-"hunters" who passed it. Actually, being on the yacht was the “final exam” for Nastya: her task was to “seduce” the oligarch, she received all instructions in real time from Alexander himself. The main task of the girls is to bring the "owner" (that's how he demands to call himself) money and do him PR. At the same time, Leslie convinces the “hunters” themselves that they work for emotional reward, and in return they should be ready to satisfy him and any other person he needs.

For the first time, Alexander began to engage in his trainings in 2003 and called them "psychological", in parallel with this, he kept his own diary in LiveJournal, in which he talked about relationships. At the heart of the whole philosophy that combines trainings and 8 books by Leslie is the rejection of traditional concepts in the field of sex and a shift in focus towards selfishness, which gives a person pleasure from life. The global goal that he pursues is the transformation of men into "masters", and women into "hunters" who can seduce any man.

In May 2015, Alexander became a defendant in the case of the illegal distribution of pornography after trainings in Rostov-on-Don, on which the videos were filmed. In 2016, a criminal case was initiated against Leslie in Belarus on allegations of harassment and abuse. The girls themselves really consider the fact of unquestioning obedience to be normal, which indicates a deep level of psychological work carried out by Alexander, more like sectarian practices.

Leslie's involvement in Skolkovo was first discovered by journalist Roman Badanin, about which he wrote in his

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