Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill English from 3 years of study. We learn English with a toddler at an early age. Setting our own example

English from 3 years of study. We learn English with a toddler at an early age. Setting our own example

In those distant, distant years, when the war had just died down throughout the country, there lived and there was Malchish-Kibalchish.

At that time, the Red Army drove the white troops of the damned bourgeois far away, and it became quiet in those wide fields, in green meadows where rye grew, where buckwheat bloomed, where among the dense gardens and cherry bushes there was a house in which Malchish, nicknamed Kibalchish , yes, Malchish’s father, and Malchish’s older brother, but they didn’t have a mother.

The father works - he mows the hay. My brother is working - carrying hay. And the Malchish himself sometimes helps his father, then his brother, or just jumps and plays with other boys.

Gop! .. Gop! .. Good! Bullets do not squeal, shells do not crash, villages do not burn. No need to lie down on the floor from bullets, no need to hide from shells in the cellars, no need to run from fires into the forest. There is nothing to be afraid of the bourgeoisie. There is no one to bow to the belt. Live and work - good life!

Then one day - it was in the evening - Malchish-Kibalchish came out onto the porch. He looks - the sky is clear, the wind is warm, the sun is setting behind the Black Mountains by nightfall. And everything would be good, but something is not good. The Boy hears that something is rattling, or something is knocking. The Malchish wonders that the wind does not smell like flowers from the gardens, not honey from the meadows, but the wind smells either of smoke from fires, or of gunpowder from explosions. He said to his father, but the tired father came.

What you? - he says to the Boy. - These are distant thunderstorms thundering beyond the Black Mountains. It is shepherds who smoke fires beyond the Blue River, herds graze and cook supper. Go, Malchish, and sleep well.

Malchish left. Went to sleep. But he cannot sleep - well, he does not fall asleep in any way.

Suddenly he hears stamping on the street, knocking at the windows. Malchish-Kibalchish looked, and he saw: a horseman was standing at the window. The horse is black, the saber is light, the hat is gray, and the star is red.

Hey, get up! - shouted the rider. - Trouble has come from whence they did not expect. The damned bourgeois attacked us from behind the Black Mountains. Bullets are whistling again, shells are already exploding. Our detachments are fighting the bourgeoisie, and messengers are rushing to call the distant Red Army for help.

So said these alarming words, the red-star rider and rushed away. And Malchish's father went up to the wall, took off his rifle, threw down his bag and put on a bandolier.

Well, - he says to the eldest son, - I sowed rye thickly - apparently, you will have to harvest a lot. Well, - he says to the Malchish, - I have lived my life coolly, and it is clear that you, Malchish, will have to live peacefully for me.

So he said, kissed the Boy deeply and left. And he had no time to kiss a lot, because now everyone could see and hear how explosions were buzzing beyond the meadows and dawns burning beyond the mountains from the glow of smoky fires ...

A day goes by, two go by. The Malchish will come out on the porch: no ... not to see the Red Army yet. The Malchish will climb onto the roof. He does not get off the roof all day. No, not to see it. He went to bed at night. Suddenly he hears stamping on the street, knocking at the window. Malchish looked out: the same rider was standing at the window. Only the horse is thin and tired, only the saber is bent, dark, only the hat is shot through, the star is chopped, and the head is tied.

Hey, get up! - shouted the rider. - It was half the trouble, but now there is trouble all around. There are many bourgeois, but few of ours. In the field there were bullets in clouds, thousands of shells hitting the detachments. Hey, get up, let's help!

Then the elder brother got up, said to the Malchish:

Goodbye, Malchish ... You are left alone ... Cabbage soup in the cauldron, loaf on the table, water in the springs, and your head on your shoulders ... Live as you can, but don't wait for me.

A day goes by, two go by. The Malchish sits by the chimney on the roof, and sees the Malchish that an unfamiliar rider is galloping from afar.

The rider galloped to the Malchish, jumped off the horse and said:

Give me, good boy, some water to drink. I didn’t drink for three days, didn’t sleep for three nights, I drove three horses. The Red Army learned about our misfortune. Trumpets sounded in all signal pipes. The drummers beat all the loud drums. The standard-bearers unfurled all the battle banners. The entire Red Army is racing and galloping to help. If only we, Malchish, hold out until tomorrow night.

The boy got down from the roof, brought him to drink. The messenger got drunk and galloped on.

Here comes evening, and the Malchish went to bed. But the boy can't sleep - well, what kind of dream is there?

Suddenly he hears footsteps on the street, rustling at the window. The Malchish looked and saw: the same man was standing at the window. The one, but not the one: and there is no horse - the horse is gone, and there is no saber - the saber is broken, and the hat is gone - the hat has flown off, and it’s still standing there - staggering.

Hey, get up! he shouted for the last time. - And there are shells, but the arrows are beaten. And there are rifles, but there are few soldiers. And help is close, but there is no strength. Hey, get up, who else is left! If only we could stand the night and hold out for the day.

Malchish-Kibalchish glanced into the street: an empty street. The shutters do not slam, the gates do not creak - there is no one to get up. And the fathers left, and the brothers left - no one was left.

Malchish only sees that one old grandfather of a hundred years has come out of the gate. The grandfather wanted to raise the rifle, but he was so old that he would not lift it. My grandfather wanted to fasten a saber, but he was so weak that he would not. Then the grandfather sat down on the blockage, bowed his head and began to cry.

The boy felt pain then. Then Malchish-Kibalchish jumped out into the street and shouted loudly:

Hey, you boys, boys, kids! Or should we boys only play with sticks and jump ropes? And the fathers are gone, and the brothers are gone. Or should we boys sit and wait for the bourgeoisie to come and take us to their damned bourgeoisie?

How did the little boys hear such words, how they screamed in all voices! Some run out the door, some climb out the window, some jump over the fence.

Everyone wants to go to the rescue. Only one Bad Boy wanted to join the bourgeoisie. But this Plohish was so cunning that he did not say anything to anyone, but pulled up his pants and rushed along with everyone, as if to help.

Boys fight from dark night to bright dawn. Only one Plohish does not fight, but keeps walking and looking out for how to help the bourgeoisie. And Plohish sees that there are a lot of boxes behind the hill, and hidden in those boxes are black bombs, white shells and yellow cartridges. "Hey, - thought Bad guy, that's what I need."

And at this time the Chief Bourgeois asks his bourgeois:

Well, bourgeoisie, have you achieved victory?

No, Chief Bourgeois, - answer the bourgeois, - we defeated the fathers and brothers, and there was absolutely our victory, but Malchish-Kibalchish rushed to their aid, and we still can't cope with him.

The Chief Bourgeois was very surprised and angry then, and he shouted in a menacing voice:

Could it be that they did not cope with the Boy? Oh, you worthless bourgeois cowards! How can you not smash such a small one? Download quickly and don't come back without a victory.

Here the bourgeois sit and think: what is it to do to them? Suddenly they see: the Bad Boy crawls out from behind the bushes and straight to them.

Rejoice! he shouts to them. - This is all I, Plohish, did. I chopped wood, I hauled hay, and I lit all the boxes with black bombs, white shells and yellow cartridges. It’s going to crash now!

Then the bourgeois were delighted, as soon as possible they enlisted the Bad Boy in their bourgeoisie and gave him a whole barrel of jam and a whole basket of cookies.

The Bad Boy sits, eats and rejoices.

Suddenly the lit boxes exploded! And so it crashed, as if thousands of thunders struck in one place and thousands of lightning flashed from one cloud.

Treason! - shouted Malchish-Kibalchish.

Treason! - shouted all his faithful boys.

But then, because of the smoke and fire, a bourgeois force flew in, and it grabbed and twisted the Malchish-Kibalchish.

They put the Boy in heavy chains. They put the Malchish in a stone tower. And they rushed to ask: what will the Chief Bourgeois order to do with the captured Malchish now?

The Chief Bourgeois thought for a long time, and then came up with it and said:

We will destroy this Boy. But let him first tell us all their War Secret. You go, bourgeois, and ask him:

Why, Malchish, fought with the Red Army of Forty Kings and Forty Kings, fought, fought, but only broke themselves?

Why, Malchish, are all the prisons full, and all the hard labor camps, and all the gendarmes at the corners, and all the troops on their feet, but we have no rest either on a bright day or on a dark night?

Why, Malchish, damned Kibalchish, both in my High Bourgeoisie, and in another - the Plains Kingdom, and in the third - the Snow Kingdom, and in the fourth - the Sultry State on the same day in early spring and on the same day in late autumn on different languages, but they sing the same songs, in different hands, but carry the same banners, speak the same speeches, think the same and do the same?

You ask, bourgeois:

Does the Red Army have a military secret, Malchish?

And let him tell the secret.

Do our workers have someone else's help?

And let him tell you where the help comes from.

Isn't there, Malchish, a secret passage from your country to all other countries, on which, as they click here, they respond here, as they sing with you, they pick up what they say from you, and think about it?

The bourgeois left, but soon they returned:

No, Chief Bourgeois, did not reveal to us the Malchish-Kibalchish of the Military Secret. He laughed in our faces.

There is, - he says, - and a mighty secret in the strong Red Army. And whenever you attack, there will be no victory for you.

There is, - he says, - and innumerable help, and no matter how much you throw in jail, you still don’t throw it, and you will not have peace either on a bright day or on a dark night.

There are, - he says, - and deep secret passages. But no matter how much you search, you still won't find. And they would have found it, so do not fill it up, do not lay it down, do not fill it up. And I will tell you nothing more, you bourgeois, and you yourself, damned ones, will never guess.

The Chief Bourgeois frowned then and said:

Make, bourgeois, this secretive Boy-Kibalchish the most terrible Torment that there is in the world, and extort the War Secret from him, because we will have no life or peace without this important Secret.

The bourgeois left, and now they did not return soon.

They walk and shake their heads.

No, they say, our chief is our Chief Bourgeois. He stood pale, Malchish, but proud, and he did not tell us the Military Secret, because he had such a firm word. And when we were leaving, he sank to the floor, put his ear to the heavy stone of the cold floor, and, will you believe, O Chief Bourgeois, he smiled so that we, bourgeois, shuddered, and we were scared that he had not heard, how is our inevitable death walking along secret passages? ..

What country is it? - Then the surprised Chief Bourgeois exclaimed. What kind of incomprehensible country is this, in which even such kids know the Military Secret and keep their firm word so tightly? Hurry, bourgeois, and destroy this proud Boy. Load your cannons, take out your sabers, unfold our bourgeois banners, because I can hear our signalmen sounding the alarm and our flailing flags. It can be seen that now we will not have an easy battle, but a difficult battle.

And Malchish-Kibalchish died ...

But ... have you guys seen the storm? Just like the thunders, the combat weapons thundered. Fiery explosions flashed like lightning. Just like the winds, the cavalry detachments burst in, and just like clouds swept the red banners. This is how the Red Army was advancing.

Have you seen torrential thunderstorms in a dry and sultry summer? Just as the streams, running down from the dusty mountains, merged into turbulent, foamy streams, so at the first roar of the war, uprisings seethed in the Mountain Bourgeoisie, and thousands of angry voices responded from the Plain Kingdom, and from the Snow Kingdom, and from the Sultry State. ...

And the defeated Chief Bourgeois fled in fear, loudly cursing this country with its amazing people, with its invincible army and with its unsolved Military Secret.

And Malchish-Kibalchish was buried on a green hillock by the Blue River. And they put a big red flag over the grave.

Steamers are sailing - hello to the Boy!

The pilots are flying by - hello to the Boy!

Steam locomotives are running - hello to the Boy!

And the pioneers will pass - salute the Boy!


“My name is Sophia, I am 15 years old. I have been studying at the YES center for more than six months and I feel a noticeable progress in English! The teaching methodology is aimed primarily at speaking practice. It became easy to perceive English by ear, to conduct elementary conversations. No memorization or overwhelming homework like in a regular school. Nevertheless, progress is evident. Thank you school "YES" "


“I hereby express my deep gratitude to the YES-Khovrino center for the quality education of my daughter Ekaterina. The progress after your class is clear. I would also like to commend the competent selection of the teaching staff. These are real professionals in their field - Masters! I would like to wish the YES - Khovrino center success in maintaining a high level of education quality. We are with you! " Respectfully yours, A.Yu. Antipov, my daughter has been studying for 1 year


“We are studying at the Foreign Languages ​​Center for the first year. We like. We go to 2 foreign languages ​​and see noticeable progress in learning English and Chinese. The teachers are very well chosen in my opinion. My son enjoys going to school. A warm and welcoming atmosphere reigns here. In general, both the parents and the child are happy. Thanks!"


“Choosing an English language course, I chose the YES foreign language school for many reasons. Firstly, the groups are small, so attention is paid to each student. Secondly, new, good textbooks from well-known foreign publishers. In almost every lesson we watch a video with the speech of native speakers, the topics of the lessons are interesting - there is something to discuss, in contrast to the topics in school. By the way, it was thanks to the courses that I began to be able to express my thoughts in English, and I understand speech quite well by ear. Various events and trips are often organized at the YES school. I recently attended an open Japanese lesson and am going to enroll in this course as well. "



Passed the summer intensive in Solntsevo. Liked. Special thanks to teacher Daria, she helped to overcome the uncertainty in pronunciation in English. Let's hope to continue learning.

Subway Kuzminki

I’ve been studying in YES center for 2 years and during these 2 years I’ve learned English from B1 level to B2 + level. Practically C1 level. I really like the lessons. I’ve met a lot of teachers here and all of them were really kind. And I really understand the explanations, that’s why I understand practically everything during our lesson. By the way our lessons are interesting, we not only study. We also play different games to practice vocabulary, grammar and just to practice our speaking. By the way, we also speak a lot during the lesson. That's why we not only drill vocabulary and grammar and also make our listening and other skills.

Subway Kuzminki

Well, I’ve been studying in YES for 2 years and I think my life changed when I have met so good people who I communicate with. I regard our teacher Kate who is one of the most caring and understanding teachers I have ever met. She really explains the material in a good way what’s why I like her way of teaching. Also I am happy that I’ve met so many friends here. We communicate and spend a lot of time together. YES center helped me to improve my skills, my knowledge and my abilities in general. That’s why I’m really thankful.

Subway Kuzminki

I have been studying at YES since the opening of the school. I can say that these are very effective classes, additional courses. I learned a lot in a very short period of time. I also achieved great success in school. About the teacher, I can say that we have a very beautiful and responsive teacher, kind, she always meets halfway. She is not too strict, but also not too soft. My classmates are cool and funny, you can communicate well with everyone.


I would like to note that I chose the training courses taking into account the proximity to home, and I live in the "Khovrino" area. Before the start of the classes, the administrators offered me to take a free written and oral test to determine my level of knowledge of the English language. As a result, I was very lucky to learn English in a friendly group with a talented, responsive and charming teacher Ekaterina! Classes in Ekaterina's group are optimally balanced for the student: listening to the teacher, communication with the teacher and with students in the group, and the student's speaking are as carefully as possible. This allows us to acquire comprehensive language skills. In teaching, we use a communicative technique, the main goal of which is to teach how to apply the language in real life from the first lesson. In group lessons, Ekaterina brings us together in small subgroups or pairs, giving us collective tasks.


I began to learn English when I realized that I couldn't go anywhere without it. At work, I have to travel a lot to different countries and, of course, it is very convenient to have an interpreter next to you. And what when he's not there? Thus, a serious motivation arose in mastering the language. At first I began to teach him on my own, and then I realized that this business requires a system and a good teacher. I think I was lucky. Once I got to an open lesson in the yes center ... After completing the first level of elementary, I feel confident in communicating with foreigners. And from my own experience I realized that a foreign language opens up new opportunities! The main thing is not to be lazy and not to miss classes.


At YES I teach three languages: English, Spanish and Chinese. Why three at once? Because foreign languages ​​are good for me! I especially like Spanish because it is very beautiful. The most difficult language is Chinese, and especially the writing of hieroglyphs. I have not yet decided who I will become in the future. Perhaps a diplomat.


Most of all I like our teacher, Ekaterina Nemtsova. She explains well, kind, sympathetic. I like the people who sit at the reception, if anything, they will prompt. I like the design of the school. I like to drink hot chocolate before class. I have friends here. I need English to travel to international dance competitions and to be successful in school. In general, I enjoy learning English.



I, Dmitry, are a design engineer of a small Moscow company. One of my tasks was to organize a design department in China. There I needed spoken English and ended up at YES. Choosing from not a small number of schools in my area, only here I was offered a summer group for beginners. And for the third level, I remain a faithful student of this school. It is important for me, and here it is in full measure there is a clear, well-developed sequential training system. Slowly, step by step, topic by topic, the material is being worked through, and the material is being put in. Based on the characteristics of the group, its wishes - the teacher and the methodologist focus on the tasks that cause us the greatest difficulties. Thanks to our teachers for their sincere desire to teach, for their diligence and patience.


My first acquaintance with the YES Foreign Language Center began after I got a job. There was an urgent need to learn English. My English level was at zero, so I was very worried about how I would keep up with the group, how the learning process would go, and so on. But as it turned out, I was worried in vain. All staff and teachers were very helpful, always ready to help. Especially, I want to say a huge thank you to the teacher - Popova Evgeniya. While studying at the Elementary level, I can already explain myself and conduct a dialogue with foreigners (native speakers), read books, understand what is sung in the songs of foreign performers. The result of the training met all my expectations. Thank you YES school for being you.

Subway Kuzminki

I would like to thank the teacher of English for the little ones Evgeniya for her professionalism and individual approach to each child. Ilyusha attends classes with great pleasure and interest, which are held in an easy, playful way. That allows you to easily memorize new material. I would also like to say a special thank you to the administrator Julia, who will always welcome, listen and answer all your questions.

Most parents are of the opinion that teaching a child foreign languages ​​should be done only at the beginning of school. In addition, the learning process is equated to work, therefore it is customary to rest during the holidays.

But you can look at the education of children under 3 years of age a little differently - it is interesting and useful for children to learn new things in any setting and without traditional days off. Simple English for children without exhausting cramming will help your child learn a lot more words and phrases in a comfortable environment and without the participation of a tutor.

Why do kids need English

Some opponents of early teaching methods believe that this approach can cause problems with the development of speech. But it is also worth remembering about the positive features:

Education of a child under 3 years old is much easier than at school age;

Learning English with a child is an interesting activity for parents, if you find the right approach to it.

Learning is a joy

To make it more interesting and effective, pay attention to the following points:

A positive approach and belief in the creativity of the child;

Lack of violence in the approach to learning - including a strict daily routine and classes to check assignments. Even the smallest pressure in the learning process can lead a child to psychological trauma, which often happens in various early development groups;

Parental intuition will help to focus not on the requirements of the program, but to be guided by the child's interest in various issues, stimulating his curiosity;

Parents' aspiration for self-education - in order to provide the child with interesting material as fully as possible;

Ability to praise on time for successes.

It so happened that most teachers like to lecture and express criticism. But the ability to give praise on time will help not only tune the child in the right way, but also give him an incentive to continue learning English.

Where to start

When you want to help your child learn a second, in general, far from your native language, first of all, you need to organize an artificial atmosphere of a foreign language environment and learn how to navigate well in it. Children perfectly understand the material and without long explanations of the features of grammar, and the only way to generate interest is visualization and playful presentation of the material.

The whole learning process is best done with the ability to comprehend English by ear. Listening will help prepare the child for answering questions and enrich the vocabulary, will allow you to quickly pick up intonational nuances.

With the English Club TV channel, you can raise your level of knowledge of English for more active communication and learning for your child, while not leaving for a long time to complete a new course.

English for children from 1 year old is not very similar to a lesson in its usual sense. English lessons with kids are mostly English-language "performances" with a small plot, poetic stories, English songs, funny pictures and interesting drawing-crafts. At the same time, no, including new, foreign words for the baby are translated into Russian. The child should become interested in a language that is incomprehensible to him and, immersed in the English-speaking environment, listen and absorb. Often, very young students at first just listen, listen and listen to the teacher's English speech, and then they begin to give out whole constructions.

In order for the baby to immediately join the process of the educational game, a parent can accompany the child at the Polyglottic Center. As soon as the student finds contact with the teacher and stops losing mom or dad, he can independently stay in English lessons for the little ones.

Age features of learning

English courses for toddlers are divided into several subtypes. Teachers work with children from one to two years old in the presence of their parents. In addition to studying foreign language, special attention is paid to early development. The teacher in his work uses finger games, mobile tasks that encourage kids to act, learns short poems and songs with his wards. One of the most affordable and effective ways of presenting information is watching cartoons in English. The main task of the teacher is to interest children, make them want to learn the language and develop. The teacher works on preparing the child for a more intensive course, teaches him to intuitively recognize and understand foreign speech.

The English language program for toddlers from 2 years old is aimed at ensuring that the child speaks as early as possible. With regular attending classes, children develop perfect pronunciation and there are no grammatical errors. This level combines tasks for the little ones and is the basis for regular training. The teacher still devotes a lot of time to games, but the children are already at the table more, doing creative assignments. A competent approach allows you to increase the child's vocabulary several times over a year. Songs, dances, small poems and nursery rhymes remain in the structure of the lessons.

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