Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Divine feminine energy. A seed of divine, feminine energy. The Goddess has always blessed intercourse in love and, of course, your right to an intimate relationship. This right is your natural heritage. But, unfortunately, here, like any medal, it has its own defense.

Divine feminine energy. A seed of divine, feminine energy. The Goddess has always blessed intercourse in love and, of course, your right to an intimate relationship. This right is your natural heritage. But, unfortunately, here, like any medal, it has its own defense.

Divine energy and sacred magic of the female breast

The chest is the most sacred expression of femininity.

Let's pay attention to the true nature of the female breast and see what is happening on our planet in relation to her.

The breast is an expression of the deepest tenderness and care that a mother can give to a child. This is a manifestation of how the earth cares for its children. Take a look at the surface of the Earth - hills and mountains, often covered with snow, constantly interacting with clouds, fog, rain ...

During the period of breastfeeding, when she is filled with life, a woman can comprehend the full strength of her breast. And a woman often does not even suspect about the strength hidden in her breast, Until she starts breastfeeding - and then the breast is completely revived and filled. This can also happen under the influence of the love that her man has for a woman - if this is true love.

When the breasts are fully revealed in their beauty and true nature, they become a conduit of divine love. This love is poured into the world through a woman's breast, originating in the very Center, in the center ... let's call it the center of the Universe.
This energy, passing through the female body, through the female breasts, originates from the Great Mother, from the Cosmos, from God - whatever we call it, it is divine energy, flowing through the female breast.

But unfortunately in our world, breasts are perceived only as an attribute of sexuality. The chest has become an object for the eye and the mind, which is simply used. Breasts are naturally very beautiful, we can’t do anything about the fact that they are eye-catching. But when the gaze is programmed by the mind; in other words - when someone looks from that part of their consciousness where coarse sexual attraction, lust and lust live - when these energies look through the eyes of people at a woman's breast, then feelings of filth, shame and anger are born in a woman. They do not look at her with love, but with the desire to use it, as a sexual object, as a source of energy.

Over time, this phenomenon became more and more deeply rooted in the psyche and consciousness of mankind and eventually became an absolutely acceptable behavior. We now have many magazines around the world, with centerfold breasts shot for all kinds of pornography - as well as films that show a woman's breasts in the sexiest positions without revealing her true sensuality.

What does a woman feel from the inside when she truly feels her breasts as part of herself? In other words, does your breast feel like a single whole, and what happens at this moment?

When a woman feels her body and turns her attention to the breast, from this hearing, various sensations come on the surface of the nipples. But the biggest thing that she feels inside is a sense of the integrity of the chest of her heart center. The chest and heart are in communication with each other. When a woman is truly filled with her love, then the chest and heart contain a very large amount of energy, and this sensation is fully manifested in the body.

How she sees her breasts is how her breasts respond to her thoughts about her. And how can she feel if she constantly thinks that her breasts are small or too large - if she fills her with thoughts based on the generally accepted mental - sexual approach, which has become so normal all over the world?

The phenomenon of a "push-up" bra - every woman seeks to make her breasts more "bulging", or vice versa, to reduce, through liposuction. All this only strengthens the rejection of the female breast in its natural form, such as it is. Breast in the modern world is a physiological trait of a woman, a primary sexual characteristic, and not a natural, spiritual expression of femininity.

But if a woman thinks and perceives her breasts in a natural, natural state, then so much magic happens inside her. Then the natural flow of female love, filling her, begins to flow outward, because he - by nature - wants to feed. Such is the breast in its true nature, it seeks to feed people with divine energy.

If your breasts were not loved, if you filled it with constant reproaches that it is imperfect, insufficient, or if you hid your breasts, practically "cutting off" it from yourself, as it created many unpleasant situations in a male environment - maybe , in those moments when a man embarrassed you, or looked at your chest, and not in your eyes, and from a young age there was a lot of shame and rejection in this - if you closed, "plugged", like a cork, all the energy of your chest then how to open and awaken it?

Let's start by simply ...

Let's think about breasts, give her some of our attention.

Touch your chest every day. Massage it - regularly, every day, with the same constancy with which you take a shower. In the morning, after waking up, lightly massage your navel, stomach, chest. Do this every day - pay attention to your breasts - and through touch, through massage, through your love, you will begin to breathe life into it.

Feel the connection of the breast with another sacral center - with the uterus, which is also very important, and with the heart. How can you do this? Through breathing, through concentration of attention, through prayer and filling with love, and first of all, through gratitude and acceptance of your breast in its natural state, as it is.

Breathe life into your chest, breathing upward the energy of love from the yoni, from the vagina, from the uterus into the chest.

Start bringing loving thoughts to her, inviting the energy to open up, creating all the conditions for this.

Give attention to your breasts every day, physically and mentally. So, you will allow your breasts to return to your body as part of its original beauty.

Often a woman experiences nipple pain because she is not used to returning to integrity and unity with her natural strength. If, for example, you don't feel safe with your man and he starts sucking on your breast, you may experience pain. What often happens in the flow of true love can happen during lovemaking with a man - this is a process of purification, a process of releasing everything that has accumulated inside. When a man "drinks" from your chest with all his being, with his heart, he really falls to your chest as to a life-giving source.

So what's going on? All those feelings of shame, feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, disgust, anger, which are firmly entrenched in the female psychic structure, begin to come out, "washed away" by the flow of love. If your breast is closed, if the energy of your breast does not open, if you feel yourself separated from it, then this love begins to open the breast.

Also use your feminine wisdom to figure out when to cover your breasts and when to allow yourself to open your breasts. This is what you should listen to your feelings and your intuition. If you went out on business to a big busy street, and there are a lot of people around you, men who are running somewhere, there are a lot of "basic", low energies, then maybe at this moment it is worth throwing a shawl, blouse, or buttoning a couple of buttons on my jacket. If you are in a female social circle, or communicate with loved ones, or spend time with your beloved, then you can allow the beauty of your breasts to be seen. This is a very important understanding - when to cover your breasts and when to reveal their beauty.

Translated, edited and annotated by Simurg J.S.

Goddess Power

Since we have now entered the phase of the completion of the process of liberation of the planets, it is extremely important to connect with the Presence of Feminine Divinity and cultivate the qualities of Love, Compassion and Tenderness in us in order to stabilize the transition and counteract the cruelty so prevalent on the surface of this planet:

Isis Astara: Call of the Goddess

I want to say a few words about the passage of Isis Astara to the other side [of the veil].

I am forever grateful for her anchoring of the Divine Feminine Energies on this planet, at these times when it is so necessary.

She was not well known publicly, but her work and influence had a huge and vital impact on the planet.

What I remember, a big part of her is how committed she was (and of course, committed to it on the other side) to anchor Goddess Energy on this planet.

For her, it was not just something to try to do on Sundays, or something that allows you to gain personal authority over others or recognition and approval. It was her divine goal - to return the balance of [Male and Female Divine Energies] to Earth and free this planet and all living beings.

She inspired me and many others, she worked so hard to maintain the anchoring of the Goddess Energies in the planetary grid and help stabilize and harmonize situations.

Therefore, I want to express this call, this is a reminder to all of us, and especially to other women and priestesses, that we need to keep the Divine Feminine Flame ALIVE during these critical times on Earth in which we are now.

The huge cosmic cycle ends, and a new one begins. The deepest changes will come inevitably.

The faster we approach the Compression Breakthrough, the more it will be compressed, under pressure, intense and unstable. Goddess energy is and will be exactly what is absolutely critical to help keep situations stable.

We need to stop criticizing, stop projecting stress and negative perceptions onto others and ourselves.

We need to be gentle, delicate with others and with ourselves.

Be Merciful.

Connect with your Soul, your I AM Presence, the Power of I AM.

Know that I AM is always the Energy of the Goddess that I need.

Know that I AM is always the Divine Love that we need so much.

Support each other. Radiate and visualize it everywhere, Pink ray of Cosmic Love Light.

Unite with them and invoke the Goddesses: Isis, Tara, Durga, Kuan Yin [Maria, Umu, Nadu, Portia ...], etc.

Ishida has always encouraged us to sing this song during COBRA conferences:

We are all One.

You are inside me.

You are in every step that I take.

We breathe with One Breath.

We are one.

Let's be loyal, let's keep the Flame ALIVE.

Regardless of what else we do, let's save it until the final Victory of Light.

This is the nature of Life itself.

We will all be together again after the Liberation of the Earth, we will be together in Unity, as angelic beings of Love and Light.

And all this time we all remain connected to each other in the global Network of Light.

Much, Much Love to all.

(This is the fourth part, written by Antares, translated by Inana. It was originally published in German on Transinformation.net

It is written as if Cobra and Isis were speaking, although this is not word for word what they said, but paraphrasing what they said. COBRA read these notes and confirmed them).

Goddess Energy and the Sisterhood of the Rose

~ New means of communication ~

Isis Astara:

The increasing influx of Goddess Energy will change everything, therefore it will also change our ways of communicating with each other.

When communicating, the words themselves, as "information packages", make up only 7% of all communication. This means that the remaining 93% is made from body language and energy of intention. Most people do not understand this and only listen to words - and are often embarrassed by those feelings, sensations that sometimes appear, although nothing bad, it seems, was said. In fact, this is just a result of their perception of the 93% of the information codes transmitted to them, which cause those strange reactions when they resonate with their own programming.

In the future, we will use more of our telepathic and intuitive abilities and communicate more fully. In this process, it is helpful to activate the connection with our own Soul.

This connection can be deepened when we ask ourselves: what moves me, what makes me happy? What is it - what makes my heart sing?

Is this the direction in which my Soul wants to lead me? Is this what inspires me to live?

This is the first step: getting to know ourselves, with who we really are.

When we expand our being in the true Presence of our Soul, our ways of communication will also be more in line with our Divine Essence and therefore will also attract this frequency, and hence a happier communication.

We are programmed in our unconscious (see Notes Part 1), we all look at the world through "sunglasses" of different colors. Often we are not aware of the fact that other people think, feel and communicate differently, differently than we do.

When we express ourselves and at the same time do not have sufficient awareness of ourselves and others, many problems arise in our communication, and sometimes we think that we are left alone and no one understands us.

Now we are taking responsibility again.

These are great times and we will grow TOGETHER as we allow this change to take place.

During this Shift, we try to support each other through true heartfelt compassion and taking into account the changes that are taking place.

We are also ready to witness the changes that we have been able to make. And we allow ourselves to respect the changes that others have made.

We honor these achievements and let go of the “old photographs” of ourselves and others.

Despite the fact that communication is so important, our consciousness is still not sufficiently focused on it. Instead, communication is "taught" only unconsciously - through the behavior of our parents, teachers, etc.

All this programming has created many situations of immersion in the "victim mind".

Feelings of their own unworthiness, the need for competition and negative behavior were created and maintained.

In the new energies, there will only be situations in which everyone benefits.

New ways of communication will be reflected in all spheres of life, for example, in trade: providing better quality will be more important than making a profit.

There will be deep respect, honesty and truthfulness. Excuses and excuses are also really important in the new world, but they have to be honest.

~ Throat Chakra ~

The throat chakra is important for communication, but the other chakras must also be fully operational for the full flow of energy. Therefore, working with the chakras is very useful in any case, and there are many methods available, and the work with the Energy of the Goddess is especially powerful.

In old communication patterns, we only listen to the spoken words, and as we listen, we already think about our response. But everyone means different things when they hear the words "love", "consciousness" or, for example, "will" ...

In our more integral being, this will change to a more complete hearing of each other.

In a state of [inner] silence, with our full Presence, we become able to hear all aspects of the other being, and then we can feel the Presence of the other in our being.

This is the first step to allow the flow of Goddess Energy to flow into our lives: merging with the Goddess begins with listening.

At such moments, we are in relaxation, and the answers come on their own. This is how we take responsibility for our new art of communication.

Honesty, respect, compassion (empathy), receptivity and expression of our feelings: these are the properties of true Feminine Power. This is how the Divine Feminine is expressed and perceived.

In the coming times, it is extremely important that we express, along with our feelings, our talents in joy and happiness.

Look inside yourself: what inspires you the most?

Find out what it is that makes you get up in the middle of the night to do it right away.

If you find this, you will find your true passion, and it will lead you to your true path.

Use all of these methods and create your own.

Sometimes it is more convenient to communicate with like-minded people than to look for answers in books and seminars. Being with others who have the same interests as you multiplies your own joy, and you will find how to express yourself in joy.

True joy and interest will generate so much respect that it will be easy for you to respect your own boundaries and those of those close to you.

Once you are in your true strength, you will be full of respect for both yourself and others, and therefore you will not be embarrassed if others say no. You will simply be Present in your Heart, centered within it, deeply rooted below, in Mother Earth, and with wings high in the sky.

Through the "Sisterhood of the Rose" the Energy of the Goddess returns to Earth. This is the real Consciousness of Unity, without competition, without comparing oneself with any other living being.

This is part of the Presence of the Soul in matter.

It's all about unconditional love, respect, understanding. We are all facets of one beautiful shining diamond.

Such [known in ancient Egyptian culture] aspects of the Goddess as Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet are all different expressions of the One.

This understanding is now returning to Earth again. It helps men and women to awaken and regain their true strength and come alive again.

For men, this is a wake-up call so that they no longer suppress their feelings and express them without fear of being ridiculed.

For women, this means that now they can abide in their Truth without becoming too masculine: they can be soft and strong at the same time.

The Divine Child is a symbol of the fully balanced energies of the Masculine and Feminine Principles.

Thus, Horus / Horus is a symbol of this, a symbol of the child of Isis and Osiris / Astara.

As divine children of the Goddess, it is beneficial for us to feel the Presence of the Divine Child within us, this creates balance within us and allows the energy of the Goddess to flow through us.

Through our connection with the Goddess, we find our balance - spiritually, emotionally and physically. New preferences and new consciousness appear. Through giving out and taking inward, [outer] action and [inner] perception are balanced in us.

[Note from Untwein:

I would like to add something important in my opinion: since we are connecting with the Divine Child, it is important to understand that our “Inner Child” / “Divine Child” does not coincide with the physical child.

Every adult has this archetype inside, we all have it, regardless of our age. Therefore, the inner / divine child is not about the cycle of reincarnation, this is not our distorted idea of ​​a physical child on Earth who is dependent, has not fully grown, needs authority, is not able to take care of himself, etc. This is not what is meant by the inner / divine child.

The "Divine Child" is within each of us, and he knows that he does not need authority or an external source, he is connected with our Innocence, our sense of curiosity and exploration in order to be neutral - which means having no previous experience interfering in the way we see the world - to be, as it were, an empty page that we are ready to fill.

Thus, the “divine child” in us retains these qualities [of purity, innocence and curiosity] and at the same time is capable, skillful, independent, he himself knows how to make his own choices.

It's about pure divine innocence within us all .

In ancient times in Egypt, men and women were initiated (passed initiations) into the secrets of the Goddess. They learned how to use certain symbols, methods and knowledge to bring the Energy of the Goddess to the planet.

The High Priestesses also knew how to use Sound at its fullest.

However, the very first mystery of the Goddess is actually Silence.

Silence is an open door for admission, and this leads to the fullness of “surrender” to the Divine Beginning. And this surrender allows the Goddess and God's Energy to be fully present in your physical body.

This is the expression of the Spirit in Matter, allowing the Soul to live with the fullness of Life.

The goal of the Soul serves the highest good of All That Is, of all Creation.

At the same time, each deed becomes a sacred Feast of Life.

Through the Presence of the Goddess, we learn to behave naturally, allowing Divine Energy to flow through us.

Knowing all of these things is what the High Priestesses in Egypt taught, and it is also what will be here again in the New Society.

A very important symbol in this context is the pentagram [five-pointed star]. The Pentagram balances the five Elements / Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether. Five is a magic number, and Life is possible only through the fusion of these 5 Elements.

We are small microcosms that include all Five Elements.

The Fibonacci spiral and the laws of Sacred Geometry manifest themselves already in every embryo and in its shell and in the bricks of DNA.

The new society will consciously deal with the Five Elements [Mother Earth Elements].

Sacred symbols are manifestations of Cosmic Energies.

The Milky Way with its Galactic Center is the Divine Double Spiral pattern, with the Ocean of Love emanating from it.

~ Temple in Malta ~

The Central Race is the very first advanced civilization that acquired great wisdom in this Galaxy millions of years ago, when they lived near the Central Sun.

These beings brought their Wisdom throughout the galaxy. They were known as Messengers ("angelos" in Greek - messengers, messengers), Angels ...

They are not only Etheric Beings, but also Physical Angels with wings.

Jonah [Yoni] is the winged Goddess who brought the mysteries / mysteries to Earth during the time of Atlantis.

Isis Astara was her student.

When Jonah left Earth, she gave the mission to Isis so that the Knowledge of the Goddess would be kept alive.

Isis founded the Mystery Schools in Atlantis, but when the spiritual fall occurred in Atlantis, they had to go underground.

After that, the main place of Mystery Schools [initiations into the sacraments] on Earth was Egypt.

[Not only Egypt. - Approx. Ed.]

This area was then larger than we perceive it today, and it also included many of the Mediterranean islands.

There was a main temple in Malta, which has always been a Pillar of Light.

According to legends, the temples were built by giants.

It was in Egypt that the "Sisterhood of the Rose" was founded many thousands of years ago.

The "Sisterhood of the Rose" consisted of Enlightened Beings with high, advanced Wisdom and abilities, they lived and cultivated Holiness in temples.

Therefore, they were very strong, and the Archons, of course, did not like it.

In the end, the Archons destroyed these temples, and the knowledge of the "Sisterhood of the Rose" went underground.

The Archons sent messengers to pray to their god, called Aten. They banned the Mystery Schools, which then went underground, like the temples of Isis.

The priesthood [of the Egyptian temples], however, was very strong, and so after a short time they were revived and the temples in the Mediterranean region became active again.

[Note from translator-editor:

Here is an obvious misunderstanding, since Akhenaten and Nefertiti were in fact the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, and the worship of Aton did not contradict the worship of the Great Divine Mother, and Akhenaten was opposed, precisely, by the so-called. Archons who penetrated the Mystery Schools and Temples and seized power in them.

The full name of Aten was "Ra-Hor-Aton", that is, it represented the Great Central Sun of our galaxy and the Galactic Christ / Vishnu / Son, manifested through the interdimensional portal of our Sun-Ra and combining the features of the Male and Female Principles (Father and Mother , Alpha and Omega) at the same time. Everything created, as it was believed in the cult of Aten, originated from this God and at the same time exists within Him.

Unlike other gods, Aton was not anthropomorphic (humanoid), he was depicted as a sun ball (and not a disk, as they often write) with rays extending from it, which ended in hands (often holding Ankhs) or oval symbols of Individual Sparks (since Souls, as Individualized aspects of the Creator, are born precisely in the Great Central Sun.

The images of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife clearly show that he (in no way violating ancient Egyptian traditions) was depicted as a representative of the Deity, but not some other, namely Ra-Hor-Aton, and the queen-wife often appeared in the image of the wife of Horus - the goddess Hat-Khor, with a "horned" headdress, with the sun between the horns. And Akhenaten or Nefertiti often hold Ankh in their hands.

Let me remind you that Horus in the ancient Egyptian pantheon acted as a representative of the Son / Vishnu / Christ aspect, and Isis and Osiris - as representatives of the Mother and Father aspects.

It was the Archons, who seized power in the Temples and Mystery Schools of Egypt, who in the end poisoned Akhenaten and subsequently tried to completely erase the memory of him and the cult of Aten. The Archons cultivated bloody sacrifices in temples and perverted the teachings of the Mystery Schools (which were originally founded and guided, during the first, divine, dynasties of the pharaohs of Egypt directly by the Great White Brotherhood and personally by Maitreya).

Archons ("Princes") is an abbreviated name for those whom the Bible, the Apocrypha and esoteric sources call "the princes of this world", that is, the rulers who have seized power in this world. The very word "archon", which originally meant any chief and secular ruler, later, especially outside the Greek-speaking world, acquired a different meaning: in the Greek original of the Gospel, the expression "άρχων του κόσμου τούτου" "The prince of this world") means the Devil, and in the plural - his minions. And not only those incarnated in human bodies, but also those who are in the astral plane. Archons in Gnosticism were called evil SPIRITS-world rulers. - Ed.].

During Roman times, Sisterhood of the Rose temples spread throughout the empire, such as Avalon in Ireland [ in general, Avalon was not in Ireland, but in Wales, in the place where Glastonbury Hill is now, it was previously surrounded by a lake. At present, Avalon is the Etheric Abode of Light in the system of Abodes and Cities of Light of Shambhala. - Ed.]

The knowledge of the Sisterhood of the Rose was kept in the strictest confidence, and only the Initiates knew what was happening in the temples. They vowed never to share these ordinances with anyone outside of the Sisterhood.

The sacraments of the Goddess are supremely sacred. They are not meant for beings who are not ready to accept them. If they are passed on to the masses, they will be distorted and misused.

Thus, the deepest secrets of the Goddess are communicated only to the Initiates.

Even most of the most awakened beings on this planet are still not ready to receive the full range of the ordinances of the Goddess.

The programming is much deeper than even most Lightworkers realize.

Over time, and only after the Event, the complete Mysteries will become available, but exclusively for those who will be ready to accept them.

The name of the simplest of the sacraments of the Goddess can be communicated already now, it is Initiation into the sacrament of the Immortality of the Soul.

During the Roman Empire, the Archons again tried to destroy the Mysteries.

In the IV century, Constantine the Great wanted to create one synthetic religion from all religions.

Bishops [heads of Christian communities, hitherto brutally persecuted] from all over the empire were ordered to gather at the famous Council of Nicaea.

There, all the bishops had to sign a specific document, otherwise they would not have left this room alive, the "guardians" would have taken care of this.

The decrees of the Council of Nicaea are the foundation of the Catholic religion, which has been and is still used as a special tool for controlling the masses.

From that day on, everything else within the Roman Empire was prohibited.

The sacraments of the Goddess did not exist in writing. Temples were destroyed, priestesses and priests were killed.

Later, the reincarnated members of the Sisterhood of the Rose worked underground, they spread knowledge, working not directly, but through the use of symbols, for example, in architecture, paintings and music.

One of the buildings in which many of these symbols can be found is Chartres Cathedral [the famous cathedral church in Chartres, France].

The Holy Grail is another such symbol, and it has gained notoriety for being incorporated into visual arts, architecture and poetry.

Another symbol is the Chalice of the Goddess, represented in the form of a Rose, therefore the rose flower is also a symbol associated with the Mysteries of the Goddess, embedded in poetry and art.

There is also a secret book called The Red Book, and the Catholic Church can never get hold of it. It was passed on from mother to daughter onwards.

The Sisterhood of the Rose influenced events in the political world from behind the scenes many times, as was the case with Hitler when the Sisterhood contacted Eva Braun.

In this way, even some worst-case scenarios could be prevented.

During Saladdin's reign, many battles were averted, and peace was often made thanks to the influence of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

Richard the Lionheart was sent a new army when he was badly wounded - a completely illogical maneuver in history.

The Sisterhood of the Rose prevented an atomic war on Earth.

The goddess wants peace, and this peace will come.

During the Event, members of the Sisterhood of the Rose will maintain the energy of Silence and Peace.

The masses will not understand what is happening, so there will be agitation (excitement), and the Sisterhood of the Rose will calm it all down through its meditations.

This means that their role during the Event is key.

Despite the fact that many do not yet realize the full meaning of this, it is important to create groups now so that during the Event everything is calm and peaceful.

At the moment, it seems that most of the same people who form the Sisterhood of the Rose groups are also gathering the Masculine aspect of the Event groups, the Event support groups.

As is often the case, others are not yet sufficiently awakened.

Either way, it's good to find your own role in this process and follow your inner guidance - as always.

Isis Astara:

The pentagram is also a symbol of the Goddess, and the circle around the pentagram means Protection.

The energy of the Goddess is extremely soft and at the same time very strong. This is the Energy of Creation.

Throughout history, the dark forces have tried many times to suppress this Energy. Strong women, healers and "witches" were truly high Priestesses.

Through the Sisterhood of the Rose, men and women can regain their Life Energy and Life Force, which has been suppressed in the past.

~ The Original Thought of Creation ~

The important thing in the Universe is Free Will.

Free Will means freely expressing unconditional Love for the Goddess and God [Feminine and Masculine Principles of the One].

Our knowledge of the Goddess allows us to access our Free Will. There is no will that is higher than our Free Will - this is the Primordial Intention [within the zones of the Universe set aside by the Creator for experimenting with Free Will. - Ed.].

Our Free Will is above all, it is respected at the Highest levels.

Religious systems fear the strong Feminine Will, and for many times women did not obey the [official] religion.

Spirit comes into Matter through Wisdom (Sophia - the Wisdom of God. - Ed.).

If Free Will is in HARMONY with Divine Principles, then no Free Will will ever be limited, and everything will happen for the good of the Whole.

This is how we should initially live.

Now that we are balancing [Beginnings] again, it’s very important for us to learn how to express ourselves without activating competition / rivalry and comparison patterns.

We can start by stopping comparing ourselves to whoever it is.

The old system, which has competition / rivalry as its main programming basis - which serves to suppress Goddess Energy - will no longer work.

Especially women have come now to get into the process of supporting each other, instead of competing and fighting.

This is really very important: learning women to really support other women.

This is the absolute basis for the re-emergence of the Sisterhood of the Rose, because the circle of women supporting each other is the main basis for the Priesthood / Priesthood Initiations of Isis.

Divine Feminine [as well as Masculine. - Ed.], The Goddess, has many aspects, and it cannot be expressed by only one woman, therefore there are many aspects / facets that allow expressing the Energy of the Goddess in various ways and colors of Energy, and together they create a single Diamond of the Goddess.

This is the beginning of the anchoring of the Divine in matter.

The Goddess Energy itself educates itself through itself, and it is absolutely Magnetic.

A woman who dwells in the Energy of the Goddess does not need to fight or draw attention to herself, since she will be a magnet through her very being, through being herself.

Male energy is Electrical, therefore these two Energies are constantly attracted to each other, without doing or adding anything else to it.

This is Creation, this is the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, attracting each other with their very basic structure / construction.

The more we cognize ourselves inside, the more both of these Energies become Present in us, each in its own way, and this means that we are both Magnetic and Electric at the same time.

This, again, is the Power of the Lioness / Leo within us.

The Egyptian Sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a woman - as a symbol of this Power of the Lioness in people.

Women and men who are filled with balanced Energies [Beginnings] are the carriers of this Leo Energy.

Many goddesses have an animal next to it, which (symbolically) expresses a certain Power or Ability.

One of the symbolic animals of Isis is the Dove (Dove - Ed.).

Teachings about Ankh - the Key of Life, Breath of Life, were described in Atlantis / Egypt as a symbol of Creative Potential.

Ankh also looks like Angel, Human, Key

[Note from Untwine: It also symbolizes Yoni and Lingam, click here for more information: http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.com.by/2014/12/connections-and-magic-eye-therapy.html]

It can also be seen as symbols of Infinity, which are stacked twice on top of each other with open ends, and "legs" and "hands" are twice a symbol of open Infinity, which means to bring Life (which passes through the loop) into something from Eternity.

Isis brought Osiris back to Life by allowing the Breath [of Life] to flow into him through the Ankh.

The ankh can also be held overhead to connect with the Higher Self, or used as a lens to “see” in the spiritual realms.

Gradually, we will learn again how, with deep respect and honor, to use our symbols for the good of all Creation.

The Ankh is the key to taking responsibility in the Sisterhood of the Rose groups and also to bring Soul Energy into our body.

One of the deepest Mysteries of Isis is how to bring Spirit into Matter with the help of the Ankh.

At the present moment, the strong Energy of Light eliminates everything synthetic, everything is NOT Living.

The dark forces try to suppress the Energy of the Goddess, because they know that they will be removed by her, since they themselves are not filled with Divine Energy.

Now a lot of support comes to us from the Galactic Confederation and from the Central Sun.

The Central Sun is also a giant Goddess, and, as we can see, it moves in a spiral manner.

[The Central Sun is the unity of the Feminine and Masculine Energies in complete harmony and co-creation. - Ed.]

This means that the Energy of the Goddess and the Consciousness of the Goddess move in a spiral.

Goddess Consciousness and Goddess Power is SPIRAL Consciousness [and spiral movement of Energies].

As we now understand Spiral Consciousness, we also understand that we are the ones who must activate in order to allow Spiral Consciousness to flow through us, to manifest through us, so that we are channels of Goddess Energy.

Isis / Isis and Osiris are archetypes of the Energy of Equilibrium [Principles]. The legend of them includes the fact that their love for each other was so strong that she managed to overcome all obstacles.

The Power of Creation / Creativity is the Energy of the Divine Mother.

Mother gives birth to new life through submission of herself to the Stream of Life.

Pain occurs during labor resistance / contractions. We have been taught and programmed to resist this Energy.

When we learn to surrender / submit ourselves to the Energy of the Goddess, birth [creativity, creation] in all areas of life becomes more joyful and easy.

In the Mysteries of Isis, milk is the Divine Drink through which the Divine Child receives his Life.

The crown of the goddess Hathor, with horns embracing and holding the sun, symbolizes this very beautifully.

The cow with horns is a sacred animal that gives the Divine Drink - milk.

This is magic, the secret of nature.

Inside the female body there is everything to give and support and nurture Life - inside the womb, and also then through the chest.

The same is with animals and nature. Life comes from the seed, and everything that wants to unfold from it is already present in the seed.

The number 5, again, we find in the number of fingers and toes, as well as in the 5 Elements / Elements of Nature.

This conference, which we have now held, takes place at the time of the Equinox, at the moment of equilibration / balancing of the Energies. And this is the birth of a new Life.

Now everything on our planet is coming to balance.

This rhythm is the heartbeat of the universe, contraction and relaxation.

The Earth moves with the Universe in the same rhythm as a wave in the ocean, like ebb and flow.

This is how the Energies of the Goddess and God are manifested, in the balance of dynamism / active (purposeful) action and immediacy / spontaneity.

~ End of conference and Notes ~

Lisa Gerrard - Sanvean (432hz)

A seed of divine, feminine energy.

Every woman has a seed of divine, feminine energy.
If a girl cares for this seed, then it grows into a beautiful flower.
But if a woman does not pay attention to him, the flower does not open.

Femininity is energy.
Femininity is not a kitty who always says yes, well dressed, mannered, attractive, and so on. In fact, Femininity has many faces.

If a woman performs three sacred actions every day, giving them due attention, she will begin to reveal the flower of femininity and feminine strength - the ability to influence fate ..

The first is cleaning up all unnecessary and negative things.

Home is our mind, emotions. When a woman cleans up, she cleans her subtle body of all negative emotions. If a woman is not satisfied with something in a relationship, if she is angry inside herself, but suppresses these feelings, does not express them, they accumulate in her, and one day she may explode. Then quarrels and showdowns may begin, which negatively affects family relations, up to divorce. And a very good method of getting rid of unpleasant thoughts and feelings is cleaning.

The second is the giving of warmth and care.

If a woman develops this aspect, then she will always be beautiful and her house will always be a full bowl. When a woman unselfishly helps someone, she gains blessings and illuminates her life with them. This means that she attracts only happy events and bright people.

The third is communication, charm and art.

It should always be pleasant to talk to a woman. Anyone can be a great storyteller who can initiate and maintain a conversation. Any woman should engage in at least some kind of art, for example: dancing, painting, handicrafts, and of course cooking. This preserves harmony in the family ..

You will literally see your body change. It will have a greater charge of vital energy, it will become more beautiful and strong, having the opportunity to participate in various events. Your physical body will become a processor of a huge amount of heterogeneous information from many realities.

You need to learn to live and act, passing through your consciousness and physical more powerful electric charges. In the end, this will help you solve all the problems that roll over you like a growing snowball.

The potential of energy that has grown within you will activate your latent talents and will serve as a trigger factor that revives your psychic abilities for clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, clairvoyance, which allow you to go beyond the modern paradigm.

As a result of the electromagnetic modifications of your body, a kind of "electromagnetic shunt" is organized, bypassing the structures that keep you within the limited framework and configurations of perception and transmission of information. You will climb the stairs and find yourself on a different observation deck, from which you will evaluate reality in a different way.


This is an absolute must.

Understanding the shadow side of the Goddess is also an exploration of some of her energy, as the Goddess needed to do something that would result in a loss of power. And this knowledge is in your cellular memory, since each of you - whether you are a man or a woman - contains a particle of the Mother Goddess.

The goddess will be reborn through you again, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. Clever The decline of influence and the "fall" of the Goddess had certain reasons. The goddess has always recognized the right to fertility. The goddess does not fit into the history of Western culture in the last millennia, when the intercourse of a man and a woman became something to be ashamed of.

The Goddess has always blessed intercourse in love and, of course, your right to an intimate relationship. This right is your natural heritage. But, unfortunately, here, like any medal, there is a downside, sexual energy was not always used correctly and for its intended purpose.

For a certain period of time, the energy of the feminine principle dominated on Earth. The male vibrations were often just as desecrated as the female ones in the current millennium. Women exposed to outside influence lost respect for men, lost a sense of cooperation and partnership with them, lost a sense of unity between man and woman.

After some time, men began to act only in the role of producers. Women lost themselves in the power of the feminine Deity and misused their power, ceasing to regard men as equals. Men were treated as objects with an element of fertility. Often, men were sacrificed to the Mother Goddess after a single intercourse, sacrificial castrations and other abuses of force were carried out. And this is also true.

Women abused the sexual energy of men. All such phenomena, together with the subsequent humiliation of women, have led to today's confrontation. But everything changes, and the power, which is not abused, remains pure and bright. You will find that the Goddess returns with great compassion to the lives of those who are ready and not afraid to feel.


For centuries, the midwife has been regarded as the primary enemy of the Christian church - at least of its Catholic branch. She had the ability to relieve pain, to tell women about the secrets of their physical bodies. She also had a good understanding of herbs, a sacred part of the Living Library.

The Catholic Church is inherently very patriarchal and fears the manifestation of the energy of the Divine about the Feminine Principle through women. The Catholic Church feared that the power of women would take power away from the church and from men.

The problem of abortion, so widely discussed in the West, is not at all related to the very fact of surgical intervention.

This problem is posed in such a way as to separate people and give a wrong idea about the energy of the Divine Feminine Principle. A certain plan of action was introduced, directed against the energy of the Goddess. This plan aimed to deprive women of their power, to convince them that they have no right to choose. And if there was a choice, then it could only be an abortion.

Cunning plans have been devised to completely confuse women about the capabilities of their physical bodies. There is nothing wrong with that. There is no contradiction, as each of you chooses the lessons that need to be mastered. You can open your hearts and send healing energy to people inviting them to move into a state of expanded consciousness, but you cannot force them to change.

Only a woman initially has the ability to perceive this Energy from Above. But, although all women have this opportunity, everyone realizes it to varying degrees. And already at this stage, there are many opportunities for self-improvement. What is needed to perceive the Energy of Love in full?

· faith

It can be faith in any pure Divine powers, regardless of religion and belief. For an atheist, this can simply be an initial belief in goodness, light, joy as some kind of primary energies, the basis of life. If someone instead has fear or disbelief inside, methods of attunement to perfect images and / or self-hypnosis can be used.

· Ability to create "inner silence"

If a person has endless internal chatter inside, the pure stream of Divine Love will not fully pass through it. It is necessary to learn to suspend inner speech, to tune in to silence, peace and harmony.

· Positive attitude towards the World

The Light, Divine manifests itself in the World in the form of positive images, relationships and situations, harmony, beauty, joy. If a woman is tuned in to their perception, the surrounding space itself feeds her with the Energy of Love.

· Waiting for Love

“To love is the most natural state in the World: to love yourself, love others, love life. If you want to be loved, love yourself. And deep down, each of us wants Love most of all, but sometimes we probably forget about it. We strive to achieve other goals - career, money, wealth; we are looking for relaxation, fun and we miss the most important thing in life. And what can be more important than Love? We become what we think about. And if our thoughts are full of Love, we feel Love. Change your thoughts and you change your life. "

"Love is not the result of fate or luck, it does not come and go." We create it ourselves, and each of us has the ability to create it. We get from life what we give it ourselves. Relationships do not bring us Love, but we bring love into relationships. When we learn to love, a relationship filled with Love is inevitably born. "

· Revealing beauty "from within"

“A woman is beautiful only when she considers herself beautiful. Beauty is given to a woman not to satisfy a man's sensuality, but in order to Spiritually raise him. Love can only be attracted by a woman who thinks and knows that she deserves it. "

“You need to show the beauty of your clothes and yours. The task of a woman is to ennoble her surroundings. She determines the behavior of a man, setting the tone. A woman, being a support for a man, should cause a state of yearning for the Light, yearning for shining peaks! That's what a high note she needs to hit! "

· Purity

“The Ray of Purity is the Path along which Love walks, and it simply has no other Path. A person who has taken on the Ray of Purity is distinguished by childish spontaneity - a sign that a person is devoted to Purity. "

It is important to learn to show physical, mental purity (purity of thoughts, feelings, emotions) and spiritual (purity of thoughts and intentions).

· Humility:

- The ability to love yourself

“If you do not respect yourself, you cannot love yourself; and if you do not love yourself, it is very difficult to love others. You need to learn to accept yourself, value yourself, regardless of what others say about you. Each of us has our place on Earth, each of us is unique. When you understand your own worth, you can begin to understand the value of other people and respect them. And when you respect someone, you can start to love him. "

In addition, there is an element of rebelliousness in self-dislike: if we do not love ourselves, and we are the result of Creation, then is there a place for respect for the Creator? If a person rereads with the Creator, can he ask Him for something good for himself and his loved ones?

- Ability to accept your Path

“The spiritual path of a woman consists only in one thing - to learn how to love her husband and children correctly, to show Love”.

Only when a woman's Love becomes perfect will her Will be formed as an irrational point within the sphere of Love.

- Ability to accept the circumstances of life

In order to be able to improve something in this life or to solve any problem, it is necessary first of all to understand the "conditions of the problem", to accept them as an existing reality, and only then decide what can be done here. If we proceed from the fact that this should not be because it should never be, it will be impossible to act effectively.

If a woman has learned to tune in to the Energy of Divine Love and accept it, then comes second phase.

A woman gives Love to a man

Any energy does not like stagnation. It should come freely to the person and also flow freely further. At the same time, one must give not through force, but with joy and gratitude to Heaven for the very opportunity to perceive the Energy of Love and manifest it on Earth. In order for the Energy of Love to flow freely to a man, first of all, it is necessary to understand how to treat him.

· Attitude towards a man

LOVE - "the manifestation of the transfer of the Image of God"

"A woman must see in a man the Heavenly Father." (O. M. Aivankhov)

For a woman, a HUSBAND is a “wise life”, the Image and Likeness of God on Earth. The task is to receive from above and convey love to him so that he can manifest his Divine qualities. Tracking - if a wife is wealthy in love, knows how to perceive and give her to her husband, then she will never have to do men's work, and there will simply be no material problems.

A woman should offer a man her perfection, the perfection of her love, then everything else will work out by itself.

The next question is how a woman shows love?

· Physical love

“When in a partner you cognize God and give him everything beautiful and harmonious, all the accumulated Light, then the entire Universe experiences joy, and all the energy of this greatest Sacrament is amplified and returned to you by the subtlest vibrations of Love from the Heart of the Universe.”

“Energies of Love are Divine; they must return to the Divine World again. Therefore, in sexual intimacy, its purpose is important. If a man and a woman realize her greatness, they are able to perform a tremendous work, and then the Angels and Supreme Beings will take part in the spread of this energy, help those in love become even more beautiful and stronger. “Of the myriad of things created by Heaven, the most precious thing is man. Of all the things that give a person prosperity, none can compare with intimacy ... Those who comprehend its meaning will be able to nourish their nature and prolong their life, ”says the ancient Chinese treatise on the“ art of the bedroom ”. If the sexual energy of the Lovers does not burn out, Heaven rejoices at the beauty of their Love, and they receive pleasure ten times greater, purer and deeper. "

· Home keeping, daily care and attention

“A woman should be a mistress, because responsible for order in the Universe. Must be Homemaker, must make the Hearth a Shrine where the Will of God dwells! Putting things in order and cleanliness at home, working in Reason and Karma is a purely feminine work ... But is it possible to put things in order on the spiritual plane, if there is a mess on the physical plane? It all starts from the kitchen, from the house - until you work there, they won't let you go further and higher. "

Everyday household chores can manifest very different energies. They can be a burdensome duty, littering the fields of a woman and people close to her with many negative formations, or they can be a high service, a manifestation of the Higher Will, a way of manifesting Love.

“Through food, a woman feeds her loved ones with her acquired Perfection ... She can make everyone healthy, happy, energetic, and cheerful with her wishes for kindness and love, her state of purity and celebration in the process of cooking. Cooking and eating food should be a Sacrament. Then in the kitchen she creates Life itself. "

· Love, Purity and Faithfulness, Meekness and Humility

“When these qualities are manifested, when a woman has come into agreement with the Divine Laws, her feminine power has no boundaries and can perform miracles in the Creation. A woman becomes that vessel, that fruit, into which the Divine energy enters and through her emanates onto everything around. She becomes a Vessel of Golden Wine (perfection). Therefore, from a True Woman, a man has such a state as from a glass of good wine. This is her Power! "

After the woman has passed the Energy of Love through herself, the third step in the spiral of relationship development does a man.

Man accepts Love

In order to fully accept the gift of Love, it is important for a man, first, to be able to accept what Life gives him; secondly, to form an attitude towards a woman as a Secret.

· Attitude towards a woman

For a husband, WIFE is “the beginning of life; desired ”, a vital source of Love, which is necessary for the formation of will (WILL is the manifestation of the Image in itself). If a man perceives Love, it gives a basis to his will, and he gets the opportunity to manifest his power in Co-Creation.

A man should treat a woman as a Mystery.

If there is simplicity in relation to a woman, a man will not reveal his talent. If a man complicates his relationship with a woman, this will ruin himself. And only where the attitude towards a woman is irrational, a man will open up. The irrational goes back to the Image of the Mother of God and, proceeding from this Image, we transfer the attitude towards the earthly woman. For a man, this is a way out of a spiritual impasse.

Irrationality of relations means that a woman is incomprehensible to a man and to herself. Only God knows about the secrets of her soul.

When a person reaches the Truth,

he is amazed:

how to understand the One in other people?

And where now to look for the Secret?

But the eternal Secret will remain

flower, sunrise and woman.

“Issa said: Honor the woman, the mother of the universe; it contains the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. The existence of man depends on her, for she is the support in his labors ... Bless her ... She is your only friend and support on earth. Protect her ... Her love makes a person noble, softens hardened hearts and tames the beast. The wife and mother are invaluable treasures, they are the adornment of the universe. From them will be born everything that adorns the world ...

As light is separated from darkness, so a woman has the gift of separating good intentions from bad thoughts in a person. Your best thoughts should belong to a woman. Draw in them your moral strength, which you need to help your neighbor ... ”(From the manuscripts about Jesus' journey in the East, retold by N. Roerich)

"A woman is a s and m in l and a call to the worlds of extraordinary purity."

Men do not always know how to accept something, especially from a woman. The opinion was established that in a love relationship a man is the giving side, and a woman is the receiving one. But this is true only for the love of the physical plane. On the spiritual plane, the work is the same, but on the Spiritual plane, the Energy of Love comes to a man from a woman. He cannot live without this Energy, and if he does not receive it in his family, the search begins “on the side”. The underlying reason for this search, as a rule, remains behind the scenes. It can be either in the fact that the woman does not know how to receive and give love, or the man is not inclined to perceive this energy.

Ability to accept the Energy of Love includes several components.

· Tuning for Love

If a man perceives love as a "woman's whims", if he is sure that "real men" will do without these excesses, if he believes that "real women" remained in the past centuries or "love does not exist at all", then, with a high degree of probability, he will not be able to recognize his one and only. If it does, the consciousness slagged with such concepts will not let Divine Love pass to it.

“Love is the Greatest Gift of God! He who has received this Gift can not doubt Salvation from any misfortune, from any Abyss! The Hurricane of Love is able to raise him to the Light, to God, who is Love Himself! .. And this Service makes the lover free! " (Abd-Ru-Shin)

· Gratitude

A sense of gratitude is essential. Heaven tests us with small gifts. If a man knows how to be grateful to a woman for her care in everyday life, for small manifestations of her love, this opens the way for a great light feeling, which will become a reliable basis for his will.

“Learn to be grateful for what is given on the road, and learn to use it. If you refuse, limit your future, but if you abuse the data for you, you will lose the future. "

Another important aspect for a man is the ability to create conditions for the manifestation of love.

As we create conditions for the germination of seeds, digging, fertilizing and watering the earth, removing weeds, it is also important in family life that the sprouts of love have favorable conditions for growth and development. These include a reasonable organization of time, living conditions, emotional background and much more. If these circumstances are shaped like an experienced gardener shaping a flower bed for the best flowering, the Power of Love will sooner manifest all its wonderful possibilities.

As we learn in the classroom according to V.P. Gocha, the Energy of Love, transmitted to a man through a woman, creates the conditions for the next stage of development.

Love shapes the Will of a man

The love of a woman becomes the basis on which the Will of a man is formed.

“In men, Will manifests itself as a striving for the Spiritual and is an emanation of Love invested in a man by a mother or a loving woman. Love for a man is a connection with God (and she only goes through a woman or the Image of the Mother of God), the fulfillment of His Will, on the basis of which he acts. A man seeks Love in order to prove himself as the Creator. "

· Manifestations of Will

"Man is Movement, there is Will, there is a Path, he must pave the Path and walk along it."

“A man only needs to form an aspiration for something, and everything he needs along the way will be formed. He must be able to decide, this is the first, the second is be able to release decisions from oneself in execution».

"A man needs to show the attitude of the Father's Will in himself, doing earthly affairs, think about the Heavenly World, about the Highest!"

· Ability to make decisions

“A man must start with a decision, with an action. He has to make a decision. This is his love. ”

· Ability to let go of the situation from yourself

"If a man wants to prove something to another man or his wife, he does not need to prove, he should just make a decision so that the situation unfolds and shows ..."

· Ability to take responsibility for your decisions

“This is what the nature of men's strength should be: integrity, purposefulness, the ability to make decisions, the ability to take responsibility for their decisions. You must take the wheel of fate into your own hands, so that it does not rotate by itself, but acts from Creativity. We must take responsibility for our own destiny and the destiny of Creation. The more responsibility, the more God's plan is revealed. "

When a man has a will, he can enter into Co-Creation and Co-Completion with the Higher Forces.

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