Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Church holidays in December. Icons of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

Church holidays in December. Icons of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

The Orthodox holiday calendar is the easiest way to find out about upcoming religious events. Some of them are especially important and it is advisable to prepare for them in advance.

It may seem that Orthodox events are not very different from ordinary holidays. They are celebrated according to tradition and followed by signs to avoid difficulties in the future. However, church celebrations have their own characteristics. On these days, believers remember the Great Saints, visit churches, attend divine services and participate in prayer services. The site team presents to your attention the calendar of Orthodox holidays for December, with the help of which you will not miss a single religious event.

Church Orthodox calendar for December 2017

December 4 - Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. This event has become one of the most important in the Orthodox world. It was from this day that the spiritual life of the Most Holy Theotokos began. Even before the birth of the Mother of God, her parents, Anna and Joachim, made a vow that after the birth of the child, they would give him up to serve the Lord. They kept their promise, and when the young Virgin Mary was three years old, she was brought to the temple, where she lived until she was 12 years old. The holiday is one of the non-passing ones, therefore it is celebrated annually on December 4.

December 8 - Commemoration of the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. The end of the festivities in honor of the Feast of the Entry into the Temple takes place on December 8th. On this day, believers visit churches, attend divine services and hold the final celebrations dedicated to the great event.

December 9 - Memorial Day of St. George the Victorious. Saint George is the patron saint of the military. His image personifies strength, courage and invincibility. During his life, he endured a lot of suffering, and now he helps everyone in the most difficult situations. The icons depicting St. George the Victorious have no special purpose: they turn to the Saint for help with any problems. It is believed that the Great Martyr helps everyone who has faith in the power of the Lord.

December 10 - Day of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign". It is believed that the images of the Mother of God are capable of performing miracles. Many people who pray to the Mother of God for help told about incredible healing from incurable diseases and about her help and support in difficult situations. On December 10, you can visit the temple and pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God "The Sign". Do not forget that the Blessed Virgin Mary helps only those who turn to her sincerely and with good thoughts.

December 19 - Memorial Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Despite the fact that every month we honor the memory of the Saints, more than one Orthodox event is dedicated to Nicholas the Wonderworker. During his lifetime, he was a believer and a kind person and never refused to help those in need, for which he is famous to this day. Throughout his life, Saint Nicholas fought against paganism and defended the Orthodox believers, he was attacked by atheists. Many churches were built in honor of the Great Martyr, and his images adorn the walls of many religious institutions. Prayer addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help you get rid of ailments, find a family, and achieve justice. Going on a trip, be sure to take the icon with you, and it will become your talisman.

December 22 - Conception by righteous Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos. Until their very old age, the spouses Anna and Joachim could not conceive a child. Once the father of the Mother of God wanted to bring gifts to the Lord God, but the priest refused to accept them, calling Jokaim a sinner. The frustrated man went to the desert and stayed there for 40 days. At this time, Anna was alone at home. One day she went for a walk and saw a nest with chicks. The unhappy woman, in tears, began to pray and ask for the gift of a child, whom she would definitely give to serve God. At that moment, Anna saw an Angel, who said that the Lord had heard her prayers, and soon her daughter would be born. It is believed that the conception of the Virgin Mary became a real Providence of God, which is why this day is so revered among Orthodox believers.

December 25 - Memorial Day Spiridon Trimifuntsky. In the religious world, material values ​​are not important, but for a modern person they are necessary. People often turn to the Saint in times of financial hardship and unemployment. During his lifetime, Spiridon Trimifuntsky helped the poor and those in need of worldly affairs.

It is believed that only by eradicating faith in a Higher Power helps believers find what they want. With the help of strong prayer, you can not only achieve the fulfillment of your dreams, but also radically change your life for the better. Let harmony reign in your life and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.11.2017 05:23

Everyone loves Christmas and looks forward to it. However, there are some rules that will help you correctly ...

December for Orthodox believers is first and foremost a fully dedicated month. Fasting that began on November 28 is comparable to Lent in duration - it lasts 40 days and ends on January 6, on Christmas Eve. One of the most important is celebrated at the beginning of the month. twelve feasts - Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. And in the second half of December - the day of one of the most beloved saints among the Orthodox - Nicholas the Ugodnik. What Orthodox holidays are celebrated in December 2017, what is remarkable about the calendar of church holidays for the last month of the year.

Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos - December 4, 2017

On December 4 of every year (at least in our century), the twentieth non-passing holiday is celebrated - Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos... According to the Julian calendar used by the Orthodox Church, this is November 21st. However, we were lucky to live at the turn of two centuries, in which the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendar is unchanged and is 13 days. After 2100, this difference will already be 14 days, and all Orthodox holidays, according to the calendar we are accustomed to in the world, will move one day ahead, but only a few will survive until then.

However, we are distracted. What does the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos mean?

Believers celebrate on this day a biblical event when three-year-old Mary was brought by her parents to the temple and given to the service of God. Joachim and Anna, Mary's parents, were childless for a very long time, and at some point Joachim despaired of waiting for children, got tired of enduring the ridicule of his neighbors and was offended by the fact that the priest drove the childless parishioner out of the church. Joachim went into the wilderness and vowed not to return home until he found out that he would become a father. The prayers of Joachim and his wife Anna, who learned about her husband's act, gave their result - angels appeared to them, who reassured the spouses and said that they would soon have a daughter. The life of this daughter must be devoted to serving God, for she is chosen by Him.

Three years have passed since the birth of Mary, and her parents fulfilled their promise by bringing their daughter to the temple. The high priest already knew that they would bring him a difficult girl. The angels warned him that she was the chosen one of God. He met the child and immediately took her to the most sacred place of the temple - the Holy of Holies. Even the high priest had the right to visit this place on very rare occasions - no more than once a year.

For the next eleven years, Maria remained to live at the temple, where she was raised as a modest, hardworking girl.

Orthodox Holidays Calendar for December 2017

As for other Orthodox holidays in December, then, of course, the most important day of the rest is December 19, the day memory of St. Nicholas, Archbishop Mir Lycia, miracle worker... Nicholas the Wonderworker, who lived in the III-IV century AD, is one of the most revered saints in Russia. In terms of the number of churches built in his honor and icons painted in his honor, Nikolai the Ugodnik in pre-revolutionary Russia was the second Christian saint after the Mother of God. The name Nikolai was at that time one of the most popular names for babies. To this day, Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered as a very special saint. Everyone remembers the delivery of a particle of his relics last summer to Moscow and St. Petersburg, to which for many weeks there were many kilometers of queues of pilgrims. December 19 is the day of the death of the saint, marked as a memorable day in the church Orthodox calendar.

Other holidays in the Orthodox church calendar for December:

  • 01.12 - Cathedral of Saints of the Estonian Land.
  • 02.12 - celebration of the icon of the Mother of God, called "Consolation in sorrows and sorrows."
  • 03.12 - the forefeast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • 04.12 - Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • 05.12 - Commemoration of the 70 Apostles Philemon and Archippus and the Martyr Apphia Equal to the Apostles.
  • 06.12 - commemoration of St. Gregory, Bishop of Akraganti.
  • 07.12 - memory of the great martyr Catherine.
  • 08.12 - the celebration of the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • 09.12 - commemoration of the consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious in Kiev.
  • 10.12 - commemoration of the sign of the Most Holy Theotokos, which was in Novgorod the Great in 1170.
  • 11.12 - uncovering of the relics of the Monk Confessor Sergius (Srebryanskiy), Archimandrite.
  • 12.12 - memory of the martyr Paramon of Bithinsky and 370 martyrs with him.
  • 13.12 - memory of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
  • 14.12 - memory of the prophet Naum.
  • 15.12 - memory of the prophet Habakkuk.
  • 16.12 - memory of the Monk Sava, Abbot of Storozhevsky, Zvenigorod wonderworker.
  • 17.12 - memory of the Monk John Damascene.
  • 18.12 - commemoration of Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan.
  • 19.12 - memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • 20.12 - celebration in honor of the Seligerskaya (Vladimirskaya) Icon of the Mother of God.
  • 21.12 - memory of the apostles from the 70s Sosthenes, Apollos (Apellius), Cypha, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Caesar and Onesiphorus.
  • 22.12 - Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by righteous Anna.
  • 23.12 - memory of the Monk Anna (Stolyarova) confessor, schema-nun.
  • 24.12 - Week of the Holy Forefathers.
  • 25.12 - commemoration of Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky, miracle worker.
  • 26.12 - commemoration of Saint Dositheus (Barile), Metropolitan of Moldova.
  • December 27 - memory of the martyrs Firs, Leukius and Kallinikos.
  • 28.12 - Cathedral of the Kola Saints.
  • December 29 - memory of the Monk Sophia of Suzdal.
  • 12.30 - memory of the prophet Daniel and three youths - Ananias, Azariah and Misail.
  • 31.12 - Holy Fathers Week.

December 2019 is traditionally considered the month that prepares believers for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. In December, the Nativity Fast continues, which began at the end of November 2019, and will end directly on January 7, 2020 (Christmas). Fasting has certain rules for eating, there are special days for eating oil and fish. The consumption of meat and dairy products is strictly prohibited. Despite abstaining from idle food, the month is rich in church commemorations and celebrations.

Cathedral of Saints of the Estonian Land

December 1... At the request of the Estonian Patriarchate, in 2002, Patriarch Alexy of Moscow signed a decree on the appointment of a commemoration of the Council of Saints of the Estonian Land, including 17 saints in the Cathedral for commemoration, among whom John of Kronstadt is mentioned.

Icon of the Mother of God "Consolation in Sorrows and Sorrows"

According to historical sources, the icon came to the Athonite monastery to the hieroschemamonk Vissarion after the wanderings of Vladyka Athanasius 3 of Moscow with her. After the icon was transferred to the Nativity of Christ monastery, the Scrolls were written from the face and taken to various monasteries in Russia. The icon is honored by believers for the miraculous healings that have occurred to the parishioners. The icon of the Mother of God "Consolation in Sorrows and Sorrows" is a three-winged folding with the image of the Mother of God, surrounded by the great martyrs. Among them are George the Victorious, John the Baptist and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Entry into the temple of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary

December 4th to 8th. According to the Biblical text, Joachim and Anna could not give birth to a child until they were very old. Being in prayer every day, they made a vow to God that after the birth of a child, they would give it to the ministry. After a certain time, they gave their three-year-old daughter Mary to serve in the temple. In order to enter the temple, the girl had to climb 15 steps, along which she miraculously climbed without assistance. The high priest of the temple, who met Mary, blessed her for the service and, unexpectedly for everyone, at the instigation of the Holy Spirit, escorted her to the Holy Place of the temple, where women were not previously allowed to enter. The Holy Spirit in the guise of the High Priest testified that Mary will become the future Mother of the Son of God Jesus Christ. After that, Mary was left at the temple to serve God and remained there for eleven years.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Sign"

December 10. During the invasion of Novgorod in the 12th century, the Holy Image helped the Orthodox survive. Later, Holy Lists (hand-made icons written from the original) were painted from the icon, which were sold throughout Russia.

Saint Andrew the First-Called

December 13th. The disciple of John the Baptist and brother of Peter walked with Jesus Christ until the crucifixion. According to Russian legend, after the crucifixion of Christ, he preached all over the world and reached Russia. He died a martyr's death, was executed by crucifixion.

Saint Barbara the Great Martyr

December 17... An Orthodox holiday with Russian roots. Saint Barbara was the daughter of the noble Dioscorus. During the time of the pagans, Barbara converted to Christianity, for which she was beheaded by her father, who was then struck by lightning. The saint's relics are kept in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev.

Celebrating the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

December 19th... In many religions, besides Christianity, Nicholas the Pleasure is honored for his holy service to people and mercy. He traveled for many years in the service of the Lord. Nicholas the Pleasure is known for his intercession for sinners before the Lord, helps in prayer for the health and well-being of young children and those in burden. From the next day, the fast becomes stricter, it is forbidden to eat any fish.

Icons of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

December 22. Gives forgiveness and comfort to praying sinners and protects those in repentance.

It should be noted that fasting is not required for every believer. There are several rules for exemption from fasting:

Sick (sick), burdened (pregnant women), infants and children under three years of age are released. Elderly people can also receive an exemption from fasting or a restriction on certain food, it is enough to talk about this with the Priest or Father. Secular holidays (New Year) do not exempt believers from fasting, since worldly holidays are not church holidays. Throughout December 2019, a non-strict Christmas fast is held. The strict Nativity Fast begins on 01/02/2020 and lasts until 01/07/2020, until the immediate onset of the Nativity of Christ.

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