Home Garden on the windowsill Thistle symbol meaning. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland. Thistle in culture and ethnography

Thistle symbol meaning. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland. Thistle in culture and ethnography

A rose tattooed in a conspicuous place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, a ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare version of the tattoo, symbolizing perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make tattoos of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, addition, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying "umbrellas" is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and Arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - this is the secret meaning of a tattoo in the form of a key. All doors will open before such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Persistence, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is an ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it’s not far to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a good soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high measure of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in oriental symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, a passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost unnatural four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

Now young people are at the peak of popularity - inscriptions for tattoos with translation. Often, with the help of a standard drawing, it is difficult to express the full emotions that a person is experiencing, so a tattoo was invented in the form of words and phrases.

A tattoo is applied in the form of words or phrases in different ways. You can depict the phrase in a curved version, for example, similar to a heart or a pattern. For example, you can make an original tattoo inscription in Latin with a translation or leave the meaning of the phrase incomprehensible to others, that is, do not translate it.

Women, unlike men, do not think about how the impaled phrase on the body is translated. In this case, there are inscriptions for a tattoo with a translation specifically for girls, their meaning is simple and understandable for many. It can be single words or whole phrases.

If you want to poke out hieroglyphs, then it is better to know their correct meaning in advance. With all the apparent beauty and compactness, hieroglyphs can carry a negative meaning, and the slightest inaccuracy will lead to a misunderstanding of what is written.

Often, girls choose inscriptions in Latin or another ancient language, the translation of which is known to everyone. In this case, the best solution would be to choose a life rule as a tattoo.

Tattoo inscriptions for girls and men

Any phrase, wide, narrow, curved or catchy, always looks beautiful if done well. In order to decide on the choice of a tattoo phrase, you need to answer a couple of questions before doing it.

  1. What is the most important thing in life for you? What are the values?
  2. What are you striving for? Career, family, love?
  3. Do you have a clear desire to capture an important life situation?
  4. What language is more suitable for expressing thoughts through a tattoo?
  5. What part of the body is better to choose?

We determine the place for the tattoo

An important step is to determine the place for application. A small phrase can be placed on the wrist or ankle, but for long phrases, the back is suitable.

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm

The most popular body part for tattooing is the arm: shoulder, wrist or palm. But, when choosing a place, you need to be careful. The inscription for a tattoo with a translation, which will be conspicuous if it is made in a conspicuous place, will make life difficult for you in some cases, for example, many employers consider a tattoo to be something shameful. Therefore, you should not make a large and voluminous inscription on your hands, which will attract a lot of attention.

It is difficult to make a tattoo on the wrists, and subsequently it is poorly worn, experts say about this.

Lettering on the back

No less popular place is the back. The advantage is that the tattoo is easier to hide from others, and the skin on the back is denser, which means that the pain is not so strong.

If you want to get a tattoo on your stomach, then it is important to know that when you gain weight, the appearance of the inscription is distorted. This also applies to the femoral part of the body, even with weight loss, the inscription will blur, which means that correction cannot be avoided.

leg tattoo

A more successful place for punctures is the foot, on which the tattoo will not look vulgar or intrusive. If necessary, the inscription can be hidden with the help of shoes. But, in this case, there is a negative point - the hard material will gradually distort the inscription.

Tattoo inscription in Latin with translation

A specially conducted survey proved that most of the tattoo in the form of an inscription is done in Latin. This basic medical language is liked by young people, because without help it is difficult to understand what the tattoo says and only the elite know the whole point. Quite an interesting move, isn't it? Latin is used quite rarely, for this reason the ancient language is attractive to the younger generation.

  • non ducor duco - I am not a follower, I lead myself.
  • semper ad meliora - moving only forward is the best solution.
  • dum vita est, spes est - as long as I breathe, I hope.
  • Recordare quia ego Dominus - remember that you must live.
  • Sed anima plus est quam manere - life is more than just being on this earth.
  • Ille vincit qui se vincit - He who can defeat himself wins.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - each person is the creator of his own destiny.
  • Qui estis - be who you are.
  • Nunc aut numquam - now or never.
  • Dicere non audeamus - Have the courage to say no.
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - do what you think is right, because it is right.
  • Te obtinuit amittere duobus proeliis vincere - before you win the main battle, you must sacrifice the previous ones.
  • Aut vincere, aut mori - either win or die.
  • Certum voto pete finem - set yourself only achievable goals (i.e. do not fly in the clouds).
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words.
  • Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not one step back, always forward.

Tattoo with English translation

The second most popular language is English. Especially popular are the variants of English inscriptions for tattoos with translation, intended for girls. In this case, they choose excerpts from prose or poetry that carry a certain meaning.

In the case of English inscriptions, you should be careful, because every second person is familiar with this language, and not many people can translate it correctly. As a result, the reputation may suffer from an incorrect translation, and others will simply laugh behind their backs. And you should not sin on the master who makes the tattoo, because he is not a translator, but an executor of the order.

  • Remember who you are. Remember who you are.
  • We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering. We hate those we love because they are capable of causing us the most suffering.
  • Be careful with your thoughts—they are the beginning of deeds. Be attentive to your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. One word frees us from all the hardships and pains of life: this word is love.
  • Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul. Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.
  • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe yet.
  • Everyone has one's own path. Everyone has their own path.

Semantic inscription for a tattoo with translation

If you decide to make a tattoo of phrases on the body, then you need to consider all the nuances. Is this desire caused by a momentary impulse? You should not choose something unusual and refined, it is better to rely on your own priorities and moral values.

  • Love

For many young people, love relationships come first. Love is a wonderful feeling that inspires people. Some are just looking for their second half, while others have already found happiness. If you decide to make a love tattoo in the form of a phrase, then it is better to choose one that will serve as a reminder of your feelings.

  • Moments of life

At a certain period of life, a person understands that it is impossible to do without a creed or a rule. A life credo means purposefulness, devotion to one's principles and motivation. In this case, the life credo in the form of a pinned inscription will constantly remind you of the goal and motivate you to achieve it.

  • Family

If the family is in the first place, regardless of family ties, you can make a tattoo with a certain meaning: "together forever".

  • "Philosophy" in everything

If you do not have enough determination or perseverance in the way of carrying out an insane but necessary act, pin up an inscription that encourages action. You can make a tattoo inscription in Latin with a translation, containing a philosophical thought and a certain message.

Suitable tattoo inscriptions for guys are also difficult to find as for girls. If you have decided on the inscription, the matter remains for its design. To help you, a selection of beautiful tattoos for guys.

To decide on the choice of a tattoo for a girl, you need to review a lot of photos. Here is a good selection of the most popular and beautiful tattoos.

Celebrities also have a weakness for beautiful inscription tattoos. And this is not surprising, because they not only decorate the body, but also bring their own flavor.

And it is important to remember that a beautiful tattoo is one that carries a meaning that is understandable only to you and your loved ones. And it does not matter in what language this phrase will be gouged out or how others understand it.

Helpful Hints:Most popular:

Lettering tattoo

Lettering is one of the most popular tattoo themes. Why are they so fond of boys and girls? There are many reasons for this:

  • The ability to express yourself
  • Convey to others some of your thoughts or some information about yourself
  • Together with the image to "perpetuate" someone or something

And often these inscriptions are dedicated to the family. A tattoo about a family or a tattoo about parents is a great way to say to the whole world: "I love, respect and appreciate my family." People may not approve of tattoos, but they will not be able to appreciate such a sign of attention in relation to their closest ones.

Tattoo inscriptions about the family

Sometimes we don't have enough words to express our feelings. Sometimes we don't have the time or the courage to do this. And although our loved ones know that we love them, it will never be superfluous to say it again. But in order to accomplish this, there are many different ways, including tattoos.

And the popularity of such confessions is increasing year by year. Because for many, family and parents are a reliable stronghold, they are people who are ready to help and support even in the most difficult moments of life, these are those who deserve love like no other.

Ideas for "family" tattoos

Do you also want to talk about your feelings, say thank you to your parents with the help of a tattoo? There are many options and ideas for this.

Images do not always manage to fully and accurately convey the full range of feelings and emotions we experience. And that's when words come to the rescue. On this page you can find a lot of tattoo ideas dedicated to parents. But this is only a small fraction of what can be applied. Your tattoo family may be:

  • In the form of an inscription expressing the expression in your own words
  • In the form of an aphorism that best reveals feelings, attitudes, emotions
  • A phrase in absolutely any language (English and Latin are the most popular now)
  • Image along with caption

The inscription is convenient in that it can be applied anywhere. If you do not want your confession to be visible to everyone, then you can get a tattoo on the body in the place that is usually hidden by clothing. Or, on the contrary, open it to everyone, tell everyone what you are experiencing.

Family tattoos are a manifestation of your personal initiative. Create and fantasize! And this post will just help you, push you to some original idea.

"I want it. So it will be.”

Bernard Arnault

“The soul will not have a rainbow if there were no tears in the eyes.”
author unknown

“You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions and there is no other you.”
Little Prince

“Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.”
Guy de Maupassant

“Meaning must be found, but cannot be created.”
Frankl V.

“Who does not burn, he smokes. This is the law. Long live the flame of life!”
Nikolai Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

“A person lives a real life if he is happy with someone else’s happiness.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.”
Michel de Montaigne
“Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.”
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

“Life is beautiful if you learn to live.”

“The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward.”
Emile Zola

“It is not death that should be feared, but an empty life.”
Bertolt Brecht

“Spend your life on something that outlasts you.”

"What is the sense of life? Serve others and do good.”

“Our life is a struggle.”

“The meaning of life lies in only one thing – struggle.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“What will be the conviction, such are the actions and thoughts, and what will they be, such is life.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves.”
James Matthew Barry

“Don't waste your life on doubts and fears.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Life is a moment. You can’t live it first on a draft, and then rewrite it on a white copy.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“We find in life only what we ourselves put into it.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Every life creates its own destiny.”
Henri Amiel

“Life is like a play in the theatre: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“You can’t lose the meaning of life for the sake of life.”
Decimus Junius Juvenal

“Strive not to succeed, but to make your life meaningful.”
Albert Einstein

“It only takes a moment to become a hero, but it takes a lifetime to become a worthy person.”
Paul Brula

“If you don’t study life, then it has no meaning.”

“Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.”
Petr Andreevich Pavlenko

“Life is like an onion: you peel off layer after layer, and in the end you find that there is nothing inside.”
James Huenecker

“All is vanity of vanities. All is vanity and catching the wind.”

“Blessed is life while you live without thoughts.”

“Blessed is he who has chosen the goal and the path And sees the essence of life in this.”
F. Schelling

“All life is but the price of deceptive hopes.”
D. Diderot

It is worth taking care of the safe storage of your tattoo inscription ideas and in case of data damage on your computer, contact data recovery professionals, such as

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