Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Which of the following is a component of the political system. Control verification tasks. Which of the following is a structural component of a political system? The President of the Russian Federation accumulates functions in his hands

Which of the following is a component of the political system. Control verification tasks. Which of the following is a structural component of a political system? The President of the Russian Federation accumulates functions in his hands

a \ political communication;

b \ policy;

в \\ political administration;

r \ political regime;

Are the following judgments about the political system correct?

The political system is a mechanism:

A. Formation of political power.

B. The exercise of political power.

Establish a correspondence between the types of political systems and their features.

1. Separation of powers. A. Totalitarian system.

2. Political pluralism. B. Democratic system.

3. Political monopoly.

4. General elections.

4. An element of the political system is:

A \ party;

B \ scientific institutes;

B \ production association;

G \ creative unions;

5. The political system of society includes:

a \ ownership relations; в \\ party relations;

b \ family relationships; r \ aesthetic relationship;

6. The concept of "political system" was introduced into political science by this American scientist in the 50s. XX century:

a \ K. Deutsch; in \ N. Machiavelli;

b \ D. Eastan; r \ M. Weber;

Topic 4. Basic concepts of political science.

  1. Politics: concept, structure, functions.
  2. Power and its characteristics. Legality and legitimacy of the authorities.
  3. State and its classification.

Political scientists like to mention that as soon as ancient man provided himself with the foundations of existence - fire, food, housing, he created two major spheres of his life: art (at least in the form of rock art) and politics (for communicating with his own kind). At present, politics is the most significant occupation of a modern person, although it is endowed with not only positive, but also negative, immoral qualities. In a broad sense, politics is the sphere of a person's social life, his activity, as well as a type of social relations.

In the ordinary sense, the term "politics" is identified with some kind of management process. Only in English there are at least four terms that distinguish different sides of politics: 1) "politics" - the actual political sphere; 2) "polity" - a political system, which is close to the concepts of a political system and political community; 3) "policy" - a political course, a consciously chosen political strategy in this area; 4) "public policy" - the sphere of political governance, controlled by the public. In this regard, we can talk about politics as a complex multifaceted concept that reflects both the essence of the political sphere and an independent process.

So, politics is activity in the sphere of relations between large social groups (classes, nations, states) regarding the establishment and functioning of political power in the interests of realizing their socially significant requests and needs.

The concept of politics is explained in terms of various theories or paradigms:

1. social the explanation characterizes politics through the influence of other spheres of public life (economic, spiritual, etc.);

2. rational - critical the explanation characterizes politics not by external factors, but by internal reasons, properties, elements;

3. naturalistic the explanation defines politics as the sphere of influence of the external natural environment, the properties of living nature, the qualities of the person himself;

4. theological the explanation examines the supernatural aspects of the development of political power.

The origin of politics is associated primarily with the flourishing of classical ancient philosophy in the 6th-5th centuries. BC NS. and the names of the thinkers of antiquity: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. It flourished in the 19th - 20th centuries. Almost all political scientists agree there that the most common premise made by philosophers, and then by political scientists in the second half of the XIX century. and the twentieth century, to explain the content of politics - there was an understanding of one indisputable fact: political mechanisms are the primary factor for the livelihood and development of the diversity of modern societies.

In modern politics, the following structural elements can be conditionally distinguished:

Political interest considers the internal conscious source of the behavior of the subject of politics in the proposed political situations.

Political organization reflects the role of public authorities as centers of management and regulation of social processes.

Political activity acts as a kind of social activity of subjects, for the realization of their interests.

Political consciousness characterizes the dependence of political life on the conscious attitude of people towards it.

Politics is a particularly complex social phenomenon. Since the direct subjects of social relations are a person and in one way or another organized independent groups of people, the art of mediation between them becomes vital. This is politics from a point of view that is close to us in time.

A modern society uses primarily political means to reduce the costs of contradictions in human relations, to streamline and coordinate people's actions for the sake of its peace of mind and social stability.

In addition to its constituent parts and elements, politics sometimes distinguishes three levels of its existence.

The first, actually political, macro level, characterizes the state as a whole, public coercive power, its structure and functioning in the center and at the local level.

Second, micro level, politics covers individual organizations: parties, trade unions, corporations, firms, etc. Here, as in the state as a whole, internal phenomena and processes characteristic of big politics are also found: the promotion and implementation of collective goals, decision-making, the distribution of positions and benefits, the application of sanctions, the rivalry of individuals and groups for power, conflicts of interest, etc. ...

Third, mega-level, politics refers to the activities of international organizations: UN, NATO, EEC, etc.

The first of these levels is central and characterizes the essence of politics. The second and third levels are of subordinate importance.

With the national, macro level, politicians usually associate its main functions in society. They characterize the most important areas of the impact of politics on society. These include:

Maintaining and strengthening the integrity of society as a complexly differentiated social system, ensuring public order and organization;

Developing the goals of the whole society and its constituent collective subjects, organizing the masses and mobilizing resources for their existence;

Prevention and management of group conflicts;

The constitution of complex social subjects (communication function), which reflects the determination of the interests of the subjects of politics, the distribution of the roles of these subjects, the development of rules of behavior acceptable for all subjects, the creation of generally understandable for all subjects of the language (verbal and symbolic), capable of ensuring effective interaction and mutual understanding between all participants a given society;

Management and leadership of the public process and ensuring a civilized dialogue between citizens and the state;

Expression of imperiously significant interests of all strata and groups.

In addition to these tasks inherent to a greater or lesser extent in any society, politics also performs a number of functions specific to certain types of social systems. It:

Maintaining class or social domination;

Protection of fundamental human rights;

Involvement of citizens in the management of state and public affairs;

Ensuring social justice and common good;

Formation of a person as a citizen or political socialization of an individual.

The variety of functions of politics testifies to its deep penetration into society, spreading to very different social phenomena.

2. Etymologically concept power comes from the ancient Greek word "cratos". It meant in the ancient Greek city-states the management of citizens and society. Currently, there are several basic concepts of power in the political-sociological literature. Among them stand out behavioralist, relationalist, systems and other theories of power.

From point of view relational theories (from the English.Relation - relation) power considered as a relationship between at least two subjects. A characteristic feature of such interaction is the influence of one subject on another. The methodological foundations of this approach were formulated by the German sociologist M. Weber.

According to Max Weber, power means the ability and ability of an individual or a social community to exercise their will in a certain system of social relations, despite resistance and regardless of where this ability comes from.

The common "denominator" resistance theories is the concentration of attention on the influence of power, overcoming the resistance of the object of power (the one at whom the action of power is directed). Overcoming resistance can be based on remuneration, the threat of negative sanctions, recognition by the object of power of the right of its subject to give orders and orders and demand their execution on the identification of the object of power with the subject of power.

Resource exchange theories reflect power relations when the object of power needs the resources that the subject of power possesses. In exchange for a part of these resources, the subject of power requires the object to obey and execute specific orders and orders.

V theories of the division of "zones of influence" power turns out to be a function of the most important and prestigious social role. Depending on the current situation and the division of roles, the subject of power will also change.

Followers behaviorist theory the authorities view political relations as a market for power. Social and political actors are active in this market, seeking to make the most of their resources. The analogue of money in this model is power, the “commodity” is the candidate’s image, his election campaign, and “buyers” are the voters who delegate power in exchange for election promises.

According to systems theory , power is considered as an attribute of the social system (T. Parsons). Representatives of this theory view power as an intermediary between politics and society, its role is similar to the role of money in the economy.

A certain synthesis of existing approaches is the following definition of power: "Power is one of the most important types of social interaction, a specific relationship, at least between two subjects, one of which obeys the orders of the other, as a result of this submission, the ruling subject realizes his will and interests" ... The advantage of such an understanding is the interpretation of power as a type of social ties associated with the implementation of the will on the part of a social subject that subjugates others, primarily to satisfy its own fundamental interests. At the same time, such an understanding makes it possible to illuminate the structure of power, consisting of sources, subject, object, resources and functions ( see diagram).

In modern society, power exists in specific forms, which, in turn, are subdivided into certain forms and varieties. The main kinds are political power, economic power, social power, spiritual power. The main type is political power, which is divided into two main forms: state and socio-political. State power, which appeared along with the institution of the state, has an imperative character. Its instructions are binding on all citizens (subjects) without exception. It has a monopoly on the use of coercive and repressive methods and sanctions, as well as on the use of the entire range of power resources. In turn, state power is subdivided into such varieties as legislative, executive, judicial, military, which differ in their functional content and specific powers.

In contrast to the state, social and political power does not have an imperative character and, as a result, cannot have the resource potential of the state. Its instructions are of a recommendatory nature and do not apply to all citizens, but only to members of a particular socio-political organization. Thus, the party power leads the members of political parties, the trade union power extends its influence to the members of the trade unions, and so on. Common signs of political power are superiority over other types of power, legality, public character.

Subject-object relations within the framework of political power can be carried out in different types of power domination and legitimacy. Max Weber singled out three main types of power domination. The first is traditional, based on traditions, customs, customs of a particular country. The second is charismatic, based on the personal popularity and influence of a political leader. The third type of power domination is legal, based on the rule of law and the priority role of the bureaucracy.

Each of these types of power domination has a certain degree of legitimacy... Concept legitimacy comes from the Latin word "Legitimus", which means agreement with the law, legality and correctness. In modern political science legitimacy interpreted in the sense of acceptance and recognition of the legitimacy of the existing political power by citizens, society and the world community. The concept differs from legitimacy legitimation, which is a political process of recognition, justification, explanation and acceptance of political power by citizens, society and other states. Legitimation ensures the obedience of the population to the current government, the voluntary involvement of citizens in various forms of political participation on the basis of trust and recognition of the lawfulness of the existing order. It is customary to highlight the following main types of legitimacy of power: traditional, patriarchal, class, ideological, legal, ethnic, charismatic, religious. An indicator of the legitimacy of power is the level of political coercion, the democracy of the electoral system, the nature of the official opposition, etc. The legitimation of power is combined with a process opposite to it in content delegitimation, which means the loss of political trust and recognition of power by citizens. Among the various reasons for delegitimization, they usually name the growth of corruption and bureaucratization of power, the growth of national separatism, the tendency towards authoritarianism, etc.

Political power fulfills a number of important functions in society:

1) determines the main goals of the development of society and makes a choice of alternatives for social development;

2) ensures the integration of society, the preservation of order and integrity;

3) regulates social conflicts arising in society, carries out activities aimed at resolving them;

4) carries out the distribution of the most scarce values ​​and goods, which is obligatory for everyone, i.e. determines the order of access to the most important resources in society.

3. In political science, there are two interpretations of the concept "state".

In a broad sense, the state- This is a political entity corresponding to three main features: the presence of a certain territory; the population living in the given territory; sovereign power. This interpretation is predominantly legal in nature.

In a narrow sense, the state is interpreted as a set of political institutions exercising supreme power in a certain territory. The classical definition of the state in a narrow sense was formulated by M. Weber: "The modern state is a union of domination organized by the type of institution, which within a certain sphere has achieved success in monopolizing legitimate physical violence as a means of production." This is the political science approach. In modern political science among main features of the state are called the following:

1. Territory as the location of the state, outlined by boundaries.

2. The human dimension of the state is the population that has the status of citizens or subjects.

3. Public authority, acting on behalf of the entire population and pursuing the interests of all.

4. Sovereignty over a territory, which provides for the supremacy of only one power over a certain territory and its indivisibility with the power of another state.

5. National system of legislation.

6. National tax system.

While having similar features, the state at the same time exists in different forms. The criteria for their selection are form of government, type of administrative-territorial structure and the nature of the political regime.

I. Form of government characterizes the way of organizing state power in the center and at the local level. According to this criterion, monarchies and republics are distinguished. Monarchy is absolute and parliamentary. The latter is subdivided into dualistic and constitutional. Republics are presidential, parliamentary and semi-presidential (mixed). Among the mixed forms, parliamentary-presidential ones are considered and vice versa.

II. Territorial and administrative structure is presented in three main forms: a unitary state, a federation and a confederation, which differ in the principles and methods of territorial organization, relations between the center and regions, etc.

Unitary state- this is a state where there is a single government, legislation, judicial system, in the presence of administrative and territorial units.

Federation Is a union state where federal and republican authorities operate. There are administrative and national federations.

Confederation- is a union of sovereign states that unite to solve political, economic, military, cultural tasks together.

III. By the nature of the political regime , which expresses the ways of exercising power in the state, a democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian state is distinguished.

Regardless of the form, the state invariably performs a number of obligatory functions. They are usually subdivided into internal and external. Internal ones partially coincide with the above-mentioned functions of the political system of society. Among the external ones should be called defense, foreign policy and environmental functions.

Functions of the modern state are defined as follows:

1) ensuring security and law and order;

2) regulation of social relations and the resolution of social conflicts;

3) distribution of values ​​in society;

4) protection of national interests and ensuring national security, where national security is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats, and national interests are considered as a set of balanced vital interests of the individual, society and the state, characterized by a long-term nature and determining the main goals and objectives of foreign and domestic policy of the state.

The listed functions are performed exclusively by the state, since they, firstly, contribute to the achievement of collective goals and, secondly, their implementation by individual social institutions is impossible.

In modern states, power is usually dispersed among various structures or institutions. Consider the following public authorities that characterize the structure of the state:

Representative bodies (parliament);

Supervisory and control bodies (prosecutor's office);

Public order protection bodies (Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies);

Military establishment;

State security bodies (FSO bodies);

The judicial system;

Executive and administrative bodies (President, Prime Minister, Government).

All of the listed signs and characteristics are also inherent in the modern Russian state. In accordance with the Constitution of the country, Russia is a democratic, federal, secular, legal, social state with a republican form of government. Accordingly, the political system from the constitutional point of view belongs to the category of democratic. At the same time, in practice, in modern conditions, the country's political system is undergoing a transitional process of transformation from authoritarian to democratic. The situation is similar with the main institution of the political system - the state. In Russia, there is a process of formation of a presidential-parliamentary republic with a strong power of the head of state. Also in the process of formation is the administrative-territorial structure of the country. We are talking about the formation of a constitutional federation in Russia, which differs from the treaty one in that it does not provide for the separation from the federation of the territory of one or another regional entity. Finally, by the nature of the political regime, Russia can be classified as a democratic state. True, in the opinion of many political analysts, rather, we can talk about a semi-authoritarian, semi-democratic state.

The main directions of further reform of the political system and the state in Russia are associated with the consistent formation in the country of a democratic, federal, legal, social state.

Constitutional state- a form of organization of state power based on the rule of law, which is strictly followed by the state, society, and the individual.

The principles of the rule of law are:

1. the rule of law and law;

2. real constitutionalism;

3. the legal organization of state power;

4. non-interference of the state in the affairs of civil society;

5. separation of powers;

6. mutual responsibility of the state and the individual;

7. equality of all before the law;

8. independence, autonomy and elevation of the court.

Control verification tasks.

  1. Which of the signs does not characterize the state?

a \ political parties;

b \ sovereignty;

c \ law enforcement agencies;

d \ public authority;

  1. Signs and promulgates federal laws of the Russian Federation:

a \ President of the Russian Federation;

b \ Prime Minister of the Russian Federation;

c \ Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation;

d \ Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

  1. What feature distinguishes the republic from other forms of government?

a \ transfer of power by inheritance;

b \ power limited by parliament;

в \\ elective power;

d \ transfer of the supreme power by inheritance;

  1. The exclusive feature of the rule of law is:

a \ sovereignty;

b \ availability of national currency;

c \ separation of powers;

g \ institute of presidency;

  1. Are the judgments about the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation correct?

A. The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its state integrity, the unity of the system of state power.

B. A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it.

a \ only A is true; c \ both statements are correct;

b \ only B is true; d \ both judgments are wrong;

Topic 5. Political elite.

1. Political elite: essence, concepts.

2. The problem of the formation of the modern political elite in Russia.

1. The term "elite" comes from the Latin eligere and the French elite - the best, selected, selected. Since the 15th century, it has been used to designate goods of the highest quality, and then to highlight the highest nobility in the social structure of society. The term was introduced into scientific circulation by an Italian sociologist V.Pareto(late 19th - early 20th centuries) and in modern political science literature, the concept of "political elite" refers to a number of fairly well-established.

The elite of any society is heterogeneous. According to the functions performed in society and types of activity, political, economic, scientific, cultural and other elites are distinguished.

The political elite is a small, relatively close-knit social group that concentrates a significant amount of power in its hands, has special social, political and psychological qualities, and directly participates in decision-making that affects the course of development of society. That is, this is a group of professionals for whom politics is the main source of income. The political elite is a field of interaction between representatives of other elites.

Why are elites appearing in society? Their existence is due to a number of factors, the main of which are the natural and social differences between people, the unequal degree of their participation in political life. From a rational point of view, the need for a specific subject of politics, professionally engaged in managerial work, is quite obvious. These and other factors determine the elitism of society.

The problem of elites and their role in society is not new to Western political science. Even in the socio-political ideas of ancient thinkers (Confucius, Plato and others), an elite worldview was formulated.

The Italian classic of political thought N. Machiavelli for the first time drew attention to the problem of the elite as a ruling group that leads society. The real beginning of systematic research in this area is largely associated with the works of Italian sociologists Wilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), Gaetano Mosca(1858-1941), German sociologist Robert Michels(1876-1936). These questions were also touched upon by O. Comte, M. Weber and other representatives of Western sociology.

Italian scholars viewed the problem of elites from the standpoint of dividing society into two parts: a powerful minority (Pareto called it elite, and Mosca called it a political class) and a majority subordinate to this power. In "Foundations of Political Science" Mosca defines politics as the sphere of struggle between the class of managers and the class of the ruled. The first class is always smaller in number than the second; it performs political functions, monopolizes power and derives from it numerous benefits of a material and spiritual nature.

The merit of G. Moski is that he analyzed the problem of recruiting (forming) the political elite and its specific qualities. The most important criterion for the formation of a political class is the ability to govern. This class is always chosen taking into account certain qualities and abilities of individuals. Among them G.Moska includes wealth, moral and intellectual superiority. He also identifies two trends inherent in the political class: aristocratic and democratic. The first is manifested in the desire of this class to become hereditary, if not de jure, then de facto, which leads to its degeneration. The democratic tendency is expressed in the renewal of the ruling class at the expense of the most active and capable of managing people from the lower strata, which prevents the degeneration of the elite. G.Moska gives preference to that society, which is characterized by a balance between these two tendencies, ensuring continuity in leadership and stability in society.

The result of many years of work on the creation of the theory of elites was the work of G. Moski "History of Political Doctrines", where he makes the following conclusions. The practical function of political science is to develop the art of government. The exercise of the management function should be carried out by the political elite. Representation of the people, sovereignty, egalitarianism are myths that mask the activities of the political class and mislead the masses.

The theory of the political class has been confirmed in practice in totalitarian states, where the prototype of the class described by G. Mosca was formed in the person of the nomenklatura bureaucracy.

The largest representative of the theory of elites, V. Pareto, viewed society as an integral social system that strives for equilibrium, moreover, it is not static, but dynamic, and this dynamics is determined by the elite - the ruling minority. His theory of "circulation of elites" is devoted to the study of the forces affecting social equilibrium, according to which the historical process is represented in the form of an eternal circulation of the main types of elites. History turned out not to be a "history of class struggle" (according to Marx), but "a graveyard of aristocrats" (V. Pareto's expression).

V.Pareto divided the elite into two parts: one - directly or indirectly - takes part in the management of society ("the ruling elite"), and the other does not participate in the management ("the non-ruling elite").

Noteworthy and typology of elites proposed by V.Pareto... According to her, there are two types of elites, which successively replace each other: "lions" and "foxes" (N. Machiavelli's terminology). The former are characterized by rough, forceful methods of government and extreme conservatism. The "Foxes" are masters of deception and political combinations. In the period of monopoly capitalism, dominated by the elite "foxes", which Pareto called "demagogic plutocracy". The social system functions normally when there is a proportional influx of people of the first and second orientations into the elite.

One of the variants of the theory of elites was presented by R. Michels in his work "Sociology of Political Parties in Democracy" (1911). Using the methodology of V. Pareto and G. Moski, he investigated the problem of "party elite - party masses". The rank-and-file party masses are incapable of management, so they nominate leaders. Over time, the apparatus inevitably breaks away from the rank-and-file members and turns into a "party elite." The same thing happens in trade unions, churches, mass public organizations. And gradually power is concentrated in the "higher structures of the bureaucracy." That is, the very "principle of organization" leads in democratic organizations to the emergence of irreversible oligarchic tendencies, a hierarchy of power.

Thus, V. Pareto, G. Mosca, R. Michels were the first to propose the concept of the political elite as a special social group with its own specific characteristics, mechanisms of emergence and functioning. They laid the foundation for extensive empirical and theoretical studies of groups that govern society, founding historically the first Machiavellian school.

In modern Western sociology, there are many different approaches to defining the essence of the elite, of which we single out two main ones: structural-functional (status) and value (axiological).

Supporters of the first approach (M. Dupre, G. Lasswell, P. Sharap, M. Narta, S. Keller and others) refer to the elite as persons with high social status, prestige, occupying positions that elevate them above the environment. That is, elitism is interpreted by them as a consequence of occupying command positions in the social hierarchy.

The value theories of elites derive elitism from the special psychological and social qualities of people (H. Ortega y Gasset, G. Schroeder, T. Corbet and others). They reveal those value parameters that raise the elite above the masses. These theories try to adapt elitism to the real political life of democratic states.

The most common modern version of the axiological approach is the concept of democratic elitism(elite democracy). Prominent representatives of this trend P. Barakh, R. Dahl and others. Instead of interpreting democracy as democracy, they offer a more realistic understanding of democracy as a competition between potential leaders for confidence and votes. This concept assumes that the masses can influence politics to a certain extent by choosing between competing elites.

A special position among Western researchers is occupied by the left-wing American sociologist R. Mills. Recognizing the elitism of American society, its division into the elite and the masses, he denounces the system of state-monopoly capitalism and the limitations of Western democracy. His ideal is anti-elite. Examining the complex structure of the US ruling elite, Mills singles out from it the political elite acting as the bearer of power functions. According to the scientist, access to the elite of people from the people is closed, since there is a deep difference between the elite and the masses.

The modernization of the theories of elites was undertaken in the concepts of meritocracy by the English sociologist M. Young and the American sociologist D. Bell (one of the authors of the theory of industrial society). M. Young in the dystopia "The Rise of Meritocracy: 1870-2033" (1958) satirically depicts the rise to power and the collapse of a new oligarchy, consisting of the most gifted and energetic individuals recruited from all walks of life. From his point of view, democracy and social justice are incompatible with elite governance.

D. Bell, in contrast to M. Young, uses the terms "meritocracy" in a positive sense. His concept is directed against the idea of ​​social equality and is intended to justify the privileges of the new meritocratic elite. D. Bell believes that knowledge and competence is the pivotal principle of the information society, it is scientists and highly qualified specialists ("knowledge elite") who make the greatest contribution to the development of society and therefore political power should belong to the "new intellectual elite".

There are also the following elite theories in Western sociology:

- biological, according to which the elite includes people who occupy the highest places in society due to their biological and genetic origin;

- psychological theory, which is based solely on the psychological qualities of members of an elite group;

- organizational theory of elites, referring to the elite of leading employees, in particular the bureaucratic organized bureaucratic apparatus;

- distribution theory, according to which the elite are people who receive material and non-material values ​​to the maximum extent.

Test "Political sphere" Option 2

A 1... Are the following judgments about the political system correct? The political system is a mechanism

A. formation of political power

B. exercise of political power.

A 2. Which of the above is related to the concept of "power"?

A 3... The ancient Greeks called politics:

1) the art of housekeeping 2) public speaking

3) the art of government 4) political talent

A 4.A feature of any political party is

1) the desire to conquer political power 2) the long-term association

3) the oppositional nature of the activity 4) the desire to establish a single ideology

A 5. The aim of the rule of law is

1) the development of mechanisms to restrain inflation 2) the creation of a vertical of power

3) the formation of the legal culture of society 4) the creation of a legislative system

A 6... Which of the following is a sign of any state?

1) the presence of three branches of government

2) the presence of public authority, which has an apparatus of management and coercion

3) the presence of a system of checks and balances

4) the power structures have the right to establish the state ideology

A 7... Power rests on

A 8. A political regime characterized by strict control over society, the imposition of an official ideology, and the persecution of dissent is called

A 9... An essential element of which political regime is an independent judiciary?

A 10. Citizen S. participates in all election campaigns, meets with deputies, goes to rallies, and votes in elections. He believes that by his active position he will be able to influence the authorities. What type of political culture is manifested in the behavior of citizen S.?

1) patriarchal 2) democratic 3) subject 4) activist

A 11. The external function of the state includes the function

1) cultural 2) diplomatic 3) political 4) economic

A 12.Political parties, unlike other public associations

1) are created on a long-term basis 2) have their own charter 3) fight for power 4) are directed by a leader

A 13.A prerequisite for the existence of civil society is

1) the presence of a bicameral parliament 2) a high level of legal culture of citizens

3) the existence of a market economy 4) the presence in the constitution of articles declaring the rights and freedoms of citizens

A 14. Are the following judgments about political parties correct?

A. Ruling political parties are all parties that have won seats in parliament.

B. One of the functions of a political party is ideological.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are not true

1) polit. the leader of the state 2) the masses 3) the leaders of political parties 4) the parliament

A 16. Are the following judgments about elections correct?

A. Accurate and accurate electoral procedures are critical to the development of democracy.

B. In elections under the majoritarian electoral system, there is a close connection between voters and deputies

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are not true

A 17... Signs and promulgates federal laws of the Russian Federation

1) President of the Russian Federation 2) Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

3) Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation 4) Chairman of the State Duma

A 18... Which of the signs does not characterize the state

1) political parties 2) sovereignty 3) law enforcement 4) public authority

A 19... Which of the following is not an example of a mixed electoral system

1) Half of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is elected according to the majority system, the other half - according to the proportional system.

2) US Congressmen are elected in multi-member constituencies with an equal number of residents.

3) In Australia, the winner is the candidate with 50% + 1 vote.

4) In France, in the elections of deputies of parliament in the first round of voting, an absolute majority system is used, in the second - a relative majority.

A 20. Opposition political parties

1) have a majority in the legislative assembly 2) determine the pace of economic development

3) express the interests of certain social groups; 4) determine the composition of the government.

A 21... When characterizing a person as a citizen, they indicate his

1) marital status 2) profession 3) party affiliation 4) rights and obligations

A 22... Who is the source of power in a democratic country

1) people 2) advanced social class 3) representatives of big business 4) intellectual elite of society

A 23. Are the following judgments about the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation correct?

A. The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its state integrity, the unity of the system of state power.

B. A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are not true

A 24. The union of several sovereign states, created to solve common problems, is

1) federation 2) confederation 3) unitary state 4) republic

A 25... The proportional electoral system differs from the majoritarian one in that

1) elections are universal and equal

2) the winner is the candidate who receives the majority in his constituency

A 26... What is the characteristic feature of a totalitarian political regime?

1) the concentration of power in the hands of elected bodies 2) the presence of a single ideology imposed by the state

3) free from censorship mass media 4) high degree of development of civil society

A 27. The hallmark of a democratic regime is (are)

1) the presence of an extensive system of laws 2) the existence of the media

3) the supremacy of the judiciary over the legislative and executive 4) guarantees of freedom of the media

A 28"The state, society should rely on the experience and foundations of their ancestors." For what political ideology is this statement the leading, the main one?

1) conservative 2) liberal 3) social democratic 4) communist

A 29... The democratic regime is characterized by

1) the domination of the executive branch 2) the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens

3) command-administrative methods of management 4) the dominance of one obligatory ideology

A 30... In the country of T. in the fall of 2005, after the last presidential elections, a public opinion poll was conducted on the question "Are there significant opposition parties and movements in the country of T. now?"

The distribution of answers is given as a percentage, together with data from similar surveys that took place in October 2002, 2004. What conclusion about the development of the political system of the country of T. can be made on the basis of the data given in the table?

1) The presidential elections did not in any way affect the presence of oppositional moods of the population.

2) The number of citizens who found it difficult to determine their attitude to the presence of opposition decreased.

3) The number of citizens noting the presence of opposition parties and movements has decreased.

4) Almost a third of the respondents acknowledged the decline in the role of the opposition in society.

Part B.

IN 1... Fill in the gap in the diagram below

State power in the Russian Federation

RF President

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation


IN 2... Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "totalitarian political regime". Find and specify a term not related to this concept.

Control; multiparty system; repression; terror; state planning. Answer______________

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their features: for each position indicated in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

SIGNS Types of political regimes

A) separation of state powers 1) totalitarian

B) the domination of a single universally binding ideology 2) democratic

C) political pluralism

D) a wide range of rights and freedoms of citizens

E) comprehensive state control over the life of society

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer form (without spaces and other symbols).

AT 4parties based on their ideological orientation... Write the numbers in ascending order.

    The ruling





    Social Democratic


AT 5... Read the text below, each sentence of which is numbered. Determine which offers are worn: 1) factual character; 2) nature of value judgments

(A) In modern Russia, the process of party building is quite active. (B) The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes the freedom to form parties. (B) However, the freedom of political parties must have boundaries even in a democratic state. (D) Therefore, Russian legislation, like the legislation of a number of other democratic countries, prohibits political parties that set as their goal the violent change of the constitutional order, prepare to threaten the independence and territorial integrity of Russia.

AT 6... Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the list below the words to be inserted in place of the passages. There are more words in the list than you need.

“A classification has become widespread in political science, distinguishing, depending on the grounds and conditions for acquiring party membership, cadre and mass _____________ (1). The first are distinguished by the fact that they are formed around a group of political ____________ (2), and the basis of their structure is a committee of activists. Cadre parties are usually formed "from above" on the basis of various parliamentary ________ (3), associations of the party bureaucracy. Such parties usually intensify their activities only during ___________ (4). Other parties are centralized, well-disciplined organizations. They attach great importance to the ideological _________ (5) of party members. Such parties are most often formed "from below", on the basis of trade union and other public ____________ (6), reflecting the interests of various social groups. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative, singular. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) unity

B) faction

C) elections

D) movement

E) society

G) party

H) group

I) membership

The table below shows the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.

AT 7... Find in the list distinctive features of a political party... Write the numbers in ascending order.

    Expression of private interests of a particular group of people

    The optional nature of the complete ideological unity of its participants

    Focus on conquering and exercising power

    Having a political program

    Striving to influence power

    Bearer of a certain ideology

RF government


1. The concepts of "political system" and "system of public administration" are concepts:

a) One semantic series, i.e. synonyms

+ b) The second refers to the first, as part of the whole

c) On the contrary. The first is part of the second

2. Speaking about the political system as the broadest concept of political science, they usually mean:

a) Structural and functional organization of state power

b) The system of political parties participating in the formation and administration of power

C) The totality of all political interactions, including power and leadership, through which the life of society as a differentiated set is ensured

d) Infrastructure of massively organized interest groups and pressure groups

3. The political system exists in the political space of society, which, along with the territorial dimension, has a dimension:

+ a) Functional

b) Social

c) Cultural

d) Confessional

4. Being a super-complex system, the political system includes a number of subsystems as structuring elements, including such a subsystem as:

a) Representative

b) Integrative

+ c) Communicative

d) Distribution

5. As structural elements, the institutional subsystem of the political system includes:

+ a) The system of representative authorities

b) Political professional ethics

c) The system of political communications

d) Banking system

6. Of the structures listed below, the category of shadow structures includes:

a) Cabinet of Ministers

+ b) State Security Service

c) Parliamentary lobby

d) Legal opposition

7. The dominant influence of the bureaucratic administrative apparatus is inherent in the political system at the level of:

a) Mega-power

+ b) Mezovlast

c) Micropower

8. It is not a handicap for support of the political system by citizens:

a) Timely payment of taxes

b) Labor on a voluntary basis

c) Compliance with the law

+ d) Creation of informal organizations and unions

8. Requirement for the political system related to the satisfaction of primary human needs:

+ a) Increase in wages and pensions

b) Expansion of the rights and freedoms of the individual

c) Fight against corruption

d) Dissolution and prohibition of ultra-radical parties

9. The overload of the system, associated with the complexity of the requirements imposed on it, belongs to the category:

a) Functional

b) Technical

c) Quantitative

+ d) Quality

10. One of the most important functions of the political system is rule-making. This function:

a) It comes down entirely to legislation

+ b) Includes as a component the production of by-laws

c) Implemented also through political traditions

11. Structural differentiation of political systems presupposes:

+ a) A high degree of stratification between government institutions on a functional basis

b) Political and legal accountability of the legislature to the president

c) Concentration of all regulatory functions in the hands of the executive branch

d) Autonomy and independence of local authorities from central government agencies

12. The effectiveness of a political system is determined by its "abilities, capabilities»:

A) Draw from the environment the resources necessary for its functioning (both material and socio-demographic)

b) Confirm oneself by means of illegitimate coercion and armed violence

c) Prevent changes in the established order of things

d) Stimulate centrifugal tendencies in society in order to "divide and rule"

13. The system turns out to be unviable and collapses in a situation when:

a Actively interferes in the processes of distribution of material and intangible benefits

+ b) Does not have an integration potential - it constantly generates straight-line splits and delimitations

c) Reacts adequately to the requirements of the time - initiates changes that are objectively overdue

d) Takes preventive (proactive) measures in order to stop tendencies unfavorable for social stability

14. The movement of the political system of any state towards democracy excludes:

+ a) Progressive centralization of power and authority

b) Complication of the system and its individual elements

c) Development of associative forms of political life

d) Determination of the system of sovereignty of the subjects of the political process

15. The concept of "political regime" as a functional aspect of any political system covers:

a) Form of government

b) Form of government

+ c) Method of government

d) The principle of organizing public authority

16. "All-consuming rule" as a method of government is characteristic of the following regimes:

+ b) Totalitarian

c) Democratic

d) Liberal

17. The first who introduced the term "totalitarianism" into the political lexicon was:

a) A. Hitler

+ b) B. Mussolini

c) I. Stalin

d) F. Franco

18. The supreme power under a totalitarian regime belongs to:

a) The people

b) the Government

+ c) the unified ruling party

d) repressive bodies

19. Of the following “generic” features of political regimes, the totalitarian type includes:

a) Forced depoliticization of the masses

+ b) "Unity" of the official ideology

c) Separation of powers

d) Free market economy

20. Only in conditions of totalitarianism, citizens:

a) Obliged to pay taxes

b) Can participate in the work of any of the political parties

+ c) We must adhere to a single and obligatory ideology for all

d) Have the right to openly protest against government actions

a) Forced type of political activity

b) The existence of legal political opposition

c) Legal and social statehood

+ d) Appeal to the national idea and state patriotism

a) Communist regimes

+ b) Military dictatorships

c) Fascist regimes

d) Parliamentary monarchies

23. "Democracy" and "monarchy" as concepts:

a) Generally not compatible with each other

+ b) They are not compatible when it comes to absolute monarchy

c) They are not compatible when it comes to parliamentary monarchy

24. The organization and functioning of a democratic regime based on the free expression of the will of the people presupposes submission to:

a) Majority minority

b) The total population of the power of one person or a small group of persons

+c) Minorities to the majority

d) The total population of the power of one party

25. The basic principles of democracy, without which this form of human community is practically impracticable, exclude:

a) Popular sovereignty

b) Political pluralism

+ c) Census elections

d) Legal statehood

26. A democratic regime does not imply:

a) Legal existence of left-wing radical parties

+ b) Splicing of various branches of government

c) Independence of the judiciary

d) The presence of systemic opposition

27. Freedom as the highest universal human value is the right of the individual:

a) On behavior that is not subject to any external restrictions and taboos

+ b) For behavior that does not go beyond what is prescribed by the law and moral norms

c) Behavior aimed at achieving the set goal at any cost

d) Behavior according to the principle: "act in relation to another as he acts in relation to you"

28. The right of citizens to a fair, independent and public court belongs to the category of rights:

a) Political

+ b) Civil

c) Social

d) Economic

29. The transition of Russia from socialism to a market economy and democracy took the form in the country:

+ a) Radical reform from above - a kind of "revolution at the top"

b) Gradual reform agreed between the government and the opposition

c) The surrender of the old regime as a result of a massive anti-communist protest movement, like the one that took place in Poland

d) Bloodless revolution similar to the "velvet revolution" in Czechoslovakia, the "rose revolution" in Georgia, the "orange revolution" in Ukraine

30. The face of the current political regime in Russia is determined by many factors, including the following:

a) Separation of power and property - power is in the hands of the state, property in the hands of private entrepreneurs

b) Consensus (agreement) of society on the issue of basic values ​​and development priorities

c) Formation of executive power following the results of parliamentary elections on a party basis - the winning party forms the government

+ d) Mafia fusion of organized crime with political and power structures

31. The President of the Russian Federation accumulates in his hands the following functions:

a) Heads of state and heads of government

+ b) Only heads of state with the right to preside over a government meeting

c) Only heads of government with the right to represent the country in the international arena

d) the President of the Constitutional Court

32. Year of election of the first President of the Russian Federation represented by Boris Yeltsin:

+ b) 1991

33. The President of the Russian Federation has the right to dissolve the State Duma and call new elections if:

a) The Duma's accusations against the president of high treason

+ b) Refusal to trust the government

c) The introduction of a state of emergency in the country

d) A sharp conflict between the parties represented in the Duma

34. Embodying a representative branch of government, and working on a professional basis, deputies of the State Duma have the right to:

a) Combine the deputy mandate with work in the government

+ b) Engage in teaching and other creative activities

c) Create your own firms and make a profit

d) Lobby the interests of certain business structures

35. Supervision over the accurate and uniform implementation of laws by all citizens, organizations and officials is the competence, first of all:

a) the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

b) Internal Affairs Bodies

c) Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

+ d) Prosecutor's office

36. Truly free competitive elections involve:

+ a) The freedom of self-determination of each potential voter in his position in relation to the elections

b) Ranking of candidates in the right to information and the opportunity to conduct propaganda during the election campaign

d) Full (and equal in volume) state funding of all registered participants in the electoral struggle and the prohibition of all other forms of it

37. Through the mechanism of general free and direct elections in the Russian Federation they choose:

a) Governors

b) Ministers

+ c) Parliamentarians

38. Elections by rotation of a part of the deputies of one of the chambers of a representative body of state power are elections:

a) Universal

b) Indirect

+ c) Partial

d) Additional

39. Refers to the characterization of the consequences of the use of a proportional system:

a) Creates a disproportion between the number of parliamentary seats received by the party and the number of voters who voted for it

B) It makes it possible to determine as accurately as possible the share of representation of each participant in the pre-election race and the amount of sympathy for him from the electorate

c) Stimulates the tendency towards electoral alliances, blocking and even merging of small parties

d) Allows the creation of strong governments based on a strong parliamentary majority

40. Of the following sources of electoral funds, the law on elections in the Russian Federation is prohibited:

a) Donations from mixed enterprises and firms in which the share of foreign capital does not exceed 30%

b) Own funds of the electoral association and the candidate

+ c) Transfers from state and municipal enterprises and companies

d) Voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities

Which of the following is a structural component of a political system?

a \ political communication;

b \ policy;

в \\ political administration;

r \ political regime;

Are the following judgments about the political system correct?

The political system is a mechanism:

A. Formation of political power.

B. The exercise of political power.

a \ only A is true; c \ both statements are correct;

b \ only B is true; d \ both judgments are wrong;

Establish a correspondence between the types of political systems and their features.

1. Separation of powers. A. Totalitarian system.

2. Political pluralism. B. Democratic system.

3. Political monopoly.

4. General elections.

4. An element of the political system is:

A \ party;

B \ scientific institutes;

B \ production association;

G \ creative unions;

5. The political system of society includes:

a \ ownership relations; в \\ party relations;

b \ family relationships; r \ aesthetic relationship;

6. The concept of "political system" was introduced into political science by this American scientist in the 50s. XX century:

a \ K. Deutsch; in \ N. Machiavelli;

b \ D. Eastan; r \ M. Weber;

Topic 4. Basic concepts of political science.

  1. Politics: concept, structure, functions.
  2. Power and its characteristics. Legality and legitimacy of the authorities.
  3. State and its classification.


1. Vorobiev K.A. Political science. - M .: Academic project, 2003. - 432p.

2. Gadzhiev K.S. Political science: a textbook for higher educational institutions. M .: Logos, 2003 .-- 488 p.

3. History of political and legal doctrines. A short training course. / ed. V.S. Nersesyants. - M., 2003 .-- 432 p.

4. Irkhin Yu.V. Political science: textbook. - M .: Examination, 2006 .-- 686 p.

5. Kasyanov V.V. Fundamentals of Political Science and Sociology. - Rostov-on-Don, 2003. –321s.

6. Krivoguz I.M. Political science. M .: Humanit. ed. center Vlados, 2001 .-- 288 p.

7. Mushtuk O.Z. Political science: a textbook for university students. - M .: Market DS Corporation, 2006 .-- 551 p.

8. Political science. Textbook. manual for tech. universities / ed. M.A. Vasilika et al ./. SPb., 2002

9. Political science. Textbook. / A.Yu. Melville et al. / M .: MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, TC Welby, Publishing House - in Prospect, 2004. - 624 p.

10. Political science: Textbook for universities / S.V. Reshetnikov, N.P. Denisyuk, M.F. Chudakov and others; ed. S.V. Reshetnikov. 4th ed., Stereotype. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2004 .-- 448 p.

11. Sirota N.M. Political Science: A course of lectures. - SPb .: Parity, 2006 .-- 352 p.

12. Smorgunov L.V. Political Science: Textbook. - SPb., 1996 .-- 205 p.

Political scientists like to mention that as soon as ancient man provided himself with the foundations of existence - fire, food, housing, he created two major spheres of his life: art (at least in the form of rock art) and politics (for communicating with his own kind). At present, politics is the most significant occupation of a modern person, although it is endowed with not only positive, but also negative, immoral qualities. In a broad sense, politics is the sphere of a person's social life, his activity, as well as a type of social relations.

In the ordinary sense, the term "politics" is identified with some kind of management process. Only in English there are at least four terms that distinguish different sides of politics: 1) "politics" - the actual political sphere; 2) "polity" - a political system, which is close to the concepts of a political system and political community; 3) "policy" - a political course, a consciously chosen political strategy in this area; 4) "public policy" - the sphere of political governance, controlled by the public. In this regard, we can talk about politics as a complex multifaceted concept that reflects both the essence of the political sphere and an independent process.

So, politics is activity in the sphere of relations between large social groups (classes, nations, states) regarding the establishment and functioning of political power in the interests of realizing their socially significant requests and needs.

The concept of politics is explained in terms of various theories or paradigms:

1. social the explanation characterizes politics through the influence of other spheres of public life (economic, spiritual, etc.);

2. rational - critical the explanation characterizes politics not by external factors, but by internal reasons, properties, elements;

3. naturalistic the explanation defines politics as the sphere of influence of the external natural environment, the properties of living nature, the qualities of the person himself;

4. theological the explanation examines the supernatural aspects of the development of political power.

The origin of politics is associated primarily with the flourishing of classical ancient philosophy in the 6th-5th centuries. BC NS. and the names of the thinkers of antiquity: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. It flourished in the 19th - 20th centuries. Almost all political scientists agree there that the most common premise made by philosophers, and then by political scientists in the second half of the XIX century. and the twentieth century, to explain the content of politics - there was an understanding of one indisputable fact: political mechanisms are the primary factor for the livelihood and development of the diversity of modern societies.

In modern politics, the following structural elements can be conditionally distinguished:

Political interest considers the internal conscious source of the behavior of the subject of politics in the proposed political situations.

Political organization reflects the role of public authorities as centers of management and regulation of social processes.

Political activity acts as a kind of social activity of subjects, for the realization of their interests.

Political consciousness characterizes the dependence of political life on the conscious attitude of people towards it.

Politics is a particularly complex social phenomenon. Since the direct subjects of social relations are a person and in one way or another organized independent groups of people, the art of mediation between them becomes vital. This is politics from a point of view that is close to us in time.

A modern society uses primarily political means to reduce the costs of contradictions in human relations, to streamline and coordinate people's actions for the sake of its peace of mind and social stability.

In addition to its constituent parts and elements, politics sometimes distinguishes three levels of its existence.

The first, actually political, macro level, characterizes the state as a whole, public coercive power, its structure and functioning in the center and at the local level.

Second, micro level, politics covers individual organizations: parties, trade unions, corporations, firms, etc. Here, as in the state as a whole, internal phenomena and processes characteristic of big politics are also found: the promotion and implementation of collective goals, decision-making, the distribution of positions and benefits, the application of sanctions, the rivalry of individuals and groups for power, conflicts of interest, etc. ...

Third, mega-level, politics refers to the activities of international organizations: UN, NATO, EEC, etc.

The first of these levels is central and characterizes the essence of politics. The second and third levels are of subordinate importance.

With the national, macro level, politicians usually associate its main functions in society. They characterize the most important areas of the impact of politics on society. These include:

Maintaining and strengthening the integrity of society as a complexly differentiated social system, ensuring public order and organization;

Developing the goals of the whole society and its constituent collective subjects, organizing the masses and mobilizing resources for their existence;

Prevention and management of group conflicts;

The constitution of complex social subjects (communication function), which reflects the determination of the interests of the subjects of politics, the distribution of the roles of these subjects, the development of rules of behavior acceptable for all subjects, the creation of generally understandable for all subjects of the language (verbal and symbolic), capable of ensuring effective interaction and mutual understanding between all participants a given society;

Management and leadership of the public process and ensuring a civilized dialogue between citizens and the state;

Expression of imperiously significant interests of all strata and groups.

In addition to these tasks inherent to a greater or lesser extent in any society, politics also performs a number of functions specific to certain types of social systems. It:

Maintaining class or social domination;

Protection of fundamental human rights;

Involvement of citizens in the management of state and public affairs;

Ensuring social justice and common good;

Formation of a person as a citizen or political socialization of an individual.

The variety of functions of politics testifies to its deep penetration into society, spreading to very different social phenomena.

2. Etymologically concept power comes from the ancient Greek word "cratos". It meant in the ancient Greek city-states the management of citizens and society. Currently, there are several basic concepts of power in the political-sociological literature. Among them stand out behavioralist, relationalist, systems and other theories of power.

From point of view relational theories (from the English.Relation - relation) power considered as a relationship between at least two subjects. A characteristic feature of such interaction is the influence of one subject on another. The methodological foundations of this approach were formulated by the German sociologist M. Weber.

According to Max Weber, power means the ability and ability of an individual or a social community to exercise their will in a certain system of social relations, despite resistance and regardless of where this ability comes from.

The common "denominator" resistance theories is the concentration of attention on the influence of power, overcoming the resistance of the object of power (the one at whom the action of power is directed). Overcoming resistance can be based on remuneration, the threat of negative sanctions, recognition by the object of power of the right of its subject to give orders and orders and demand their execution on the identification of the object of power with the subject of power.

Resource exchange theories reflect power relations when the object of power needs the resources that the subject of power possesses. In exchange for a part of these resources, the subject of power requires the object to obey and execute specific orders and orders.

V theories of the division of "zones of influence" power turns out to be a function of the most important and prestigious social role. Depending on the current situation and the division of roles, the subject of power will also change.

Followers behaviorist theory the authorities view political relations as a market for power. Social and political actors are active in this market, seeking to make the most of their resources. The analogue of money in this model is power, the “commodity” is the candidate’s image, his election campaign, and “buyers” are the voters who delegate power in exchange for election promises.

According to systems theory , power is considered as an attribute of the social system (T. Parsons). Representatives of this theory view power as an intermediary between politics and society, its role is similar to the role of money in the economy.

A certain synthesis of existing approaches is the following definition of power: "Power is one of the most important types of social interaction, a specific relationship, at least between two subjects, one of which obeys the orders of the other, as a result of this submission, the ruling subject realizes his will and interests" ... The advantage of such an understanding is the interpretation of power as a type of social ties associated with the implementation of the will on the part of a social subject that subjugates others, primarily to satisfy its own fundamental interests. At the same time, such an understanding makes it possible to illuminate the structure of power, consisting of sources, subject, object, resources and functions ( see diagram).

In modern society, power exists in specific forms, which, in turn, are subdivided into certain forms and varieties. The main kinds are political power, economic power, social power, spiritual power. The main type is political power, which is divided into two main forms: state and socio-political. State power, which appeared along with the institution of the state, has an imperative character. Its instructions are binding on all citizens (subjects) without exception. It has a monopoly on the use of coercive and repressive methods and sanctions, as well as on the use of the entire range of power resources. In turn, state power is subdivided into such varieties as legislative, executive, judicial, military, which differ in their functional content and specific powers.

In contrast to the state, social and political power does not have an imperative character and, as a result, cannot have the resource potential of the state. Its instructions are of a recommendatory nature and do not apply to all citizens, but only to members of a particular socio-political organization. Thus, the party power leads the members of political parties, the trade union power extends its influence to the members of the trade unions, and so on. Common signs of political power are superiority over other types of power, legality, public character.

Subject-object relations within the framework of political power can be carried out in different types of power domination and legitimacy. Max Weber singled out three main types of power domination. The first is traditional, based on traditions, customs, customs of a particular country. The second is charismatic, based on the personal popularity and influence of a political leader. The third type of power domination is legal, based on the rule of law and the priority role of the bureaucracy.

Each of these types of power domination has a certain degree of legitimacy... Concept legitimacy comes from the Latin word "Legitimus", which means agreement with the law, legality and correctness. In modern political science legitimacy interpreted in the sense of acceptance and recognition of the legitimacy of the existing political power by citizens, society and the world community. The concept differs from legitimacy legitimation, which is a political process of recognition, justification, explanation and acceptance of political power by citizens, society and other states. Legitimation ensures the obedience of the population to the current government, the voluntary involvement of citizens in various forms of political participation on the basis of trust and recognition of the lawfulness of the existing order. It is customary to highlight the following main types of legitimacy of power: traditional, patriarchal, class, ideological, legal, ethnic, charismatic, religious. An indicator of the legitimacy of power is the level of political coercion, the democracy of the electoral system, the nature of the official opposition, etc. The legitimation of power is combined with a process opposite to it in content delegitimation, which means the loss of political trust and recognition of power by citizens. Among the various reasons for delegitimization, they usually name the growth of corruption and bureaucratization of power, the growth of national separatism, the tendency towards authoritarianism, etc.

Political power fulfills a number of important functions in society:

1) determines the main goals of the development of society and makes a choice of alternatives for social development;

2) ensures the integration of society, the preservation of order and integrity;

3) regulates social conflicts arising in society, carries out activities aimed at resolving them;

4) carries out the distribution of the most scarce values ​​and goods, which is obligatory for everyone, i.e. determines the order of access to the most important resources in society.

3. In political science, there are two interpretations of the concept "state".

In a broad sense, the state- This is a political entity corresponding to three main features: the presence of a certain territory; the population living in the given territory; sovereign power. This interpretation is predominantly legal in nature.

In a narrow sense, the state is interpreted as a set of political institutions exercising supreme power in a certain territory. The classical definition of the state in a narrow sense was formulated by M. Weber: "The modern state is a union of domination organized by the type of institution, which within a certain sphere has achieved success in monopolizing legitimate physical violence as a means of production." This is the political science approach. In modern political science among main features of the state are called the following:

1. Territory as the location of the state, outlined by boundaries.

2. The human dimension of the state is the population that has the status of citizens or subjects.

3. Public authority, acting on behalf of the entire population and pursuing the interests of all.

4. Sovereignty over a territory, which provides for the supremacy of only one power over a certain territory and its indivisibility with the power of another state.

5. National system of legislation.

6. National tax system.

While having similar features, the state at the same time exists in different forms. The criteria for their selection are form of government, type of administrative-territorial structure and the nature of the political regime.

I. Form of government characterizes the way of organizing state power in the center and at the local level. According to this criterion, monarchies and republics are distinguished. Monarchy is absolute and parliamentary. The latter is subdivided into dualistic and constitutional. Republics are presidential, parliamentary and semi-presidential (mixed). Among the mixed forms, parliamentary-presidential ones are considered and vice versa.

II. Territorial and administrative structure is presented in three main forms: a unitary state, a federation and a confederation, which differ in the principles and methods of territorial organization, relations between the center and regions, etc.

Unitary state- this is a state where there is a single government, legislation, judicial system, in the presence of administrative and territorial units.

Federation Is a union state where federal and republican authorities operate. There are administrative and national federations.

Confederation- is a union of sovereign states that unite to solve political, economic, military, cultural tasks together.

III. By the nature of the political regime , which expresses the ways of exercising power in the state, a democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian state is distinguished.

Regardless of the form, the state invariably performs a number of obligatory functions. They are usually subdivided into internal and external. Internal ones partially coincide with the above-mentioned functions of the political system of society. Among the external ones should be called defense, foreign policy and environmental functions.

Functions of the modern state are defined as follows:

1) ensuring security and law and order;

2) regulation of social relations and the resolution of social conflicts;

3) distribution of values ​​in society;

4) protection of national interests and ensuring national security, where national security is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats, and national interests are considered as a set of balanced vital interests of the individual, society and the state, characterized by a long-term nature and determining the main goals and objectives of foreign and domestic policy of the state.

The listed functions are performed exclusively by the state, since they, firstly, contribute to the achievement of collective goals and, secondly, their implementation by individual social institutions is impossible.

In modern states, power is usually dispersed among various structures or institutions. Consider the following public authorities that characterize the structure of the state:

Representative bodies (parliament);

Supervisory and control bodies (prosecutor's office);

Public order protection bodies (Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies);

Military establishment;

State security bodies (FSO bodies);

The judicial system;

Executive and administrative bodies (President, Prime Minister, Government).

All of the listed signs and characteristics are also inherent in the modern Russian state. In accordance with the Constitution of the country, Russia is a democratic, federal, secular, legal, social state with a republican form of government. Accordingly, the political system from the constitutional point of view belongs to the category of democratic. At the same time, in practice, in modern conditions, the country's political system is undergoing a transitional process of transformation from authoritarian to democratic. The situation is similar with the main institution of the political system - the state. In Russia, there is a process of formation of a presidential-parliamentary republic with a strong power of the head of state. Also in the process of formation is the administrative-territorial structure of the country. We are talking about the formation of a constitutional federation in Russia, which differs from the treaty one in that it does not provide for the separation from the federation of the territory of one or another regional entity. Finally, by the nature of the political regime, Russia can be classified as a democratic state. True, in the opinion of many political analysts, rather, we can talk about a semi-authoritarian, semi-democratic state.

The main directions of further reform of the political system and the state in Russia are associated with the consistent formation in the country of a democratic, federal, legal, social state.

Constitutional state- a form of organization of state power based on the rule of law, which is strictly followed by the state, society, and the individual.

The principles of the rule of law are:

1. the rule of law and law;

2. real constitutionalism;

3. the legal organization of state power;

4. non-interference of the state in the affairs of civil society;

5. separation of powers;

6. mutual responsibility of the state and the individual;

7. equality of all before the law;

8. independence, autonomy and elevation of the court.

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