Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill What prevents you from getting pregnant if everything is in order. I can't conceive a child what a man should do. Medicines in traditional medicine

What prevents you from getting pregnant if everything is in order. I can't conceive a child what a man should do. Medicines in traditional medicine

The diagnosis of infertility is confirmed in women who cannot become pregnant for more than 2 years on condition of regular sexual activity. It can be absolute or relative. In the first case, serious pathological disorders lead to it, as a result of which pregnancy is impossible for a number of irreversible physiological reasons. In the second, the condition can be corrected by performing certain therapeutic manipulations, after which pregnancy still occurs.

If a woman or a married couple cannot become pregnant for a long time, then this negatively affects mental health, as it is a strong mental trauma, especially if they are both physiologically healthy. Leading obstetricians and gynecologists regularly introduce new methods of treating female infertility. In most cases, therapy is effective.

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    Causes of female infertility

    The diagnosis of female infertility is not a sentence, it just says that it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it. Most pathological conditions respond well to treatment, the only exception is absolute female infertility, which is usually characterized by persistent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. But even with such a serious diagnosis, a woman is able to carry an embryo under the condition of in vitro fertilization.

    The type of infertility plays an important role. If the patient has never been pregnant, then we are talking about primary. If pregnancy began and ended with childbirth, miscarriage or abortion, then it is worth talking about secondary.

    The most common cause of secondary infertility is the first abortion that women do at a young age, since during this medical manipulation, mucous membranes are damaged, inflammation begins and endometriosis develops, and menstrual irregularities appear, leading to infertility.

    The possibility of getting pregnant in the presence of dysfunctions in the work of the reproductive system directly depends on the period during which this problem exists. After 28 years, the issue of pregnancy must be resolved as soon as possible, passing all the required diagnostic methods. The sooner the cause is identified, the greater the chances of eliminating it.

    Violation of ovulation

    Normally, pregnancy occurs on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, which is explained by the presence of ovulation. Most women experience problems with the physiological cycle; this is one of the most common causes of infertility. Normally, it lasts from 21 to 35 days. Too small a cycle indicates that the egg did not have time to mature, but if it is longer than the prescribed period, then it turns out to be not viable.

    The development of the egg and its release into the uterine cavity is a complex physiological cycle. In the absence of normal ovulation in the ovaries, the maturation of the follicles, which are responsible for the production of eggs, does not occur. Even with a regular sex life and absolute health of the partner, the isolated spermatozoa have nothing to fertilize.

    Menstrual cycle

    Ovarian dysfunction

    The ovaries in a woman's body produce hormones and are responsible for regulating their levels. Disorders are usually associated with malfunctioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Certain changes in its functioning lead to the impossibility of signaling the beginning of the production of hormones, as a result of which their content and qualitative composition change.

    Luteinizing hormone (LH), which is pituitary, is responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the normal production of female sex hormones. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is also pituitary, but its main role is to regulate the production of follicles in the ovaries. The inability to get pregnant is associated with both a deficiency of these hormones and an excess of them. There are cases when infertility develops with an imbalance in their ratio during ovulation.

    Disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is often caused by head injuries, tumor formations and possibly with biochemical dysfunctions in the pituitary gland.

    Hormonal imbalance

    All internal processes that ensure normal human activity are based on neurohumoral mechanisms. Most of them work subject to the presence of essential enzymes, trace elements and other auxiliary substances. The main role of many internal organs (thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and others) is in the production of hormones.

    Any hormonal disorders that contribute to an imbalance of active substances can provoke infertility. Diseases of the thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands, in the first place, cause other pathological conditions, but they can also lead to the impossibility of pregnancy.

    Early menopause

    The reproductive system of every woman has its own characteristics of functioning and structure. Normally, menopause occurs after 50 years, but recently, more and more cases are diagnosed when it develops much earlier. The first menopausal changes at the age of 40 are considered conditionally normal, we are talking about premature ovarian depletion. But its development at the age of 30 is a kind of hormonal disorder, which can be dealt with with the help of complex therapy.

    With an early menopause, it is worth talking about relative infertility, the treatment of which is possible with the help of hormonal drugs and physiotherapy procedures. The explanation for this physiological process lies in a hereditary predisposition, when a similar syndrome occurs in relatives of the first and second generation. As a result of ovarian dysfunction, oocyte underdevelopment occurs. Often, the cause is a congenital pathology, when girls after birth are diagnosed with Turner syndrome, characterized by underdevelopment of the ovaries or their complete absence. Such pathological disorders are extremely rare.

    Polycystic ovary

    The danger of polycystic ovaries is that along with hormonal disorders, persistent changes in their internal structure develop. The first signs of the disease can be suspected by nonspecific manifestations, which are expressed in increased hair growth of the skin, interruptions in the menstrual cycle, obesity, etc. In general, the hormonal background is not changed, since LH, estrogen and testosterone are within normal limits. Deviations from the norm concern only FSH, the production of which is significantly reduced.

    Many small cysts, no more than 8 mm in diameter, develop as a result of follicular underdevelopment during ovulation. A capsule is formed around each of them, which is further determined using ultrasound. The more cysts, the larger the ovary. On average, it increases up to 2-3 times its original volume. Often, surgery and trauma leads to polycystic disease, after which scars of the connective tissue inside the ovary are formed, which leads to underdevelopment of the follicles.

    The causes of unruptured follicle syndrome have not yet been identified. In this case, the full maturation of the egg occurs inside it, but the rupture of the shell does not occur at the right time. Normally, 10 cycles out of 12 per year should be effective.

    Polycystic ovary

    Pathology of the cervical canal

    Before the sperm reaches its final target, in the uterine cavity and higher, it needs to overcome the cervical canal. Its movement is due to many chemical and physical properties. In case of violation of the qualitative and chemical composition in the mucus, which is in the vaginal cavity, sperm cells may undergo some changes in their structure. They become insolvent and unable to fertilize an egg.

    The mucus from the cervical canal can be too thick or abundant, which is a mechanical barrier to penetration into the uterine cavity. This pathological condition lends itself to drug correction, as a result, a woman is able to become pregnant. In difficult situations of immune confrontation, when conservative treatment is not able to suppress the enzyme contents of the cervical canal, artificial insemination is performed, as a result of which the patient manages to give birth to a healthy baby.

    Cervical erosion

    At the time of ovulation, the cervix swells and becomes loose, as a result of which the sperm can freely enter the reproductive organs. Hormonal disorders or the presence of mechanical damage in the lumen of the cervix can be an obstacle. Erosion is often accompanied by the development of a large number of polyps; local inflammation can cause the absence of a lumen in the cervical canal. In this case, the egg is released, but the sperm does not reach it, so there is no fact of fertilization.

    For the first time, pregnancy can also occur in the presence of cervical erosion, but at the end of the rehabilitation period after childbirth, gynecologists often recommend cauterizing it, since it can lead to oncological formations. As a result of this treatment, a scar is formed, which subsequently interferes with the normal discrepancy of soft tissues at the time of ovulation. Getting pregnant a second time turns out to be much more difficult.

    Cervical erosion

    Fallopian tube defect

    The ripe egg moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. In gynecology, their obstruction is often diagnosed, which is partial or complete, as well as unilateral or bilateral. Narrowing of the lumen is usually triggered by inflammatory diseases, genital infections, and the presence of adhesions. Changes in the lumen can be associated with damage to the ciliary layer, as a result of which the physiological movement of the ovum or ovum is disrupted.

    Often, the fallopian tubes are injured after a cesarean section. And after the birth of the second child, upon reaching the age of 35, they are generally recommended to be bandaged so that the third fertilization does not occur. This condition is irreversible, if a woman wants to become a mother again, this will be available only with the help of IVF.


    The inside of the uterus is lined with endometrium, which is rejected at the time of menstruation in the absence of pregnancy. In addition to the hormonal causes of endometriosis, the key position is taken by the cleaning of the uterine cavity, which is carried out during an abortion or with a frozen pregnancy. After the birth of the first child, subject to the development of endometriosis, it can be difficult to give birth to a second.

    This pathological condition is characterized by pronounced menstrual flow, which is not synchronized with the days of the cycle. The uncontrolled proliferation of the endometrium makes it impossible to attach the ovum. In the uterine cavity, outgrowths similar to polyps are formed. Endometriosis interferes with the physiological maturation of the egg, prevents fertilization and rejects the fertilized egg. Women with this diagnosis are forced to regularly take hormonal drugs that suppress the growth of the endometrium, and if therapy fails, they are subjected to mechanical scraping of endometrial growths.


    Defect in the structure of the uterus

    After normal fertilization, for the further development of the fetus, the embryo must attach in the uterine cavity to the upper layer, the endometrium. This can be prevented by any defects in the structure of the uterus, including cicatricial changes after surgery, cesarean section and others.

    Disorders in the structure of the uterus can also cause chronic diseases such as fibroids, polyps, cysts. Much less often, but still there is a congenital anomaly. There are the following types of abnormal development: saddle, two-horned, double uterus, with the presence of several cavities, which are separated by connective tissue septa.

    Bicornuate uterus

    Psychogenic disorders

    The constant presence of stress, psychoemotional stress and other psychological factors has a great influence on the hormonal background and normal vital functions of the body. In this case, it is worth talking about relative infertility, the correction of which is possible after the elimination of the psychogenic factor. Medicine knows cases of mass infertility, for example, amenorrhea (lack of ovulation) during the war years, at which time women experienced constant stress, fear and anxiety.

    If it is not possible to become pregnant for even several months, the patient intuitively begins to feel anxiety, considering herself infertile. At this moment, the work of a family psychologist is important, since internal self-flagellation and oppression of the psychological mood can aggravate the situation. In the absence of psychogenic factors, pregnancy can occur after hormonal treatment, but with prolonged stress, the chances are significantly reduced.


    The therapy is carried out after a total diagnosis, when it is possible to go through the maximum number of studies and establish the cause. It should start with the elimination of the primary factor leading to the development of infertility. All medical manipulations are aimed at restoring the physiological reproductive function; this can be achieved conservatively or surgically. In the absence of the possibility of self-fertilization, if a woman is able to endure pregnancy, artificial insemination is performed.

    Treatment tactics directly depend on the cause, so in each case it will be individual.

    In case of hormonal imbalance, it is corrected with the help of special medications; at the end of therapy, special stimulation of the ovaries is required. Women are advised to control weight, follow a diet, avoid overexertion and severe physical exertion, attend physiotherapy and give up bad habits. In this case, the control of treatment is ultrasound, in which it is possible to track ovulation. A favorable outcome occurs in 80% of cases.

    Obstruction of the fallopian tubes requires restoration of normal lumen, which is achieved using laparoscopy. This method of treatment is associated with minimally invasive surgery. The patient is introduced through several incisions of the anterior abdominal wall with special equipment and a video camera, through which the doctor monitors the progress of the operation on the monitor. It is possible to achieve a positive effect in 35 cases out of 100.

    Surgical intervention, but already mainly with general access, is also subject to diseases such as deformation of the uterus, removal of large cysts, volumetric formations, excision of polyps is also carried out. As a result of reconstructive plastic surgery, the scar on the ovaries and uterus is eliminated, conception occurs in 2 women out of 10.

    In the absence of a positive effect from conservative and surgical treatment, as well as in case of failure of the reproductive organs, the insemination of the egg with spermatozoa is carried out artificially. Indications for such fertilization are:

    • tubal obstruction and their complete absence;
    • inability to get pregnant after endometriosis treatment;
    • inadequate hormone therapy;
    • the absolute sterility of the husband;
    • ovarian dysfunction and early onset of menopause;
    • other chronic diseases and concomitant diseases.

    There are several methods of artificial insemination, the most common are: insemination with donor sperm or husband's sperm, IVF, sperm injection into the egg, use of a donor embryo, surrogacy. The positive effect of the treatment is largely dependent on the general health of the spouses, their age, the presence of chronic and concomitant diseases. Throughout the entire period of therapy, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, adhere to the correct mode of work and rest, monitor nutrition and perform a number of restorative measures. In this case, the ability to conceive a healthy baby is significantly increased.

I can't get pregnant, what should I do? - this question is often heard in gynecologists' offices. And often in the present situation it is the women themselves who are to blame, who did not take too much care of their health and the health of their partner (or partners).

Therefore, we will consider the main reasons why it is impossible to get pregnant during sexual activity without protection, what preventive measures exist and how to act in a situation if no folk remedies help to get pregnant.

Reasons for failure

1. Sexually transmitted infections. Since school we have been taught that love should be "safe." But how many of us have listened to the recommendations of gynecologists and used condoms? Often, when you love, you forget about safety. It is not always possible to determine the disease in oneself. All theoretically familiar symptoms of malaise, such as discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching, and various rashes do not appear in all diseases. Often, you can only determine your "infectiousness" by passing special smears and blood tests. Infections are terrible in that they lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs. Thus, adhesions in the fallopian tubes can also occur, the most terrible consequence of which is not even the fact that it is impossible to conceive a child, but an ectopic pregnancy.

2. Excess or lack of weight. How many of us are of normal weight for our height and age? What do we mean by normal? Subtract 110 from your height in centimeters and get your ideal weight. It is allowed to deviate from this weight in the direction of an increase of 10 kilograms. If there are discrepancies up or down, it's time to either gain weight or lose weight, as weight problems can be the cause of infertility.

3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It can occur due to the infections mentioned above, as a result of surgical interventions and other factors that provoke inflammatory processes. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes becomes the reason for the attachment of a fertilized egg for further development outside the uterus (in the abdominal region, fallopian tube or ovary), that is, the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

4. Male factor. Not only a woman can become the culprit for the absence of children in the family. If you cannot get pregnant, then you need to check the health of your spouse. It often happens that the semen contains an insufficient number of live sperm, or their mobility is limited. As a result, the likelihood of self-conception can be very low. After the survey, everything becomes clear. It is possible that artificial insemination of a woman will be required to increase the likelihood of conception. And before that, the treatment of the spouse. I would like to note that pathology can be caused by a huge number of reasons, including even a banal mumps - a disease that many children suffer.

5. In fifth place, we will put such a reason as the incompatibility of spouses. In fact, there is no such term in medicine. But there are situations when the sperm of a certain man die in the woman's vagina. Aggressive microflora leads to the death of sperm. This feature can be diagnosed with the help of special tests (carried out by a doctor).

But what if you can't get pregnant, although doctors say that everything is in order? Chances are, you just don't get there on ovulation day. Here are some simple ways to increase your chances of conceiving.

1. Determination of ovulation and active lovemaking on fertile days. There are several ways to determine ovulation. The most popular way is to measure basal temperature. However, using this method requires some skill. For example, not everyone knows that a negligible decrease in temperature in the middle of the cycle occurs just before ovulation and that drinking alcohol can provoke an increase in temperature outside ovulation. If you are afraid to make a mistake and do not want to measure your rectal temperature every day, stock up on ovulation tests. They don't cost much more than pregnancy tests. A positive result (2 stripes) means that ovulation has just occurred or will occur in the next few hours. You can also determine ovulation by ultrasound. However, the method turns out to be too costly in all respects. In this situation, when the diagnosis of infertility is not worth it, going for an ultrasound scan for these purposes is not at all necessary.

2. Selection of positions for intercourse. If you cannot get pregnant, it is worth changing the usual position during intercourse (if such a position exists). Perhaps the reason for the failure is the fact that sperm is not retained in the vagina. Doctors recommend as the most effective positions when the man is behind, and the woman lies on her stomach, placing a pillow under her. After intimate contact, you should not get up and sit down. And even more so, you shouldn't go to the bathroom or to the toilet.

3. If your doctor doesn't mind, you can try traditional medicine. Many women praise the miraculous properties of the following herbs: borax uterus, red brush, sage. Official medicine recommends drinking 3-4 cycles of oral contraceptives (if there are no contraindications), after which the ovaries begin to work "more efficiently", pregnancy occurs sooner, as a rule.

What to do if you cannot get pregnant using all the listed recommendations? Remember that the diagnosis of infertility is made by a doctor only if the couple has had a regular unprotected sex life for at least a year, and no conception has taken place during this period of time. In this case, both partners are carefully examined to find the cause of infertility. If all attempts are useless, and serious reasons (related to health) are found that prevent becoming parents, the option with IVF or ICSI remains, you can also try to use the help of a surrogate mother or adopt a baby. In short, everything is in your hands!

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According to statistics, 35-40% of infertile couples are susceptible to the inability to conceive a child due to the female factor.

The answers to the questions about why a woman is not able to get pregnant, and how, after all, families wishing to have a child can solve this difficult problem, we will analyze in detail in this article.

It should be noted that pregnancy problems are influenced not only by factors associated with the genitourinary system of the female body, but also by disruption of the functioning of other organs and systems. And the psychological problem is far from the last place here.

Psychological reasons why it is not possible to get pregnant

When a woman says “I want to get pregnant,” does she fully realize why the word “I want” is present here. And why is the result of long efforts the conclusion "I can not get pregnant"?

A person may not fully realize for some reason he needs something. And in the issue under consideration, this is far from the last factor.

It happens that a woman needs to get pregnant not because of a sincere desire to have a child.

  • Thus, she may want to tie a man to her.
  • Or it is necessary to realize your own importance.
  • Or just to change your life and force yourself to do something.

Fear can be an important factor in why you can't get pregnant. The childbirth itself, the fear after childbirth of losing its former attractiveness, or even a subconscious thought that a woman is not ready to raise and maintain a child.

Sometimes it happens that a woman does not perceive her partner as a potential father of a child. Moreover, this also arises entirely on a psychological level, for example, if she has a lurking resentment against her husband.

A woman may not remember this, but her subconscious mind sends signals to the body "I do not want to get pregnant from this person." Doctors, checking a woman for possible diseases and pathologies, do not find any abnormalities, shrug their shoulders and diagnose “unexplained infertility”.

What to do in this case? See a psychologist. After all, most women do not even suspect that in addition to bodily ailments, there are also mental ones. But, be that as it may, it is also not worth getting hung up only on the psychological side of the problem and making hasty conclusions.

Diagnostics and examination of infertility

Probably everyone understands that the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant is capable of hiding in both partners and each of them must undergo a complete examination.

First of all, partners need to have a conversation with a reproductologist. And to determine the possible options for the development of the problem and the approximate direction in its solution, the tactics of examination and further treatment.

And before starting an individual examination, both partners should test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, because this can be the main cause of infertility. And also in the course of treatment, exacerbations of these diseases are possible.

In men, all examination and diagnostics are quite simple, but informative. It is worth being examined by an andrologist and consulting with a male infertility specialist.

What does a woman need to do?

Women should first undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. After, if no obvious symptoms are detected, the following checks are carried out:

  • Diagnostics of the hormonal background and the functioning of the ovaries (the content of certain hormones in the blood, monitoring changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle, measuring the temperature of the internal genital organs).
  • Assessment of the state of the uterine cavity, which is most accurately determined by hysteroscopy - a detailed examination using a mini-video camera.
  • Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  • Immunological compatibility of partners, which can best be determined by a postcoital test. It measures the ability of a given man's spermatozoa to move and maintain mobility in a given woman's cervical mucosa.

What affects a woman's reproductive function?

There are several main groups of pathologies that affect a woman's infertility. These reasons are discussed below.

1. Failure of ovulation

This problem affects the ability to conceive in about 40%. Ovulation begins in most cases 14 days before the onset of menstruation, although in general this is consistent with the individual menstrual cycle of each woman.

Ovulation is the release of a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg from the follicle. Ovarian diseases affect the maturation of the follicle. Accordingly, on the maturation of the egg, so ovulation does not occur.

2. Diseases of the uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes

The cervical canal in a healthy female body is evenly filled with mucus. It contributes to the unhindered meeting of the egg with the sperm.

If there is not enough mucus or it exceeds the density norm in consistency, then this leads to stuck spermatozoa halfway to the goal. It occurs as a result of genital infections, erosion of the cervix or its inflammation, and when the glands that produce mucus are disrupted.

A common problem is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This is influenced by the aforementioned infectious diseases, previously performed abortions or ectopic pregnancy. Also, infertility is associated with uterine tumors and cysts.

The reason for the inability to conceive can also be a failure in the woman's immunity, as a result of which substances that kill spermatozoa are formed in the mucus. This is called immunological infertility and a postcoital test is done to check for it.

3. Polycystic ovary

It is caused by hormonal disorders in the female body, often it is an overabundance of male sex hormones. It is easily determined by external changes - a sharp increase in body weight and excessive "hairiness".

It leads to changes in the ovaries - the follicles do not mature, and as a result, the eggs do not develop either. There are many follicular cysts (this is easily diagnosed using ultrasound).

Fortunately, this disease has been successfully and promptly treated for several decades. Its main focus lies in stimulating ovulation, and at maximum achievements, the ovaries return to normal functioning in 70%, while the possibility of getting pregnant is about 40%.

Of course, infertility treatment is always individual. And to the question "Why can't I get pregnant?" no woman will find an exact answer only in written sources or guided by someone's experience.

Even if there is a firm belief that you have identified the exact cause in this way and your symptoms confirm it, it should be remembered that the above factors of infertility can be combined.

Obviously, in order for your “want to get pregnant” to be transformed into a confident “can”, you should contact a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and direct all efforts to ensure that your family has a replenishment.

Infertility diagnosis and statistics

The problem of childlessness of families throughout their reproductive age in the world is about 14%. In percentage terms, the inability to conceive for both men and women is equal.

In 40% it depends on the violation of the man's fertilizing ability, in 40% the reason lies in the problems of the woman's reproductive organs, and in 20% it is associated with both partners. Either violations were detected in both, or such a pair is immunologically incompatible.

The statistical period for which it is determined whether a healthy married couple is capable of conceiving a child or not is 12 months of regular sexual intercourse, a simple calculation works here: for 30% of couples this period takes 2 or 3 months, for 60% - about 7 months and for the remaining 10% takes 11-12 months.

Therefore, you should not panic and give up if your sex life lasts less time. It’s too early to say to myself “I can’t get pregnant”.

Female infertility is primary (when there was no pregnancy before) and secondary (pregnancy was earlier, but the next time during the year of fruitful efforts did not come).

Secondary infertility

The problem of conceiving a second child, unfortunately, is quite common among couples who already have one baby. Secondary infertility is also possible if a previous pregnancy was terminated by abortion or miscarriage. Or delivery did not occur due to an ectopic pregnancy.

It's sad, but the phrase “I can't get pregnant with my second child” is heard by almost half of these families. What do you need to do in this case?

If a couple is faced with this problem, but, nevertheless, wants to have a second child, then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Because with age, finding appropriate treatment methods and getting pregnant a second time will be much more difficult.

The causes of secondary infertility

Fertility, in other words, a woman's reproductive capacity, after 35 years of age decreases markedly. And about a quarter of women at this age are susceptible to secondary infertility.

1. Problems with the thyroid gland. For example, when its hyperfunction occurs, it affects the amount of hormones produced and the menstrual cycle. Which, again, disrupts the ovulation process and reduces the ability to conceive.

And, in addition, it causes some gynecological diseases: endometriosis or uterine fibroids. But the hypofunction of the thyroid gland is able to suppress the production of ovarian hormones.

2. An interrupted pregnancy, in particular an abortion, is fraught with even more deplorable results. For example, the lining of the endometrium that lines the inner lining of the uterus is often completely scraped off during abortion.

As a result, the egg, which naturally matures and fertilizes successfully, but cannot stay in the uterus. There is no substance retaining it.

3. If the first birth took place by caesarean section, then this can also negatively affect the conception of the second child. Since operations performed in the uterine cavity often leave scars, polyps or adhesions.

But in this case, with timely medical intervention, everything can usually be adjusted and successfully become pregnant again.

4. And, of course, a well-known fact, which should not be forgotten: infertility is actively influenced not only by an unhealthy lifestyle, but even by an unhealthy diet. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the lifestyle during the conception of the first child and its possible change during the desire to become pregnant with the second.

Causes of infertility not related to pathology and medicine

Unfortunately, we are overwhelmingly prone to exaggeration, panic and involuntary imagining for ourselves a whole mountain of non-existent ailments, without really understanding the cause of the problem.

A couple who cannot conceive a child may well be perfectly healthy. Here are some ridiculous and very easy-to-eliminate factors of the so-called infertility.

1. Too active sex life of partners or, conversely, long abstinence. This problem is mainly male. In the first case, if a man, for example, has sex every day, then the number of sperm and their activity falls noticeably. They do not have time to mature to the state necessary for fertilization.

In the second case, the result is almost the same, since the spermatozoa have been in a "dormant" state for a long time and may not be ready for fertilization. The optimal frequency of intercourse for partners who want to have a baby is about 5 days, and during the ovulation period should be 2-3 days.

2. Stress, nervous breakdowns and fatigue, which leads both to a decrease in sperm production and to a violation of the ovulation process. During conception, both partners should take care of themselves from factors negatively affecting the psyche.

3. The use of certain medicines, mainly antibiotics and sedatives. This is also an individual problem, in which, however, you should definitely consult with the doctor who prescribed these funds, and with your personal gynecologist or andrologist.

Even taking large amounts of vitamin C can inhibit the production of cervical fluid in women. You should not use artificial vitamins, dietary supplements and other chemicals.

4. Of course, smoking, alcohol abuse and even coffee negatively affects the reproductive function of both sexes. During the period of conception of a child, these habits should be abandoned altogether, because in the event of the onset of such a long-desired pregnancy, this can harm the fetus.

Dear women, you should always remember that when you ask yourself the questions that are quite relevant in our time, "Why can't I get pregnant?" and, what is even more relevant, “Why can't I get pregnant with my second child?”, do not despair and think that a full-fledged happy family life will now be out of reach for you.

Tell yourself “I can” and don't stop moving towards your goal. The happiness of having children is not at all overestimated, and couples, absolutely confident in the strength of their union and repeating in one voice “I want, I want, I want”, have every right to achieve what they want.

I would very much like this article to be useful and help find the best methods for solving the problem of the difficulty of getting pregnant. And remember: there must be a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Some apparently perfectly healthy couples stubbornly fail to get pregnant for several years. It is quite natural that one day they begin to wonder why they cannot conceive a baby and whether this can be changed. In this article we will tell you how to proceed in this case.

Why doesn't conception happen?

If a couple is not protected and is sexually active at the most favorable time for conception (in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when women ovulate), and pregnancy does not occur for a year or more, doctors talk about infertility. It can be feminine, masculine, as well as mutual.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Indicate the first day of your last period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle, on the 14th day). Deviation from the mean is common, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, along with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

It is possible to unambiguously establish the day of ovulation by means of folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B .; Raven, Peter H .; Johnson, George B .; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B.I., Brin V.B., Zakharov Yu.M., Nedospasov V.O., Pyatin V.F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B.I.Tkachenko. - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2009 .-- 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

Among the most common reasons for a decrease or complete absence of fertility in women are inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, including chronic, genital infections, which sometimes occur latently, as well as hormonal disorders and menstrual irregularities. Lack of ovulation makes a woman infertile. An insufficient level of follicle-stimulating hormone cannot ensure the maturation of follicles in the first half of the cycle, and an insufficient level of progesterone cannot guarantee that even a fertilized egg can attach and the embryo will begin to develop.

The reason for the inability to become pregnant may be previously performed abortions, endometriosis, fibroids, malfunction of the ovaries, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Sometimes the reason for the absence of pregnancy lies in the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive organs or post-traumatic changes. The reason may lie in stress, psychological unpreparedness for pregnancy and childbirth - then we are talking about psychogenic infertility.

Bad habits, a frantic pace of life, a passion for coffee and strong tea, excess weight and unhealthy diet increase the likelihood of infertility in women of reproductive age. By the way, age itself is also an important factor. After 34 years, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases rapidly, and the quality of the eggs deteriorates.

Among the common male causes of infertility are a violation of the quantity and quality of sperm, genital infections, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, obstruction of the vas deferens. Men, no less than women, are characterized by psychogenic reasons for the lack of fertility. Despite the fact that there are fewer reasons for men to be infertile than for women, the proportions of male and female infertility in couples are approximately equal - according to statistics, the female accounts for about 40% of cases, and the male accounts for about 45%.

Mutual infertility is not so common, but it is precisely this that represents the most severe and complex cases. Such infertility is spoken of if the fertility of both partners is impaired, as well as in the case of genetic incompatibility between husband and wife.

About 10% of all cases of infertility are officially considered idiopathic, that is, they have no justified reasons.

What to do?

First of all, you need to establish the true reason for the absence of a long-awaited pregnancy. To do this, a woman needs to go to a gynecologist, and a man - to a urologist-andrologist. It is best to choose one clinic to go for the examination together. A family check-up increases the chances of more accurately and quickly identifying the cause or set of causes and eliminating them.

A woman is prescribed a number of mandatory examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (allows you to establish the anatomical features of the organs of the reproductive system, to identify pathological changes);
  • colposcopy (allows you to establish the state of the cervix, exclude the so-called cervical factor of infertility);
  • hysteroscopy (allows the doctor to get the most accurate idea of ​​the state of the endometrium, the walls of the uterus);
  • diagnostic laparoscopy (prescribed if there is a suspicion of obstruction of the fallopian tubes or their critical narrowing);
  • fluorography of the chest organs (allows you to exclude tuberculosis);
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;

  • a blood test for hormonal profile (done after menstruation, on the 5-6th day of the cycle - FSH, estradiol, estrogens, thyroid hormones, TSH, testosterone, prolactin and a number of others, on the 21-22th day of the cycle - progesterone). This is a very important analysis, which, together with the ultrasound data of the ovaries, can give an idea of ​​whether ovulation is occurring, whether the eggs are ripening.
  • blood test for TORCH infection;
  • blood test for HIV status, syphilis, and sexually transmitted infections;
  • a smear from the vagina for microflora and infections, scraping from the cervix for abnormal cells, as well as for antisperm antibodies;
  • immunogram (allows you to establish if infertility is not an immune factor).

In some cases, additional examinations are also prescribed, for example, a coagulogram (analysis for blood clotting factors) is recommended for women with vascular and heart problems, varicose veins, and an extended hormonal analysis in dynamics (several times per cycle) is prescribed for women with diabetes or endocrine disorders.

A man also does not need to stand aside, a simultaneous examination will save time and increase the chances of effective treatment. A man should not pass so many tests, their list is as follows:

  • spermogram (to establish the quantitative and qualitative composition of the ejaculate);
  • immunogram and MAP test (detects antisperm antibodies);
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood tests for HIV status, syphilis and genital infections;
  • urethral smear;
  • a blood test for hormones (testosterone, estrogens, thyroid hormones).

Additional tests may be ordered by a doctor if the spermogram results are disappointing. So, for a man, in whose sperm a large number of leukocytes are found, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the prostate gland, testicles, and men with severe teratozoospermia (an increased number of mutated, modified spermatozoa that are not capable of normal fertilization) may be recommended to consult a geneticist and sperm analysis for DNA fragmentation ...

To exclude mutual infertility, a couple should visit genetics and do genetic compatibility tests.

Treatment - effectiveness and alternatives

Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause. To eliminate pathology, drug regimens, surgical intervention, and hormonal therapy can be used. Fertility treatment is always quite lengthy, and the couple will have to be patient and follow all the recommendations.

In 85% of cases, treatment after identifying the causes is effective, and the couple becomes pregnant after the end of the course in a matter of months. If the treatment does not give a positive effect, the couple can be recommended reproductive assistive technologies - IVF, IVF + ICSI, IMSI, intrauterine insemination. Even in the most severe cases - when a woman does not have ovaries and does not have her own eggs, when a man does not have testicles, medicine will be able to offer options that will help become parents. Reproductive techniques can be performed using donor eggs, donor sperm and even donor embryos.

2.3 or 4 years of infertility is a long enough experience for a couple to start looking for options to overcome infertility. If childlessness lasts significantly more than 4 years, additional problems may arise with the treatment of "old" and "neglected" problems with reproductive health. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as early as possible, at the stage when a woman, without much anxiety, simply begins to think that she cannot get pregnant for a year - is everything in order for her and her husband.

Early treatment allows us to talk about high chances of reversibility of pathological processes and the onset of pregnancy.

A few simple tips can help a couple improve their chances of conceiving a child, but they in no way cancel the recommendations to consult a doctor and be thoroughly examined.

  • Pay attention to the weight. Even a small decrease in body weight by 5% of the original weight increases the chances of pregnancy by 10%.
  • Stop getting hung up on planning. Stress has a detrimental effect on the production of sex hormones. The more you wait for pregnancy, the higher your stress levels. The stronger and longer the stress, the less chances of conceiving a baby.

  • Redefine your lifestyle. Both partners need to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, take vitamins, eliminate bad habits from their lives, and slightly reduce excessive physical activity.
  • Stop blaming yourself and your partner. Guilt and resentment complexes are common partners' reactions to infertility in the family. Do not blame the other and punish yourself. Better to go together to find a solution.

If a couple has been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but all attempts are unsuccessful, perhaps the reason is infertility. Fortunately, this condition is not hopeless. So do not immediately give up the dream of your children. Instead, it is better to understand the premises that led to the problems with conception and try to eliminate them.

The physiology of a woman is such that even a perfectly healthy woman cannot get pregnant for quite a long time, even with absolutely no protection. Why does this happen? The thing is that a woman can get pregnant only on strictly defined days - during ovulation. On average, there are very high chances of getting pregnant in just one or two days of the menstrual cycle, during which ovulation occurs. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take into account that approximately every fifth to sixth ovulation is infertile. It is believed that a healthy couple will be able to conceive a child within one year, and if this does not work for her, there is a good reason to see a doctor.

Reasons that prevent getting pregnant

Infertility is a whole complex of symptoms and diseases that negatively affect the reproductive function of one of the partners or both at once. If it was not possible to conceive the first time, it is too early to talk about infertility. Such a disease can be suspected only if it is not possible to become pregnant for a long time. The reasons can be very different, the most common of them are the following:

  1. Very often endocrine system dysfunctions lead to infertility. About 40% of women who cannot get pregnant suffer from endocrine infertility - this is a condition when ovulation is completely or partially absent. If you cannot conceive for a long time, the first step is to get tested for hormones. Lack of ovulation can also be associated with dysfunctions of the genitals, thyroid, brain, adrenal glands. Lack of ovulation is the most common reason for pregnancy failure. Doctors should deal with the causes of ovulation, but before contacting them, you should make sure that attempts at conception were made at the right time - during ovulation. In order to calculate the time of the onset of ovulation, there are various, including very accurate, methods.
  2. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also one of the pathologies that often lead to infertility. The exact causes of the disease are still unknown to science, but experts are of the opinion that it is congenital. In any case, polycystic ovary syndrome is now being successfully treated, although it requires long-term therapy with strict compliance with all doctor's prescriptions. The disease provokes the excessive production of male hormones, which is why numerous cysts are constantly formed in the female reproductive system. Outwardly, these are water bubbles of different sizes, and they are detected only by ultrasound. The consequence of pathology is a disruption in the work of the ovaries with the absence of ovulation.
  3. Another possible cause of female infertility is complete or partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It arises from the narrowing of the lumen in the fallopian tubes or the formation of adhesions in them. The hole becomes narrow, so sperm cannot enter it to fertilize the egg. This pathology can arise under the influence of various factors, including inflammation in the reproductive system, infectious diseases, due to which adhesions are formed. Surgery may be required to eliminate the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and artificial insemination is also a solution for many. If the process is not too started yet, lifestyle changes and treatment of existing inflammations will help to cope with the problem.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur within one, two months, six months, you should be examined for the presence of endometriosis. This is a disease in which the cells of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) begin to spread throughout the body, taking root and starting to grow in other organs. The probable causes of the pathology are inflammation of the internal genital organs, disruptions in the production of hormones. The consequence of advanced endometriosis is often the inability of the egg to attach to the uterine wall, which causes infertility. Treatment involves taking hormonal drugs or surgery. The earlier the disease is detected, the more chances you have to cope with the disease and conceive a long-awaited child.
  5. Pathologies of the uterus of different origins also often lead to the inability to become pregnant. Such diseases include: fibroids, endometrial diseases, intrauterine septum, hypoplasia, adenomyosis. First, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify pathology, and based on its results, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. It includes taking hormonal drugs, physiotherapy, medications, surgery may also be required. Pathologies of the uterus are divided into congenital and acquired, that is, arising as a result of past diseases.
  6. If it is not possible to conceive even during ovulation, and the examination and tests do not reveal any visible reasons, the problem may lie in the functioning of the immune system. Immunity is sometimes distinguished by "excessive zeal" and tries to protect a woman not only from pathogenic viruses and microbes, but even from pregnancy. Immunity forces the body to reject spermatozoa or ovum, perceiving them as foreign organisms. Usually, with such disorders, the cervical mucus contains an increased amount of antibodies, which is detected by the test results. This condition can be corrected with certain medications or other methods, including insemination.
  7. Even if the doctor could not determine the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant, perhaps this is not due to physical pathologies, but psychological factors. Some people fail to conceive because they get hung up on some problems, suffer from depression, are constantly under stress, get nervous a lot, are afraid of responsibility, childbirth, etc.
  8. Individual features of the physiology of partners. In simple terms, the incompatibility of a particular pair. For example, each of the partners individually is able to conceive a child, but together they cannot do this. The reasons for this can be very different - from the rejection of sperm by the vaginal microflora to the characteristics of a woman's immunity. The situation can be explained with the help of a special analysis - the Shuvarsky-Huner test.
  9. Male infertility. This also happens, although somewhat less frequently than female infertility. Sperm failure can be associated with diseases such as varicocele, dropsy of the testicle, cryptorchidism, mumps, and tuberculosis. If a man is fond of bodybuilding, the reason for his infertility may be taking steroids.

How to get pregnant after unsuccessful attempts?

If attempts to conceive a baby for a long time are unsuccessful, this is an occasion to seriously think about your health and go to the doctor. Someone may be scared away by the prospect, but you should not be afraid of it. A thorough examination of both partners is necessary, because the causes of infertility can be anything - from psychological problems to congenital pathologies and chronic diseases.

Fortunately, many problems can be eliminated, especially with timely access to a doctor. It is worth noting that it is better to be examined not when the couple begins to suspect infertility, but already at the stage of pregnancy planning. For example, if a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes, but she herself does not know about it, she will still be able to conceive, only the ovum is fixed in the tube, and not in the uterus, as it should be. In such cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which ends with a rupture of the tube and its removal. An ectopic pregnancy is also dangerous because, without adequate treatment, subsequent attempts to conceive a baby will lead to a similar result, and the removal of both tubes excludes the possibility of becoming pregnant naturally.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

How to get pregnant faster if all attempts are unsuccessful? In such a case, there are several recommendations:

  1. Avoid stressful factors. Assess the lifestyle you are leading. If you are often nervous at work and at home, are upset, worried about something, suffer from depression, it is possible that unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are the body's reaction to stress.
  2. Give up bad habits. Very often it is alcohol, drugs that interfere with conceiving a child. Addictions cause irreparable harm to women's health. The fact is that each girl is given a certain set of eggs at birth, which remains the same throughout her life, without being renewed. Alcohol and any drugs damage the eggs - if one of them becomes fertilized during ovulation, this creates the risk of having a child with disabilities or his death immediately after birth. Nicotine increases the production of androgens and decreases estradiol levels, which interferes with conception. Men who use drugs put themselves at another risk: their sperm become inactive and simply cannot move through the fallopian tubes.
  3. Adjust the daily menu. Lack of vitamins negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems. It is important that the diet is balanced and includes sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For women with problems with ovulation, it is useful to eat nuts and beans, whole milk, natural yogurt, and fatty cottage cheese. Men are advised to include more meat, fish and nuts in their diet.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur for more than six months, a year or even longer, estimate your weight. Both obesity and excessive thinness often lead to problems with the fertilization of the egg. Even if there is no illness, the frequent alternation of losing weight and gaining extra pounds negatively affects the ability to conceive. A stable weight is important not only for women, but also for men, as it directly affects the number of sperm produced.
  5. Long-term drug treatment can lead to infertility, especially with antibiotics and antihistamines. In this case, it is worth discussing with the doctor the possibility of at least temporarily replacing the drugs with their safer counterparts.

Folk ways to help get pregnant

If you have been unable to conceive a child for a long time, but you still cannot find the time to go to the doctor, try the proven alternative methods to solve this problem:

  • Change your regular lovemaking schedule. For example, if you usually only have sex at night, try doing it early in the morning. Try it more often and it will certainly increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Try new poses. It is possible that in some position the sperm will reach their goal faster.
  • Don't force yourself to have forced sex. A positive attitude is very important, as problems with conception often cause not only physiological, but also psychological problems.
  • Ask your man to stop frictions immediately after ejaculation. In this case, the sperm will remain in one place, will not spread throughout the vagina. Therefore, the sperm will have an increased chance of reaching their goal.
  • Another way that can help get pregnant is to temporarily abstain from intimacy. This primarily applies to men. It is believed that after abstinence, they begin to produce more sperm, and with an increased concentration of sperm in it. This, of course, increases the likelihood of conception.
  • There is also a method of douching with soda in 20 minutes. before intercourse. This creates a favorable environment for sperm, and at the same time, thrush can be cured.
  • Herbal medicine can also be useful for those who cannot get pregnant. Try to drink special herbal decoctions sage, red brush, borax uterus.

If you are unable to conceive the first child or the second, third child, do not despair ahead of time. First, try to use our recommendations, go to the doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination, and pass all the necessary tests. In many cases, the problem of infertility can be solved. Even if conservative therapy does not help, it is still possible to get pregnant with IVF, insemination, by transferring zygotes or gametes into the fallopian tubes.

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