Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill What is called a pair. See what a "pair" is in other dictionaries. Rolling friction pair

What is called a pair. See what a "pair" is in other dictionaries. Rolling friction pair

The first moments of love are so bright that people dare to make spontaneous decisions, not realizing the consequences of their behavior. A whirlwind of emotions inspires, seethes in the veins, and it seems that an early engagement or marriage is the best way to keep the holiday within yourself. As practice shows, the opposite is true.

A study from Emory University has shown that the longer modern couples meet before marriage, the more likely they are to stay together. In numbers, couples who dated for three years or more divorced 39% less often than those who checked the relationship for less than a year.

2. Not worth spending money on a wedding

Lavish wedding preparations and lordly wedding celebrations have a long tradition. The entourage of the young, and sometimes the bride and groom themselves, try to throw a holiday no worse than the neighbor's, because they just sign once in their life! But the catch is that big-footed parties could backfire in the future.

As part of the same Emory University study, scientists surveyed thousands of heterosexual couples and found that "the length of a marriage is associated with spending on wedding rings and wedding ceremony." In particular, those who spent impressive sums on rings parted 30% more often.

And there is a simple explanation for this: dried up gold reserves, debts and undermine the financial base of the new unit of society. Money becomes the cause of disagreement, economic disputes do not subside, which leads to a split in the family.

3. Cuddle in your sleep

Couples who sleep together are happier than those who sleep separately. Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire studied the sleeping relationship and found that 94% of couples who spent the night in contact said their relationship was happy. At the same time, only 68% of those who did not touch each other in their sleep were satisfied with their relationship.

puhhha / Shutterstock.com

Hugs are also good for the health of the halves. They will warm bodies in a cooled bed in the cold winter.

4. Don't forget to thank

A simple "thank you" strengthens the bond. Scientists from the University of California at Berkeley are talking about this. The researchers created an environment in which both halves received gratitude from their partner. At the end of the experiment, all 77 couples felt calmer and more satisfied. They understood each other better, felt the care and responsiveness of a loved one more acutely. And there was a scientific basis for this. The positive "thank you" effect was due to increased production of oxytocin, the hormone of trust and affection.

5. Take care of each other.

The health of even the strongest relationships needs to be improved. Experienced people advise more often to confess their love to each other, and scientists - to move from words to deeds. Moreover, you do not need titanic efforts or large investments. It is enough to show small, but extremely significant signs of attention.

Is it difficult for you to prepare a cup of tea for your half? Trivia! But these are the little things that strengthen your union. This is the conclusion reached by sociologists from the Open University of Great Britain. Over the course of two years, they studied the lives of 5,000 people and found that unexpected surprises and little favors continue to matter, even after years of long-term relationship. It is a powerful link in a relationship.

6. Evaluate your union soberly

How many times have you told the world that honesty is the best way to solve a problem? But people on the roll turn a blind eye to reality, replacing the truth with far-fetched excuses. And they do so, of course, in vain. Psychologists advise talking directly about your preferences and desires.

Researchers at the University of Illinois tracked the development of relationships in 232 tandems and noted that successful couples remembered well all stages of their romance, while couples in difficulty lied to themselves, looking back and thinking that everything was fine.

7. You don't need to have a stamp in your passport to be happy

It has long been noticed that people who are in, achieve better career success than singles. They have stronger health and social ties, a more stable psyche. Run and sign for a new position and longevity!

But do not rush, because an ordinary civil union is no worse than an official marriage. All the same benefits, but without a documented commitment. Scientists say that the beginning of a life together between spouses and roommates is not much different. Moreover, all differences disappear altogether at the end of the honeymoon.

8. No need to look for a "soul mate"

In each of us there is a romantic who wants to find the very kindred spirit on his life path. Someone is struggling with him, realizing that there are no complete coincidences, but someone idealizes their soul mate, believing that this was destined by fate. The latter make a significant mistake.

This is evidenced by the sociological studies of Spike W. S. Lee and Norbert Schwarz. According to scientists, people who see their relationship as a dictate of fate, thereby rooting in themselves the basis for future disappointment, because reality always contradicts fantasy. Correctly compare yours with a long journey full of obstacles and difficulties. In this case, the past years will not leave you with the bitterness of unfulfilled hopes.

9. Long distance relationships are not a sentence

The farther apart the magnets are, the weaker the connection between them. It is this kind of logic that often undermines people's faith in long-distance relationships, and they leave without testing their feelings for strength. "So far, it was cool, we'll write to Facebook."

Wait, wait, take your time to scatter. Experts at Cornell University have found many examples of geographically distant relationships in which men and women felt more satisfied than living side by side.

mangostock / Shutterstock.com

Psychologists say that in long-distance relationships, people more often turn to the bright moments of their lives, relish pleasant details, and this warms up feelings.

10. You need to want to become a parent

Flowers of life. We are told about this on national television and when we visit our grandmother. It is clear that the state needs new citizens, and the older generation wants to shake things up a little. Blindly follow the lead?

Sociological research does not provide a clear answer. Some of them assure that families with children are happier. Others, not without reason, point to the increased stress levels associated with the completion of the family, through which not everyone is allowed to go. The conclusion is simple: you need to want a child or grow to the proud title of "parent".

11. It's all about kindness

Long-term alliances are built on the principles of mutual respect, love, help and, most importantly, kindness and generosity. This is the opinion of the famous American couple John and Julie Gottman. They support their opinion with forty years of experience as family psychologists. Based on their rich experience, the Gottmen recommend paying attention to your behavior during quarrels. During the period of domestic passions, it is very easy to offend your partner and arouse contempt in him - the main factor in impending separation. By understanding that your "phi" can be expressed with good notes, you will not harm your union.

PAIR value

T.F. Efremova New Dictionary of the Russian Language. Interpretive and derivational



NS áRa

1. f.

1) Two similar or identical objects, used together and making up one whole or a set.

3) Two as a whole.

a) decomp. Two matching creatures.

b) Anyone who suits another for some reason. qualities in relation.

a) is outdated. A man and a woman who match each other like spouses.

b) The one who suits another to be a spouse.

a) Two horses harnessed to a carriage, a cart.

b) Crew, a cart with two harnessed horses.

7) decomp. Two of smth.

2. f. ramp-down

A student's grade of performance that is poor, unsatisfactory; deuce.

Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"



city ​​in Brazil; see Belen .--- (tur. para, from Pers. pair - piece), 1) silver coin of Turkey, in circulation since 1623; since 1930 it is used only as a unit of account, equal to 1/40 kurush. 2) Silver coin of the Crimean Khanate (17th century). 3) A copper coin issued by Russia for Moldavia and Wallachia during the period of hostilities in 1771-74 .--- ... (from the Greek para - near, by, outside), 1) part of complex words meaning: next to, and also deviating from something, violating something (eg, paramagnetism). 2) In chemistry, see Ortho, meta, para -.--- (Para), a state in northern Brazil. 1248 thousand km2. Population 5.1 million (1991). Adm. c. - Belen.

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language



COUPLE, -y, well.

1. Two homogeneous objects, used together and making up a whole. P. oars. P. boots.

2. Two pieces of something. (simple). P. apples.

3. Men's suit (trousers and jacket or frock coat, tailcoat). Sew a new pair. Tuxedo p.

4. Team of two horses. Ride a pair.

5. Two persons who are, acting together, united by something. general. Go ~ mi. Dancing item. Marital item. Paired with someone. be, work(together).

6. In some expressions: a person included in such an association or suitable for it (colloquial). Not n. Who to someone.(does not fit, does not match). Find (look for) yourself a mate. To be left without a pair.

7. A small amount of something, a few (simple). Call for a few words(to talk a little). For a few minutes.


NS, f.

Two similar or identical objects, used together and making up one whole.

A pair of stockings. Two pairs of boots.

One of these two items (in relation to the other).

A boot was found under the same bush, which turned out to be a pair of boots found in the bedroom. Chekhov, Swedish match.

2. Spread.

An object consisting of two identical parts joined together.

A pair of pants. Two pairs of forceps. A pair of scissors.

3. with definition.

Men's suit (trousers and jacket or frock coat, tailcoat).

Kalinovich, having put on a new and very good linen, put on a tailcoat pair. Pisemsky, Thousand Souls.

Finally Ivan Pavlich came out - in a new pair, in a solid collar, with a young mustache curled up. Kaverin, Two captains.

Two horses harnessed to a carriage, cart, etc .; harness for two horses.

From early in the morning, troikas and pairs with multi-colored ribbons on the arches and in the manes were driving around Ukleev. Chekhov, In the ravine.

A couple was harnessed under the groom, under the bride alone. Bunin, Village.

Two beings standing, working together, united by smth. general; two, viewed as a whole.

Couple in love. Married couple. Dancing couples.

In the evening, on the city boulevard, it's not uncommon to meet a couple who sits hugging each other and has sweet conversations. A. Ostrovsky, Journey along the Volga from the sources to Nizhny Novgorod.

Groups, couples, and individuals walked from the rink to their homes. Ketlinskaya, Days of Our Lives.

There were already a lot of people on the tennis courts. Volodya and Nina played in pairs. Dobrovolsky, Three in gray greatcoats.

One of the two creatures that make up such a whole.

I was alone at my desk, I didn’t have a pair. Nosov, Vitya Maleev at school and at home.

|| in meaning adverb in pairs.

Together, two at a time.

Build children in pairs. Walk in pairs.

Some ants came out in whole columns; others returned in pairs and separately. Obruchev, Plutonium.

6. in meaning skaz., to whom ( usually with negation). Spread.

What is a "couple"? How the given word is spelled correctly. Concept and interpretation.

pair Couple w. church. and south. app. steam, evaporation. Standing (donkeys) with a manger, with a pair of warming a child, winter nesting. Min. Dec 25. Animal life. What is your life? There is a couple. John. IV. 14. Couple, eagle. Kaluga. and a couple, pitches. novg. steam, evaporation; breath, spirit, life. A couple out! god, oath. A couple gets up from the horses, they drove to know! novg. Not a couple of words! south. not a word, not a googu, silence. Steam, steam related. Steamed greens, steamed, not in water. The steam force generated by the expansion and sudden (from the cold) precipitation of vapors, and the steam engine is based on the atom, - an engine with which there is always a steam boiler, a steam engine. Darling is a steam cucumber: it blooms, it blooms, and it will wither! Steam engine, steam vessel, steamer, vessel propelled by steam, by means of paddle wheels or a propeller with blades. The steamer is wheeled and propeller driven. Steam carriage, steam locomotive running by the force of vapor; usually a tender with fuel and wagons, carriages for travelers, or platforms, luggage allowances, etc. are attached to it. A steamed vegetable, sown in a greenhouse, or boiled in steam. Steam arable land, autumn, that is, for winter. Steam tar, clean, best, distillate. Steamship service. A steamship society containing steamers, or gathered on a steamer. Shipping company Wed science, art and their application to steam navigation. Locomotive train. Locomotive boiler. Steam transportation, steam riding and everything related to it. Steam carriage, steam locomotive. Steam meter, a projectile for steam engines, for measuring the strength of steam. to steam, to steam what, in general, to steam, in a damp heat, for baking, softening, for cleaning, etc. to steam cabbage, turnips, mushrooms, put in the oven in a sealed vessel, or directly into a free spirit, for baking vegetables in your the same juice; evaporate. Steamed turnip, rutabaga. A steamed turnip from its hut will survive. steam juice, broth, boil over light heat, in a water or sand bath, evaporating, expelling the water; evaporate. soar bedbugs, boil, scald, pour over with stew, boil, evaporate. steam laundry, keep it in a pot of water in the oven and boil it. steam dishes, milk pots, or wooden, pouring boiling water, let stand, or put still hot stones, kernels there. soar someone in the bath, tail, steaming a broom with foliage, clap all over the body, on the shelf and in hot steam. Steamed broom, held. Flog with rods. soar the ground, leave in steam, in the deposits, give it a year to rest, having dung it. soar steam, soar arable land, take off to sweep, raise or plow fallow land for winter. The dung-free land is hovered (plowed) in advance. soar eggs, about a bird, especially a chicken, sit on eggs, incubate. The crested crested has grown, it is already soaring. hover horses, drive them into sweat, steam, and soap. Soars in the yard or the sun soars, sultry, hot, bakes. It hurts soaring: to know to be not God's mercy, thunderstorm. The chicken hovers, sits, wants to rush. Steam the bone for a while (in time) What to say about that, which neither soar nor cook. You dressed painfully warmly! "Have you seen a steamed man?" No, I haven't! "And I saw a frozen one!" -sya, they suffer. and return. within the meaning of. Mushrooms are steaming, they will ripen soon. The linen is not steamed at our place, in the park the stains are brewed worse. This wedge is steamed, it will go under winter crops. Today I was steaming with an oak broom. Born on a circle, grew up - turned, steamed tenaciously, fried tenaciously; died - thrown into the field; there the beast does not eat me and the bird does not bite (pot). The chicken is steaming, clucking, asking for eggs. He ripped the top three, rode briskly. I evaporated the pots. We need to evaporate, take a steam bath. Turnip is not cooked, it is damp. Steam cattle, cutting, chopping. We evaporated on the harvest. The alcohol evaporated and all flew away. I steamed the feed. she drank her hand, burned it with a pitch. We steamed off the steam, plowed it up. The horse steamed up, got under the saddle, the fur came out. Was the whole rutabaga steamed? You've been steaming for a long time. Without steaming, you cannot bend. Evaporated, roasted in the heat. Guy Wed park about. action by verb. This kind of parka (or flogging, flogging) goes that the sky is hot! Guy, Psk. what is vaporized; about the ground, abandoned under steam, boy.

pair- I Pair? (Turkish raga, from Persian pair - piece) 1) silver coin of Turkey, circulating since 1623 ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

pair- PAIR, pairs, f. (German Paar). 1.two homogeneous subjects, used together and constituting one whole ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

pair- well. 1. Two homogeneous or identical objects, used together and constituting one whole or co ...


noun, m., uptr. Often

Morphology: (no) what? couples what? couple, (see) what? couple, how? couple, about what? about a couple; pl. what? couples, (no) what? steam what? couples, (see) what? couples, how? in pairs, about what? about couples

1. Pair- these are two objects that are identical or similar in some way, which make up one whole (for example, they are simply used together).

A pair of boots. | In the store, Lida tried on five pairs of sandals, but none of them fit her.

2. Couple they call an object that, together with another object (the same or similar in some way), makes up a single whole.

A common story: when I'm in a hurry, I just can't find a pair for any sock.

3. Couple is called an object that consists of two identical parts connected together.

A pair of tights, trousers. | A pair of scissors. | Grandma has two pairs of glasses: one for reading and one for TV.

4. Couple is called a men's suit, consisting of trousers and a jacket (frock coat, etc.).

Having put on an elegant pair, Alexander looked at himself in the mirror with pleasure.

5. Couple they called and are now called two horses carrying one cart, carriage, etc.

The sled, drawn by a pair, was going fast.

6. Couple call two people who are together, united by something (for example, dancing).

You should have watched as a couple of hefty fellows in the gym work out a punch on each other.

7. Couple call a man and a woman who are related to each other in a love or marital relationship.

A psychologist is often consulted by married couples who have lived together for five to seven years. | In any disco, you will see couples kissing in corners and corridors.

8. If you do something paired with (for a couple) with someone, it means that you are doing it together with another person.

Together with one of his friends, he decided to develop his own technology for making lamps.

9. Couple they call a person with whom another person does something together or has a love (marital) relationship.

It's hard to find a match if your requirements are too high.

10. If you talk about a person that he is you not a couple, you want to say that this person is not suitable for you, since he is worse than you.

He is not a match for her at all: she is an intelligent, young and very beautiful woman, and he is a man without education, without a goal, without money.

11. If you talk about a person that he steamed to another person, you want to say that he is similar in his qualities, character, etc. to another person.

A bear, paired with his comrade, is the same bully.

12. If you are talking about two people Two of a Kind, you want to say that they suit each other and are very similar to each other in their, as a rule, negative qualities, in their (bad) behavior.

13. When counting, designating the quantity, the word pair stands for two.

Buy a couple of cans of stew, one loaf and a bag.

14. In a word pair a small number of objects may be indicated, for a short time.

The mother did not understand how a daughter could marry a man whom she had seen a couple of times. | I want to go to Pskov for a couple of days. | This is a very inexpensive store - a couple of shelves and one seller.

15. Couple in colloquial speech, a negative assessment of the knowledge of a schoolchild, student, etc. is called, an assessment of "two".

On her birthday, Masha received a botany class and was afraid to go home.

16. If you are talking about a business, what is it a couple of trifles, you mean it is very easy.

For a specialist, fixing this malfunction in the computer is a piece of cake.

couple noun, f.

in pairs bunk bed

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev... D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what "pair" is in other dictionaries:

    Paraph ... Russian verbal stress

    Parasha, and; R. pl. ash ... Russian verbal stress

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Female, church. and southern., zap. steam, evaporation. Standing (donkeys) with a manger, with a pair of warming a child, winter nesting. Min. Dec 25. | Animal life. What is your life? There is a couple. John. IV. 14. | Couple, eagle, kaluga. and a couple, resin., novg. steam,… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Couples, wives. [it. Paar]. 1. Two homogeneous objects, used together and constituting one whole, a set. A pair of boots. A pair of candlesticks. A pair of underwear. Pick up a thing for a couple. A couple of oars. || An object consisting of two identical, connected ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (German, from Lat. par equal). 1) two identical objects. 2) a pair of dresses, a complete man's suit, i.e. frock coat, trousers and vest. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PAIR (tur., From Persian, parah or pareh ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    Two, two, both (wallpaper), couple, twins; friend, brother, verst, equal, couple, pandan; under the harmony, under the suit, under the measure, under the pair, under the match. He's not a mile to you (not a mile, not a mile). Bast shoe is not a brother. The pot is not a friend to the boiler. This painting… … Synonym dictionary

    - (Greek πᾰρά near, by, outside, around) part of complex words in word composition in Russian. A pair of prefix, meaning being near, or deviation, violation of something (for example, parabiosis, paramagnetism, parapsychology, paradox, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (para) Monetary unit of Yugoslavia, equal to one hundredth of a dinar (dinar). Finance. Explanatory dictionary. 2nd ed. M .: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. Brian Butler, Brian Johnson, Graham Sidwell, et al. General editorial: Ph.D. Osadchaya I.M .. 2000. Pair Pair ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Pair. A couple (footnote) to match; suitable for each other (especially about the couple). Not a pair (footnote) not suitable. Wed There is nothing for you to love her! She is a simple girl, ill-mannered and not a couple at all. Ostrovsky. Don't get in your sleigh ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

- A city in Brazil; see Belen .. and 3 more definitions encyclopedic Dictionary


- J. German. a couple, a couple, a friend, a deuce, a deuce, a deuce, a deuce, a twins, a deuce; two objects for some reason taken together, at the same time ... and 1 more definition Dahl's Dictionary


- Silver wash of Turkey, issued in 1623. Silver coin of the Crimean Khanate in the 17th century. Copper coin issued by Russia in 177 ... Numismatist Dictionary


- A small amount of something, a few. and 7 more definitions Ozhegov Dictionary


- - a piece - a silver coin of Turkey, and in circulation since 1623, since 1930 it is used only as a counting unit, equal to one forty ... Historical Dictionary


- (Skt.) In philosophy - "limitless" and "supreme", the final frontier. Param is the end and the goal of existence; There is parapara ... Philosophical Dictionary


- Belen, San Francisco. Dictionary of Geographical Names


- S, pl. couples, couples, w. A bargaining chip for Turkey, equal to 1/40 kurus (piastra), and Yugoslavia, equal to 1/100 dinars. and 1 more definition Dictionary of foreign words


- Since 1696, Peter I; see Christiani 43; ukr., blr. pair. Borrowing via Polish. rara from middle-century-n. par "pair" from lat. par "equal, par ... Vasmer's etymological dictionary


- P "ARA, couples, · women. (· German. Paar). 1. Two homogeneous objects, used together and constituting one whole, comp ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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