Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill What to answer to a girl if she is. What to do if a girl doesn't reply to your messages. Video: funny attempts to get to know each other

What to answer to a girl if she is. What to do if a girl doesn't reply to your messages. Video: funny attempts to get to know each other

One of the most common problems in correspondence is that a girl does not respond to VKontakte messages or does not respond to SMS that you send her. The problems are similar, as are the methods for solving them, so I want to highlight this issue in one article.

So, first you need to understand why the girl is not responding to your messages. There must be some important reason why you still haven't received a response to your message. There are only two such reasons:

  • She doesn’t answer you because she didn’t see, didn’t have time, or simply didn’t have time to answer.
  • She doesn’t answer you because she doesn’t want to answer your question or, even worse, to continue communicating with you at all.

The first reasons are much more common than we might imagine. For example, you write a message to a girl, and at that moment she is at workout, in the cinema, or even on a date with another guy. Even if she hears that a new message has come to her, it is quite possible that she will simply forget about it for a certain time. And in the evening, when he already remembers, he will think that it is no longer so important to answer. Especially when you consider that according to statistics, 95% of the guys who are reading this article now, do not know how to write SMS to girls that would provoke a response.

It also makes sense to make sure that such a number exists and the SMS is being delivered. On Vkontakte, you can see when the girl was last online and if she read your message.

As a solution, you should wait and not write anything to the girl again. The fact is that if you persistently continue to fill the list of this girl's inbox with all sorts of sms-questions, it will show you from the negative side and dreams, at least, will hardly be fulfilled. It will give the impression that you have nothing else to do and that you are very obsessed with this girl. Even if she answers you, then she will twist ropes out of you, because initially you positioned yourself incorrectly. I described the correct communication patterns in my course "From text to sex."

I find the message “ Why aren't you responding to messages? " Never ask it the girl! Firstly, it seems that you are desperate, since you could not think of what to write to her. Secondly, not a single girl will answer you the real reason for her silence.

If after a day the girl did not answer anything, then you should try to write her a message from those recommended by me. If she does not answer that message too, then wait three days and write again. If he doesn't answer again, then wait a week and write again. If there is no answer, add this girl to the list of so-called "cold numbers". A few months later it will be possible to try to revive this number and write, but I was busy. For example, if a girl breaks up with her current boyfriend, then she will be happy to meet with you.

She doesn't care about you ...

Let's move on to the second option - the girl does not respond to messages due to the fact that she simply does not want to continue communicating with you. In this case, she kind of informs you that she is busy, and you get such a mild refusal. This can often be observed when you met a girl in a nightclub, and the next day she does not answer you, because the next morning she realized that she was drunk, she gave her number to too many guys, but she does not remember you at all. Reanimate a girl from such a state can the cheeky sms that I teach to write in my courses.

For example, you can scribble the following message to a girl:

"Oh my God! Have you been kidnapped, driven into slavery, or what? "

As you can see, this is an example of a message that strongly provokes a girl to respond. Several techniques are combined here. For example, a friendly banter works well as part of an evaluation frame. The girl wants to justify herself, and, voila, she is already writing you an answer.

Another funny option:

“Mmm, just watched a movie and something reminded you! So funny!;))))"

The girl will become curious about what the speech is about, and she will answer. Then you will continue:

"Yes, there the main character had a very small puppy;) he whined so sweetly, immediately remembered about you;) how is life?"

Getting acquainted with girls on social networks or on dating sites, a guy more than once may encounter such a situation when they do not respond to SMS. Various emotions arise here, pushing the guys to commit ridiculous acts. One of them is writing the message "Why aren't you answering?" In this case, the girl can finally come to the conclusion that she does not write anything to the guy.

The good news is that people are in comfortable conditions for themselves (at home or in an entertainment center), where no one evaluates them. You can be unshaven, with unclean teeth, in a bad mood, while communicating with girls. The Internet allowed people to communicate with each other. In this case, you can communicate with several candidates at once.

The disadvantage of this event is that communication can end at any time. Moreover, this can happen both at the initial stages (which is normal), and after long-term communication.

When the other person doesn't respond to your message, the natural question is why. In an article on the men's site, the site will consider both the reasons for this state of affairs and the ways out of the situation.

Why isn't the girl responding to the message?

When communicating with a girl, you don't want to suddenly lose touch with her. The more interesting the correspondence lady, the more you want to see her. However, if you hurry, you can scare her. You have to spend some time on, in order to eventually see the girl. Why might a girl not reply to messages?

There can be a lot of reasons here, because the girls are all different, as are the situations. let's try to list all possible common cases:

  • You inundated the girl with messages. When a girl is texting a guy, she writes him 1-2 messages at a time. If a guy starts to fill up the interlocutor with a message, it raises suspicion and doubt. Especially the desire to stop communicating increases if, after the absence of an answer to the SMS, the guy begins to write several messages in a row.
  • You are asking stupid questions. The girl could simply not answer or not have time to read your message. And then she reads: "Why aren't you answering?", "Why aren't you writing?", "Have you already forgotten me?" etc. Such questions seem absurd in the eyes of normal girls. Some, after such messages, stop communicating with the guys who asked them.
  • She did not have time to read your SMS. It so happens that a girl just doesn't read your message. If there is a function that tells you when a girl last visited the site, then find out if she might have seen your message. Some sites show whether a message has been read by the person to whom it was sent. If not, then it is understandable why no response was received. You should react calmly to this state of affairs, that is, do not write anything to the girl until she herself unsubscribes.
  • She had a change in plans. It so happens that a girl suddenly reconciled with her ex-boyfriend or she was introduced by friends to a new boyfriend. Roughly speaking, she no longer needs to get to know you, because she is already busy again, carried away by another gentleman. This can include a situation when a girl was invited by another guy before you, and now she wants to build a relationship with him.
  • She's just tired of it. Before she stopped communicating with you, she just showed good manners. And now she's just tired of it. For what reasons? She was initially not interested in communicating with you. She found a more interesting conversation partner. She's tired. Your acquaintance would remain at the level of correspondence, if you even offered to see her.
  • Your last message is not encouraging to continue communication. For example, you answered a girlish question in monosyllables without writing her an answer. Or you have finished some topic and are not suggesting another. Either you disagree on something. Either you asked a question, did not induce the girl to write something to you. In all these cases, the girl, perhaps, would like to write something to you, but she herself does not know what.

In fact, only the girl herself can answer the question of why she stopped responding to the guy's SMS. However, such a question does not need to be asked to her. Moreover, you cannot insist that she answer why she stopped writing to you. The more you push, the more the girl is affirmed in her decision to stop communicating with you.

You can be indignant as much as you like about the girl's behavior. However, if you still want the girl to answer, then you need not be offended, but think about what to write to her. Communication can be "rehabilitated" if done correctly. At the same time, one should not think that the above methods will work one hundred percent.

If the girl finally decided to stop communicating with you, then even magic will not help you. If the girl is just waiting for something, then you can resume the conversation.

What should a girl write to answer?

  1. "You are not allowed to the computer, so you write me a message?"
  2. "I recently watched a movie that reminded me of you."
  3. “I got a little distracted. I'm sorry I forgot about you. "

You can come up with something of your own. Use your imagination to find the right approach. The most important thing with all is not to press on pity, but to encourage communication.

  • For example, you can pretend that the communication did not stop: “Hello. How are you doing? Do you still work / study? "
  • You can ask her an interesting question to which she wants to answer: “Today I saw many beautiful flowers. What are your favorites? "
  • You can discuss some event (just like that suddenly): “Have you been to the concert today? Did you like it?".

Questions on abstract topics work best. You need to pretend that nothing happened, as if the communication did not stop. The fact that the girl did not write to you, you yourself did not notice! By the way, this really encourages the girl who deliberately and proudly stopped communicating with you. You can write to her: “Sorry, I left the city for a while. All the time I thought how soon I could write to you. I can finally do it. How have you been all this time? "

Girls are proud, and guys should pretend they don't notice. Moreover, you should communicate with girls as if nothing terrible had happened. Only then can communication be resumed.

What should not be done in a relationship with a girl?

Correspondence is a kind of relationship with a girl. You might not yet see each other and not communicate in reality. However, the fact that you corresponded is a kind of beginning of a relationship. What should not be done so that the girl does not completely break off communication with you?

  1. Asking why she doesn't answer. The very question itself makes the girl completely refuse to communicate with you, if you could not think of anything to just start complaining.
  2. Beg her to answer you. This further kills the hope that the girl will ever answer you. Some young ladies even spam guys who start begging or offended. The girl doesn't owe you anything. If you want to chat with her, then think of something interesting so that she has a desire to answer you.
  3. Insult. This is another reason to spam a guy without talking. If before that you could write something else to the girl so that she would answer, now this chance is lost.

At the beginning of the acquaintance, each guy should remember that he should arouse the girl's interest himself, and not by chance. Either the guy is doing something, which makes the girl interested in him, or he hopes that someone will pay attention to him and the communication will not stop. In the first case, you learn interesting communication, develop skills that help you to meet girls in the future and never stop communicating with them. In the second case, you take the position of a loser who must be lucky so that some girl does not stop communicating with him.

Depending on your position, which you choose yourself, you either like your results or not.


Online dating is very easy. However, this method has many flaws, one of which is the sudden termination of the girl's communication with you. To what result you will come from the results of your attempts to resume communication depends only on what you write to the girl.

You have no other way to contact the young lady. If you know the lady's phone number, then you don't need to call her as well as write a lot of messages. If after one message the girl does not answer you, then leave her alone. She has already decided not to answer you, which needs to be respected.

There should not be any offenses or requests to answer you here. In this way, you only humiliate yourself. If the girl has stopped writing to you, then wish her all the best. And direct your efforts to get to know other applicants for your love.

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to behave if a girl does not respond to messages. Perhaps you personally have had to deal with a similar situation more than once and already have experience. It's good if you are self-confident, having not received an answer to your message, you think that your beloved is just busy. And, what about those who literally begin to tear the hair on their heads, sorting out the reasons why she can be silent. In this article, you will read the most common options for this behavior of girls.

How to Improve Your Chances of a Reply Message

Let's take a look at what actions can improve the chances of getting a response after an SMS has been sent.

  1. Make up a text that will indicate that you have not remembered about her. For example, such a message can be written a week after meeting, the text will be informal, like a simple acquaintance.
  2. Show that you are not obsessed with her. The message may contain a phrase like the fact that you were glad to such an acquaintance.
  3. You can pretend that you don’t remember who she is at all, for example, write a clarifying SMS asking that you don’t remember where you met. Intrigue her.
  4. The girl loves with her ears. A message written with a couple of compliments might interest her.
  5. If a girl ignores all of the above techniques, then you can stop any attempts for two months, and then repeat them again.

Possible reasons for the silence

The girl stopped responding to messages, but she did it earlier if she is very busy at the moment or if all interest in you has disappeared. It is possible that this happened because of the way you behaved, so it is important to analyze your actions. Let's look at what reasons can also explain the silence of the young person.

  1. There is no mood, her thoughts are busy with other problems.
  2. The girl is silent when she is offended by something in person. And this will continue until you understand what exactly happened. And here phrases like “are you offended by something?” Will not be appropriate.
  3. The girl found your SMS text offensive. Remember that females are very sensitive and offended for any reason. Therefore, you need to carefully consider and re-read the text of the message before sending it.
  4. She may remain silent as she ponders how best to respond to your message.
  5. The girl does not answer when she fills her own worth, wants to intrigue the man more. Here either a second SMS will help, or she herself will get tired of waiting and still answer.
  6. He is silent because he does not want to communicate with an annoying guy, especially if you write too many messages, and you do it often.
  7. The girl is uncomfortable with your type of speech or can infuriate a large number of grammatical errors in the text.
  8. Elementary does not hear that the SMS has come.
  9. She has another man. It is possible that she added you to the black list, messages do not reach her at all.
  10. Silence is a way to quietly break off any relationship.
  11. Her phone is broken or the Internet runs out, there is simply no way to answer.
  12. If you see that a girl reads messages, but does not answer them immediately, this is not a reason to think that she is ignoring you. Most likely, she is very busy now, and will answer a little later. Although it is possible that he will forget to do it. And this is the case when a repeated message will not be an unnecessary reason to remind you of yourself.

What should be the action

Let's figure out what to do, how to behave correctly if there is no response to a message.

  1. Treat with complete calmness, keep your composure.
  2. You don't need to send messages multiple times if there is no response. So you only humiliate yourself.
  3. If nothing follows the first SMS, then there is no need to write reproaches or angry statements.
  4. If the silence of a beautiful person is due to a lack of desire to continue communication, then it is better to calm down and not call her eyes.
  5. Think about it, maybe you just do not know how to communicate, you need to work on your speech and literacy.
  6. Perhaps you are not original and simply did not interest the girl.
  7. If nothing bad has happened, and she is just busy, then after a while she will answer herself. So just wait.
  8. If a girl does not respond to VK messages, it is possible that she is not interested in virtual communication, and she wants a personal meeting. In such a situation, it is a good idea to get her phone number. But this does not apply to the situation when a stranger writes to a stranger. Most likely, she is simply afraid of communicating with a stranger.
  9. Do not rush to be angry with a girl if she cannot answer for technical reasons, she worries no less than yours, because she realizes that you are worried. If you have previously communicated and maintained personal contact, then it is better to try to call. But you also shouldn't ring her every five minutes.
  10. If the first SMS was not followed by a reply, there is no need to rush to send the next message. It will be better if the second message is sent 12 hours after the first. It is possible that this time will be enough for the girl to answer herself.
  11. If this is a way to break off relations with you, then you need to come to terms with it. Just in case, you can try to write to her after three days, and something informal. Just do not write an angry message, accusing her of what a "creep" she is, and so on. You will be especially ashamed if it turns out that there was a logical explanation for the silence, and after such angry messages she definitely does not want to maintain a relationship, she will add your number to the black list.

There can be many reasons why you are not responding to messages, sometimes they turn out to be completely implausible, but still they have a right to exist. The main thing is not to despair and not fall into hysterics. You also need to understand that the girl does not owe you anything, she just does not want to maintain a relationship. Although, of course, it would be better for her to write about it. Remember to preserve your dignity, do not humiliate yourself, getting a beautiful person with numerous SMS-kami.

Gift set of cult female phrases and typical answers to them.

Women don't always mean what they say.

# 1 Do you love me?

This means: that you were a scoundrel and several times missed the everyday ritual of stating our love.
Correct answer: "My love for you is as great as the volume of the World Ocean compared to a bag of orange juice!"
Wrong answer: "I already told you everything on this topic, when we met, why are you asking again?"

# 2 Hi, where are you?

This means: "I decided to check your schedule with the planned and at the same time listen to if there are unfamiliar female voices in the background." Mobile communication has changed our life, it is to her that we owe the introduction of this new type of female greeting.
Correct answer: "Hi, I drove into the store to look at gifts for your parents, otherwise there are so many holidays ahead ..."
Wrong answer: "And what?"

# 3 I'm not fat?

This means: "Urgently tell me how beautiful I am." A men's assessment of their own appearance is based on the first opinion they hear and remains fairly stable until clinically proven refutation. That is, until the age of forty, a man considers himself slender and curly (as his cousin attested by pointing to a graduation photo) and begins to position himself as fat and bald only when the attending physician writes down “obesity” and “alopecia” in black and white on the card. Women's self-esteem changes two to three times a day and depends on regular injections of compliments.
Correct answer: “Ha ha ha! You are a reed, you have to be forcibly fed, like dystrophics. "
Wrong answer: "Of course, you can hardly be called thin, but in general, this is not the main thing."

# 4 I can't do that ...

This means: "I will not have sex with you now." Which is understandable without words - she buttoned up sadly, she looks a little guilty. You remain in overexcited bewilderment: so - how is it? How exactly can she not? You feel like an underdeveloped lustful animal, unable to understand the subtle mechanisms of female psychology. In fact, the meanings of "I can't do this" vary very widely. From “on the first date” and “I’m married (you’re married)” to “amused by your friends from the next room” and “I have these days”. You have come across a subtle nature that attaches great importance to such a thing as having sex with you. Do not be discouraged, go to the end, and, perhaps, unexpectedly for herself, she will be able to do so. Not this time, so next.
Correct answer: "I understand you. It's just that feelings are sometimes stronger than logic. "
Wrong answer: "Fine! And what am I going to do now - to walk like that? "

# 5 I'm pregnant!

This means that you have to make a very important decision. Because children are a nightmare, but living life without children is somehow boring. Now the main thing is to arrange everything so that the decision is not made without you. And one more thing: try to react joyfully at first, just like that, in order to increase the level of global optimism.
Correct answer:“Wow, that's great! We need to seriously discuss this. "
Wrong answer: “Is it convenient for you to have an abortion on Wednesday? I just have a discount card in our antenatal clinic. "

№6 We know too little

This means: "I am a little afraid of you and do not have sex at all on the first (second) date." There is such a rule. This will not affect the quality of your further relationship, you just have to wait a little. You also have your own little rules, like not showing your collection of whips and handcuffs on the first date.
Correct answer: "And it seems to me that we have known each other for a thousand years!"
Wrong answer: "Now I go to the toilet, come back, and it will already be like a second date, oh" kay? "

№7 Buy me pads

This means: that your relationship has entered a phase of trust and stability. Now you can afford garlic croutons, a raised toilet seat and sex in socks. She will forgive.
Correct answer: “Of course, dear. What do you want - where are three droplets or two drawn? "
Wrong answer: "Maybe I still have to go to the gynecologist instead of you?"

№8 What are you thinking about?

It means: “I'm not sure if you like me, I'm not sure if I have good sex, I'm generally confused and not sure of anything. Besides, I am afraid that now you will consider me a woman of easy virtue, and I am not like that. What I have already stated earlier ”.
Correct answer: (kissing the girl in a suitable place): “That we thought of it well. What do you think? "
Wrong answer: “Now I would like a beer! Chilly ... "

№9 You need to check

It means: “I was found to have a strange sexually transmitted disease. But which of us infected whom is a big and interesting question. " Do not worry, medicine has reached such heights that, theoretically, you can even catch pregnancy in a household way. The incubation periods last for years, so both of you can provide yourself with an alibi. And do not be surprised if they do not find anything with you - you know, everyone has their own microflora. And protect yourself next time.
Correct answer: "Of course, I will check, but you are still a very windy girl for your age."
Wrong answer: "Wait, I'll explain everything to you!"

# 10 Well, where have you been?

This means: that you now need to say something very, very convincing. Because for the past two hours, she has inflamed her jealousy, compared the facts and, perhaps, even called your friends with whom you allegedly whiled away the time in a bar with walls impenetrable for mobile communication.
Correct answer: (after rinsing his mouth with cognac): “Darling! Juventus still screwed Parma 3: 1! Are you happy? But I seem to have sowed a mobile ... "
Wrong answer: "Am I obliged to be accountable for every step I take?"

№11 I have a headache

This means: “Today you have to do without vaginal, oral, anal and all other types of sex with me, because I am not in the mood. And don't even try. " Although it is possible she really just has a headache.
Correct answer: “This brain is growing. Do you want me to find you a pill? "
Wrong answer: "It's nothing. Lie on your stomach, your head won't feel anything. "

№12 Don't you notice anything?

This means: "I tried so hard, but you, insensitive brute, did not even pay attention." Urgently examine the questioning woman from head to toe for metamorphosis. Are the breasts in place and have not changed in size? It doesn't mean anything yet. Try to remember some basic features of her appearance - the color and texture of her hair, the color of her eyes. There are changes? Not sure? Do not be upset, a person is not able to remember those 200-300 parameters that a woman considers to be the main ones in her appearance. A manicure, dress, or eyebrow shape may be new. If your girlfriend suddenly began to resemble Donald, she may have increased lip volume. If her eyes seemed larger to you, perhaps she used to wear glasses, and now she has acquired lenses. Although it is possible that she just did a general cleaning or hung up new curtains. What should have immediately caught the eye.
Correct answer: “Of course I notice, I'm not blind! So much better! "
Wrong answer: “What should I notice? New curlers? "

№13 Am I really not fat?

This means: that you have still done little work on this sore point. Yes, you have already compared her with concentration camp prisoners and offered her to buy things in the children's department. But this is not enough! You yourself have to make a pensive face from time to time, squint and mumble thoughtfully: “Why have you lost weight? It seems to me that you have lost weight ... You need to eat more ... "
Correct answer: "I swear on my game console, you will soon have to change your wardrobe - all these things are great for you!"
Wrong answer: "If you ask me about it again, I will tell you the truth, and it will be terrible!"

№14 Let's Be Friends

It means, “I've met someone more sexually interesting than you. I am a little uncomfortable because of this, and also - I feel sorry for you. " Of course, you felt good with her not only in bed, but also in the movies, at the disco, on the beach. Therefore, there is the temptation to "stay friends" in order to continue a pleasant relationship. Don't give in, in the movies, in the disco and on the beach, you will still think about sex.
Correct answer: "No no. I'm afraid you won't stand it and will rape me. "
Wrong answer: "Great! Let's go shopping together and drink coffee and cakes. But I will still hope that you will come back to me ... "

№15 I don't know what you find in it!

This means: "I hate this painted creature and on occasion I will scratch out her eyes." Each male company has its own lyrical heroine, the discussion of which is the charm of the notorious male conversations. Usually this is a common colleague or former classmate. She smokes, drinks and skillfully tells obscene jokes. Easily sits down on someone's lap if there are no empty seats. And even if there is ... It doesn't mean anything, it's just that she is so direct, so her own. Wives and girlfriends hate them.
Correct answer: "Nothing! She is fat, ugly and ... like that word ... vulgar! By the way, you seem to have lost weight. "
Wrong answer: "Come on, she's cool!"

# 16 You're a man!

This means: "I was about to do this unpleasant thing myself, when I suddenly remembered who I could blame him on." Turning a light bulb in, hammering a carnation, bringing a potato - no one argues, it really needs strength, dexterity, ingenuity and other qualities that the boys have absorbed in labor lessons. But there are other missions (absolutely meaningless) - to go back half-way, turn off the stove, climb out onto the winter balcony for a three-liter jar, dig the beach in search of hairpins - which, from a female point of view, only titans can do. Attempts to discuss these missions in terms of the laws of physics and logic are regarded as non-gentlemanly. You are a man! So don't argue, but rather take an umbrella and fetch a powder box from the car.
Correct answer: “Of course, dear! Oh, this dear absent-mindedness of yours! "
Wrong answer: "I can't, I have already painted my nails."

№ 17 I'm not bothering you ?!

It means, “I don’t want you to change the subject urgently. And preferably they never came back to her with me, and especially without me. " In the presence of girls, men's conversations become especially exciting - where to go on vacation? where to buy bathroom furniture? Is Japanese food healthy? But it happens, word for word, the conversation moves somewhere in the wrong place. Vacation, hot countries, secret people know how to do this ... Built-in appliances, Petrovich, by the way, installed a video camera in the bathroom, and when the prostitutes come ... By the way, about Japanese cuisine - do you remember that waitress from the Hiroshima restaurant? .. That's when the girl starts to fidget and feel discomfort.
Correct answer: “Sorry, dear! Gennady, stop talking nonsense! So, from the point of view of the ratio "price-quality" German mixers ... "
Wrong answer: “Ha ha ha! Darling, shut your ears, I want to finish the thought. "

№18 Do you remember what day it is?

This means: “I waited half a day for congratulations and flowers, they were not. I looked at your non-holiday face, and a terrible guess crept into my head ... ”Remember quickly. If today is her birthday, your anniversary, March 8 or February 14, you can still get out. Pretend you've been preparing a surprise all day and go for gifts. If today is a holiday of a smaller caliber (for example, 1000 days from the beginning of your sex life), then you could, as a confused workaholic, forget about him.
Correct answer: "Of course I remember. But do you remember? Well tell me. "
Wrong answer: "Tuesday".

№19 I just wondered what would happen next

It means: "Are you thinking of marrying me or what?" The first year is the most enjoyable. Vacation, New Year, flu epidemic - everything is like the first time. Then repetitions begin, and the girl thinks about the future. How long can you “just date”? You are growing up, she is getting old. Not ready to get married? Introduce her to her relatives, write out a power of attorney for the car, make duplicate keys - in short, take steps on the way to final rapprochement, play for time.
Correct answer: “I see our future in the brightest colors. Let's go out of town for the weekend! "
Wrong answer: "What is the point of thinking about it, we will all die anyway!"

№20 I'm tired and I want to go home

It means: "I am bored here, I have no one to impress here, no one notices my suede skirt with appliqués, and even you do not pay attention to me!" Once in the company of your girlfriend's unfamiliar acquaintances, you can always find solace in a secluded corner with a bottle of whiskey and a catalog "Model Range BMW-2004". Women are not so exalted and self-sufficient beings. Brought - entertain. If you don't know how, take away.
Correct answer: “Of course, dear, we’ll go now. By the way, meet Oksana, Misha's wife. Their baby is only two, and she has already gone to work. It's so interesting!"
Wrong answer: “Lie down here on the sofa, I'll wake you up when it's time to go home. Wait, I'll bring you a towel for you to hide. "
Wrong answer: "Wash it from the inside, you stupid dynamo!"

№22 You'd better leave your phone

This means: "I will not call, but politeness does not allow me to send you to FIG." Well, it could be worse, you could get the answering machine number of the local bathhouse. Get it out of your head, lucky next time! Especially if you shave off your mustache and change your deodorant.
Correct answer: “Write it down. Most likely, my butler will answer the phone, he does not speak Russian, but he understands everything. "
Wrong answer: "Will you definitely call?"

№23 I understand everything

It means: “You are married, but that does not bother me. Don't worry, I won't bother you with phone calls in the evenings. " Well, if you want a non-binding relationship on the side, this is your chance. Especially if the girl is over thirty, she is married and has three children. She doesn't need flowers - where will she put them later? She always has her passport with her - in case of a hotel. She will complain about her family life, you about yours. She understands everything. And in principle, it is not necessary to have sex. Romance!
The correct answer is: "Understanding is your most valuable quality."
Wrong answer: "Could you stifle the same perfume as my wife?"

№24 Do you tell all the girls that?

This means: "I do not believe in romantics with such an insolent face!" Reading magazines was not in vain for you: you know with what words to carve a spark of excitement even from a stone woman's heart. I love to cook, kung fu, kids and dogs. You have a graceful neck, come to me, read Pasternak out loud ... He does not believe. Weird. Next time you try to look her in the eyes, think about something sad and high (for example, about the president's rating) and put a carnation in your boot - all these measures will give your lustful image the right amount of contradictory trepidation. Which in the twilight can be mistaken for sincerity. Yes, and take that pack of condoms out of your breast pocket.
Correct answer: “Close your eyes and lie down. Now I’ll try to give you artificial respiration. ” Wrong answer: "Me too ... Where is the toilet? .."

It's nice to hear kind words addressed to you. However, not all representatives of the fair sex can adequately respond to compliments addressed to them. Someone begins to be shy, someone to argue, someone to smile shyly. In this article, we will tell you how to respond to a man's compliment correctly and with dignity, so as not to look disarmed and insecure.

What is a compliment? Translated from French, this word means "praise". Therefore, when someone compliments you, it means that they want to express their admiration for you.

When we hear compliments addressed to us, our mood immediately improves, the level of self-esteem rises. But the truth of our reaction no longer depends on the content of the compliment, but on the intonation in which it will sound.

To begin with, we suggest that you figure out what these same compliments are, because you cannot react to each of them in the same way:

  1. A sincere compliment is a praise that may sound spontaneous, but you cannot hide a smile on your face from it, because it touches the soul.
  2. An unnatural compliment is flattery that sounds demeaning and unpleasant. The person who says it wants to emphasize his personal dislike.
  3. A hidden compliment is a praise that may not sound, or the person says it, trying to somehow hide his true intentions.
  4. A business compliment is a commendation for work that aims to inspire an employee in order to increase their motivation and performance.

How to respond to a compliment to a girl?

When you hear a compliment addressed to you, you need to be able to quickly analyze it in order to understand why it sounded and respond accordingly. We will show you how to respond to compliments correctly:

  1. If you hear something very pleasant, then you should not immediately perceive these words as flattery. Try to believe in them internally to boost your self-esteem or simply improve your mood for the whole day.
  2. Show your joy when you hear nice words addressed to you. Let the person who told you them see that you feel good about them. Even if he pronounced them with malicious intent, he will be very offended that the flattering compliment did not offend you, but, on the contrary, inspired you.
  3. Thank the person who compliments you. Just say thank you or express your appreciation in some other way. We will share with you examples of how to respond to a compliment:
  • "Your praise is the highest award!"
  • “I am very pleased to hear such words from you! Thanks!"
  • "There is someone to learn from!"
  • "Your words made me paint, but I will not hide that I am very pleased to hear them!"

  1. If your close friend compliments you, just hug her and express your gratitude.
  2. There are situations when there are a lot of people in public transport, and someone out of sorts starts to be rude to you: “There was a beauty,” “Look at the princess”. Such a “compliment” can be answered with humor: “Oh, you have such a kind look! Sorry to make you nervous and angry! "
  3. Never take your eyes off the person who is complimenting you, so that he does not think that you are indifferent to him.
  4. If you hear some kind of ambiguous compliment addressed to you, for example: “What a beautiful hairstyle you have,” then you shouldn't figure out what the author of the words said. It can ruin the relationship between you.
  5. Do not go to extremes when you hear a compliment addressed to you. There is no need to be shy, nor is it possible to turn up your nose.
  6. Be as natural as possible when being praised, and never be silent. Be sure to answer something, because you cannot deprive the attention of the person who just praised you.
  7. If the situation when you were given a compliment baffles you and you cannot find an answer, it means that you are too self-critical of yourself. It's time to learn to love yourself.

How not to respond to compliments?

Many girls do not know how to behave when they are paid compliments. In many ways, their behavior is explained by strict upbringing or simply insufficient social adaptation.

We will list you the main mistakes that girls make when they are complimented:

  • Beauties begin to object to what they have heard. If you have been told that you look lovely, you do not need to convince the man of this. By doing this, you will not only show that you do not love yourself at all, but also make the young man feel ridiculous.
  • The girl begins to make excuses. Why would you do that when you've been told you have beautiful eyes or a great handbag? There is no need to tell the whole back story of how you managed to achieve what you are praised for. A compliment is a matter of pride, not shame.
  • Some ladies just ignore what they are told. This is permissible if you were given some incomprehensible compliment by men sitting on a bench in a drunken stupor. But, if you were praised by a normal person with whom you work together or are just friends, then you should answer him somehow so that he would not be offended. Ignoring is the worst and most unpleasant reaction.
  • There are also representatives of the fair sex who, upon hearing a compliment, begin to react too emotionally to it - jumping, shouting, rejoicing - this is unnecessary. Be discreet. Your smile alone is enough.

Why does it happen that girls cannot properly respond to pleasant words that sound addressed to them? We can distinguish several main reasons:

  1. The person giving the compliment is personally disagreeable to the girl. The same reaction occurs if a person who says something pleasant or flattering is not personally familiar to the fair sex.
  2. The girl has a very low self-esteem. Someone instilled in her that she was not beautiful enough, smart or talented, therefore, when she hears the opposite words addressed to her, this causes her a negative reaction, embarrassment, and so on.
  3. Awkwardness. Such a reaction occurs in a girl who was very strictly brought up. If her parents did not allow her to communicate with the opposite sex for a long time, then any compliment said to her will make her feel guilty.
  4. Too high self-esteem. If a girl hears that she is just pretty, and not an incredible beauty, this upsets her very much, she begins to take offense, get upset, and wind herself up. At this moment, she doesn’t care what the person who complimented her, but in response saw some inappropriate reaction.
  5. Suspicion. When a girl was disappointed and indulged many times in her life, she no longer believes a single positive word spoken to her. Here is a psychological problem that may need to be addressed by doctors.
  6. The girl thinks that the said compliment obliges her in something. Believe me, even if a man is trying to achieve your location in this way, these are his personal problems. You don't have to take everything he says seriously. Maintain your self-esteem, make it clear to the person that you already know that you are beautiful, but in moderation so that he does not think that you are a bitch or an arrogant.
  7. The girl tries to stop the man when he is about to tell her something nice. This cannot be done. In this way, you simply show disrespect to the young man. He has the right to say whatever he wants. You must listen and only then react somehow.
  8. The girl already has a man, and she thinks that compliments from other people's men are some kind of betrayal. This is not true. On the contrary, always accept compliments. Your man needs to know that you like you, that you are desired and the effects. This way you will always feel self-respect.

A woman was born to be admired! And each of us must accept this as a fact in order to be able to respond to compliments in an original way. On the contrary, inspire men, shock them, let them take their breath away from your natural beauty and talent. Listen to the wonderful words of praise addressed to you and do not worry, even if they are said insincerely, try to find positive, personal benefit in them and believe in it internally.

Video: "Compliments: how to respond to compliments?"

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