Home Garden on the windowsill Diagnosis of readiness for schooling of children with speech pathology. Formation of speech readiness of children for school Speech therapy examination readiness for school

Diagnosis of readiness for schooling of children with speech pathology. Formation of speech readiness of children for school Speech therapy examination readiness for school

Speech disorders, together with visual pathology in children, are one of the main indicators of their readiness for schooling. Children with visual impairment and deficiencies in the development of speech (mainly the diagnosis of our children ONR + dysarthria) are not able to fully master the educational material. These children have impaired attention, memory, fatigue. In working with such children, a multilateral integrated approach to correcting the development of children and a speech therapist and a typhlopedagogue, an educator, and other specialists is very important, which ensures the activation of the activity of safe analyzers. All specialists in their classes with children with visual and speech disorders should use their knowledge not only in the field of ophthalmology, typhlopedagogy in the selection of didactic material (its size, color intensity, visual load, seating of children are taken into account), but also in the field of speech therapy, so how speech is one of the main means of acquiring knowledge, developing mental functions, a means of self-expression and knowledge of others, the main means of communication. For children with combined pathology (speech and vision), movement disorders are characteristic. Their elimination is facilitated by the use of games with speech material and movements (this can be done during a walk - educators, in music classes - leaders of the muses of education, in physical education classes - leaders of physical education). Such an integrated approach enables speech itself to become a powerful compensatory factor. Speech development is considered as the development of the ability to understand and use the language:

Development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis

Vocabulary formation and activation

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech

Development of coherent speech and communication skills

Development environment.

Therefore, if one of these components sinks or is not developed enough, it is impossible to talk about a good speech development of the child.

Coherent speech is the ability of children to use correct speech in communicating with others; to clearly express one's thoughts, to speak in one's native language clearly and expressively, without rushing; the ability to use monologue and dialogic speech; the ability to tell about what he saw, to explain the relationship of cause and effect, the ability to compose a story of a descriptive nature, to compose a story based on a picture, a series of pictures, to retell a short text.

The basis for the development of "coherent speech" are:

The level of formation of the lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic aspects of speech.

The level of formation of psychological processes (visual and especially auditory attention).

And all this is a necessary condition for the full development of the personality of the child as a whole. This diagnosis includes:

Studying the level of speech communication

Learning a child's vocabulary

Studying the grammatical side of speech

The state of the sound side of speech

Learning the level of coherent speech

Studying the level of speech communication (observation of children in everyday life). Here it is necessary to pay special attention to the nature of communication, initiative, the ability to enter into a dialogue, support and conduct it consistently, the ability to listen to the interlocutor and understand him, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts. The assessment of communication skills can be given taking into account the following criteria:

High level(3 points) - the child is active in communication, knows how to listen and understand speech, easily comes into contact with children and adults, clearly and consistently expresses his thoughts.

Average level(2 points) - the child is able to listen and understand the addressed speech, participates in communication on the initiative of others.

Low level(1 point) - the child is inactive, talks little in communication with children and adults, is inattentive, does not know how to consistently express his thoughts, accurately convey their content.

Learning the children's vocabulary.

Here it is necessary to identify the ability of children to find, select the most accurate word to use generalizing words. The following tasks may be offered:

Classification of concepts. Material - 30 pictures depicting animals, clothes, toys, fruits, vegetables, transport. The teacher names a concept denoting a group of pictures, asks the child to give a detailed definition of the concept, and then select the appropriate pictures (animals). Each correct picture choice is worth one point. If, along with the correct choice, incorrect ones are made, the task is evaluated at 0 points. The highest score is 30 points.

Selection of synonyms (it is carried out in the form of the game "Say it differently"). The child is invited to play with words and choose a word that is close in meaning to the named word. For example: gloomy, cheerful, old, big, beautiful, run, talk, cry - only ten words. The highest score is 10 points. 1 point - the selected word is a synonym of the named one, 0 points - the selected word is not a synonym.

Selection of definitions. Form is a play on words. The child is invited to come up with as many definitions for this word as possible. 5 words are given: dress, birch, apple, fox, girl. The highest score is 10 points: 2 points - more than 3 words were invented, 1 point - less than 3 words, 0 points - cannot think of.

The total score for the "dictionary" is calculated. High level - 50 points, average level - 32-49 points, low level - less than 32 points.

The study of the grammatical structure of speech. Here it is necessary to identify the level of proficiency in grammatical structures, the ability to independently form words. For this purpose, game grammatical tasks for the construction of words and sentences are offered.

Formation of forms of nouns denoting children of animals. 10 pictures with images of animals and 10 with images of their cubs are given. The game “Who has whom?”: it is necessary to select pictures corresponding to each other and form the plural form of the nominative and genitive cases (the fox has cubs, many cubs). The highest score is 20 points (error-free use of both forms - 2 points; slight deviation from the norm - 1 point; incorrect answers - 0 points).

Understanding grammatical structures. The teacher pronounces the phrase and asks the child to illustrate its meaning with the help of toys: “put the child to bed”, “the cat is caught by the boy”, “the dog bites the bear who grabbed the hare”, “the dog allows the boy to pet it”. There are 10 proposals in total. The result is evaluated: 1 point - correct display, 0 points - incorrect. The highest score is 10 points.

Proposal design. 3 words are offered (nouns in the nominative case, a verb in the infinitive), from which you need to make a sentence. There are 5 sets of words in total. Example: children, walk, park; aquarium, small fish, swim, etc. The highest score is 10 points: 2 points - the sentence is correct, 1 point - there is a slight deviation from the norm, 0 points - not all words are used.

The state of the sound side of speech. Speech is evaluated on a 3-point system. High level - 3 points: correct, distinct pronunciation of all sounds. The ability to differentiate all sounds (distinguish by ear and pronunciation). Good regulation of the rate of speech and speech breathing.

Average level - 2 points: instability and insufficient clarity of pronunciation and differentiation of sounds.

Low level - 1 point: defects in the pronunciation of sounds, the absence of their differentiation. Inability to regulate the pace of speech and breathing.

Studying the level of coherent speech.

The technique of "Retelling the text" is used. Children are invited to listen to an unfamiliar story or fairy tale, small in volume. Children's retellings are recorded and analyzed according to the following indicators:

Comprehension of the text - whether the child correctly formulates the main idea.

Text structuring is the ability to consistently and accurately build a retelling.

Grammar - the correct construction of sentences, the ability to use complex sentences.

Fluency of speech - the presence or absence of long pauses.

Independent retelling - the presence or absence of prompts from the teacher in the course of retelling, the need to re-read the text.

Each item is evaluated separately (2 points each).

High level - 10 points - correct reproduction.

The average level - 6 points - a slight deviation, no grammatical errors, long pauses, a small number of prompts.

Low level - less than 6 points - incorrect reproduction, violation of the structure of the text, poor vocabulary, numerous pauses, need for hints.

The study of the level of practical consciousness of the elements of the language.


Say one word.

A) say one sound

B) how many sounds are in the words "house", "linden"

C) name the sounds in this word: vowels, give a description of the sounds "l", "p"

3. Say one sentence

a) how many words are in this sentence

b) name the first word, second, third

C) name the preposition (if any).

Answers are scored: correct - 1 point, incorrect - 0 points. High level - 8 points, average level - 3-4 points, low level - less than 3 points.

The conclusion about the level of speech readiness of children for schooling is made on the basis of a summary assessment of the development of all the examined aspects of speech. The coincidence of qualitative assessments indicates a general assessment of the level of speech development: high, medium, low. In cases of discrepancy, the predominance of certain assessments is taken into account and intermediate levels are introduced: above average or below average. For example, if 4 high levels and 2 average levels match, the final grade will be - the level is above average. Thus, in the final assessment, the child can be assigned to one of five levels of speech readiness for school: high, above average, medium, below average, low.

List of used literature:

  1. “Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the 4th type. Kindergarten programs of correctional work in kindergarten. Plaksina L.I.
  2. "The program of education and training in kindergarten." Vasilyeva M.A.
  3. "Programs of correctional education and upbringing of children with general speech underdevelopment of the 7th year of life." Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.
  4. "Speech therapy work in preschool institutions and groups for children with speech impairment". Mironova S.A.
The relevance of the topic of our work is connected with the problem of preparing children with speech disorders for school. A child's entry into school is an important stage in life, which changes the social situation of his development. To study in the 1st grade, the child must be prepared. It is important that children of 7 years of age master, first of all, a literate phrase, extended speech, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the program of the preparatory group of general preschool institutions. A group of leading scientists (R.E. Levina, N.A. Nikashina, G.A. Kashe, L.F. Spirova, G.V. Chirkina, I.K. Kolpovskaya, A.V. Yastrebova and others) proved that there is a direct the relationship between the level of speech development of the child and his ability to acquire literacy.
Methods of readiness for mastering literacy are proposed by those proposed by G.A. Volkova, R.I. Lalaeva, R.A. Kiryanova, M.M. Bezrukikh, O.V. Bachina, N.F. Korobova and others. Methods include the simplest and most understandable speech tasks for children, motor tasks, special test tasks that make it possible to judge the degree of speech readiness, the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
In the picture of phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (hereinafter referred to as FFN), the unformedness of its sound side comes to the fore. Characteristic for children with FFN is the incompleteness of the process of formation of phonemic perception. The shortcomings of speech are not limited to the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, but are expressed by their insufficient discrimination and difficulty in the sound analysis of speech. At the same time, lexical and grammatical development is often delayed.
The development of speech, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, to master the articulatory apparatus, to correctly construct a sentence, etc., is an important task in preparing a child with FFN for school. Overcoming phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment is achieved through targeted speech therapy work to correct the phonetic side of speech and underdevelopment of phonemic processes: auditory differentiation of sounds (phonemic perception), phonemic analysis and synthesis, phonemic representations.
The purpose of this study- to study the methods of preparing children with FFN for school.
Object of study- a system for preparing children aged 6-7 years old for schooling with FFN, with normal intelligence.
Subject of study- Methods of preparing children with FFN for school.
Research objectives:
1. Consider the theoretical foundations and features of preparing children with FFN for school.
2. To develop a correctional and developmental program for preparing children with physical disabilities for schooling.
Theoretical and methodological base of the research made up the fundamental provisions of psycholinguistics, neurophysiology, psychology and defectology:
1. Provisions on the periodization of mental and speech development (L.S. Vygotsky, A.K. Markova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).
2. The theory of the gradual development of the phonemic perception of children in the process of ontogenesis (R.E. Levina, V.K. Orfinskaya).
3. The position on the mechanisms of speech perception, considering the perception of speech as a perceptual-mnemonic-cogitative activity, during which the dependence of perception and differentiation of sounds on the semantics of the presented words is noted (N.I. Zhinkin, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.B. Kasevich , L.A. Chistovich).
To solve the tasks and achieve the intended goal, the following methods were used: research methods:
1. Methods of theoretical research: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic.
2. Methods of empirical research: pedagogical observation, study of speech therapy documentation, conversation.
Theoretical significance of the study:
the theoretical foundations of correctional work with children of preschool age with FFN have been clarified,
the methods of preparing children with FFN for school have been clarified.
Practical significance of the study:
The developed correctional program and exercises can be used in the practical work of speech therapists and educators in groups of children with FFN in preschool institutions, in special preschool institutions and correctional centers, as well as by parents of children with FFN.
Work structure: The work contains an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography, applications.


1.1. Criteria and structure of the concept of "readiness for schooling"

School readiness is now understood as the achievement by the child of such a level of development at which he becomes able to participate in systematic schooling.
Foreign researchers, considering the level of readiness of children for schooling, distinguish three aspects: intellectual, emotional and social (G. Getzer, A. Kern, S. Strebel, J. Jirasek and others). Currently, domestic psychology has developed criteria that are included in determining the readiness of children for schooling. These eligibility criteria include:
    Intellectual readiness.
Intellectual readiness, according to L.S. Vygotsky, consists in the development of the child's ability to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena in the appropriate categories. Modern psychology connects mental development, which forms the basis of a child's intellectual development, with his mastery of cognitive orienting actions, primarily perceptual and mental ones.
Mastery of children from the age of seven, characterized by age periodization D.B. Elkonin at the junction of two periods of childhood (preschool and school), perceptual orienting actions, goes both along the line of formation and development of sensory standards, and along the line of formation and development of perceptual actions (identification, comparison with a standard, perceptual modeling).
One of the indicators of the level of mental development, according to domestic psychologists, is the learning ability of children. The basis of this concept is the highlighted L.S. Vygotsky, there are two levels of mental activity: actual (the current level, or the zone of actual development) and perspective (the zone of proximal development). The latter is also directly related to the diagnosis of intellectual development.
In addition, the level of development of intellectual readiness is influenced by the development of such processes as perception, attention, memory.
    personal readiness.
This criterion is associated by modern psychologists with a change in the leading type of activity. According to A.N. Leontiev, it is the change of the leading type of activity that leads to the transition to a new level of self-consciousness, to the emergence and strengthening of the inner position of the student. It is important here that the student has a positive attitude towards learning and learning tasks.
Motivational-need readiness presupposes that the child has a certain level of development of cognitive interests, readiness to change the social position, the desire to learn, and the arbitrariness of mental processes.
Emotional-volitional readiness is associated with the presence of a new level of emotional productivity, with the emergence of out-of-situation behavior, which, in turn, causes the child to be freed from the power of emotions. In addition, modern mental research has proven the fact of learning in the regulation of educational and cognitive activity.
The level of volitional development is related to the fact that the child understands and accepts the specifics of the learning situation, the requirements of the teacher, and the rules of conduct. Behavioral readiness is associated with the development of the ability to participate in collective activities, to act at a certain pace, the ability to engage in new relationships, with the absence of neurosis-like symptoms, aggressiveness.
The period of transition of a child from one period of development to another, according to domestic psychologists, is associated primarily with the presence of age-related psychological formations. L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “No, and there can be no other criterion for determining specific epochs of child development or ages, other than those neoplasms that characterize the essence of each age. Under the age-related neoplasm, one should understand that new type of personality structure and its activity, those psychological and social changes that first appeared at a given age stage and which, in the most important way, determine the entire course of a child’s development in a given period.
Projecting the conclusion of L.S. Vygotsky for the period of the child’s transition from preschool to school development, we can talk about the need for the child to develop certain neoplasms that allow the pupil to successfully participate in activities characteristic of the next stage of development, in this case associated with systematic schooling. This education can be seen as readiness for schooling.
According to children's specialists of various profiles (neurologists, neuropsychologists, etc.), there is a certain relationship between the successful education of schoolchildren, on the one hand, and the level of their mental development, on the other (Bodrova E.V., Davydov V.V., Petrovsky V. .A., Sterkina R.B. and others).
For example, I.V. Dubrovina singles out a number of such indicators of the psychological immaturity of children entering school as poor speech development; underdevelopment of fine motor skills; incorrect formation of methods of educational work (experience difficulties associated with the assimilation of the rules); lack of orientation to the mode of action and poor possession of operational skills; low level of development of voluntary attention, memory and self-control.
L.S. Vygotsky wrote that “learning can have long-term, and not just immediate, consequences in development, learning can go not only after development, not only in step with it, but can go ahead of development, moving it further and causing new formations in it” . Learning and development are in unity, and learning, ahead of development, stimulates it, and at the same time, it itself relies on the current level of mental development.
Each higher mental function has its own laws and patterns of development, the knowledge of which allows you to timely and accurately deal with the mental development of children. For example, tactile functions, kinesthetic and object-visual perception develop by 4-5 years; somatognostic functions - by 6 years; structural-topological and coordinate functions - by 6-7 years. And not vice versa, because the development of each mental function at a certain age is allocated brain energy. And it is absolutely unacceptable, instead of developing, for example, object-visual perception at 4-5 years old, to engage in the formation of reading skills, which would be appropriate to do a few years later.
By the age of 7, the child should be fully developed, first of all, the functions of the right hemisphere (spatial representations, somatognosis (perception of one's own body), visual perception, copying, smell, touch, taste, sense of rhythm, etc.) and interhemispheric interaction, which is a prerequisite for the full maturation of such functions of the left hemisphere as speech, logic, analysis, self-control, attention, social communications, reflection, programming, arbitrariness, altruism, etc.
For example, for the development of mathematical and linguistic abilities, for which the left hemisphere is “responsible”, before the age of 7, it is necessary to develop such functions of the right hemisphere as smell, touch, taste, sense of rhythm, sound discrimination, etc. That is why the formation of basic educational skills of younger students (reading, writing, counting), which is based on immature mental processes, cannot be successful. The timeliness of training and the usefulness of functional systems are the psychological basis for the success of schoolchildren's education. In other words, for the successful formation of children's learning skills, a certain level of development of higher mental functions is necessary.
According to psychologists, the formation of basic learning skills (reading, writing, counting) should be based on visual-spatial, acoustic-spatial, tactile-spatial, kinesthetic-spatial and temporal representations, as well as visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination.
According to E.A. Yastrubinskaya, the insufficient formation of spatial representations underlies 47% of the difficulties experienced by younger students in mastering the educational material in mathematics, 24% of the difficulties in mastering the material in the Russian language and in the formation of writing skills, 16% of the difficulties in teaching reading.
According to R.E. Levina, G.V. Chirkina, A.Ya. The hawkish difficulties that arise in children when learning to read and write are the result of the underdevelopment of the phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical aspects of speech, as well as the consequence of the lack of formation of coherent speech.
Professor M.M. Koltsova points out that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine motor skills. She also claims that when a child enters school, it is important that he not only has a well-developed speech, but also a trained hand, and has hand-eye coordination. Therefore, in preparing for literacy, the entire process of speech development of preschoolers in kindergarten is important: the development of coherent speech, vocabulary, the grammatical side of speech, the formation of phonemic processes and the development of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination and spatial orientation. These are the main criteria for a child's readiness for literacy.
At the same time, domestic scientists have proved that a child's readiness for schooling is determined not by the level of development of the formed qualities, but by the totality of the formed qualities. So, A.V. Zaporozhets writes that “the psychological readiness of children for school cannot be reduced to the presence of any individual properties and skills in the child. It is an integral system of interrelated qualities of a child's personality. Only if there is an established system of a number of qualities, a painless transition of the child from games and preschool activities to systematic schooling is ensured.

1.2. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with FFN

The concept of phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

Phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech is a violation of the processes of formation of pronunciation in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes. Children with FFN are children with rhinolalia, dysarthria, dyslalia of acoustic-phonemic and articulatory-phonemic forms.
R.E. Levina, N.A. Nikashina, R.M. Boschis, G.A. Porridge is given a big role in the formation of phonemic perception, i.e. ability to perceive and distinguish speech sounds (phonemes). According to T.A. Tkachenko, the development of phonemic perception has a positive effect on the formation of the entire phonetic side of speech and the syllabic structure of words. There is no doubt a connection in the formation of lexico-grammatical and phonemic representations. With special correctional work on the development of phonemic hearing, children perceive and distinguish word endings, prefixes in single-root words, common suffixes, prepositions, words of a complex syllabic structure much better.
Without sufficient formation of phonemic perception, it is impossible to form its highest level - sound analysis. Sound analysis is an operation of mental division into constituent elements (phonemes) of different sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables and words.
R.E. Levina wrote that "the key point in the correction of speech underdevelopment is phonemic perception and sound analysis."
In children with a combination of impaired pronunciation and perception of phonemes, there is an incompleteness in the processes of formation of articulation and perception of sounds that differ in acoustic and articulatory features. R.M. Boschis, R.E. Levina, N.X. Shvachkin, L.F. Chistovich, A.R. Luria believe that if the articulation of an audible sound is disturbed, its perception can also deteriorate to varying degrees.
The level of development of phonemic hearing in children affects the mastery of sound analysis. The degree of underdevelopment of phonemic perception can be different. The following levels can be distinguished:
1. Primary level. Phonemic perception is disturbed primarily. The prerequisites for mastering sound analysis and the level of actions of sound analysis are not sufficiently formed.
2. Secondary level. Phonemic perception is disturbed for the second time. There are violations of speech kinesthesia due to anatomical and motor defects of the speech organs. Normal auditory-pronunciation interaction is disturbed - the most important mechanism for the development of pronunciation.
In the phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of children, several conditions are revealed:
difficulties in the analysis of sounds disturbed in pronunciation;
with formed articulation, indistinguishability of sounds belonging to different phonetic groups;
the inability to determine the presence and sequence of sounds in a word.

Peculiarities of speech of children with FFN

The state of sound pronunciation of children with FFN is characterized by the following features:
1. The absence of certain sounds in speech and the replacement of sounds. Difficult in articulation sounds are replaced by simple ones in articulation, for example: instead of [s], [w] - [f], instead of [p], [l] - [l "], "], instead of voiced - deaf; whistling and hissing (fricative) are replaced by the sounds [t], [t "], [d], [d "]. The absence of a sound or its replacement by another on the basis of articulation creates the conditions for mixing the corresponding phonemes. When mixing sounds that are articulatory or acoustically close, an articule is formed in a child, but the process of phoneme formation itself does not end. Difficulties in distinguishing close sounds belonging to different phonetic groups lead to their confusion when reading and writing. The number of sounds mispronounced or misused in speech can reach a large number - up to 16 - 20. Most often, whistling and hissing sounds are unformed ([s] - [s "], [s] - [s"], [c], [ w], [g], [h], [u]); sounds [t "] and [d"]; sounds [l], [p], [p "]; voiced ones are replaced by paired deaf ones; pairs of soft and hard sounds are not sufficiently contrasted; there is no consonant "]; vowel [s].
2. Replacement of a group of sounds with diffuse articulation. Instead of two or more articulatory close sounds, an average, indistinct sound is pronounced, instead of [w] and [s] - a soft sound [w], instead of [h] and [t] - something like a softened [h]. The reasons for such substitutions are the insufficient formation of phonemic hearing or its impairment. Such violations, where one phoneme is replaced by another, which leads to a distortion of the meaning of the word, are called phonemic.
3. Unstable use of sounds in speech. According to the instructions, the child pronounces some sounds correctly in isolation, but they are absent in speech or are replaced by others. Sometimes a child pronounces the same word in a different context or when repeated differently. It happens that in a child the sounds of one phonetic group are replaced, the sounds of another are distorted. Such violations are called phonetic-phonemic.
4. Distorted pronunciation of one or more sounds. A child may pronounce 2-4 sounds distortedly or speak without defects, and by ear not distinguish a larger number of sounds from different groups. The relative well-being of sound pronunciation can mask a deep underdevelopment of phonemic processes. The reason for the distorted pronunciation of sounds is usually the insufficient formation of articulatory motility or its violation. These are phonetic violations that do not affect the meaning of the word.
Knowledge of the forms of violation of sound pronunciation helps to determine the methodology of working with children. With phonetic disorders, much attention is paid to the development of the articulatory apparatus, fine and general motor skills, with phonemic disorders - the development of phonemic hearing. In the presence of a large number of defective sounds in children with FFN, the syllabic structure of the word and the pronunciation of words with a confluence of consonants are violated: instead of tablecloth- they say " katil" or " roll", instead of bike - « siped».

The state of phonemic perception in children with FFN

The nature of the disturbed sound pronunciation in children with FFN indicates a low level of development of phonemic perception. They experience difficulty when they are asked, while listening carefully, to raise their hand at the moment of pronouncing a particular sound or syllable. The same difficulties arise when repeating syllables with paired sounds after a speech therapist, when independently selecting words that begin with a certain sound, when highlighting the initial sound in a word, when selecting pictures for a given sound.
The lack of formation of phonemic perception is expressed in:
fuzzy discrimination by ear of phonemes in one's own and someone else's speech;
unpreparedness for elementary forms of sound analysis and synthesis;
difficulties in the analysis of the sound composition of speech.
In addition to the above features of pronunciation and phonemic perception in children with FNS, the following are observed: general blurring of speech; fuzzy diction, some delay in the formation of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech (for example, errors in case endings, the use of prepositions, the agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns).

Psychological characteristics of children with FFN

In addition to the above speech (verbal) disorders, it is necessary to separately characterize the possible features in the course of higher mental functions in children with FFN:
the attention of such children may be unstable, unstable and drying up, as well as poorly formed voluntary attention, when it is difficult for a child to focus on one subject and switch to another on a special assignment;
the amount of memory can be narrowed compared to the norm. In this case, the child will need more time and repetitions to remember the given material;
features in the course of mental operations are noted: along with the predominance of visual-figurative thinking, children may find it difficult to understand abstract concepts and relationships. The speed of mental operations may be somewhat slow, as a result of which the perception of educational material, etc., may be slow.
Based on the listed features of higher nervous activity, children with FFN are pedagogically characterized as follows:
behavior may be unstable, with frequent mood swings;
there may be difficulties in mastering educational activities, tk. in the classroom, children quickly get tired, it is difficult for them to complete one task for a long time;
there may be difficulties in remembering the teacher's instructions, especially two-, three-, four-stage ones, requiring phased and sequential implementation;
in some cases, there are features of a disciplinary nature.
So, speech has a huge impact on the formation of the mental processes of the child and on his overall development. Speech is the basis of literacy and all other disciplines. By the time the child enters school, phonetic processes should be formed: perception, sound analysis and synthesis. A child with FFN who does not possess these skills cannot be taught to read and write, he will write with numerous specific errors that cannot be overcome without special speech therapy help.
Speech therapy during preschool childhood makes it possible to timely identify and correct existing speech disorders as much as possible, significantly accelerate the pace of child development, prevent possible secondary personality disorders and ensure more successful schooling.
The main tasks of speech therapy work with children with FFN:
the formation of pronunciation skills;
development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills;
On the corrected speech material, the following is carried out:
the development in children of attention to the morphological composition of words and the change in words and their combinations in a sentence;
educating children in the ability to correctly compose simple common and complex sentences, use different constructions of sentences in coherent speech;
the development of coherent speech mainly by working on a story, retelling with the formulation of any correctional task;
the development of children's vocabulary mainly by drawing attention to the methods of word formation, to the emotional and evaluative meaning of words;
literacy training based on corrected pronunciation.

1.3 Examination of the speech of preschool children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech
Before starting work on educating the correct pronunciation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the speech of each child of the group. The examination of speech in kindergarten is carried out twice: in the fall, in order to properly plan the work for the year, and in the spring, to summarize the work.
Survey stages. In practical work, the examination of children's speech is carried out in the following sequence. First, we study the child's speech in the classroom, in games with children, where he can identify the vocabulary, the ability to build a phrase, the pace of speech (very fast or slow), existing speech defects (stuttering, speech delay, and others). Then an individual examination is carried out, in which the features of the child's speech are revealed.
Material. As a rule, the examination is carried out using special material, selected and designed in accordance with the recommendations of leading Russian speech pathologists published in special literature. In the speech therapy room there are specially selected subject pictures for certain sounds, which are selected in accordance with the requirement that each of the examined sounds be at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word, since the sound is not pronounced the same in different positions. The pictures are colorful and accessible both in content and execution.
At least three pictures were selected for each position of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end) in order to be able to hear and write down how the child pronounces this sound.
When using subject pictures during the test of sound pronunciation, the state of the child's dictionary is also checked, whether he does permutations in words, omissions of syllables, abbreviations of words.
When examining sound pronunciation, plot pictures are also used, with the help of which the construction of sentences by the child, the correct use of prepositions, and the agreement of sentence members in gender, number, and case are checked. Pictures are selected so that they can be used to make sentences of two, three, four or more words.
The collected data is entered into the child's speech record.
Let us consider the features of conducting a speech examination of children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders and compiling a child's speech chart in accordance with the scheme for examining children with FFNR.
Recommendations for conducting a speech therapy examination
1. The study of auditory attention and perception is carried out in the process of recognizing and distinguishing the sound of musical instruments, sounding toys, in determining the direction: the sound source.
2. The study of the state of speech perception is carried out in the process of talking and performing special tasks containing several sequentially given instructions, for example: “Go to the closet, take a red cube from the bottom shelf, put it on the table next to the pencils.”
3. The study of visual perception, spatial praxis can be carried out when performing the following tasks:

    naming and differentiation of primary colors and their shades;
    the ratio of the picture with the color background;
    showing the right, left hand;
    showing objects in front, behind, above, below;
    folding cut pictures from 2, 4, 6 parts;
    folding figures from sticks (according to the model, from memory).
4. Study of the state of motor skills.
The study of the state of general motor skills is carried out in the process of performing jumps on both legs; jumps (alternately) on the right, left foot; actions with the ball (catch a thrown ball, toss the ball over your head, catch).
The study of the state of manual motor skills is carried out in the process of performing tasks to determine:
a) the kinesthetic basis of movements (simultaneously extend the index finger and little finger of the right, left hand, both hands; simultaneously stretch the index and middle fingers of the right, left hand, both hands; put the right hand, left hand with outstretched fingers in front of you, place the index finger on middle (and vice versa); connect the thumb of the right, left hand, both hands with the index (middle, ring, little finger) into a ring;
b) the kinetic basis of movements (alternate flexion and extension of the fingers of the right, left hand, starting with the thumb, with the little finger; "fingers greet", "playing the piano", simultaneous change in the positions of the hands: one is clenched into a fist, the other - with straightened fingers ; "fist - rib-palm").
The study of the state of articulatory motility is carried out when performing the following movements:
a) for the lower jaw: open mouth; close your mouth; alternately open - close the mouth; move the lower jaw from side to side;
b) for lips:"smile" with a grin of incisors; alternately "smile" - "proboscis";
in) for language: stick out the tongue, hold in the middle line; make the tongue wide (“shoulder blade”), narrow (“needle”), alternately wide - narrow; lift the tip of the tongue by the upper incisors, lower by the lower incisors; with a narrow tip of the tongue, touch the right, then the left corners of the mouth;
G) for the soft palate: cough with an open mouth (tongue on the lower lip); pronounce the sound [a] with your mouth wide open.
The study of the work of the muscles of the facial muscles is carried out when performing various facial movements: puffing out the cheeks, raising the eyebrows, frowning the eyebrows, alternately closing the eyes, wrinkling the nose, raising the upper lip.
5. In the study of the anatomical structure of the organs of articulation, the presence of anomalies in the structure is noted:
6. In the study of the state of sound pronunciation, the nature of the violation of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants is determined (absence, replacement with other sounds; distorted, defective pronunciation, nasalization of oral and non-nasalization of nasal sounds) in various pronunciation conditions (isolated; in syllables open, closed, with a confluence of consonants ; in words - at the beginning, at the end, in the middle; in phrases).
7. In the study of respiratory and voice function, the type of physiological breathing is noted (upper clavicular, diaphragmatic, abdominal, mixed), a characteristic of speech is given; breathing (according to the results of pronouncing a phrase consisting of 3-4 words (for children 5 years old), 4-6 words (for children 6-7 years old) and voice (normal, excessively loud, excessively quiet, with a nasal tint - nasal, - deaf, monotonous).
8. When examining the state of the prosodic components of speech, the characteristics of the tempo of speech (normal, accelerated, slowed down) are noted; rhythm (normal, dysrhythmia); pauses (correct placement of pauses in the speech stream); intonation; (the ability to use the main types of intonation).
9. When studying phonemic functions, it is noted:
a) the ability to phonemic analysis and synthesis:
when highlighting a stressed vowel at the beginning of a word: Anya, stork, Olya, wasps, morning, smart, Ira, frost;
    when extracting a sound from a word:
sound [s]: catfish, poppy, nose, scythe, duck, bowl, tree, bus, shovel;
sound [w]: smoke, ball, foot, shower, book, cat, picture, pillow, reed;
sound [r]: cancer, house, feather, glass, pyramid, car, leaves, ax, tomato;
sound [l]: garden, crowbar, noise, paw, paper, oar, scooter, pin, table;
when determining the first, last sound in a word: poppy, house, axe, lily of the valley, plane, finger;
when determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word: smoke, vase, cat, wolf;
when compiling a word from sequentially given sounds: nose; puddle; t, a, p, k, a;
b) auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds:
not mixed in pronunciation: budbarrel; midgeleg; jarbathhouse; mousebear; crustslide(based on the material of quasi-homonymous words);
mixed in pronunciation: crayfishvarnish; thunderstormeyes; acnecoal; souptooth; braidgoat; Foxfaces; Lushapuddle; tussock-cat; Bowlbear; riverradish(on the material of pictures of words-quasi-homonyms);
when repeating a series of syllables: thatyes, bama, yesha, cotton, nyatake thatha, fafya, maka, baon theba, kakaha, onnyaon, sathatsa, forperzha, tsasaca.
10. When studying the state of vocabulary:
a) to study the state of the dictionary of nouns, it is proposed:
naming subject pictures on lexical topics (in accordance with the program requirements for teaching and raising a child);
summarizing pictures in one word;
naming the whole object and its parts:
chair - legs, seat, back;
car - cabin, headlights, wheels, body;
b) to study the state of the verb dictionary, it is proposed:
naming actions from pictures or demonstrations: bird - flies; fish - floats; snake - creeps; hare - jumping; airplane - flies; boat - floats; dog - barks, bites, sleeps, eats, drinks, plays, gnaws;
naming of professional actions (using the names of professions): doctor - heals; teacher - teaches; builder - builds; cook - cooks; painter - draws; musician - plays; ballerina - dancing; painter - paints;
c) to study the state of the dictionary of adjectives, it is proposed:
color name: red, blue, yellow, green, brown, gray, blue, pink, orange;
    selection of definitions for the word: hedgehog - prickly rose flower - ... ;
    selection of antonyms (from 6 years old):
big – ... open – ...
wide - ... lower - ...
The conclusions note: the volume of the dictionary, its correspondence to age, replacement of words according to various criteria.
11. When studying the state of the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech, the following tasks are offered.
    Changing nouns by numbers:
table - tables book - ...
beetle - ... stool - ...
    Changing nouns by case:
I have pen-pencil) I write (draw)
I don't have... I'm talking about...
    Using the genitive plural form:
    Many things?
    house - houses sweater - ...
    key - ... handle - ...
The use of prepositions (simple and complex) on the material of pictures or demonstrations of actions.
Coordination of adjectives with nouns (color naming):
ball - red, sweater - red, sky - red.
Coordination of nouns with numerals two and five:
mushroom - two mushroomsfive mushrooms
night - ... - ...
Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes:
key - key bucket - ...
notebook - ... sheet - ...
Formation of relative adjectives from nouns:
glass glass - glass cardboard box...
rubber ball – ... leather bag – ...
Formation of possessive adjectives (from 6 years old):
grandfather's book grandfather's fox ears...
hare tail - ... deer horn - ...
Formation of prefixed verbs:
flies - flies, flies etc.
Retelling the story, compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures.
The conclusions note the presence and nature of agrammatisms, and characterize the level of development of coherent speech.
Conducting a survey. When conducting a survey of sound pronunciation in children, we note not only the absence or replacement of sound, but also its distortion, any inaccuracy in pronunciation. When it is not possible to establish exactly how a child pronounces a sound, but the pronunciation differs from the correct one by ear, we note that the sound is not pronounced clearly. Sometimes a child, naming pictures for a given sound, cannot pronounce it correctly in a word. In this case, the baby is invited to pronounce the sound by imitation. For example, “A mosquito flies and rings - z-z-z. Call and you, like a mosquito. If the child, imitating a mosquito, pronounces the sound z correctly, this means that the isolated pronunciation of the sound is possible, although the child has not yet introduced it into speech. In this case, it is only necessary to fix this sound, i.e. its gradual introduction into words, phrases, nursery rhymes, etc. If the child replaces the sound with another or pronounces it distortedly, it means that he does not yet have this sound. In this case, you must first call the correct sound and only then introduce it into speech.
When examining children's speech, attention is drawn to the pace of their speech, clarity, correct pronunciation of words, sonority of voice. If there are any shortcomings, they must be noted.
Children who have not yet formed phrasal speech or who often have incorrect construction of sentences, violations in the agreement of words in gender, number, case, in control, we examine using plot pictures. With their help, the errors encountered in the design of the phrase by the child are clarified.
When conducting an individual examination, all the answers of the children are recorded in a notebook indicating the date of the examination. During the examination, the presence of gross visible defects is noted if they are present in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (cleavage of the lip, palate, short hyoid frenulum, irregular structure of the dentition, malocclusion), since such children need to consult an orthodontist.
Then the state of sound pronunciation is recorded in the notebook:
a) pass sound ("koova", "yba");
b) replacement sound ("kolova", "lyba");
in) distortion sound (there is sound, but it does not sound right);
G) mixing sounds (in one case, the sound is used correctly, in the other it is replaced: “Masha has a red sarf”).
The state of the dictionary is also noted:
a) whether the dictionary is age appropriate;
b) whether the child pronounces words correctly or distorts them (reduces, skips syllables, sounds; rearranges syllables, sounds; names only individual syllables).
Checking the state of phrasal speech, we note:
a) how the child speaks - in phrases or only words;
b) whether he builds the phrase correctly - whether he agrees on the members of the sentence in gender, number, case, whether he uses prepositions in his speech, etc .;
c) the state of coherent speech - can the child tell about the event, compose a story from the picture, etc.
In our further work, we take into account the peculiarities of the speech of each child, and constantly and persistently, using frontal, individual lessons, the help of parents, we educate children in correct speech.
1. Senior preschool age is the age of serious preparation of children for learning to read and write. Considering the problem of children's readiness for school, we found that the basis of readiness for schooling is now understood as the child's achievement of such a level of development at which he becomes able to participate in systematic schooling. The criteria included in determining the readiness of children for schooling include intellectual readiness and personal readiness. Researchers note a number of indicators of the psychological immaturity of children entering school: underdevelopment of the phonetic-phonemic and lexico-grammatical aspects of speech; unformed coherent speech; underdevelopment of fine motor skills; insufficient formation of spatial representations; poor operational skills; low level of development of voluntary attention, memory and self-control.
2. The specifics of impaired sound pronunciation in children with FFN is characterized by the presence of defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes. The key point in the correction of speech underdevelopment is phonemic perception and sound analysis. The main tasks of speech therapy work with children with FFN are: the formation of pronunciation skills; development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills. In addition, in children with FFN, deviations in the development of non-speech mental functions are detected, which is due to the systemic nature of mental development, a close relationship in the development of speech and non-speech mental processes. In particular, in children with FFN, by the senior preschool age, optical-spatial functions are insufficiently formed: visual genesis, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, hand-eye coordination, etc.


2.1. Goals, objectives, content of the correctional development program

In order to activate the process of preparing children with FFN for school, we have developed a correctional and developmental program to form readiness for acquiring literacy.
As we found out in the first chapter, readiness for school education presupposes a sufficient level of development of the phonetic-phonemic and lexico-grammatical aspects of speech; a sufficient level of formation of coherent speech, spatial representations, development of fine motor skills; visual memory.
The specificity of disturbed sound pronunciation in children with FFN is characterized by the presence of defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes. The main areas of speech therapy work to correct the defect are: the formation of pronunciation skills; development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills; distinguishing by ear phonemes in one's own and another's speech. In addition, in children with FFN, deviations in the development of non-speech mental functions are detected, which is due to the systemic nature of mental development, a close relationship in the development of speech and non-speech mental processes. In particular, in children with FFN, by the senior preschool age, optical-spatial functions are insufficiently formed: visual genesis, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, hand-eye coordination, etc.
Taking into account these provisions, we have identified the following tasks of the correctional and developmental program:
improvement of phonetic and phonemic processes;
literacy training;
expansion of lexical and grammatical representations;
dictionary enrichment;
development of coherent speech;
development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination;
formation of letter gnosis;
development of visual memory;
formation of spatial perception, spatial representations, visual-spatial analysis and synthesis
      Methodological substantiation of the correctional and developmental program
As the main methodological guides, we used the manuals of G.A. Kashe "Preparing children with speech impairments for school" and T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina “Children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment. Education and training”, “Program of education and upbringing of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment (senior group of kindergarten)”, R.I. Lalayeva "Speech therapy work in correctional classes."
When selecting the material for classes, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova and T.B. Filicheva "Overcoming the delay of speech development in preschoolers", V.I. Seliverstova (ed) "Games in speech therapy work with children", etc.
The system of teaching children the correct pronunciation and elements of literacy provides for three successive periods, each of which has its own goals and objectives. All children, without exception, are present at the frontal lessons. Classes are held throughout the entire period of study according to a specific system and a single plan for all children with the usual individualization. The material of frontal lessons is always selected so that it consists of sounds that are correctly pronounced by all children. Children are prepared for participation in frontal classes in individual and subgroup classes.

First period of study

The first training period lasts two months. The focus at this time is on:
1) conscious mastery by children of the easiest sounds in terms of pronunciation and staging of missing sounds,
2) preparation for the sound-syllabic analysis of words.
At the same time, children get acquainted with some letters, master some reading and writing skills.
As a support for the development of phonemic hearing during this period of study, visual perception of one's own articulation, the articulation of a speech therapist and speech-motor analysis serve. As auditory perception develops, visual perception of articulation loses its significance by the end of the first training period.

1. Development of sound pronunciation, education of attention to the sound side of speech

In the process of practicing sounds, children first learn to distinguish them from sounds that are most roughly opposed (for example, a - and - y); the transition to finer differentiations is gradually carried out (o - y; k - x; l - iot, etc.). Each correctly pronounced sound is compared both outside of speech and as part of syllables and words, not only with other correctly pronounced sounds (for example, when differentiating k - x), but also with those that are set and worked out later; so, the sound with in the process of fixing it is compared with the sounds z, w, u.
The constant comparison of sounds, along with the development of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus, gives impetus to the completion of the process of phoneme formation, which was delayed for one reason or another. All worked out sounds are included in syllables, words, sentences, texts, consisting of sounds correctly pronounced by all children.
At the first stage of training during the hours of frontal lessons, sounds are studied in the following sequence: y, a, u, p, p', e, t, k, k', m, m', l', o, x, x', ( k - x), yot (l '- yot), s (s - and), s (pairs of sounds are taken in brackets, the differentiation of which is also carried out in special classes). Depending on the specific shortcomings of pronunciation in children of a particular group, a speech therapist may somewhat change the sequence of studying sounds.
Children of six years of age with phonemic insufficiency, when pronouncing many speech sounds, most often no longer experience articulation difficulties. These sounds include: a, o, y, e, i, s, m, m', n, n', p, p', t, k, k', x, x', f, f', v , c', l, iot, b, b', e, d, d'. At the same time, it cannot be considered that the process of formation of these sounds is completely finished. Often, many, and sometimes all of these sounds are pronounced by children in the speech stream not clearly enough, they mix with each other (k - x; c - b; f - c; n - b, etc.) or are substitutes for any other sounds that appeared in speech (p replaces b; t or d - whistling and hissing; l' - l and p, etc.). The pronunciation of all these sounds must be specified. Some of the listed sounds (most often these are the sounds s, k, x, l ', yot, b, d, d) are sometimes pronounced incorrectly or not pronounced at all by some children. In relation to such children, the task is expanding: it is necessary to correct their incorrect pronunciation of sounds before classes begin to consolidate already correctly pronounced sounds in frontal classes.
The second group includes sounds that most children have not yet formed, and some have formed defectively. These include p, p', l, whistling and hissing, t' and d'. Whistling and hissing sounds are especially difficult to assimilate. This is a large group, which includes nine sounds: s, s ', z, z ', c, w, w, h, u. This also includes the sounds t and d'. In most cases, there is a question of staging all these sounds, less often - only about clarifying articulation and differentiation.

2. Development of voluntary attention and improvement of auditory memory

In order to develop voluntary attention and improve auditory memory, the training system provides for special exercises that can be divided into two groups. The first group of exercises involves the perception of speech. Children respond with a gesture, action, presentation of pictures. This includes the memorization of a series of words perceived by ear, specially selected instructions and other material. These exercises are especially necessary at the very beginning of learning, when an active, correctly pronounced vocabulary is very limited. The second group of exercises provides not only the correct perception of the proposed material, but also its reproduction. This includes the repetition of perceived by ear syllable series, series of words, sentences, memorization of various material in connection with fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds, etc.

3. Analysis of the sound composition of the word

The second task, which is solved in the first period of training, is the preparation of children for the analysis of the sound composition of the word. At this time, the attention of children is drawn to individual sounds and sounds in the composition of the word. Gradually, from the ability to hear a single sound in the composition of a word, children are brought to a complete sound analysis of the simplest monosyllabic words.
The training system provides for a certain correspondence between the studied sounds and certain forms of analysis.
Preparation for the analysis of the word has four steps. At the first stage of training, the articulation of the sounds y, a, and is refined. The same sounds are used for the easiest form of analysis - the extraction of the first vowel sound from the beginning of a word. On the material of the same sounds, children are given the first idea that sounds can be arranged in a certain sequence. Children pronounce the indicated sounds, clearly articulating, and then determine their number and sequence.
The second most difficult stage of preparation is the analysis and synthesis of reverse syllables like an, ut, ok (at this time, the sounds t, p, m, k are passed). At the same time, children learn to distinguish the first and last consonants from words. The next stage of preparation for the analysis of the word is the allocation of stressed vowels from the position after the consonants (house, tank). At the same time, the vowels o and s are passed, the previously passed ones are repeated. After these exercises, children easily master the analysis and synthesis of a direct syllable like ma. The result of the first training period is a complete sound analysis of words such as soup.

4. Preparation for learning to read and write

Gradually, simultaneously with clarifying the correct pronunciation of sounds and mastering the indicated forms of phonemic analysis, children get acquainted with the letters y, a, u, p, m, t, k, o, s, s, learn to read and write reverse syllables (such as an), direct (like mo, mi), words like poppy. During the same time, children gradually master the terms "sound", "syllable", "word", "vowel sound", "consonant sound", "hard sound", "soft sound".
To conduct reading and writing classes, a speech therapist must have the following manuals. First of all, you need to sew or purchase cash registers of letters. It is recommended to have enough letters, both lowercase and uppercase, so that each child can put together at least five or six words or one or two sentences. Cash registers of letters are used at all stages of training. The cash registers are filled with letters gradually.

Tsyganok I.Yu., teacher speech therapist
Solodovnik A.V., teacher speech therapist
Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a compensating type No. 156", Krasnodar.

Currently, the problem of a child's readiness for school is the most relevant. This is due to the fact that the school has undergone major transformations recently, new programs have been introduced, its structure has changed. Ever higher demands are placed on children going to first grade.

"I'll go to school soon..." - the kids usually say proudly. They know, feel that they are growing, changing. Parents closely monitor their growth and development, tormented by doubts: "Is it time or not to go to school?" Who can answer this question? Psychologists, teachers, or maybe the parents themselves?

But, unfortunately, the awareness of parents on this issue always leaves much to be desired. The reason for this is the constant lack of time for parents to find useful information that could answer their questions.

That is why it became necessary to draw up methodological recommendations, which in their content reflect the advice of various experts on the issue of children's readiness for school.

Is it possible to determine readiness for school?

Certainly yes. At present, simple, accessible for practical use, sufficiently informed and reliable criteria for a child's readiness for systematic schooling have been developed.

We would like to draw attention to the following: assessing readiness for school by the level of intellectual development is the most common mistake parents make. Many believe that the main condition for readiness for school is the amount of knowledge that a child should have. At the same time, the efforts of parents do not know the measure, and the possibilities of children are not taken into account. Such parents, not having taught the child to tie shoelaces, “stuff” all sorts of information into him, regardless of age characteristics. Imagine how a six-year-old kid knows all the constellations of our galaxy, but does not know which street he lives on. Another has learned an encyclopedic dictionary almost by heart, but is completely unable to communicate with peers, is afraid of them, and is unable to concentrate even for a few minutes on the simplest task.

There are cases when the high intellectual development of a child who has not yet reached the age of six misleads both parents and teachers: he is accepted to school, and then ... The middle of the school year: interest in school disappears, children complain of headaches, fatigue , that school is "difficult". They stop assimilating the program by writing, do not remember how many letters are written, they write badly, slowly, they become irritable, sometimes they start crying for no reason. And it takes a long time to convince parents that their child needs a sparing regimen (more walks, tempering procedures, more movements, and not sitting in front of the TV) and it would be much better to spend a year at home. It is necessary to let him get stronger, pay attention to the development of hand coordination (sculpting, drawing, embroidery).

And such cases prove that readiness for school is determined not only by the level of intelligence. What is important is not only the amount of information and knowledge that a child has, but also their quality, degree of awareness, clarity of ideas.

Of particular importance in the psychological readiness for school are abilities or prerequisites for mastering certain special knowledge and skills. Psychologists call these prerequisites "introductory skills."

That is why it is more important not to teach a child to read, but to develop speech, the ability to distinguish sounds, not to teach writing, but to create conditions for the development of motor skills, and especially the movements of the hand and fingers. I also want to emphasize the need to develop the ability to listen, understand the meaning of what is read, the ability to retell, conduct visual comparison, it is not the amount of knowledge that is important, but the quality of thinking.

It must be remembered that if, nevertheless, at the time of entering school, your child has not reached the level of readiness, but is enrolled in a preparatory class, he needs to organize a so-called sparing regime in the family. First of all, it is desirable for such children to spend the second half of the day not at school, on an “extension”, but at home, which allows them to remove additional psychological stress. They need a two-hour sleep during the day, good nutrition, and, if necessary, medical and recreational activities.

Assessing their children through the prism of health, readiness for learning, parents can understand what lies behind the so-called laziness, unwillingness to work, absent-mindedness, disobedience, and take exactly those measures that can help the cause.

Is the presence of the child required when enrolling him in the 1st grade?

Yes. This is necessary for both the child and adults: parents, teachers.

What is the purpose of an interview with a future first grader and his parents when enrolling in a school?

Conducting an interview with children serves to determine a training program that corresponds to the level of development, abilities and health of the child (4-year education in a general education school, correctional and developmental education, pedagogical systems of developmental education, etc.)

The main purpose of the interview with the future first-grader and his parents when entering the school is:

Identification of the level of preschool education, development and readiness for systematic learning at school;

Recommendations to parents on the preparation of an individual plan for preparing the child for the beginning of education, corrective work, consultations are offered with narrow specialists: a speech therapist, a psychologist, if necessary, with a psychoneurologist, an examination at the medical and pedagogical commission to clarify the question of choosing the type of school: general education or special ( correctional);

An early forecast of difficulties and timely assistance from parents, teachers, and specialists is the task facing the school staff when they first meet a future first-grader.

Alternative forms of education are now available, and a whole range of possibilities are open to parents. You can send your child to school from the age of 6 or 7, go through the first year of schooling or on the basis of a preschool institution, educate the child in a private or public educational institution. Parents can resolve this issue with the help of educators, teachers and psychologists only by determining the degree of readiness for school.

How is the entrance interview at the school?

At present, in many schools, the practice of admitting children to the first grade on the basis of an interview is becoming more widespread. During an oral conversation with a child, experts find out his ability to compose a story from a picture, answer elementary questions, and solve simple problems.

They also check oral counting skills, analyze the child’s speech, that is, they look at how well he knows how to select the right words, how rich his vocabulary is, whether he can clearly, coherently and emotionally express this or that thought.

The selection committee also checks the child's ability to understand the question posed and answer it in essence, without being distracted by secondary points. The phonemic hearing of the child and the logic of his reasoning are also subject to verification. When children perform practical actions, they also look at their sensory development, the ability to plan their actions. Along with the general development, they also reveal the level of initial knowledge of children in the main school disciplines: they check the children's knowledge of numbers and letters, the ability to read, count, use a pencil, scissors and other objects.

There are many different methods that allow you to check the readiness of the child for schooling. However, no matter what methods you use to prepare, no matter what recommendations you use, and no matter what screening tests you perform in advance for training, in no case should you train a child before an interview, force him to memorize ready-made answers.

Preparing for school is a painstaking task, and good results are possible only with systematic and planned studies. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to drag the baby to the interview at the last moment, the teacher or psychologist will definitely determine that the child simply memorized ready-made answers to questions.

Thus, it should be remembered that in such a complex matter as education, nothing can be achieved by a single effort. Therefore, only constant systematic work can provide high results. It is difficult to name the specific tasks and tests that will be at the interview, as they are usually determined in accordance with the specifics of the school or class. After all, there are special schools with in-depth study of subjects, schools where some school disciplines do not begin from the fifth, seventh, etc. grades, but from the first year of study, children are introduced to such a complex subject as a foreign language, or are studied more in-depth maths. There are also special gymnasium classes, the conditions for admission to which are stricter than in ordinary general education classes.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty which tests will be offered to your child at the entrance interview. However, the basis of any tasks will be the arsenal of knowledge, skills and abilities that a preschooler must master in order to enter school and study successfully in it.

How do you know if your child is ready for school?

By the beginning of schooling, the child should have developed:

* elementary mathematical representations.

He must know:

The composition of the numbers of the first ten (from separate units and from two smaller numbers);

How to get the number of the first ten by adding one to the previous one and subtracting one from the next one in the row;

Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;

Signs +, -, =, >,<;

The name of the current month, the sequence of days of the week;

He must be able to:

Name numbers in forward and reverse order;

Correlate the number and number of objects;

Compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;

Use the signs of arithmetic operations;

Measure the length of objects using a conditional measure;

Compose from several triangles, quadrangles larger figures;

Divide a circle, a square into 2 and 4 parts;

Focus on a sheet of checkered paper.

* speech children should be able to:

Build complex sentences of different types;

Compose stories based on the picture, a series of pictures, small fairy tales;

Find words with a certain sound;

Determine the place of sound in a word;

Make sentences of 3-4 words;

Divide simple sentences into words;

Divide words into syllables (parts);

Distinguish between different genres of fiction: a fairy tale, a story, a poem;

Independently, expressively, consistently convey the content of small literary texts, dramatize small works.

* ideas about the environment:

To be able to distinguish in appearance the plants common in the area;

Have an idea about seasonal natural phenomena;

Know your home address, surname, name, patronymic of parents.

Is it possible to determine the psychological readiness of a child for school?

1. Socio-psychological readiness for school:

Learning motivation (wants to go to school; understands the importance and necessity of learning; shows a pronounced interest in acquiring new knowledge);

The ability to communicate with peers and adults (the child easily comes into contact, is not aggressive, knows how to find a way out of problem situations of communication, recognizes the authority of adults);

The ability to accept the learning task (listen carefully, clarify the task if necessary).

2. Development of school-significant psychological functions:

Development of small muscles of the hand (the hand is well developed, the child confidently owns a pencil, scissors);

Spatial organization, coordination of movements (the ability to correctly determine above - below, forward - backward, left - right);

Coordination in the eye system - hand (the child can correctly transfer the simplest graphic image - a pattern, a figure - visually perceived at a distance (for example, from books) into a notebook);

Development of logical thinking (the ability to find similarities and differences between different objects when comparing, the ability to correctly combine objects into groups according to common essential features);

Development of voluntary attention (the ability to keep attention on the work performed for 15-20 minutes);

The development of arbitrary memory (the ability to mediate memorization: to associate the memorized material with a specific symbol / word - picture or word - situation /).

How to choose the right school for your child?

When sending a child to school, parents must understand what they want from the educational institution to which they send their child. Some want the child to be erudite, to have a lot of knowledge. Others, so that their successor would have a high level of competence: be able to study, work with information, conduct research work. Still others, having a child with poor health, want to educate him at a school where, along with educational programs, health programs are also being implemented.

In addition, the following should also be taken into account. They say that it is necessary to choose not a school, but a teacher. This is not entirely true, although in elementary school a teacher for a child is a king and a god. But the general atmosphere in the school is more important.

Inside the school, you need to look at the condition of the toilets and the dining room. If there are ads written six months ago on the stands, obviously not everything is in order in these walls.

You can meet with the director and look at the general culture and level of goodwill of this person. You can try to walk along the corridors of schools in your area (in my opinion, it is better for a child to study in elementary school close to home) and listen to whether teachers scream at children there or not.

It is also important that the child has the opportunity to express themselves and get approval, if not in studies, then in creations, or sports, etc. The people around you should know about it. Then the child will not have an inferiority complex. And some parents, having bought a large chocolate bar and presented it to the cleaner, learn from her the characteristics of all teachers.

From the age of six or from the age of seven, should a child be sent to grade 1?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that determine the readiness of the child for learning. It is on how developed the child is physically, mentally, mentally and personally, as well as what the state of health of the child, and it will depend on what age he needs to start school. The whole complex of factors that determine the level of development of the child is important, at which the requirements of systematic education will not be excessive and will not lead to a violation of his health.

Recall that children who are not prepared for systematic education have a more difficult and longer period of adaptation (adaptation) to school, they have various learning difficulties much more often, among them there are much more underachievers, and not only in the first grade.

According to the sanitary and epidemiological rules SanPin 2.42.1178-02 "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education in general educational institutions", children of the seventh or eighth year of life are admitted to the first grades of schools at the discretion of the parents on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (consultation) on the readiness of the child to learning.

A prerequisite for the admission to school of children of the seventh year of life is that they reach the age of at least six and a half years by September 1. Education of children under six and a half years old by the beginning of the school year is carried out in a kindergarten.

How can you help your child adjust to school more easily?

Wake up the child calmly. Waking up, he should see your smile. Do not push in the morning and do not pull on trifles. No need to reproach him for his mistakes, even if he was warned yesterday.

In no case do not say goodbye, warning: “Look, do not indulge!”, “Behave yourself!”, “So that there are no bad marks today!” etc. Wish your child good luck, cheer, find a few kind words - he has a difficult day ahead.

After listening to the teacher's remark, do not rush to arrange a thrashing, try to make your conversation with the teacher take place without the child. By the way, it is always good to listen to both sides and not jump to conclusions.

After school, do not rush to put the child to do the lessons, you need 2-3 hours of rest, preferably sleep. The best time to prepare homework is from 15:00 to 17:00.

Do not force to do homework in one sitting. After 15-20 minutes of classes, 10-15 minutes of “break” are needed - preferably mobile.

During the preparation of lessons, do not sit “over your soul”, give the child the opportunity to work on his own, but if you need your help, be patient. Address him calmly: “Don't worry, everything will work out, let's figure it out together. I will help". Praise, even if something does not work out, is necessary.

When communicating with a child, try to avoid conditions: “If you do, then ...” Sometimes the conditions become impossible through no fault of the child, and you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Remember that during the school year there are critical periods when it is more difficult to study and fatigue comes faster, performance is reduced. These are the first 4-6 weeks after the start of classes, the end of the school year or the first week after the winter holidays. During these periods, you should be especially attentive to the condition of the child.

Don't ignore your child's complaints of headaches, fatigue, and feeling unwell. Most often, these are objective indicators of learning difficulties.

Keep in mind that even older children are very fond of bedtime stories, songs and other signs of tenderness. All this soothes them and helps to relieve tension and sleep peacefully. Try not to think about troubles before going to bed, not to discuss tomorrow's test.

How to organize the workplace of a first grader?

1. Landing- Children should sit up straight without touching the table with their chests.

The legs of the entire foot stand on the floor or stand, the head is slightly tilted to the left (to the right for those who are left-handed.

2.Pencil position- the pencil is held with three fingers: thumb, index and middle, and the ring and little fingers are bent to the palm. Keep fingers from the rod at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

3.Notebook position- put the notebook so that the beginning of the line on the page where the work is in progress, the axis comes to the middle of the chest, the distance from the notebook to the eyes should be at least 33 cm

4.Hand position when writing- the writer's hands should lie on the table so that the elbow of the right hand slightly protrudes beyond the edge of the table and the right hand moves freely along the line, and the left hand lies on the table and holds the worksheet from below.

5. Good workplace illumination. - the lamp should be on the left side of the child (for right-handers).

6. Desk- First of all, the growth of the child is taken into account. If the desk and chair correspond to the height of the student, it is much easier for the child to deal with, he retains his working capacity and activity longer. To determine whether the height of the table and chair is suitable for the height of the student, use the "right angle" rule. It is known that with a correct fit, a person can see two right angles. The first is formed in the knee by the lower leg and femoral part of the legs, and the second - in the elbow by the shoulder and forearm, if the hands lie on the surface of the table.

How to carry out phonemic analysis of a word?

The modern school requires from children entering grade 1 the ability to act mentally, to analyze and generalize. Proper preparation for language learning is realized at the level of sound analysis of the word.

Sound analysis is:

Determining the order of sounds in a word

Extraction of individual sounds

Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics.

We offer you reference material on the sound-letter analysis of the word.


2. When pronouncing vowels, the air coming out of the mouth does not meet with obstacles.

3. How many vowels are in a word, so many syllables are in a word.

4. Are marked in red.

5. Soften the consonant: I, E, Yu, I.


1. Pronounced with noise.

2. When pronouncing consonant sounds, the air coming out of the mouth meets an obstacle in the form of a tongue, teeth, lips.

3. A consonant sound can be hard or soft.

4. A hard consonant is indicated in BLUE, a soft consonant in GREEN.

5.Always solid: W F C

6.Always soft: CH Y SHCH.


Hard (blue) Soft (green)

If there is a consonant after -if there is a consonant after


If acc. stands at the end of the word - if after acc. worth b

Always hard: W W C - always soft: H Y W


Aurally pronounce the word (POWER)

What is the first sound in the word?

What color is indicated?

Mark it with a green dot on a piece of paper.

What is the second sound, mark it with a red dot.

What is the third, mark in blue.

What is the fourth, mark in red.

How many consonants are in a word? Name them.

How many vowels are in a word? Name it.

How many sounds are there in a word?

Reading: harm or benefit ...

Teaching a child to read is one of the main conditions for the successful early development of a child. Parents often ask teachers questions about when it is time for a child to read, how to teach him to read. At what age should a child be taught to read? How long does it take for a child to learn to read? Should children be taught to name letters? What is the best way to teach a child to read? Let's try to understand these questions.

Supporters of most of the existing methods of teaching children to read guarantee a 100% result. However, none of them analyze cases of not very successful education of children. It would be foolish to deny the positive aspects of different teaching methods. However, some children cannot learn to read until age 7 or 8, or they make specific reading errors (dyslexia).

What can be an obstacle to teaching a child to read?

Letter reading. Parents who do not know how to teach reading correctly teach the child the letters: “A - Be - Ve - Ge - Te ...”. In the process of learning, the child remembers the names of the letters. But when parents begin to teach the baby to put letters into words, the simple word “mother” sounds like “ME-A-ME-A” and the child does not understand what word he read. The word read is not like the one the baby is used to hearing. Learning to read turns into cramming. Both the parents and the child feel disappointed with such training.

mechanical reading. Often parents in the process of learning to read do not show or explain to the child pictures or objects whose names he has just read. Therefore, the child cannot explain the read word or phrase.

Individual features of the development of the child. Reading is a complex process that depends on the collaboration of several areas of the cerebral cortex. Underdevelopment or damage to one of the parts of the brain can lead to the fact that the child’s reading skill will appear much later or be impaired, up to the complete impossibility of mastering reading (alexia). One of the main tasks in the process of reading is performed by the occipital and occipital-parietal regions of the cortex, which are responsible for visual perception. These zones mature later than other parts of the cerebral cortex. If the development of these areas of the brain is delayed, then for the successful teaching of a child to read, you will have to use other perception systems (tactile sensitivity, general movements). For example, Maria Montessori suggested that children memorize the outlines of “rough” letters cut out of sandpaper, “writing” them with their fingers.

Development problems. A child with mental retardation, reduced visual acuity is less likely to learn to read early than his healthy peer. However, it is reading that can help a child with developmental problems. Teaching a child to read early can help develop speech in non-speaking children, as well as in children with hearing and communication problems. There are cases when children with early childhood autism syndrome mastered reading 20-30 new words every day thanks to phenomenal visual memory.

Of course! There is no method of teaching reading that is equally effective for every child. This does not mean that you should rush from one method of learning to read to another. There are many ways to teach your child to read. Perhaps you can develop a personalized reading program for your child.

What is the duration of classes with a child at home?

The duration of daily homework for the development of cognitive abilities of first-graders (on the individual recommendation of the teacher) should not exceed 30 minutes. Remember that for a child of 6-7 years old, the game is the main way to learn about the world around. Therefore, it is necessary to include game elements in the lessons.

What activities are useful for a child in the period of his preparation for school?

1. Development of small muscles of the hand:

Working with different types of constructors;

Working with scissors, plasticine;

Drawing in albums (pencils, paints).

2. Development of cognitive abilities (development of memory, attention, perception, thinking).



1.1. Features of the speech development of children of senior preschool age……………………………………………………………………………………6

1.2. Characteristics of the means, methods and techniques for the development of speech of older preschoolers………………………………………………………………………...14

1.3. The essence of speech preparation of children for school………………………..24

Conclusions on the first section……………………………………………..36


2.1. Criteria and indicators for identifying the level of speech readiness of children for school……………………………………………………………………….38

2.2. Methods of speech preparation of children for school……………………...51

2.3. Comparative analysis of the results of experimental work…69

Conclusions on the second section





At the critical stages of history, the self-awareness of the people is aggravated, interest in its origins, roots, culture, everything that characterizes its identity increases. Childhood is the time when a genuine, sincere immersion in the origins of national culture is possible. The people carefully accompanied each stage of a child's life, all aspects of his development with a poetic word. This is a whole system of traditional rules, principles by which a child is brought up in a family. The core of this system was and remains the oral folk word, passed down from century to century, from family to family.

A preschool educational institution is the first and most responsible link in the general system of public education. Mastering the native language is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is particularly sensitive to the acquisition of speech. Therefore, the process of speech development is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children.

The program "I'm in the world" in Ukraine determines the main task of preschool education - not so much to equip the child with a system of industry knowledge, but with the science of life. Society needs viable, independent, practically skillful, creative people with a developed sense of responsibility, dignity, conscience, therefore the priority is the value, moral and social development of the individual from the first years of his life.

Mastering the native language is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood, which determines the particular relevance of the chosen topic. It is preschool childhood that is particularly sensitive to the acquisition of speech. Therefore, the process of speech development is considered in modern preschool education as a general basis for the upbringing and education of children.

The relevance of the topic under study is due to the fact that today there are quite a lot of different methods and pedagogical schools, both continuing traditions and based on new teaching technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to study the features of the formation of vocabulary and its relationship with the upbringing of the child at the present stage of development of society. The system of classes for the development of speech is one of the main elements of the general linguistic and moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

General theoretical questions of the development of speech of preschool children are disclosed in the works of L. Vygotsky, A. Gvozdev, D. Elkonin.

The basis of the study was the theory of the development of children's speech: M. Alekseeva, M. Bogush, A. Borodich, N. Gavrish, G. Lyublinskaya, T. Ponimanskaya, S. Rusova, N. Rybnikov, F. Sokhin, E. Tikheeva, A. Usova, K. Ushinsky, K. Chukovsky, V. Yashina; psychological and pedagogical studies of the speech development of preschoolers: L. Vygotsky, S. Ilyinsky, S. Rubinshtein, V. Stern, D. Elkonin.

Despite the study of the topic, the availability of work on the speech preparation of children for school, teachers need to develop a methodology for the development of the speech of preschool children in complex and special classes, as the conditions for upbringing and education are changing due to changes in programs, laws, objective reality of the present. This process should take place not only in specially organized classes, but also in the daily life of a preschool educational institution. To solve this problem, it is important that preschool teachers be interested, and children be active subjects of this process (show interest, independence in obtaining knowledge).

At the present stage, there is a need to study and implement such methods for the development of the speech of preschoolers that would correspond to the objective need to prepare the child for independent life. Therefore, the topic of our study "Speech preparation of children for school at the present stage" is devoted to the actual problem of modern pedagogy.

Purpose of the study: theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the methodology of speech preparation of children for school at the present stage.

Research objectives:

1. To identify the features of the speech development of children of older preschool age.

2. Describe the means, methods and techniques for the development of speech in older preschoolers.

3. To identify criteria for indicators of the level of speech readiness of children for school.

4. Theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the method of speech preparation of children for school in a preschool institution.

Object of study: speech preparation of children for school.

Subject of study: Methods of speech preparation of children for school.

Research methods: theoretical: analysis of pedagogical literature; imperial: observation, study of the reserves of pedagogical activity, pedagogical experiment.

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