Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Dragon age continued. BioWare is announcing a sequel to Dragon Age in December. Deeper connection with our group members

Dragon age continued. BioWare is announcing a sequel to Dragon Age in December. Deeper connection with our group members

The producer and host of The Game Awards 2018 promised the players to show 10 new projects. Gamers are already waiting for the secret RPG from Obsidian, news about the game in the universe of "Alien", and now BioWare has also added to the list of announcements.

What is known

Studio boss Casey Hudson wrote on a blog about the plans of the developers, and also intrigued with a small teaser. According to the head of BioWare, the studio continues to work on Star Wars: The Old Republic and Mass Effect: Andromeda, but is also preparing for TGA 2018. Hudson promised to bring a new Anthem trailer to the ceremony, and in "next month" he will tell the news about the sequel to Dragon Age.

Gamers have mixed feelings about Inquisition, but BioWare has no plans to quit the series and is even quietly working on a sequel. In a blog post, Hudson recalled this and hinted that gamers should wait until next month.

“If you followed this blog or me and Mark Darrah on Twitter, then you know that we are also working on some secret stuff on Dragon Age. Dragon Age is an incredibly important franchise for our studio, and we are thrilled to continue its legacy. Expect more news on this next month, ”he wrote.

It seems that along with the new trailer for Anthem at The Game Awards 2018, players should expect the announcement of the sequel to Dragon Age. It is unlikely that BioWare will miss such an event to tell gamers about a new project.

Stories should have a good hero and each hero should have an unforgettable story, fortunately, the developers at BioWare never forget this simple rule, giving it no less attention than other important components of a truly addicting game. Having already released three parts of one of the most popular to date series of computer games "Dragon Age", the masters from "BioWare" decided not to stop there by planning and Dragon Age 4, the release date of which is still unknown.

Dragon Age is an epic story about equally harsh enemies and heroes. It is full of adventure, mystery, suspense and sarcasm that makes any communication, even with an ordinary NPC, an unforgettable experience.

“That's why I exist. Tell the bitter truth and joke in between ”- Alistair, loyal friend of the Gray Warden and future king of Ferelden.

Dragon Age 1, 2, 3 - or the path traveled with the BioWare Masters

Dragon Age 4 release date

Each story has its own unique hero, which has already become the golden rule of the BioWare studio and was officially confirmed at press conferences (therefore, in the fourth part of the series, we should expect a completely new protagonist).

The beginning of the story about the Gray Warden (the game got the subtitle "Inception"), the ten-year period of the life of the Defender, aka Hawk, and the relatively recent story of the Inquisitor, which tells about the events that conclude the conditional trilogy. Three heroes, three legendary events and just one thing that they have in common. All of them were forced to fight the enemy many times stronger than them, to lead an order, the existence of which they might not even know about and lead the whole of Thedas to victory, even if it meant personal defeat at the cost of their own lives.

Sincere love with someone who liked the player, wars, battles, all the chosen decisions. Betrayal, magic and tragedy capable of touching the depths of the soul - that is why the series of games "Dragon Age" is loved and that is why it is a must-see!

You yourself create your hero, you have the right to decide how the story will end and the delicate relationship with your companions, who are ready either to fall in love with you, or to become the most sworn enemy. It all depends only on you and on a bit of luck.

What is known about Dragon Age 4, what is the release date?

Dragon Age 4 release date

The release date, unfortunately, has not yet been discussed, as well as whether the game is in development at all and what it will look like. If we talk about rumors, then there are almost none, but some events provide a basis for creating a general picture of what is happening around Dragon Age 4.

What news from representatives of "BioWare"

The first thing that became known about Dragon Age 4, even at the time when the third part was just released, is that the studio is interested in the continuation. Representatives of BioWare emphasized that the hero in each game from the series does not change by chance (as already mentioned) and they are more than confident that Dragon Age 4 will still see the light of day, with a new hero and a new story.

In addition, rumors speak of the return of the Gray Guardian, or in other words, the Hero of Ferelden. It would seem quite logical, especially compared to Hawke's return in Dragon Age 3, which is still unlikely, since the Gray Warden is too much of a variable. The whole story began with him, and if you look at the list of all the decisions that the player made throughout all three games, it becomes clear that it will be too difficult to implement the plot built on the Gray Guard.

That is why the game will definitely be released, but not yet soon enough. There are also several reasons for this conclusion:

1. The team making Dragon Age 3 was completely shifted to create another studio project,.

2. BioWare is working on the aforementioned and as their policy over the past decade has shown, they won't release both games in the same year.
For each of its games, BioWare spends about two years, and since the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda is scheduled for the end of 2016, Dragon Age 4 should be expected no earlier than 2018.

The last part of the fantasy RPG Dragon age subtitled Inquisition was released in 2014. And since then there has been no news about the continuation: except for a few rumors, according to which the new part is supposedly. But no details were reported then.

But on October 10, a plentiful portion of rumors from an anonymous source appeared on the Web. It is unlikely that he deserves much confidence, but the information looks somewhat plausible. However, all this will most likely turn out to be fictions. Although many of the details would surely suit the taste of many players.

The fourth part will be called Dragon Age: Retribution.

General details

  • The main action of the game will unfold in Tevinter, but the heroes will have missions in Anderfells, Antiva, Deep Dungeons, Shadows, and so on.
  • 60% of the game world is the capital of Tevinter, Minratos. It will be 20 times larger than the Denerim in Dragon Age: Origins.
  • It is an open and lively city with no loading screens. NPCs will walk, trade, work - almost like Novigrad in The Witcher 3.
  • Minratos is inspired by Imperial Rome and Constantinople.
  • We will see large temples, statues, buildings, towers, shops, shipyards, fountains, huge walls. All this can be explored, in some places they will be allowed to climb and climb the walls.
  • The city is divided into 5 key areas.
  • The streets of Minratos are paved with cobblestones, the outer walls are guarded by giant statues - war golems.
  • 3 bridges link the city to the outside world.
  • The other 40% of the game is exploring large maps and dungeons like Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  • One of the outer zones is the swamps, where you will receive a companion and a storyline associated with it.

Player character

  • Only a person will be allowed to play. No elves, gnomes or qunari. But you can choose the gender.
  • When creating a character, you will be given a choice of sexual orientation. This will be reflected in dialogues and romantic lines.
  • The surname of the protagonist is Lanius. It will be called that by the NPC.
  • The plot of the game will unfold around the character - much more than it was in the "Inquisition". The hero will have living parents and a dead brother or dead sister, depending on gender. If you play as a girl, then the brother will be dead. And vice versa.
  • There will be 7 companions in total, 4 men and 3 women. Among them will be a gnome, an elf, and possibly the Qunari.
  • If you take any of them on a mission to Minratos, then be prepared for manifestations of racism.
  • The main romantic interest for male characters is a girl named Eva Skeila. Her father - Daedalus Skeila - leads the Popular faction in the Imperial Senate.
  • The father of the protagonist is a member of the lower nobility and the leader of the Tevinter knightly estate. He will be in constant conflict with the patricians / senators, especially Scale.

Illustration from the Dragon Age: World of Thedas Artbook, Volume 2.


  • The combat system will be similar to Dragon Age 2, but the tactical component will be at the level of Dragon Age: Origins.
  • They will be allowed to play as a blood mage.
  • Companions and other NPCs will pay attention if you start to abuse blood magic.
  • By canon, the character class is a wizard. But you can still play as a warrior or a robber.
  • The robber will have a fun gameplay, they will introduce a full-fledged stealth system.
  • The equipment system will be taken from the "Inquisition".
  • They will be allowed to create their own weapons and armor. Equipment can also be modified.
  • No "new game +".
  • In Minratos, you'll have a hideout inspired by the Assassin's Creed games.
  • You and Skeila Daedalus lead a secret society called The Old Order. Your task is to find and return two dragon gods to fight back the "greatest evil".
  • The system of characteristics will resemble Dragon Age: Origins.

According to rumors, the game may be shown at E3 in 2018, and in March 2019 it will be officially released.

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