Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Energy flows between a man and a woman. The essence of the exchange of energies between a man and a woman. Exchange of sexual energy between a man and a woman

Energy flows between a man and a woman. The essence of the exchange of energies between a man and a woman. Exchange of sexual energy between a man and a woman

There are several variations of energy exchange on which any relationship between people is built.

Vampirism - a person receives the vital energy of another, appropriating it to himself.

There are 2 types of energy vampirism:

The first and most common is destructive.

Distinctive features:

  • Complaints.
  • Nagging
  • Controversy
  • Psychological pressure or coercion

In general, a negative outlook on life, the goal is to transfer it to another person. It is no coincidence that when he finally speaks out, the energy will increase, but the interlocutor, on the contrary, will lose his mood, and the feeling will be approximately, as if he was unloading the cars. The interlocutor suffers.

A family with this type of relationship will be quite unhappy, the one who acts as an energy victim and himself in the future will strive to compensate for the lost due to a similar model of behavior, that is, by taking energy from the other.

Second - healing.

This is usually seen in the professional field. Such vampires deliberately take away the negative energy of the client in order to facilitate his psychological well-being. Social workers, medical personnel, psychotherapists are prime examples of such sponge people. Often, due to the lack of experience, such vampires suffer from a psychological burden.

Sacrifice - a person who loses his energy in favor of another

Cycle - both sides give and receive from each other the same amount of energy.

Briefly, this can be explained by the fact that in the process of interaction, no one remains in the red. Usually, this type of exchange occurs when people have good relationships and relative harmony. Communication for everyone is comfortable and not burdensome.

If such a relationship takes place to be married, then it's just fine. Husband and wife in this case are mutually polite, caring, benevolent.

Neutrality - there is no contact with the exchange of energies

This type is inherent in people closed from the world who are focused on themselves for a certain period of time. Energy is not given up and does not work, we can say that this is a rest from interaction.

How do chakras work?

The beginning of the exchange of energies in a pair occurs even before its formation, at first glance, and intensifies with the development of relations. Gradually, a man and a woman begin to work as a single system, and their biofields are combined. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the scheme of the chakras functioning.

First chakra - Muladhara

It provides vitality, vitality, security and stability. A man gives energy.

Physiologically, the chakras are represented by the genitals, and not by chance. For men, everything is outside, and for women, everything is inside. This is a vivid indicator that here the male energy is in abundance, and his partner is in shortage. This is due to the fact that a representative of the stronger sex must provide a woman with comfortable living conditions and protection. And the woman in return receives reliability and confidence in procreation and creating a strong family.

Interesting fact: If male energy is not enough or it is not fully realized, negative tendencies in relationships begin - jealousy, aggression, betrayal, weakening of male reproductive health.

Second chakra - Svadhisthana

Responsible for procreation and sexuality. The woman gives off energy.

Energy is transferred to a partner through sexual relations. The energy potential is in abundance.

Interesting fact: In the case when a woman does not want to share excess energy, this can lead to nymphomania or a number of gynecological diseases, and the man will start looking for her on the side.

Advice: If a woman does not have a life partner, then her sexual energy is blocked and needs to be redirected to other chakras located above. By using this energy potential correctly, you can succeed, for example, in society or at work. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that this is only a temporary solution, since it is impossible to maintain loneliness for a long time.

Why might there be no female sexual energy?

"Psychological marriage" with your father or son, that is, giving attention to other important men, forgetting about your husband.

"Incomplete connection" with previous partners

Third chakra - Manipura

The man gives off energy.

A man can become a giver only by receiving an optimal amount of female energy. The characteristic results of the successful work of this chakra are: power, authority, career advancement, the family is enriched, and harmony comes to the house.

Interesting fact: Otherwise, the energy begins to have a destructive effect - revenge, greed, cruelty, then diseases of the gastrointestinal tract come.

Fourth chakra - Anahata

Responsible for unconditional love and acceptance

The woman gives off energy.

The heart is not only metaphorically the source of love. Here the principle is: "The more you give, the more you get." Moreover, this energy of feminine tenderness and sensitivity should be transmitted to the world as a whole, and not just to the man. If we talk about a partner, then the addressee will feel such an energetic message even at a distance, and the man will become much more romantic, pushing his instincts into the background.

Fifth chakra - Vishuddha

As you might have guessed, a man gives off energy.

It is no coincidence that it is in this place in men that the Adam's apple is, it is one of the pointers to the giver. Received through the fourth chakra, the energy manifests itself in light, harmonious and indestructible relationships. And the released energy flow of a woman can be productively directed to creativity and self-development.

In the fifth center, the man gives the woman the energy of admiration and compliments. No wonder they say that a woman loves with her ears. This can be an admiring glance, gentle words, active actions, hugs, pinching, massage and other types of subject attention. If this is not the case, the woman will “go to the side” to make up for the attention deficit. If a man doesn't like something about a woman, he needs to praise what he likes. Finding something to praise for is the most important creative task for a man. And praise sincerely! It's in his best interest!

If all chakras are successfully realized, then the last two come into play: ajna and sahasrara.

As a result, the “energy of abundance” will come in the form of real joy, love, health, prosperity, success and happiness.

So, a woman through the sixth chakra transfers to a man her sensitivity, foresight of events. She warns him against troubles and troubles.

In the seventh center, a man transmits to his beloved the energy of the cosmos, which comes through the sahasrara. And Svatkhistan - the energy of the earth is transmitted by a woman.

The energy of space is what a couple strives for, dreams, desires in the form of, for example, material values. And the woman helps to turn it into reality.

Energy exchange in relationships.

The exchange of energies takes place in full with the onset of an intimate relationship, when the bond between a man and a woman becomes truly strong. At this point, the biofields are combined.

An interesting fact: there is an opinion that a couple who have sex with each other automatically becomes spouses at the energetic level for the rest of their lives.

And before the exchange of energies, attraction takes place, and, oddly enough, it goes more actively with the virgins. Since any sexual contact leaves an imprint on a person's energy. And the more sexual partners there were, the weaker the chakras work, they are like holes in the energy field. Likewise, in families where betrayal occurs. The bond between the original husband and wife couple is shattered, betrayal is felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and the energy that circulates in the marriage spills over to the side.

Advice: pay attention to the purity of the energy! No wonder in Russia they said: \ "Before the wedding, no-no \". By and large, this was a warning about possible suffering, due to the waste of energy flows.

Note that man and woman are different in nature. There are a lot of men, even if you remember about the number of sperm during intercourse, therefore, they are often polygamous, if the energy from one woman is not enough for them. But women are by nature monogamous, so only one egg matures in a woman's body per month, and the choice falls in favor of one man, to whom the energy is given in full.

How to recover lost energy?

  1. It is necessary to master the techniques of relaxation and relaxation.
  2. But you can work both with yourself and by interacting with the healing power of nature. For example, walk on the street more often, if you can, then go out of town or to another country on vacation.
  3. Get creative: sing, play instruments, paint, dance. Look for inspiration!
  4. Have fun, look for new places, do not be lazy to diversify your work with active rest.
  5. Since the modern world is saturated with information, moreover, redundant, useless, including, turn off virtual reality at least for a while. The Internet, constant chats, communication, business takes up an incredible amount of energy. It is necessary to be able to abstract and enjoy life. Otherwise, you can come to emotional devastation.

So, summing up, we can summarize the main provisions. Energy is what a person lives, creates, creates, therefore it needs a careful attitude. To do this, first of all, you need not to waste it in vain, wisely choose your social circle that would meet the criteria of comfort and give energy to recover, not forgetting to relax alone with yourself or nature.

Many couples, building their relationship, give little thought to what an important role each other's energy plays in their ideal construction. Correct energy exchange between a man and a woman contributes to their health, well-being, success and general happiness.

How should the energy exchange take place in a pair?

There is a misconception that it is the woman who has a great responsibility for harmony in relationships. This is not true. A man should give as well as take.

Probably all people know that every person has chakras, each of which is filled with a certain energy. At the same time, male and female are slightly different. In a harmonious relationship, they seem to complement each other with the missing energy.

How the male and female chakras work

If we consider in more detail their interaction, then we can observe the following:

  1. The first chakra comes from the man's side. It contains physical strength that helps him in the implementation of his plans and ideas. In a woman, she is much weaker and her energy is only enough for survival. For this reason, the stronger must provide their soul mate with proper protection, living conditions and comfort.
  2. The second chakra bestows from the woman's side. Most of all, a man receives this energy during intimacy. A little less through hugs, kisses, gentle glances.
  3. The third chakra is the return from the man again. But, in this case, it will happen only when the woman fills her lover with a sufficient amount of sexual energy. Then he will seek more and more to satisfy every whim of his soul mate.
  4. The fourth chakra is the energy of love. The return should come from the woman. The more she gives it, the more she gets in return. The beautiful half of humanity can spread love energy in a variety of ways - with a gentle look or a smile, an affectionate word, even at a distance, her lover will feel this energy exchange.
  5. The fifth chakra is bestowing from a man. If a woman gives him enough energy, then he has creative abilities that will not only contribute to their harmonious relationship, but also help to discover hidden talents.

How improper energy exchange affects relationships

But, if in a pair the partners do not give the required amount of energy, then this is also not good:

  • In the first case, the man becomes aggressive. He is constantly tormented by jealousy. After a while, he begins to cheat on his woman and even worse when he begins to get involved in alcohol.
  • In the second case, unspent female sexual energy leads to the formation of gynecological diseases. If there is no way to waste it somewhere, it is worth directing the energy in a different direction. Then its excess will not affect health.
  • The unspent energy of the third chakra in a man makes him greedy, cruel and vengeful. This also affects health - especially the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Both the fourth and the fifth chakras, with an excess of energy, both a woman and a man, will always find where to spend it.

Correct energy exchange is the key to mutual understanding

G.A. Sodorov argues that during the exchange of energy between a woman and a man, the first should be given so much that he does not even have a thought about a lack of love. Then he will not have thoughts of looking for the missing energy somewhere on the side, and for his beloved he will be ready to put the whole world at his feet.

To understand whether a person is giving or receiving energy, it is enough to listen to yourself. If you constantly give it away, then the body is depleted and a feeling of constant fatigue appears. In addition, the givers, either a man or a woman, often cannot receive enough energy from their partner, and this needs to be learned.

A couple in a relationship always feel almost the same. For example, after a quarrel, both suffer, worry, and this affects everything else that they do. If all is well, then both the man and the woman feel great. They are full of strength and desire for actions that would only delight their beloved.

There are, of course, cases that in a couple, one partner is constantly cheerful and happy, and the other, on the contrary, is depressed. Scientifically, it is defined as an energy vampire. Such people should be avoided, since no happy relationship can be built for two.

Where to find out how energy exchange is performed correctly

If something went wrong in a relationship, then there are many different videos on the Internet that you can download and watch together without any problems. After that, having discussed the current situation, find the source of misunderstandings on your own without outside help (for example, a psychologist).

A book, or even several, will also be an excellent source of information. Various pictures are provided here to help you better imagine how the energy exchange should take place. You also need to read together. This will help you think about your mistakes and correct them.

You will be simply shocked at how much the relationship between a man and a woman can radically change the fate of each other. I'm not talking about happiness or suffering, we are talking about cardinal changes in your whole life!

Surprisingly, it is a fact - the energy exchange between a man and a woman begins even when the eyes meet, without talking about some closer, and even more intimate, relationships. Energy exchange means that a man and a woman become energetically interconnected (connected into a single system) vessels. The result is the beginning between them of the interchange of energetics of low and high order in accordance with the law of communicating vessels.

For more details about this, as well as about the consequences of negative energy exchange in the fate of a man and a woman, see the following video:

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Energy exchange between a man and a woman: results

The nature of a man is the energy of ideas and goals, and the nature of a woman is the energy of the power of achievement and Love. Simply put, for the realization of an idea, strength is needed, and energetically it can only be obtained from a woman. Those. a woman, being a coastal force, can only give it away. The only question is, to whom and how does she give her power? With whom and how is she communicates? Isn't it because many families are crumbling, that the wife begins to give her strength to someone else, and not to her husband? .. Very interesting in this regard will be the article “ What if a lover appears? ".

It is important to understand that energy exchange between a man and a woman begins literally from the first glance they meet. Therefore, it is vitally important to understand the principles of this energy exchange and in accordance with them to build your behavior in relation to the opposite sex.

For example, from the day of birth, every boy has a mother, a bereginya, who inspires him, giving him the power of maternal love, a sister, his first love, ... - in every woman a man subconsciously looks for a source of strength that would charge him with activity to achieve his goals. The responsibility of a woman is to whom, how and how much to give her bereginya (the woman's energy protects the one to whom she gives it).

How did a girl in Russia attract the guy she needed?

Dear girls and women, especially virgins, it is your powerful energy potential that attracts, and then actually shapes your chosen one in accordance with your energy. The cleaner and more powerful your energy, the more successful your beloved will be and the happier the whole family.

It is you who are responsible for the purity of your thoughts and emotions, inner values, the state of harmony and joy within yourself, and, of course, the state of being filled with love. All this determines not only the fate of a woman, but also the fate of her beloved and the whole family as a whole: since the wife gives energy and inspiration for the activities of the family.

A man is just a car, but what can even the best car in the world do if it is deprived of fuel? It is the wife who is the fuel for all the achievements of her husband and her entire family, so she should be very careful and careful about her destiny from childhood. Family is the most valuable thing for a woman and success, as well as well-being, the whole family depends on the woman. But how she will use the stock of piety and opportunities that is given to her at birth, the woman herself decides ...

When does the strongest energy exchange between a man and a woman begin?

The strongest energy exchange begins at the level of direct sexual relations, especially if they occur in Love, i.e. at all three levels of the human body (physical, emotional and spiritual). In this case, the energy exchange and, accordingly, the energy-informational connection between a man and a woman becomes incredibly strong and, moreover, a synergistic effect occurs when 100% + 100% = "300% or more.

From an energy-information point of view any couple of a man and a woman who have entered into direct sexual intercourse with each other, secretly become a husband and wife with all the ensuing consequences on the energy level until the end of life in these physical bodies.

That is why, when someone from the family (couple) begins some kind of relationship with another partner (at the energy-informational level - gets a lover), then the energy from this couple, instead of cementing and strengthening the relationship within the couple, already begins to overflow to another, to a lover. So family relationships that were previously simply reckless (misunderstandings, quarrels, conflicts) are already beginning to really collapse. And from that moment on, their recovery is less and less likely.

And the spouse feels this, feels that his energetic weakening is taking place, which is trying to compensate with some external actions, ... this is what causes jealousy, fear of losing a lover, resentment, lack of attention, angerand etc... . All this is the result of the fact that one of the couple, which is held together by energy exchange, begins to "drain" the accumulated energy "to the left", to someone else ... This brings severe pain to the "second half of the couple". That is why, when there is a betrayal in the family, the second feels it on a subconscious level, literally “smells”, but so far there is no evidence, he cannot explain his state of affairs ...

That is why in Russia we have always married virgins. This guaranteed the strongest energy-informational interaction between husband and wife, ensured strong and virtuous offspring, and also prevented various "love sufferings" that literally fill modern society, in which there is no knowledge of the principles of energy exchange between a man and a woman ...

The secret to maintaining energy exchange between a man and a woman

Sustaining means the constant flow, accumulation and transformation of energy. A man, having received strength for the realization of his goals and plans, must return to the woman (materially, gifts, care, physical assistance) the equivalent received from her strength, thereby creating the basis for the transformation of accumulated energy for a new higher round of energy exchange. So, the wife is even more inspired and gives even more energy, the husband reaches a new higher goal ... And so on ad infinitum. This is the secret of Love - it is ever-increasing.

However, if mistakes are made and not corrected in time, then suffering and grief will increase. That is why the Dangny section of our website is titled with the following statement: “ The family is a close-knit team to achieve boundless happiness, or unprecedented grief. The choice is yours...»

If a woman is filled with Love, then absolutely everything is subject to her. Her husband will receive all the strength for his self-realization, and all this will happen naturally and naturally. So, a lot depends on each of us, our responsibility to other men and women. Let's take care and take care of each other ...

It's no secret that the basis of a happy and long family life is harmony in the relationship between man and woman ... In this relationship, as elsewhere, there are features, real secrets.

In this article, we will look at what health, well-being, success and simple happiness depend on - sacred secrets.

There is an opinion that the relationship between a man and a woman is characterized by full dedication from the woman.

Of course, this can upset the untrained person. However, not everything is so bad: a woman gives in a relationship only what nature has given her in abundance. We are created very harmoniously, and, as you know, where it decreases, there it arrives. Therefore, for giving, a woman is rewarded with well-being and happiness.

The Creator, creating humanity, wisely divided it into two halves.

Initially, it was conceived for them that the halves could not live without each other, and they had to strive for each other all the time. Here the sexual chakras come into play - the male chakra is always empty, hungry, while the female chakra is full of energy, which it feeds the man. The woman was conceived this way - the Earth, with which she is closely connected, feeds her with energy, with the help of which a woman attracts a man, inspires him, conceives children, gives birth and keeps a family. A woman is by nature self-sufficient precisely because of the always full sexual chakra.

The man is the engine he transforms, develops the world ... He is responsible for the future offspring, and for this, nature has endowed him with a huge number of active spermatozoa, making the man polygamous. For this, he must be full of energy all the time. This explains why the sexual chakra of a man is not filled by the only woman. After all, if one woman did not give enough energy, the man will look for more sources to replenish his chakra. All women have the energy to fill a man, so in a relationship it is important to give your companion as much energy as he needs, otherwise the other will "feed" him.

The woman is conceived by polygamous nature, she is entrusted with a huge responsibility for the quality of future offspring ... That is why only one egg matures in a woman's body per month. A woman chooses a single man for herself and envelops him with her sexual chakra and energy. But there are cases of female infidelity, and they are no longer explained by energy, but by psychology. However, in this case, a man, suddenly deprived of nourishment, will immediately feel that his woman is giving her energy to another man.

By creating union, man and woman combine their biofields , thereby. By creating one energy structure for two. For a harmonious union, it is very important that the energy centers of the partners perform functions clearly distributed between them.

The following diagram will help you understand how the chakras of a man and a woman are distributed.

First chakra. The man in this case bestowing ... The male chakra is full of energy that he seeks to give to the woman. Notice that the male chakra is represented by a protruding organ, this is its strength, the center is full of energy. The female chakra is represented by a deepening, and the energies are here only for elementary survival. For a strong union and a normal life, a man gives a woman protection, comfort and reliability. But if these conditions are not provided by a man, it means that the unreleased energy will be realized in a negative direction - bouts of jealousy and aggression will begin, betrayal will appear. All this leads to early impotence, weak sperm and the inability to continue the childbirth. Such a man should be left as soon as possible.

Second chakra . A woman gives energy through the second chakra. Most of the energy is given through sex, but also through caresses, hugs, and kisses. In the case when a woman squeezes her energy and does not want to give it to a man, the energy is in excess: the woman becomes a nymphomaniac or acquires gynecological diseases, for example, fibroids, cysts, cancer. At the same time, the man, not receiving energy, begins to look for it on the side.

But what if the woman has not yet met a companion, and her sexual energy does not find a way out?

In this case it is necessary to redirect the energy higher, into the next acres. This is a very important point, since energy will not play against its mistress, but will help her realize herself at work, in society and in general - to reach great heights. Remember, a woman is conceived by nature to be happy and giving energy to a man who has been reaped for a long time, loneliness should not continue.

Third chakra. If you look at the projection, the man in the third chakra is represented by a bulging tummy. In this case man - giving energy ... And he pays the woman precisely for the sexual energy received from her through the second chakra. It is important to remember that a man can only give if he received a sufficient amount of energy from a woman. The third chakra opens power for a man, respect for others, professional growth, his will increases. Everyday life is filled not only with vital things, but also cars, beautiful interior items appear, the family begins to relax. When energy is retained in a man, that is, in the absence of giving it back to a woman, the energy begins to work against the man: he becomes vindictive, greedy and cruel. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often the outcome.

Fourth chakra. In projection, the fourth chakra is represented by a bulge in a woman, therefore in this case she should give energy to the man ... It is the heart center of a woman that is an inexhaustible source of love and tenderness. According to the law, the more you give, the more you receive, therefore, a woman giving in this chakra is encouraged in a variety of ways. Moreover, you need to give energy to everything around you - through a smile, internal good mood, gentle words and a gentle look. A man to whom a woman mentally sends the energy of love is charged with a huge amount of energy, no matter how far from the woman he is.

A man's heart center will open the flow of love energy.

He will become compassionate, merciful, gentle, instincts will fade into the background.

Fifth chakra. A man gives on the fifth chakra - take a closer look at the projection, and you will see that the man's Adam's apple protrudes in this place. The energy that a man received from a woman through the fourth chakra, a man gives in the form of a harmonious and lasting relationship. Everything will go naturally and easily. At the same time, the woman frees up energy, which she can with great success direct to self-development in a creative way.

Only the woman who is allowed to be the king of her man becomes the queen.

This can be done quite easily, it is enough just to fulfill the duties that Nature has assigned to us. In addition to the five described chakra centers, there are two higher centers - they open as the five lower ones open. Such a harmonious union is filled with love, joy, which makes it possible for the union to realize itself in all profiles - the shell of the union expands from above and receives the energy of the Cosmos.

But what happens if a man and a woman do not understand how the mechanism for the exchange of energy between a man and a woman should work correctly, and, nevertheless, form an alliance?

The fact is that then both the man and the woman will begin to transmit their energy through their own centers to maintain life.

The fact is that between the first and second, third and fourth chakras there are valves that perform a protective function. They are triggered at the moment when you need to transfer energy from one center to another.

For example, a man is not able to give energy to the first energy center, therefore, a woman has to take everything on her fragile shoulders, deal with the arrangement of her life, and the energy for this will be taken from their sexual chakra.

The consequence of this is the loss of attractiveness for a man, the appearance of various diseases of the genitourinary system, and menstrual irregularities. A man has no relationship with a woman for a long time: part of the sexual energy from the first chakra through the valve will go to the second chakra. He begins to seek energy from another woman, since his own woman no longer attracts him. This situation is the most unattractive, since the development of the family does not see any further prospects.

In the case when a woman does not provide her man with a sufficient amount of energy for the third energy center, the man will not have the energy to realize himself in the matter of improving living conditions.

Consequently, the woman transfers these functions to herself, spending energy from the first chakra. As a result, a woman becomes callous, unhappy, realizes her ambitions like a man. Such development seems to be an expansion of the shell of the union downward, and in such a position it is impossible to receive the energy of the Cosmos. It is possible to save the union with the help of the tremendous efforts of a psychologist, and in some cases the best way out of such a situation is the disintegration of the union and the search for happiness separately.

So, the rules for building relationships filled with harmony and love became clear.

If problems begin in a pair, you need to try to understand where the weak link is, and then try to correct it.

Remember that the happiness of your family is only in your hands, the main thing is to correctly use the knowledge and opportunities given to us by Nature.

Power Link Installation Options
  • when a man and a woman got an orgasm at the same time and the man's penis was in the woman's vagina, then their relationship lasts seven years
  • when a woman uses a biofield, in which there is the energy of a man who has finished in her vagina and reaches orgasm with the help of masturbation, that is, drains energy at a certain "address", the connection lasts seven years
  • when a woman has not reached orgasm with a man and has not created a psychophysical biofield, the relationship lasts half a year
Note: The energy fibers that a man can leave in a woman can only appear in a woman through sperm.

What is the cause of female diseases?

Many female diseases, especially those associated with a decrease in immunity, are associated with the leakage of energy from the sex chakra. It is with this that the value of virgins in marriage is connected. People have long understood that if a girl is pure, then her energy will go to the prosperity of the clan, and not who knows whom. Because the more men a woman has, the more devastated she is. Such a woman loses her sexual energy, and thus her attractiveness.

During intercourse, men leave special energy fibers in the bodies of women. They are like the glowing worms that live in the womb and absorb energy... These energy fibers have another quality, which is that they provide a constant outflow of energy to the man who sowed them... These fibers, which a woman becomes infected during intercourse, absorb and steal the energy of her body, which goes to those men who left them.

Nature strives to ensure that our species reproduce. For this to happen, women must bear the excess burden of energy losses, and this implies a constant outflow of energy to men. Women are assigned the main role in the reproduction of humans as a species. They donate a lot of energy not only to give birth, nourish and raise children, but also to attract men to participate in this entire process. Ideally, this process enables a woman, who energetically feeds a man who has left his energy fibers in her body, to make him mysteriously dependent on herself at the LEVEL OF SUBTLE ESSENCES. This is confirmed by the fact that a man does his best to return to this woman again and again for energy recharge. Thus, nature achieves that a man not only feels sometimes a fleeting desire to enjoy physical intimacy with a woman, but also receives a basis for establishing a more stable relationship with her.

It is bad even if at least one man leaves energy fibers in a woman's body, although this may be necessary in order for them to have descendants who can live after them. But to have energy fibers of ten or twenty men in her means for a woman to deplete her energy shell so much that it becomes extremely difficult for her to live... Not surprisingly, women find it so difficult to stand up for themselves.

The woman carries these threads in herself for seven years, after which they disappear or fade.

The energy fibers of a man give their lives meaning, enable them to fulfill their biological function: to nourish men and give birth to offspring.

What to do to regain lost energy?

To do this, you need to get rid of the connection that you had!

Sexual Attachment Release Technique:

It is necessary to remember everyone with whom you have had sexual contact in the last 7 years.
For this, it is best to choose the 19 lunar day.

  • Join the thumb and index finger of your right hand in a ring.
  • Lower the ring to the lower abdomen, where the uterus is. Feminine energy is stored in the womb, it is the center of feminine power, it is there that the threads are located that connect you with all the men that you had.
  • Imagine the dial in this place, put the ring at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down).
  • Turn your head to the left (this is our past).
  • While inhaling, imagine a man with whom you once spent the night.
  • Then turn your head to the present (forward).
  • And with spiral movements towards the center, begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise.
  • Begin to collect the energy thread in small spiral movements towards the center.
  • Movements are made counterclockwise.
  • Make three such circles.
  • Then turn your head to the right (into the future) and release this connection as you exhale.
  • Repeat for each ex.

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