Home Garden on the windowsill Energetic effect on the newborn. Energy connection between mother and child. Energy connection between children and parents

Energetic effect on the newborn. Energy connection between mother and child. Energy connection between children and parents

The human aura protects from the effects of negative emotions of the surrounding world. Biofield - vital currents emitted by a person. Often these two concepts are combined into one. The difference between them is subtle. A meeting with an energy vampire can significantly undermine the state of the biofield, pollute the aura. As a result, problems and constant stress pile up. People with weak energy cocoons are more likely to get sick and sink into depression. They are afraid to turn to psychics - there is a risk of running into scammers. How to restore the aura and biofield on your own? Esotericists know a number of ways that strengthen.

The consequences of the weakening of the biofield

  1. The child is teased at school and kindergarten. Teachers are scolded more often than other children. He does not want to study and skips classes, saving energy from the negative impact.
  2. At work, colleagues and superiors are biased towards a person. He is provoked into scandals, not given a vacation, exploited in every possible way.
  3. Difficulties arise in relationships with other people. There are problems in personal life. The “holes” in the biofield have a particularly noticeable effect on the relationship of the spouses. The husband and wife have a common field, and both will suffer if one of them has weakened the energy protection. After all, he will restore the loss at the expense of the second half, even if unwittingly.
  4. Accidents happen more often than in a person with a strong aura.
  5. Becomes a tasty victim for energy vampires.
  6. Diseases accumulate, and recovery is delayed for a long time.

Cleansing the aura and restoring vitality

  1. Meditative practices will help restore integrity.
  • Sit in a comfortable position and relax your muscles. Close your eyes and even out your breath.
  • Imagine a colored energy cocoon around your body. The biofield will be pale and cloudy. The aura of an ordinary person extends almost a meter around the figure, but it becomes thinner from depression and contacts with vampires.
  • Visualize a ray of sunlight descending from the sky and entering the parietal region of the head. This is where the crown chakra is located.
  • Energize your biofield. The aura begins to pulsate and increase in size with each breath. The heavenly stream passes through the whole body in a spiral.
  • Talk to your subconscious and forgive yourself. Give him the command to renew the body's energy.

2. Purification of the aura is achieved through prayer. If you do not adhere to a particular religion, then try to refer to the Universe and the Higher Forces in your own words. The main thing is that the appeal should be from the heart.

3.Watch more thrillers and horror movies. The biofield will prepare to meet the danger and harden to resist real negative flows. If it was not possible to avoid meeting an unpleasant person, try the following action to restore the aura. Raise your hands, palms up, and take a slow, deep breath in, then exhale. Imagine how the energy of Nature permeates you through and through. Feel like an integral part of the universe.

4. The spiritual body is directly interconnected with the physical. Normalize your diet, give up fast food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, getting energy directly from the Earth.

5. Perform simple Tibetan gymnastics "Six Rituals" every morning, combining energy and material warm-up. You should start with three repetitions, weekly increasing by one time up to 21.

6. Chinese taijiquan gymnastics is suitable for updating the aura. The smooth movements of the exercises are suitable even for the elderly.

7. Praise yourself in front of a mirror. Think of the virtues and forgive the flaws. You should not exaggerate your pluses too much: keep the measure in everything and the biofield will be more durable.

8. Purification of the aura and restoration of vitality will not take much time if a person was initially set up for a positive perception of the world around him. Every morning, greet the Sun with a smile, even if the sun is hidden behind the clouds.

A person is accustomed to take care of food, appearance and housing. However, the energy cocoon, which is a natural barrier against negative biocurrents, also needs care and nourishment. Devoting an hour each day to health and recovery procedures, you will make your aura stronger and more reliable. Over time, it will become noticeable that the character of a person has become more confident. Such people achieve success much more often than those who do not care about the health of the energy body.

How to restore the aura and biofield on their own, a person chooses based on their preferences. The main thing is that these exercises should be aimed at replenishing the energy reserve.

Saturday, 4 pm, you just got back from swimming class, rode a scooter, went to the store, then went to a birthday party, and the child demands to go to jump on the trampoline. You are ready to fall asleep standing up, he is ready to run a marathon. Why do kids never get tired? Child psychologist Marie Lucas and pediatrician Andreas Werner answer this question for Le Figaro.

Do children really have such inexhaustible energy? Can't all parents "keep up" with their children?

Marie Lucas: Yes, this is true for all children.

Andreas Werner: It's true, children tend to tire more slowly than their parents. But it also affects how parents organize their leisure time. If a child runs and plays, then by the evening he will be much more tired than if he had sat all day in front of the screen or on a walk in a stroller, although he already knows how to walk.

What explains such a huge amount of energy?

Marie Lucas: The brain of a child at this age goes through a stage of rapid growth. Sensory systems and receptive abilities are actively developing. A child needs energy because he is constantly learning about the world around him. The young brain is not yet "mired" in the daily worries of an adult. Moreover, the child is not capable of multitasking. Children do not "scatter" on many things, all their thoughts are devoted to what they are doing right now. He concentrates on one thing, and his brain at this time rests and “recharges”.

Andreas Werner: First of all, it is a question of age. Children have a greater reserve of strength than their parents, such is their physiology.

Why do adults not have such a reserve of energy?

Marie Lucas: Unlike the brain of a child, the brain of an adult is focused not on the perception of the surrounding world, but on the generation of their own thoughts. Adults often do 10,000 things at once, and if they don't, they think about them, which is why they get tired so quickly. In addition, new worries and sources of stress appear every day. There is simply no such "background noise" in the child's brain.

Andreas Werner: In addition, in our time, adults began to sleep less. Numerous gadgets have put our sleep patterns in jeopardy. Because of them, it is more difficult for adults to fall asleep, and for children, if their leisure time is properly organized and they do not spend their days in front of the screen, there should be no problems falling asleep.

What does it mean to overexcite a child?

Marie Lucas: It is necessary to distinguish between the inexhaustible energy of the child and overexcitation. Energy is completely normal, moreover, it is a sign that the child is healthy. On the contrary, an overexcited child lacks something, or he receives something in excess. For example, overexcitation is often associated with the fact that a child spends too much time in front of gadget screens. Or he is trying to signal to his parents, to say “look at me, pay attention to me!”

Andreas Werner: Overexcitation is not necessarily associated with hyperactivity. Like excess energy, it may simply be an age-related feature. However, if the child is obviously overexcited in the evening, this is a sign that his day is not properly organized, he does not find an outlet for his energy.

How do you explain to kids that parents sometimes need a break?

Marie Lucas: Simply by explaining to them. It is necessary to honestly tell the child that parents sometimes need a rest, and they cannot play 24 hours a day, but this does not mean that they forget about you at this moment. Regardless of the age of the child, he will understand this.

Andreas Werner: And I'm not sure that anything can be explained to a child under 6-7 years old. Before reaching a reasonable age of about 7 years, the child simply adapts to what his parents dictate to him. Only after 7 years the child is able to understand the explanations. Small children should not be treated like adults.

Is it necessary to specifically try to "exhaust" children?

Marie Lucas: I don't think this is the way out. A child who finds a way out of energy during the day should already calm down by evening. It makes no sense to simply overload him with various activities, you need to assess his needs and satisfy them.

Andreas Werner: I agree that the child should naturally expend his strength. If that doesn't happen, parents should go back to the basics: more physical activity, no gadgets until age 3, less time spent sitting.

Parents often worry that their child is hyperactive. How to distinguish between healthy children's energy and hyperactivity?

Marie Lucas: Hyperactivity is a behavioral disorder, a symptom of a serious mental disorder. For a child suffering from hyperactivity, which is sometimes exacerbated by obsessive-compulsive disorders, this behavior is a symptom of the disease. It has nothing to do with excess energy.

Andreas Werner: The diagnosis of "hyperactivity" cannot be made before 6 years of age. Some parents confuse hyperactivity and infantilism, immaturity. A small child still does not know how to calm down, pull himself together, and this is not associated with hyperactivity. He's just too young to know when to stop.


The energy connection between mother and child: before and after childbirth

Many scientists have worked on the issue of the energy structure of a person, so today in the scientific world the fact that a person has a bio-energy field is no longer in doubt. In everyday speech, this complex scientific term "bio-energetic field" has received a more common name - aura.

Back in the eighties, a comprehensive study of human subtle bodies was carried out at the Leningrad University. To determine the physical essence of the biofield, a number of special sensors and devices were constructed that record the fields surrounding a person. The results of the experiments showed that a person has several energy shells that have clear boundaries. During the experiments, scientists managed to find out that the external field surrounding a person fluctuates on average from 1 to 3-4 meters or more (for example, in a psychic). And here we recall the fact that in various ancient historical and religious sources there is an indication that the great spiritual Teachers could have such a field up to 5 kilometers. There is an opinion that for Christ it was 1 km, and for Buddha - 5 km. Means. The more spiritual and kinder a person is, the larger and stronger his biofield. It is known that the smaller and weaker the diameter of the aura, the more empty and energetically very exhausted a person feels. As a rule, for city residents, due to too much stress, their biofield can reach as much as 60 cm, which is considered critical and suggests that a person is about to come down with a very severe form of the disease.

The aura is actually multi-layered, has different colors and densities. Each color carries its own meaning. There is a variety of equipment that allows you to take photos of the aura, on one of these devices the picture that you see above was taken. Now the same photo on the "Aura Camera" can be taken in Riga in Origo on the first floor.

If you ask a question about how the relationship between mother and child is expressed on the energy plane, then many healers note that the child is (and can be seen, felt) in the aura of the mother already about one and a half to two years before his birth. Therefore, for those ladies who really want to become mothers, it is advisable in their thoughts to affectionately turn to their future baby, tell him how much you want him, ask him to help you choose your dad if you have not yet met your chosen one. It is believed that unborn babies, like little Cupids, introduce their future moms and dads, if they don't know each other yet. But this, of course, is a lyric. In practice, it happens differently: many women cannot get pregnant for a long time because their energy structure does not correspond to the vibrations of the soul of the child, which is ready and should be born to this mother. And then the baby waits - well, when will the mother change: she will become more delicate towards people, more tolerant, tolerant, less aggressive and principled. In such cases, children either appear in the mother's aura or disappear... There are people (mostly healers) who see these children. However, there are actually a lot of energy reasons for late pregnancy.

About two years ago I read an interesting article on the sacrament of birth on one of the Russian sites. Its author wrote that a child comes to the threshold of life in the form of a spirit, sees everything negative that is in the feelings of the mother and perceives it as an attitude towards himself. Domestic and psychological troubles of parents may well cover their love like a heavy dome. The kid sees it. He stands and waits, but since the mother is too busy with resentment and dissatisfaction with her life, the child has a conviction that they don’t love me, because there are so many problems because of my birth! Feelings of guilt in this case already begin to accumulate in the aura of the child. Time passes, the child is born and immediately awaits maternal love. He has an extremely great need to merge with his mother together. The mother does not always know this and, at best, is glad that the child was born, but she definitely needs to try to merge with him together - put him immediately after birth on her chest (in the solar plexus area), stroke, calm down, say “Hello, baby . I love you so much! I forgive us everything! And the child will gladly accept his birth, and the feeling of guilt will go away completely. Alas, in practice, often children are even afraid to be born, because they feel guilty about the difficult thing that happens between parents, with the life and body of their mother. Dear ladies, no matter how difficult the circumstances of pregnancy are, do not regret it, do not project guilt onto an innocent baby. Protect the child even from your sad thoughts, because he hears you.

Even after birth, the child is in a very close energy connection with the mother. It is logical, because at the time of birth, only the physical connection of the newborn with the mother's body is cut off - the umbilical cord. At the same time, a strong energy connection remains for at least 5-7 years.

The fact is that at the time of birth, the very subtle bodies or, as they are also called scientifically, have not yet been fully formed in a child: an electro-magnetic field. Only by the age of five to seven years will the child’s personal energy be fully formed and strengthened and he will finally be able to separate from the direct connection with the mother’s aura. That is why it is better to send children to school not at 5 or 6 years old, but at 7. However, completely the bio-energy field of a young person unfolds on average by the age of 20, which astrologers explain by the beginning of the full inclusion of the mechanism of the laws of cause and effect (the cycle of the Moon's nodes). And only by the age of 24-25 the child completely leaves the field of the mother (unless, of course, there is a strong attachment from one side or the other).

Quite often, it is not necessary to discuss the topic of the energy relationship of children with their mother, born by caesarean section. Moms are worried, because from the point of view of energy metabolism, the child did not go all the necessary way in the process of birth. But in such cases, I always say that the child from birth is in the aura of the mother and under the protection of maternal energy. This state of affairs is not disturbed at the energy level during caesarean section. However, it is important for such a mother in the first months after childbirth to try to be in the most harmonious environment and build up the same feeling in her heart.

In principle, I completely agree with the opinion of doctors that if a mother lives in stress, she is tortured or exhausted mentally and emotionally, then this, as a rule, affects the condition of the child. Doctors have long noted that in those families where parents constantly quarrel, kids get sick a lot and often. This is logical, both from the generally accepted point of view of medicine, and from the point of view of esoteric teachings.

Let's take care of our kids! Health and happiness to your families!
Angelica Zhuravskaya.

Take care of your child's energy

Children are born into the world with the energy of a certain force. Health is considered on the Apgar scale: an absolutely healthy child has the number 10, average health - 7 points. The energy of a child is made up of his own energy and energy, inherited. Children, energetically strong and healthy, react weakly to unfavorable environmental conditions. The negative influence of things on a person will manifest itself only after the age of 25. Children with poor health and low energy are sensitive to the influence of the environment, they can get sick if they are surrounded by inharmonious things.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a crib - poorly processed material, with burrs and irregularities, can not only injure the child, but also weaken his energy. It is desirable to choose a mattress from natural, natural materials. Wicker beds are useful, but they are rare. A baby's cradle should not be made of aspen or poplar, these materials can weaken the baby's energy. Drawers under the bed also do not contribute to the normal development of the child's energy, it is best when there is nothing under the bed. It is better to buy a new crib or take it from relatives. When you have to buy a bed from strangers, you need to listen to your feelings - if you didn’t like it (or liked it only at the price), then it’s better to refuse the purchase. In any case, the bed should be refreshed with salt water, warmed up in the sun in order to remove the acquired energy.

Toys should be chosen beautiful, up to seven years it is better not to use toys that do not correspond to the real image, for example, a red hare. It is very good if the family has favorite toys that are inherited from generation to generation. Such toys acquire a strong charge of positive energy and can become a talisman for a child. Previously, mothers and grandmothers embroidered rugs (mainly depicting children, flowers, baby animals), which were hung on the wall near the crib, they protected the baby from everything negative and helped him grow up healthy, introducing him to the energy of the family.

It is advisable for girls to give dolls, you can make them yourself (if your daughter does not go to school yet, her dolls should not be too big - no more than half her height). Dolls attract and generously share vitality with the child, playing with dolls helps the girl subsequently become happy in family life, have caring and healthy children. Ten to fifteen dolls is not the limit (earlier in the villages, up to a hundred dolls were made for daughters). Doll furniture, doll house, clothes for dolls - all this gives useful energy. It is only advisable to avoid sharp corners and bright, unnatural colors of toys.

For boys, positive energy is collected in toy cars, trains, boats, various construction sets and small but working tools. Soft toys are also useful not only for children, but also for adults. Such a toy can serve as a source of positive charge, a talisman or a corrector of the energy space of the house.

Do not give children toys directly from the store, negative energy can accumulate on them. Those toys that can be washed should be washed under running water, the rest should be warmed in the sun. With caution, one should approach the donated toys, especially if they were presented to the child by unfamiliar people. Sometimes it happens that in order to improve one's own life, all troubles are transferred to a thing, a toy or small money (they are thrown on the ground), whoever takes it will receive these troubles. The ancestors said correctly: it was not supposed to be us, it was not taken by us.

The person who is the first to take such a thing will receive a powerful negative charge that damages personal energy, which can lead to trouble and poor health. Children are especially vulnerable to such objects. A child, having played with such a toy or picking up coins or a thing from the ground, may simply begin to act up. It may be worthwhile to remove some of the toys for a while, if the baby's behavior does not return to normal, then calculate the toy with negative energy and get rid of it. Children have their own energy very active, and if the impact is not very strong, then all the negativity quickly disappears. We must try to keep the baby's energy at a high level (give him the opportunity to move a lot, walk in the open for at least two hours, read fairy tales, play with water, etc.) and teach the child not to pick up other people's things from the ground - this can be dangerous not only in terms of energy. I still remember one incident.

The young teacher took the class for a walk in the woods so that the children could interact more closely with nature. She took five more parents to help her to accompany her - you never know what can be in the forest. The teacher was talking about coniferous plants, when suddenly one of the boys quickly climbed under a pine tree and pulled a mine out of the sand by the tail unit. It’s good that over the years the mine has rusted, leaving a tail and a rod, there was nothing to explode there. Do I need to tell you how scared we all are? Since then, the teacher talked about nature only in the classroom or on the school site.

Sometimes charmed things or treasures (I will write about them separately) are buried in a place where there are practically no people. A lot of negative energy accumulates on such things, if a passer-by finds such a thing, then in addition to failures and troubles, he can get a health disorder. It is better not to allow children to dig holes in the forest and in unfamiliar places, as children are quite difficult to follow.

To protect against negative energy, it is advisable for children to constantly wear a cross if the child is baptized; a chain around the neck or clothes with protective ornaments. To strengthen their own energy, a child should eat foods that give strength to the body - meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Otherwise, he will easily succumb to the persuasion of strangers who can harm him, drag him into trouble: for example, ask him to take something valuable out of the apartment.

It is advisable to teach a child to be independent from an early age, this will help to better develop his energy. Independence does not mean that the child should walk by himself, without supervision. Independence is the ability to make decisions and implement them. The ability to cook is also independence, give your child the opportunity to help you a little (in early childhood) in cooking - put cookies in a cup, then you pour kefir into it. At the age of 2–3 years, a child can help to put on the table, make pies and cookies, and make simple sandwiches from ready-made products. The simplest household chores perfectly develop the energy of the child, doing them for him, parents interfere with the maturation of the child's energy and his intellect, the ability to harmoniously fit into the surrounding life. Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella - she worked from childhood, she had aspirations to improve her life, she independently learned to dance and sing, and the prince fell in love with her - such a versatile girl, and even such an independent one, it is impossible not to fall in love!

For a young child, keeping his room (or corner) in order is also independence. Your corner is the state for the child, his personal territory, it is desirable for adults to interfere as little as possible in the affairs of the children's state. Scattered toys most often indicate an excess of energy in a child, and not laziness. The child intuitively feels that scattered toys take away excess energy from him (just as any disorder reduces the energy of the room and the people in it). Therefore, if a child often leaves toys in a mess, keep him busy: clean the floor with a small broom, wash small things, wash dishes. This will only benefit the child - our ancestors believed that if a child under the age of seven did not do household chores: did not embroider, knit, sew (girls) or did not make something, planed, sawed (boys), then it was as complete as possible energy cannot develop.

It is not necessary to remove broken toys - they must be repaired immediately, a broken toy in most cases begins to “suck” energy from the surrounding space, weakening a person. A broken toy or thing remains intact on the energy level; to maintain integrity, they consume more and more energy. If there are a lot of broken things, then this can lead to depression, a mess in business and a decrease in immunity. For example, a broken clock contributes to a lack of time for planned activities. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of things that surround you.

This text is an introductory piece.

"On the energy of the rhythms of time and the energy of the dimensionality of space" (version 2003

2. 3. Once again about the energy of "chakras" and its influence on human activity. In the first chapter of this essay, we already specified that the human Microcosm has 12 (twelve) energy centers that ensure its full, harmonious functioning. Five of these

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VISION OF A CHILD "On Sunday, January 12, 1891, about six o'clock in the afternoon, our little son Ernest, sitting on his father's lap in front of the kitchen stove, suddenly began to get excited and, crying: "A lady has gone upstairs," jumped off his knees and ran to the stairs, where we followed him,

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From the illness of a child, wash a sick baby in a bath, saying: I will become a servant of God (the name of the rivers), blessed, I will go out crossing myself from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates; I will go out into the open field; I will pray and bow to the east side; under the eastern side there is an ocean-sea; on From the indisposition of the child In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as mother earth is not afraid of a knock or a crack, so a small baby (name) would not be afraid of pinches, no ache, no worries, no morning, no evening, no sorcerer, no sorcerer, no sorcerer, no from a witch, nor from a bigamist

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The name of the child is the code of his success All parents want to see their child healthy and happy. We raise children and put our soul into them, believing that they will grow up successful and will constantly please us. Only for some reason, some parents have children - healthy, successful,

Check out the article on the topic: children's energy on the website love spell guru.

How to protect your child from negativity. Ancient Russian beliefs and their explanation.

Energy hygiene for children. Energy of children's clothing. Children's room. Children's bed. Children's photos. Children's toys and vampire toys.

The existence of invisible energies is a fact recorded by instruments. Some people feel them on an intuitive level, but the brain of most is protected from an excess of information that it is not yet able to perceive.

A lot of information about the invisible worlds is contained in fairy tales, which were once called "tales", that is, instructive and warning stories, and not stories of an entertaining nature.

Considering the legends of the “deep antiquity”, one can find interesting information about the impact of things on a person, especially on children, whose energy protective field has not yet been fully formed.

The energy of children's clothing

There was also a belief that the transfer of clothes from older children to younger ones within the same family strengthens family ties. However, clothes, preserving information about the energy of the previous owner (child), can also carry some diseases. Hence the danger when wearing things from one child to another, who was not distinguished by good health.

Children's room and its energy

Energy picture

Rocky terrain, waterfalls, dark forest, windbreak, swamps, withered plants and fading flowers;

Images of mysterious places and landscapes, abandoned villages, ruins, unknown places of worship, randomly scattered things;

Images of aggressive or sad people, as well as portraits of unknown people;

Icons of unknown origin.

Baby photos

A video, a photo image or a picturesque portrait of a child is an energy-informational cast of a personality. You can not leave children's photos in places accessible to strangers.

Children's toys and their energy

Children are usually very impressionable and subtly feel the energy of the surrounding space, things and people. Soft toys (rag, plush or fur) are a source of psychological protection for the child. No wonder you want to keep your “beloved teddy bear” for life, even if his ear has been torn off for a long time ... Such pet toys with signs of “aging” remain in many families.

Energy connection between children and parents

The child is especially closely connected with the mother, and any negative experience, stress or careless bad word towards the child weakens his energy until adolescence. If, having become an adult, a child does not learn to accumulate and use all his own energy possibilities, laid down by nature, then negative consequences appear at the first stage - at 12 years old, at the second - at 25 years old.

Sonya Shishkina

Somehow I recently dropped here that children do not have their own energy. And they didn't agree with me. And I decided to discuss this issue separately, because there are a lot of gaps in it. Moreover, in this post I will take a tough position unusual for me and will resist to the last! That is, I will play the role of a stupid idiot, and I ask the rest to be my same irreconcilable opponents. I think this is how truth is born for me. And at the same time we will play a dispute, and even fight :).

So, I approve!

Children's energy is purely borrowed. And the main difference between children and adults is that they do not have a normal chakra system for us. The time of formation of chakras in children is as follows:

At birth, a child is covered with a network of channels and meridians, through which energy rushes at a frantic speed. With age, the energy rate will decrease, energy expenditure will be more efficient. But from the moment of conception until about adolescence, two channels (several channels) stretch from the child to the parents, through which he “eats” them - he receives energy for life. Moreover, these channels are one-sided. That is, parents can give energy through them, but they can’t take energy from a child. And these channels stretch from the child only from the biological parents! That is, it does not matter with whom the child lives, the energy in him will still be from his biological father and mother (if they are alive). So the theory that the father / mother is not those who conceived, but those who raised - is untenable, no matter how much single mothers would like it.

These one-way channels perform not only the function of power supply, but also energy protection. Conversations that children are defenseless are untenable. To harm a child, you need to break through the energy of his mother (the mother gives more than the father). Having broken through the energy of the mother, most likely, protection will come from the side of the father. And only by breaking through the energy of both mother and father, you can get to the child. This is a difficult matter, not everyone wants to mess around with this, so there is a trick here - since the channels are one-sided, it is enough to spoil the energy of the parents so that they pour the negative onto the child. But, I repeat, this can only be done by a pro, or a very strong specialist. It is very difficult to harm a child, with protection from parents, plus his powerful energy. This, however, does not mean that children do not get sick, do not have psychological and physical injuries. It's full of kids. But children get sick not because of the evil eye or damage, but because of adaptation to our world, their karmic problems (this is especially true for people with disabilities from childhood), or the drain of their parents' negativity on them. In the latter case, most often these are psychotraumas that will either heal or lead to serious personal or even neurotic problems.

However, the one-sidedness of the channel is a simultaneous plus and minus for the child. Parental energy always protects the child until the moment of growing up, but then, if the channels exist, it begins to harm him: it slows down the development of the personality, does not allow him to solve his karmic problems, imposing on the parent, and so on. Moreover, it is on the parents that most often depends on what kind of dependence on them the child will have when he grows up. And sometimes parents almost consciously bind children to themselves until their death at the expense of strong energy channels. From the outside, it looks like the obedience of already adult children in everything that their parents tell them. Usually such adult "children" live at the behest of mom-dad, dress according to the choice of their parents, do not have a partner (or marry according to the choice of their parents), and cannot sneeze without asking their parents for permission.

Also, the one-sidedness of communication with parents, and the impossibility of the child to influence it, makes it possible for parents to give not only love, care, warmth, but also make negative drains. In ordinary life, parents scream and scold children. But these are flowers compared to how much negativity parents of non-children can merge without even realizing it. Almost all psychotraumas from childhood are the result of the drains of parents. The most popular drain of negativity on children is divorce. And although the energy of children is very strong, parents manage to give so much of their shit to their children that they do not have time to digest and choke. And all this remains in the child if such drains were constant, and even more so for several years.

And now I'm ready to listen to the opposition!


Children's energy is purely borrowed. And the main difference between children and adults is that they do not have a normal chakra system for us.

The time of formation of chakras in children is as follows:

1st (root) - from birth to 3-5 years

2nd (sexual) - from 3 to 8 years
3rd (volitional) - from 2 to 12 years
4th (cardiac) - from 13-14 to 15 years
5th (karmic) - from 15 to 21 years
6th (third eye) and 7th (cosmic) - as lucky, usually up to 25 years.

I do not have an established chakra system, children use completely different systems of energy consumption. And the most important of them is the connection of the child with the parents through the system of energy channels.

This article was automatically added from the community All about magic and witchcraft

(professional advice)

Want to know more about your child?

Do you want to know about his talents and inclinations?

Do you want to understand it better?

Do you want him to be happy?

And we want to help you in your difficult parental mission - to raise your child happy.

Children's individual horoscope shows all the features and "highlights" of the child. By consulting a professional astrologer, you will learn:

  1. the inborn temperament of your child, laid down by nature initially (it is temperament that determines the characteristics of human behavior);
  2. abilities, inclinations and potential talents, which are worth developing; and the implementation of which to make his life more eventful, interesting and successful;
  3. character traits that require your special attention(and perhaps corrections so that in the future these qualities bring him as few difficulties as possible in life);
  4. overall health potential(individual recommendations for its strengthening and prevention of possible diseases);
  5. you will also learn about sports, which is useful for your child;
  6. and get many more personal advice on education, training and development Your extraordinary child.

All this will be described in a special written report that you can save and reread from time to time, watching how your baby grows and develops.

What else can we offer you

other than this important and unique information?

  • Professionalism. Children's horoscope for your child is prepared by an astrologer with more than 15 years of consulting experience.
  • Complete privacy. The data you provide will not be disclosed. The horoscope is sent only to you and is not published anywhere as samples.
  • "Handmade". When preparing the consultation, computer, template texts or quotes from books are not used. Only "live" interpretations, made individually for your order.

How much does such a consultation cost?

And how much would you rate this knowledge about your son or daughter?! Okay, okay, we all understand perfectly well that this knowledge is priceless.

And you can order a children's individual horoscope with all the above information about your child from our astrologers for 4900 rubles.

The deadline for ordering a horoscope is 7 working days.

The length of the special written report you will receive is approximately 3-5 pages.

How to make an order?

First you need fill out the form carefully for a consultation. To do this, please follow this link - HERE IS THE LINK - and fill in all the lines in the questionnaire that opens (in the column "How did you hear about us?" Please indicate "AstroKrokh website"). Then click Submit Order. Within a few working days, the astrologer will contact you to clarify the details.

We will be glad to see you among the satisfied customers

The service is provided by the Star World company.

If you are not yet ready to seek the advice of a professional astrologer, you can try make a horoscope for your child yourself. For this, the AstroKrokha website has a special article called “How to make an individual children's horoscope for free?”. It begins a small cycle of educational materials on astrology on our website. Of course, even after reading several articles, you will not be able to professionally interpret the natal chart of your child. But you will get some general information about it. And often this is enough to understand what a useful and important science is astrology and how many interesting things it can tell ...

© Astro-Baby, All rights reserved. Full or partial copying of the material is prohibited.

The existence of invisible energies is a fact recorded by instruments. Some people feel them on an intuitive level, but the brain of most is protected from an excess of information that it is not yet able to perceive.

A lot of information about the invisible worlds is contained in fairy tales that were once called "tales", that is, instructive and warning stories, and not stories of an entertaining nature.

Considering the legends of the "deep antiquity", one can find interesting information about the impact of things on a person, especially on children, whose energy protective field has not yet been fully formed.

Energy of children's clothing:

The most useful and harmonious clothes for a child are those that are sewn or contain elements made by the mother's own hands, as well as clothes with national ornaments or embroidery. It is a pity that the basis of this knowledge has been lost, because all these are examples of powerful tribal protection.
The color scheme of clothes and fabric patterns are also important. Clothing of "flashy" tones with chaotic patterns, images of predatory animals is not suitable.

The energy level of the child should not be suppressed in any way. Therefore, clothing should contain a minimum of knots, buttons, straps, etc.

It is widely believed that in order to facilitate childbirth, a woman in labor was untwisted her hair, untied all the knots on her clothes, and doors were opened in the house.

There was also a belief that the transfer of clothes from older children to younger ones within the same family strengthens family ties. However, clothes, preserving information about the energy of the previous owner (child), can also carry some diseases. Hence the danger when wearing things from one child to another, who was not distinguished by good health.

It is also easy to guess about the dangers of clothing from a thrift store and, in general, any “second hand”, because these can be things not only of a sick, but also of a deceased child. So saving on children's clothes and shoes is not acceptable.

For the energy of the child, there are three main, critical age stages: 3 years, 7 years and 12 years. It was during these age periods that it was recommended to replace and make new amulets. In Russia, from the age of seven, a child was already considered a youth, and they asked him almost like an adult. Depending on the formed character, new talismans were selected.

Children's room and its energy:

It is better to buy a new baby crib or take it from friendly relatives. When buying a crib from strangers, you need to listen to your feelings. In case of unpleasant emotions, it is better to refuse the purchase. In other cases, the bed needs to be refreshed with salt water and warmed up in the daytime sun in order to remove the acquired energy.

Boxes under the bed of a growing child do not contribute to the normal development of his energy. It's better if there's nothing there.

Equally important for the child is the location of the bed or other bed. An energetically neutral or energetically favorable zone is suitable for sleep. Sleeping in a geopathic place is a direct way to harm health (only 3% of children do not respond to a geopathogen). There is more than one method of searching and determining geopathogenic zones in an apartment or house.

If parents do not have the slightest intuitive ability to determine the energy of paintings and images, then it is better to completely abandon the paintings in the house and, moreover, do not decorate the walls of the nursery with them.

Energy picture:

The following images have the most unsafe aura:

Rocky terrain, waterfalls, dark forest, windbreak, swamps, withered plants and fading flowers; images of mysterious places and landscapes, abandoned villages, ruins, unknown places of worship, randomly scattered things; images of aggressive or sad people, as well as portraits of unknown people; icons of unknown origin.

Baby photos:

A video, a photo image or a picturesque portrait of a child is an energy-informational cast of a personality. You can not leave children's photos in places accessible to strangers.

If a child is sick, some mothers turn to magicians or fortune tellers, showing a baby photo. Such experiments with the energy of children's photography are also unsafe.
Up to six months, the child develops due to the innate vitality received from his parents, like other hereditary features of the body. It is not advisable to film, photograph or draw a portrait of a child before the age of six months.

Children's toys and their energy:

Children are usually very impressionable and subtly feel the energy of the surrounding space, things and people. Soft toys (rag, plush or fur) are a source of psychological protection for a child. No wonder you want to keep your “beloved teddy bear” for life, even if his ear has been torn off for a long time ... Such pet toys with signs of “aging” remain in many families.

Bright hard toys made of artificial materials, having an aggressive message in their appearance, are vampire toys. Toys must be chosen beautiful, with harmonious shades and proportions, and before the age of six it is better not to use toys that do not correspond to real-life images, for example, a red hare.

Sometimes charmed objects are specially thrown out in crowded places. At the same time, a thing can look aesthetically pleasing or even represent some value. A random passer-by, picking up such a thing, takes over the negative inherent in it. It is quite difficult to follow the children, but if they have an unfamiliar thing, it should be thrown out immediately.

Broken toys are also energy vampires. In most cases, they "suck" the energy and weaken the child. Children's energy vampires can also become: broken and glued things, dishes with cracks and chips, furniture with broken and reconnected legs, and even ordinary wallpaper. The age of the wallpaper in the apartment or in the children's room should be no more than five years.

Energy connection of children with parents:

The child is especially closely connected with the mother, and any negative experience, stress or careless bad word towards the child weakens his energy until adolescence. If, having become an adult, a child does not learn to accumulate and use all his own energy possibilities, laid down by nature, then negative consequences appear at the first stage - at 12 years old, at the second - at 25 years old.

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