Home Garden on the windowsill Interesting games in kindergarten. Games kindergarten. Parachute games

Interesting games in kindergarten. Games kindergarten. Parachute games

They say that children are the flowers of life. But like any small and fragile plant, they need care, love and the maximum amount of attention. Games Kindergarten - just the format of online applications that are both useful and interesting. You will plunge headlong into the world of raising and caring for babies, but at the same time, these games are ideal for the smallest ones - they are bright and based on certain tasks that must be solved.

What Kindergarten games are on this page

  • be a babysitter- while the little tomboys are looking for a reason and an opportunity to play tricks, you have to not only calm them down, but also monitor their well-being. These Kindergarten games require special skill and attention, so get ready to react to the movements on the screen as quickly as possible, and constantly click the mouse to complete the mission;
  • prepare to meet other children– welcome to the territory of dress up and style selection! These Kindergarten games are especially popular with girls and young girls - you have to fully assemble the main character before leaving the house. Choose the best dress, make a beautiful hairstyle, perhaps some will even ask you to help with a manicure. In any case, the main goal of the game is to make your baby the most beautiful and irresistible;
  • be in a virtual kindergarten- most often such online applications are based on one main character who needs to perform different actions. Therefore, you will be close to baby Hazel and other children - help them gain the trust of new friends and at the same time not upset the teacher too much;
  • caring for different children- appreciate how difficult it is sometimes with a newborn, try to take care of the kids in the nursery group, and, of course, play Kindergarten games, where there are a lot of active and mischievous kids. Please note that this catalog contains non-standard online applications on this topic: among their main characters are the sons and daughters of anti-heroes (vampires, werewolves, trolls and other creatures that they generally prefer to avoid). But this does not mean that their children do not need proper education!

As you can see, Kindergarten games are not only a great responsibility, but also a fun pastime! Despite the fact that officially they are intended for one gamer, in fact, it is much more interesting to participate with the whole company. Play them with children, friends and family - spend time actively and profitably.

Game activity occupies a special place in the life of a child, and in preschool age (so short, but very important for the formation of character) is of great importance. The game, like a mirror, reflects the way of thinking of a small person, the features of his imagination, emotional sphere, shows his versatile internal needs for communication, activity, growth. Children are always ready for the game, and the task of the educator is to ensure that fun is not only entertainment, but also contributes to the solution of pedagogical problems. Games differ in types, goals, organization, content and other features, but they are united by the fact that they are all the cornerstone in the system of comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Classification of games in kindergarten

Children play almost all their free time. The game contributes to the intellectual, physical and mental development of the child and, like nothing else, affects the lives of children and their activities, both individual and joint. While playing, children enrich their mind with knowledge about the world around them, gain new life experience, master useful habits and skills and can realize their need for activity, new impressions and emotions. In games, the child develops an attitude towards himself and others, towards work, independence, correct behavioral norms, and so on. We can say that in the game the child realizes his need to interact with the world. The game acts as a training ground where kids work out different relationships and ways of interacting with their peers and adults, many other activities grow and develop from the root of the game.

A game for a child is not just entertainment, but a way of knowing reality.

The whole variety of children's games can be put into a certain logical system, based on one or another of their features. The classification of games will help the teacher to choose the right game, taking into account the pedagogical goals.

Table: classification of children's games on the basis of the existence of rules

The teacher S. L. Novosyolova in the book "The program of education and training in kindergarten" offers the following classification of games for preschoolers, in which the key feature is the initiative:

  • amateur games in which the plot and rules arise on the initiative of the children themselves:
    • experimentation (with natural objects, with animals, with toys, household items, etc.),
    • amateur plot games: plot-displaying, plot-role-playing, directing and theatrical;
  • games where the initiative comes from adults, they also control the course of the game, if the children have mastered the rules of the games well, they can play on their own:
    • educational (didactic, plot-didactic, mobile, "games with rules");
    • leisure (intellectual, fun games, entertainment, theatrical game, festive carnival);
  • traditional or folk games (the course of the game is regulated by the tradition of a certain people, “folk music and words ...”);
    • ritual;
    • training;
    • leisure.

S. L. Novosyolova believes that at this age, amateur games play the main role, in which the child improvises, trains imagination, fantasy and independence.

dating games

This is a good way to reacquaint children by introducing them to each other when organizing a new group, or if several new children have joined the group.

Dating games will help shy children to enter the team

"An ant walked on the roof"

The teacher says the first lines that do not change, and in the last one the names of all the children in the group are pronounced in turn. Then, when the children remember the poem, the teacher invites them to pronounce all the lines in unison. You can replace the ant with a sparrow or someone in rhyme.

  1. Fixed part:
    “An ant walked on the roof,
    Gathered my friends
    Many, many, many of us…”
  2. Changing line:
    “Tanechki (Vanechki, Anechka, Katenka, etc.) will get up now.”


Two benches or two rows of chairs are placed in parallel opposite. Boys sit on one, girls sit on the opposite. The first pronounce the names of girls known to them. If there are girls on the bench with that name, then they rise. And vice versa in turn. In older groups, children whose names are named tell a little about themselves, what they like to play, etc. for example, "I'm Petya, I love constructors, I'm Katya, I like to draw." They play until the names of all those present are called.

Games for the adaptation of children who first came to kindergarten

For toddlers, the transition from a family environment where everything is familiar to a new kindergarten environment is a challenge. To facilitate adaptation, the teacher can use fun games. Most often, a child comes to a preschool educational institution (DOE) at a younger preschool age (the first and second younger groups, less often the middle group), so the games are designed for the age of 2–3 years. The main goal of the games is to create contact and build trust in the teacher, emotional support is important. The initiator is always the educator. The goal set for the adaptive effect of the game is of great value: to familiarize new pupils with those who are in kindergarten and what they do in it (eat, walk, play, draw, do exercises, etc.). Therefore, any game event begins with the fact that the teacher introduces himself and clearly tells what everyone will do today.

Games will help create a harmonious psychological atmosphere in the group

"One, two, three - look!"

The teacher meets the children, greets them, seems to ask who their name is, then those who come can sit in a circle (taking into account the gaming opportunities, the place of the game, etc.). “Look, the teddy bear Misha came to visit us. (Shows a toy in his hands) Misha likes to play hide and seek. Do you want to play with him? You close your eyes, and Misha will hide behind someone's back (they hide the toy behind the child's back). When I say: “One, two, three - look!”, quickly open your eyes, where is Misha? (The game can be repeated as many times as in the group of beginners).

"The sun is radiant"

A collective game that involves preliminary preparation of parents (provide a photo of the child). You need a large sheet of paper (drawing paper) with a drawn yellow circle, felt-tip pens or pencils. Children call their name and put their palms with spread fingers to the circle - the sun, these are “rays”, the teacher circles the palm and fingers, then the drawn outline can be painted, write the name of the child, glue his photograph. Decorate the center of the circle like a funny face (draw everything together). The finished painting can be hung on the wall.

"To whom the star smiles"

This game can be played in the middle group. On the wall you need to hang in advance an image of a smiling star drawn on whatman paper (or a finished picture), it can also be the sun, a fairy-tale character, etc., depending on what the teacher has. Opposite the "Asterisk" children line up, standing or sitting on chairs. The rules are as follows: the teacher calls a sign, starting with the words “The asterisk smiles at the one who (who) ...” Those who have this sign run to the picture and clap (or touch it) with their hands. It’s best to start with a general one, for example: “The star smiles at the one who is in the dress today” - girls dressed like this will run to stroke the star”, then “... to the one who is in shirts / T-shirts”, which will capture the boys as well, can be interspersed with some common signs: who has a dog / cat at home, has an older / younger sister / brother, helps his grandmother, obeys mom / dad, etc. The teacher also calls comic examples so that the children can relax and laugh: who flew in a dream today, I watered the candy tree, brushed my teeth with jam, and so on.

Parachute games

We need a colored circle of fabric, the so-called "parachute", it attracts the attention of children, unites them and brings a lot of joy and fun. Children stand around the parachute, the teacher explains the rules and pronounces the words of songs and counting rhymes and shows the actions that the children repeat after him.


Children, holding on to the edge of the parachute, according to the teacher, unanimously raise and lower it, first quickly, and then slowly, creating “waves” (“calm sea” and “storm”). You can put a ball on the fabric of the parachute and roll it over the waves.

For adaptation, outdoor and team games, a large “parachute” made of bright fabric is suitable.


On a parachute, kids collect more light balls, soft toys, and more. Then the fabric is taken by the edge, and according to the count of “one, two”, all the children slowly raise and lower, and at the expense of “three” they throw it up. After all the children collect toys, the one who raised the most can be encouraged with a small prize.

Game "Salute"

Table: Carousel game using a parachute

"Carousel" - a game-variation on the theme of a round dance. Children, holding hands on the fabric, walk together in a circle, rotating the parachute; move in accordance with the words of the teacher, who sets an example with his actions.

Games about friendship and unity

Games aimed at developing communication skills, friendliness, mutual assistance, bring up attention and the ability to negotiate, act in a coordinated manner, and relieve emotional stress. They can be both mobile and carried out in a sitting position.

Guys let's be friends!

Cat Leopold

Cartoon "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"

"What is good and what is bad!"

The teacher names problem situations related to friendship, the children listen, and if a positive deed is named, they applaud, if it is a bad one, they shake their heads, expressing condemnation. You can ask children to say why something is good and something else is bad. For example, helping mom, drawing together, picking up a fallen toy, comforting and pitying the sad Vasya, etc. is good, but pulling Katya's hair, stepping on Petya's foot and not apologizing, tearing a book, throwing sand, etc. - bad .


The children stand in a circle, the teacher tells what compliments are (nice, good words that please friends), offers to pass the ball in a circle (or throw it to someone if desired) and compliment the one who receives the ball. In response, the child thanks: “Thank you, I am very pleased!”. The teacher starts by passing the ball and saying, for example: “Katya, what a beautiful dress you have (bows, smile, etc.), Petya, you have a very neat hairstyle (you are very strong, etc.)!” It is important to say that you need to look into the eyes of the person you are complimenting.

Getting approval from peers is beneficial for toddlers' self-confidence

"The dragon (snake) bites its tail"

Children stand in a chain one after another, each holding on to the belt of the person in front. The first is the head of the dragon (snake), the last is the tail. The "head" is trying to catch the "tail". All the children of the "trunk" hold tightly to each other. If the dragon “does not bite”, that is, the first child does not catch the last one, for example, during the time the music is playing, then other children take the place of the head and tail.

The game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as activity, work, service in an adult. What a child is in the game, so in many respects he will be in work. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game.

A.S. Makarenko

Pedagogical poem

Games for boys and girls (on gender education)

These games are aimed at the correct formation of the social gender of a person (gender), which combines the social, psychological and cultural characteristics of the individual, that is, the task of these games is to instill the correct male or female behavior. The games of this group also contribute to overcoming social stereotypes about men and women.

"Ears on top"

You can play starting with the second junior group. The game teaches you to identify yourself and others by gender. The teacher calls a group of names (the older the children, the more names). Children listen carefully and say which name is superfluous. You need to explain why they think so. For example: Misha, Seryozha, Petya, Lena; Natasha, Ira, Katya, Vasya.

"Where is whose work?"

The teacher selects toy objects or their images in advance, for example, a vacuum cleaner, a frying pan, a tape measure, a needle, a wrench, scissors, a plate, a ball of thread, etc. Children are invited to look at the object and choose who works with it: dads or moms. It is important to bring children to the idea that both moms and dads can use objects when they help each other.

Through play, children learn social roles by exploring them.

"Boys and Girls"

Each child receives two pictures from the teacher: the first shows a boy, the second shows a girl. The teacher calls a certain quality, the children should raise a card with a boy or a girl, depending on how they think who this feature is characteristic of. For example: athletic, brave, gentle, kind, capricious, affectionate, quick-witted, strong, beautiful, smart, obedient, bullies, spoiled. Children, as a rule, raise one card at a time (girls are beautiful, gentle, kind, boys are brave, bullies, strong), the teacher corrects by saying the correct answer: both boys and girls can have this quality, so you need to raise both cards. The goal is reached when everyone raises two cards.

Children's rights games

Every day on December 10, people all over the world celebrate Human Rights Day. This date was chosen to commemorate the fact that on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first global statement of the international principles of humanism. The teacher can teach children about rights and responsibilities. It makes sense to start such work with children from the middle group, when they are already able to comprehend these concepts.

Table: framework for modeling child rights games

"We eat healthy food"

Variant of the game "Edible-inedible". Teaching healthy eating habits. The teacher prepares cards in advance with images of different dishes, types of food, products (ice cream, chips, cakes, various vegetables, fruits, cheese, etc.). Children clap their hands on “useful” things, and stomp their feet on “harmful” things or turn their heads from side to side (denial).

"Dating Hat"

Props: funny hat, cap or other headgear. The teacher tries on this hat for each child and asks him to introduce himself, that is, to give his name, surname and patronymic. You can complicate the rules by adding that the child tells the names of his mom and dad, what things he likes to do in the family (how exactly to help with household chores).

"Wreath of Friendship and Help"

The teacher tells the children about the importance of friendship, support, mutual assistance and respect for the rights and freedoms of people. This game reminds us of the responsibility that we must show towards each other, support and acceptance of others. Cut out the contours of the children’s hands from colored thick paper in advance or right in the lesson (you can immediately circle their palms), and glue them together or attach them to the paper base in the shape of a circle to make a wreath. On the palms themselves, you can write the names of the children or invite them to draw a simple image - a symbol of friendship (heart, sun, flower, etc.), or stick a finished picture. In the center, you can not cut a hole, but glue an image of the globe.

This is what a wreath of friendship and help might look like

business games

These activities are carried out with children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old), as these children are sufficiently prepared and can play consciously. Children of this age can get acquainted with elementary economic knowledge, future school life, etc. during business games.

Table: a game about the family budget ("Need - you can")

Children get acquainted with the basic concepts of “family budget”, “necessary things” and “whims”, learn to highlight the paramount. The teacher prepares visual material (pictures) in advance or simply names the options, the children attribute the option to one or another group. You can fix pictures on a magnetic board, divided into two parts:
Necessary (primary)Desirable (minor)
Payment for electricity, etc.Buying a doll
Buying medicineRide on the carousel
Transport ticketcinema ticket
Buying breadBuying a cake
RepairNew phone
Buying winter clothesHairpin

"Let's go to school"

You need to prepare in advance the items required for the school (notebooks, pencil case, pens, pencils, books, an album, a folder for notebooks, a book stand, etc.), as well as what the child does not take to school (dolls and other toys ) and two school backpacks. Children are divided into two teams, each must choose and put the necessary items in the briefcase and leave toys, the winner is determined by the speed and correctness of the fees.

Educational games

As the name implies, educational games are aimed at the direct complex development of the child, and also, depending on the direction, the formation of some specific abilities or aspects of the personality (logic, intelligence, mindfulness, speech, etc.). The kid has fun with benefit and at the same time gains knowledge, develops skills and abilities.

Tasks of educational games:

  • establishing relationships between children and their parents and with each other;
  • the formation of moral and volitional qualities, such as self-control, the ability to overcome shyness, fears;
  • development in children of auditory and visual perception, attention, perception of colors, shapes, properties of objects;
  • development of speech and logical thinking;
  • memory development.


A mini-quiz that can be adapted to any age category - the main thing is to pick up poems, songs, fairy tales and other material of the "relevant repertoire". The teacher reads aloud a recognizable line (fragment) from some literary source that the children already know; they must answer which work is conceived. With pupils of the middle and senior groups, the principle “who guessed, he raises his hand” applies, with the younger group, you can guess in any order: the one who knows, he speaks.

Game "Connoisseurs"

"At the same time it is possible - impossible"

Invite the children to think of some things that can be done at the same time (like clapping and singing) and things that can't be done (like getting up from a chair and sitting on a chair) and have them name their options. ("I can't close my mouth and say the letter 'A' at the same time, but I can touch my toes and laugh at the same time.") Offer to try and demonstrate. The teacher encourages the children, tells them not to be shy about doing something impossible, for example, desperately trying to sit and stand at once or jump on one leg and collect the designer. Take turns until each player has come up with at least 2-3 “possible-impossible” examples. The exercise trains attentiveness, patience, logic, children learn to understand that they cannot always immediately draw the attention of another person to themselves.

"Who is first - who is next?"

Well-chosen games will help children develop a positive and adequate outlook on life.

"Red Light, Green Light"

If there is enough space, this game can also be played indoors. The leader is selected - this is a traffic light, he stands at one end of the site, the other children (pedestrians) are at the other end. The traffic light is facing the pedestrians, and says: "Red light!" Everyone should freeze in place. Then the traffic light turns its back and says, "Green light!" At this time, the group tries to get as close as possible to the traffic light. The host quickly and unexpectedly turns around, again saying "Red light!" And if someone is seen in motion, then he must return to the start. The first person to reach the traffic light and touch its shoulder wins and becomes the next driver.

"Water and land"

Training of attentiveness and speed of reaction. All children stand in a straight line. The leader (first this is the teacher) says the word "land", and the whole line should jump back when he says the word "water" - respectively, forward. Instead of the word “water”, the presenter also speaks other words related to water (sea, bay, bath, puddle, river, stream, ocean, pond, lake, etc.); “Land” is replaced by the coast, soil, land, road, island and peninsula, sand, etc. Those who jumped at random leave the line. The game continues until the most attentive, last player remains. He can be the leader. The older the children, the faster the pace of the game.

Games with a fox, a clown and other fairy tale characters

To draw the attention of children to a thematic game, it should be preceded by an introduction: riddles, poems or a song about a hero, to greet him (children work out the rules of politeness).

  1. Fox Riddles:
    • tail fluffy,
      golden fur,
      Lives in the forest
      The chicken in the village steals.
    • The fluffy tail protects
      And guards the animals:
      They know the redhead in the forest -
      Very cunning ... (fox)
    • cunning cheat,
      red head,
      Fluffy tail beauty
      Who is this? .. (fox)!
    • A long tail,
      She herself is a beauty
      This is a red ... (fox)
  2. Clown riddles:
    • He is a juggler and an acrobat
      I am glad to amuse everyone in the circus.
      Tell me quickly who is he?
      Redhead in the arena ... (clown)
    • So his comical appearance -
      Even a crybaby will laugh!
      Performing in the arena
      Boredom quickly disperses.
    • In the circus, he is the funniest of all.
      He has great success.
      It remains only to remember
      What is the name of the merry fellow?
    • He was born to laugh, it seems
      Can cause strong laughter.
      Head is like a stack of straw
      Potato nose, well ... (clown)

"Fox, huh?"

Training of attention, memory, consolidation of politeness skills. It is desirable to have a fox mask, if there is a prop for another hero, the name of the game changes accordingly. Children line up about 5-6 meters from the chanterelle (for the first time, the teacher plays her role). Chanterelle gives a command to one child: "Katya, one jump forward." If Katya asks in response: “Chanterelle, yes?” The fox can say: “Yes, you can” or “No, you can’t” (in this case, Katya stands still). If the answer is “yes, you can”, Katya should say “Thank you” before she jumps. Anyone who forgets to be polite or makes a move without Chanterelle's permission is sent back to the starting line. The game continues until one child reaches the Chanterelle. Every child should be given the opportunity to lead.

The image of a fox is bright and easy to remember

"The Fox and the Chickens"

An outdoor game, a variation of "traps". You need to put several gymnastic hoops on the floor, these are chicken coops where chickens hide, where the fox cannot catch them. Music sounds, children (chickens) move, run freely between hoops, the fox stands motionless (sleeps), suddenly the music stops, the fox wakes up and runs to catch chickens. They must have time to jump into circles, those whom the fox has caught sit on the chairs outside the game until one fast bird remains. She becomes a fox in the next round.

Clown games

They are, as a rule, part of the scenario of a festive or leisure event, when the clown plays the role of a host or co-host in an entertainment scenario, for example, “The Adventures of the Clown Klepa (Timoshka, Pencil, etc.) in Kindergarten”, “Fedya the Clown and the Bears ”, “Meeting with clowns”. He can be accompanied by other heroes, characters or fairy-tale animals. In games with a clown, it is good to use funny props - collars, noses with elastic bands, hoops with ears, tassels - for girls, clown caps and ties - for boys, and so on. The scenario of the game with the clown should contain a lot of humor, comic riddles, funny songs and poems (like the poem "Confusion" by K. I. Chukovsky). For auxiliary props, you can use "magic" hats, boxes and boxes "like in a circus", like magicians.

Russian analogue of a clown - Petrushka or buffoon

Funny riddles with unexpected clues that you can use in the clown game:

  • Everything is dressed in white snow -
    So, it’s coming ... (not summer, but winter)
  • Four lions under the tree
    One left, left ... (not two, but three)
  • At night, every window
    Weakly illuminates ... (not the sun, but the moon)
  • Found five berries in the grass
    And ate one, left ... (not two, but four)
  • Crows awake
    Dear, kind ... (not a frog, but a rooster)
  • The mouse counts the holes in the cheese:
    Three plus two - total ... (not four, but five)
  • In more often, head up,
    Howls with hunger ... (not a giraffe, but a wolf)
  • A simple question for kids:
    Who is the cat afraid of? .. (not mice, but dogs)
  • As soon as the light of day went out,
    Hooted in the dark ... (not a rooster, but an owl or an owl)
  • Who will take off from the flower just about?
    Multi-colored ... (not a hippopotamus, but a moth or butterfly)
  • tall, long-legged,
    He is not too lazy to fly -
    On a straw roof
    Settled down ... (not a deer, but a stork)
  • Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! -
    Who raised a cheerful cry?
    Don't scare this bird!
    He made a noise ... (not a parrot, but a sparrow)

"The letters are messed up"

The clown says that they need help, and the children correct the mistakes in the poems.

  • The bug did not finish the booth;
    Reluctant, tired. (Bulku)
  • Uncle rode without a vest,
    He paid a fine for it. (Ticket)
  • A hurricane hit the island.
    The last ram remained on the palm tree. (Banana)
  • Snow is melting. A stream flows.
    The branches are full of doctors. (Rooks)
  • The goalkeeper has a big catch,
    Five cows flew into the net. (heads)
  • Mom went with barrels
    On the road along the village. (daughters)
  • In the meadow in spring
    A young tooth has grown. (Oak)
  • Sat in a spoon and - let's go!
    Back and forth along the river. (boat)
  • Dropped the doll from my hands
    Masha rushes to her mother:
    - There creeps green onions
    With long mustaches. (Bug)
  • The hunter shouted: "Oh!"
    The doors are chasing me!” (Beasts)

Festive events in kindergarten

Holidays and matinees in kindergarten are truly unforgettable events, fun games, contests, and competitions must be included in the script. When writing a script, it is necessary to provide for the program to alternate quiet and active games. When compiling a holiday script, it is worth considering certain points (see table). Games can be selected from those described in the article, adapting to the theme of the holiday.

Table: what to consider when writing a script for a children's holiday

Children's ageThe duration of the event, the number of presenters and participants depends on the age:
  • 3-4 years - no more than 30 minutes, kids get tired quickly, lose attention, 1 leader;
  • 5–6 years old - 40–60 min, 1–2 presenters, assistants.
SubjectScenarios should correspond to a specific topic (birthday, New Year, graduation, autumn ball, Teacher's Day, etc.), which children need to be introduced to in the introduction.
ComplexityIt depends on the age of the children (for the younger group, it is optimal to use the fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok" as the basis for the script and games, for middle and older, both the staging and the text can be more difficult).
TargetWhat can the event teach? The script should have:
  • team competitions,
  • educational games,
  • didactic games,
  • games that educate morality (what is “good” and what is “bad”),
  • moving and calm games.
StructureThe scenario is divided into blocks (7–15 minutes each, depending on age; the sequence may vary):
  1. Introduction (beginning, greeting).
  2. Congratulatory (text, riddles, questions, quiz).
  3. Game (competition, team game).
  4. Tea break (or quiet game).
  5. Dance (again mobile activity).
  6. Results, awards, farewell.

Five-minute games

These games do not require special preparation, a lot of time or complex props. They can be used both outdoors and indoors. Games can have different goals: attracting attention, activating mental activity, holding a physical education session, repeating what has been learned, developing observation, etc. You can play with the whole team of children, or divide it into subgroups.

Table: five-minute games

NameGame progress
"I get lucky!"Each child thinks of an object. He then talks about how good he is, starting with "how lucky I am." For example, "How lucky I am that I'm a TV, I give people the news!" “How lucky I am that I am a flower, I smell good!”
For one letterThe first player proposes a letter, starting from which everyone in turn must name the objects in the room. The one with the last word wins.
Vice versaParticipants are divided into pairs, standing facing each other. The first participant shows the movement (for example, hands up), the other does the opposite (in this case, hands down).
Magic wordChildren are invited to perform various exercises (sit down, raise their hands up, stand on their toes, etc.) with the following condition: listen carefully to commands and follow those that contain the word “please”.

Quiet games and activities

Games of low mobility are aimed at removing overexcitation, calming children down before going to bed, they also have a beneficial effect on the psyche: they develop the ability to think logically and teach them to concentrate. It is very useful to use calm music as an accompaniment. So you can captivate not only children with a calm temperament, but also gather little fidgets, for example, for an exciting board game. These games include:

  • board games (lotto, various sorts, spillikins, etc.),
  • breathing exercises and relaxation exercises,
  • creative tasks for manual labor (drawing, appliqué, collages, mosaics, etc.),
  • games in a sitting position (on the floor, chairs, rugs, etc.) and lying down (finger games, quizzes, etc.).

Calm games in the daily schedule are also very necessary.

Innovative games and interactive whiteboard games

Modern trends in preschool pedagogy are expressed in the intensive introduction of innovative technologies into the work of the preschool educational institution, which optimally correspond to the development of the child's personality. Using a computer in the classroom allows you to diversify games with animation, slide presentations, films. Modern methods and equipment are used, in particular, the use of an interactive whiteboard increases the pedagogical effect of gaming techniques, causing active cognitive interest.

Video: the main types of tasks for an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten

Games with various objects and non-standard materials

Games with pasta, water, sand, natural materials, etc. develop fine motor skills, imagination, and out-of-the-box thinking. They belong to the group of creative games in which there are no rules. All children love water games. It is good to spend these fun outdoors in the warm season: in summer, on a sunny day, pouring it into a basin or an inflatable pool. In some cases, it is necessary to provide for a dry change of clothes for children and towels. Water games:

  • promote health saving (hardening);
  • introduce children to its properties (clean, transparent, pouring, dripping, flowing);
  • develop tactile sensations (dry-wet);
  • develop cognitive and research activities.

"Magic Colors"

The teacher distributes transparent plastic cups, paints and brushes to the children, shows how you can paint transparent water in different colors (a brush with paint on the pile is dipped into a glass of water and stirred), the children repeat. “Your water turned out beautiful!” You can tell the children how colors are made:

  • blue + yellow = green,
  • pink + blue = purple,
  • yellow + red = orange.

Children themselves get new colors by adding paints to their cups.

"Sail, boat"

The most summer fun is to launch boats, they can be made from any lightweight material: foam, cork, wood, cutting along the contour and sticking a mast from a skewer, toothpick or stick, put a paper or plastic sail on it.

You can make a boat out of wine corks, gum, toothpicks and a piece of plastic

The boats can be spurred on by blowing on them or nudging them with a wand.

A ship can even be made from a piece of ice by freezing a cocktail tube in a plastic cup (bend the corrugated upper part perpendicularly and fix it at the bottom of the glass with adhesive tape or plasticine). Then you need to get the ice out of the cup and put a sail on the mast. Water can be tinted with paints.

ice boat

"stringing beads"

It is necessary to pre-paint pasta of various shapes with acrylic or gouache paints, prepare a ribbon or string. The teacher invites the children to make beads, bracelets, etc. for the fairy fair. Children string bright “beads”, as fantasy tells them.

Photo gallery: pasta beads

Such jewelry can be made as a gift for March 8 Both girls and boys will like to collect colored beads on a thread A colored bracelet can decorate a fairy fairy


You need to prepare in advance:

  • cardboard with a template applied to it (an animal, a cloud, a flower, etc.) or a form for gluing (a house blank, a box, a cylinder, a photo frame, etc.),
  • pasta,
  • glue,
  • tassels,
  • paints (gouache).

Pasta, of course, is used in dry form, such crafts are not intended for human consumption. With the help of game material, children decorate blanks.

Photo gallery: pasta crafts

Multi-colored butterflies look very aesthetic Using pasta of different shapes, you can build complex compositions Pasta can be pre-strung on shoelaces
Peacock made of multi-colored pasta and a handprint Pasta is a wonderful decorative material In combination with pasta plasticine, something very bright can also turn out Figured pasta resembles mosaic fragments Even simple pasta will find application in applications
Pasta can also decorate home decoration

Table: non-standard playground equipment from improvised means

IdeaMaterial and what games it is suitable for
DumbbellsSmall yoghurt bottles filled with sand. For older children, you can take larger bottles.
masksFrom paper, cardboard plates, etc. It is good to use for organizing mobile role-playing games, team games.
PuddlesCan be made from cardboard, fabric, plastic. Use for working out a sliding step, in relay races, as guidelines.
bricksCubes from juice boxes. They can be used as a constructor, or as a guide. You can make houses.
Sleeve for rolling ballsFrom transparent plastic bottles of large diameter
Multi-colored cords, ropesFrom pieces of colored plastic tubes, bottle caps. They are especially good for classes with kids, they can mark any borders, a house, the sea, use them as a rope, a skipping rope, reins for playing a horse, combine children into a train and so on.

Card file of games in kindergarten

The most beloved and widespread games in kindergarten, they can be adapted to the event, the age of the children, they will always be a success.

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.

Jan Amos Comenius

Table: popular games in kindergarten (mobile)

Mushrooms and mushroom pickersDevelopment of attention, observation, dexterityEquipment:
  • 25-30 pieces of toy mushrooms (made of plastic, fur, foam, cardboard, etc.),
  • baskets (one for each player).

Rules of the game:

  1. The teacher scatters the mushrooms on the floor, the children choose the players (according to the counting rhyme or in turn).
  2. After the command "Start!" everyone should collect as many mushrooms as possible in their basket to the music.
cat and miceDevelopment of attention, speed of reactionRules of the game:
  1. Children - "mice", sit in minks (chairs), along the walls of the room or on the sides of the site.
  2. The teacher - "cat", is in the corner.
  3. The cat falls asleep, and the mice, having fun, scatter around the room.
  4. But now she wakes up, meows, begins to catch mice, which must at the same time run into minks and take their places on chairs. Then he returns to his seat and falls asleep.
  5. The game is repeated 4-5 times. Mice can run out of minks only when the cat falls asleep, return to minks - after the cat wakes up and meows.
CabbageTraining of agility, speed of reactionRules of the game:
  1. A circle (garden) is marked on the floor, in the middle the players put scarves, toys, etc. This is “cabbage”.
  2. Children stand outside the circle, and one, chosen by the owner, sits next to the "cabbage" and guards it.
  3. Musical accompaniment - any known melody of a Russian folk song.
  4. The owner sings:
    I'm sitting on a rock
    I have my own garden.
    So that the cabbage is not stolen,
    Did not run into the garden
    wolf and fox,
    beaver and marten,
    Hare mustachioed,
    The bear is fat.
  5. The players try to quickly run into the garden, grab the "cabbage" and run away.
  6. Whoever the owner touches with his hand in the garden, he no longer participates in the game.
  7. The player who takes the most "cabbages" out of the garden is declared the winner.
Magic handkerchief (musical outdoor game)Development of perception, musical earEquipment:
For the game, handkerchiefs are needed (half of one color, half of the other) according to the number of children.
Rules of the game:
  1. To the music, the children scatter.
  2. To the words "Find a couple!" children with identical handkerchiefs stand in pairs.
  3. If the child is left without a pair, the players say "Don't yawn, don't yawn, quickly choose a pair."
Living snowdriftdevelops dexterity and attentionA variant of the game with a parachute (see above) on a New Year's theme. You can use a pure white fabric, in such a snowdrift you can hide and find gifts on a New Year's party, etc.
Merry tambourineDevelopment of memory, hearing, sense of rhythmRules of the game:
  1. Children stand in a circle, facing the center of the circle.
  2. The teacher gives one of the children a “tambourine” (if there is no tambourine, you can take any item). Children pass the tambourine around in a circle, quickly passing it around and saying the following words:
    “You fly, cheerful tambourine,
    Quick, quick hand.
    Who has a tambourine left
    Performs the number for us.
  3. At the last word, the one who did not have time to pass the tambourine to a neighbor performs a dance, song, poem, makes a riddle, etc.
  4. After that, the game resumes.

You can learn more about outdoor games from our article -.

Table: popular games in kindergarten (for the development of visual perception)

  • visual-figurative thinking,
  • Creative skills,
  • memory,
  • fine motor skills.
A creative game with geometric shapes, its course is determined by the teacher in accordance with a specific pedagogical task
Find your place
  • attention development,
  • memory development,
  • physical development.
There are geometric figures on the chairs, the children have cards with various corresponding figures. On a signal, the children take their places at a suitable chair. Similarly, you can play a game to fix colors, classify animals, etc.

Table: popular games in kindergarten (calm)

Let's get acquainted!
What is your name?
  • Establish emotional contact
  • познакомиться.
Rules of the game:
  1. Children sit in a circle.
  2. The teacher throws a ball to everyone and asks for their name.
  3. Children, throwing the ball back, say the name (you need to be reminded during the game: “What is your name?”).
Mom's helpers
  • Attention,
  • benevolence,
  • the desire to help mom, the formation of labor skills.
  • A game with clothespins: we help mom sort and hang clothes on the clothesline (multi-colored fabric squares, colored paper clothing templates, etc.),
  • table setting game with toy dishes,
  • sorting "Cleaning",
  • finger gymnastics "We chop cabbage, chop",
  • we make a gift to mom (drawing, craft, etc.).
Cheerful cooks.
Vegetables and fruits
  • cognitive development,
  • expanding horizons on topics:
    • "Vegetables",
    • "Fruit",
    • "Etiquette",
  • formation of elementary mathematical representations,
  • formation of hygienic ideas
  • Board games based on cards ("Vegetables-Fruits"): mathematical, logical,
  • Preparation and serving of sandwiches from products prepared in advance by the educator (health-saving topic, hygiene),
  • a game of medium mobility: a circle is indicated on the floor (pot, bowl). Children come up with what everyone will be: potatoes, meat, carrots, etc. The teacher says that we will “cook” - soup, compote, salad, etc. The teacher names the ingredients, the named one jumps into a circle. When all the children are in the circle, the game ends, you can start cooking a new "dish".
tea drinkingSkills of courtesy, accuracyA role-playing game for children, in which you can use real dishes and food, or you can use toys, skills of courtesy and etiquette, the ability to behave at the table, and set the table are worked out.
A family
  • Formation of ideas about family relationships,
  • education of love, benevolence.
Role-playing game "in the family". Roles are distributed as desired. The family is very large, there is a birthday coming up, for example, Grandmother. Everyone is busy about arranging a holiday. Some family members are preparing a festive dinner, others are setting the table, and others are preparing an entertainment program. During the game, the teacher observes the relationship between family members, helps them in time.
Baba Yaga
  • dexterity development,
  • mindfulness development.
Baba Yaga acts as a host in the scenarios of holidays and games

Video: playing with Baba Yaga

Barkers and invocations at the beginning and end of the game in kindergarten

How the teacher starts the game, how much he can attract the attention of children, depends on the success of solving the pedagogical task that is implemented in the game.

Children will tune in to the game better if they are invited to it.

Pre-game barkers and invocations

In the folk tradition, special comic verses-jokes called barkers and invocations were used. They invited friends to play:

  • Well, who will play
    An interesting game?
    And in what - I will not say!
    And then we won't accept
    Let's raise our ears
    Ears will be red
    So beautiful before!
  • Put on your shoes quickly
    Tay, tay, come on
    In an interesting game
    And in what - I will not say!
    Who will be late
    Flies into the sky.
  • Attention attention!
    Fun festivities open!
    Hurry, honest people,
    The fair is calling you!
  • All for the holiday - New Year!
    Come on, honest people.
    Everyone who is cheerful is invited,
    We open a noisy holiday!
  • Children, children, all here,
    Here is a fun game!
    One, two, three, four, five -
    We're going to play.
  • drum, drum,
    You don't drum in vain.
    One, two, three, four, five -
    Take the kids out to play.
  • naughty baloons,
    Run out into the yards
    Get to play
    Voivode to choose.
  • Coward Bunny
    Running across the field
    I ran in a circle
    Called to play.
  • The stars in the sky are burning
    We are told to play blind man's blind man.
  • Come in buddy
    Start a circle!

Poetic completion of games in kindergarten

You can also end the game, determine the winner, go to the next horse in poetic form.

  • One, two, three, it's time -
    The game is over!
  • We played, we played
    And a little tired.
    One, two, three, four, five -
    see you again soon!
  • We quarreled, reconciled
    And sometimes they argued
    But very friendly
    For our game.
    The game is replaced by the game,
    The game ends
    And friendship never ends
    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
  • We wrote, we drew,
    Our fingers are tired.
    Shake our fingers
    And let's start writing again.
    (finger gymnastics)

Features of the game with hyperactive and gifted children

Hyperactive and gifted (like everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the average norm) children are a "pedagogical challenge" for the educator. It is play therapy that will help the teacher find a way out in difficult cases.

Features of playing with hyperactive children

A hyperactive (overactive) child needs a special approach from the teacher. He is not "bad", he just needs a little more attention, patience and the right game activity to channel his energy and thought process into a productive direction.

Hyperactivity manifests itself through:

  • inattention,
  • distractibility
  • impulsiveness,
  • increased physical activity
  • learning difficulties.

At the same time, the intellectual development of hyperactive children may be higher than the age norm.

The rules that will help teachers in playing activities with hyperactive children, and most importantly, will help the children themselves:

  • Gradually, we correct some one quality.
  • We divide classes into short but frequent segments.
  • Physical education minutes.
  • Do not overexert a hyperactive child, the material is given in small parts with activity switching.
  • Tactile contact.
  • Clear and specific instructions.
  • Calm soft communication.
  • Goals of play therapy for hyperactivity: correction of its manifestations in the child's behavior, development of self-control. For this, outdoor games, games for logic and cognitive skills are suitable.

    Table: games for training any one quality


    An example of a mobile game. The leader is selected (according to the counting rhyme) - the eagle owl. Other children are mice or birds. The teacher says “Day”, “owl” sits in a “hollow” or “nest” (a hoop lying on the floor) and falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds fly (run, waving their wings). The teacher says “Night”, and the children squat and freeze, and the “owl” goes hunting. He is looking for those who moved or laughed, and "carries" them to his "hollow".

    Features of the game with gifted children

    When working with gifted children, it is important to support them and create an environment for the full development of their personality.

    Giftedness comes from the word "gift", but for its manifestation, you need the opportunity to develop the received talent.

    The preservation and development of gifted children is the most important problem of our society. The main task of the teacher is to contribute to the development of the personality of the child.

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    "I give my heart to children"

    Traits of gifted children:

    • easily and quickly grasp everything;
    • quickly remember what they heard or read;
    • solve complex problems;
    • ask a lot of questions;
    • interested in complex things;
    • think in an original way and offer unexpected answers and solutions;
    • very receptive, observant, quickly react to everything new;
    • make unexpected judgments.

    There are two groups of giftedness in preschool age:

    • high general level of mental development (mathematical, linguistic abilities);
    • creative talent (musical, artistic, physical).

    Table: task groups for games with gifted children

    Job groupsTarget
    • interesting questions,
    • joke tasks.
    • development of ingenuity;
    Puzzle tasks for composing figures from a specified number of counting sticks.
    • Development of logical thinking;
    • development of spatial thinking;
    • activation of mental activity.
    A group of games for modeling flat or three-dimensional figures:
    • "Tangram",
    • "Columbus Egg"
    • "Fold the Square"
    • "Fold the Pattern"
    • B. P. Nikitin's games:
      • "Unicube"
      • "Bricks";
    • Rubik's Cube;
    • making origami crafts.
    Development of thinking:
    • figurative;
    • logical;
    • spatial;
    • visual-figurative;
    • combinatorial.
    Visual logical tasks:
    • filling in empty cells
    • series continuation,
    • looking for signs of difference
    • finding patterns of rows of figures,
    • finding signs of difference between one group of figures from another,
    • other.
    Development of logical thinking.
    Acquaintance with such a topological object as the Möbius strip.Development of spatial thinking.

    All types of play activities are important for the comprehensive development of the child's personality and individuality. Creating a game reality, a game life, children endow it with realism and authenticity, sincerely experience, rejoice and grieve, sympathize and be surprised. Games for preschoolers develop imagination, fantasy, give invaluable experience, form skills and abilities, develop a sense of partnership and teach friendship.

    Find your color. The teacher divides the children into 4 groups and gives them flags of different colors: yellow, red, blue and green. Each group goes to their designated area. Then the teacher sets one flag of the same colors as the children's in opposite corners.

    Children stand close in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they say:
    Blow up, bubble, Blow up big, Stay like that, Don't burst.
    While reciting verses, the children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says “the bubble has burst”, all the children lower their hands, say “clap” in unison and squat down.
    The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children get up, form a small circle again, and the game resumes. Game variant
    After the words "Don't burst," the children do not sit down, and the teacher says: "Bubbles flew." Children scatter wherever they want (within the playground), and the teacher says: “Fly, fly, fly! ..”
    In this version, the game can be repeated 3-4 times.

    Thinking about how to entertain children in a group in kindergarten? If you are a teacher, then the organization of outdoor games in kindergarten is not only an urgent problem, but also your specific duty as an employee of a children's institution. The educators have a really difficult task, in addition to the fact that looking after other people's children is also a very big responsibility for any person, not to mention the kindergarten teacher.

    Integration of educational areas: "Music", "Cognition", "Safety", "Socialization", "Health". Purpose: to draw the attention of preschoolers to the problems associated with environmental pollution. Objectives: to awaken in every child the desire to help protect the environment; to promote understanding that we ourselves are the main driving force behind changing approaches to environmental issues.

    The players sit in a circle, facing each other. The first one turns his head to the neighbor on the right and says: “Bim!” The next one can repeat the sound that the first player made, or continue with the sounds: “Bim-bam!”. Saying "bim!", He should turn his head to the right, and with the sound "Bam!" - to the left. Then the turn moves to the next, and everything repeats again. When a player "gets" the sound, they can also say "Boom!" while looking at a participant who is not their immediate neighbor, and then they must continue. The description might seem a bit odd, but once you get into it, it's pretty fun. The main thing is to try and pronounce and turn your head as quickly as possible and follow the commands exactly. And, of course, the one who makes a mistake is out.

    One perky variety of tags is the game "Tea-tea-help out" or Witches. In these games, not only speed is important, but also organized team interaction and mutual assistance. By the way, modern children and teenagers have gotten used to playing it in the winter on the rink, and in the summer on the rollers.

    Target. Disclosure of the meaning of the activities of medical personnel. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Raising respect for the medical profession. game material. Game set "Puppet Doctor": thermometers, syringe, pack of mustard plasters, spatula, stethoscope, hammer, pipette, stick for lubrication with iodine or ointment, cotton wool, bandage, mirror for examining the nasopharynx and ears, alcohol for lubricating the injection site, iodine for cauterizing wounds , drops, potion, injection medicine, powders, tablets, ointment, homemade cardboard toys, substitute items, some real items.

    P / and "Owl"
    Goal: learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.
    Course of the game: The players are freely located on the court. To the side (“in the hollow”) sits or stands “Owl”. The teacher says: "The day comes - everything comes to life." All players move freely around the site, performing various movements, imitating the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. with their hands.

    Kindergarten is that wonderful time in the life of every child, which is accompanied by active physical games with their peers, this is the period of a child’s childhood when he does not need to learn lessons, worries about what needs to be prepared for school, what needs to be prepared to eat, when there are no parents at home and how to captivate yourself in their absence. Games in kindergarten contribute to the rapprochement of children, the strong rallying of the children's team.

    If you are a teacher in a kindergarten and are thinking about what to do with your child during your duty, then it is worth considering outdoor games in kindergarten in more detail, as well as developing intellectually and emotionally. How to play the children's game "mummy"? The rules of the game are quite simple and easy to remember for both young children and older children. Almost everyone can play this game: children of almost preschool age, and children closer to toddler age, and even adults. The main thing to remember is that if small children play the “mummy” game, then it is better not to use them as mummies, you only need to allow them to wrap another participant in toilet paper and help, which they do with joy. This is because very young children can be easily startled by being wrapped in toilet paper.

    When you host friends or relatives, you want to spend time with them somehow in a special way. We invite you to play! The following activities will entertain and amuse all ages.

    1. Pantomime

    You will need:

    sheets of paper with words or phrases to be depicted.

    Game progress:

    This is a classic game that comes in many variations. In general, the goal of the game is to draw out a piece of paper with some concept or phrase and try to depict it without words. For originality, you can think of proverbs and sayings (“You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”) or movie titles (“They drove a chest of drawers through the streets”) ... In this case, both team competitions and individual championships are equally exciting.


    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: to develop in children the accuracy and speed of movements.

    Necessary equipment: rubber ball.

    Game progress. The participants in the game (it can be played by the whole group) stand in a circle facing its middle. At the command of the teacher, the players begin to pass the ball from hand to hand to each other, trying not to miss it. Gradually, the speed of passing the ball should increase. Each player tries not to drop the ball. If this does happen, the player is out. The game continues until only one, the most dexterous, remains.


    Age: 6 - 8 years old.

    Purpose of the game: to develop in children dexterity, the ability to work in a team. The game promotes the development of coordination of movements.

    Game progress. It is best to play on the court. An arbitrary number of players take part in the game. Among those playing with the help of a counting rhyme, a “fisherman” is chosen, the rest play the role of “fish”. The game starts. "Fisherman" runs after the "fish". Having caught up with one of them, the “fisherman” takes her by the hand, and they catch the next “fish” together, without disengaging their hands. With each new "fish" caught, more and more players join the "fisherman", forming a whole "fishing net". The game ends when the last fish is caught in the fisherman's net.

    Note. Each time there are more and more “fisherman” assistants, but this does not simplify the task, as it may seem at first glance: it is much easier for one person to catch up than for a whole group of players, and even holding hands. That is why the players who make up the "chain" must coordinate their movements: only then do they have a chance to catch more "fish".

    If the "network" has already reached a large size, then there is a chance that several "fish" will fall into it at once. In this case, they all begin to help the “fisherman”.


    Age: 5 - 6 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop speed and dexterity in children. The game contributes to the development of good coordination of movements.

    Game progress. The game involves two teams of 6-10 people. Two lines must be drawn on the playing field at a distance of 4-5 steps from each other, teams line up on them, one opposite the other. The players of both teams are not built as usual, but “braid the wattle fence”. This is done simply: the children stand in a line shoulder to shoulder. Each player stretches out his hands to the sides to his "neighbors", but not to the nearest, but to those standing through one. Neighboring players also extend their hands not to those standing nearby, but to those following them.

    The game starts. The host (teacher, music director) plays cheerful music, to which both teams first take two steps towards each other, then two steps back, after which they unhook their hands and start jumping, running and dancing to the music. Then the host suddenly cuts off the melody. At this signal, both teams must line up on “their” line, again “braiding the fence”. The team that does it faster is considered the winner. You can play multiple times.

    Note. The game can be successfully used at children's matinees, as it entertains children and allows them to move freely.


    Age: 6 - 8 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed. The game helps to strengthen coordination of movements, teaches to work in pairs.

    Game progress. This is a relay game played in pairs. First, draw a starting line. The players of each pair stand with their backs to each other, holding hands. At the command of the leader (chosen among the players or an adult - an educator or teacher), the players, without disengaging their hands, run to the finish line, after which, without changing their position, they return back. The special charm of the game lies in the fact that each player of the pair runs in one direction, as usual, forward, perfectly seeing the finish in front of him, and in the other - backwards, completely relying on his partner. Only the pair of players whose movements turned out to be faster and, more importantly, coordinated, will be able to win this game.

    Note. To avoid injury, this game is best played either indoors or on a pre-levelled court.


    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of reaction.

    Game progress(an almost unlimited number of children can take part in the game). The driver is selected (he will be “rain”). The rest of the participants in the game become in a circle. "Rain" becomes the center of the circle. Players join hands and walk in a circle, reciting a poem about rain in unison.

    "Rain" at this time runs inside the circle in the opposite direction to the movement of the other players. With the last words of the poem, the guys stop and stand facing the middle of the circle. The player who was opposite the “rain” says: “Hello, rain, why did you come?” “Rain” in response suggests: “Let's run a race?”, After which he and the player he has chosen go beyond the circle near the “house”, that is, an empty place in the circle, and stand with their backs to each other. The rest of the participants in the game count up to three, after which the "rain" and the player chosen by him run along the outer side of the circle. The winner is the one who, having run around the whole circle, will be able to take the "house" first. If the “rain” wins, then the remaining player takes his place and becomes the leader (“rain”). If the "rain" loses, that is, does not have time to run to the "house" first, then he has to drive again.

    Note. Running skills in many children of 5 years old are not yet fully formed, and they quickly get tired. That is why it is best for adults who organize the game (parents, educators) to choose a new “rain” after each round of the game: it’s good if all the children manage to run a little and test their dexterity.

    As a preliminary work, you can learn a poem about rain with children.

    Rain, rain, drop.

    water saber,

    I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

    Cut, cut, did not cut

    And he stopped.

    Irina Tokmakova


    Age: 5 - 7 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop the child's jumping skills.

    Necessary equipment: several (five, six or more) rubber mats measuring 50 x 50 cm.

    Game progress. The teacher lays out the rugs on the floor in a line at such a distance from each other that one could only jump from one rug to another, and not step over. Rugs should be located along the entire length of the room. He further explains that the floor is a swamp that must be crossed. The only way to do this is to jump from mat to mat. After that, the children take turns "crossing the swamp", jumping from rug to rug. The one who turned out to be not very dexterous and stepped on the floor is out of the game. The winner is the one who managed to cross the swamp the fastest, never stumbling and not touching the floor with his foot.

    Note. Based on this game, you can arrange a kind of competition for teams of players. For example, team captains can be given two mats each and asked to “cross the swamp” at speed, that is, stepping on one mat, quickly put another one in front of them, and then, taking a place on the second mat, take the first one with them and put it down again in front of you on the floor. You can also complicate the task: lay out the mats not in a line, but in a circle or zigzag.


    Age: 5 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game: to educate children in dexterity of movements and speed of reaction.

    Game progress. The game is played by two teams with an equal number of players. Both teams stand in a line facing each other, the players of each team hold hands. Two seniors (they will be leading) become at the beginning and at the end of the resulting lines. Each of the leaders takes the hands of the extreme players of both teams. As a result, the two teams, as it were, are interconnected by two leaders. Since the game is called "Telegraph", the hosts will also get their own names: one will be the "transmitter" and the second will play the role of the "receiver".

    Playing Telegraph is very simple: the “transmitter” simultaneously shakes hands with the extreme players of both teams, and they, in turn, must “transmit a message by telegraph”, that is, quickly shake hands with the players standing next to them. So sequentially the “message” reaches the “receiver”, which must evaluate which of the teams transmitted the message faster.

    Note. We've talked about the simplest version of the game, but it can be made more complicated by sending, for example, a Morse code-style message (say, "one short handshake + one long handshake" or "two short handshakes + one long handshake + another short handshake"). In this case, it is important for players not only to convey the message quickly, but also correctly, and the game in this case will develop not only dexterity, but also attention.


    Age: 6 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop children's dexterity of movements and speed of reaction.

    Necessary equipment: several (5 - 6) identical smooth sticks 40-50 cm long, rubber ball.

    Game progress. Sticks are placed on the ground so that their upper ends come together. It turns out a kind of hut. Around the hut it is necessary to draw a circle, the line of which should depart from the hut at a distance of 3-4 steps.

    One of the players takes on the role of "watchman": he stands in a circle near the hut. The rest of the players go beyond the circle line, one of the players takes the ball. Players throw the ball to each other, while trying to knock down the hut. The task of the watchman is not to miss a goal and catch the ball, not to let the hut break. The ball can be tossed, but not rolled on the ground. In addition, players behind the circle line are prohibited from moving. Anyone who breaks this rule is out of the game. After the hut still breaks, the player who managed to do this becomes the watchman himself, and the former "watchman" joins the rest of the players. You can play until you get bored.


    Age: 6 - 8 years old.

    Purpose of the game: to develop children's movement skills, coordination of movements, as well as tenacity of fingers and dexterity.

    Necessary equipment: rubber ball.

    Game progress. The essence of the game "Zebra" is to throw the ball at the wall and catch it (the wall, of course, should be empty and without windows). First of all, you need to draw a "zebra": stepping back 1 step from the wall, draw a line on the floor. Taking a step back from the first line, draw the second, etc. The number of lines depends on the age of the children: the older the child, the greater the distance between the wall and the line furthest from it can be.

    The game starts. The first player stands on the line that is closest to the wall. Throwing the ball against the wall, the player catches it. If he succeeded, he takes a step back and stands on the second line. Throws the ball against the wall again, catches it and, if successful, takes another step back. The game continues until its participant passes all the lines in this way. If the child could not catch the ball, then he will have to give way to the next player.

    The rules can be adjusted according to the age and abilities of the participants in the game. It is possible, for example, to allow the child, when catching the ball, to take a step (but no more) forward or to the side. You can also allow the child to throw the ball not directly at the wall, but on the floor: the ball will thus touch the wall after bouncing off the floor.

    Note. The rules of the game can be complicated - the ball can be thrown not at the wall, but at some specific target, for example, into a wastebasket.

    We roll the gingerbread man

    Age: 4 - 6 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop children's dexterity of movements and quick reaction. The game perfectly trains the hands.

    Necessary equipment: big rubber ball.

    Game progress(it can be played with the whole group). Players sit in a circle facing its center, legs crossed in Turkish. One of the players gets the ball. The essence of the game is that the players must roll the ball to each other (you can roll the ball towards any player). Everyone to whom the ball rolls must, with a quick movement of the hand, roll it away from itself, preventing it from approaching the feet. If the ball touches the feet of a player, then he will either have to leave the game or pay a fant - sing, dance or read a poem.

    Boys and girls

    Age: 6 - 8 years old.

    Purpose of the game: to develop children's skills related to the speed and accuracy of movements. The game teaches children to work in a team and contributes to the development of endurance.

    Necessary equipment: big rubber ball.

    Game progress. The game is played by two teams with an equal number of participants. The first team consists only of girls, the second - only of boys. Teams are located on the court or in the sports hall. The leader (adult) stands in the center of the court, throws the ball up and quickly leaves the playing field. Players must react immediately to this throw. The task of the players is to catch the ball and give it to their team. If luck "smiles" on the girls, they will certainly try to keep the ball as long as possible. They will throw the ball to each other, and the boys at this time will try to “take it away”. If they succeed, then the ball will go to their team, and then they will have to protect it from the girls. An indispensable condition of the game is that the ball cannot stay in the hands of the player for a long time: he must quickly either pass or throw the ball to another player on his team. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the hands of another player when passing the ball. You can play until you get bored, or for a record: the team that managed to keep the ball for a longer time wins.


    Age: 5 - 7 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop in children the accuracy of movements, to consolidate the skills of playing with the ball.

    Necessary equipment: light ball (rubber or stuffed).

    Game progress. Players (10-16 people in total) are divided into two equal teams. Both teams are built in a line at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other (the distance depends on the age, capabilities and abilities of the players: the older the children, the greater the distance between the two teams should be). Standing facing each other, the children begin the game. Its essence is reduced to a simple throwing the ball from team to team. This is done in the following way. The first player of the team throws the ball to the player opposite (from the opposing team). He must catch the ball and throw it back, but not to the first player, but to the one standing next to him. That, in turn, again passes the ball to the team opposite - to the next player, etc. Thus, the ball is thrown from team to team, and the throwers change sequentially. Therefore, in fact, the game was called "Shuttle": this is a device on a loom that scurries back and forth, helping to weave.

    The ball is tossed from team to team to the end of the row, after which the tossing starts in the opposite direction in the same way.

    If the player accidentally releases the ball from his hands or if he fails to catch the ball, then he becomes a prisoner of the opposing team. The team with the most players at the end of the game, that is, the team with the fewest misses, wins.

    target shooting

    Age: 6 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop in children dexterity, attention and accuracy of movements. Play makes children stronger.

    Necessary equipment: volleyball, soft tennis balls, one for each player.

    Game progress. A large ball is placed in the center of the court. At 7-10 steps from him (the distance depends on the age and physical fitness of the players) a line is drawn. Players take turns standing on the line and throwing a tennis ball, trying to hit the big ball with it. At the same time, it is important not only whether the player hit or missed the ball, but also how far the big ball rolled: the farther, the more successful the throw is considered.

    Note. This game can be complicated, and then it is perfect not only for preschool age, but even for middle school. For example, the players stand in a circle, and the leader (one of the adults or one of the children - by prior arrangement) throws the ball higher so that it falls into the middle of the circle. While the ball is flying, the players try to knock it down with tennis balls. Whoever succeeds wins. Naturally, “shooting at a moving target”, even if it is such a “toy”, is not an easy task, and it is best to start mastering the game from the first option, in which the “target” (big ball) is motionless.


    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement. The game contributes to the development of attention and quick reaction.

    Game progress. This simple game can be played in pairs. One of the players presses his elbows to his sides, and opens his palms (hands turned palms up). The other player, on the contrary, holds his hands palms down. In this case, the palms of the second player should be above the palms of the first at a small distance (about 10-15 cm). The game begins: the second player tries to clap his hands on the hands of the first player. The task of the first player is to pull back his hands in time, not allowing himself to be "bashed" in this way. If the first player was not dexterous enough and they still slapped his palms, the players change places.

    Note. You can play with "dogs" and without "dogs". "Doggy" in the game is the false movement of the palms of the second player, with which he only frightens the first player, forcing him to withdraw his hands, but not having the intention of clapping his hands. Several "dogs" in a row are able to weaken the attention of the first player, and then he can suddenly be "assed" by the second.

    The option that we have given here is a classic. In fact, the game "Palms" has a lot of options. Take at least this one, which you yourself were probably fond of in childhood. Players stand in a circle, and the right hand of each player, turned palm down, should lie on the open palm of the left hand of the next player. Players take turns clapping their right hand on the left hand of a neighbor to the beat of rhymes familiar to you from childhood:

    black arrow

    Bypasses the dial.

    Fast like squirrels

    The wheels are rattling.

    In every minute

    Sixty seconds.

    Run, run minutes

    And they sing songs.

    On the last word, the player tries to slap the neighbor's hand, who pulls his hand away. If it was not possible to withdraw his hand and the player turned out to be "settled", he leaves the circle, and the game continues without him, and its speed gradually increases.

    Ball in a circle

    Age: 6 - 7 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity of movements and speed of reaction in children. The game reinforces the skills of possession of the ball and promotes the development of coordination of movements.

    Necessary equipment: volleyball.

    Game progress. Players (10-15 people) stand in a circle facing its middle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The driver chosen in advance among the players becomes in the middle of the circle, putting the ball at his feet. The game starts. The main task of the driver is to kick the ball out of the circle with a kick. The task of the other players is to prevent the ball from leaving the circle: they try to hit the ball back to the driver. The players are not allowed to unhook their hands. If the driver manages to knock the ball out of the circle, then the player who missed the ball takes his place, and he himself takes a place in the circle.

    Note. Only those kicks of the driver are counted, in which the ball flies or rolls past the feet of the players. In cases where the driver hits the ball too hard and the ball flies over the heads of the players, the hit is not counted, and the driver repeats the attempt until he can knock the ball out of the circle according to all the rules of the game.

    The game teaches children to calculate free space and measure their strength. But adults must make sure that there are no breakable, fragile things (vases, cups, etc.) near the playing guys, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided! Of course, safety rules must be observed during all outdoor games.


    Age: 4.5 - 6 years.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement. The game instills accuracy and teaches independence.

    Necessary equipment: four buckets, two of them filled with sand, and two scoops. You will also need two stools.

    Game progress. At the same time, two children participate in this game-competition. A stool is placed next to each player, on which there is a bucket of sand. At a distance of a few steps from the first stool, a second one is placed, on which stands an empty bucket. Each player is given a scoop. The host invites the children to become excavators for a while and explains the rules of the game. They are simple: the player must collect sand from the first bucket with a shovel and, on an outstretched hand, holding the shovel by the handle, bring the sand to an empty bucket, where to pour it. Then he must return to the first bucket again, collect sand again, etc. This must be repeated until the player selects all the sand from the first bucket. After that, the results are announced. Not only the fastest one wins, but also the most accurate one: there should be as much sand as possible in the bucket filled with it.

    Note. Carrying sand in a scoop, you can not help yourself with the second hand, holding the scoop.

    This game has many options and is suitable for kids of all ages. For example, you can carry water, an egg in a spoon, while holding the spoon in your hands or in your teeth, etc.

    spinning top

    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's dexterity and speed of movement.

    Necessary equipment: two identical, smoothly planed sticks about 50 cm high.

    Game progress. Everyone who wants to play "Volchok" takes turns. The player takes a stick in each hand and stands up, leaning lightly on them with both hands. When playing, he must let go of the sticks and at the same time turn around his axis so quickly that he has time to catch them before they fall to the ground. The essence of the game is clear and understandable, but playing it is not so easy: you need to be very dexterous and fast. Each player makes several attempts (their number is determined by a preliminary agreement). The winner is the one who managed to catch the sticks more times before they fell.

    Note. This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. In the latter case, it is recommended to play not on the ground or sand, but on asphalt.

    Catch - push

    Age: 5-7 years.

    Purpose of the game: teach children to calculate their strength when performing monotonous movements. The game trains the muscles of the legs and lumbar, and also develops the speed and clarity of movements.

    Necessary equipment: rubber or volleyballs (according to the number of pairs of players).

    Game progress(an even number of people participate in the game). The participants of the game are divided into pairs. In each pair, the players are located facing each other at a distance of approximately 1 m, with one of the players standing and the other squatting down. The crouching player takes the ball and pushes it to the standing player. He must quickly bend down, without bending his legs, and intercept the ball, after which, straightening up, throw the ball to his partner, who, in order to catch the ball, must quickly get up. After the agreed number of throws of the ball, the players change places. You can play until you get bored, or until the prearranged time is up. The winner is the pair whose movements were the most accurate, and the number of balls caught - the largest.

    Note. For this game, you can choose a leader who will keep track of the time and monitor the progress of the game. The role of the leader can be performed by the educator or teacher.

    Who is stronger?

    Age: 5 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game:

    Game progress. The game involves two equal teams of players (the optimal number of players for each team is 7-8 people). To begin with, the playing field is drawn. It consists of three lines drawn at a distance of 8-10 steps from each other. The length of each line is approximately 4.5-5 m. All lines should be of equal length and located at the same distance.

    Both teams line up on the two extreme lines facing each other. Then they converge on the middle line so that each player of one team is between two players of the opposing team, after which all players take each other's hands. Thus, a chain is built from the players, with each team looking in the opposite direction. The game starts. Its essence is simple: teams should try to pull each other, backing away and trying to move the enemy. It turns out that the players of each team will drag the entire chain to "their" line, to where the team stood at the beginning of the game, before everyone converged in the middle of the field. And as a result, those players who are stronger will win.

    Note. If the chain breaks during the game, then the players responsible for breaking the chain are out of the game.


    Age: 6 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's strength and endurance.

    Game progress. This is another one of the many drag and drop games, simple yet fun. A line is drawn on the playing field, then two players stand on both sides of it at arm's length from each other. At the signal of the leader, who is watching the game, the players begin martial arts: each tries to pull the opponent towards him, forcing him to cross the line. The player who is stronger is declared the winner.

    Note. This game can also be played in teams. In this case, two teams with an equal number of players in each take part in the game. Players of teams stand against each other, each on their own side of the line. At the command of the leader, the opponents try to drag each other over the line towards themselves. If the player succeeds, then his opponent is considered a prisoner and must take an active part in the “battle”: stand behind the winning player, grab him by the waist and try to drag another member of his team to his side. With this version of the game, the team that managed to collect the most prisoners wins.


    Age: 5 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's muscle strength. The game perfectly strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.

    Necessary equipment: metal sports hoop.

    Game progress(the minimum number of players is two, the maximum is six). Players are divided into two equal teams. The hoop is placed in the middle of the room or platform. Two lines are drawn from opposite sides at a distance of 1.5 m from the hoop. Teams of players move an equal distance from the hoop. At the command of the host (senior), both teams run to the hoop and grab it from opposite sides. The task of the players is to pull the hoop towards themselves and not give the other team the opportunity to drag the hoop over the opposite line. The team that manages to drag the hoop to their own half wins.

    Note. You can also pull a regular rope or jump rope.


    Age: 5 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game: develop skills in lifting weights, train arm muscles. In addition, the game develops dexterity and coordination of movements.

    Necessary equipment: plywood box or sandbag. Weight - 200-250 g for children of five to six years old, 300 g - for children of six to seven years old, 450-500 g - for children of eight years old.

    Game progress. Players (the number of participants is not strictly limited) stand in a circle facing the middle of the circle. One of the players in the circle - he will be considered the first - is given a "package" (a box or a bag of sand). The second of the players, standing on the opposite side of the circle strictly opposite the first player, is designated as the "addressee". On command, the game starts. The first player passes the “package” to the player standing next to him, the next one, etc. When the package reaches the “addressee”, he says: “Got it! Wait for an answer! - and passes the package to the next player. So along the chain, the "package" returns to the first player.

    If the "package" slips out of the hands of one of the players, then he must pay a phantom (for example, jump on one leg).

    The results are announced: when the “package” reached the addressee or back to the sender faster. In accordance with this, one of the sides of the circle (“post”) is declared the best.

    Note. In this game, the help of a senior will not hurt. He can follow the progress of the game, note the players' misses, demand the payment of a phantom, stopwatch the performance of each team and announce the results.

    roll the ball

    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: teach children to accurately calculate the force of movement. The game contributes to the development of dexterity and accuracy of the eye.

    Necessary equipment: rubber balls according to the number of pairs of players.

    Game progress. It is played in pairs. Two children sit on the floor facing each other, each pair of players is given a ball. The distance between the players in a pair should be approximately 1.5 m. The first player of the pair vigorously pushes the ball away from him, making a strong movement with his hand. The second player catches this ball. If this was done successfully, the players have the right to move slightly away from each other, after which the second player pushes the ball away from himself with force, and the first one catches. If successful, both players again move slightly away from each other. Thus, the distance between them can increase to 3 or even 4 m; much, as you understand, depends here on the playing skills and the degree of physical development of children. Players in a pair that misses are either out of the game altogether, or, better, have the right to try again - once or repeatedly.

    Note. It is methodically more correct to select players in pairs, one of which has a better command of movement.

    One is a cowboy, two is a cowboy

    Age: 5 - 7 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop the speed and accuracy of movements in children. The game trains the muscles of the hands, making them stronger.

    Necessary equipment: two long narrow benches, of those used in physical education classes.

    Game progress. The host (senior) reminds the children of the famous cartoon of the same name, after which he asks the children what and how the cowboys ride. Naturally, the correct answer is on horseback. After that, the host invites the children to play cowboys. Two benches are placed parallel to each other. Two players take part in the game at the same time. They each sit astride on their own bench and, at the command of the host, begin to “jump”. For lack of horses, cowboys move around the bench like this: sitting on it, the player grabs the bench with both hands, trying to stretch as far as possible, and then he pulls himself up after his hands. Then again it stretches as far as possible, and again transfers the body, pulling itself up on its hands. The “cowboy” who “rides” better, that is, “rides” faster across the entire bench, wins.

    Note. In our version of the game, only two players participate at the same time, but no one bothers you to put up three or four benches and let more guys play at the same time. The game can also be made as a team game (for example, divide all players into two teams). The first players pretend to be cowboys, then, having reached the opposite end of the bench, they run back to their team and stand at its end, and a new pair of players enters the game. Thus, all team players will be able to visit cowboys. The team that completes the task faster than the other is declared the winner.


    Age: 4 - 6 years.

    Purpose of the game: help improve flexibility in children. The game trains the muscles of the back, especially the lower back. In addition, it gives children knowledge about pets (in this case, about a cat) and contributes to the development of attention.

    Necessary equipment: gymnastic rugs according to the number of participants in the game.

    Game progress(an unlimited number of children can participate in it). The host (educator) explains that now everyone has to portray a cat. To do this, he teaches children two "cat" movements. The first movement: the children kneel, with outstretched arms resting on the floor. At the command of the leader, they bend their lower back, while raising their chin. This is a "cuddly cat". The second movement: the starting position is the same, but now you need, on the contrary, to arch your back and lower your head. This is an angry cat. Having asked to remember both movements well, the host explains to the children that now he will talk about the cat Murka. When he talks about something that the cat loves, the children should portray an affectionate cat, and when about something that she does not like, an angry one.

    Then the presenter reads such, for example, the text: “This is Murka's cat. She is very affectionate. But she doesn't like dogs. Murka likes to drink milk from a saucer. Murka does not like being pulled by the tail. Murka likes to sleep curled up. Murka does not like to run through puddles. And so on.

    The text can be anything, but not too long: do not forget that during the story about the cat, the children are doing physical exercise. At the end of the game, you can invite the children to relax and recite poems about the cat (or, alternatively, talk about your domestic cat).

    Note. If the alternation of movements in children becomes automatic, try to "catch" them by reading Two statements in a row, to which there should be the same reaction (for example, "angry cat"). Those who do not err must be commended for their attentiveness.

    As a preliminary work, we suggest that you learn the following poems with the children in advance.


    Through the window into the window

    A strange cat came to us.

    window open,

    The cat is unwashed.

    We said:

    - Hello, cat,

    Stay with us for a while.

    E. Uspensky


    No, in vain we decided

    Ride a cat in a car:

    The cat is not used to riding -

    Overturned a truck.

    A. Barto

    Kitty grief

    Crying pussy in the hallway.

    She is in great grief.

    Evil people poor pussy

    Do not let them steal sausages.

    B. Zakhoder


    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop flexibility in children. The game trains the lower back, muscles of the legs and arms.

    Necessary equipment: a few pebbles or other small objects (for example, cubes).

    Game progress. It is played in turn. The host (an adult or another player) lays out pebbles in front of the player. The player must stand up straight with heels together and toes apart. His task is to collect all the pebbles lying in front of him. Everything would be simple, but only the player does not have the right to bend his legs, and he has to collect pebbles, each time bending over. To the pebbles lying a little further away, the player also has to reach out with all his might. The host must ensure that the player follows the rules: do not bend your legs and diligently reach out to all objects without missing anything. If the player did everything correctly and collected all the stones, then he is considered the winner. Now he can give way to another player, and he himself can take a little rest.

    Pull up, grow up

    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's flexibility and balance. The game develops the muscles of the arms and legs, contributes to the formation of correct posture.

    Game progress(an unlimited number of people can participate in it). The host explains the rules. They are simple: the players must recite a poem with the leader, while repeating his movements.

    The wind is blowing in our face (We wave our hands, turned palms inward, in the direction "toward us.")

    And shakes the tree. (We raise our hands up, make inclinations to the right and left, while our hands are not tense.)

    The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter, (The amplitude of the slopes gradually decreases.)

    The trees are growing taller. (Raise your hands up, rise on tiptoe and stretch with all your might.)

    Note. There is no competitive element in this game, but it gives children a great opportunity to warm up. The game can be used as a physical activity in kindergarten or school lessons: keeping the correct posture is not the easiest thing for children, but this exercise will allow children to stretch and relieve tension in the lower back. By the way, we also recommend this “sipping” for adults.

    camel racing

    Age: 5 - 7 years.

    Purpose of the game: develop flexibility and balance in children. The game helps to strengthen the spine.

    Game progress. Players are divided into several (two, three) teams. The host explains that everyone will play the relay, but not easy, but ... camel. To do this, first of all, players will have to portray camels. This is done as follows: the player must bend over and clasp his ankles with his palms, while straightening his legs as much as possible and arching his back. In this position, the player must reach the finish line (it is impossible to move quickly in this position). A player who bends his knees or unhooks his hands, leaves the race. The team that completes the task faster than the others wins.

    Note. The game can be changed. For example, not teams of players can compete with each other, but players themselves. To do this, you can ask the players, for example, to stand in a circle and move in a circle. From time to time the facilitator may ask the players to stop. Those who did not lose their balance during a sudden stop continue the game. You can also arrange a whole "camel caravan": the players become in a chain one after another, and the first player leads them in an arbitrary direction.


    Age: 6 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's flexibility of movement (primarily hands). The game contributes to the development of attention and accuracy and speed of reaction.

    Game progress. With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. The rest of the players (at least 10 people) stand in a circle and hold hands. The circle of players will represent the sea, and the driver will represent the “boat”. Players begin to make a “wave”, that is, without disengaging their hands, perform smooth wave-like movements with their hands. At the same time, they either raise or lower their hands. These movements must be performed arbitrarily: it is important that the driver cannot predict where the “wave” will be higher and where lower. The task of the “boat” driver is to slip under the “wave”, that is, quickly run through the gap between any two players at the moment when their hands are raised. If he succeeds, he takes a place in the circle, and another driver is chosen instead of him, but if not, he repeats the attempt until it becomes successful.

    Note. Sea players are not allowed to speed up an unfinished move specifically to catch a player.


    Age: 5-7 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop children's flexibility of movement, stability. The game teaches children to measure forces, improves coordination of movements and balance.

    Necessary equipment: sports mat or small mattress. You can also play on the carpet: the main thing is that something soft is laid on the floor.

    Game progress. Among the players (up to ten people can play in total), a “roly-poly” is selected. To "turn" into a roly-poly doll, the player must sit on the mat with their legs crossed (in Turkish) and rest their hands on their hips. The rest of the players, taking turns approaching the "tumbler", try to make her fall on the mattress. The task of the player depicting a tumbler is not to lose balance. The maximum that he can afford is to sway without changing his position. If the player manages to unbalance the "tumbler", he himself takes her place.

    Note. Of course, in order to avoid injury, players are prohibited from pushing the "tumbler" too hard and sharply. This must be done strongly, but smoothly: the player must be given the opportunity to resist the onslaught. Only one player can push the "roly-poly" at a time. Having made one attempt and failed at the same time, he returns to the "tail" of the line of players.


    Age: 5 - 7 years old.

    Purpose of the game: promote the development of flexibility in children. The game perfectly strengthens the spine, teaches clarity, dexterity and speed of movement.

    Game progress. This is a team game. It can be attended by two to four teams. However, two or three players can also take part in this game with equal success: in this case, the competition will not be a team one, but, so to speak, personal: each player will play for himself. Boats should be played indoors, and it is desirable to mark the playing field: mark the starting line, put several pins or small chairs (according to the number of teams) on the opposite side of the room, which players will have to go around. The essence of the game is a relay race, in which players must move in a race. Only in this case they will not have to run, as is usually done, but to portray themselves as boats. This is done as follows: the player sits on the floor, and stretches his straight arms to the sides (hands will represent oars). When moving, the player bends his knees without taking his feet off the floor, as a result of which, without the help of his hands, he pulls his whole body forward. Then, having moved, he again straightens his legs, but is already an order of magnitude closer to the finish line. Thus, either straightening or bending the legs and moving the body forward at the same time, the player moves (by the way, if you watch the movements of rowers in kayaks or canoes, it turns out that they row in exactly the same way, then straightening their legs and leaning back, then bending your knees and making a vigorous movement forward). During the "swimming" the hands of the players make movements resembling the movements of oars. The winner is the player who, in this position, is the first to “swim” to the skittles (chair) and, having rounded it, returns to the finish line in the same manner. If the game is a team game, then the team whose “boats” sailed the fastest wins.

    Note. It should be borne in mind that such a game is a rather serious test of flexibility, so for the first time you should not mark out too large a playing field, especially if younger children are playing. For older children who have already become experienced "rowers", you can complicate the task: on the path of the "boats" place skittles - "buoys", between which the players will have to "swim". If a player hits a pin, it is considered that he has run aground, and he will have to start the "swimming" from the beginning.

    Owl Owl

    Age: 5 - 6 years.

    Purpose of the game: to develop flexibility and a sense of physical balance in children. The rules of the game prescribe to the players the ability not only to move, but also to freeze in the accepted position, so the game is a kind of static exercise.

    Game progress(at the same time 12-20 people can take part in it). Among the players, an "owl" is chosen. An adult (educator, teacher) plays the role of a leader and monitors the game. The players stand in a circle at arm's length from each other, the "owl" becomes the center of the circle and closes its eyes. Everyone, except for the owl, depicts bugs, butterflies, etc. The host says: “The sun has risen - everything has come to life!” On this command, the players begin to run in a circle, bouncing, waving their “wings”, etc. The “owl” stands with its eyes closed. After a while, the leader commands: “The sun sets, everyone goes to bed!” The players freeze each in their place in the position in which the leader's words found him. "Owl" opens its eyes and starts "hunting". She walks along the circle, looking out among the players for those who could not keep their balance and moved. The players caught in this way also become “owls” and stand in a circle, after which the game continues according to the same scenario.


    Age: 6 - 7 years.

    Purpose of the game: teach children flexibility of movement and a sense of balance. The game contributes to the development of coordination of movements.

    Necessary equipment: a small wooden block (in the absence of a block, it can be replaced with another object: a large cube from a floor constructor, a jumping ball, etc.).

    Game progress. Players (up to 20 people) stand in a circle and, holding hands, shout the following words in unison:

    Chump, chump,

    He interferes with us.

    Get out of the circle

    Who will knock down a chump with his foot.

    In fact, this rhyme is the rules of the game. Having shouted out these words, the players, without disengaging their hands, jump and jump around the block. At the same time, they try to move the block of wood that “interferes with them” from the playing field, but they do it, so to speak, with the wrong hands: they try to push their neighbors to the block of wood, and themselves avoid contact with the object. Naturally, in this case, the players will have to seriously test themselves for flexibility: they will try to pull each other to the block, but at the same time bend and generally resist so that they themselves are not among the losers. The player who touches the block leaves the circle, and the rest start the game from the very beginning. The game continues until there are two players left (one of them will emerge victorious) or until you get tired of playing.


    Age: 5 - 8 years.

    Purpose of the game: develop children's flexibility and grace of movement.

    Game progress. 8-10 people can take part in the game at the same time. One of the players plays the role of a leader (it may also be the eldest of the children). Players line up at arm's length facing the leader. The host gives the players the same tasks that they must perform. These tasks are not easy, as they will require maximum flexibility and balance from the players. For example, these: “Grab your right shoe with your left hand, and grab your left ear with your right hand. Now step over the left hand with the right foot, etc. Of course, technically this is not always easy to do, but the benefits of such a game for developing flexibility are undeniable. A player who fails to cope with one of the tasks (the moderator carefully fixes the accuracy of the tasks by the players), leaves the game or pays a forfeit by agreement. The game is won by the most dexterous and most flexible player who has never lost his way and “got confused” quite correctly.

    Note. This game can also be played in pairs, then there will be even more entanglement options.

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