Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Tests of slag crushed stone according to GOST 3344 83. Ready crushed stone-sand mixtures

Tests of slag crushed stone according to GOST 3344 83. Ready crushed stone-sand mixtures

Amendment No. 1, introduced by the decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2000 No. 115, amended this GOST, introduced from April 1, 2001.
See the text of GOST in the previous edition

Crushed stone and sand slag for road construction
Technical conditions
GOST 3344-83

By Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of January 6, 1998 N 18-1, this GOST was declared invalid in terms of the methods of physical and mechanical tests from July 1, 1998 in connection with the introduction of GOST 8269.0-97

This standard applies to crushed stone and sand, as well as ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures from slags of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and phosphorus slags, intended for the construction of highways (coatings, bases, additional layers of bases of other structural layers of pavement).

The requirements of the standard do not apply to crushed slag, sand and ready-made mixtures used for the preparation of concrete.

The use of slag materials is regulated by the norms and rules for DESIGN and construction of highways and other regulatory and technical documents.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Slag crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Crushed stone

1.2.1. Crushed stone by grain size is subdivided into fractions characterized by the corresponding smallest and largest nominal grain sizes (d and D, mm):
5 to 10 or 3 to 10 mm;
St. 10 to 20 mm;
St. 20 to 40 mm;
St. 40 to 70 mm;
St. 70 to 120 mm.

Table 1

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone in the form of a mixture of two or three adjacent fractions, as well as crushed stone of fractions from 5 to 15, from 10 to 15, from 15 to 20 mm.

1.2.2. The grain composition of each fraction or mixture of crushed stone fractions must meet the requirements specified in table. 1.

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release a mixture of crushed stone fractions with a grain content of more than D and less than d up to 20% by weight, with a grain content of less than 0.5 d not more than 10% by weight. At the same time, the mixture of crushed stone fractions with a maximum grain size of 120, 70 and 40 mm should not contain grains larger than 1.5 D, with a maximum grain size of 20 and 10 mm - more than 2 D.

1.2.4. According to the shape of the grains, crushed stone from weak and inactive slag is divided into 3 groups in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 2. The shape of grains of crushed stone from active and highly active slags is not standardized.

table 2

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone containing more than 35% of lamellar and needle-shaped grains, but not more than 70%.

1.2.5. Crushed stone by strength is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Crushed stone grade by strength Weight loss during testing,%, for crushed stone from slags
ferrous metallurgy nonferrous metallurgy phosphoric
1200 Up to 15 To 10 Up to 15
1000 St. 15 to 25 St. 10 to 15 St. 15 to 20
800 St. 25 to 35 St. 15 to 20 St. 20 to 25
600 St. 35 to 45 St. 20 to 25 St. 25 to 35
300 St. 45 to 55 St. 25 to 35 -

The strength grade of crushed stone is determined in a water-saturated state by the loss of crushed stone mass during compression (crushing) in the cylinder.

1.2.6. Crushed stone by abrasion is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in table 4.

Table 4

Abrasion grade of crushed stone Weight loss during testing,%
And I Up to 25
III St. 25 to 35
IIII St. 35 to 45
IV St. 45 to 60

Table 5

1.2.9. Frost resistance of crushed stone is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, in which the loss of crushed stone in the mass does not exceed the established values. According to frost resistance, crushed stone is subdivided into the following grades: F 15, F 25, F 50, F 100, F 150, F 200 and F 300. Indicators of frost resistance of crushed stone when tested by freezing and thawing must comply with the requirements specified in Table 6.

Table 6

Requirements for frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags.

1.3.1. Sand, depending on the size of the grains included in its composition, the size modulus and the total residue on a sieve with a mesh No. 063, is subdivided into groups by size in accordance with table. 7.

Table 7

1. It is allowed to release very fine sand with a size modulus from 0.7 to 1.0.
2. If the sand according to the size modulus belongs to one group, and according to the total residue on a sieve with a mesh No. 063 - to another, then the sand group is determined according to the size modulus M to.
1.3.2. The content of grains with a grain size of more than 5 mm in sand from weakly and inactive slags should not be more than 15% and grains with a grain size of more than 10 mm - more than 1% by weight, the content of grains with a grain size of more than 20 mm is not allowed.
The content of particles less than 0.16 mm in size should not exceed: d sand with a size modulus of more than 2 - 10%, from 2 to 1.5 - 15% and less than 1.5 - 25% by weight.
The content of grains with a particle size of over 5 mm and particles with a size of less than 0.16 mm in sand from active and highly active slags is not standardized.
1.3.3. The content of clay particles determined during the swelling test should not exceed: in asphalt concrete sand - 1% by weight; in sand for other types of road works, including for the preparation of ready-mixed mixtures - 5% by weight.
1.3.4. The content of metal impurities in the sand, amenable to manual sorting, should not exceed 3% by weight.
1.4. Ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures
1.4.1. Ready mixes consist of sand and gravel.
1.4.2. The grain composition of the ready-mixed mixtures must meet the requirements specified in table. eight.

Table 8

Mix weight Maximum grain size, mm Total residue,% by weight, on control sieves with mesh size
1,5 D 1.25 D D 0.5 D 5 mm 0.16 mm
C0 120 Not allowed 0-3 0-5 30-70 65-95 90-95
C1 70 0-5 0-20 20-60 65-85 90-95
C2 70 0-5 0-20 10-35 40-75 90-95
C3 40 0-10 0-15 20-40 45-70 75-90
C4 40 0-10 0-15 40-60 70-85 90-95
C5 20 0-10 0-15 10-35 25-50 65-90
C6 20 0-10 0-15 20-40 40-60 90-95
C7 10 0-10 0-15 20-40 20-80 80-95

1.4.3. Crushed stone, which is part of ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay in lumps, strength, abrasion, content of weak grains, including broken refractory bricks, pumice-like grains (in crushed stone from phosphorus slags), frost resistance, the content of metal impurities must comply with the requirements specified in clauses 1.2.3 and 1.2.5 - 1.2.9. Requirements for strength, abrasion and frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags, which is part of ready-made mixtures.

1.4.4. The shape of the grains of crushed stone, which is part of the ready-made mixtures, is not standardized.

1.4.5. The sand that is part of the ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay particles and metal impurities, must comply with the requirements specified in clauses 1.3.3 and 1.3.4.

1.5. Slag - feedstock

1.5.1. The stability of the slag structure is characterized by the weight loss during testing. According to the stability of the structure, slags are subdivided in accordance with Table 9.

Table 9

1.5.2. Slag activity is characterized by the compressive strength of samples made from ground slag. According to their activity, slags are subdivided in accordance with Table 10.

Table 10

1.5.3. Slags should not contain foreign contaminants (debris, soil, wood residues, etc.).

1.5.4. Phosphorus slags should not contain more than 2% P2O5 by mass.

1.5.5. Crushed stone and sand, depending on the value of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff, are used:
for the construction of roads and airfields without restrictions at A eff up to 740 Bq / kg;
for the construction of roads and airfields outside settlements with A eff over 740 to 1500 Bq / kg.

If necessary, in the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.

2. Acceptance rules

2.1. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures produced by the manufacturing enterprise (plant) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise. The enterprise (plant) -manufacturer must ensure that the products comply with the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Acceptance of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures is carried out in batches consisting of crushed stone of a given fraction (mixture of fractions), sand of one size module or a ready-made mixture of this brand. The batch is considered the daily output of each type of specified product.

2.3. The frequency of control must meet the requirements specified in Table 11.

Table 11

Product type Inspection frequency and characteristic to be determined
Daily Once a week Once every six months Once a year
Crushed stone Grain composition; the content of impurities, determined by elutriation, including clays in lumps Content of weak grains, including refractory brick breakage; content of metallic impurities Strength; abrasion; grain shape Frost resistance
Sand Grain composition; size module Content of clay particles; content of metallic impurities - -
Ready mix Grain composition Content of clay particles in the sandy component; content of metallic impurities Crushed stone strength, crushed stone abrasion Frost resistance
Slag - raw material - - Stability of the structure; activity Total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

Note. The content of clay particles in the sand and the sandy component of the finished mixture is determined by the swelling method.

2.4. Determination of the brand by strength, abrasion, frost resistance, the shape of grains of crushed stone, activity and stability of the structure of the slag of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is also carried out in each case when the production technology or feedstock is changed.

2.5. Quality control of crushed stone, sand, mixtures and slag at the manufacturer's enterprise is carried out by testing one replaceable average sample taken from streams of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixtures.

2.5.1. The mass of the average sample is set for crushed stone, depending on its size according to GOST 8269.0-97, sand - according to GOST 8735-88.

2.5.2. The mass of the average sample of the finished mixture should correspond to Table 12.

Table 12

2.5.3. A removable average sample is made up of partial samples from each process line.

2.5.4. Partial samples on a conveyor belt with a width of less than 1000 mm are taken by periodically crossing the entire flow width, at which all material passing along the conveyor during the sampling time is cut off. When the width of the conveyor is 1000 mm or more, samples are taken by sequentially crossing the flow in parts. Partial samples are taken at 1 hour intervals.

2.5.5. The procedure for taking partial samples at the crushed stone and ready-mix warehouses is in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.6. Partial samples are combined into an average sample representing the controlled lot.

Averaging, reduction and preparation of a sample for testing is carried out for crushed stone and ready-mix in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, for sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.7. The number of partial samples taken for a control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixture for each batch must be at least as indicated in Table 13.

Table 13

2.6. For a control check of the quality of crushed stone, ready-mix sand and slag shipped by rail, water and road transport, the order and number of partial samples taken must meet the requirements: for crushed stone and ready-mix - GOST 8267-93, for sand GOST 8736-93.

2.7. At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must determine and report the following quality indicators:
crushed stone-density (average and bulk), porosity, voidness (volume of intergranular voids), water absorption and moisture;
sand - density (average and bulk) and moisture;
ready mix - bulk density and moisture.

By the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of January 6, 1998 No. 18-1, this GOST was declared invalid in terms of the methods of physical and mechanical tests from July 1, 1998 in connection with the introduction of GOST 8269.0-97

3. Test methods

3.1. Determination of grain size composition, content of impurities (elutriation method), including clay in lumps, grain shape, strength grade, abrasion grade. grades for frost resistance, average and bulk density, porosity, voidness, water absorption and moisture content of crushed stone, the content of weak grains and metal impurities, structure stability, slag activity is produced in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97.

3.2. Determination of the content of weak grains and metal impurities

3.2.1. Equipment
General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-80.

See GOST 24104-2001 "Laboratory balance. General technical requirements", entered into force on July 1, 2001 by the decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2001 No. 439-st

Sieves with holes with a diameter of 5; ten; twenty; 40 and 70 mm.
Locksmith's hammer type A weighing 200 g in accordance with GOST 2310-77.

3.2.2. Test preparation and execution

Crushed stone is dispersed on sieves into standard fractions. Each fraction is weighed with the mass indicated in Table 14.

Table 14

Fraction size, mm 5-10 10-20 20-40 40-70 St. 70
Hinge weight, kg, not less 0,5 1,0 5,0 15,0 35,0

The weighed portions are dried to constant mass m, poured into one layer and each fraction is divided into slag grains, refractory brick grains, grains of other impurities and metal impurities.

The use of a magnet for the selection of metal impurities in crushed stone is allowed.

Crushed grains of refractory bricks and impurities such as fluxes are referred to as weak grains.

Weak grains include grains that are broken by hands and destroyed by light hammer blows.

3.2.3. Processing of results

The weak grains from slags, grains of refractory bricks, and other impurities selected from the sample are weighed and their content X i is calculated as a percentage using the formula

where m i is the mass of weak grains of each of the selected species, kg;
m is the total mass of the sample, kg.

According to the formula (1), the content of metal impurities is determined.

3.3. Grain composition, size modulus, average and bulk density and moisture content of sand are determined in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

3.4.1. Equipment and reagents
Sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter; sieve with mesh N 063 in accordance with GOST 3584-73
Glass volumetric cylindrical vessels with a capacity of 100 ml in accordance with GOST 1770-74, 2 pcs.
Porcelain mortar in accordance with GOST 9147-80.
A pestle with a rubber tip in accordance with GOST 9147-80.
Calcium chloride in accordance with GOST 450-77, 5% solution.

3.4.2. Testing

From an average sample of sand weighing 1 kg, dried to constant weight and sifted through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter, take a sample weighing 200 g. The sand is ground in a porcelain mortar with a pestle with a rubber tip, sieved through a sieve with a mesh No. 063. Determine the content in the sand grains less than 0.63 mm in size - (A_063). The sand that has passed through the sieve is filled in two glass measuring cylinders in equal parts by tapping on the cylinders until the volume of sand V in the compacted state reaches the 10 ml mark.

The sand in each cylinder is loosened again, 30 ml of distilled water is poured in, mix thoroughly until the clay on the walls completely disappears; pour into the vessel as a coagulant 10 ml of a 5% solution of calcium chloride and top up the vessel with distilled water to the 70 ml mark; mix thoroughly, add water to the 100 ml mark and leave for 24 hours.

Then measure the volume V 1 occupied by the sand. The increment in volume H about with the swelling of clay particles for each 1 cm3 of the initial volume is calculated with an accuracy of 0.01 using the formula

The swelling increment is determined as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel tests.

Table 15

Volume increment H about 1 cm³ Content of clay particles in grains with grain size less than 0.63 mm,%
1,50 17,0 0,75 8,50
1,45 16,43 0,70 7,93
1,40 15,87 0,65 7,36
1,35 15,35 0,60 6,80
1,30 14,74 0,55 6,23
1,25 14,17 0,50 5,66
1,20 13,85 0,45 5,09
1,15 13,03 0,40 4,53
1,10 12,46 0,35 3,96
1,05 11,90 0,30 3,39
1,00 11,33 0,25 2,83
0,95 10,76 0,20 2,26
0,90 10,20 0,15 1,70
0,85 9,63 0,12 1,36
0,80 9,06 0,10 1,13

According to Table 15, the content of clay particles in grains less than 0.63 mm of Gl 063 is found corresponding to the values ​​of the volume increment H about the content of clay particles.

3.4.3. Processing of results

where A 063 is the content in the sand of grains less than 0.63 mm in size,%;
Gl 063 - the content of clay particles in grains less than 0.63 mm in size,%.

3.5. Determination of the content of metal impurities in sand (including ready-mix sand)

3.5.1. Equipment
General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-88.

Instead of GOST 24104-88, the RF Resolution of October 26, 2001 N 439-st was put into effect on July 1, 2002 GOST 24104-2001

Sieve with mesh N 016 in accordance with GOST 6613-86 and sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter.
Laboratory electric resistance furnace (drying cabinet).
Binocular microscope type MBS-1 or MBS-2 with a magnification of at least 10 (x).

3.5.2. Test preparation and execution

An average sample of sand weighing 1 kg is sieved through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter and on a sieve with a mesh No. 016. From the remainder of the sand on a sieve with a mesh No. 016, a sample of sand weighing about 0.25 - 0.3 kg is taken by quartering; the sand is washed, dried to constant mass m, then scattered in a thin layer on glass or paper and viewed with a magnifying glass or binocular microscope, while taking away metal impurities with a thin needle.

The use of a magnet for the selection of magnetizable metal impurities in the sand is allowed.

The selected metal impurities are weighed m m and their content M is calculated as a percentage according to the formula (1).

3.8.1. Equipment
Laboratory electric resistance furnace (drying cabinet) up to GOST 13474-79.
Electric autoclave 0.2 MPa (2 ati), vertical or horizontal.
General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-80.
A set of sieves with holes of 5, 10, 20 and 40 mm.
A vessel for immersion of crushed stone samples in distilled water.
Metal brush.
Pouches made of thick fabric. Galvanized sheet molds with round holes with a diameter of no more than 3 mm.

Select two weighed portions of crushed stone, each with a volume of at least:
for fractions with a maximum grain size of up to 20 mm - 1 l;
up to 40 mm - 2 l; over 40 mm - 5 liters. Crushed stone is washed, cleaned of loose particles and dust, dried to constant weight.

Determine the mass of crushed stone in each sample m 1. Each sample of crushed stone is tested separately.

3.8.2. Testing

Crushed stone is placed in bags (or molds) and immersed in a vessel with distilled water for 30 days.

After the specified period, the crushed stone is removed from the water, allowed to drain, placed in molds and placed in an autoclave. Within 30 minutes, the pressure in the autoclave is gradually raised to 0.2 MPa (2 atm). At this pressure, the crushed stone is kept for 6 hours, after which the pressure is gradually reduced to atmospheric for 20 minutes.

Samples of crushed stone are taken out of the autoclave, each separately washed, dried to constant weight, sifted through a sieve with holes with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the tested fraction, crushed stone. Determine the mass of the residue on a sieve m 2.

It is allowed to replace the test in an autoclave by boiling in a tank for 10 hours in accordance with GOST 9758-77 (Section 18).

Instead of GOST 9758-77, by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR of July 11, 1986 N 97, from January 1, 1988, GOST 9758-86 was approved

3.8.3. Processing of results

Loss in mass P m in percent with an accuracy of 0.1% is calculated by the formula

where m 1 is the mass of the sample before testing g;
m 2 - weight of the sample after testing, g.

The mass loss of crushed stone, consisting of a mixture of several fractions, P cm is determined by the formula

where N is the number of fractions included in the mixture;
P i - loss of this fraction,%, by weight;
С фi - content of this fraction,% by weight.

The arithmetic mean of two parallel definitions is taken as the result.

3.9.1. Equipment
Laboratory ball mill, vibrating mill or drum with metal balls.
Pneumatic surface gauge, type PSM-2 in accordance with GOST 8736-93.
Small Soyuzdorniya device for standard sealing (see drawing).

1 - handle; 2 - guide rod; 3 - weight; 4 - plunger; 5 - directing packed cylinder; 6 - split cylinder, 7 - cup holder; 8 - fixing screws; 9 - metal plate

Hydraulic press with a force of 5-50 tons.
Laboratory electric resistance furnace (drying cabinet) in accordance with GOST 13474-79.
Laboratory stirrer.
General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-80.
A sieve with holes of 0.071 mm in accordance with GOST 3584-73.
Spherical porcelain or metal bowl.
Sample storage bath with water lock.
Master OK.

3.9.2. Test preparation and execution

An average slag sample weighing 5 kg is dried to constant weight and ground in a ball mill, vibrating mill or drum with metal balls so that the residue on a sieve with a mesh size of 0.071 mm is 6-10% or the specific surface area is (3000 + - 100) cm2 / g. The specific surface area is determined in the PSM-2 device with a 120 mm long hollow insert inserted into the device sleeve. The crushed slag is kept in air-dry conditions for 1 day.

Determination of slag activity is carried out on cylinder samples made from a slag mixture of maximum average density. The maximum average density of the mixture is obtained by selection with the optimal amount of added water.

To determine the optimal amount of water that provides the maximum density of the mixture, a sample of ground slag weighing 720-750 g is taken, water is added in an amount of 6-8% of the slag weight and thoroughly mixed with a trowel in a spherical bowl for 5 minutes. The bowl is pre-wiped with a damp cloth. A control sample is taken from the prepared mixture and the actual moisture content is determined, after which 3 samples with a diameter and height of 50 mm are formed from the mixture in a small Soyuzdorniya device for standard compaction. The samples are compacted with 40 blows with a weight of 2.5 kg falling from a height of 30 cm. After compaction, the plunger and the nozzle are carefully removed, and the excess mixture is carefully cut off with a knife. Immediately after manufacture, the samples are released from the mold and weighed with an accuracy of 0.1 g. The preparation of the slag mixture, the manufacture of samples and weighing are repeated several times, each time increasing the amount of water by 2%.

Water is stopped to be added after obtaining a number of indicators of the average density of the skeleton, the values ​​of which naturally decrease with each subsequent determination.

To determine the optimum moisture content and the maximum average density for each series of samples (different moisture content), the average density of the sample skeleton (without water) is calculated. The average density of the skeleton γ sc of the sample is determined by the formula

where W is the actual moisture content of the mixture,% of the mass of dry ground slag;
γ - average density of samples, g / cm³, determined by the formula

γ = m / V (7)

where m is the mass of the sample at a given moisture content (average of three samples), g;
V is the volume of samples, cm³.

Based on the results of determining the average density of the skeleton of the samples, a graph is plotted, plotting the values ​​of the average density of the skeleton of the sample γ sc along the ordinate, and the actual humidity along the abscissa. The highest point of the obtained curve corresponds to the optimum moisture content and the maximum average density of the samples.

To determine the strength, samples are made from a slag mixture with optimal moisture content and maximum density. To do this, water is introduced into the ground slag in an amount corresponding to the optimum moisture content and maximum density, and mixed for 2.5 minutes in a laboratory mixer. In the absence of a mixer, slag with water is mixed with a trowel in a spherical bowl for 10 minutes.

The slag mixture (3 kg) is made according to the above method using a small Soyuzdorniya device for standard compaction of 10 sample cylinders with a height and diameter of 50 mm. It is also allowed to compact the samples on a press at a pressure of 20 MPa (200 kgf / cm²), providing a sample density equal to the density obtained on a standard compaction device with holding for 3 minutes. The deviation of the actual moisture content of the mixture is allowed up to ± 0.5% of the optimum.

The samples are stored for 7 days in air at a temperature of 18-20 ° C, measured with a caliper, then placed in a chamber with a humidity of at least 95% for 18 days and then saturated with water for 2 days.

Samples saturated with water at the age of 28 days are tested on a hydraulic press, increasing the pressure by 0.3-0.5 MPa (3-5 kgf / cm²) per second until the samples are destroyed.

3.9.3. Processing of results

The tensile strength of the sample σcomp is calculated with an accuracy of 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm²) according to the formula

where P is the breaking force of the press, N (kgf);
F - cross-sectional area of ​​the sample, cm².

The activity index is taken as the ultimate compressive strength, calculated as the arithmetic mean of the test results of ten samples.

Note. It is allowed to determine the activity on samples made from a mixture with a water-slag ratio of 0.12; 0.14 and 0.16. 10 samples are prepared from each mixture.

In this case, the activity indicator is taken as the largest of the three average compressive strengths of 10 specimens.

3.10. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma-spectrometric method according to GOST 30108-94.

4. Marking, transportation and storage

4.1. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch of crushed stone, sand and ready-mix with a document of the established form, which indicates:
name and address of the manufacturer;
number and date of issue of the document;
the name and address of the consumer;
car, car or ship number and invoice numbers;
batch number, name and quantity of material in the batch;
material size;
slag activity;
the stability of the slag structure;
the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone;
grade of crushed stone by strength;
rubble brand for abrasion;
a brand of crushed stone for frost resistance;
content of weak grains, including breakage of refractory bricks:
a group of crushed stone in the shape of grains;
grain size composition of sand;
sand size modulus;
the content of clay in the sand (including the sand included in the mixture);
grain composition of the finished mixture;
designation of this standard;
total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

4.2. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures are allowed to be transported by vehicles of any kind in bulk in accordance with the current rules for the carriage of goods and the Technical conditions for loading and securing goods approved by the Ministry of Railways, the rules for the carriage of goods by road and water transport.

4.3. During transportation and storage, the displacement of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures of different compositions, as well as crushed stone of different strength and abrasion marks, is not allowed.

4.4. Crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from contamination.

GOST 3344-83



Official edition


Amendment No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) 05.17.2000

Voted to accept the change:

State name

The name of the government building authority

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee for Construction of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Environment and Land Improvement of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Tajikistan



Technical conditions

Slag crushed stone and slag sand for road construction. Specifications

GOST 3344-73 and GOST 23756-79

By the decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated October 20, 1983 No. 281, the date of introduction was set 01.01.85

This standard applies to crushed stone and sand, as well as ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures from slags of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and phosphorus slags, intended for the construction of highways (pavements, foundations, additional base layers and other structural layers of pavement).

The requirements of the standard do not apply to crushed slag, sand and ready-made mixtures used for the preparation of concrete.

The use of slag materials is regulated by the norms and rules for the design and construction of highways and other regulatory and technical documents.


1.1. Slag crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Crushed stone

1.2.1. Crushed stone by grain size is subdivided into fractions characterized by the corresponding smallest and largest nominal grain sizes (d and D, mm):

5 to 10 or 3 to 10 mm;

St. 10 to 20 mm;

"20" 40 mm;

"40" 70 mm;

"70" 120 mm.

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone in the form of a mixture of two or three adjacent fractions, as well as crushed stone of fractions from 5 to 15, from 10 to 15, from 15 to 20 mm.

1.2.2. The grain composition of each fraction or mixture of crushed stone fractions must meet the requirements specified in table. 1.

Official edition Reprinting prohibited

Edition (July 2007) with Amendment No. 1, adopted in December 2000 (IUS 5-2001),

Amendment (IUS 2-90).

© Standards Publishing House, 1983 © Standartinform, 2007

Table 1

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release a mixture of crushed stone fractions with a grain content of more than D and less than d up to 20% by weight, with a grain content of less than 0.5 d not more than 10% by weight. At the same time, the mixture of crushed stone fractions with a maximum grain size of 120, 70 and 40 mm should not contain grains larger than 1.5 D, with a maximum grain size of 20 and 10 mm - more than 2 D.

1.2.4. According to the shape of the grains, crushed stone from weak and inactive slag is divided into 3 groups in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 2. The shape of grains of crushed stone from active and highly active slags is not standardized.

table 2

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone containing more than 35% of lamellar and needle-shaped grains, but not more than 70%.

1.2.5. Crushed stone by strength is divided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 3.

Table 3

The strength grade of crushed stone is determined in a water-saturated state by the loss of crushed stone mass during compression (crushing) in the cylinder.

1.2.6. Crushed stone by abrasion is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 4.

Table 4

Table 5

1.2.9. Frost resistance of crushed stone is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, in which the loss of crushed stone in the mass does not exceed the established values. According to frost resistance, crushed stone is divided into the following grades: F 15, F 25, F 50, F 100, F 150, F 200 and F 300. Indicators of frost resistance of crushed stone when tested by freezing and thawing must comply with the requirements specified in table. 6.

Table 6

Requirements for frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags.

1.3. Sand

1.3.1. Sand, depending on the size of the grains included in its composition, the size modulus and the total residue on a sieve with a mesh No. 063, are subdivided into groups by size in accordance with table. 7.

Table 7


1. It is allowed to release very fine sand with a size modulus from 0.7 to 1.0.

2. If the sand according to the size modulus belongs to one group, and according to the total residue on a sieve with a mesh No. 063 - to another, then the sand group is determined according to the size modulus M to.

1.4. Ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures

1.4.1. Ready mixes consist of sand and gravel.

1.4.2. The grain composition of the ready-mixed mixtures must meet the requirements specified in table. eight.

Table 8


Total residue,% by weight, on control sieves with mesh size

Mix brand

grain size,

Note. For a mixture of C 7, the total residue on a sieve with meshes of 2.5 mm should be from 40 to 60% by weight.


1.4.3. Crushed stone, which is part of ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay in lumps, strength, abrasion, content of weak grains, including broken refractory bricks, pumice-like grains (in crushed stone from phosphorus slags), frost resistance, the content of metal impurities must comply with the requirements specified in nn. 1.2.3 and 1.2.5-1.2.9. Requirements for strength, abrasion and frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags, which is part of ready-made mixtures.

1.4.4. The shape of the grains of crushed stone, which is part of the ready-made mixtures, is not standardized.

1.4.5. The sand that is part of the ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay particles and metal impurities, must comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs. 1.3.3 and 1.3.4.

1.5. Slag - feedstock

1.5.1. The stability of the slag structure is characterized by the weight loss during testing. According to the stability of the structure, slags are subdivided in accordance with table. nine.

Table 9

1.5.2. Slag activity is characterized by the compressive strength of samples made from ground slag. According to the activity, slags are subdivided in accordance with the table. ten.

Table 10

1.5.3. Slags should not contain foreign contaminants (debris, soil, wood residues, etc.).

1.5.4. Phosphorus slags should not contain P 2 0 5 more than 2% by weight.

1.5.5. Crushed stone and sand, depending on the value of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A. ^ f, are used:

for the construction of roads and airfields without restrictions at A ^ f up to 740 Bq / kg;

for the construction of roads and airfields outside settlements with A ^ f over 740 to 1500 Bq / kg.

If necessary, in the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.


2.1. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures produced by the manufacturing enterprise (plant) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise. The manufacturing enterprise (plant) must ensure that the products comply with the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Acceptance of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures is carried out in batches consisting of crushed stone of a given fraction (mixture of fractions), sand of one size module or a ready-made mixture of this brand. The batch is considered the daily output of each type of specified product.

2.3. The frequency of control must meet the requirements specified in table. eleven.

Table 11

Product type

Inspection frequency and characteristic to be determined


Once a week

Once every six months

Once a year

Grain composition; the content of impurities, determined by elutriation, including clays in lumps

Strength; abrasion; grain shape

Frost resistance

Grain composition; size module

Ready mix

Grain composition

Crushed stone strength; rubble abrasion

Frost resistance

Slag - raw material




The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides for all types of products indicated in table. 11 is determined once a year.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. Determination of the grade by strength, abrasion, frost resistance, the shape of grains of crushed stone, activity, stability of the structure of the slag, the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is also carried out in each case when the production technology or feedstock is changed.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. Quality control of crushed stone, sand, mixtures and slag at the manufacturing plant is carried out by testing one replaceable average sample taken from streams of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixtures.

2.5.1. The mass of the average sample is set for crushed stone, depending on its size according to GOST 8269.0-97, sand - according to GOST 8735-88.

2.5.2. The mass of the average sample of the finished mixture must correspond to table. 12.

Table 12

2.5.3. A removable average sample is made up of partial samples from each process line.

2.5.4. Partial samples on a conveyor belt with a width of less than 1000 mm are taken by periodically crossing the entire flow width, at which all material passing along the conveyor during the sampling time is cut off. Along the conveyor width equal to 1000 mm or more, samples are taken by sequentially crossing the flow in parts. Partial samples are taken at 1 hour intervals.

2.5.5. The procedure for taking partial samples at the crushed stone and ready-mix warehouses is in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.6. Partial samples are combined into an average sample representing the controlled lot.

Averaging, reduction and preparation of a sample for testing is carried out for crushed stone and ready-mix in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, for sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.7. The number of partial samples taken for the control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixture for each batch must be at least as indicated in table. 13.

Table 13

2.6. For a control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand, ready mix and slag shipped by rail, water and road transport, the order and number of partial samples taken must meet the requirements: for crushed stone and ready mix - GOST 8267-93, for sand GOST 8736-93.

2.7. At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must determine and report the following quality indicators:

crushed stone - density (average and bulk), porosity, voidness (volume of intergranular voids), water absorption and moisture;

sand - density (average and bulk) and moisture; ready mix - bulk density and moisture.


3.1. Determination of the grain size composition, the content of impurities (elutriation method), including clays in lumps, grain shape, strength grade, abrasion grade, frost resistance grade, average and bulk density, porosity, voidness, water absorption, crushed stone moisture, content of weak grains and metal impurities, structure stability, slag activity are produced in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.2. Determination of the content of weak grains and metal impurities

3.2.1. Equipment

General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-2001.

Sieves with holes with a diameter of 5; ten; twenty; 40 and 70 mm.

Locksmith's hammer type A weighing 200 g in accordance with GOST 2310-77.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.2.2. Test preparation and execution

Crushed stone is dispersed on sieves into standard fractions. From each fraction, take a sample of the mass indicated in the table. fourteen.

Table 14

Fraction size, mm

Hinge weight, kg, not less

The weighed portions are dried to constant mass m, poured into one layer and each fraction is divided into slag grains, refractory brick grains, grains of other impurities and metal impurities.

The use of a magnet for the selection of metal impurities in crushed stone is allowed.

Crushed grains of refractory bricks and impurities such as fluxes are referred to as weak grains.

Weak grains include grains that are broken by hands and destroyed by light hammer blows.

3.2.3. Processing of results

The weak grains from slags, grains of refractory bricks, and other impurities selected from the sample are weighed and their content X i is calculated as a percentage using the formula

X, =

■ 100,

where tttj is the mass of weak grains of each of the selected species, kg; t is the total mass of the sample, kg.

According to the formula (1), the content of metal impurities is determined.

3.3. Grain composition, size modulus, average and bulk density and moisture content of sand are determined in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4.1. -3.4.3. (Excluded, Amendment No. 1).

3.5. Determination of the content of metal impurities in sand (including ready-mix sand)

3.5.1. Equipment

General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-88.

Sieve with mesh No. 016 in accordance with GOST 6613-86 and sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter.

Laboratory electric resistance furnace (drying cabinet).

Binocular microscope type MBS-1 or MBS-2 with a magnification of at least 10 x.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.5.2. Test preparation and execution

An average sample of sand weighing 1 kg is sieved through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter and on a sieve with a mesh No. 016. From the remainder of the sand on a sieve with a mesh No. 016, a sample of sand weighing about 0.25-0.3 kg is taken by quartering; the sand is washed, dried to constant mass m, then scattered in a thin layer on glass or paper and viewed with a magnifying glass or binocular microscope, while taking away metal impurities with a thin needle.

The use of a magnet for the selection of magnetizable metal impurities in the sand is allowed. The selected metal impurities are weighed t m and their content M is calculated as a percentage using the formula (1).

3.6. Grain composition, bulk density, moisture content of the finished mixture is determined according to GOST 8269.0-97 (grain size composition - according to the method for determining the grain composition of unfractionated gravel).

3.7, 3.8, 3.8.1-3.8.3, 3.9, 3.9.1-3.9.3. (Excluded, Amendment No. 1).

3.10. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma-spectrometric method according to GOST 30108-94.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


4.1. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch of crushed stone, sand and ready-mix with a document of the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer; number and date of issue of the document; the name and address of the consumer;

car, car or ship number and invoice numbers; batch number, name and quantity of material in the batch; material size; slag activity; the stability of the slag structure;

total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures are allowed to be transported by vehicles of any kind in bulk in accordance with the current rules for the carriage of goods and the Technical conditions for loading and securing goods approved by the Ministry of Railways, the rules for the carriage of goods by road and water transport.

4.3. During transportation and storage, it is not allowed to mix crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures of different compositions, as well as crushed stone having different strength and abrasion marks.

4.4. Crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from contamination.

Editor M.I. Maksimova Technical editor L.A. Guseva Proofreader R.A. Mentova Computer layout A.N. Zolotarevoy

Signed for printing on 25.07.2007. Format 60x84 * / 8- Offset paper. Times headset. Offset printing. Service l. 1.40.

Academic and Publishing House 1.10. Circulation 73 copies. Zach. 618.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. Typed in FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" on a PC.

Printed at the branch of FSUE STANDARTINFORM - type. "Moscow printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

GOST 3344-83

Group W18



Technical conditions

Slag crushed stone and slag sand for road construction. Specifications

ISS 91.100.15
OKP 57 1830

Date of introduction 1985-01-01

By the decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs of October 20, 1983 N 281, the date of introduction was established 01.01.85

REPLACE GOST 3344-73 and GOST 23756-79

EDITION (July 2007) with Amendment No. 1, adopted in December 2000 (IUS 5-2001), Amendment (IUS 2-90).

Amendment No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTC) 05/17/2000

Voted for adoption:

State name

The name of the government building authority

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee for Construction of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Environment and Land Improvement of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Tajikistan

This standard applies to crushed stone and sand, as well as ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures from slags of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and phosphorus slags, intended for the construction of highways (pavements, foundations, additional base layers and other structural layers of pavement).

The requirements of the standard do not apply to crushed slag, sand and ready-made mixtures used for the preparation of concrete.

The use of slag materials is regulated by the norms and rules for the design and construction of highways and other regulatory and technical documents.

1. Technical requirements


1.1. Slag crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Crushed stone

1.2.1. Crushed stone by grain size is subdivided into fractions characterized by the corresponding smallest and largest nominal grain sizes (and, mm):

10 or 3 to 10 mm;

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone in the form of a mixture of two or three adjacent fractions, as well as crushed stone of fractions from 5 to 15, from 10 to 15, from 15 to 20 mm.

1.2.2. The grain composition of each fraction or mixture of crushed stone fractions must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

The size of the holes of the control sieves, corresponding to the size of the grains, mm

for each faction

for a mixture of fractions

Total residue on the control sieve,% by weight

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release a mixture of crushed stone fractions with a grain size of more and less up to 20% by weight, with a grain content of less than 0.5 not more than 10% by weight. At the same time, the mixture of crushed stone fractions with a maximum grain size of 120, 70 and 40 mm should not contain grains larger than 1.5, with a maximum grain size of 20 and 10 mm - more than 2.

1.2.4. According to the shape of the grains, crushed stone from weak and inactive slag is divided into 3 groups in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 2. The shape of grains of crushed stone from active and highly active slags is not standardized.

table 2

A group of crushed stone in the shape of grains




By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone containing more than 35% of lamellar and needle-shaped grains, but not more than 70%.

1.2.5. Crushed stone by strength is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Crushed stone grade by strength

Weight loss during testing,%, for crushed stone from slags

ferrous metallurgy

nonferrous metallurgy


St. 15 to 25

St. 10 to 15

St. 15 to 20

The strength grade of crushed stone is determined in a water-saturated state by the loss of crushed stone mass during compression (crushing) in the cylinder.

1.2.6. Crushed stone by abrasion is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in table 4.

Table 4

Abrasion grade of crushed stone

Weight loss during testing,%

St. 25 to 35

Table 5

Crushed stone grade by strength

weak grains in crushed stone from ferrous metallurgy slags (including breakage of refractory bricks and other impurities such as fluxes)

weak grains, in crushed stone from non-ferrous metallurgy slags

weak pumice grains
in crushed stone from phosphorus slag (average density
grains less than 2 g / cm)

Not standardized

1.2.9. Frost resistance of crushed stone is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, in which the loss of crushed stone in the mass does not exceed the established values. According to frost resistance, crushed stone is subdivided into the following grades: F 15, F 25, F 50, F 100, F 150, F 200 and F 300. Indicators of frost resistance of crushed stone when tested by freezing and thawing must comply with the requirements specified in Table 6.

Table 6


Crushed stone grade for frost resistance


Weight loss after testing,%, not more

Requirements for frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

1.3. Sand

1.3.1. Sand, depending on the size of the grains included in its composition, the size modulus and the total residue on a sieve with a mesh N 063, are subdivided into groups according to size in accordance with Table 7.

Table 7

Sand group by size

Size module,

Total residue on sieve N 063,% by weight


"2.0 to 2.5

Very small


1. It is allowed to release very fine sand with a size modulus from 0.7 to 1.0.

2. If the sand according to the size modulus belongs to one group, and according to the total residue on a sieve with a mesh N 063 - to another, then the sand group is determined according to the size modulus.

1.3.2. The content of grains with a grain size of more than 5 mm in sand from weakly and inactive slags should not be more than 15% and grains with a grain size of more than 10 mm - more than 1% by weight, the content of grains with a grain size of more than 20 mm is not allowed.

The content of particles less than 0.16 mm in size should not exceed: in sand with a size modulus of more than 2 - 10%, from 2 to 1.5 - 15% and less than 1.5 - 25% by weight.

The content of grains with a particle size of over 5 mm and particles with a size of less than 0.16 mm in sand from active and highly active slags is not standardized.

1.4. Ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures

1.4.1. Ready mixes consist of sand and gravel.

1.4.2. The grain composition of ready-mixed mixtures must meet the requirements specified in table 8.

Table 8

Mix brand

Maximum grain size, mm

Solid residue,% by weight, on control
sieves with mesh size

Not allowed

Note. For mixture C, the total residue on a 2.5 mm sieve should be 40 to 60% by weight.

The content of grains with a grain size of less than 0.16 mm in ready-made mixtures of active and highly active slags is not standardized. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, in ready-made mixtures of active and highly active slags, the content of conglomerate (cemented grains of crushed stone) with a grain size of the mixture of 1.5 to 15% by weight is allowed.


1.4.3. Crushed stone, which is part of ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay in lumps, strength, abrasion, content of weak grains, including broken refractory bricks, pumice-like grains (in crushed stone from phosphorus slags), frost resistance, the content of metal impurities must comply with the requirements specified in clauses 1.2.3 and 1.2.5-1.2.9. Requirements for strength, abrasion and frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags, which is part of ready-made mixtures.

1.4.4. The shape of the grains of crushed stone, which is part of the ready-made mixtures, is not standardized.

1.4.5. The sand that is part of the ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay particles and metal impurities, must comply with the requirements specified in clauses 1.3.3 and 1.3.4.

1.5. Slag - feedstock

1.5.1. The stability of the slag structure is characterized by the weight loss during testing. According to the stability of the structure, slags are subdivided in accordance with Table 9.

Table 9

Stability of the structure

Loss on test,% by mass

Stable C1

Medium Resistant US2

St. 3 to 5

Weak Resistant US3

1.5.2. Slag activity is characterized by the compressive strength of samples made from ground slag. According to their activity, slags are subdivided in accordance with Table 10.

Table 10


Compressive strength of samples from ground slag, MPa (kgf / cm)

Highly active VA

St. 5 (50)

Active A

"2.5 (25) to 5 (50)

Weak SA

" 1,0 (10) " 2,5 (25)

Inactive ON

Less than 1.0 (10)

1.5.3. Slags should not contain foreign contaminants (debris, soil, wood residues, etc.).

1.5.4. Phosphorus slags should not contain more than 2% PO by weight.

1.5.5. Crushed stone and sand, depending on the value of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, are used:

for the construction of roads and airfields without restrictions at up to 740 Bq / kg;

for the construction of roads and airfields outside settlements at over 740 to 1500 Bq / kg.

If necessary, in the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

2. Acceptance rules

2.1. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures produced by the manufacturing enterprise (plant) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise. The enterprise (plant) -manufacturer must ensure that the products comply with the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Acceptance of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures is carried out in batches consisting of crushed stone of a given fraction (mixture of fractions), sand of one size module or a ready-made mixture of this brand. The batch is considered the daily output of each type of specified product.

2.3. The frequency of control must meet the requirements specified in Table 11.

Table 11

Product type

Inspection frequency and characteristic to be determined


Once a week

Once every six months

Once a year

Grain composition; the content of impurities, determined by elutriation, including clays in lumps

Strength; abrasion; grain shape

Frost resistance

Grain composition; size module

Ready mix

Grain composition

Crushed stone strength; rubble abrasion

Frost resistance

Slag - raw material

Stability of the structure; activity

The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides for all types of products listed in Table 11 is determined once a year.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

2.4. Determination of the grade by strength, abrasion, frost resistance, the shape of grains of crushed stone, activity, stability of the structure of the slag, the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is also carried out in each case when the production technology or feedstock is changed.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

2.5. Quality control of crushed stone, sand, mixtures and slag at the manufacturing plant is carried out by testing one replaceable average sample taken from streams of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixtures.

2.5.1. The mass of the average sample is set for crushed stone, depending on its size in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.2. The mass of the average sample of the finished mixture should correspond to Table 12.

Table 12

The maximum size of grains of crushed stone in the finished mixture, mm

Average sample weight, kg, not less

2.5.3. A removable average sample is made up of partial samples from each process line.

2.5.4. Partial samples on a conveyor belt with a width of less than 1000 mm are taken by periodically crossing the entire flow width, at which all material passing along the conveyor during the sampling time is cut off. Along the conveyor width equal to 1000 mm or more, samples are taken by sequentially crossing the flow in parts. Partial samples are taken at 1 hour intervals.

2.5.5. The procedure for taking partial samples at the crushed stone and ready-mix warehouses is in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.6. Partial samples are combined into an average sample representing the controlled lot.

Averaging, reduction and preparation of the sample for testing is carried out for crushed stone and the finished mixture in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, for sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.7. The number of partial samples taken for a control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixture for each batch must be at least as indicated in Table 13.

Table 13

Lot size, m

Partial Samples

Up to 350 incl.

St. 350 to 700 "

2.6. For a control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand, ready mix and slag shipped by rail, water and road transport, the order and number of partial samples taken must meet the requirements: for crushed stone and ready mix - GOST 8267-93, for sand GOST 8736-93.

2.7. At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must determine and report the following quality indicators:

crushed stone - density (average and bulk), porosity, voidness (volume of intergranular voids), water absorption and moisture;

sand - density (average and bulk) and moisture;

ready mix - bulk density and moisture.

3. Test methods

3.1. Determination of grain size composition, content of impurities (elutriation method), including clay in lumps, grain shape, strength grade, abrasion grade, frost resistance grade, average and bulk density, porosity, voidness, water absorption, crushed stone moisture,
Sieves with holes with a diameter of 5; ten; twenty; 40 and 70 mm.


Locksmith's hammer type A weighing 200 g in accordance with GOST 2310-77.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.2.2. Test preparation and execution

Crushed stone is dispersed on sieves into standard fractions. Each fraction is weighed with the mass indicated in Table 14.

Table 14

Fraction size, mm

Hinge weight, kg, not less

The weighed portions are dried to constant weight, poured into one layer and each fraction is divided into slag grains, refractory brick grains, grains of other impurities and metal impurities.

The use of a magnet for the selection of metal impurities in crushed stone is allowed.

The content of each of the above types of impurities is determined separately by fractions of crushed stone.

Crushed grains of refractory bricks and impurities such as fluxes are referred to as weak grains.

Weak grains include grains that are broken by hands and destroyed by light hammer blows.

3.2.3. Processing of results

The weak grains from slags, grains of refractory bricks, and other impurities selected from the sample are weighed and their content is calculated as a percentage using the formula

where is the mass of weak grains of each of the selected species, kg;

The total weight of the sample, kg.

3.3. Grain composition, size modulus, average and bulk density and moisture content of sand are determined in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

3.4. The content of clay particles in the sand and the sandy component of the mixture is determined by the swelling method in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

(Modified edition,

Binocular microscope type MBS-1 or MBS-2 with a magnification of at least 10.


(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.5.2. Test preparation and execution

An average sample of sand weighing 1 kg is sieved through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter and on a sieve with mesh No. 016. From the remainder of the sand on a sieve with mesh No. 016, a sample of sand weighing about 0.25-0.3 kg is taken by quartering; the sand is washed, dried to constant weight, then scattered in a thin layer on glass or paper and viewed with a magnifying glass or binocular microscope, while taking away metal impurities with a thin needle.

The use of a magnet for the selection of magnetizable metal impurities in the sand is allowed.

The selected metal impurities are weighed and calculated as a percentage using the formula (1).

3.6. Grain composition, bulk density, moisture content of the finished mixture are determined according to GOST 8269.0-97 (grain composition - according to the method for determining the grain composition of unfractionated gravel).

3.7, 3.8, 3.8.1-3.8.3, 3.9, 3.9.1-3.9.3. (Excluded, Rev. N 1).

3.10. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma-spectrometric method according to GOST 30108-94.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

4. Marking, transportation and storage

4.1. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch of crushed stone, sand and ready-mix with a document of the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

number and date of issue of the document;

the name and address of the consumer;

car, car or ship number and invoice numbers;

batch number, name and quantity of material in the batch;

material size;

slag activity;

the stability of the slag structure;

the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone;

grade of crushed stone by strength;

rubble brand for abrasion;

a brand of crushed stone for frost resistance;

the content of weak grains, including the breakage of refractory bricks;

a group of crushed stone in the shape of grains;

grain size composition of sand;

sand size modulus;

the content of clay in the sand (including the sand that is part of the mixture);

grain composition of the finished mixture;

designation of this standard;

total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.2. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures may be transported by vehicles of any kind in bulk in accordance with the current rules for the carriage of goods and the Technical conditions for loading and securing goods *, approved by the Ministry of Railways, the rules for the carriage of goods by road and water transport.
* Probably a mistake in the original. It should read: "Technical conditions for loading and securing cargo". - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

4.3. During transportation and storage, it is not allowed to mix crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures of different compositions, as well as crushed stone having different strength and abrasion marks.

4.4. Crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from contamination.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
official publication
M: Standartinform, 2007

Table 1

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release a mixture of crushed stone fractions containing grains larger thanD and less dup to 20% by weight, with a grain size less than 0.5 d no more than 10% by weight. At the same time, the mixture of crushed stone fractions with a maximum grain size of 120, 70 and 40 mm should not contain grains larger than 1.5 D, with a maximum grain size of 20 and 10 mm - over 2 D.

Content of lamellar and needle-shaped grains,% by weight, no more




By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone containing more than 35% of lamellar and needle-shaped grains, but not more than 70%.

Table 3

Weight loss during testing,%, for crushed stone from slags

ferrous metallurgy

nonferrous metallurgy



Up to 15

To 10

Up to 15


St. 15 to 25

St. 10 to 15

St. 15 to 20

"25" 35

"15" 20

"20" 25

"35" 45

"20" 25

"25" 35

"45" 55

"25" 35

The strength grade of crushed stone is determined in a water-saturated state by the loss of crushed stone mass during compression (crushing) in the cylinder.

1.2.6. Crushed stone by abrasion is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in Art.

Table 4

Table 5

weak grains in crushed stone from ferrous metallurgy slags (including breakage of refractory bricks and other impurities or fluxes)

weak grains in crushed stone from non-ferrous metallurgy slags

weak pumice grains in crushed stone from phosphorus slags (average grain density - less than 2 g / cm 3)



Not standardized

1.2.8. The content of metal impurities in the crushed stone, amenable to manual sorting, should not exceed 5% by weight.

1.2.9. Frost resistance of crushed stone is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, in which the loss of crushed stone in the mass does not exceed the established values. According to frost resistance, crushed stone is divided into the following brands: F 15, F25, F50, F100, F150, F200 and F300. Indicators of frost resistance of crushed stone when tested by freezing and thawing must comply with the requirements specified in Art.

Table 6

Crushed stone grade for frost resistance

Mrz 15

Mrz 25

Mpz 50

MRZ 100

Mpz 150

Mpz 200

Mrz 300


Weight loss after testing,%, not more

Requirements for frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.3. Sand

1.3.1. Sand, depending on the size of the grains included in its composition, the modulus of coarseness and the total residue on a sieve with a mesh No. 063, is subdivided into groups by size in accordance with.

Table 7

Size module, M To

Total residue on sieve No. 063,% by weight


St. 2.5

St. 45


"2.0 to 2.5

"30 to 45


"1.5" 2.0

"10" 30

Very small

"1.0" 1.5

" ten


1. It is allowed to release very fine sand with a size modulus from 0.7 to 1.0.

2. If the sand according to the size modulus belongs to one group, and according to the total residue on a sieve with a mesh No. 063 - to another, then the sand group is determined according to the size modulus M To.

1.3.2. The content of grains with a grain size of more than 5 mm in sand from weakly and inactive slags should not be more than 15% and grains with a grain size of more than 10 mm - more than 1% by weight, the content of grains with a grain size of more than 20 mm is not allowed.

Table 8

Maximum grain size, mm

Total residue,% by weight, on control sieves with mesh size

1,5 D

1,25 D


0,5 D

5 mm

0.16 mm

From 0

Not allowed




C 1





C 2





C 3






C 4






S 5






S 6






From 7





Note ... For a mixture of C 7, the total residue on a sieve with meshes of 2.5 mm should be from 40 to 60% by weight.

The content of grains with a grain size of less than 0.16 mm in ready-made mixtures of active and highly active slags is not standardized. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, in ready-made mixtures of active and highly active slags, the content of conglomerate (cemented grains of crushed stone) with a grain size of the mixture is allowedD - 1,5 D up to 15% by weight.


1.4.3. Crushed stone, which is part of ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay in lumps, strength, abrasion, content of weak grains, including broken refractory bricks, pumice-like grains (in crushed stone from phosphorus slags), frost resistance, the content of metal impurities must comply with the requirements specified in ... and. Requirements for strength, abrasion and frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags, which is part of ready-made mixtures.

1.4.4. The shape of the grains of crushed stone, which is part of the ready-made mixtures, is not standardized.

1.4.5. The sand that is part of the ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay particles and metal impurities, must comply with the requirements specified in and.

1.5. Slag - feedstock

1.5.1. The stability of the slag structure is characterized by the weight loss during testing. According to the stability of the structure, slags are subdivided in accordance with.

Table 9

Compressive strength of samples from ground slag, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Highly active VA

St. 5 (50)

Active A

"2.5 (25) to 5 (50)

Weak SA

"1.0 (10)" 2.5 (25)

Inactive ON

Less than 1.0 (10)

1.5.3. Slags should not contain foreign contaminants (debris, soil, wood residues, etc.).

1.5.4. Phosphorus slags must not contain P 2 About 5 more than 2% by weight.

1.5.5. Crushed stone and sand depending on the value of the total specific activity efficiency of natural radionuclides A eff apply:

for the construction of roads and airfields without restrictions when A eff up to 740 Bq / kg;

for the construction of roads and airfields outside settlements at A eff over 740 to 1500 Bq / kg.

If necessary, in the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


2.1. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures produced by an enterprise (plant) - manufacturer must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise. Enterprise (plant) - the manufacturer must ensure that the product meets the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Acceptance of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures is carried out in batches consisting of crushed stone of a given fraction (mixture of fractions), sand of one size module or a ready-made mixture of this brand. The batch is considered the daily output of each type of specified product.

2.3. The frequency of control must meet the requirements specified in.

Table 11

Inspection frequency and characteristic to be determined


Once a week

Once every six months

Once a year

Crushed stone

Grain composition: content of impurities, determined by elutriation, including clays in lumps

Strength; abrasion; grain shape

Frost resistance


Grain composition: size module

Ready mix

Grain composition

Crushed stone strength; rubble abrasion

Frost resistance

Slag - raw material

Stability of the structure; activity

The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides for all types of products specified inare determined once a year.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. Determination of the grade for strength, abrasion, frost resistance, shape of grains of crushed stone, activity and stability of the structure of the slag of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is also carried out in each case when measuring the production technology or feedstock.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. Quality control of crushed stone, sand, mixtures and slag at the manufacturing plant is carried out by testing one replaceable average sample taken from streams of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixtures.

2.5.1. The mass of the average sample is set for crushed stone, depending on its size in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.2. The mass of the average sample of the finished mixture must correspond.

Table 12

Average sample weight, kg, not less

2.5.3. A removable average sample is made up of partial samples from each process line.

2.5.4. Partial samples on a conveyor belt with a width of less than 1000 mm are taken by periodically crossing the entire flow width, at which all material passing along the conveyor during the sampling time is cut off. When the width of the conveyor is 1000 mm or more, samples are taken by sequentially crossing the flow in parts. Partial samples are taken at 1 hour intervals.

2.5.5. The procedure for taking partial samples at the crushed stone and ready-mix warehouses - in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - by GOST 8735-88.

2.5.6. Partial samples are combined into an average sample representing the controlled lot.

Averaging, reduction and preparation of a sample for testing is carried out for crushed stone and ready-made mixture in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, for sand - by GOST 8735-88.

2.5.7. The number of partial samples taken for the control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixture for each batch must be not less than specified in.

2.7. At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must determine and report the following quality indicators:

crushed stone - density (average and bulk), porosity, voidness (volume of intergranular voids), water absorption and moisture;

sand - density (average and bulk) and moisture;

ready mix - bulk density and moisture.


3.1. Determination of grain size composition, impurity content (elutriation method), including clay in lumps, grain shape, strength grade, abrasion grade, frost resistance grade, average and bulk density, porosity, voidness, water absorption and moisture content of crushed stone, content of weak grains and metal impurities, structure stability, slag activity are produced according to GOST 8269.0-97 table. fourteen .

Table 14





St. 70

Hinge weight, kg, not less



The weighed portions are dried to constant weightm, is poured into one layer and each fraction is divided into slag grains, refractory brick grains, grains of other impurities and metal impurities.

The use of a magnet for the selection of metal impurities in crushed stone is allowed.

Crushed grains of refractory bricks and impurities such as fluxes are referred to as weak grains.

Weak grains include grains that are broken by hands and destroyed by light hammer blows.

3.2.3. Processing of results

The weak grains from slags, grains of refractory bricks, and other impurities selected from the sample are weighed and their content is calculated.X i as a percentage according to the formula

where m i - weight of weak grains of each of the selected species, kg;

m- total weight of the sample, kg.

The total content of weak grains is calculated as the sum of the percentages of weak grains of slag, grains of broken refractory bricks and impurities such as fluxes.

3.4. The content of clay particles in the sand and the sandy component of the mixture is determined by the swelling method in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4.1.-3.4.3.(Excluded, Rev. No. 1).

3.5. Determination of the content of metal impurities in sand (including ready-mix sand)

3.5.1. Equipment

General purpose laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104-88.

Sieve with mesh No. 016 in accordance with GOST 6613-86 and sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter.

Laboratory electric resistance furnace (drying cabinet).


Binocular microscope type MBS-1 or MBS-2 with at least 10% magnification).


(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.5.2. Test preparation and execution

An average sample of sand weighing 1 kg is sieved through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter and on a sieve with a mesh No. 016. From the remainder of the sand on a sieve with a mesh No. 016, a sample of sand weighing about 0.25-0.3 kg is taken by quartering, the sand is washed, dried to constant weightm, then scattered in a thin layer on glass or paper and viewed with a magnifying glass or binocular microscope, while taking away metal impurities with a thin needle.

The use of a magnet for the selection of magnetizable metal impurities in the sand is allowed.

Selected metal impurities are weighedm

3.6. Grain composition, bulk density, moisture content of the finished mixture are determined according to GOST 8269.0-97 (grain composition - according to the method for determining the grain composition of unfractionated gravel).

3.7, 3.8, 3.8.1-3.8.3, 3.9, 3.9.1-3.9.3(Excluded, Rev. No. 1).

3.10. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma-spectrometric method according to GOST 30108-94.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


4.1. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch of crushed stone, sand and ready-mix with a document of the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

number and date of issue of the document;

the name and address of the consumer;

car, car or ship number and invoice numbers;

batch number, name and quantity of material in the batch;

material size;

slag activity;

the stability of the slag structure;

grade of crushed stone by strength;

rubble brand for abrasion;

a brand of crushed stone for frost resistance;

a group of crushed stone in the shape of grains;

grain size composition of sand;

sand size modulus;

grain composition of the finished mixture;

designation of this standard;

total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures are allowed to be transported by vehicles of any kind in bulk in accordance with the current rules for the carriage of goods and the Technical conditions for loading and securing goods approved by the Ministry of Railways, the rules for the carriage of goods by road and water transport.

4.3. During transportation and storage, the displacement of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures of different compositions, as well as crushed stone of different strength and abrasion marks, is not allowed.

4.4. Crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from contamination.

GOST 3344-83

Group W18



Technical conditions

Slag crushed stone and slag sand for road construction. Specifications

ISS 91.100.15
OKP 57 1830

Date of introduction 1985-01-01

By the decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs of October 20, 1983 N 281, the date of introduction was established 01.01.85

REPLACE GOST 3344-73 and GOST 23756-79

EDITION (July 2007) with Amendment No. 1, adopted in December 2000 (IUS 5-2001), Amendment (IUS 2-90).

Amendment No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTC) 05/17/2000

Voted for adoption:

State name

The name of the government building authority

The Republic of Azerbaijan

Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee for Construction of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Environment and Land Improvement of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Tajikistan

This standard applies to crushed stone and sand, as well as ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures from slags of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and phosphorus slags, intended for the construction of highways (pavements, foundations, additional base layers and other structural layers of pavement).

The requirements of the standard do not apply to crushed slag, sand and ready-made mixtures used for the preparation of concrete.

The use of slag materials is regulated by the norms and rules for the design and construction of highways and other regulatory and technical documents.

1. Technical requirements


1.1. Slag crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Crushed stone

1.2.1. Crushed stone by grain size is subdivided into fractions characterized by the corresponding smallest and largest nominal grain sizes (and, mm):

10 or 3 to 10 mm;

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone in the form of a mixture of two or three adjacent fractions, as well as crushed stone of fractions from 5 to 15, from 10 to 15, from 15 to 20 mm.

1.2.2. The grain composition of each fraction or mixture of crushed stone fractions must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

The size of the holes of the control sieves, corresponding to the size of the grains, mm

for each faction

for a mixture of fractions

Total residue on the control sieve,% by weight

By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release a mixture of crushed stone fractions with a grain size of more and less up to 20% by weight, with a grain content of less than 0.5 not more than 10% by weight. At the same time, the mixture of crushed stone fractions with a maximum grain size of 120, 70 and 40 mm should not contain grains larger than 1.5, with a maximum grain size of 20 and 10 mm - more than 2.

1.2.4. According to the shape of the grains, crushed stone from weak and inactive slag is divided into 3 groups in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 2. The shape of grains of crushed stone from active and highly active slags is not standardized.

table 2

A group of crushed stone in the shape of grains




By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is allowed to release crushed stone containing more than 35% of lamellar and needle-shaped grains, but not more than 70%.

1.2.5. Crushed stone by strength is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3

Crushed stone grade by strength

Weight loss during testing,%, for crushed stone from slags

ferrous metallurgy

nonferrous metallurgy


St. 15 to 25

St. 10 to 15

St. 15 to 20

The strength grade of crushed stone is determined in a water-saturated state by the loss of crushed stone mass during compression (crushing) in the cylinder.

1.2.6. Crushed stone by abrasion is subdivided into grades in accordance with the requirements specified in table 4.

Table 4

Abrasion grade of crushed stone

Weight loss during testing,%

St. 25 to 35

Table 5

Crushed stone grade by strength

weak grains in crushed stone from ferrous metallurgy slags (including breakage of refractory bricks and other impurities such as fluxes)

weak grains, in crushed stone from non-ferrous metallurgy slags

weak pumice grains
in crushed stone from phosphorus slag (average density
grains less than 2 g / cm)

Not standardized

1.2.9. Frost resistance of crushed stone is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, in which the loss of crushed stone in the mass does not exceed the established values. According to frost resistance, crushed stone is subdivided into the following grades: F 15, F 25, F 50, F 100, F 150, F 200 and F 300. Indicators of frost resistance of crushed stone when tested by freezing and thawing must comply with the requirements specified in Table 6.

Table 6


Crushed stone grade for frost resistance


Weight loss after testing,%, not more

Requirements for frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

1.3. Sand

1.3.1. Sand, depending on the size of the grains included in its composition, the size modulus and the total residue on a sieve with a mesh N 063, are subdivided into groups according to size in accordance with Table 7.

Table 7

Sand group by size

Size module,

Total residue on sieve N 063,% by weight


"2.0 to 2.5

Very small


1. It is allowed to release very fine sand with a size modulus from 0.7 to 1.0.

2. If the sand according to the size modulus belongs to one group, and according to the total residue on a sieve with a mesh N 063 - to another, then the sand group is determined according to the size modulus.

1.3.2. The content of grains with a grain size of more than 5 mm in sand from weakly and inactive slags should not be more than 15% and grains with a grain size of more than 10 mm - more than 1% by weight, the content of grains with a grain size of more than 20 mm is not allowed.

The content of particles less than 0.16 mm in size should not exceed: in sand with a size modulus of more than 2 - 10%, from 2 to 1.5 - 15% and less than 1.5 - 25% by weight.

The content of grains with a particle size of over 5 mm and particles with a size of less than 0.16 mm in sand from active and highly active slags is not standardized.

1.4. Ready-made crushed stone-sand mixtures

1.4.1. Ready mixes consist of sand and gravel.

1.4.2. The grain composition of ready-mixed mixtures must meet the requirements specified in table 8.

Table 8

Mix brand

Maximum grain size, mm

Solid residue,% by weight, on control
sieves with mesh size

Not allowed

Note. For mixture C, the total residue on a 2.5 mm sieve should be 40 to 60% by weight.

The content of grains with a grain size of less than 0.16 mm in ready-made mixtures of active and highly active slags is not standardized. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, in ready-made mixtures of active and highly active slags, the content of conglomerate (cemented grains of crushed stone) with a grain size of the mixture of 1.5 to 15% by weight is allowed.


1.4.3. Crushed stone, which is part of ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay in lumps, strength, abrasion, content of weak grains, including broken refractory bricks, pumice-like grains (in crushed stone from phosphorus slags), frost resistance, the content of metal impurities must comply with the requirements specified in clauses 1.2.3 and 1.2.5-1.2.9. Requirements for strength, abrasion and frost resistance are not imposed on crushed stone from active and highly active slags, which is part of ready-made mixtures.

1.4.4. The shape of the grains of crushed stone, which is part of the ready-made mixtures, is not standardized.

1.4.5. The sand that is part of the ready-made mixtures, in terms of the content of clay particles and metal impurities, must comply with the requirements specified in clauses 1.3.3 and 1.3.4.

1.5. Slag - feedstock

1.5.1. The stability of the slag structure is characterized by the weight loss during testing. According to the stability of the structure, slags are subdivided in accordance with Table 9.

Table 9

Stability of the structure

Loss on test,% by mass

Stable C1

Medium Resistant US2

St. 3 to 5

Weak Resistant US3

1.5.2. Slag activity is characterized by the compressive strength of samples made from ground slag. According to their activity, slags are subdivided in accordance with Table 10.

Table 10


Compressive strength of samples from ground slag, MPa (kgf / cm)

Highly active VA

St. 5 (50)

Active A

"2.5 (25) to 5 (50)

Weak SA

" 1,0 (10) " 2,5 (25)

Inactive ON

Less than 1.0 (10)

1.5.3. Slags should not contain foreign contaminants (debris, soil, wood residues, etc.).

1.5.4. Phosphorus slags should not contain more than 2% PO by weight.

1.5.5. Crushed stone and sand, depending on the value of the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, are used:

for the construction of roads and airfields without restrictions at up to 740 Bq / kg;

for the construction of roads and airfields outside settlements at over 740 to 1500 Bq / kg.

If necessary, in the national standards in force on the territory of the state, the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides can be changed within the limits specified above.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

2. Acceptance rules

2.1. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures produced by the manufacturing enterprise (plant) must be accepted by the technical control department of this enterprise. The enterprise (plant) -manufacturer must ensure that the products comply with the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Acceptance of crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures is carried out in batches consisting of crushed stone of a given fraction (mixture of fractions), sand of one size module or a ready-made mixture of this brand. The batch is considered the daily output of each type of specified product.

2.3. The frequency of control must meet the requirements specified in Table 11.

Table 11

Product type

Inspection frequency and characteristic to be determined


Once a week

Once every six months

Once a year

Grain composition; the content of impurities, determined by elutriation, including clays in lumps

Strength; abrasion; grain shape

Frost resistance

Grain composition; size module

Ready mix

Grain composition

Crushed stone strength; rubble abrasion

Frost resistance

Slag - raw material

Stability of the structure; activity

The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides for all types of products listed in Table 11 is determined once a year.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

2.4. Determination of the grade by strength, abrasion, frost resistance, the shape of grains of crushed stone, activity, stability of the structure of the slag, the total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is also carried out in each case when the production technology or feedstock is changed.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

2.5. Quality control of crushed stone, sand, mixtures and slag at the manufacturing plant is carried out by testing one replaceable average sample taken from streams of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixtures.

2.5.1. The mass of the average sample is set for crushed stone, depending on its size in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.2. The mass of the average sample of the finished mixture should correspond to Table 12.

Table 12

The maximum size of grains of crushed stone in the finished mixture, mm

Average sample weight, kg, not less

2.5.3. A removable average sample is made up of partial samples from each process line.

2.5.4. Partial samples on a conveyor belt with a width of less than 1000 mm are taken by periodically crossing the entire flow width, at which all material passing along the conveyor during the sampling time is cut off. Along the conveyor width equal to 1000 mm or more, samples are taken by sequentially crossing the flow in parts. Partial samples are taken at 1 hour intervals.

2.5.5. The procedure for taking partial samples at the crushed stone and ready-mix warehouses is in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.6. Partial samples are combined into an average sample representing the controlled lot.

Averaging, reduction and preparation of the sample for testing is carried out for crushed stone and the finished mixture in accordance with GOST 8269.0-97, for sand - in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

2.5.7. The number of partial samples taken for a control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand or ready-made mixture for each batch must be at least as indicated in Table 13.

Table 13

Lot size, m

Partial Samples

Up to 350 incl.

St. 350 to 700 "

2.6. For a control check of the quality of crushed stone, sand, ready mix and slag shipped by rail, water and road transport, the order and number of partial samples taken must meet the requirements: for crushed stone and ready mix - GOST 8267-93, for sand GOST 8736-93.

2.7. At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must determine and report the following quality indicators:

crushed stone - density (average and bulk), porosity, voidness (volume of intergranular voids), water absorption and moisture;

sand - density (average and bulk) and moisture;

ready mix - bulk density and moisture.

3. Test methods

3.1. Determination of grain size composition, content of impurities (elutriation method), including clay in lumps, grain shape, strength grade, abrasion grade, frost resistance grade, average and bulk density, porosity, voidness, water absorption, crushed stone moisture,
Sieves with holes with a diameter of 5; ten; twenty; 40 and 70 mm.


Locksmith's hammer type A weighing 200 g in accordance with GOST 2310-77.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.2.2. Test preparation and execution

Crushed stone is dispersed on sieves into standard fractions. Each fraction is weighed with the mass indicated in Table 14.

Table 14

Fraction size, mm

Hinge weight, kg, not less

The weighed portions are dried to constant weight, poured into one layer and each fraction is divided into slag grains, refractory brick grains, grains of other impurities and metal impurities.

The use of a magnet for the selection of metal impurities in crushed stone is allowed.

The content of each of the above types of impurities is determined separately by fractions of crushed stone.

Crushed grains of refractory bricks and impurities such as fluxes are referred to as weak grains.

Weak grains include grains that are broken by hands and destroyed by light hammer blows.

3.2.3. Processing of results

The weak grains from slags, grains of refractory bricks, and other impurities selected from the sample are weighed and their content is calculated as a percentage using the formula

where is the mass of weak grains of each of the selected species, kg;

The total weight of the sample, kg.

3.3. Grain composition, size modulus, average and bulk density and moisture content of sand are determined in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

3.4. The content of clay particles in the sand and the sandy component of the mixture is determined by the swelling method in accordance with GOST 8735-88.

(Modified edition,

Binocular microscope type MBS-1 or MBS-2 with a magnification of at least 10.


(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.5.2. Test preparation and execution

An average sample of sand weighing 1 kg is sieved through a sieve with holes 5 mm in diameter and on a sieve with mesh No. 016. From the remainder of the sand on a sieve with mesh No. 016, a sample of sand weighing about 0.25-0.3 kg is taken by quartering; the sand is washed, dried to constant weight, then scattered in a thin layer on glass or paper and viewed with a magnifying glass or binocular microscope, while taking away metal impurities with a thin needle.

The use of a magnet for the selection of magnetizable metal impurities in the sand is allowed.

The selected metal impurities are weighed and calculated as a percentage using the formula (1).

3.6. Grain composition, bulk density, moisture content of the finished mixture are determined according to GOST 8269.0-97 (grain composition - according to the method for determining the grain composition of unfractionated gravel).

3.7, 3.8, 3.8.1-3.8.3, 3.9, 3.9.1-3.9.3. (Excluded, Rev. N 1).

3.10. The total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined by the gamma-spectrometric method according to GOST 30108-94.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

4. Marking, transportation and storage

4.1. The manufacturer must accompany each shipped batch of crushed stone, sand and ready-mix with a document of the established form, which indicates:

name and address of the manufacturer;

number and date of issue of the document;

the name and address of the consumer;

car, car or ship number and invoice numbers;

batch number, name and quantity of material in the batch;

material size;

slag activity;

the stability of the slag structure;

the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone;

grade of crushed stone by strength;

rubble brand for abrasion;

a brand of crushed stone for frost resistance;

the content of weak grains, including the breakage of refractory bricks;

a group of crushed stone in the shape of grains;

grain size composition of sand;

sand size modulus;

the content of clay in the sand (including the sand that is part of the mixture);

grain composition of the finished mixture;

designation of this standard;

total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.2. Crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures may be transported by vehicles of any kind in bulk in accordance with the current rules for the carriage of goods and the Technical conditions for loading and securing goods *, approved by the Ministry of Railways, the rules for the carriage of goods by road and water transport.
* Probably a mistake in the original. It should read: "Technical conditions for loading and securing cargo". - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

4.3. During transportation and storage, it is not allowed to mix crushed stone, sand and ready-made mixtures of different compositions, as well as crushed stone having different strength and abrasion marks.

4.4. Crushed stone, sand and ready-mixed mixtures are transported and stored under conditions that protect them from contamination.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
official publication
M: Standartinform, 2007

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