Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Research paper on the "sun bunny" theme. Research work "sunbeam Why does a sunbeam have such jumping ability?

Research paper on the "sun bunny" theme. Research work "sunbeam Why does a sunbeam have such jumping ability?

Physics problem - 5522

Sometimes the sunbeam almost exactly repeats the shape of the mirror with which it is "allowed", sometimes only approximately, and sometimes the sunbeam in shape does not look like a mirror at all. What does it depend on?


We assume that the mirror is the most ordinary, in particular, flat. Also, for simplicity, we will consider a flat surface (screen), on which the "spot" falls.

The first obvious reason for the possible distortion of the shape of the spot is the orientation of the screen plane (the surface on which the image of the "spot" is observed). By tilting the screen at different angles, you can "stretch" the "bunny" in different directions.

To simplify the explanation, we will temporarily consider the sun's rays parallel and draw a diagram of the formation of a "sunbeam".

This diagram shows a situation when the plane of the screen is parallel to the plane of the mirror (and both of them are perpendicular to the plane of the page). From simple geometric considerations, it is clear that the shape of the bunny in this case coincides with the shape of the mirror.

Is there any other way to position the screen so that the shape of the bunny coincides with the shape of the mirror? Let's construct a circle in the figure, the radius of which is equal to the length of the segment representing the "bunny", and the center is the left end of this segment. It is clear that there is one more (and only one, that is, only two for one position of the Sun and the mirror) such orientation of the screen plane.

This orientation is shown by a dash-dotted line - a conditional line of intersection of the screen plane (in this orientation) with the page plane (these planes are perpendicular).

It is also clear that (at the given positions of the mirror, the Sun and the plane of the drawing) if the plane of the screen is not perpendicular to the plane of the drawing, then the spot will stretch across the screen (in the direction perpendicular to the line of intersection of the plane of the screen and the plane of the drawing).

Above, we specifically used the word "orientation" instead of, for example, the word "location", emphasizing that the screen can be moved, but not tilted (change the orientation in space).

The second reason is that under the conditions of this problem, the Sun cannot be considered a point source of light, which is obvious if (carefully!) You look at it - the Sun can be seen from the Earth in the form of a disk, and not a point at all. The sun's rays, therefore, cannot be considered parallel. As a result, the boundaries of the bunny, which in the first case we thought were lines, actually turn out to be blurred. The width of the blurred boundaries may even turn out to be larger than the size of the bunny (in this case, "the sun bunny in shape does not look like a mirror at all").

The rays hit each point of the mirror from the entire visible surface of the Sun in the form of a cone (the angle at the apex of this cone is called the apparent angular size of the Sun and is approximately $ 0.5 ^ (\ circ) $) and are reflected in the form of a cone with the same angle. On the screen, this cone will give an image in the form of a circle (or an ellipse if the screen is not oriented perpendicular to the axis of the cone). It is easy to understand that any detail of the mirror shape in the image of the "bunny" will be "smeared" to the size (diameter) of such a circle. Accordingly, all the details of the shape of the mirror (including its border), which are much larger in size than the diameter of this circle, will survive, those comparable to it in size will be smeared, and much smaller ones will become invisible.

Obviously, if two circles, formed by cones from opposite points of the mirror boundary, touch in the central part of the spot (this just corresponds to the borderline case when the contours of the spot are already strongly blurred, but still repeat the contours of the mirror), then the angle between the directions to these points during observation from the bunny is just equal to the angle of these cones (a simple construction is the vertical angles), that is, in turn, to the angular size of the Sun when viewed from the Earth. The same angle can quite rightly be considered the angular size of the mirror when viewed from the "spot".

Conclusion: if the angular dimensions of the mirror are significantly larger than the angular dimensions of the Sun, then the shape of the edge of the spot repeats the contours of the mirror quite accurately, if these dimensions are approximately the same, the contours of the mirror are reproduced indistinctly; does not depend on the shape of the mirror. (This refers to the angular dimensions of the mirror and the Sun when observing from the place of the screen where the image of the "bunny" is located.)

Comment. If we are engaged in launching solar "bunnies" not on Earth, but on another planet, then in the solution it is necessary to replace the Earth with the name of this planet (the angular dimensions of the Sun when observed from this planet will be different from the terrestrial ones).


Pahotinsky Sergey

student of grade 1 A



1 Introduction _________________________________________________ 3

1. The sun is the source of light

In order to answer the question "What is a sunbeam?", I decided to find out in more detail what the sun is.

The sun is the center of the solar system.

The sun is a star. It is a powerful source of light and heat radiation.

From a heavenly height, the Sun illuminates and warms us. Without it, we simply could not exist: our planet would freeze over in one day. Life on Earth exists and is supported by the Sun, without sunlight there would be no green plants, animals, and humans.

3. What is a Sun Bunny?

So what is a sun bunny?

From the stories of A. Kuznetsov "Conversations in the Morning or Physics for Kids" I learned that when the Sun shines, the rays of light fly straight, side by side and fall together on the Earth. It is from the Sun in all directions flying small, small particles - brothers photonics. When they hit an object, they bounce off it and fly away. But not all, but some remain where they are.

Photonchiks are all different. There are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple.

Where do the rest of the photons go that don't bounce?

They remain in us, turn into warmth and warm us. Therefore, when the sun shines on us, we get hot.

There are objects, such as a mirror, that can reflect light. A ray of light that fell directly on the mirror breaks off and flies away to the side.

A sunbeam is a piece of sunlight, a ray that has taken a different path, not like everyone else.

Thus, the Sunbeam is born on the Sun.

4. What color is the sun bunny?

Observing the sunbeam, I asked myself what color is the sunbeam? I immediately answered myself - white. But it turns out I was wrong. A sunbeam is a sunbeam, and it is not white at all, it only seems white, but in fact consists of seven primary colors. When these colors are blended together, the ray of the sun appears white.

The English scientist Isaac Newton solved the mystery of the sunbeam 300 years ago. It was a wonderful discovery that the sunbeam is multi-colored.

You can check it yourself. Try it, make a circle with a hole in the middle, draw on it all the colors of the solar spectrum, put this circle on the axis and start rotating it quickly. And from a multi-colored circle will become one-color, because the colors merge, mix when rotating.

5. Types of Sunbeams

When the sun's rays touch the surface of the water, water beams appear - glare of light reflected by the water.

The most beautiful species of sun bunnies are heavenly. They arise when the upper layers of the atmosphere cool down so that it becomes cold there, the droplets of water flying towards the Earth freeze and turn into flat ice-hexahedrons. These pieces of ice reflect the sun's rays, and we can see huge sun hares in the sky.

Tame sun bunnies are the most common and cute species. It should be remembered that real tame sun bunnies appear and actively behave only in clear spring weather; you can also meet them on a summer day; in September, most of them go into hibernation.

6. Why do we say "sunny bunny"?

What is a sun bunny?

A ray of sunlight is reflected from the mirror and "turns" into a sunbeam. "Sunny" because it is a spot of sunlight.

"Bunny" because the sunbeam, very restless, constantly jumps and runs away from us, hides and may disappear altogether. He is always in a hurry somewhere, like a real bunny.

This is how T. Gorelova wrote about it:

A bunny jumped on the window -

Bright, nimble, mischievous.

He sat there a little

And let's play with me.

Having run through the shelves, books

Stretched out on the floor.

Jumping up to the shaggy bears,

Hidden in the sun fur.

Having saddled a horse for a moment,

I slowly climbed upstairs.

And diving into my crib

He disappeared behind the pillows.

"Tired of this hide and seek -

Hear, bunny, get out

On the floor, not in the crib

Play with me! "

7. Conclusion.

Having studied from all sides the question "What is a sunbeam?" I finally answered all my questions and made the following conclusions:

1) The sunbeam appears only from a light source, it is safe to say that the sunbeam was born on the Sun.

2) A sunbeam is a reflection of a sunbeam from a shiny flat surface.

8. References

1. "Everything about everything" / Popular encyclopedia for children: Company "Klyuch - S" Philological Society "SLOVO" - Moscow, 1997

2. "Conversations in the morning or physics for kids" - Internet page www. *****

3. "Elements of Big Science" - the Internet page www. *****

4. “Because. RU. We explore the world together ”- website www. *****

5. "Children's Portal Solnyshko" - Internet page www. solnet. ee

The ship, about one centimeter in diameter, was developed by physicists from the University of California, Berkeley, Technologyreview.com reports.

The ship is a plate covered with billions of nanotubes. It floats on the water due to surface tension. When sunlight falls on it, focused by a lens, virtually all of the radiation is absorbed, the scientists explained.

The water under the illuminated edge of the boat heats up, which leads to a change in surface tension, and the boat seems to roll down a hill. The maximum speed of the plate reached 8 centimeters per second, physicists from the United States continue.

"Such boats, under the influence of sunlight, will be able to drive electric micro-generators," said study leader Professor Alex Zettle.

Meanwhile, earlier scientists from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, during the study, came to the conclusion that using an array of titanium dioxide nanotubes when exposed to sunlight, a mixture of carbon dioxide and water vapor can be converted into natural gas. And this, in turn, can solve the problem of greenhouse emissions, leading to global climate change.

municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №7

urban district of Uryupinsk


kindergarten student


Head: Natalia Velikanova

Vladimirovna, primary school teacher


Uryupinsk - 2014

Introduction _________________________________________________________ 3

Sun and Sunbeam .___________________________________________ 4

Types of Sun bunnies. Household Sun bunnies .________________ 6

Why do we say "sunny bunny"? _______________________________ 8

Conclusion ____________________________________________________ 10

References _______________________________________________ 11

Application. 12


Lies, lies a penny at our well.

A good penny, but not given in the hands.

Go fetch fourteen horses,

Go call fifteen strong men!

Let them try to raise a pretty penny!

So that Mashenka could play a pretty penny!

And the horses galloped, and the strong men came,

But they didn't pick up a small penny from the ground,

They did not lift, did not lift and could not move.

I didn't even guess right away that it was a sunny bunny.

“And what is this - a sunbeam? And where does it come from? "

These questions interested me so much that I wanted to find out more about it.

Theme mywork: "Sunny Bunny"

Purpose of the study: determine what kind of connection exists between the sun and the sunbeam.

Object of study - the phenomenon of "sunbeam".

Hypothesis associated with the assumption that a sunbeam is a reflection of a sunbeam from a shiny surface and it appears only from a light source.

To achieve the goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1.Explore and summarize information about the sun

2. Conduct experiments to create "sunbeams"

3. Summarize and systematize the research results and draw conclusions.

Basic methods: study of literature, observation, experiments.

Practical value: materials can be used in lessons on the world around, the Russian language.

Chapter 1.

Sun and Sun bunny.

The sun is the source of light.

In order to answer the question "What is a sunbeam?", I decided to find out in more detail what the sun is.

The sun is the center of the solar system, which includes several planets, including ours, revolving around the sun.

The sun is a star, but a medium-sized star compared to millions of other stars in space. This is a huge massive ball, which is a lump of hot gas. This is a powerful source of radiation of light and heat, inside of which hot gases called plasma are constantly moving, moving.

From a heavenly height, the Sun illuminates and warms us. Without this giant ball of fire, we simply could not exist: our planet would freeze over in one day. Compared to the Earth, the Sun is truly enormous. Its diameter is 109 times larger than the Earth - 1,390,000 km. Life on Earth exists and is supported by the Sun, which will continue to burn for millions of years. Without sunlight, there would be no green plants, animals, humans.

The sun is located at a distance of more than 172,000,000 km from the Earth. The mass of the Sun is 1,300,000 times the mass of the Earth. The sun's surface temperature reaches 6,000 ° C.

Every person instinctively feels that it is better to live in the light. Sunlight destroys certain fungi and bacteria that lodge in the skin. When light hits the skin, substances enter the bloodstream that tone the muscles. The muscles are tense and work better. Solar energy charges our nervous system.

The sun also has a specific effect - it creates the so-called "solar vitamins". Ultraviolet light converts ergosterone, a substance found in the skin, into vitamin D. This is what is called the "sunshine vitamin".

Solar warmth and light is enough for all living beings on Earth. Despite the fact that the Sun is almost 150,000,000 km away from us, and if suddenly our Sun went out, ceased to shine and heat, it would become so cold that all the water on Earth would freeze, even the air would freeze. People, animals, plants would die. Our planet would become cold and dead.

What is Sun Bunny?

So what is a sun bunny? My teacher, Natalya Vladimirovna Velikanova, read us A. Kuznetsov's stories "Morning Conversations or Physics for Kids" and the children's newspaper "Sunny Bunny".

I learned that when the Sun shines, the rays of light emitted by it fly directly, side by side with each other and fall together on the Earth. It is from the Sun in all directions flying small, small particles - brothers photonics. When they hit an object, they bounce off it and fly away. But not all, but some remain where they are. The more photonics bounce off, the brighter the place from which they fled appears. Photonchiks are all different. There are reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, there are even those that cannot be seen with the eye. In the light of the Sun there are cameras of all colors. When they all together are reflected from the wall and hit the eyes, the wall appears white, if it is, for example, a red ball, then red photonics will bounce, etc.

Where do the rest of the photons go that don't bounce?

They remain in us, turn into warmth and warm us. Therefore, when the sun shines on us, we get hot. If you try to put the magnifying glass under the sunlight and put paper under the magnifying glass, then, after waiting for a while, you can achieve the fact that the paper starts to burn.

There are objects, such as a mirror, that can reflect light. A ray of light that fell directly on the mirror breaks off from its fellow rays (which did not hit the mirror) and flies away to the side alone.

A sunbeam is a piece of sunlight, a ray that has taken a different path, not like everyone else.

Thus, the Sunbeam is born on the Sun.

Chapter 2.

Types of Sun bunnies. Home Sun bunnies.

Types of Sun bunnies.

Sunbeams appeared on Earth long before intelligent life. Clumsy dinosaurs have not yet roamed on land, and fish have not splashed in the water. The ocean ceased to boil, clouds of ammonia and sulfur dioxide vapors scattered in the atmosphere, preventing sunlight from penetrating to the Earth. When the first rays of the Sun touched the restless surface of the ocean, water beams appeared - glare of light reflected by the water. They had no one to rejoice at, but this did not bother them. They remain so self-sufficient to this day. Of course, water bunnies galloping near a forest stream will be happy when some animal or a frivolous representative of a group of tourists wants to play with them. But if no one wanders around for the whole day, it will not upset them. Water bunnies wake up in the spring, when the ice melts on the rivers, and live until autumn, while sunny days are still frequent.

The most exotic species of sun bunnies - the heavenly hares - arose when the upper atmosphere around our planet cooled down so that it became cold there. It is so cold that the water droplets flying towards the Earth freeze and turn into flat hexahedron ice floes. Sometimes, during dusk or dawn, these pieces of ice work like lenses, reflecting the sun's rays, and we can see huge sun hares in the sky. Their sizes are so impressive that the language does not dare to call them "bunnies", scientists even call them "false Suns". Heavenly hares are quite rare in comparison with other species.

Tame sun bunnies are the most common and cute species. They were domesticated in the third millennium BC, when mankind finally heeded the requirements of its fair half and learned to make mirrors from silver and bronze. It was then, on sunny spring days, that the first tame bunnies appeared. At first, games with them were the lot of only wealthy gentlemen and their young offspring: mirrors could afford the most affluent strata of the population. Later, with the invention and distribution of glass mirrors, the joy of communicating with a hand-held sunbeam became available to almost everyone. You can also try to catch them in the apartment. The main thing is to have a mirror with you to catch the sunbeam. Among other pets domesticated by humans, these bunnies are especially friendly with cats. It should be remembered that real tame sun bunnies appear and actively behave only in clear spring weather; you can also meet them on a summer day; in September, most of them go into hibernation.

(Annex 1)

My experiences with the Sun Bunny.

I wondered if a sunbeam would appear not from a mirror, but from another shiny object? Could such a bunny appear from a light bulb, that is, not from sunlight? What about a matte, non-shiny object? And can you see a sunbeam in complete darkness? So that I could answer all the questions that interested me, my mother and I had to carry out several experiments and photograph the result.

First experience. Equipment: mirror, light bulb.

I turned on the light in the room, took a mirror and directed the mirror from the light bulb to the wall. As a result, a reflection from a light bulb appeared on the wall and a cheerful and mischievous, a real sunny bunny jumped up.

The second experience. Equipment: metal cover, light bulb.

Now I took in my hands not a mirror, but a simple shiny flat metal lid for a can, and also tried to direct it towards the wall so that there was at least some small reflection of light. And my expectation was justified - the bunny appeared, although it was no longer so bright and it was no longer so clearly visible as from the mirror, but it was!

Third experience. Equipment: mirror backside, light bulb.

Now I have to answer the question - will the bunny reflect on the wall from a simple object. To do this, I turned my mirror upside down and, no matter how hard I tried, I could not see the slightest hint of a sunbeam on the wall. It just wasn't there.

The fourth experience. Equipment: mirror, dark room.

Mom turned off the light in the room and I tried to direct the mirror at the wall. There was no light source, and accordingly there was no bunny on the wall.

Fifth experiment. Equipment: metal cover, metal ball, light bulb.

In one of the experiments, I have already tried to get a bunny from a metal flat cover. But I wanted to compare, and if you take not a flat object, but a ball, also metallic and shiny, what will happen? Will the ball reflect the light on the wall? As a result of this experiment, I never got a bunny on the wall, that is, there was no reflection from the ball. (Appendix 2)

Output: You can also get a sunbeam at home if there is a light source and the reflective surface is flat.

Chapter 3.

Why do we say "sunny bunny"?

Natalya Vladimirovna says that we are all like sun bunnies. In the classroom at school, when we studied the letter "Z", we listened to proverbs and sayings, solved riddles about the sun, each of us drew his own sun bunny. (Appendix 3)

What is a sun bunny? A ray of sunlight is reflected from the mirror and "turns" into a sunbeam. "Sunny" because it is a spot of sunlight. Why do we say "bunny"? Probably because the sunbeam reflected from a mirror or glass is very restless, constantly jumping and running away from us, hiding and may disappear altogether, hide. He is always in a hurry somewhere, like a real bunny.

Here's how I wrote about it Novella Matveeva.

Sun bunny.

I'm a sunny bunny, scurrying

Through the curtains in silence

Chewing hare

Wallpaper flowers on the wall.

In the bed of lancet bow,

Who waited for the dawn at night

Out of the twilight, half sound

I am born and say:

I'm a sunny bunny, teasing!

And if I rush to run

In vain a real bunny

Trying to catch up with me!

On golden rings of smoke

On roofs, groves, sails

I run, bound invisibly

A ray of sunrise to heaven.

And I only slow down towards the night

When the east is foggy

When it gets shorter

The beam is a weakened leash.

And shadows - black dogs -

They breathe more and more often behind their backs,

All lengthen in the darkness

Everyone is chasing me faster ...

And I must stop

And die at the end of the road

To be born again in the morning

And chant:

I'm a sunny bunny, trembling

But it is not from fear that I tremble

But because I am in a hurry:

Always in a hurry to meet you!

I'm in the very gun barrel

I can dance while sliding

I can sit on the tip of a bullet

But you can't shoot me!

And if the winter winds

Adversity will overwhelm you

I will appear in a window frame:

I'm a sunny bunny!


Having studied from all sides the question "What is a sunbeam?" and after conducting several experiments, I finally answered all the questions that interest me and made the following conclusions:

1) The sunbeam appears only from the light source. Therefore, it is safe to say that the sunbeam was born on the Sun. He cannot exist without a source of light, that is, in darkness.

2) A sunbeam is a reflection of a sunbeam from a shiny flat surface. That is, a sunbeam will never be reflected from a matte, non-shiny surface.


    "Everything about everything" / Popular encyclopedia for children: Company "Klyuch - S" Philological Society "SLOVO" - Moscow, 1997

    "Conversations in the morning or physics for kids" Kuznetsov A. - Internet page www. physics03. narod. ru

    "Elements of Big Science" - Website www. elementy. ru

As in small and large, both in heaven and on earth - in the image and likeness ...

For a start - some simple physics ...

Light bunny- this is a non-existent object, there is no such physical body "light spot". This is something imaginary, a mental image that has no material content. In other words, a light spot is some place on the surface where photons come and, being reflected, fall into the recording devices or the human eye.

The scattered photons are new every time, therefore the bunny is an unstable, dynamic formation. The movement of the bunny only means that new photons fall into a new place, and the movement of the photons themselves is always at the speed of light.

The speed of "moving the place" where the photons fall is the same as the speed of thought: now I think of the planet Earth, and a second later - the Sun. That is, my mental image has moved in a second the distance that light travels in 8 minutes.

A light spot always consists of different photons, and to show the illusion of the movement of a "light spot", consider its simplest version - a spot from a beam (laser) one photon thick:

A source L emits single photons V towards the screen AB... It is not a "light spot" that moves across the screen, but unbound photons create each time new"Light spot".

A source L emits a beam of one photon thickness V 1 , which hits the screen and forms at the point A light spot, one photon thick.

Expand the source sharply around the axis S so that it changes direction from point A exactly B... In this case, the front, the "edge" of the curved beam from the source L will bend, as shown in the figure, exactly resembling the curvature of a stream of water from a hose when it is turned sharply. Obviously, each new photon V 2 ... V will form a light spot in a new place, while itself moving at the same speed as light.

Each new bunny will appear at a distance from the previous one, as if jumping through certain intervals of the screen. Adjacent bunnies have nothing to do with each other - this is completely different formations... Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the movement of any one, single bunny.
The more "jumps" between the bunnies, the faster the last of them will be at the point B.

Option A:
In the case when the distance AB does not exceed distance AS, the speed of the spot on the screen will also not be greater than the speed of the photon - the speed of light.

Option B:
If the length of the screen between the points A and B exceeds the distance from the screen to the source, then the speed of the alleged "movement" of the rabbit from the point A exactly B will exceed the speed of the photon - the speed of light!

Now let's draw a simple analogy with Omeshwara's comment:

Sat - Presence, an energetic phenomenon that allows any phenomenon to be present (including Awareness).
Chit - Awareness, an energetic phenomenon with the help of which all phenomena (including Presence, and Awareness itself) are realized.
Ananda - Knowledge, informational phenomenon, or in other words the entire manifested universe, which is always Realized and Present.

Sat is the screen, Chit is the light, Ananda is the film.

That is, in our case:
Sat- Presence - "plane" AB;
Cheat- Awareness - photons V 1 ... V ;
Ananda- Knowledge - a sun bunny (hereinafter - Hare))),
- form The basis(Trinity) of any manifestation.

The conceptual "source" of the Trinity is Reality itself, which, representing, "technically" absence of any Presence and any Absence, and "poetically" called "THAT IS A PHENOMENON", manifests itself only as a certain Visibility... Geometrically, this is our pictured laser L.

What conclusions can be drawn from this analogy?

#1. Since our screen (Sat) and photons (Chit), if conceptually isolated from the Trinity, are energetic aspects of the Phenomenon, it is simply impossible to attach space-time "crutches" to them.

#2. Any forms of Knowledge (concrete-logical, figurative-sensory, intuitive-abstract, or their combinations) are our Hares, "projected" by photons onto the screen, and, taking into account (# 1), are also not something material, but only projections. It is in the Hares that all our Triads of knowledge unfold, which are, conditionally divided, "Subject - process - object"... So we can say that any Hare is, in fact, an embodied, "visually" manifested concept - everything that can be registered in one form or another!

#3. There is no connection between the "neighboring" Hares, although Option B provides the illusion of sublight, light, superluminal (and due to the "infinity" of the screen - infinitely superluminal) movement of the Hare within the space-time categories, as well as the visibility of causal relationships between Hares, "existing", so to speak, in one dimension - " the plane of the screen ". So any causal conclusion from the fact that Hare-B is a consequence of Hare-A is just Hare-C, which is never a relative of the first two!)))

Awareness of Awareness, Awareness of Presence, Presence of Awareness - when a specific Hare is absent, as, for example, in a state of deep sleep - I propose to speculate ourselves ... in the form of another Hare!)))

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