Home Garden on the windowsill How to make beautiful stubble on the face. How to grow stubble quickly at home: all methods and preparations. Supplements and B vitamins for your beard growth

How to make beautiful stubble on the face. How to grow stubble quickly at home: all methods and preparations. Supplements and B vitamins for your beard growth

Every man once has a desire to be the owner of a beautiful, lush beard. But sometimes the causticity grows poorly, men despair. Completely wrong! After all, modern capabilities allow you to grow a thick mane in many different ways: both with medicines and folk therapy. What to do to grow stubble on the face, this article will tell you.

Lush male growth has always been associated with courage. Here the choice is for each separately: to shave smoothly, to have a small mustache, or maybe a little unshaven. Be that as it may, a well-groomed haircut adds success, sexuality to the look. But when the vegetation is of a sparse structure, the man begins to worry. Let's put an end to this, taking everything apart in order.

When the time of sexual development comes in the life of a young man, the growth of bristles is observed. This happens due to the active production of testosterone - the male sex hormone. Further, thin pricklyness is formed by the growth of voluminous. Then they begin to shave smoothly. But some people prefer to perform an attractive beard hairstyle better.

Sometimes the hairline grows late or unevenly. This may indicate a malfunction in the production of testosterone. The reasons for the situation are:

  1. Unbalanced diet.
  2. Chronic fatigue.
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Stress, emotional disturbances.
  5. Sleep deprivation.

If a man has no hair at all, the endocrine functions of the body may be disturbed. Then the situation requires an urgent appeal to the doctor.

Remember! When the mane grows poorly, ask your grandfather or father when their beard began to grow fully. Often weak vegetation is due to genetics. But there is no reason to worry, because there are a number of natural, medical remedies that accelerate the increment of skeins.

What can I do to make stubble grow faster?

Smoothness is now losing ground. Now the strong representatives of this world create a slightly daring, brutal look, which is characterized by pricklyness. For a successful, respectable mind, it is important not only to create such an image, but also to skillfully maintain it. First, let's look at how to make the hair of the guise grow faster.

Best beard growth booster is, of course, MINOXIDIL. So far, nothing better has come up. Really accelerates growth, has a minimum of side effects, is easy to use and costs a penny.

For this we use the following instructions:

  1. meal. A balanced diet is the simplest, easiest way. Eat more vegetables and fruits. They will give the body vitamin "C", saturating it with pectin. It is recommended to eat foods with protein content more often, drink enough water. But the consumption of sweet, semi-finished products is better to exclude. .
  2. No stress. Disordering cases suppress the normal growth of hair, making them brittle, brittle. Temper the spirit with a sports load, breathing exercises. Get enough sleep. Sleep preferably for eight hours. Then the body will have time to restore strength, relax.

For reference! The cultivation of skeins is directly influenced by the nationality of a man. Representatives of the countries of the East have always had dark, lush curls of the face from an early age. The Slavs and the peoples of the North tend to mature in appearance later.

What are the means to increase the growth of facial hair?

How to grow a lush, voluminous mane? To do this, you will need auxiliary methods, which include pharmacy, folk. Shampoos, ointments, creams - an abundance of drugs activate hair growth:

Advice! For the density of the bristles, make masks from dry mustard or pepper infusion 3 times a week. Such ingredients irritate skin receptors. Then the cheeks are filled with blood, feeding on oxygen, useful substances.

  1. . Useful properties tested on castor, sea buckthorn, peach oils. Oils from almonds and olives also help. But it is recognized as the most effective. Its ingredients saturate the hair follicles, strengthening them, stimulating curl growth. You can rub it in a massage way or make masks with compresses. Before applying, thoroughly cleanse, steam the skin. Then we wet the edge of the gauze, wrapping the chin. A bandage is applied on top. So you need to stay 60-90 minutes. Then remove the bandage, gently washing off the remaining oil with soap and warm water.

Proper Care

What should be done to properly care for the beard in order to accelerate its growth? Apply the following topical tips:

Good to know! Reception of the above drugs is carried out only after examination by a doctor. The tablet dose of aspirin is 100 to 500 mg. Be carefull! After all, you need to drink less. An overdose of aspirin is not only harmful, but also dangerous.

  1. Avoid conflicts. Often, due to nerves, our hair growth stops or they fall out. Growing a magnificent image, maximize all the possibilities of the body. We exclude stress, eat only healthy food, take vitamin B complexes (B5 is great). Also attend yoga classes, play outdoors more often, exercise the body physically. Listening to your favorite music or other uplifting activities will do.

Decided to grow a beard: expectation and reality

What should be done first when stubble appears? To begin with, realize that the future voluminous beard has its advantages, bringing health benefits. Its function is to protect against ultraviolet radiation. It also cools the cover when it's hot by absorbing sweat. But itching is more difficult to bear.

Important! Most funds can begin to work after a few months. Sometimes the process takes up to a year. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. If all else fails, go through a detailed examination, finding out what can be done to build, what is the likelihood of success.

On a lush hairstyle, the particles of the saw will linger, which will protect you from microbes and infections in the upper respiratory tract. Also, the hairstyle will stand up for you in strong winds, cold weather. Having decided to grow prickly, get ready for real discomfort:

  1. Untidy swirls will look very untidy. The people around you will keep talking about it. This is a kind of psychological pressure that tests your stamina.
  2. At first, an appearance unaccustomed to large vegetation will itch a lot. Get rid of this lotion, light massaging.
  3. With severe inflammation of the skin, the use of cosmetic care products, facial massage is recommended.

It must always be remembered that the situation in reality is different than expectations. Only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, feel free to make a decision, making bristles worthy of a successful man.

Success is not far off

Dear representative of the strong half of humanity! If you have read this material to the end, then sooner or later you will definitely get a chic, attractive stubble. After all, now you have all the trump cards in your hands: you know why hair may not grow properly, how to avoid long-term growth, with the help of what care products to increase facial hair. Dare, future bearded man!

In recent years, fashion trends have provoked men to leave facial hair intact. Today, stubble is no longer considered a sign of unkemptness and stale appearance, but, on the contrary, in combination with expensive things and stylish accessories, it adds masculinity and sexuality to the image.

Let's take a look at why thick stubble is so important to men today and what types of beards they choose to wear to stand out from the crowd. We will try to find answers to these exciting questions.

The stubble is short hair on the face. If you put the razor away and do not use it for at least a few days, then stubble appears on the man's face. Depending on how dense and long the vegetation he prefers, the longer it takes to grow it.

In order for facial hair to become soft and look stylish, you need to take care of them, giving them the correct, neat shape.

Advice! In the process of removing a certain shape with a razor, use a special oil instead of foam or gel. So all the extra hairs will remain in sight, and it will be easier to remove them without spoiling the shape.

At some point, the hair on the face will reach the required length, and it will be possible to proceed with its design. There are several types of stubble on men. The most popular ones will be discussed in more detail later.


Almost all women consider a man with a small stubble and a well-groomed beard to be sexier. This is laid down on a subconscious level as an external difference in gender. A man with facial hair is perceived as an adult, mature individual for sexual activity.

A man with stubble looks courageous, it is easier for him to prioritize in the male team and earn respect for himself. Well-groomed beautiful beard - adds status, which is an important factor for the stronger sex

Light stubble and a neat beard can correct the shape of a narrow chin, making it strong-willed, adding volume, and also hide skin irregularities, scars and other unpleasant external defects on the face.

Another important benefit is the protection of facial skin from harmful UV rays and harmful allergens. If the skin is too delicate and sensitive, it is recommended to leave a small bristle to protect it.

Types of bristles in men

Before deciding to grow facial hair, it is recommended to study the types of bristles in advance in order to understand how long the hairline needs to be grown in order for the shape to become ideal. I would like to clarify that there is no fashionable beard or not fashionable, there is a well-groomed form and a sloppy one, and this is the whole difference.


This type of full beard is also called wide. She has no sideburn breaks. Hair completely covers the jaw, turning into a mustache and affecting the neck.

Only brave and determined men dare to let go of such a big beard. The most brutal form of all existing is Russian.

Important! If you are chasing fashion and that is the only reason you have decided to have a full Russian beard, then this is not for long. Only men with certain qualities (decisiveness, courage) and perseverance can afford to wear such lush facial hair for a long time.


An ideal option for those men who want to have a thick beard, but do not want to take care of it daily. Caring for this form does not involve trimming all the hair.

It is quite enough to shave off excess hairs on the chin and cut the regrown hair that hangs over the upper lip. The task is not to ensure uniform and dense hair growth, but to ensure that even a rare beard has a clear semicircle shape.


This form of beard also does not require scrupulous care. Outwardly, it resembles an anchor and consists of a mustache and a vertical strip of hair on the chin, while the beard does not connect with the mustache and has a pointed shape.

To maintain an intricate pattern, you just need to trim the mustache and stubble. Haircuts are done as needed.


This design is suitable for medium-length bristles, moreover, if the owner will constantly look after her. A distinctive feature of this beard shape is the clarity of the lines. Acute-angled fragments should have a precisely defined border.

In order to achieve this effect, you will have to master the art of working with a straight razor or visit the master regularly so that Balbo's stylish beard does not lose shape.


This shape is also called the Hollywood beard. The hair covers the entire lower part of the face, smoothly connecting with the mustache and sideburns. At the same time, the vegetation on the cheeks is shaved so that the line from the sideburns to the beard resembles the shape of a semicircle.

Grooming involves regular trimming of the mustache and beard so that the hair does not get out of the general shape and looks neat.


If you translate the name literally, then it will sound like a stripe on the chin. And the translation corresponds to the external form. This is a thin strip of bristles that surrounds the chin from one temple to the other and is shaped like a horseshoe.

This form looks spectacular when the bristles are light and the facial hair has not yet grown too long. In the classic form, the Chinstrap uniform is worn without a mustache and vegetation on the cheeks above the jaw. Precise straight lines require constant care using a trimmer and a razor.


This solution looks very extravagant. Only long sideburns are left on the face. The chin area is shaved clean.

To some, this shape may seem ridiculous, but in combination with a stylish hairstyle and suit, it looks stylish.

Bristle Garibaldi

This thick beard with a wide mustache is named after an Italian general. It was he who wore a beard of this form. It should be neatly trimmed and have a rounded shape.

Such a bushy beard completely covers the lower part of the face and emphasizes the shape of the cheekbones, making the chin heavier. Like a Russian beard, it adds courage and external strength to its owner.

Weekly stubble

If you do not shave for a week, then the bristles will grow quite thick. The perfect solution to create an image of a brutal macho. Weekly facial hair does not require special care.

Eccentric brunettes can afford to wear this option and not worry that the appearance will take on an untidy look. In their case, sloppy bristles will add to the image of sexuality and masculine charm.

Length 10 day stubble

10 day stubble can rightly be called a beard. The length of the hair in this case already exceeds 5 cm, and without some care, a man may look untidy. Such neglected stubble is also called two-week. . It will suit only self-confident strong men with regular features. The “trick” of such bristles lies precisely in negligence and demonstrative carelessness.

The only condition is dense facial hair. Rare and thin hairs will not look brutal, but rather funny. It is recommended that brunettes or dark brown-haired women become owners of such a stubble-beard, but redhead a neglected beard will look completely unattractive.

Three day stubble

One-day and three-day stubble is also called light unshaven. It is very easy to grow without any hassle. It is enough just not to shave for the specified time and remove hairs that stand out from the total mass.

For reference! Numerous surveys were conducted where women were shown pictures of attractive, smiling men with beards, clean-shaven, and little stubble. As a result of the survey, most women considered bristly men to be the most attractive (regardless of their age). Small, well-groomed facial hair is recognized as the sexiest.

How to grow and care?

Growing stubble is not difficult. You just need to stop shaving, but proper care for it will help not only make the image neater, but also soften the hairs and remove itching.


  • Scrub the skin of the face twice a week to remove dead cells and renew the skin;
  • wash your face with exceptionally cool water to activate blood flow and thereby improve facial hair growth;
  • use special beard oils and make hair masks to make the stubble softer;
  • review the daily diet and enrich it with vitamins A and E;
  • change your lifestyle and eliminate bad habits;
  • actively engage in sports to increase testosterone production.

Photo of beautiful bristles in men

In order to make sure that the right shape of the stubble on the face is sexy, we recommend that you review our photo gallery. The photo shows a wide variety of styles of facial hair. Both the 1mm stubble and the full beard look amazing when neatly styled and properly shaped.

Russian beard

There are different options for the design of bristles on the face, the main thing is to decide to put the razor aside and grow the required length of hair. It is also very important to choose the right beard shape that fits the shape of the face and adds masculinity and charm to the whole image. A neglected stubble, light unshaven or a full-fledged beard will look stylish only if it is properly cared for and adhered to the established rules!

To answer the question of how to grow a thick beard, you first need to understand what mechanisms affect the growth of facial hair in men. Everyone knows that, a truly thick beard rarely begins to grow before the age of twenty.

This is usually associated with puberty, due to which, just starting to grow at least some facial hair.

It usually happens that these hairs are quite thin, inconspicuous and look more like a light fluff.

Unfortunately, nothing can be changed here, you just need to be patient until the age of 20-22 and hope that everything will be fine with you.

The fact is that puberty takes place on a strictly individual basis, which means that if your face is not as shaggy as your peers, you should not get depressed.

Even if your beard grows, but in shreds or something else, then along with the normalization of your hormonal levels, facial hair, sooner or later, will become more like its traditional look. Only if you do not have any other problems with the formation of facial hair.

You can check your hormonal background in a clinic or medical center.

Bad genetics and heredity

Genetics play a big role in how your beard grows.. One of the answers to the question of why you can’t get a beard yet lies precisely in your genetic code.

How to grow a thicker beard if it is rare? If your male ancestors had rather sparse stubble on their faces, or even walked as if they were shaved, then you are unlikely to grow a beard very quickly, no matter what procedures you do.

Although it may be that you inherited this trait from a distant relative, who was fine with facial hair. The main thing here is not to lose heart and hope for the best.

It is also of great importance to which you belong.

It is thoroughly known that the more southern peoples, for example, the inhabitants of the Caucasus with dark and thick hair, usually much earlier, sometimes even in adolescence, acquire a fairly good quality beard.

While residents of the northern regions, with blond and sparse hair, even after twenty, may have certain problems with growing facial hair.

Of course, you can try to solve them with special preparations to increase the rate of hair growth, however, unfortunately, this may not always work.

Medicinal and cosmetic products that can help enhance beard growth:,.


If, according to all the previous points, you should have a beautiful beard, but you still can’t get it, you yourself can be responsible for this, or rather the lifestyle that you lead.

You need to carefully review it, and the recommendations that you can read below will help with this.

Let's not be afraid to seem boring, but alcohol, tobacco and other bad habits can be one of the most serious obstacles to the growth of your beard.

How to grow a thick beard?

And now we turn to the main question - how to make a beautiful and thick beard? First of all, you should think about this: you must be eating not very healthy food or eating the same foods, as a result of which you lack some vitamins or other useful substances in the body.

Let's see what foods you should consume to grow a thick beard.. To achieve a really good result, you need to include more foods with magnesium, zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium and manganese in your diet.

Also, do not forget about such an important trace element as protein. It should be quite a lot, moreover, in two of its forms, that is, animal and vegetable. This means that you should lean on meat, dairy products, bread products, eggs and nuts.

Nutritional supplements

Also, a variety of drugs that you can use with food are now gaining immense popularity.

Their effectiveness can be confirmed or refuted by a variety of reviews, including on the Internet.

In any case, I would advise you, before taking any of the remedies described here, to go and consult a doctor or any other specialist about these drugs.

Thick beard, how to achieve this? One of the most effective ways is to use folic acid.

This acid is found in small amounts in our body and if you lack it, you may not grow hair.

You can buy it in the form of tablets in a pharmacy. Also, folic acid is found in adequate amounts in foods such as bread, nuts, and whole grains.

Biotin could be another important nutritional supplement.. They are rich in fruits, especially tropical ones, as well as cereals.

In addition, you should take not only products with biotin, but also nutritional supplements that will increase its effectiveness due to special trace elements that help this trace element to be absorbed into the body as correctly as possible. This method will help to make the beard not only thicker, but also darker.


Beard growth is directly dependent on testosterone production.. If it is below normal, you really can experience certain problems with facial hair. How to make a beard grow faster and thicker? Go in for sports!

Physical activity will not only make your body leaner, but will also have a positive effect on testosterone production.

And testosterone, in turn, will be one of the reasons why many acquaintances and even random people will admire your beard.

Folk remedies

It happens that you don’t really want to trust your beard to various incomprehensible and sometimes untested drugs.

How to make stubble thicker using simple and proven means?

I want something more reliable, which, even with a negative result, will not cause you any particular harm.

The way out is folk remedies that you can find almost in the grocery store.

For example, works great for increasing beard growth.

You only need to wash your face with it a couple of times a day and after a while you will find that you not only get softer skin, but also a good beard.

The most effective at the moment is Rogaine, which contains an active substance that has a very positive effect on hair growth. It is sold in almost any pharmacy, even without a prescription, so you can buy it without any problems.

In conclusion, I advise you to think about whether you need a beard at all. Maybe your woman prefers clean-shaven men. Also, if you live in a region where the weather can be hot, your beard will be more of a curse that will just destroy you with the heat.

Well, if everything is fine with the conditions, then good luck with growing vegetation. Moreover, now you know exactly what to do to make your beard grow thicker and how to make it grow faster.

Watch the video: 5 effective ways to grow a great beard

Did you know that historically the beard is a symbol of courage and power. That's why many men in sports and film use this opportunity to grow beards in all shapes and sizes. From Abraham Lincoln, Ernesto Che Guevara, Fidel Castro to Zizi Top, Santa Claus and Jesus, these people and characters all had a nice thick beard. What to do if the beard does not grow?

The biggest mistake men make is the belief that they are not capable of growing a beard, but this is rare. Today we will look at 12 ways to grow a beard faster and thicker. Become the owner of a symbol of power and courage!

A growing beard can be one of the joys in a man's life, or even a sign of how wishes come true. Not all men can easily grow facial hair, unfortunately. But there are a few things that can help you with this. Although the size and thickness of the hair may depend on age and heredity, not all men have the patience to wait for a full beard.

If you're determined to grow a full beard, here are 12 tips to grow your beard faster!

Hygiene and beard care

It may seem obvious, but you need to keep your beard clean and hydrated. Fat buildup, dirt, and flaky skin can prevent healthy facial hair growth. Once you start growing a beard, take into account the following rules:

  • Wash your face and beard with lukewarm water morning and evening using gentle cleansers to avoid irritation. If you have a physically demanding job or sweat a lot, wash your beard even more often. In our online store you can. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients and is able to flawlessly wash coarse beard hair.
  • Sounds weird, but try using a skin scrub to get rid of old skin. When you shave, the remaining skin is removed with a razor. Now you need to remove the skin with something else.
  • After washing your beard, use a moisturizing skin lotion. It is recommended to use a cream with eucalyptus.

Proper nutrition

Drink plenty of water. In order for hair to grow without delay, it is necessary that you completely satisfy the body with water. Doctors recommend drinking 2 liters of water, which is about 1 glass of pure water per hour.

A diet high in protein and oils will help you grow your beard faster. The hair itself is partly made up of proteins and covered in fats and oils, so it needs to be nourished for healthy growth. Eat plenty of meat, fish, beans, eggs and nuts.

Proper nutrition is the key to the growth of a good beard!

Eat vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins A, C and E. The right balance of these vitamins contributes to favorable conditions for the growth of beard hair.

  • Vitamin A (retinol) - maintains normal scalp and hair. Lack of retinol in the human body causes dandruff and dry hair. This vitamin is found in vegetables such as: carrots, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, meat and fish.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - strengthens the immune system. Ascorbic acid accelerates blood circulation, thereby nourishing the hair follicles with nutrients. Vitamin C can be found in potatoes, cabbage, citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes.

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - improves blood circulation. Tocopherol is responsible for transporting oxygen and other nutrients in the human body. With a lack of vitamin E, the hair loses its shine, becomes brittle and split ends. Vitamin E or tocopherol is found in nuts, peas, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils.

Limit yourself to sweets. Sugar is by definition bad for our body. With an excess of sugar, the hair becomes weak and thin, so you should not get carried away with it. Put fewer spoons of sugar in your tea, do not drink carbonated drinks, do not eat packs of sweets in the form of candies or bars.

Supplements and B vitamins for your beard growth

B vitamins are the most important substances involved in hair growth.

  • Vitamin B1, aka thiamine, supports hair growth. Thiamine is involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins, which are necessary for nourishing the hair and scalp. Thiamine is found in cereals, legumes, green leafy vegetables, brewer's yeast, meat, eggs, cottage cheese.
  • Vitamins B3 and B5 improve blood circulation and promote blood flow to the hair follicles. These vitamins are found in chicken, beef, fish, egg yolk, avocados, milk and cereals.
  • Vitamin B6 or pyrodoxine - is involved in the metabolism, including hormones, proteins and fats. From the lack of this vitamin, dandruff appears and hair loss begins. Pyrodoxine is found in sprouted grains, walnuts, hazelnuts, spinach, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, and avocados.
  • Vitamin B7, also known as Biotin or vitamin H, is the most important element that promotes hair growth. It promotes the acceleration and thickening of the hair. Biotin is found in yeast, tomatoes, spinach, soy, egg yolk, mushrooms, and liver. Eat these foods more often and you will have natural and healthy hair growth.
  • Vitamin B9 or folic acid affects the strength and thickness of the hair. This vitamin is found in cereals, nuts, legumes, yeast, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12 is a biologically active substance that provides hair with oxygen and other nutrients. The source of vitamin B12 is: beef liver, yeast, dairy products, soy, eggs, green vegetables with leaves.

The provision of B vitamins to a greater extent occurs through digestion and blood. All masks, gels and shampoos with B vitamins are secondary things, since vitamins are absorbed through the skin in small quantities.

Products containing vitamins of group B - the most important elements for beard growth

You can get all of the B vitamins from food or buy supplements from pharmacies or specialized sports stores.

Be sure to go to the doctor and consult on the use of any drugs so that it is not sad and painful later.

go in for sports

Try to do physical exercises - this will increase testosterone levels. Physical activity promotes normal blood circulation and maintains a normal metabolic rate. Simply put, all nutrients, vitamins and supplements reach their destination faster and accelerate the hair growth process.

Light morning exercises and a walk for 3-5 km. per day will promote the growth of hair and beards in particular.

When playing sports, testosterone is produced and, as a result, a beard grows.

Less stress

It is difficult to resist stress in modern conditions, but it must be done. Stress causes hair loss, which can prevent beard hair from growing.

Psychological and excessive physical stress can harm your immune system, which in turn will lead to a slowdown in beard growth.

They say meditation or yoga helps with stress. Maybe it's time for you to try some of these to get rid of anxiety and relax.

Ensure healthy sleep

Healthy and full sleep is the key to maintaining all bodily functions, including promoting beard growth.

During sleep, our cells are renewed and there is an increase in the rate of hair growth. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, what kind of healthy sleep can we talk about? Doctors recommend at least 8 hours of sleep.

Gain strength and patience

The next problem for men is trying to grow a beard as quickly as possible. It is impossible to wake up one morning with a grown beard. You just need to understand that if the beard does not grow, then you just need to wait. Perhaps you are too young and your body is just not ready yet. In the meantime, while the beard is growing, you may feel itchy in certain areas of the skin. Approximately one week after the last shave. It will get easier as the length of the hair increases.

You need to focus on something else to grow faster. You are distracted from this problem and do not remember the beard every hour. Go on vacation, go camping, do some work...get lost on a deserted island and grow a beard like Tom Hanks' character in Cast Away.

While the beard is growing, choose for yourself.

Beard Growth Masks

If the beard does not grow at all, there are several other popular recipes for how to correct the situation.

Solution with eucalyptus oil

Try eucalyptus oil. It promotes beard growth if moistened with a solution of small eucalyptus and water or special creams.

To prepare a solution of eucalyptus at home, take 1/5 of eucalyptus oil and 4/5 of warm water. Wet a cotton pad with the solution and apply with wetting movements to the skin. If skin becomes irritated, stop using the solution.

Amla oil and mustard

Prepare a solution of Amla oil and mustard. Amla is considered one of the most beneficial natural oils that will be beneficial for hair follicles.

Mix approximately 60 ml. Amla oil with 3 tablespoons of powdered mustard. Move to a paste-like mass. Make a beard mask with this mixture and leave it on for 20 minutes. The mixture is suitable for use within 2-3 days.

In addition to the amla and mustard mask, you can use jojoba oil and grape seed oil. Apply the oils directly to the skin and let them soak in for a while. 15-20 minutes will be enough.

If it is difficult to prepare such compositions, you can buy ready-made oil for beard growth with a whole range of oils.

Ground cinnamon and lime juice

For beard growth, try a mixture of ground cinnamon and lime juice. This mixture should be smeared on the skin 2 times a day to stimulate hair growth.

To prepare the mixture, take 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of lime juice. Make a smear on the beard for 25 - 30 minutes. If irritation occurs, stop using the solution.

Medications, beard growth stimulants

Science has long since learned to stimulate hair growth using special medications. Most of them are affordable and can be purchased even by a student. However, I strongly recommend that you consult with a trichologist who will examine you and give recommendations on which medications can be used for you.


There is a special therapeutic drug that stops hair loss and stimulates hair growth - minoxidil (minoxidil). It is used to grow hair on the head, but it is also suitable for growing the entire beard or thinning areas. Surely it happens to you that your hair grows unevenly, in islands or tufts, and not in even bristles. Minoxidil can help in this situation.

Minoxidil - beard growth stimulant

The use of this drug is relatively easy. You squeeze the drug onto the skin and rub the drug with massaging movements. However, the concentration of the drug and its frequency of use should be checked with the doctor. Often there are side effects, so be sure to consult your doctor.


There is another drug on the market to stimulate beard growth - finasteride. This drug increases the level of male hormones and is used for male pattern baldness.

Finasteride increases the level of hormones in the body by 10-20%, which stimulates the rapid growth of hair on the body, head and beard. The drug is available in tablets and is quite easy to use.

Finasteride - beard growth stimulator

Once again I warn you that you should consult a doctor before using the drug, as there are side effects: impotence, weakening of libido, a decrease in the volume of ejaculate. Do you want to take risks? I hope no.


Stubble on the face is a sign of masculinity and puberty. Despite the fact that the strong half of humanity has to spend a lot of time caring for hair growth, none of them can imagine themselves without it. Men prefer to shave their stubble, others grow beards, and still others create their own image with a mustache. But what if the hair on the face of a man does not grow?

If stubble does not grow on the face, what should I do?

Why is the stubble not growing?

The first hairs on the face of young men begin to appear during puberty. This suggests that the male hormone testosterone began to be produced in their body. Subsequently, fine hairs turn into real stubble, which men either carefully shave in the morning, or style into a beautiful beard or mustache. This is the norm. The lack of hair growth may be a cause for concern. If the bristles on the face do not grow, then the body has failed and the important male hormone has ceased to be produced.

Reasons for insufficient testosterone production can be:

  • poor, unbalanced diet;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of sleep;
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

The absolute absence of facial hair in men can be a wake-up call about problems with the endocrine system. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

What to do to increase the growth of stubble on the face?

Sometimes problems with hair growth are temporary, and the stubble begins to grow back as soon as positive changes occur in a man's life. If there are no obvious signs of health problems, you should not panic. There are several options for what to do to grow stubble on the face.

  1. Review your diet. Eat more seafood, nuts, sunflower seeds. These foods help testosterone production.
  2. Go in for sports and spend more time in the fresh air.
  3. Start taking ginseng tincture.
  4. Give up smoking and alcohol, drink less coffee.

Sometimes hair growth can be stimulated with folk remedies. To grow bristles, use burdock oil. It stimulates the activity of the hair follicles, which means it will help hair growth.

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