Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Clans in heroes at war. Heroes at War on a computer - an overview of a browser game from the Android platform. Heroes at War game - Our impressions

Clans in heroes at war. Heroes at War on a computer - an overview of a browser game from the Android platform. Heroes at War game - Our impressions

Successful Heroes at War walkthrough you will be provided with the secrets of the passage, some of which you will find in our knowledge base. First of all, it is worth dealing with those mandatory structures that you need to build.

The university

After completing the construction of the castle, you will first of all need a university, without it you will not be able to learn any military affairs, economics, superiority over monsters, the powers of magic elixirs, sacrifices, spells, and so on. After all, you cannot but agree that knowledge is a great power, and therefore it is worth paying enough attention to it. Take every opportunity to improve the university, and then a large number of new sciences will open up in front of you, which will subsequently bring you considerable benefit in building and developing your own empire.

Hall of Shadows and Barracks

Your task is to constantly develop your own city, with which you successfully cope. But after a while, your city will begin to attract the attention of a huge number of opponents who will make every effort to take your brainchild from you. Therefore, it is extremely important that your own army develops along with the development and prosperity of the city.

From this it follows that along with the university it is worth building and improving barracks for the army. In them you can hire and train foot soldiers. The infantry can not only defend the city, but also go on campaigns to conquer new territories, mines and cities.

Regarding the "hall of shadows", this name is the best fit for the habitat of the intelligence services. You desperately need intelligence, or rather its information, in order to thoroughly prepare an offensive operation with the main forces of your army. After all, if you have knowledge of the alignment of enemy forces, as well as their number, your chances of victory are significantly increased.


This building can be called a kind of tax office. Its purpose is to collect taxes from the population for the development of your city under construction, as well as a prosperous state. The population pays tribute in the form of a certain amount of silver, millet, iron, wood and stone.

Mine and quarry

The mine is a source of iron ore, which is essential for your army. Rather, the army needs uniforms in armor, weapons with swords, as well as the provision of arrowheads and spears.

The main source of stone for the city's needs is the quarry. Without a stone, it will not be possible to build a single building, as well as to repair and develop the architecture of the city in general. Each time you improve the quarry, you contribute to the production of noble stone species to increase, along with the growing needs of the city.


The desires of the population and the troops of your city are not only continuous military actions, they also need to eat. Therefore, you cannot do without building farms. It is on the farms that the necessary crops, meat, grain, milk and so on are grown. You can increase the amount of harvest. To do this, you will need to additionally obtain special knowledge by visiting the university.

Conducting battles

It is worth noting that in this game project there is no graphical display of combat confrontations, as in many browser strategies. Here everything happens as follows:

  • You need to find and select a target for attacking your troops. Such targets can be the possessions of other players, computer battles, or scattered resource points.
  • Decide on the troops you want to send on a campaign, set their number. Also, if you wish, you can send your hero with the army, to increase the likelihood of the success of the campaign.
  • Choose an army reinforcement, if you have any in stock, of course. After that, you need to confirm the sending of the troops.

At first glance, all this may seem quite simple, but in fact, for the correct choice of units that will attack the enemy or defend your castle, you need a strategic mindset, because each warrior has his own specific indicators.

Some fighters will be of great use in battles against archers and magicians, others with efficiency fight against cavalry, and still others are not afraid of fighting with infantry. What kind of fighters will you send? Or maybe you just need to loot some resources? In this case, you will need units with a high carrying capacity during the campaign.

With regard to the defense of your city, a very serious preparation is needed here. The first thing you have to do is develop espionage. In this way, you will be able to know in time about the attack that is approaching the walls of your fortress. For defensive actions, you need a won with the best defense. In addition, you should take care of traps, which greatly increase the resistance of the walls of the fortress.

In short, the battles here are very interesting and completely cover all the needs of a good field commander. And if you are a member of a clan, then you have the opportunity to conduct joint attacks with your clan members.

Heroes at War Walkthrough Videos

Completing daily tasks

  • Numerous buildings that can be improved, increasing their efficiency and functionality;
  • The ability to join alliances and conclude alliances to effectively conduct campaigns of conquest, protect the rear and increase influence;
  • Great graphics and musical accompaniment, uncharacteristic for most browser games;
  • Six types of resources required for the successful development of the settlement. You can get them in different ways - from honest labor to the capture of enemy castles;
  • Maximum realism - the developers have thought of everything, from the construction of buildings to the plundering of captured cities;
  • A huge variety of combat units and auxiliary troops: crossbowmen, militias, druids, archers, slingers, mages, horsemen, knights, guards and many others.

The plot of the game

Heroes at War begins, like most strategies, with the player being given a title of nobility and a fortress. True, it's hard to call it a fortress - a wasteland and several dilapidated towers can hardly be awarded this loud name. Therefore, before proceeding with the conquest of the surrounding lands and the capture of enemy castles, you should take care of your own base. First of all, you need to rebuild the wall, warehouse, barracks, university and other buildings necessary to maintain the defenses and economic independence of your future kingdom. While gradually restoring the castle, hire troops. They will be useful both for capturing the surrounding lands and for defending the castle. Only the army gives real strength in this cruel world. And the neighbors will listen and reckon with the opinion of only a strong feudal lord who is able to insist on his own.

Results for the game

Heroes at War will surely impress every online strategy lover. The developers paid a lot of attention to the little things. For example, each branch of the military has many characteristics, ranging from attack, speed and defense to the cost of maintenance and the ability to carry resources - a very important indicator if you have to plunder a captured city. Combined with great graphics, this makes the game the best choice for many thousands of fans. Just look into the game, and you will probably not soon be able to tear yourself away from it.

Heroes at war Is a fascinating online strategy game in the genre of the Middle Ages, which was originally created for mobile devices based on Android, and now you can play it on your PC. Here you have to become the ruler of a medieval castle, rule the lands and build your own empire, as well as increase its military power.


  • The presence of advanced methods for improving your own kingdom with a large abundance of various buildings and troops.
  • Improving your own buildings, creating defensive structures, ennobling personal possessions and adjacent territories.
  • The sophistication of the unit pumping system.
  • The presence of a system of alliances and alliances with other players, thanks to which it is possible to take part in large-scale battles for the throne in the wild lands.
  • The uniqueness of the game chat, which translates messages from other players, thereby creating a space for communication between players from different countries.

Official site

http://haw.apexpoint.com/- link to the official site of Heroes at War.

Here you will find a simple registration in the game or via social networks.

Game plot

Starting your journey in this medieval world, you will not immediately learn about the history of this world. Achieve a new round in the plot is possible only after completing the passage of a certain number of missions.

Initially, you get only scraps of memories, from which you understand that you got the castle from nowhere. From this moment on, you have to start unraveling and developing a twisted plot.

Heroes at War review


All the most interesting is hidden in the possibilities of the gameplay itself. On the one hand, you are familiar with many things from other strategies, but nevertheless, this game project has its own special atmosphere, captivating in earnest.


Resources are the basis of all your actions, as well as opportunities. You can't do anything without them. There are five types of resources that can be either mined or obtained by force by plundering the territories of other players.
  • Corn- you need a farm to get it. Used to maintain the city as a whole and, of course, the army. Without fail, you will have to spend when hiring an army, as well as during the construction of some buildings.
  • Iron, wood, stone- to obtain the necessary buildings. They are used absolutely everywhere: building, improving, researching or hiring an army.
  • Silver- in-game currency, necessary for many operations, for example, buying and improving an army, bidding for resources on the market, and so on.
  • Crystals- in-game currency provided as donation. Also, they are added quite well for completed quests. They speed up any actions in the game, thanks to which you do not become stronger, but you move more significantly in the player's rating.


A large number of different buildings are provided for construction here: military academies, resource mines, stables, barracks and much more, and you choose the place where to build a certain building yourself.

An interesting feature of the whole construction is that there is a division into an inner and outer courtyard. They are separated by a castle wall. Such a division, in fact, carries a certain logic: all resources are mined outside the castle, while warehouses and military structures remain inside.

Each building has several levels of development, and each building has certain advantages. Mining points increase productivity, and the military depends on the expansion of the capabilities of the troops.

Improvement and Science

Here you will find a huge number of different upgrades with which you can develop your city endlessly. The military academy serves to improve offensive and defensive skills. It is enough just to focus on certain abilities and your results during the fighting will change significantly. The university stores scientific knowledge of four branches: economics, war, craft and hero. Each of them has many different improvements.


Building your own indestructible army begins with hiring regular militias, the weakest units. As you progress through, new types of troops open up in the infantry, cavalry, ranged warriors, and over time, siege weapons.

Each type of warrior has its own characteristics of attack, defense, movement speed. Also, each unit has its own maintenance cost and carrying capacity during robberies.

Paying attention to these parameters, it is possible to determine which units have greater efficiency in different conditions, and, depending on these data, build a specific attack and defense strategy.

The character

An interesting game thing is the presence of a character, and with it a role-playing system in this game project. Your hero gains experience and levels up.

With each new level you have the opportunity to enhance the character's skills, and you will have to choose: give preference to strengthening the army or focus on the economy. Your character can be sent to the attack along with the army, thereby increasing the chances of victory.


You can create equipment for your character. You can create not only armor, helmets, shoes and weapons, but also common items and more rare ones. There are only five levels of rarity, but each of them has a fairly impressive selection. Only during crafting is it worth being extremely careful, because each item has the ability to give different bonuses, for example, to defense and attack, the cost of hiring troops or extracting resources. Depending on your strategy, choose which thing to craft. If you give preference to attack, then it is worth choosing things that increase the attack.


Clans occupy a worthy place in this game project. It's easier to survive by teaming up with other players. Plus, in the clan, you get additional bonuses and gifts.

Download Heroes at War

This game project is browser-based and you don't need to download anything. To play, you just need to follow the link and register by e-mail or through one of the provided social networks.

http://haw.apexpoint.com/- link for registration in the game.

Let's summarize
  • The presence of a role-playing component and a crafting system.
  • Reasonableness of combat confrontations.
  • A wide variety of troops and their improvement.
  • Many different buildings with a wide selection of studies.
  • A permanent Internet connection is required.
  • The presence of donation, which is not always convenient.

Sends us to the world of the early Middle Ages. Browser developers games online Heroes at War acted on the principle "don't break what works well." You start your journey from a small village. There are almost no buildings left, and the fence has no right to be called that. Gradually you will repel the attacks of robbers, create buildings, master the extraction of resources. You will also go through training along the way. There are many opportunities in the game, so it won't be superfluous.

Over time, the village will continue to expand, and you will be faced with the question of whether to get the status of a city. The latter has its pros and cons, so think carefully. In addition, you are given knowledge points that can be spent on increasing the collection of resources, increasing the parameters of the army or the hero personally. Already at the beginning of the game online you will be offered to become a governor or ruler. The first is subordinate, but can always count on royal help. As a governor, you will focus primarily on developing and protecting your settlement. Kings, on the other hand, should think about the prosperity of the entire region. This is the path for experienced strategists.

If you don't like active PvP battles, trade. For this, the game has a market and an auction. But you still need to have a strong army: it will be very disappointing to lose your wealth with every raid. If you came into the game Heroes at war for large-scale battles and political intrigues, then you will not remain offended. Raiding other players, robbing is an important part of the strategy. The super task for all players is to find and develop the Wonder of the World. After reaching the goal, the winner is determined and everything starts anew. But this is not easy to do.

To keep your lands under constant supervision, the creators made it possible to manage one village from several accounts. And it will still take months of time and a lot of resources. Therefore, kingdoms unite in alliances. Alliances provide an opportunity for close interaction between players. Everyone can have their own role. Someone attacks, someone defends, someone accumulates certain resources. Interestingly, the game has a developed system of secret alliances. Other players do not know about them, and with their help political intrigues are woven.

Large-scale wars, bloody battles, robberies, political intrigues are not matched by bright, beautiful graphics. Even against the background of the best browser strategies, it stands out for the better. I just want to call it perfect with a loud word. And by browser standards, this will not be an exaggeration. As a result, the developers have got a fascinating mixture of economic and military strategy. At the same time, everything is in moderation here, and there are more opportunities than many competitors.

In which the player needs not only to develop his character, but also the army, buildings, troops to confront the enemy and seize new lands. The project is relatively new, started in 2016, so players already have questions on the forums about how to develop correctly, what to focus on, what to download, what buildings to build ... In this guide, we will tell you in general about the tactics of successful development in Heroes at War, and also reveal some of the tricks and secrets of the game.

The first steps

As soon as you register in the game, various quests will immediately begin, where you will need to build, do, improve something. Whether you want it or not, you will have to fulfill them. This is good, because thanks to such prompts, the player can already understand that first of all he needs to build, where to click. For each completed quest, you will receive various items, bonuses, resources that can be used for the further development of buildings.

Almost all the main buildings are built while completing quests. For example, first you build an entry-level castle, then you enclose the area with a wall, put an inn behind the wall, put up various buildings to extract resources, build a university and other important buildings. Here, as in any other game, there are key points to pay attention to.

Firstly, you will have access to 4 main types of extracted resources, namely: wood, stone, iron, grain. There is also silver, but you will receive it in the process of trading. There are also two more currencies that are used within the project to purchase various items and improvements: crystals and honor points. Crystals will be given to you throughout all quests, but not in particularly large quantities. You can always replenish the amount of crystals for real money.

Honor points are awarded for holding various events in the castle, as well as for completing missions every day. You will use them when purchasing additional bonuses and power-ups, for example, a 50% increase in the production of a certain resource or reinforcement of troops. There are a lot of bonuses, so you need to strive to earn honor points. We recommend that you do not waste them just like that at the initial stages! They will be very useful to you in the future.
Secondly, the main emphasis should be placed on the development of structures for the extraction of resources. Try to download them at the same time so that they are the same level. Then you will not have situations when this or that resource is not enough. But at the same time, you do not need to be a fanatic and improve them to the maximum, when, for example, you have a university or a wall of only 3 levels. Improve them evenly.

Thirdly, even in the first stages of completing quests, you will build a university. Pump it as fast as possible and research science. In Heroes at War, everything is built on science, and the faster you master it, the faster you can develop and pump your character. Almost all basic sciences are studied at the university: economics, military affairs, various elixirs, craft and much more. Again, at the university you choose evenly the disciplines to study. At first, you can delve into the economy!

Training troops, improving the inn

You will have barracks at the first levels, so gradually build up the power of the army, because a few days after registering in the game, neighbors may already attack you. To fight back in time, immediately swing and develop your infantrymen. They can not only fight back and defend your city, but also go on campaigns. In addition to the barracks, you will need to build a hall of shadows. Here you can hire reconnaissance troops to roughly estimate the power of the army in a particular state before an attack. Do not neglect this rule, otherwise you can destroy your entire army in an instant!

The inn will collect taxes. Accordingly, the higher the level of the building, the more taxes you can collect from the population. Don't forget about the farms, too. The more soldiers you produce, the higher the level of the farms must be, otherwise the soldiers will starve and die. The amount of food should always be at the maximum level, but not with excess!

In addition to a university, you also need a military academy. Only here you can improve the skills of your army, both defensive and offensive functions. We recommend that you concentrate on some specific options, for example, attacking ones, in order to get the maximum result after full pumping.
Hero abilities, pumping

Although your main character will not particularly participate in battles, his characteristics and skills will greatly affect the general capabilities of the army, so pump him to the maximum. The player has several tabs. Let's analyze each in detail.

1. Equipment. Throughout the game you will be given various items, you will buy some of the equipment and enchant yourself. Try to prepare equipment for each new level so that your hero is always dressed to the maximum. You can find ready-made items, enchanted, or create them from scratch using the forge. There you can forge weapons, armor, but for this you will need additional materials.

2. Skills. For the hero, these are the main parameters that you must pump. There are two branches in total: military and peaceful. We advise you to evenly download both, because in the peaceful branch in the very last levels there are important bonuses for waging wars.

You don't take much part in battles, but the outcome of the battle is largely determined by the characteristics of your warriors. Before you attack someone, conduct reconnaissance and find out what troops are located in his city. And only after that, send soldiers who have advantages over the enemy. For example, some types of troops will be effective against archers in close combat, while others will be effective in long-range battles. Everything is decided by tactics, not the number of your units, remember that!

As soon as you level up to level 5, join a clan. Here you can get good support from allies and carry out joint attacks. This is very effective, especially if you have a developed and large clan. Most users from smaller alliances will be afraid to attack you, so this will clearly work in your hands! In clans, you will receive additional bonuses, resources, be able to complete clan tasks and upgrade your character and his skills much faster.

The administration of the browser game Heroes at War is constantly introducing new locations and opportunities for players, so stay tuned, as other guides and instructions on this project may appear soon. The game was released not so long ago, so all the recommendations described are experimental. Be smart, analyze, rush into battle and be sure to be friends with your clanmates in order to receive help and advice from experienced players on time.

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