Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Prayers recited for the trade of Islam. Dua for increasing the inheritance (riska) and solving material problems. Strong prayer for trade to the guardian angel

Prayers recited for the trade of Islam. Dua for increasing the inheritance (riska) and solving material problems. Strong prayer for trade to the guardian angel

4 years ago 249721 47

Assalam alaikum! I am sending you a letter at the request of one person. I read in one newspaper that in order to attract profit, you need to write “corky plea” on 4 sheets of paper and hang them in the corners of the store so that no one can see, in a word, you need to hide it in 4 corners of the store. You also need to memorize it and pronounce it before entering the store. How correct are such measures to stimulate trade, and what other supplications (dua) are there for this case? What kind of prayer should you read for a successful trade? Thanks. Aliya.

Waaleikum assalam, Aliya! We have not come across any details of your requested supplication (dua). Although, reliable hadiths are cited in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), wishing prosperity in trade to the inhabitants of Medina, read the following prayer (dua):

“Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikelikhim. Wa barik lahum fi Saihim wa muddihim "[ 1]

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَهُمْ فِي مِكْيَالِهِمْ ، وَبَارِكْ لَهُمْ فِي صَاعِهِمْ ، وَمُدِّهِمْ يَعْنِي أَهْلَ الْمَدِينَةِ

Meaning: “Oh Allah! Grant prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them. "

A person who wishes someone a beneficial trade should say: “Allahumma, barik lahu fi Mikyalihi. Wa barik lahu fi Saihi wa muddihi " ,

And, whoever reads for the grace of his own trade, pronounces the following:

“Allahumma, barik li fi Mikyalii. Wa barik do fi sa'ii wa muddii " ,

The change in the text is due to the grammar of the Arabic language.

Another important point to note is that the plea for prosperity is pronounced orally, and there is no need to hide it in the corners of the store.

In addition, if you want your trade to be fertile, then you need to remember the following requirements:

  1. Piety. In other words, be faithful to the precepts of religion, such as prayer, fasting, zakat, etc. ...
  2. Honesty. In trading, the main thing is honesty. If you are an honest person, then you will have many buyers and trade will be prosperous.
  3. You need to train yourself to start a business in the early morning. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recited the following dua: "O Allah, bestow blessings on my community in the morning." It is not advisable to do the work late.
  4. Be submissive to fate, perceive every good as a gift from God, and be content with it. Allah Almighty says: “If you are grateful, then I will give you even more. And if you are ungrateful, then the torment from Me is heavy. "
  5. Give alms. Whenever possible, give alms to people in need. Giving increases prosperity. Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an says: “Allah destroys profit and increases donations. Allah does not love any ungrateful (or unbelieving) sinners. "

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Sahih Bukhari, Kitabul buyu
Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
Surah Ibrahim, 7th ayah.
Surah Bakara - 276 verses.

Most entrepreneurs, especially those who have achieved some success in business, argue that in order to achieve something in business, you have to work, work and work ... Of course, we must create reasons for the fulfillment of our desires. However, if there is no barakat (grace) and tawfik (assistance) from, a person will not achieve any success in business and in other areas. Allah Almighty in the hadith al-Qudsi, which is transmitted from Abu Zarr al-Gifari (may Allah be pleased with him) says:

يَا عِبَادِي : لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ ، وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ ، قَامُوا فِي صَعِيدٍ وَاحِدٍ ، فَسَأَلُونِي فَأَعْطَيْتُ كُلَّ إِنْسَانٍ مَسْأَلَتَهُ مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِمَّا عِنْدِي ، إِلَّا كَمَا يَنْقُصُ الْمِخْيَطُ إِذَا أُدْخِلَ الْبَحْرَ

« O My servants! If the first and last of you, people and genies, stand in one place and ask Me (for something), and I give everyone what he asked for, this would reduce what I have only as much as the needle reduces (the amount water) when it is immersed in the sea ". (Muslim, 2577)

That is, if Allah Almighty gives each person everything that he asks of Him, this will practically not diminish His wealth.

Allah Almighty instructs his slaves to turn to him with prayers and ask him to fulfill all their desires and promises to fulfill them:

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ

« And your Lord, Allah Almighty said: "Cry to Me (appeal to Me with a prayer), and I will answer you (I will give what you ask)" ". (surah Gafir, 60)

In order for the Almighty Creator to bestow barakat, provide assistance and increase the lot in affairs, there are different duaas. Therefore, anyone who wants to succeed in business should make dua and asks for barakat and assistance from Allah Almighty.

It is narrated from Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that one man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

« O Messenger of Allah, turned away from me, and he keeps moving away and withdrawing from me ". The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told him:

« Have you not heard the prayer (salat) of the angels and tasbih of all the creatures of Allah, through which they receive their portion? Read a hundred times at dawn:

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِيم، أستغفر الله

« Subhana Llahi wa bihamdihi Subhana Llahi l- "azim, astagfiru Llah »

« Most Pure Allah, all praise be to Allah, Most Pure Great Allah. I ask for forgiveness (sins) from Allah ", and the whole world will humbly come to you».

This man left and after a while came back and said: “ O Messenger of Allah, verily, this world has turned to me in such a way that I do not know where to put it (property) ". (Al-Khatib)

Also from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“When Allah lowered (peace be upon him) to Earth, he got up, went to the Kaaba and performed the two-raka'at prayer. Then Allah inspired him to read this dua:

اللهم إنك تعلم سريرتي وعلانيتي ، فاقبل معذرتي ، وتعلم حاجتي فأعطني سؤلي ، وتعلم ما في نفسي فاغفر لي ذنبي ، اللهم إني أسألك إيمانا يباشر قلبي ، ويقينا صادقا حتى أعلم أنه لا يصيبني إلا ما كتبت لي ، ورضا بما قسمت لي

« Allahumma innaka ta'lamu sarirati wa ‘alaniyati fa-kbal ma'zirati, wa ta‘ lamu hajati fa-‘tini su'li, wa ta'manliamu ma fi nafsi fa-gfir-li zanbi. Allahumma inni as'alyuka imanan yubashiru kalbi, wa yakinan sadikan hatta a'lama annahu la yusibuni illa ma katabta li, varizan bima kasamta li »

« O Allah! Indeed, you know my innermost and obvious deeds, so accept my apologies. You know all my needs, give me what I ask. You know all that I hide in my soul, forgive my sins. O Allah, I ask You for iman (faith), who controls my heart, I ask for a deep correct conviction that will inform me that nothing will befall me, except for what You ordered me, I also ask for contentment with what you have endowed me».

Further, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Then Allah Almighty informed Adam (peace be upon him):" Oh Adam! Truly, I accepted your repentance and forgave your sins. Whoever turns to Me with this dua, I will forgive his sins, save him from the most difficult problems, drive the shaitan away from him, make his trade the best among all merchants, and this world will be forced to favor him, even if he himself does not want it. "". (Tabarani)

information with friends!

Detailed Description from Multiple Sources: "Muslim Trade Prayer" - in our non-profit weekly religious journal.

Christians turn to the Lord through prayer, Muslims have dua. This is the name of special texts from the Quran that are read for a specific purpose. Dua for trade is also a prayer, but at the same time it is a kind of conspiracy. The fact is that Muslim magic is closely related to religious tradition. Let's take a closer look at how to use dua for trade, who is helped by this prayer.

Islam and its philosophy

People belonging to different religious confessions trade, and atheists also do not refuse support from above. Each person seeks to get a "magic wand" that would provide a constant income without interruptions. Therefore, Christians and Muslims, Jews and atheists turn to dua for trade (read - to prayer, request). And, it should be noted, there are no prohibitions here, except for one. For Muslim prayer to work, you need to tune in, understand its essence.

The foundation of this religion is complete humility. The believer does not grumble, but thanks Allah for the share, no matter how bad and unjust it may seem. Perhaps a person who is not familiar with such a philosophy of life will find it difficult to immediately perceive it, but he will have to. Otherwise, the dua for trade will bring difficulties, and not the desired support. Allah will hear pride in the request, for which he will give a lesson. In our case, it will consist in the absence of clients. Instead of income, get losses. And all because of the wrong attitude to prayer.

How dua is read

Muslims assure that suras and prayers should be recited in Arabic. This complicates the task for everyone else. Dua for trading needs to be learned and read in Arabic. In translation, prayer turns into a conspiracy. And this is a somewhat different magic. It is recommended that you consult with Muslim acquaintances about the pronunciation or find an audio recording of the dua. Prayer is said in the morning. It should be read clearly, loudly enough. In total, you need to repeat the dua three times. Only then can you start your daily activities or go to work.

By the way, in the Muslim environment it is not customary to turn to Allah in a dirty state. That is, you need to wash, and it is better to take a shower, before you begin to read the text. In general, physical cleanliness in this religion is treated very closely. The houses must be tidy, the floors cleaned, and things laid out in places. This, on the one hand, shows respect for the Almighty, on the other hand, it teaches a person to discipline, which contributes to the realization of his abilities, including in trade. You should pray alone or with like-minded people. It is impermissible to be distracted.

Dua for trade in a store

Every time they begin the prayer with praise of Allah. Do not forget to tell the Almighty that you accept your share with gratitude, that you are ready to come to terms with all the circumstances. Only then can you ask. Dua looks like this:

  • “Allahuumma, baoir lahum fe Mikelikhim. Waa Borik lahum fi Sayehim wa mudihim. "

It should be recited three times. Translated, this phrase looks like this: “O Allah! Give with your blessing and grace things weighed on these scales. " But you need to read in Arabic, keeping in mind the image of what exactly the words mean. Shopkeepers are encouraged to say this prayer when opening the doors of their establishment. It's also a good idea to have a crescent-shaped mascot indoors.

Dua for market trading

We all go shopping, sometimes we sell something. Dua will help everyone: merchants to sell goods, and customers - not to fall under the influence of a fraudster. We will present an almost universal prayer. There she is:

  • “Leah Iliyahim ilal-lauhu Lyaya Shariaka. Lyaahu lyalul-yelku ua Lyahuul-hamdau Yukh-yui wa-Yumitu wa huua zai-y-yun lia yamutu Biyadihil-khyayru uh huag Gyaliya quli shai-inn qyadir. "

Speak in a sing-song voice with the translation in mind. He is: “Above all on earth, Allah! There is no other single deity. All power belongs to him. Praise be to Allah the great. He resurrects by his command, and also deprives of life. Allah is immortal. Grace is in His hands. Allah is Almighty! " By the way, after this conspiracy, you can repeat the one above. This will help you sell more and better products.

If you need to sell something

Not all people are engaged in trade. But sometimes we have to implement a car, for example. Muslim duas can be read in this case as well. Be guided by the two prayers listed. In the morning of the day when you want to close a deal, wash or take a shower. Then read the prayer praising Allah, followed by the one that is shorter. Repeat both in this order three times. Go to the place of the deal. As the client approaches, whisper to yourself again praise to Allah. You will see that the goods will not be delayed for a long time. But don't forget to thank your heavenly patron. And if you can't sell the product right away, don't grumble either. Remember humility. If you haven't bought it, then Alla is leading a more generous buyer to you. Thank him for his care and work. It should be remembered that prayers help only those who do not hold evil in their souls. Try to meet the requirements of Allah, since you decided to turn to him. Good luck!

Very strong prayers for trade

Trade magic has always been in demand among merchants. Strong conspiracies and prayers for trade are not neglected by modern traders, businessmen, entrepreneurs. Of course, experiments with magic are not approved by the Church, but in the Orthodox tradition there are special prayers-appeals to the saints, which can help in the prosperity and profitability of business related to the supply and demand market.

What saints can you pray for a successful trade?

In Orthodoxy, there is no specific strong prayer for trade. Any prayer text can be a powerful help if you perform the prayer ritual correctly and be a religious person.

To whom can you turn your prayers? First of all, you need to remember who is always next to any believer, accompanies him throughout his life - this is Guardian angel .

In addition to the personal Guardian Angel, the following saints can provide their help to an Orthodox person whose activities are related to the sphere of trade:

If the merchant is not familiar with the text of any of the prayers addressed to the above-named God's saints, nothing prevents him from crying out in his own words for the help of higher powers. Even such a prayer, coming from the depths of the very heart, uttered with unshakable faith, can lead to miraculous results.

Texts of strong Orthodox prayers for trade

Regular use of the data below the prayers will help turn your trade, attract buyers, increase sales and profitability. Thanks to the support of higher powers, your business will flourish, and the evil intentions of any ill-wishers and envious people will be neutralized.

You can choose any prayer text from the list. Only it is necessary to pronounce it in compliance with all the recommendations presented and not to doubt the power of the prayer.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

The prayer addressed to the Guardian Angel was also used by merchants in Ancient Russia. She helped them to successfully realize their business.

This prayer, which the inhabitants of the remote Siberian village of Kolyvan have preserved to our times, is considered one of the strongest. She brings good luck in the trading business. It should be recited daily, before trading.

Prayer to John of Sochavsky for successful trade

John of Sochavsky is considered the advocate of all those whose activities are related to trade, since the saint himself was a merchant during his lifetime.

First prayer

The prayer, the text of which can be found below, should be recited in front of the image of John of Sochavsky (it is better to buy an icon with his image in advance in a church shop). It is also desirable that a lit church candle stood in front of the face of the saint at the time of reading the prayer words. Text:

The prayer ceremony should be carried out in the morning, before the start of the trade. Before praying, you can tell the saint about the exciting problems associated with business, ask him for help.

The key goal of this prayer is to attract customers, therefore it is recommended to say it daily, clearly and sincerely. In doing so, the merchant must be completely honest with his customers. A businessman who will try to increase sales of goods by deceiving buyers, St. John will not help.

Second prayer

Also, for successful trading and high profits, you can read another prayer, also addressed to John of Sochavsky. It will be useful to place an icon of the saint in the workplace. Prayer words:

Prayer three

It is recommended to ask for help from John of Sochavsky with the help of this prayer when the state of commercial affairs leaves much to be desired. The ritual is held in the evening, by church candles. Before lighted candles, it is necessary to overshadow oneself with the banner of the cross three times, bow three times and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" ... After that, read a prayer in front of the icon of the saint:

The ceremony should be carried out until a significant improvement in business, when the profit becomes stable and regular. Be sure to thank John for his help.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

With the help of this prayer, they usually ask Seraphim of Sarov for good luck, including good luck in business. It is advisable to pray to the martyr Seraphim every day, and then luck will soon become your constant companion. Text:

After reading the prayer, also be sure to say the following words:

Petition to John the Merciful

A prayer addressed to Saint John the Merciful helps to attract good luck to trade. First of all, it attracts monetary luck and helps to increase profits in a short time. The text of the prayer is as follows:

An appeal to John the Merciful will be even more fruitful if you read it in front of the face of the saint. Try to find an icon such that its plot depicts the giving of alms. After completing the recitation of the prayer, it is very desirable to tell the saint about your specific request related to trade, and not just think about profit.

As soon as you notice an improvement in your affairs, sincerely thank John the Merciful. Do not forget about generosity and mercy - donate alms to those in need as often as possible, and then your business will certainly go uphill.

Strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for trade

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant helps everyone who addresses him with their requests, and merchants are no exception. It is best to pray to God's saint about trade within the walls of the church, in front of his icon. It is not forbidden to do this outside the church, just do not forget to visit a liturgical institution later and put a candle in front of the image of the saint - the more expensive it is, the more successful your affairs will be. Prayer words:

Many entrepreneurs and merchants, thanks to this prayer, were able to withstand even the most severe crisis.

How to properly ask the saints for help in trade?

No one will deny that trading is primarily about making a profit. When addressing a higher power with a prayer for commercial success, one should not concentrate on only one potential revenue. The thoughts of the prayer should be about what exactly he wants to receive for this money, it is even recommended to voice his specific goal.

It is allowed to pray in your own words, the main thing is to do it with deep faith and from the bottom of your heart. A few more tips:

  • do not be discouraged if the business is not going well yet, and every now and then there are some problems;
  • always help those in need: give alms, feed homeless animals;
  • take care of the quality of the goods sold: they must be useful for buyers and durable;
  • do not forget to thank your holy helpers.

Following this simple advice, you will be able to achieve unprecedented heights in your business, and your trading success will linger around you for a long time.

Thank you for the texts of the prayers! The crisis is no longer terrible for my business.

Veronica and what prayers did you read?

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Muslim conspiracies for all occasions

Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many do not even know. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely related to religion... Islam does not prohibit certain magical rituals, such as conspiracies from corruption, since it is believed that the prophet himself Muhammad performed similar rites.

Magic in Islam

The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases whole chapters of the Koran are used ( suras).

Súra (Arabic سورة) is an Arabic word for one of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an.

All existing in Islam rukyi(conspiracies) are divided into two types.

The first ones allowed Shariah, do not contradict religion and are essentially suras Quran... They are read only in Arabic, as in the original source. Such rukyi are pronounced over water, which will then be drunk by the person applying for a magical effect, or over the patient, if the rite takes place to get rid of any ailment.

There is also a second type of spells. This type of rukya is prohibited. Shariah... And they are forbidden because the one who reads them appeals to everyone, anyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons and so on.

Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention in The Qur'an of all the above creatures, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other spell variations are considered polytheism. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

Separately, it should be said about talismans and amulets, which play an important role in the life of Muslims. The fact is that from the evil eye to small children, various versions of security amulets are necessarily hung on their clothes. Most often these are sayings from Quran and prayers. However, there are options for amulets that do not contain canonical texts, but different types of jewelry. They are also prohibited by the official religion.

Nevertheless, all these prohibitions do not interfere with the work of numerous sorcerers and witches. Muslim magic is rooted in Arab magic, which, as you know, is considered one of the most ancient, and also is not divided into black and white.

True, the Muslim rituals that have come down to us and are now practiced for the most part " white " and are represented by spells and rituals for protection, attracting good luck, love and prosperity, for money, health. Of course, there are love spells, evil eyes and damage.

Love magic stands alone... After all, it is to her that women from other religions resort to when they want to attract the attention of a Muslim man. At the same time, if a Muslim decided to bewitch a woman of another religion, he also needs to use Islamic rituals for this.

However, the question arises, will a woman who is not involved in Islam be able to conduct an effective ceremony to attract the desired man? After all, a prerequisite for any strong magical tradition is initiation... In this case, everything depends on the strength of love and sincerity of intention.

Rules for conducting Islamic magical rites

Some ancient sources speak of the rules that the magician had to adhere to in order to conduct a successful ritual. Some of them were formed in the Arab world before the advent of Islam. Some are similar to the rules of Western magical traditions, while others reflect religious requirements.

So, first of all, the magician must perform the rite, being in a state of ritual purity. It is about the purity of the body, thoughts, clothing and the room where the ritual is performed.

An important rule that is relevant to the Arab-Islamic tradition today: women, regardless of religion, should not perform rituals during menstruation.

Among other prohibitions during the period of the rituals of Muslim magic: refusal from alcohol, tobacco and other "heavier" substances that can alter consciousness.

The best time for rituals is Friday. Magical actions are repeated three to seven times, while the performer must turn to face east (towards Mecca). All spells, regardless of whether they are suras or just spells, are read aloud.

Muslim conspiracies for love

For the first conspiracy it is necessary at dawn, while standing in a basin, pour a glass of water over yourself. Then collect this water in a glass again. On the collected water, you need to read the following conspiracy:

Allah ordered to endure! I'm waiting! Allah has commanded to love! I'm on fire! Allah turned to (name), told him to wait and suffer! as he drinks water, so will he fulfill the command!

After that, a few drops of charmed water must be added to the food or drink of the victim, at the same time, for protection, you need to read first sura.

The next conspiracy for love read while standing on a road that goes into the distance as far as possible. Ideal if the horizon is visible. It is necessary to come there and read the conspiracy every day until the result appears. In the process of reading, it is important to imagine that the desired man is walking this road from afar to the reader.

Bismillahir Rahmonir Rahim. Man Abdehi Allazi Leyl Ila Rabbi Alzhdamilu Wa Ante Arkhamar Rahemin.

Muslim conspiracies for money

Among the Muslim conspiracies for money translated into Russian, one of the simplest and most working spells is considered to be a spell in which it is not money that is not directly asked for, but about happiness in the house:

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful!

Greetings, happiness!

Welcome to my home!

Appear like a song, about happiness!

Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, about happiness!

Rain down, oh happiness!

Come like snow in winter, oh happiness!

Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, about happiness!

Bring joy with you, oh happiness!

Open the gates of prosperity, happiness!

Let the rays of gratitude illuminate everything around!

Come, oh happiness!

Muslim conspiracies for good luck

Muslim conspiracies for good luck are very popular in Islam, like any rituals that bring success, in any religions and esoteric movements.

All spells for good luck in Islam are aimed at protection from the wiles of evil spirits (shaitans and jinn), that prevent ordinary people from getting what they want.

The conspiracy below exists in two forms: in Arabic and in Russian.

Innaa lil-lyaakhi wa innaa ilayhi raadzhi'uun, allaahumma ‘indakya akhtasibu musyybatii fa’dzhurnii fiihe, wa abdilii bihee hayran minkhe.

Translation into Russian:

Indeed, we completely belong to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace the trouble with something better than her.

In addition, the Quran itself has this advice: when a person yawns, he definitely needs to cover his mouth with his hand, otherwise a gin can fly in there, which will take all the luck from a devout Muslim.

Muslim conspiracies for trade

We all know what an oriental bazaar is and what significance is given to the art of bargaining there. In the Middle Ages, oriental merchants traveled all over the world. The merchant's craft was considered dangerous wherever he was: at home, trading in the bazaar or traveling to other countries.

It is not surprising that various Muslim trade conspiracies are widely used in eastern countries.

They are all surahs from the Koran, which must be read aloud before commencing trading. Below are a few of them.

“Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikelikhim. Wa barik lahum fi Saihim wa muddihim ".

Russian version:

“Oh Allah! Grant prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them. "

Another conspiracy:

Allahumma, barik li fi Mikyalii. Wa barik lee fi sa'ii wa muddii

Another conspiracy, which is read every morning by a merchant, before starting work:


“Allah is more accustomed to everything. There is no deity but Allah, the One who has no partner, the power belongs to Him. Praise be to Him only. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is Almighty. "

Muslim magic, like any magic, offers a range of powerful rituals. To achieve a result, it is important to observe all the rules for conducting ceremonies, and most importantly, to preserve in the soul throughout the entire work the purity of intention and love.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil eye and corruption
    • Amulets
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day, there were extensive festivities, people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: "I got rid of it!" On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

  • Most detailed description: Muslim prayer for quick sale - for our readers and subscribers.

    Magic power helps with the help of a conspiracy, not only in love affairs, but also in material and financial matters. Particularly in buying and selling.

    In our version of the sale of a house. What needs to be done to make the sale as fast and simple as possible?

    Most people in such a complex issue as selling a house, resort to magic, but few immediately remember about the action of magical rites. This usually happens when attempts to sell have dragged on for more than one year.

    Selling an apartment profitably is much easier than a whole house. Many people would prefer a small apartment, but located in the city center, than a huge house on the outskirts. A conspiracy to sell a house will help you make a good deal in a short time. The ritual will help:

    • people who have been unable to sell a house for a long time;
    • those who want to make good money on the sale;
    • those whose house is not very well located;
    • those who are completely tired of the endless red tape with papers for re-registration of the house.

    Words can differ in their semantic load, which will help to use a certain conspiracy for the right thing. Each case requires a special conspiracy. There are conspiracies acting in all directions at once, for example: it will be possible to sell a house at a high price, avoiding problems with documents.

    Sell ​​with the power of thought

    There are really many options in the quick sale of a house, someone will prefer to turn to the folk magician, and someone to Muslim prayers or Muslim conspiracies, they, in turn, act for those who believe in Allah. The main thing is to remember that in magic all means are good and everything that is done with faith and good intentions bears fruit.

    Rituals for the sale of something are carried out only on the waning moon. Conspiracies are a kind of magical prayer, and prayer are words that have magical powers. The text of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly with internal tension, giving the maximum of your energy. Words tend to affect matter, any of our thought materializes. It is also recommended to strictly follow the rite and not misinterpret the words written in the conspiracy.

    You have to pay for everything

    These rituals do not have any negative consequences, and all because the rite does not harm anyone. But any magical effect is a kind of service that must be paid for. In our case, you can take food to church or serve it to the poor. Bake sweets and treat children, any kind gesture will be the price to pay for perfect magic.

    Otherwise, the forces that came to the aid of the one calling to them will take the payment themselves. And you won't like the price they charged.

    How to quickly sell your home

    The ritual performed on dirty water is one of the strongest for selling a house. It works quickly and efficiently.

    If the house has bad energy and the main goal is to sell it quickly and move quickly, a dirty water conspiracy will help.

    For him you need: clean water, a mop with a new rag. First you need to wash the floors in all rooms with water alone. After that, we read special words on dirty water that will contribute to a quick sale. The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced in front of the bucket, squatting, after which we pour out the dirty water onto the road behind the house.

    The main thing is not to be noticed by neighbors or bystanders, otherwise a strong ritual will have no effect.

    The broom ritual is no less popular. This conspiracy is notable for its simplicity, but at the same time and power. The ceremony must be performed at 3 am. To perform the ritual, you need a new broom, and the power of thoughts.

    A conspiracy is slandered on a broom, after which the whole house is swept by it. This procedure must be carried out 3 days in a row.

    The magic pin ritual is also a simple, effective and therefore popular ritual. To perform this ritual, you must prepare: half a glass of rice, sugar, salt and one new pin.

    At noon, you need to mix sugar, rice and salt in one bowl, then stick a pin into the bottom of the plate with the tip down. When performing this action, you must read the correct words.

    After that, we remove the dishes with the charmed mass from prying eyes to a secluded place. As a result of the conspiracy, a home buyer will show up very soon.

    In order to thank the higher powers, you need to give alms to six people in need. After this action, the ceremony is fully completed.

    It may not work on the same day. Don't be upset. It is better to "help" the magical powers - to advertise the sale in newspapers and on websites, tell everyone you know that the house is for sale. And the buyer will come sooner.

    The magic ritual for red apples is beautiful and effective. Before lunch, you need to open the curtains on the windows, and put a plate of red apples on the table. The required plot must be read about half an hour before the arrival of potential buyers. It is necessary to agree with the buyers at an early time: if the ceremony is held after 16:00, it will not work. Before their arrival, you must read the conspiracy 7 times.

    If buyers have left, giving up on buying a house, spit in the back of the buyers (so they don't notice), then they will definitely come back and buy a house. Do not eat the apples yourself, give them to the children.

    Useful conspiracies for sale:

    A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of life you will be successful in the new year.

    Plots to sell a house: comments

    Comments - 2,

    Five years ago we inherited a house from my husband’s grandmother. The house is very nice, big, renovated, but I can't stay there for a long time. I begin to feel bad, I am seized by some incomprehensible fear. Therefore, my husband and I decided to sell it, but the problem is that no one wanted to buy it for 2 years. People came, looked, said that the house was good, but did not want to buy, and so in a vicious circle. And then one friend advised me to make a conspiracy for sale. I took this matter very seriously, I made a conspiracy on a pin for 3 days in a row. Our surprise was not a chapel when a week later we signed an agreement to sell the house.

    Please write what kind of conspiracy you made. Otherwise I have the same problem

    What is a trade dua? To whom and how does it help?

    Christians turn to the Lord through prayer, Muslims have dua. This is the name of special texts from the Quran that are read for a specific purpose. Dua for trade is also a prayer, but at the same time it is a kind of conspiracy. The fact is that Muslim magic is closely related to religious tradition. Let's take a closer look at how to use dua for trade, who is helped by this prayer.

    Islam and its philosophy

    People belonging to different religious confessions trade, and atheists also do not refuse support from above. Each person seeks to get a "magic wand" that would provide a constant income without interruptions. Therefore, Christians and Muslims, Jews and atheists turn to dua for trade (read - to prayer, request). And, it should be noted, there are no prohibitions here, except for one. For Muslim prayer to work, you need to tune in, understand its essence.

    The foundation of this religion is complete humility. The believer does not grumble, but thanks Allah for the share, no matter how bad and unjust it may seem. Perhaps a person who is not familiar with such a philosophy of life will find it difficult to immediately perceive it, but he will have to. Otherwise, the dua for trade will bring difficulties, and not the desired support. Allah will hear pride in the request, for which he will give a lesson. In our case, it will consist in the absence of clients. Instead of income, get losses. And all because of the wrong attitude to prayer.

    How dua is read

    Muslims assure that suras and prayers should be recited in Arabic. This complicates the task for everyone else. Dua for trading needs to be learned and read in Arabic. In translation, prayer turns into a conspiracy. And this is a somewhat different magic. It is recommended that you consult with Muslim acquaintances about the pronunciation or find an audio recording of the dua. Prayer is said in the morning. It should be read clearly, loudly enough. In total, you need to repeat the dua three times. Only then can you start your daily activities or go to work.

    By the way, in the Muslim environment it is not customary to turn to Allah in a dirty state. That is, you need to wash, and it is better to take a shower, before you begin to read the text. In general, physical cleanliness in this religion is treated very closely. The houses must be tidy, the floors cleaned, and things laid out in places. This, on the one hand, shows respect for the Almighty, on the other hand, it teaches a person to discipline, which contributes to the realization of his abilities, including in trade. You should pray alone or with like-minded people. It is impermissible to be distracted.

    Dua for trade in a store

    Every time they begin the prayer with praise of Allah. Do not forget to tell the Almighty that you accept your share with gratitude, that you are ready to come to terms with all the circumstances. Only then can you ask. Dua looks like this:

    • “Allahuumma, baoir lahum fe Mikelikhim. Waa Borik lahum fi Sayehim wa mudihim. "

    It should be recited three times. Translated, this phrase looks like this: “O Allah! Give with your blessing and grace things weighed on these scales. " But you need to read in Arabic, keeping in mind the image of what exactly the words mean. Shopkeepers are encouraged to say this prayer when opening the doors of their establishment. It's also a good idea to have a crescent-shaped mascot indoors.

    Dua for market trading

    We all go shopping, sometimes we sell something. Dua will help everyone: merchants to sell goods, and customers - not to fall under the influence of a fraudster. We will present an almost universal prayer. There she is:

    • “Leah Iliyahim ilal-lauhu Lyaya Shariaka. Lyaahu lyalul-yelku ua Lyahuul-hamdau Yukh-yui wa-Yumitu wa huua zai-y-yun lia yamutu Biyadihil-khyayru uh huag Gyaliya quli shai-inn qyadir. "

    Speak in a sing-song voice with the translation in mind. He is: “Above all on earth, Allah! There is no other single deity. All power belongs to him. Praise be to Allah the great. He resurrects by his command, and also deprives of life. Allah is immortal. Grace is in His hands. Allah is Almighty! " By the way, after this conspiracy, you can repeat the one above. This will help you sell more and better products.

    If you need to sell something

    Not all people are engaged in trade. But sometimes we have to implement a car, for example. Muslim duas can be read in this case as well. Be guided by the two prayers listed. In the morning of the day when you want to close a deal, wash or take a shower. Then read the prayer praising Allah, followed by the one that is shorter. Repeat both in this order three times. Go to the place of the deal. As the client approaches, whisper to yourself again praise to Allah. You will see that the goods will not be delayed for a long time. But don't forget to thank your heavenly patron. And if you can't sell the product right away, don't grumble either. Remember humility. If you haven't bought it, then Alla is leading a more generous buyer to you. Thank him for his care and work. It should be remembered that prayers help only those who do not hold evil in their souls. Try to meet the requirements of Allah, since you decided to turn to him. Good luck!

    Dua for good luck in business - how to pray to a Muslim correctly?

    Muslim prayer is designed to connect a person with God and help him in business. A believing Muslim should not only lead a righteous life, but also know the prayers that will always help him. There are special prayers for improving the state of affairs in work, in trade, in studies. It is advisable to repeat all these prayers as often as possible. Their texts exist in Arabic and Russian, you can use the option that is more convenient.

    In order to bring good luck and financial prosperity into your life with the help of prayer, it is recommended to prepare in this way:

    • Do not eat meat and sweets for a week. Eat only bread and water. This helps to strengthen the spiritual capabilities of a person.
    • Surahs from the Koran should be read every day. It is advisable to repeat them at least 10 times a day.
    • Wash thoroughly before touching the book of prayer.

    The prayer itself to attract money is said once a day. After its completion, it is advised to go out and distribute a certain amount of coins to the beggars. You need to read the following prayer text.

    “O happiness, I appeal to you in the name of Allah the Merciful! Be the ruler in my house. Be the patron of my family, protect it from troubles and hardships. Become my Sun, give me joy. Create heaven for me on earth. Come to my house, we look forward to seeing you! "

    To attract money to your home, you can also read such a prayer. It has considerable power.

    “In the name of Allah, the Ruler of all that is. O Great Allah, protect me from the accursed Shaitan. Give me shelter from grief and anxiety, give me strength, help me overcome debt bondage and humiliation from people. Take me away from what is forbidden. Give me what is required by law. Show me Your mercy and free me from those desires that You do not send ”.

    Women read special conspiracies: “O Great Allah, grant us your mercy. Grant us wealth and prosperity. May all my loved ones be healthy. May everyone who brings joy to our home be happy. May my husband and master have a good job that will bring us prosperity. "

    Many adherents of Islam are interested in prayers that help increase sales and improve their business. To improve trading, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • Be godly. The merchant must abide by the rules of Islam: fasting, namaz, zakat, etc.
    • Honesty. You cannot deceive buyers, only in this case Allah will send prosperity.
    • You need to start work early in the morning. This is the most effective way to fulfill desires. The Prophet Muhammad recited the following prayer: "Great Allah, give me a blessing in the morning."
    • A person should be submissive to fate and humbly accept everything that Allah gives him.
    • It is necessary to give alms to people who need it. Allah loves generous people.
    • You need to sell those goods that benefit people. There is more grace in them.
    • It is forbidden to envy those faithful who are doing well in trade. Prayers should be offered for their prosperity.

    If all these rules are observed, a Muslim has a chance to count on the fact that his prayer will be heard by the Almighty. Here are the texts of the prayers that are recommended to be recited to increase your success in trading:

    • “What Allah desired. There is no strength but Allah. "
    • “O Allah, Great Lord! Pay our debts for us and bring us out of poverty! ”
    • “O One! Oh Great! I call you through Muhammad - your prophet! I ask you, my Lord, give food to me and my family, give me a good lot, with which I can pay off debts, improve my affairs. "

    Very often Muslims turn to the Holy Scriptures in order not only to read it, to earn a reward in Ahyyrat, but also to resolve some personal issues. According to hadith, reading certain suras and verses helps a person in worldly life and in his preparation for eternal life.

    Fortune or Lady Luck from the perspective of Islam

    In society, expressions such as “Fortune smiled at me”, “Lady Luck turned away”, etc. are in use. In Islam, there is no such concept of fortune or luck. All this is only anthropomorphization, that is, an attempt to give certain phenomena a human appearance. So, Fortune was the name of the ancient Roman goddess of luck. This word has become firmly established in the lexicon of not only European peoples, where luck is often translated as "fortune", but also in Russian as a borrowing. And it is actively used by some Muslims.

    Luck itself is associated with accidental success. But in Islam, as you know, everything good and bad does not happen by chance, but, that is, depends on the will of the Lord. Therefore, it would be wrong for believers to wish themselves or others good luck - it would be more correct to wish a successful start and end of affairs. After all, success is a positive assessment of what is happening. And the success of a person largely depends both on his zeal (in deeds and asking for help from the Almighty through prayers, sadaqa and reading the Quran), and on the will of Allah, Who knows what is actually best for His servant.

    Conditions for winning success

    When resorting to the Koran to improve his affairs, a Muslim should remember one important thing - it is not the Holy Text that helps, but the Almighty, who through His Word gives us relief. This is just one of the means to achieve the goal, the creation of a cause, and the result comes through the Grace and Bounty of the Creator.

    The second important point: you cannot limit yourself only to reading (or listening) the surahs of the Koran. For the successful start and completion of affairs, it is necessary to apply mental and physical efforts permitted by the Shariah.

    Thirdly, it will not be superfluous to perform additional acts of worship, such as reading at night and the morning spirit of prayer, giving alms, abstaining from sinful deeds, words and thoughts.

    It is also important that before starting business (leaving home for a business meeting, work), the person has at least a little ablution. Do not neglect taharat (voodoo). There is great wisdom in this seemingly insignificant and not so important act outside of prayer. Ablution protects from the shaitan, and prayers and dhikrs uttered along the way in a state of ablution are always better. In ritual purity - the contentment of the Almighty and the reward for worship.

    Suras to increase income

    In the Holy Book of Islam, there are certain suras that can help a person to promote his business and other affairs.

    So, reading sura "Yasin" after the morning prayer helps in business and facilitates the affairs of this day. In addition, it must be remembered that at dawn the angels pray for those who worship, and this verse of the Qur'an, together with the dua after it, will become the reason for a favorable coincidence of circumstances.

    Surah is recommended for success in business. "Hijr", and to get rid of the need - "Maryam" and ("Repentance")... Note that there are no reliable hadiths about the benefits of these particular suras. However, sincere reading with the right intention and trust in the Grace of Allah and His protection can serve as a reason for receiving an answer to your prayers and the successful development of worldly affairs.

    Another very important sura is Sura 56. The recitation of this sura after the night prayer (and according to some theologians, even after the evening prayer - Maghreb), can protect against poverty and poverty. In reliable hadiths it is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (sgv) advised: “The one who reads the Vakyiga surah every night will not be affected by poverty” (the hadith cites Bayhaki). According to another hadith, the Final Messenger of the Almighty (sgv) said that this is "the surah of riches, so read it yourself and teach your children."

    However, it must be remembered that the above fragments of the Noble Quran cannot serve as a recipe for instant material enrichment. After all, our Creator warned that he would test a person. So, in sura "Bakara" it says:

    “Or do you think to enter Paradise simply because you became Muslims without experiencing what those people who came before you? Calamities and grief overtook them, and their spirit was so shocked that the messenger and the believers with him said: "When will there be help and victory from Allah?" Truly, the help of Allah is always close! " (2: 214)

    Dua and dhikr for increasing wealth

    So, for example, in one of the hadiths from Al-Khatib it is narrated how one person turned to the Messenger of the Most High (s.g.v.):

    "Oh, Prophet, this world has turned away from me, and it is getting further and further from me." To which I heard the answer: “Haven't you heard the prayer of the angels and tasbih of all the creatures of Allah, through which they receive their portion? Say 100 times at dawn: "SubhanaAllahi ue bihemdihi, SubhanaAllahil gazyim, astagafirullah", and the whole world will humbly come to you. " When this man returned some time later, he exclaimed: "Oh, Muhammad, truly, this world has turned to me in such a way that I do not know where to put it (meaning my property)."

    In another hadith quoted by Abu Daud, the Prophet (s.g.v.) recommended reading the following dua:

    “Allahumme in-ni aguzu bike minelhammi uel-haazan ue aguzu bike minel-’ajzi wal-kaseli. Ue aguzu bike mineljubni uel bukhli, ue aguzu bike min galabatid-daini ue kahrir-ridgel "

    Translation:"O Allah, verily, I resort to You from difficulties (problems) and sorrow, I resort to You from weakness and laziness, I resort to You from cowardice and avarice, I resort to You from the predominance of duty and coercion (violence) of people." (hadith narrated by Abu Dawood).

    In addition to these, other dhikrs can be recited, glorifying the power and strength of the Creator, remembering His names, such as "Ar-Razzaku"(Providing food) Al-Varisu(Heir to all things) Al-Wali(Ruling, Ruler over all that exists), "Al-Qayumu" (Existing, Independent from anyone and from anything and not needing anyone or anything), etc.

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