Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill New Era of Skyforge (a guide for newbies-oldies). Skills and talents of the Hero in Skyforge

New Era of Skyforge (a guide for newbies-oldies). Skills and talents of the Hero in Skyforge

After the release of the browser RPG in Russian Many players and fans of the first part of the game are interested in a number of points on clothing and equipment of heroes, how to deploy a team in attack and craft in League of Angels 2. Below we provide a detailed guide on these issues.

Equipment and crafting in League of Angels 2

To improve and use the available equipment, you should take part in events and quests in the story, and search in elite dungeons. The equipment menu opens on the right side of the game panel.

According to its types, equipment in the game is divided into 4 types:

  • unusual
  • rare
  • epic
  • legendary

Upgrading your equipment in League of Angels 2 can be paid for with in-game currency or you can activate the crafting chain after reaching all level 10 items.

The rank of improvements along the chains can be increased every 10 levels, while the general characteristics of the hero increase. In addition to the usual promotions in the game, there is a system of accessories and jewelry that significantly increase the overall skill points and XP of the entire team.

Clothes in League of Angels 2

Clothing in League of Angels 2 has been significantly improved and allows your heroes to sport fancy outfits and Angels to acquire wings.

An interesting feature will be that when you change the costume, the character's skills change and improve, for example, if you chose the role of the Healer for the hero, dressing the Emerald Dream will add two healing skills to you at once.

Important! Before choosing a costume in the store, you should know that the clothes in the game are divided by gender, male and female.

To change the costume of the selected character, tap on it LMB and select the section in the menu Clothing. Changing the required costumes is done in the Fashion menu.

You can purchase as many costumes as you like, but the activated clothing skills will only be from the used outfit.

Attacks in battle in League of Angels 2 can be divided into several types.

  1. Full Side Attack... Your units will attack the front rows of the enemy all the way to the back row. In essence, the front rows usually defend the unit against most single targeted attacks.
  2. Target selection... This method is suitable when there is no enemy in the front line and directly opposite the attacking hero. In this case, the system will attack other enemy units in the first row.

Battle formations in League of Angels 2.

Martial Education is one of the most important factors that will determine victory or defeat on the battlefield. Always make sure that your units are positioned optimally for each encounter with the enemy.

For example, if your opponent's formation has several skills focused on your rear formation, you can try placing your strong heroes behind, even if you usually put them in the front.

Advice! It is generally worth placing your heroes in position to minimize damage from your opponent (if the most dangerous enemy deals damage in a line, place only one holding hero against him).

How to leave a guild in League of Angels 2?

If you decide to leave your guild in the game, you just need to go to the menu on the "Guilds" page and click on the admin panel. Choose "exit" and wait 24 hours before activating the command. Or you can pay 100 diamonds to switch directly to a new one.

A detailed video guide to the magician in League of Angels 2

You can play League of Angels 2 on the Internet, and completely free of charge, if you register using the link below. In the review of League of Angels 2, presented below, we will look at its gameplay, as well as give tips on passing, without which it will be very problematic to delve into all the subtleties.

League of Angels 2 game review

The game that millions have been waiting for and love! The world is in danger! Troubles, war, discord ... Angels united around Fortuna, Moira and Athena. Three kingdoms, independent from each other, are unlikely to withstand the face of ancient evil. A new league of angels - that's what the player has to create!

Heroes - how to get them in 3 ways

Do you want to build a strong team? You will need the heroes of the League of Angels 2. You can get them in three ways. Buying in the store, you acquire the hero in parts, collecting it like a puzzle. You can select the character you like from the list. Don't have a hero you want? Refresh the list. Can be upgraded ten times for regular users and 60 times for VIP1 free of charge. Souls obtained in an elite dungeon or by processing heroes are used as currency. League of Angels doesn't belong to the category of games where battles take place, but there are enough heroes here.

The next way is to summon a hero. The appeal will be convenient for those who do not want to spend money in the store (for those who like this). In the menu of the call of the card "ritual" and "prayer". And in fact, and in another case, it is better to make a dozen calls at once, then you will get a rare hero! Another option is to get a character after completing a quest. But remember that there are not so many such quests.

What to look for when choosing heroes:

  • class and its appropriateness for you personally (fighter, tank, healer, support);
  • recruit fighters from different factions, because each of the three has a certain fighting style;
  • watch the pumping, use equipment and its improvement, increase the level of heroes, use characters with connections.

Assembling your ideal squad is not a difficult task if you approach it correctly from the very beginning (read about other important tips below). Observe the balance of characters with different skills and no obstacle will become an obstacle for you! Remember that the League of Angels is difficult to refer to emotional toys from categories or the like, here you have to think, think in cold blood. The next stage of the review is the runes.


Runes in League of Angels 2 are divided into those that are needed by everyone, and those that are needed only sometimes by specific characters.

What does the rune affect

Needed for all heroes

Sometimes needed for some heroes

Strike, Heal Intensity, Support Strength


Damage taken, soaked


Acceleration of the hero's turn


Hit probability


Critical Damage Possibility


Damage to enemy, healing of an ally

It is worth noting that you do not need to make the healers very dexterous. Dexterity should be increased to the character of the League of Angels, influencing the attack, so that the attack is raised even before the collision with the enemy. The same character should be given a large slope for the same purpose. Toughness is needed in the first row, and evasion is needed in the back. Crete is best raised by fighters and a healer.

Understand the runes of the League of Angels 2 before you start using them in order to avoid annoying blunders


There are three factions in League of Angels 2: Citadel of the Celestials, Empire of the Immortals, and Union of the Enlightened. Each of them has its own characteristics, its own fighting style. Want to punch through the first row? Characters from the "Citadel" faction will do. Do you want to quickly break the second row? Heroes from the Union will approach. Well, if your goal is to quickly destroy several single targets, then you should pay attention to the Empire.

In the picture above, you can see the struggle between representatives of various factions.


An interesting innovation in the game League of Angels 2 is pets. There are only three of them so far. The pet that can be obtained initially, Garuda, already has certain skills. It gives runes HP (300) and Defense (30). Another pet is Ifrit. It increases Attack (15120), Fortitude (675) and Crit (720). Star Fighter is the third pet, and it grants Dexterity (2160) and Attack (18145).

You need to decide what is more useful for you. If you have developed a certain tactic, then you should not be guided only by indicators and general ideas about the coolness of pets. Consider whether the pet will fit well with your team and combat style.

Not sure how to succeed? League of Angels 2 tips will help you with this. Although the game is not the most difficult, it will not be possible to just take and start winning victories one after another without first thinking over the composition of the team, tactics and other nuances. This is why the following tips will be helpful to you. You can't call the review complete without them, right?

How to add 6 heroes?

With literate, the standard number of heroes will be quite enough. However, the sixth hero will not be superfluous. By adding it, you can get the opportunity to strengthen the squad. Why just a possibility? A new hero can both strengthen and weaken the team, if his abilities are used incorrectly.

How to leave a guild

Have you decided to leave the guild? Elementary! Just go from the menu to the guild page and then click on the admin panel. Select "sign out". A day must pass before the request is activated. However, for some it is too long ...

Do you want to do everything instantly? It is possible, but you have to pay. In order to immediately go to a new guild, you will need to part with a hundred diamonds. Just don’t join those guilds that you don’t really like, don’t rush, and then you don’t have to pay extra!

How to get moira

Moira is a truly legendary character. She is one of the three angels who founded three independent kingdoms. But how do you get a character? If you reach level 60, you can find it in the hero store. If the player has reached level 70, then Moira will appear in the quests.

Knowledge base of the game League of Angels 2 - FAQ for beginners, leveling secrets, heroes, hero store, merge, dungeons, hikes. A selection of tips for successfully completing the game Angels 2

Let's start by creating a hero and an interface.

The classic beginning of all RPG games is character creation. You have to decide on the gender, and then come up with a name. In fact, the character's gender affects the appearance, but does not affect the character's combat parameters and skills.

After that, to make it easier to play, understand the basics of the interface - its functions, etc.

In the upper left corner, you can find the Character Panel, which shows some options.

  1. The number of diamonds. They are needed to buy various things on the market, to play roulette, etc. You can collect diamonds using the main quests (tasks) and in the arena.
  2. The number of topaz. Essentially the same diamonds. You can only get it by replenishing your account.
  3. The amount of gold. It is needed for equipment upgrades, fusion and other equipment modifications.
  4. Your hero's level. By the way, the maximum possible level is 120th.
  5. Your hero's stamina level. It is required to complete different stages of the dungeons. Within 6 minutes, a unit of stamina is restored. Every day you will be provided with about 120 units. For getting a new level, you also get stamina points, for increasing your rating in wars and other tournaments. In addition, stamina can be purchased with diamonds.
  6. Full screen game translation function and vice versa.
  7. Nobility and its change. Thanks to the nobility, your hero receives additional bonuses to his parameters, starting from the 11th level. There is also information about the title, each of which has its own bonuses.

In the settings panel, you can find the following options.

  1. Option to change the map.
  2. Game Settings - a standard set of controls for sounds, music, and graphical effects.
  3. Option to open mail and auction.
  4. Option that opens the leaderboard.
  5. An option with which you can enter a bonus code.

In this panel you can find events and promotions that are taking place or should take place in the near future. Starting at level 30, you will receive a little helper.

Quest Panel

Here you will find information about the passage of dungeons. The overall progress of completing all types of quests - from daily to basic. By the way, this panel can be hidden.

Promotions panel

Here you will find information about awards, valuable gifts, etc. All this is obtained with the help of quests or by replenishing the account.

What does single player leveling include?

  1. Single player arenas - available from level 12.
  2. Trials for the hero. They start at level 18.
  3. Domination mode. Unlocks at level 30.
  4. Abyss mode. Starts at level 21.
  5. The Path of the Anima. Available after level 55.
  6. The Hero's Path. Available after level 70.
  7. Astral Divination Mode. Available after level 70.

Hero Shop

In the store, you can hire heroes and everything connected with them. For example, blessing stones, which are needed to improve the hero, or mastery stones, which improve your mount.

Summoning Heroes

A separate NPC is responsible for the call. Every day you are given 3 free prayer attempts. If you need more attempts, then they can be bought or received as a reward for quests. Prayer can give you a hero with a random rarity. With the help of the ritual, you can get a hero with a high rarity. Therefore, the ritual is performed only once every few days. If you need more attempts, buy ritual tokens or get them during promotions, etc.

NPC Merchant combines different shops and shops from all promotions and events inside.
Picture 4.

About Heroes

Any of the players has access to the replenishment of their squad. For example, you can get an angel through the above rituals and prayers. By the way, there are 3 different factions of angels available in the game. Empire, Citadel and Union. Also angels have quality.
  • Regular ones are highlighted in blue.
  • Epic - highlighted in purple.
  • Elite - yellow.
  • Legendary - orange.
  • Mythical - in red.

In addition, angels (heroes) are divided into roles - fighter, healer, support and tank.

You can also collect an angel - I know it sounds strange, but it is. There are fragments with which the angel is assembled. To do this, click on the hero icon, then go to the parts tab. The number of shards will be displayed here, if you have enough - collect.

You can level up the angel. To do this, go to the Promotion tab in the hero section. Activate scrolls of experience. Scrolls are acquired by passing dungeons - regular and elite, as well as from a merchant.


For the angel to have skills and talents, you need to regularly merge. At first, fusion is carried out using Etheric prisms. They can be obtained in dungeons. Of course, as the level rises, the requirements also increase, you may need a hero. After receiving the 11th level of fusion, additional opportunities will open up to increase the characteristics of the character. You can also improve and learn skills. For this, the Essence of Power is used, which is obtained in game events. This option is under the Power tab.

To improve the skills of the character, you will need to make improvements with the help of blessing stones, which are obtained in the tests of the hero or from the merchant. Accordingly, the higher the level of the blessing, the higher the chance of improving the skill.

Angels also have tendencies that can be improved as well. To do this, one must use the addiction codes that are acquired in events.
Starting at level 55, a dungeon opens - the Path of Amnima. Here you can get useful items that will help inspire you and your squad. Inspiration increases basic stats.

Once you have created an angel, you can turn it on. To do this, press the Build button, and then drag the angel to a free cell. If the cells are clogged, then you can replace the unnecessary angel with the newly created one.

Here you can also assign a hero to the appropriate position on the battlefield. Place any of the heroes as you like.

You can find the Recommended Formation option to show better performance in battles at first. This will strengthen the overall connection between all the characters in the squad - which will also give additional bonuses to the results from battles. Of course, as you progress, in order to increase the overall efficiency, you will need to increase the levels of allies.

It will not work to remove the hero from the system, you will have to spray it before that, processing it into Souls. Also, if you have improved a hero, but you have to change it, then there is such an option as Rebirth of a hero for 100 diamonds. After that, you will be reimbursed for all the resources that were spent as a result of improving the hero. Starting at level 70, the Swap Hero option becomes available. With its help, you can exchange the selected character for another, and from any faction. The exchange costs 200 Topaz.


Starting at level 20, the option to join a guild becomes available. To do this, just click on the Guild icon, choosing the one you need from the list, just send an application.
If you want to leave the guild, you will have to go to the Admin tab by clicking the Exit button. It is important that only after 12 hours you can join a new guild. If you don't want to wait, you can pay 100 diamonds.

Character stats and skills

Click on the icon of your character in the upper left corner to go to the section about him.

In this window, you see all the parameters of your selected character, as well as the parameters of any of the angels that are part of your squad. The parameters in the game can be divided into a couple of types - basic and additional.

main parameters

  1. HP is literally Health Points that determine survivability.
  2. ATK is the power of your attacks.
  3. FZASCH - how good your physical protection is.
  4. MZASCH - how good your magic defense is.
  5. DEX - Agility. The higher this parameter, the higher the chance for you to walk ahead of the enemy.

Extra options

  1. MTK - accuracy, which is responsible for the percentage chance to hit the enemy.
  2. Dodge - everything is clear here, the parameters are responsible for your dodge, that is, the higher the parameter, the greater the chance that the enemy will miss.
  3. Crete - critical damage. The higher this indicator, the higher the chance to carry out an enhanced attack on the enemy.
  4. STK - resistance. This indicator increases the chance that the enemy's critical strike will not pass at you.
  5. SU is a damage resistance parameter that reduces the damage taken by you.
  6. PROTECTION - protection. This parameter additionally increases your physical and magical defense.
  7. Block - blocking. How well you block the enemy's attack depends on this parameter.
  8. Add. Damage is a normal additional increase in your damage.
  9. Among other things, in this window, you can modify or delete any part of your equipment.

    Each character will have basic skill types.

    1. The ultimate skill that is available from the very first level.
    2. A common skill that unlocks after the first merge.
    Horse skill - opens after getting mount at level 7. Each of the horses also has its own set of skills.

    How do I create a guild?

    As usual, everything starts small. Come up with a name that cannot be changed later. And already for the very creation you will need 200 diamonds and premium status of the 1st + level.

    How do I change the guild leader?

    To give one of the players the reins, you need to go to the Participants tab, and then select a player from the list. However, the player must hold the position of Deputy Head.

    By the way, if the leader of the guild has not appeared in the game for more than a week, then on the eighth day the board is transferred to the deputy.

    How do I get a reward as a member of a guild?

    Every day, the entire staff of the guild is given a salary. Accordingly, the higher your position in the guild, the higher the reward. You can upgrade yourself on the Admin tab with the Auto Boost button. However, it works with a sufficient number of deposits.

    To make a contribution, you need to go to the appropriate tab.

    Accordingly, the higher the significance of your contribution, the more you will receive the seals of bravery, for which you can buy valuable items in the guild shop. The daily reward consists of chests with the souls of heroes, gold and diamonds.

    Guild dungeon

    Every day, each of the guild members is given 5 attempts to attack the boss in the dungeons, for clearing which you can get diamonds. Also, for clearing the entire dungeon, you get seals of courage and gold. Accordingly, the higher the difficulty of the dungeons, the more seals with gold you get. Players who are in the guild receive useful resources for passing, but the guild gains experience. For passing one level of the dungeon, the next level of the dungeon appears. Dungeons are updated every day at exactly 0:00.

    Guild technique

    The guild has its own technique that increases the characteristics of yours and your squad. It is bought for the seals of courage.

    The head of the guild or his right hand can use the coins of the guild in order to improve the level of technology. Coins are acquired through contributions from other players, for killing bosses, completing dungeons and through guild trips. By the way, the level of technology cannot be higher than the level of the guild. And to increase the level of the guild, you need to accumulate experience.

    Experience is accumulated in the same way as coins. However, there is one trick - the more bosses you killed, the higher the coin reward. You can kill bosses every day, starting at 20:00 Moscow time. By the way, the player who delivers the decisive blow receives an additional reward in the form of chests and other things.

    Soul shards exchange mode is available to guild members, etc. However, in limited mode. So, any of the guild players can ask for the items he needs 2 times during one day. By the way, as a result, it will be possible to receive about 50,000 gold or 500 seals of bravery for deposits.

    Special Guild Event - Hike. To conduct it, you need the 2nd level of the guild. You can participate in the event once every two days, starting at 20:00 Moscow time. The guild leader can also choose the difficulty level.

    The hike lasts exactly 18 minutes. Every one and a half minutes, a new wave passes - 16 monsters crawl out from three sides. You also need to protect the statue of an angel, and if the monsters get to it and destroy it, the campaign will fail. Also, on each of the three sides, the monsters have a boss, which gives the mobs special effects.

    As a reward for participating in the event, you will be given gold, seals of courage and points for contributions.


    To participate in this event, the guild must be level 2, and also have 5 players who have been pumped to level 45 and have entered the game for the last 3 days.
    The event lasts for 5 whole days. Each of the guilds, suitable in terms of parameters, can challenge another to battle, starting from 17:00 to 23:00 Moscow time. To do this, click the Start battle button - only the head of the guild or his right hand can do this. Every day the guild receives a challenge attempt. For a victory, the guild receives prestige, however, for a defeat, too - only less.

    There are certain Invasion tasks that the guild leader can additionally take. And all participants will receive a reward if they complete this test.
    After starting the battle, each of the participants will receive 6 additional tests, which are spent on attempts. You can also buy attempts to increase your chances of completing the challenge. For completing a challenge, the enemy team will lose 35% of their energy, and if you fail the challenge, you will lower your team's energy.

    If the enemy's energy drops to 0, then he loses. The reward for the challenge is given in the form of contribution points, and for both victory and defeat. Accordingly, the guild loses, whose members died in the battle.

    The more you participate in the Campaign, the higher the guild rating between all servers will be, and the more you will receive a reward. Rewards are sent by mail to players in a day. However, the reward will not be given to those players who have invested less than 200 contribution points. Also, when you leave the guild, you lose all contribution points.

    Well, that's all, dear friends. I hope the guide has helped to find out some of the details of the League of Angels 2 gameplay walkthrough.

    The Skyforge game became available to gamers in April 2015 and almost instantly attracted attention. Classes "Skyforge", of which there are a great many in the game, provided it with popularity in most gaming circles.


    Skyforge takes place in an interesting and mysterious world. The gamer is faced with a very simple task. Playing for different classes (Skyforge provides a gamer with such an opportunity), you need to get to know the entire virtual world and become a god. In the early stages, the character is a human demigod.

    The difference between Skyforge and similar games is the ability to change classes at any time. Skyforge allows you to avoid creating many characters. Any class is pumped.

    At the start, the player has three classes available. The gamer has the right to independently customize the characteristics and skills of his character. The game also makes it possible to build temples, which will give additional bonuses.

    The Skyforge classes are represented by thirteen types of characters. You can learn more about each of them in this article.


    This character is referred to as magicians. He represents the lord of ice. Most of the abilities are aimed at slowing the enemy's actions in Skyforge. The new class introduces Cryomancer among the most mobile characters. Playing for him, you can perfectly follow the battlefield and keep out enemies, thanks to a variety of skills. Has a high movement speed. Uses the ability to generate ice underfoot and slide on it, and thus gain additional speed.

    Deals a lot of damage to enemies. Most suitable for beginners in the game. It copes well with single targets, as well as with clusters of enemies in Skyforge. Many resources start an overview of classes with this hero, since he is available from the very start of the game.


    The game plays the role of a tank. The paladin in Skyforge is very similar to many similar heroes in other MMO games. The main task is, of course, inflicting huge damage to the enemy. Perfectly manifests itself in battles against people, as well as monsters. Endowed with a tremendous level of strength. Boasts powerful protection. However, the Paladin is not very mobile in Skyforge.

    The class guides given by many experienced players advise both experienced gamers and beginners to play as the hero. Moreover, you can explore the world for a character from the very start of the game.

    Keeper of the light

    How do I open a class in Skyforge? Quite a popular question. However, they shouldn't be wondering about the first three classes. The Keeper of the Light is a support. This is one of the strongest heroes in the game. Many experienced gamers easily destroy accumulations of opponents with this character. Has a huge variety of skills and abilities. All of them help significantly in battles. Although officially referred to as a support, the Guardian of the Light can fill other roles as well.

    The character is endowed with excellent characteristics. It probably won't work for beginners. Most often, more experienced gamers play for it. It is the third class, which is open from the very beginning of the game.


    This character is the representative of the ranged heroes in Skyforge. How do I open new classes? Many newbies are asking this question. The answer is simply to play by completing the tasks. The Archer is considered the most approachable of the ranged characters. It solves a fairly understandable problem - it deals damage from a distance. The attacks are endowed with a fairly good range. However, they are not the farthest in the game. Endowed with the skill of stealth. It allows him to deliver unexpected blows to opponents. Experienced gamers, playing as an archer, can cause significant damage to enemies.

    It is best to play for him after mastering the game. The character has abilities that need to be switched, and for this you need to have some skills.


    The character is extremely useful in close combat in the Skyforge game. Best class according to many experienced gamers. It is the most basic damage dealer. If you know the main features of combat in the game (for example, the moment of attack and retreat), you can significantly shake the enemy. Capable of inflicting a huge amount of damage. However, some players find it not very useful. The reason for this is not very good protection.

    Most often, the character is chosen by beginners. Some of the other classes are preferred by experienced players.


    Plays the role of a magician. Can attack, help, and control enemies. Simply put, it will cope well with almost any task. Very useful on the battlefield as it fits perfectly into many strategies. However, they will not be able to tank especially. In general, quite an interesting and necessary class in Skyforge.

    Beginners can play for it. Often, Kinetic is also chosen by experienced gamers.


    The character acts as a magician. This class is endowed with tremendous power. Able to inflict a huge amount of damage to an enemy character. In addition, there are a number of skills that can provide this class with invulnerability. There are curses and a number of additional abilities that will prove to be very useful on the battlefield. He can play the role of a tank without any problems, since he is endowed with the gift of vampirism. Damager made of it is also not bad.

    For beginners, this class can be tricky. Most often, it is played by fairly experienced gamers who have mastered Skyforge and thoroughly studied the controls.

    Shadow Master

    Acts as a melee character. Quite similar to the heroes from similar games. The main task of the Master of Shadows is quick attack and kill. Most often, the hero attacks one enemy, kills him and steps back. This strategy is due to the fact that this class cannot boast of outstanding defense. Against the accumulation of enemies, he is weak enough. Like other classes, it is endowed with a number of features and skills. They are mainly presented to ensure invulnerability for a certain period of time. At this moment, the murder of the enemy is performed.

    Perfect for all players. Character control is quite simple and does not require any special skills.


    The main role of the hero in "Skyforge" is ranged attacks. An excellent character who poses a danger to many enemies. Simple enough to operate. Endowed with a huge number of skills. There are also switchable skills, but they are easy to master. This class will not be superfluous in almost any battle. The main disadvantage is that if the hero comes face to face with the enemy, he will certainly die. Therefore, such situations should be avoided.

    Almost every gamer can play for him. However, it is better to master the game controls a little.

    Sorcerer or witch

    Extremely difficult to learn. This class belongs to magicians. Has a huge number of skills and abilities. Possesses great strength, can easily cope with a crowd of opponents. However, controlling this character is very difficult.

    The Sorcerer is mainly chosen by very experienced players. Beginners are not advised to take this character.


    The hero is especially good in close combat. Differs in immense strength and is one of the most powerful in Skyforge. There is a special control that you need to master and get used to. Very effective on the battlefield. Can adapt to many game strategies. He will definitely not be superfluous in the team.

    Suitable for both beginners and experienced players. However, more often than not, it is chosen by experienced gamers, since the controls are somewhat different from other heroes.


    It is used as a support. Quite an interesting and necessary class. Presented as a mad scientist conducting experiments with life. He is the second and final support in Skyforge. This class can restore the standard of living of other heroes. Only the Alchemist is endowed with this ability. In addition, it is capable of inflicting significant damage to the enemy. In some battles, the Alchemist is simply irreplaceable.

    Any gamers will be able to play for it.


    It is the second tank in Skyforge. Has slightly less defense than the Paladin. It is quite effective, but in general it is presented worse than the previous tank. Dignity is the ability to inflict ranged attacks. However, many players feel that this is not particularly effective.

    Perfect for beginners, as it has a fairly easy control.

    Skyforge is an unusual online game that is difficult to figure out even for those who have been playing for many years. This game has only one server, and your account can only have one character. With this character you have a long way to go - from immortal to god. We will help you understand the basic mechanics of the game, so that you understand how best to pump your character so that he quickly becomes as strong as possible.

    How to choose a starting class?

    At the start, you have three classes available: cryomancer, paladin and guardian of the light. You can switch between these classes at any time (except for the battle), but first you need to choose one.

    The choice of class depends on your preference. If you like to play alone and are attracted to PvE, the cryomancer is your best choice. He is a very strong fighter who attacks from a distance. For those who prefer to play in a group and want to instantly find a party, the Keeper of the Light will do. And if you prefer running in PvP in all games, choose a paladin.

    What is prestige?

    In Skyforge, characters do not have a level, but there is a general indicator of power called prestige. Prestige is influenced by three main indicators: the development of the atlas, equipment and cult. All three are of roughly equal weight. You get prestige points when you buy new tops in the atlas, when you dress up more powerful equipment, or when you upgrade your cult.

    How sparks and atlas work

    Sparks are a special currency that is needed to upgrade your character. Sparks of creation, destruction and balance you get for completing quests in open areas and dungeons. You will need these sparks up to a certain point in order to pump your class. After 2-3 hours of playing, you will reach a level where leveling up a class will be possible only with special class sparks. They drop from slain enemies.

    You use sparks in the atlas. There are three levels of the atlas: class level, character level, and god level. They open sequentially.

    What is the best way to spend sparks?

    To make your character as strong as possible, do not forget to distribute the resulting sparks. Until a certain point, you will have no choice where to spend them. But after a few hours of the game, you will open the character atlas, and the choice will instantly become huge.

    Please note that on the character atlas, you can pump vertices from any of the starting classes. That is, if you started playing as a cryomancer, you do not have to start from it: you can go along the peaks from the paladin or from the guardian of light.

    When pumping, remember the following simple rules. If you want to be able to equip more and more powerful equipment, be sure to invest in green tops (increase your dexterity indicator). If you want to develop the cult as much as possible (and this is necessary for your character to become truly strong), buy all available blue tops with a power indicator.

    Is it better to invest in one class or in several?

    Each of these methods has its own pros and cons. If you fully open the atlas of one class (buy all available vertices), then when playing this class you will receive a currency that will allow you to upgrade any other class (if you have a premium). Leveling up any class completely takes about 50 hours of active play. A fully pumped class will give you access to all its capabilities and you can customize it more subtly by choosing the best available skills.

    However, it makes sense to go through the chain in the atlas of each class at least until the moment when class sparks are required for further pumping. This will greatly increase your chances of successfully completing the dungeons. Sometimes it will be much more comfortable for you to play a game by taking a different class. For example, if you reach the boss and understand that he cannot be killed without a tank. Even minimal pumping is enough for you to "jump" into the paladin and help the group.

    How to get to other classes faster?

    There are 13 classes in the game now. Any of them can be reached through the character atlas. Examine it and find the pinnacle of the class you are interested in. Then use the "get directions" option. It will calculate the fastest route for you to the class you want. However, this path is unlikely to be optimal in terms of character strength. Try not to miss the peaks with strong talents and take more peaks with the indicators of "dexterity" and "greatness".

    You can evaluate any of the classes almost immediately after the start of the game in the training room (Science Center). In addition, you can complete adventures with the proposed classes - usually more rewards are given for this. Also, on the mission selection globe, it is possible to complete training in different classes, receiving awards for this.

    I don’t get sparks, what should I do?

    There are limits in the game: you cannot endlessly receive sparks for pumping. The limits are updated once a week on Wednesday. If you selected all the sparks before Wednesday, you will receive a different currency for completing dungeons.

    The most valuable of the other currencies are those that are needed to pump your followers: provisions, ammunition, and scraps of manuscripts. These currencies have no limit, but you need a lot of them. Also, be sure to do missions for which they give a relic for the construction of a temple or chapel. Such missions are very rare and only appear once every two days. Do thread missions only on a leftover basis.

    Where to find the best equipment and how to upgrade it?

    Generally, you will have no problem dressing your character. Consistently passing the story and dungeons by level, you will find the best equipment. Old and unnecessary equipment should be disassembled immediately. Amplifiers are made from it. You will need these amplifiers to improve the parameters of weapons, additional weapons and rings. The ideal upgrade order is weapons first, then rings, then additional weapons.

    From time to time, you will receive weapons that are suitable for other classes. Better not to take it apart, but change it. So you will maintain other classes of your character in a more or less adequate state (in case you need to urgently switch).

    Your character also has additional slots for equipment - amulets and trophies. They do not open from the beginning of the game (the first - after about 10 hours) and allow you to fine-tune the character's parameters. You will also receive them for killing monsters.

    How to properly pump a cult

    The cult does not appear from the very beginning of the game, and most players perceive it as just fun entertainment - but this is a full-fledged part of the game, giving a third of the entire character's strength. Therefore, if your goal is to get the maximum prestige, then you should not forget about the cult in any case.

    Every day you will have new followers who want to join your cult. Take them all. Leave the best ones (to begin with, the best ones are those with the parameter “bring even more followers” ​​in their parameters). The rest are cast out as missionaries.

    Whenever you enter the game, look into the cult tab first and send your followers on missions. For pumping a cult and followers, the most important missions are the ones for which you get followers. Perform Boon Missions last.

    Build temples and chapels as soon as possible. Do not build many chapels near one temple at the very beginning of the game. It is better to have three temples and a chapel for each than one temple with three chapels. A temple of a higher level without a chapel is also bad.

    Appoint the most powerful of your followers as abbots. They give you some of their powers. The more pumped and strong followers will be abbots, the stronger your hero will be. Pump your followers as soon as the opportunity arises.

    What does the pantheon give?

    The pantheon does not directly affect the character's strength. The biggest plus of the pantheon, as well as the guild in any online game, is that it allows you to collect a good permanent party (in Skyforge they are called "consts") to complete difficult dungeons.

    What does premium give?

    A premium account costs about 450 rubles (depending on the period for which it is purchased). The main bonus of the premium is that pumping goes twice as fast (the number of all sparks received is doubled), twice as many credits are given, plus the universal currency for pumping all classes drops. Also, owners of premium accounts can use teleports in open areas for free.

    If you do not have extra money, but want to have a premium subscription, you can buy it with your local currency (credits). In principle, premium is very useful for comfortable and fast leveling, but it does not provide any "combat" advantage. Only costumes and other adornments are sold in the game store for "premium" money (argents).

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