Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill Why donor oocytes take root better. Eco with donor egg. How to behave after transfer

Why donor oocytes take root better. Eco with donor egg. How to behave after transfer

Our center has a large database of oocyte donors. All donors were examined in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health No. 107-n and are healthy, including genetically.

Donors are collected according to different parameters, nationalities.

You can choose from a variety of programs, including individual oocyte donor programs and cryopreserved oocyte programs.

Benefits of egg donor programs:

Large selection of donors
- all donors are genetically tested
- high efficiency

In the process of intrauterine development, an ovarian reserve (approximately 400,000 oocytes) is laid in a woman's body. When the reproductive age comes, during each month about 10 oocytes begin to mature in the ovaries, and only one of them becomes a mature egg, ready for fertilization.

In the case when conception in a natural way is impossible, that is, the diagnosis of "infertility" is made, in vitro fertilization is performed. Most often, oocytes of the expectant mother are taken for this, but sometimes donor eggs are used for the procedure. Today, IVF procedure with donor egg in Moscow and other cities of Russia is carried out to tens of thousands of people diagnosed with infertility, allowing them to become parents. It is worth noting that if donor eggs are used for IVF, the cost of such a procedure will be higher, because donor services will have to be paid for.

Indications for IVF with a donor egg

IVF with a donor egg has one important feature - the expectant mother will not be able to pass on her set of genes to the child, therefore this method is carried out only in cases when it is not possible to use your own eggs. The indications may be as follows:

1. Lack of eggs in a woman caused by menopause, premature ovarian depletion, condition after removal of the appendages;

2. Inability to get healthy eggs from women after chemotherapy and radiation therapy;

3. Pathologies of the development of the gonads in women, in particular Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis;

4. Hereditary sex-linked diseases in women (X-linked ichthyosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy);

5. Unsuccessful attempts to perform IVF, as a result of which non-viable eggs were obtained;

6. Insufficient number of eggs as a result of hormonal stimulation during previous IVF attempts.

Take the first step - make an appointment with your doctor!

Sign up for an appointment with the doctor

How is egg donation going?

Donors are women who donate donor oocytes, which in turn will be fertilized and transplanted into the uterus of the expectant mother. The cost of such a service for donors depends on the number of follicles received and the mother. In order for pregnancy to occur, the woman is previously prescribed drug therapy, which is necessary to prepare the endometrium for the adoption of the embryo.

IVF with donor oocytes is a procedure, before which it is necessary to settle all legal formalities. An agreement is signed in which the parents undertake to pay the cost of the provided service to the donor, then never look for and raise their unborn child on their own. In this case, the parents will not meet with the donor. They are only allowed to find out basic information such as height, weight, hair and eye color.

In some situations, donors can be close relatives of a married couple planning to undergo IVF with donor eggs. In this case, it is important that the donor's age does not exceed 35 years, otherwise the risk of developing chromosomal abnormalities increases. If the egg donor is a relative, the cost of such IVF may be less, because there is no need to pay for the services of a professional donor.

Tests that an egg donor must undergo

If a program with an egg donor is chosen, it is very important to make sure that the donor woman is completely healthy. Not only the likelihood of pregnancy depends on this, but also the health of the mother who will bear the child. It is worth noting that the cost of a donor egg is quite high, so it is important to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the donor's health status in order to increase the chances of a favorable outcome and not to pay the cost of the new procedure again. Among the recommended examinations before IVF that a donor woman should undergo:

  • Blood test for Rh-conflict;
  • Conclusion of a psychiatrist and therapist on the state of health;
  • Analysis for the presence of antibodies to rubella virus;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • Fluorography;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • HIV test;
  • Analysis for sexually transmitted infections;
  • PCR analysis for herpes of the second type
  • General urine analysis;
  • Microscopy of the vagina and cervical mucus;
  • Microbiological examination for mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia.

This is just a preliminary list of studies that must be carried out as part of a program with an egg donor. Specialists prescribe different types of diagnostics, individual for each patient.

The cost of IVF programs using donor eggs

Service namePrice
Treatment of a patient with ovarian inferiority using donor eggs from her donor (excluding the cost of drugs and examination)


  • intravenous anesthesia
  • ICSI - insemination of oocytes with single sperm (for male infertility due to poor sperm quality) without limiting the number of cells - according to indications
174,000 RUB.
Treatment of a patient with ovarian inferiority using donor eggs from a donor proposed by the clinic (1 donor - 1 recipient), excluding the cost of drugs to stimulate the donor (excluding the cost of examination)


  • receptions of a reproductive specialist in the program without restrictions (with a paid program)
  • synchronization of menstrual cycles
  • stimulation of ovulation and folliculogenesis
  • ovarian puncture and egg retrieval
  • intravenous anesthesia
  • cultivation of gametes and embryos
  • preparation of the recipient for the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity
  • transfer of embryos into the recipient's uterine cavity
  • double transfer - according to indications
327,000 RUB.
Treatment of a patient with ovarian inferiority using donor eggs from a donor proposed by the clinic (1 donor - 1 recipient), taking into account the cost of drugs to stimulate the donor (excluding the cost of examination)


  • receptions of a reproductive specialist in the program without restrictions (with a paid program)
  • synchronization of menstrual cycles
  • stimulation of ovulation and folliculogenesis
  • ovarian puncture and egg retrieval
  • intravenous anesthesia
  • cultivation of gametes and embryos
  • preparation of the recipient for the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity
  • transfer of embryos into the recipient's uterine cavity
  • ICSI - insemination of eggs with single sperm (for male infertility due to poor sperm quality) without limiting the number of cells - according to indications
  • double transfer - according to indications
392,000 RUB.
Treatment of a patient with ovarian inferiority using donor eggs from a donor proposed by the clinic (1 donor - 2 recipients), excluding the cost of drugs to stimulate the donor (excluding the cost of examination)


  • receptions of a reproductive specialist in the program without restrictions (with a paid program)
  • synchronization of menstrual cycles
  • stimulation of ovulation and folliculogenesis
  • ovarian puncture and egg retrieval
  • intravenous anesthesia
  • cultivation of gametes and embryos
  • preparation of the recipient for the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity
  • transfer of embryos into the recipient's uterine cavity
  • ICSI - insemination of eggs with single sperm (for male infertility due to poor sperm quality) without limiting the number of cells - according to indications
  • double transfer - according to indications
194,000 RUB.
Treatment of a patient with ovarian inferiority using donor eggs from a donor proposed by the clinic (1 donor - 2 recipients), taking into account the cost of drugs to stimulate the donor (excluding the cost of examination)


  • receptions of a reproductive specialist in the program without restrictions (with a paid program)
  • synchronization of menstrual cycles
  • stimulation of ovulation and folliculogenesis
  • ovarian puncture and egg retrieval
  • intravenous anesthesia
  • cultivation of gametes and embryos
  • preparation of the recipient for the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity
  • transfer of embryos into the recipient's uterine cavity
  • ICSI - insemination of eggs with single sperm (for male infertility due to poor sperm quality) without limiting the number of cells - according to indications
  • double transfer - according to indications
229,000 RUB.

How is in vitro fertilization with donor oocytes carried out?

For an egg donor program to be successful and lead to pregnancy, it is very important to strictly follow the medical protocols approved by the medical community. IVF program with donor oocytes consists of the following stages:

1. Selection of a donor

It is very important that the donor is not only completely healthy, under 35 years old, but also has at least one healthy child. Using the services of professional donors, you can choose a person who will be phenotypically similar to future parents.

2. Synchronization of menstrual cycles

Since the donor oocyte program assumes that the donor egg for IVF will be taken from one woman, fertilized in the laboratory, and then placed in the uterus of another woman, it is important that their menstrual cycles coincide.

In a female recipient, it is important to achieve a certain degree of endometrial maturity for successful embryo implantation. For this, hormone therapy is prescribed. The doctor, on the basis of analyzes and ultrasound results, prescribes the necessary dosage of hormones. At this stage, the monitoring of the hormone content in the blood of the recipient woman is mandatory.

The donor woman is also given hormone therapy to stimulate the ovaries. This is necessary for the maturation of several eggs at once and increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the procedure.

3. IVF procedure

When the follicles of the donor woman mature to a certain size, under general anesthesia, they are punctured and further fertilized. If, as a result, several viable embryos are obtained, one can be immediately transplanted into the uterus, and the extra ones can be frozen in case several IVF attempts are required.

The donor oocyte program assumes that the embryo is transplanted into the uterus of the recipient woman on the 17th day of the menstrual cycle, followed by supportive hormone therapy and monitoring of the patient's condition.

IVF with a donor egg at the Za Rozhdeni clinic

IVF with a donor egg in Moscow can be performed at the Za Rozhdeni clinic. Our specialists apply the latest developments in the field of reproductive medicine, approved by the international scientific community. This allows us to achieve a high percentage of positive results when performing IVF with an egg donor in Moscow. This approach also helps to reduce the number of side effects and complications in both the expectant mother and the donor woman. To find out the cost of IVF with a donor egg in Moscow, sign up for a free appointment with a reproductologist at our clinic.

Our clinic provides the following guarantees to its patients:

  • Anonymity of the person who will become an egg donor in our clinic in Moscow;
  • Anonymity of people who will do IVF with a donor egg at a clinic in Moscow;
  • Acceptable cost of the procedure - specialists will not prescribe any expensive examinations if they are not needed;
  • Responsibility for possible complications that may arise in the donor or in the expectant mother at any stage of IVF;
  • Providing complete information to patients in a form accessible to them.

To find out more about this type of in vitro fertilization, agree on the cost of such IVF, determine which tests need to be passed, sign up for a free initial consultation with the clinic's specialists. It is possible to leave a request on our website and get a free online consultation on any issues related to IVF.

The in vitro fertilization technique is used by many couples who have problems with the natural conception of a child. Female infertility problems are quite common. They can have both a natural cause, as well as a genetic or medical one, for example, a previously removed fallopian tube, gynecological pathologies or progressive inflammatory processes that prevent ovulation from occurring.

When deciding on artificial conception, first of all, the question arises, what is a donor egg. In IVF, this is a biological material (oocyte) taken from a healthy woman and intended for subsequent transfer to the recipient, fertilization, in order to achieve pregnancy.

IVF with donor eggs is a part of an extensive complex of modern reproductive technologies, and occupies about 10% of this industry. Doctors recommend a similar procedure to women who want to have a child, but due to certain circumstances, they cannot naturally fulfill their dream.

The very essence of the technique lies in the use of borrowed oocytes, pre-inseminated with spermatozoa, which, in turn, can also be taken from a donor, husband or sexual partner. The whole process takes place in test-tube conditions, resulting in the formation of an embryo. Next, the embryo is transplanted into the recipient's uterine cavity, and the doctors exercise control over the process of its attachment.

For most couples who have male, female or general infertility, IVF with a donor oocyte is almost the only chance to become happy parents. The main indications for such a procedure are:

  1. Various hormonal disorders in a woman that prevent the onset of ovulation;
  2. Age indications or the onset of menopause ahead of time;
  3. Absence of ovaries (regardless of the reason);
  4. Complex pathologies in a woman, transmitted through a genetic line;
  5. A woman's ovaries are not sensitive to various medications designed to stimulate ovulation;
  6. Physical developmental abnormalities, in which the egg does not pass the maturation stage;
  7. Previous attempts at IVF with your own egg, which were unsuccessful (5 or more).

It is also worth noting that such a procedure can result in a successful pregnancy. Even if the woman is over 40 years old. However, in this case, special attention is paid to the physical health of the woman. It is necessary that it comply with the standards under which there is a likelihood of successfully carrying out a pregnancy.


Currently, two types of IVF are performed with a donor cell: in the first case, fresh materials are used, in the second, they resort to the help of a previously cryopreserved oocyte. If the cells have not been frozen, then the procedure takes less time, its cost is not so high, and, according to statistics, it has a higher percentage of success.

The second option also has its advantages, for example, a married couple can use the biological material of a familiar person who has expressed a desire to become a donor.

If a frozen donor egg is used for IVF, then the material is taken from the clinic's own bank. Previously, a woman who decided to donate biological material undergoes a thorough examination, only after satisfactory results are obtained, the cells are taken, that is, a puncture is done.

The finished egg, by being punctured with a special needle, is taken from the uterine cavity and transplanted into a test tube, after which the material is frozen under special conditions at a critically low temperature.

Further, when the material is ready, the oocyte is defrosted and artificial insemination is carried out, after which the oocyte is implanted into the recipient's uterine cavity. Multiple embryos can also be transplanted.

In situations where a pregnancy with a donor egg from fresh material is planned, the procedure takes a longer period of time and also involves some difficulties.


After the information received, women still have the question of how IVF with a donor egg takes place when using native material. In such a situation, the preparatory process is carried out simultaneously by both the donor and the recipient. The protocol algorithm looks like this:

  • Initially, the menstrual cycle is synchronized by developing a hormone therapy regimen;
  • Subsequently, the donor's ovaries are stimulated with the help of gonadotropic medications, and a trigger dose of hCG is also administered;
  • In parallel with these processes, the endometrium of the expectant mother is prepared for embryo transfer;
  • Then, a puncture is performed and the eggs are taken from the donor;
  • The embryos are cultivated and the embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity.

When all stages are completed, the recipient will need to drink the prescribed course of progesterone. It is necessary to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Many women who underwent the IVF procedure with donor oocytes left positive reviews, because as a result they became happy mothers.

Unfortunately, if frozen material is used, the chances of success are significantly reduced compared to a procedure where fertilization takes place with a recently removed egg.

Success rate

Every married couple needs to be prepared for the fact that the success rate of IVF with a donor egg is far from 100. Actually, the same can be said about fertilization using their own material.

As the medical statistics of IVF with a donor egg show, in women under the age of 25, pregnancy occurs in 30-40% of cases (if the procedure is performed for the first time), at the age of 40, these indicators decrease and are within 15%.

In the preparation process, it is very important to make the right choice of a donor, since the younger the woman who donated her own oocytes, the higher the recipient's chance of becoming pregnant. Accordingly, if a woman aged 35-40 years needs artificial insemination, and she also has her own material, then it is better to give preference to the donor's eggs, since the result will be more successful.

As for the age of the recipient, if a woman is younger than 50 years old and decides to use a donor egg, then this factor does not play a role. However, there will be certain difficulties when using fresh material, because it is quite difficult to synchronize the cycle of the donor and recipient. However, thanks to modern freezing technology, this problem can be solved.

Based on all the data, we can say that pregnancy with an egg donor has impressive chances of success and for most couples this is the only way to become parents.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before deciding on the procedure, all couples weigh in detail the pros and cons of IVF with a donor egg. The main advantage of fertilization is that, as a result, the couple can become happy parents, even if the woman is absolutely infertile. According to statistics, the success of the manipulation is achieved in 35% of cases.

Another significant advantage is the fact that after IVF with a donor egg, multiple pregnancy is likely to occur, since several oocytes are transferred into the uterine cavity.

Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of re-stimulation of superovulation earlier than after 2.5-3 years. This is how much time it takes for a woman's body to fully restore hormonal levels. However, if you do not want to wait that long, there is the possibility of freezing the embryos. Then it is allowed to do a second replanting after 6 months.


When a donor egg is transferred to a woman's body during IVF, the consequences of such manipulation can be very different. The most common opinion among women is that there is a high likelihood of early menopause. Fortunately, such assumptions do not have any supporting facts.

To verify this, experts recommend turning to simple data. At the moment when a girl reaches puberty, they have about 300 thousand eggs in their ovaries. In the period of readiness for childbirth, the consumption does not exceed 500 oocytes, the rest of the mass is gradually absorbed by the end of this stage. Given all this, it is not worth worrying about whether it is dangerous to be an egg donor, as well as a recipient.

Those who have done IVF with a donor egg leave positive reviews if the procedure is successfully completed. However, some of the recipients still faced certain side effects of the procedure. The girls suffered from dizziness and pain, mood swings, and swelling. All these symptoms are a consequence of hormone therapy, which completely disappear after its completion.

Also, if we turn to statistics again, similar reactions were noticed in no more than 15% of women.

Another misconception is that during the collection or transplantation of biological material, there is a possibility of severe bleeding. Such situations were noticed only in 1 case out of 1000.

Actually, those who applied to professional eminent clinics for fertilization leave only positive reviews. IVF with a donor egg does not threaten the life and health of the expectant mother, regardless of the age at which the procedure is performed.

Reasons for failure

It is equally important to know why an unsuccessful IVF happens with a donor egg. In most cases, in 30-40% of women who decide on this procedure, it ends with a successful pregnancy on the first try. However, there are a number of reasons that spoil these indicators, unfortunately, it is not possible to predict them.

Let us consider in more detail some of the common situations in which artificial insemination fails on the first attempt.

First of all, this is the age of the future mother and father. If a woman is 40 years old, then she begins a gradual decrease in the reproductive functions of the body. But in men from 39 years of age, there is an increased frequency of sperm fragmentation, which leads to a decrease in the level of quality of the embryo.

Excessive body weight. A similar condition can develop both for nutritional reasons, that is, due to usual overeating, and for physiological reasons, for example, when there is dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Women with diabetes mellitus, hyperprolactinemia, hyperandrogenism and Itsenko-Cushing's disease are less likely to become pregnant after the first IVF attempt.

The presence of a disease such as endometritis. The fact is that with such a pathology, adhesions are formed on the endometrium, from which its structure suffers. If pathology takes place, it must be carefully treated before fertilization. If the thickness of the endometrium deviates from normal values ​​by 7-14 mm, then there is a possibility of spontaneous abortion.

Tubal pathologies can also be the reasons for unsuccessful IVF procedures, especially a disease such as hydrosalpinx, in which the cavity of the fallopian tubes contains fluid that has a toxic effect on the fetus, which leads to the fading of pregnancy.

Genetic change on chromosome 9. In this case, one of the sections of the chromosome changes its position by 180 0, as a result, the probability of pregnancy decreases, and the risk of miscarriage increases, in exactly the same way as the development of genetic deformities in the fetus.

But in most cases, if a high-quality donor egg is used for IVF, the reviews of couples who have undergone such fertilization are positive. It is important to be psychologically prepared for all events, follow the doctor's instructions, take a responsible approach to the choice of a donor and lead a healthy lifestyle.

About the technique (video)

If a woman cannot get pregnant naturally, you can use it. In vitro fertilization is carried out after a preliminary examination of the patient and receiving the results of her analyzes. Sometimes conducting with maternal germ cells is not possible. Then, for fertilization, donor eggs are taken and the resulting embryo is planted on the endometrium of the expectant mother. This article will consider the indications for fertilization with donor biomaterial, preparation for the procedure, its implementation, as well as the risks and possible consequences of artificial insemination.

Indications for conducting

The donor egg program is carried out when the mother's eggs are not suitable for fertilization.

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Premature ovarian failure. It occurs in young women who are prone to hormonal imbalances.
  2. Anomalies in the structure of the ovaries. Can be congenital and acquired as a result of surgery or injury.
  3. Genetic diseases transmitted through the maternal line. A donor egg is used if the risk of having a sick child exceeds 25%.
  4. Radiation exposure or chemical influence. Under the influence of harmful substances, all mother's eggs lose their viability.
  5. Multiple unsuccessful IVF attempts for unexplained reasons. Most doctors recommend using donor material after the third fertilization attempt.

Important! Within three days after implanting the embryo, the patient must comply with bed rest, since during the first three days the embryo migrates in the uterus and only then is implanted. Stress and excessive stress on the mother's body can lead to embryo displacement and subsequent ectopic pregnancy.

What is the percentage of success the first time

With age, female reproductive functions fade away, hormones change, and the chances of pregnancy decrease, so the highest percentage of successful fertilization is observed in young women:

  • up to 30 years - the number of successful fertilization is 37.6%;
  • after 30 years - 32.3%;
  • after 40 years - 24.6%;
  • at 50 years old - 16.0%.

It should be taken into account that the number of fertilizations always exceeds the number of successful births. In fact, 3-4% fewer children are born than embryos were planted.

Did you know? Despite the fact that the United States is a pioneer in the field of reproductive medicine, it was the British who managed to get the first baby, which developed from a fertilized egg "in vitro". This amazing event happened in 1977, and the girl born from artificial insemination was named Louise. At the age of 34, Louise became a mother herself.- she naturally conceived and gave birth to a healthy boy.

How to choose an egg donor

There are two ways to select a donor:

  • seek help from a close friend or relative, then egg donation is carried out on a voluntary basis;
  • receive oocytes ready for fertilization in a special clinic from an anonymous donor.

In the first case, you choose the donor yourself, in the second case, geneticists and reproductive specialists will help you. All donors who apply to the reproductive center undergo a thorough examination.

Did you know? In our time, it has become commonplace. Just 30 years ago, this practice was just starting to develop and be used. Scientists at the Australian Monash University in 1983 accomplished the impossible at that time- a thawed embryo was transplanted into the uterine cavity and the expectant mother was guided through the entire pregnancy from conception to the successful delivery of a healthy baby.

First of all, the age of the donor should be between 20 and 30 years old. It should be a successful young woman with at least one healthy child and no addictions. If a person who wishes to become a donor meets these requirements, she goes to the second stage of selection.
At the second stage, an in-depth examination is carried out, including examinations by therapists, gynecologists, geneticists, psychologists, passing multiple tests and checking for the body's resistance to infections.

Important! Large reproductive clinics always keep the identity of the donor secret and can only show parents his childhood photos. If you are offered to look at recent photos of the donor or get to know him personally, refuse the services of this clinic, as you are faced with charlatans. The anonymity of the donor and recipient is required to exclude possible blackmail and the presentation of legal rights to the child in the future.

Women who have received approval for donation undergo a hormonal preparation procedure, and then attach general information about themselves to their personal file. Information includes baby photos of the donor, photos of his children, voice recordings, handwritten text, description of appearance, nationality, data on financial success, as well as available abilities.
Based on this information, future parents can select a biomaterial to get the baby as close as possible to the future mother.


First, a medical examination of the couple is carried out. Then, if both partners are healthy enough, proceed to the IVF protocol. In order for IVF with someone else's egg to be successful the first time, doctors synchronize the menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient.

Synchronization is carried out with special drugs such as Zoladex and Decapeptil. If the oocytes are already frozen in the jar, synchronization is not performed, but immediately stimulate the mother's body to obtain intense ovulation.

How is the procedure

Three days before the onset, the received donor eggs (usually two or three) are fertilized with the sperm of the spouse. Then they are kept in a special incubator for 4-6 days for preliminary rearing. The resulting embryos are checked for genetic abnormalities - or hemophilia, and then inserted into the patient's uterine cavity.

The implantation is carried out with a special catheter. Most often, one embryo is planted, less often two embryos. Due to the high survival rate, twins are often born as a result of IVF. After implantation, women over 45 years of age undergo additional hormonal adjustments to maintain pregnancy.

Is it possible to do IVF with a donor egg under the compulsory medical insurance policy

Women who have applied for and received an affirmative decision from the commission can go through this quota procedure. Health insurance covers all costs associated with mandatory fertilization procedures. The future parents must pay for donated oocytes themselves.

Important! Genetic research of embryos, their cryopreservation, ICSI procedure, preparatory tests and services of a surrogate mother are not included in the medical insurance; the couple undergoing the procedure, if desired, also pays for them separately.

Since in the process of preparing for fertilization, the selection of an egg donor is based on external data, you can be sure that the baby will look like the parents. He will inherit the traits of the donor, identical to the traits of the expectant mother, and the traits of the father, whose sperm was used for fertilization.

Risks and Potential Consequences

The maternal and donor egg cells by their nature do not differ in anything, except for the genetic code embedded in them. Such fertilization will not bear any special consequences for the maternal organism. Natural occurs in every fifth woman who underwent donor IVF. The same percentage is observed in women who underwent fertilization with their eggs and during natural pregnancy.

As for the implantation of two or more embryos into the uterine cavity, this practice applies to women over 45 years old, and the percentage of multiple pregnancies in this case reaches 30.

Did you know? Until the 1980s, the use of donor sperm was the only possible option for IVF for male infertility. A team of Australian scientists led by Karl Wood made a revolutionary discovery in 1985- performed a testicular puncture and collected a sperm dose sufficient for fertilization of the mother's egg. The procedure was successful, and in 1986 a healthy baby was born to a mother who received an embryo.

Fertilization with donor biomaterial makes sense if a woman suffers from complete infertility or previous procedures were not successful for unexplained reasons. Donor eggs are obtained as a result of hormonal stimulation of the donor woman and ovarian puncture, followed by fertilization of oocytes or their freezing.

Placing a donor embryo for a future mother is a simple medical procedure that becomes a chance for many parents to get a desired child.

Video: IVF technology with donor egg

Program cost

194,990 p. + donor cost

Online appointment:

IVF is a technology that can bring the joy of motherhood. But what about women whose body reserves are limited in reproductive terms? For such cases, medicine offers an effective solution - IVF with a donor egg.

Sometimes a woman, having heard the recommendation of a reproductive specialist regarding IVF with an egg donor in Moscow, perceives it as a sentence. But here it should be understood that such manipulation is assigned in critical cases, which are defined by the standards. Consider under what circumstances and to whom IVF with a donor egg is indicated:

  1. If a woman does not produce her own eggs. This problem occurs if:
    • removed the ovaries;
    • there were injuries, purulent inflammations, large cysts and complex endometriosis;
    • menopause has come;
    • ovulation does not occur;
    • the ovarian reserve of both ovaries is low and even when stimulated, they work.
  2. If 3 IVF attempts with your egg did not give a positive result. Situations are implied when, after stimulation and extraction of the egg, weak C or D-class embryos are reproduced, which are not suitable for implantation.
  3. If there are hereditary diseases (linked X chromosomes and other hereditary diseases, which differ in their predominant nature, may be considered). IVF manipulation in Moscow always provides for pre-implantation genetic examination of embryos.

Features of the IVF procedure with an egg taken from a donor

This manipulation can be performed in Moscow with frozen oocytes or with native ones. Each option has its own characteristics.

The course of manipulation, provided that the donor cell is frozen

Condition 1 - your periods are saved. According to the IVF program with a donor egg, the patient is injected with hormonal special drugs that stop the development of the menstrual cycle for 3 weeks. After that, with the help of estrogenic drugs, the endometrial layer is prepared for implantation. As soon as the endometrial layer acquires the required thickness, the donor's egg fertilized with the spouse's sperm is introduced into the uterus.
Condition 2 - your periods are not saved. With special preparations, the "old" layer of the endometrium is rejected, and the "new" layer with the help of estrogens is built up to a certain thickness. After that, the fertilized donor egg is deposited into the uterus.

The course of the procedure, provided that a native donor egg is used

The scheme of this procedure, which is carried out by reproductive specialists in Moscow, consists of the following stages:

  • the menstrual cycle of the donor woman and the patient is synchronized under the influence of oral contraceptives;
  • under the influence of gonadotropins, the work of the ovaries is activated in the donor;
  • at the same time, with the help of estrogens, the expectant mother prepares the endometrial layer for embryo replanting;
  • an egg is taken from the donor's ovary through a puncture;
  • IVF is performed;
  • the embryo is planted in the patient's uterine cavity;
  • to fix the embryo, the patient takes progesterone;
  • after IVF with a donor egg, with a favorable result, progesterone continues until 14 weeks of pregnancy.

How to prepare for IVF with an egg taken from a donor in Moscow

In this manipulation, an important role is given to the preparation of a candidate for donation. And it consists of the following stages:
1. An interview with the donor and his visual examination by reproductive specialists who are accepted in Moscow are conducted. The nuances of the course of the previous pregnancy and the features of the earlier delivery are discussed. The psychiatrist gives an opinion on the mental state of a woman. The operations carried out, the transferred infectious diseases are clarified. The profession and place of employment, addiction to alcoholic beverages and smoking are being clarified. An ultrasound scan of all female organs is performed.
2. The second stage involves the delivery of general clinical tests and studies of female genital organs, fluorography of the lungs, genetic testing for the karyotype, for the presence of various mutations.
3. At the final stage, the therapist, if he does not find any obstacles to donation, gives his consent to perform IVF with the participation of a specific examined candidate in Moscow.

Statistics of successful pregnancies with IVF with donor egg

It is not always easy for a childless family to decide to conceive a child with the donor's oocytes. But here, too, you should be aware that the program does not give a 100% guarantee that the conception will take place and the woman will be able to bear the fetus before childbirth. Thus, it is easier for women between the ages of 25 and 35 to become pregnant under the IVF program than for women over 40. According to statistics, in the first case, the success of the procedure (meaning pregnancy and gestation) at the first attempt is about 40%. In the second case, at the first attempt, only 15% of women manage to become mothers.

Reasons for unsatisfactory fertilization

The reasons for the unsuccessful outcome of IVF with female donor gametes may be different.

The most common obstacle is:

  • age (in women who are over 40 years old, reproductive activity decreases, in men after 40 years sperm becomes of poor quality);
  • excess weight of the future woman in labor and the presence of a wide range of pathologies;
  • the presence of chronic endometritis in the expectant mother;
  • too thick layer of the endometrium (if the layer of the endometrium during the period of settlement of the embryo exceeds 14 mm, then a miscarriage occurs);
  • tubal pathology and changes associated with the 9th chromosome (these factors usually lead to miscarriage);
  • pathological failures in the immune system.

Also, sexual intercourse in the first days after IVF, taking alcoholic beverages, smoking, bathing in hot water, taking medications without a doctor's recommendation can also lead to a negative result.
To achieve the desired result, the IVF procedure with a donor egg from Moskvad should be carried out by experienced reproductologists. Another important point is high-quality biomaterial. The survey must be thorough, taking into account all the points of the program.


Couples wishing to undergo IVF, as a rule, first of all ask the question: "How much does the service with an egg donor cost in Moscow?"

IVF cost in Moscow depends on:

  • the reputation of the clinic;
  • the success of the procedures performed;
  • professionalism of doctors;
  • used equipment.

In Moscow, the cost of classic IVF is 130 thousand rubles on average. Answering the question, how much does IVF with a donor egg cost, it should be noted that this program consists of many factors and on average is about 200 thousand rubles.
To understand which stages will be paid for, consider a basic list of manipulations:

  1. The first visit to a fertility specialist in Moscow with a choice of procedure tactics
  2. Survey of spouses. The wife's eggs are evaluated, hormones are assessed, pathologies are identified. The spouse's sperm condition is assessed.
  3. Treatment of detected pathologies.
  4. Selection of a suitable stimulation protocol.
  5. Removing fully matured eggs from a donor and freezing them in a test tube.
  6. Donor egg fertilization, embryo cultivation. If diagnostics that exclude genetic pathology are also ordered, the price may increase by 1.5-2 times.
  7. Embryo transfer.
  8. Support of the patient's hormonal levels to keep the pregnancy at an early stage.
  9. Diagnostics of the condition in the initial phase of pregnancy.

In different IVF clinics with an egg donor, the cost is calculated in different ways. Patients are often given the option to pay for services in stages, so people can save money if they fail. In some clinics, an agreement is signed for IVF with a donor egg, the cost of which must be paid in a set of basic services. At the same time, patients are given the opportunity to choose a set of medical and diagnostic procedures, the number of consultations with a doctor.
Attention! The approach to payment for services never affects the quality of service. But before starting the IVF procedure in Moscow, you should find out how the cost of the service will be formed in order to understand what costs are ahead.

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