Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Popup and Popunder: what are these ad formats? Why is it worth cooperating with nprz. Pros of participating in affiliate programs

Popup and Popunder: what are these ad formats? Why is it worth cooperating with nprz. Pros of participating in affiliate programs

There are a couple of ad formats in the advertising arsenal, which is simply impossible for the user not to interact with. This is a couple - Popunder and Popup. Both formats are pop-up windows, similar in the method of their implementation and in the principle of informing the user. They are classified as aggressive advertising, which is essentially true. However, if you make friends with these formats, you will be able to convert targeted traffic at minimal cost.

So let's start with the Popup format. I think you yourself have experienced the effect of this format. If you wanted, for example, to watch your favorite movie, open the site and then once - you get a pop-up window that closes the entire site. The advertiser's website is displayed in that window.

Maybe it's a game, maybe a collection of perfumes at bargain prices. Remember, you wanted this a couple of days ago? If not, then they will suit you anyway, because this offer is designed for a wide audience. You will have to close this window, but it happens that a transition to the site is attached to the close button and you will watch the movie only after it is closed.

The popunder format is not that aggressive. It is possible that, having entered the site, after a while you could see a block, most often in the center, which chased you all over the site, attracting attention and forcing it to close. Closing the window will lead to the fact that a tab with the advertiser's website will open in the background, and after that you will most likely familiarize yourself with it.

For example, you will see a window where you will be prompted to update your browser or download a new game. If the advertiser has configured the audience correctly, you will be interested in this offer and you will familiarize yourself with it.

Advantages and disadvantages of formats

Let's start with the benefits. With these formats, you can get a lot of traffic. A certain rule applies here: the number of views is equal to the number of impressions. Wide audience coverage, brand awareness, room for analytics - all these benefits you get due to the large amount of traffic.

Low cost per click is also a plus. Thanks to this, you can start tests even with a small budget and still get decent amounts of data, and even the first conversions.

The disadvantages include a possible negative perception of the formats. However, this is a controversial point - a correctly submitted advertising offer, on the contrary, will arouse interest and a desire to get acquainted with the product or service in more detail.

Unfortunately, at the testing stage it is quite difficult to control the target audience, so you often have to work with "cold traffic". You can also get bots. However, this problem is solved by using blacklists.

There is also a disadvantage for webmasters. Search engines don't like popunder and popup ads. They can apply sanctions to the site and lower it in the SERP. However, at the moment, there are advanced codes that significantly reduce the risk of receiving sanctions.

Areas of application of advertising formats

Let's start with the Popup format. If you need instant contact with a visitor, and your offer is designed for the maximum target audience, popup traffic will be a good solution. In other cases, a user who comes to the site for a specific purpose and receives a window with an inappropriate offer will simply close the page without even bothering to view its content.

For example, a user wants to buy sneakers, types the corresponding request in the search box, and gets to the site where we are waiting for a pop-up containing information about a discount on the previous collection. This offer will interest him, and he will go to the site. Imagine that you show the same user a weight loss product, for example. It will simply close the window and never return to the site.

So, the first rule of a pop-up is to choose the maximum target audience or an offer that can interest a potential buyer as much as possible. For example, related areas: sneakers - a showcase of sports equipment or fashion trends in a given season. The second rule of pop-ups is - don't forget about retargeting. This is a great way to increase conversions significantly.

The popunder ad format is shown to the user at the moment when he is about to leave. He found the product he needed, and suddenly you appear. What should be an advertising offer? New items, promotions, entertainment offers, such as gambling topics, or software - this is an incomplete list of topics that show themselves well in Popunder advertising. The effect can be greatly enhanced by linking the advertising offer to the site's theme.


So, we have two formats that can bring you large volumes of traffic, get an excellent base for analytics, and at the same time not drain the entire available budget. These have some disadvantages, but the advantages overlap significantly.

The disadvantages include possible negative reactions from users, the possibility of getting bots and "cold traffic", which is often difficult to convert.

The advantages include the price and large volumes of traffic. Thanks to this, you can start tests even with a small budget and still get decent amounts of data, and even the first conversions.

Popunder advertising is a good way to convert entertainment offers, software, novelties or consumer goods. Popup, on the other hand, is an excellent solution for working with a targeted segmented audience. You just need to find the most suitable offer or use related areas.

Both formats are great for collecting a database for retargeting. Retargeting increases the effectiveness of advertising at times. Don't forget this.

You now have two reliable tools and know how to use them. It remains only to launch advertising campaigns and get profit.

Judging by Yandex statistics, the topic of affiliate programs is extremely relevant - more than 38 thousand users a month are interested in "affiliate programs", 35 thousand are "affiliate programs" and more than 97 thousand are requesting "earnings on the Internet."

Newbies looking for veins on the Internet are forced to upset: you will not earn anything on affiliate programs and will waste a lot of time! I'll make a reservation: this is my personal observation, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth.

Affiliate programs 2domains.ru and reggi.ru

So, my personal experience comes down to participating in 5 affiliate programs. Two of them are affiliate programs of domain name registrars 2domains.ru and reggi.ru. You can read about these affiliate programs in the article. Participation in them makes sense only if the site traffic is good or if the affiliate member has several sites, because:
  • The paid commission for registering each domain using a referral link will be no more than 5-10 rubles from 2domains and 10% from reggi. Calculate how many domains must be purchased to generate more or less substantial income.
  • For anyone, I think, it is not a secret how they are treated in Runet - they are simply cut off and go directly to the websites of the companies. This is our mentality.
  • At one time, I was interested in various ways of making money on the network and devoted a number of articles to this about, and other services. A separate article was devoted to info products. All of the above applies to the resources listed in these articles. Sites with low traffic cannot make money on them. You can talk about any kind of earnings only with attendance from thousands of unique visitors per day. If you are reading this article, then you are unlikely to be the owner of such a resource.
  • Trying to make money on all these services, you can hardly avoid the temptation to check statistics endlessly. Time is money will constantly flow away.
  • If you are the owner of several sites with personal domains, in this case, you can compensate at least part of the costs of purchasing domains. To do this, you need to register 2 accounts on the registrar's website (one of them for a relative, for example) plus a partner account, and buy some of the domains using your own referral link. In this case, we are not talking about earnings.

Ozone affiliate program

The next affiliate program I dealt with was the Ozone affiliate program. A year and a half ago, I put banners of books from Ozone on two of my blogs. I wrote about this in the article. To date, about seven books have been purchased using my referral link. The money is credited and hangs on the balance sheet. Due to the low cost of books, and, accordingly, low partner remuneration, participation in this affiliate program with low site traffic does not make sense. You can, of course, if you want to use ozone banners for design purposes for site design. In all other cases, this is a waste of time. If the banners are not updated, as I did, then the income will tend to zero. But even if you regularly offer new items and bestsellers (which will take your time), the result, I think, will not differ significantly.

Affiliate program Netprint.ru

Fourth affiliate program Netprint.ru- affiliate program of a company specializing in photo books, photo souvenirs, etc. My experience was negative, so I am not doing it at the moment. I know for sure that a photobook was ordered from my referral link. The money was not credited for it. I didn't even bother to waste time on disassembly. If there is a precedent, then the accrual system is ineffective. In this case, I knew about the fact of the order. When it is not known about the order, there are b O the greater the likelihood of not receiving a reward.

And finally, the affiliate program Skazkipro... Articles and articles were devoted to her. You can deal with it. Especially if you have the ability to post free classifieds on resources such as mom forums, free classifieds portals, etc. To participate in this affiliate program, I made a website.
Below is my affiliate fresh statistics for this program:

Let's analyze. In a month it will be 2 years since I have been participating in this affiliate program. During this time, $ 119 and $ 120 were credited to me, $ 60 is on the balance sheet and will be paid when the amount of earnings is $ 101. As you can see, you can earn money, but not much.

The statistics also show that 3 people signed up for me. The terms of the program are such that when the partner who signed up for me receives the first salary, I will also be paid $ 100 once. None of my partners have received a salary yet.

I would also like to note that I don’t put any effort to promote sites, much less spend money on advertising. The attendance of this site today is about 280-320 unique visitors per day.

Cons of participating in affiliate programs

Pros of participating in affiliate programs

  • Gaining experience.
  • In some cases, the creation of a client base, which may come in handy in the future.

After all of the above, the question arises: so, give up the idea of ​​making money on the Internet? No, I am still sure that you can make money online ... Moreover, I have no doubt that in the future there will be more and more opportunities. We must try and look for "veins".

And now I will write a seditious thing: Today, I think the most realistic way to make money on the Internet is to participate in network marketing. After such words, someone probably wanted to throw rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes at me. And nevertheless, I will repeat: participation in network marketing is a real chance for a beginner to make money on the Internet. But not just in network marketing, but in the one that allows you to make money through the site. Which does not require vtyuhivat goods or services to relatives and friends.

I am not a networker and never have been. Of course, I had to periodically buy products distributed through network marketing. But I have never played these "network games". It so happened that our public opinion has a negative attitude towards MLM (Multi Level Marketing). The negative attitude did not develop out of nowhere, there are reasons for that, and we all know very well about them. I would never consider MLM to participate if it were not for the opportunity to do business exclusively on the Internet. In this case I'm not looking for clients, but clients are looking for me ... There is a difference, isn't there?

It's time for the "heavy artillery" to reinforce my opinion.

Who hasn't heard of billionaire Donald Trump?
Once, in one of the programs, he was asked a question:
- What would you do if you had to start all over again?
Mr Trump replied:
- I would find a good network marketing company early in the business that has excellent support and training systems.
The whole audience burst into laughter, and Donald Trump said to this:
- This is exactly the reason why you are sitting there, and I am here on the stage.

"A good network company at the beginning of its activity" - under this definition does not fit most American, Chinese and others"can-cosmetic" companies, widely represented in the post-Soviet space. All these companies have solid experience and have a similar range in many respects. The market is heavily overloaded with various "health and beauty" products.

Against this background, a company that offers exclusive products and which recently celebrated only its three-year anniversary stands out favorably. She promotes innovative peptide technologies for healing and rejuvenation. You can read about what peptides are. To work with the company, I created site... The first articles on the site appeared in the fall of 2012. The first registration of a partner through my website and the purchase of products took place in December 2012. The first salary was in January 2013 and amounted to about $ 60. I have received approximately the same checks every month since then, but there have not been any higher amounts yet. This is due to the fact that the site is young, and the traffic to it is still small. At Google, he is still in, and in Yandex, he just entered the top 10 for one of the promoted queries.

Despite this, I already have 16 people on my team (as of July 2013), most of whom came through the site. On the right is a screenshot of my partners. People go and will go. The number in the structure will constantly increase.

Update 12/11/2013
This article was published mid-July 2013. By November, the situation had changed significantly. My structure already employs 72 people, and my earnings in October amounted to 15662 rubles. Not a bad speaker, isn't it?

Update 02/08/2014
The structure employs 164 people. I will not publish any more figures about earnings. And the growth dynamics is fantastic, in my opinion.

Update 06/16/2016
Here is a diagram of the structure's growth over the last year. Today the number is 988 people. Until the end of the month, there will be 2 more weeks, there will be an anniversary - 1000 people. The monthly increase is significant, because 2 dealerships and an online store are already working under me.

Of course, NPCRIZ is not the only company you can do business with. Recently, good brands have appeared on the Russian market that work on the MLM system. But, in my opinion, each of them is inferior to this company either in the value of the product, or in the marketing plan, etc. Some of them have not yet entered the international market and are doing business only within the CIS.
Now let's see why it is profitable to work with NPCRIZ.

Why is it worth cooperating with NPCRIZ

  1. The legality of the company.
  2. The company has serious scientific potential, it is itself a manufacturer of products.
  3. The company operates at the federal level under the patronage of the Russian Government.
  4. It is very difficult to get to Europe with any product. But the company's products in record time passed certification in the European Union to the envy of competitors, which speaks of high quality.
  5. About 100 dealer centers of the company have been opened both in the post-Soviet space and around the world.
  6. Demand and the highest quality of the product, a wide range. Most of the drugs have no analogues in other companies. The research was carried out under the guidance of Prof. V. Khavinson for decades, since the times of the USSR.
  7. NPTSRIZ is the exclusive representative and strategic partner of the St. Petersburg and Gerontology SZO RAMS under the leadership of Prof. V. Khavinson. Professor V. Khavinson was elected the chief gerontologist of Europe in 2011 (for the first time in history, a Russian scientist heads a European scientific organization). In 2010 V. Khavinson was nominated for the Nobel Prize.
  8. The general consumer had the opportunity to purchase peptide bioregulators only in 2010. For this reason, people are still poorly informed about drugs and peptide cosmetics, which means that ahead is a real expansion of the market and an increase in the number of consumers.
  9. There is an opportunity to do business on the Internet.
  10. The ability to receive a salary in cash, not in products, unlike many MLM companies.

This is not the whole list of arguments in favor of cooperation with this company, but I think we can stop at this. I did not give the most important argument:

throughout the history of mankind, people dreamed of longevity and immortality, looking for miraculous means of prolonging youth and gaining health. People have always spentmoney for itand will spend!

Today more and more people are beginning to realize that the world has changed. We work less physically, eat less natural products. The composition of soil, water and air has changed, GMOs have appeared. Many are beginning to understand that the food intake is not enough to be fully provided with everything necessary for a healthy existence. Lack of nutrients is a constant phenomenon, and the body is not able to store all this for future use. Thus, the vital activity of the body needs constant additional recharge. There are a great many methods, means and ways for this - everyone chooses his own.
NPTSRIZ products based on short peptide proteins are exclusive. No one in the world has such experience in studying the action of peptides as scientists from St. Petersburg. More and more people learn about them and begin to apply them. But there is still little awareness, so the prospects here are very good. If you have any questions regarding products or business, please contact "Contacts".

"And then Ostap suffered ..." In general, I just wanted to say: do not waste time on affiliate programs. They will not recoup it. Moreover, the authors can stop developing them at any time or even cover them up altogether. And stay with your interests ... Look for other "veins". IMHO ...

Create and add user friendly popup banners to your WordPress site. Add responsive popup alerts and popup triggers for promotions.

The WordPress popup banners plugin by CreativeMinds lets users customize and promote events, products and offers on a WordPress site. Users can add a responsive popup banner across the whole site or on specific pages and advertise upcoming specials in the middle or bottom of the page. The popup plugin features popup triggers, the ability to add multiple popups, image and shortcode popups, various popup displays, and management of popup placement.

This WordPress popup plugin is an excellent lead generation tool that can boost emails lists and creates highly converting popups. With the Pro Version, customize the look and timing of these popup banners and test the success of a campaign.

Plugin demo

Basic Banner Plugin Features

  • Create Banner Campaigns
  • Customize popups with HTML and images
  • Display popup ad on center or footer of page

Benefits of Going Pro

  • AdDesigner: Create a custom banner look to match your site's branding
  • Ad Statistics: Track banner clicks and impressions in an easy-to-use report
  • Restrict by Page / Post / URL: Choose which pages or posts your popup banner will appear on
  • Restrict by Period: Choose the start and end times for your popup ad campaign to run
  • Random banners Campaigns
  • Custom Effects - Define PopUp banner effects
  • Option to add delay - Define campaigns on specific dates
  • Option to setup display interval
  • Use image or html banners
  • Restrict banners to specific pages or posts
  • Trigger popup or fly-in on JS hover or click events

Plugin usage instructions

  • 1) Go to "Add New Campaign"
  • 2) Fill the "Title" of the campaign and "content" of one or many Advertisement Items
  • 3) Click "Add Advertisement Item" to dynamically add more items
  • 4) Check "Show on every page"
  • 5) Click "Save Changes"
  • 6) Go to any page of your website
  • 7) Watch the banner with Advertisement Item
  • 8) Close the banner clicking "X" icon


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join us

Suggested Plugins by CreativeMinds

  • CM Ad Changer - Manage, Track and Report Advertising Campaigns Across Sites. Can turn your Turn your WP into an Ad Server
  • CM Super ToolTip Glossary - Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website’s terms and shows them as a tooltip in posts and pages when hovering. With many more powerful features.
  • CM Download Manager - Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon.
  • CM Answers Plugin - A fully-featured WordPress Questions & Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and Quora, Now with MicroPayment and Anonymous posting support !.
  • CM MicroPayments - Adds the in-site support for your own "virtual currency". The purpose of this plugin is to allow in-site transactions without the necessity of processing the external payments each time (quicker & easier). Developers can use it as a platform to integrate with their own plugins.
  • CM Restrict Content - A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress. Support access by role to content on your site.
  • CM OnBoarding - Superb Guidance tool which improves the online experience and
    the user satisfaction.
  • CM Booking Calendar - Customers can easily schedule appointments and pay for them directly through your website.



  1. Upload cm-pop-up-banners-for-wordpress folder to the / wp-content / plugins / directory
  2. Activate the plugin on the Plugins page in your WordPress dashboard.


Broken. No settings for frequency.


I searched high and low for a pop-up plugin that didn "t force me to use a template. When I came across this one, it seemed like a good fit. Unfortunately, the pop-up doesn" t display the background overlay and hovers half off the top of the screen. Completely unusable. Just to make it better, it offers no settings options for frequency of appearance, how long to delay, or any other standard settings like these. Disappointed.

Pop-up advertising (pop-up

web resource owners make good money. You can also
get a good income on the Internet if you have your own
site. Earnings consist in the fact that advertising pops up in a separate
your browser window when you open a site (page) and
contains advertising information of the advertiser (and not only
advertising). For example, a block may contain site news or
information about subscribing to this site (blog). Advertising window
pops up when opening the site or when trying to click the close button
banner with advertising.

This type of advertising is in second place in terms of profitability after
rich-media. This is due to the deception of the user - so the site visitor does not
knows about the popup. Earning activity on this type of advertising
gradually decreases, since they are currently being disposed of with
using restrictions on the IP address of the computer, as well as using
browser features - blocking pop-ups. Web resource owner
receives a reward after clicking (clicking) on ​​the "close" button
the banner itself or simply by clicking on the advertisement window itself.

Pop-up advertising

Pop-under advertising. The way to make money on the Internet Little
is different. The difference is that the popup floats
under the browser, not on top of it. This is revealed when
the user will close all windows.

Click-through rate (clicks on ads) for Pop-under ads
higher than Pop-up and other banner ads. Pop-under principle
based on the fact that the site visitor is the maximum user
is focused on the ad in the pop-up window and is not distracted by
other information.

All listed types of earnings on the Internet are
aggressive advertisements, which can sometimes contain information
of a pornographic nature and, by deceiving users,
brings a good income to the webmaster. At the moment with such
such large search engines as
Google, Yandex. For example, search engines do not index web resources with
this type of advertising, and large advertising agencies block it.

This way of generating income is risky. Since placing
her, after a certain time you can notice that the blog or site
stopped citing (mentioning) on ​​the Internet or decreased significantly

resources like


(requirements depend on moderators, system

has an affiliate program of 10%), Pop-Under (also available
affiliate program - 7%, payments are made in WebMoney), BodyClick (different
types of advertising, teaser advertising network)

There is an important fact in this type of earnings. Everything
the listed ways of making money on advertising are finicky
to joint installation on one site (pages) - (installation of several
ad codes from different ad systems), since each ad has
technical features.

But even here there is a way out of this situation. It consists in
using a rotator.

Fortunately, there is a solution here as well. Many systems offer
set the code of the new system on the main trafficback or
unaccepted traffic.

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