Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The truth about the secrets of "Slavic enchantresses" or is it possible to stack men in stacks? Stacks of men Smile and flirting is a terrible force

The truth about the secrets of "Slavic enchantresses" or is it possible to stack men in stacks? Stacks of men Smile and flirting is a terrible force

Any woman can become more attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex, because beauty has nothing to do with it. And then what does it have to do with it? There are ways to become a decoy for men! So, get sexy with female magic!

Everyone can attract!

Sex appeal is not a question of beauty and size. It does not depend on hair or eye color. Sensual attraction is something mysterious, kind of magical. Some women have something that attracts men's looks like a magnet.

Others, despite their physical beauty, remain completely unnoticed, or, at least, do not cause such enthusiasm in men. Femininity, sensuality, sexuality - it is they who make it so that some of us are surrounded by eternal crowds of fans, while others are not. Is this a congenital feature or can it be developed in oneself? The good news is that it is entirely possible to increase your own attractiveness in the eyes of others. How to become a sexy woman or girl? In this we can be well helped by magic.

Colors and smells

Fighting for their sex appeal, as in any field, the fair sex is best to turn to the magic of candles, herbs, oils, incense and flowers.

Candles are chosen in the following colors:

  • pink,
  • Red,
  • purple,
  • orange or yellow.

We can combine them according to our needs and preferences, tying the candles at the base with colored ribbons. Before ignition, they are lubricated with oils - best of all anise, with the scent of sandalwood, jasmine, vanilla, cardamom, lavender, orange, rose, ylang-ylang... Smoking incense with these aromas also yields excellent results. If you prefer to use natural charcoal incense herbs for fumigation, choose elecampane tall, benzoin (tree resin), damiana, patchouli... Most of these herbs can be used to make aromatic tea. You can also make mixes for bags or bottles from them.

Magic baths

A great way to use herbs and essential oils to add sex appeal to yourself is with magical baths.

When preparing such a bath, it is necessary to check what the phase of the moon is now - it should be growing.

How it's done:

  1. We light candles of the corresponding color and put them in the bathroom.
  2. We put a stone in the bath itself - amber, cat's eye or jasper. We collect water and put the selected herbs in it, after which we add aromatic oils.
  3. We immerse ourselves in the water and begin meditation. In a state of relaxation, you need to imagine the effects you want to achieve. It's good to see yourself attractive and sensual, radiating sex appeal and making a great impression on people.
  4. When we leave the bath, we do not look in the mirror!
  5. When we are completely dry, we rearrange the candles, placing them in front of the mirror, and then we look into it at ourselves - as at a completely renewed, self-confident person.

Option number 2

For another magic bath ritual, we need oranges and mint leaves.

  1. We collect water and throw oranges and mint into it.
  2. We immerse ourselves in water and peel the fruit there.
  3. We squeeze the juice into water.
  4. We rinse the body and hair with orange-mint water, mentally imagining the results we expect.
  5. We leave the water and do not dry ourselves, let the body dry completely.


Enriching the cosmetics she uses with herbs and essential oil can enhance the effect of the bath, which helps a woman to become sexy. A few drops of selected essential products are added to body balms, shampoos, creams, or hair conditioners. Fragrances can also be added to decorative cosmetics: powder, base, eyeshadow, lipstick. Then every time we apply makeup, we will simultaneously use one of the magical ways to increase sex appeal.

Color on yourself and around you

In addition, use the power of color to enhance physical attractiveness. If you are afraid of rich red or pink lipstick, you can always choose a softer shade of them. Shadows can have sensual tones. If you think that certain tones do not suit you, you can go for a trick - make several dots of the desired color on the liner line. In the end, you can introduce it into your image by painting your nails with varnish of the desired shade.

Another point to look out for when studying how to become more sexually attractive to your husband or to all men in general is the colors in clothes and in the environment. You already know which ones are in the service of sex appeal - now you just need to use them wisely. If you are a fan of discreet, neutral clothing colors, then you should introduce red or pink in the form of accessories: shoes, belts, bags, jewelry or just underwear. It is also necessary to take care that the surroundings are present with complements of "sexy" colors. Of course, you don't need to paint the apartment in red right away - just put a red vase, put a blanket or plant a red geranium on the balcony.

Smiling and flirting is a terrible force

When talking about how to get sexy, it is unwise to forget about a positive attitude towards life and a smile. Don't underestimate them. It is they who attract people to us and make them feel good in our society. Therefore, it is worth strengthening self-esteem. You can also use meditation. And magic can be additional support for us.

The secret weapon of every woman is a little mystery and flirting known for many centuries. It is he who can become our greatest asset. In a sense, we can say that women who have a pronounced sex appeal flirt with everyone: men, women, shop assistants, drivers, officials in various institutions ... However, they do not reduce it only to the banal seduction of men. They love people, for them everything is interesting and everyone is worthy of attention. Next to such ladies, everyone feels special and is inspired for exploits. This is the secret of real seductresses.

Thus, the question of how to become a sexy girl or woman can rightfully be asked by any of us, and not just the owners of certain parameters. And all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can also achieve a positive effect - you just need to work a little on yourself in several directions at once.

Test yourself to find out how attractive you are to the stronger sex. For the answer "a" is awarded 5 points, for "b" and for "c" - 0. At the end, calculate the points obtained and read the explanation prepared by the French magazine "Soir".

1. Do men often compliment you?

a) yes, often;

b) sometimes;

c) never.

2. Do you choose your wardrobe with taste?

a) yes, I always make good choices;

b) I do not always succeed;

c) no, but it doesn't bother me.

3. Do you tend to laugh at yourself?

a) happens;

b) only in the circle of close friends;

c) no, I do not approve of this.

4. An attractive man smiles at you in the store. How do you react?

a) I make a joking remark;

b) I smile back at him;

c) I pretend not to notice.

5. Which way would you choose to get to know someone?

a) would write him a love letter;

b) I would look for an opportunity to naturally enter into a conversation with him;

c) I will wait for him to take the initiative.

6. Did you love going to school?

a) yes, I liked taking part in the affairs of the school;

b) my activity was average;

c) I was rather withdrawn.

7. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "adventure"?

a) an experiment with an uncertain outcome;

b) an exciting experience;

c) unequivocal irresponsibility.

8. Which set of qualities - of the following - do you consider the most important?

a) originality, optimism, naturalness;

b) sympathy, understanding, readiness for adaptation;

c) modesty, patience, firmness.

9. People who laugh ...

a) ... pleasant, cheerful interlocutors;

b) would like to live in harmony with the world;

c) superficial and rarely have independent thoughts.

10. Which statement do you agree with most?

a) life has many pleasant sides;

b) one should not expect much from life;

c) life is often cruel and unfair.

11. Which Hollywood stars would you most like to spend an evening with?

a) Bruce Willis, Kevin Costner;

b) Tom Cruise, Richard Gere;

c) Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson.

12. What do you think of Casanova?

a) he is charming, a man to the core;

b) an experienced heartthrob and lover;

c) immoral type.

UP TO 20 POINTS. It is not easy for men who meet you to recognize you. You live by your own laws, you are often closed and reserved and, frankly, more repulsive than attracting friends by nature. You prefer a conversation on a serious topic to frivolous chatter. And since you mostly try to hide your femininity, the opposite sex does not even dream of flirting with you.

FROM 20 TO 40 POINTS. When you are dating a not very subtle, rude man, your paths quickly diverge. If this is an intelligent, well-mannered and witty person, then he is immediately given the opportunity to know your true "I" - openness, ease of communication and humor. It's natural for you to be flirted with. You can afford to express your wishes and requirements!

OVER 40 POINTS. You are undeniably attracted to men. In communicating with them, you are always open, friendly and charming. You know your worth, you have a sense of humor. It is completely natural for you not to hide your feminine charm. And this does not apply to the art of seduction, but comes from within, from your being. It is not surprising, therefore, that you so easily win the hearts of men. However, be a little more restrained so as not to break too many hearts, because one day it may happen that you hurt yourself too.

You always want to be charming and attractive, but on March 8 - somehow especially. Our correspondent, overwhelmed with a craving for self-improvement, enrolled in the newfangled gymnastics courses for Slavic enchantresses.

"Do you want to stack the men in stacks?"

Gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses was invented ten years ago by a native of Belarus Gennady Adamovich. The personality is downright multifaceted: a psychologist, a healer, a researcher of the history of the ancient Slavs, a former teacher of the Belarusian Pedagogical University.

Although why - came up with? Adamovich himself claims that everything had already been invented before him, and he recreated it. Once, after a lecture, a girl came up to him and said that his grandmother had passed on to her the ancient knowledge of how to keep her beloved after the first night. Adamovich thought: the girl, of course, is a fine fellow, but what about those who got the not so savvy grandmothers, and plunged into the process of recreating female Slavic traditions. Students-enthusiasts helped, however, what exactly was their enthusiasm directed at, history is silent. So, first, Adamovich's book "Gymnastics of Slavic Enchantresses" was born, "designed for all women who want to be healthy and attractive," and later the researcher began to conduct seminars for trainers so that they carry Slavic knowledge to the masses.

Actually, gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses is a set of exercises that Slavic women allegedly performed in ancient times. Honestly, it is difficult to imagine that our great-great-grandmothers, with their hayfields, milking, cooking, numerous children and other things, had time for some more exercises. Trainers who teach Slavic gymnastics are not at all embarrassed by this small discrepancy, and they call to "strengthen their female magnetism", "learn to control the flows of female energy" and "establish contact with the world in the direction of fulfilling their female desires." Some express themselves more succinctly: if you want men in stacks, they will.

It is especially intriguing that it takes only 10-15 minutes a day to achieve a wonderful result, plus a couple of sessions a month with a coach. One hour of an individual lesson costs from three thousand rubles, a group lesson from one and a half thousand.

"And released energy through the crotch."

But what is a few thousand rubles when they offer to become a real enchantress? The toad, however, did not stop pressing, so I signed up for a group lesson - it was cheaper and I really wanted to see other enchantresses. I turned to the coach Alexandra, as it seemed to me, very experienced - with two years of teaching gymnastics and the education of a psychologist. The lesson took place in a yoga center, where there was no smell of the Slavic spirit - oriental incense was created by amber.

When the "enchantresses", and there were six of us, sat on the rugs, the instructor asked each of them to tell about their path to Slavic gymnastics. I turned out to be the most dense. Fitness trainer Inna heard about enchantresses from her students and came to study in order to use new knowledge in the profession. Oksana has been doing gymnastics for several months, she has health problems, but thanks to the courses, she feels better. Nastya constantly attends various trainings, and she does Slavic gymnastics at home “using printouts from the Internet,” and she needs the advice of a master. When the word was given to Leela, who has been attending courses the longest and is expecting a baby, the girls were startled: "Did it really help?" But Lilya shrugged her shoulders: even before the course she had a loving husband and three children.

The "enchantresses" sighed and began to warm up. I did the eight with my hips on my legs apart and on tiptoes without much difficulty, it was more difficult to perform an intricate movement with my hands and carry a brush over my head, as if filled with water. Then the trainer ordered them to put their fists behind the back on the adrenal glands, while (I explain from memory) spread the brushes to the sides, push the elbows forward, and straighten the shoulders freely. It didn't work out freely. But it turned out to feel like ... no, not a beautiful enchantress, but a woman-duck. I was already ready to grunt, but there was no command. Another came - hold the side of the hands under the chest, raise your hands up and weave them in the ovary. This exercise supposedly not only "activates female energy", but is also "prevention of mastopathy", and in general, Slavic gymnastics helps to cure many female ailments. We did the following exercises in a semi-recumbent position.

- We moved from the Middle World to the Lower, - explained the coach.

But in the Lower World, I was also not very comfortable: my knees hurt, my joints crunched, my spine ached.

“In Slavic gymnastics, a woman can and should have fun,” Alexandra told the cashier at all.

Well I do not know. I wanted one thing: that the Slavic torments would end quickly and I got to the couch. At the end of the hour, the trainer ordered to take the position of the Upper World again: bend your knees, stand up on tiptoes, exhale deeply and imagine how the received energy goes down the spine through the perineum. At this point, I fell into a panic. How does it come out ?! And what should come out in general? No energy surges were felt either in the body or in the mind, and most importantly, it was incomprehensible: if in the process of gymnastics precious female energy really appears, then what is the point of getting rid of it in the gym in the presence of unfamiliar women? And even through the crotch!

Not only for Slavs

Actually, all Slavic gymnastics is 27 exercises. But you don't need to do all 27, for each woman you need to choose your own - you can in accordance with the date and place of her birth, or you can just at random, like all the same, according to some higher law, you will do exactly what you are supposed to. Further - the unexpected: if your ancestors were Slavs, then, as the coaches promise, gymnastics will be mastered very quickly - a certain Slavic genetic code will help.

Others memorize exercises more slowly, but also good. They say that the coach Masha Guseva generally lives in Turkey, teaches Slavic gymnastics to the locals and Turkish enchantresses do not complain about the lack of male attention.

“All women start to open up an energy that we have long forgotten about,” says coach Alexandra. - Relationships with the opposite sex are changing.

Then Alexandra remembered about her student, whom her husband began to call "my swan" and presented a bouquet of daisies. True, I got the idea that my friend just figured out: if the wife is not convinced that her sexual flows are going in the right direction, then the cash flows in their family will soon end.

God be with him, with the experience of Slavic enchantresses. At least one plus is obvious: in the Downworld, when your knees are rubbing against the floor, and your joints creak from acrobatic exercises, you don't think at all that you still need to cook borscht for tomorrow and give your coat to dry cleaning. In the Lower World, the Slavic enchantresses have no strength left for sad thoughts.

And what is the difference between women in the form of which "men fall and stack themselves in stacks"? Perfectly beautiful? No! Check out Cleopatra's prints. Too high forehead with an incorrect growth line, looking at which an experienced doctor will suspect clear signs of rickets! The ability to be a goddess in bed? also no! For example, Madame Pompadour was frigid, and even had not very clean skin. The same flour is her invention. Going out on people with a veil with hardships at least a little. but masked her acne-covered skin. All this did not prevent the first to become the queen of Egypt. and the second to force the great Louis to throw everything at his feet.

What makes a woman so attractive to a man?

The beauty? They get used to it! And beauty is a relative concept! Once again I received confirmation of this by talking with my friend Tanyusha, who is a professional matchmaker and hostess of the Venus marriage agency. Often, men, coming to the reception, say that his ideal is a photo model (while for one she is thin. For another, a lady with forms), moreover, sometimes, as a result, they choose a young lady of a completely different type that corresponded to his concept of "model". An example from my practice. The man met a very beautiful woman, at first he could not believe it. that he interested her. After several years, he has already declared: “Well, yes, she is beautiful, well, I’m nothing too!” Here is beauty for you?

Sex? Well, this is generally debatable! The most attractive sex with a woman. which they love! If not, then men can treat sex as "psychological relief" no more. And sex, the most perverted and the best, becomes boring over time. if there are no feelings. Try to eat only sweets throughout the day, the most expensive, the best. So what? By the evening, you will not be able to look at them! This is humanity.

A man is a hunter and he gets the maximum pleasure from it. what is hard to get!

What kind of women are they attracted to? Those that can hook! Interest! Give that. what do they want! That is, those. who feels men and not physically! Imagine, you are striving for something, you really want it. Spend a lot of energy ... oh happiness, you got it! Or another option, you did not have time to fully catch fire with something, but they give it to you! What will be more valuable? Well, of course. first!!! It is not for nothing that they say: "It is given more difficult - it costs more!" How did Cleopatra Caesar win? Intelligence and ingenuity! Intellect! And Madame Pompadour? (Which, by the way, was frigid) She helped to realize himself., Became an advisor and friend for him! There are many examples: Roxalana, Scheherazade. But at Scheherazade I would like to dwell separately. Remember how she could keep the Sultan? Fairy tale and interest! Thanks to this, she was not only unconscious. noi became his wife! Like this! Draw your own conclusions! for a man to want to be with you, he must realize your uniqueness and the fact that he needs you! The beauty? There are many kazivyh. Sex? You can teach anyone, but if you eat by the way, it will still be a pleasure to teach you for yourself! The ability to arouse interest and become necessary for it is that. which will help you become in demand! History has many examples when a woman was not perfect, but at the same time men lost their heads! so think about it!

How to learn the art of flirting, if by nature a woman is shy and completely deprived of this priceless gift?

After all, it is no secret that for some ladies, men simply reach out in flocks and, as if on command, lay down in stacks, and do not even look at others. Let's figure it out ...

In fact, everything is not as bad and deplorable as it might seem. After all, flirting is nothing more than a game, which means it has its own rules and regulations. Having understood them, you can comprehend the very art of attracting male attention.

But first you need to understand for yourself for what purpose this all-conquering weapon will be used. Will it be a momentary hobby or are you planning a more serious and long-term relationship.

Based on the goals, further flirting tactics are also built. Do not forget that flirting with a stranger is fraught with both attractiveness and clear danger.

No one knows what lies behind a handsome man's gaze - a true gentleman, a lustful Casanova, or an outright maniac. Therefore, it is important to be careful.


The most important weapon of flirting is the look. And you need to use it skillfully. A persistent and penetrating glance from under the brows and point-blank will not only not attract, but even quite frighten a man.

So they look with a challenge or a pretense. But your goal is to please and intrigue. And therefore, one should look a little flirtatiously, playfully, not for long and with a slight touch of interest.

In this case, the man you like will better understand that you are interested in him and, possibly, will respond to flirting.


When the eyes have attracted attention, the second thing a man looks at in a flirting dialogue is his lips.

Slightly half-open, smiling, gentle, inviting and expressive - they are able to turn a man on no less attractive female eyes. So, following the look, it is the lips that help start a delightful flirtation.


It's time to start talking. The conversation should be light, excite the interlocutor and evoke pleasant feelings in him.

The ability to speak beautifully is very important for flirting. Try to keep the conversation started, ask a question on the topic, make a compliment in the suit.

It is important to talk less about yourself, listen to the interlocutor more, and then comment on what you heard and look for common topics.

This could be the weather, a recent vacation, a movie you just watched, or a tried-and-true cafe menu. The conversation should not strain and force you to answer difficult questions.

Good time

Do not expect too much from your game, do not set yourself high goals, because if they do not come true, you will not experience disappointment. Remember that flirting is just a game.

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