Home Garden on the windowsill I will solve the oral part of the Russian. Demo version of the oral part of the oge in Russian. "Fun Preparing for the Oral Interview"

I will solve the oral part of the Russian. Demo version of the oral part of the oge in Russian. "Fun Preparing for the Oral Interview"

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FINAL INTERVIEW in the Russian language. Demo version.

Posted on the FIPI website on 09/01/2019

"Fun Preparing for the Oral Interview"

Oral part of the OGE in Russian

oral part in Russian will consist of two parts, including four tasks .

1 part consists of two tasks .

Tasks 1 and 2 performed using a single text.

Exercise 1- reading aloud a short text. Reading texts will contain information about prominent people of the past and present. Preparation time - 2 minutes.

Task 2- retelling of the text with the involvement of additional information (with the inclusion of a quote). Preparation time - 2 minutes. If necessary, you can use the "Note box".

part 2 consists of two tasks .

Tasks 3 and 4 are not related to the text that is proposed for reading and retelling.

Doing task 3, it is necessary to build a coherent monologue statement on one of the selected topics based on the plan. Preparation time - 1 minute. The statement should not take more than 3 minutes. It is necessary to give AT LEAST ten phrases on the topic of the statement.

Task 4- dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor. Preparation time - no preparation. The examiner will ask you to answer three questions.

The total response time for one examinee (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.

Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. During the interview, there will be streaming audio recording.

The final interview for 9th grade graduates will be held in their schools. It will be evaluated according to the system "pass" / "fail".

Total points for the whole work - 19 points.

The examinee receives a credit if for the performance of the work he scored 10 or more points.

Task 1. Reading the text.

You, of course, are familiar with the person depicted in this photo. This is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934–1968), the first cosmonaut.
Expressively read the text about Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin aloud.

Candidates for the first detachment of cosmonauts were recruited among military fighter pilots by the decision of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who believed that these pilots already had experience in overloads, stressful situations and pressure drops. There were 20 young pilots who were being trained for the first flight into space. Yuri Gagarin was one of them.

When preparations began, no one could even imagine which of them would open the way to the stars. Reliable, strong and benevolent, Yuri did not envy anyone, did not consider anyone better or worse than himself. He easily took the initiative, worked hard and with pleasure.

On April 12, 1961, at 9:00 7 minutes Moscow time, the Vostok spacecraft with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board was launched from the Baikonr cosmodrome. Soon the whole world saw newsreels that became history: preparation for the flight, the calm and concentrated face of Yuri Gagarin before stepping into the unknown, his famous “Let's go!”.

The courage and fearlessness of a simple Russian guy with a wide smile conquered all of humanity. Gagarin's flight duration was 108 minutes. Only 108 minutes. But it is not the number of minutes that determines the contribution to the history of space exploration. Yuri Gagarin was the first and will remain so forever!

Task 2. Retelling the text.

Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the words of S.P. Korolev, an outstanding designer and scientist, about Yu.A. Gagarin:

“He opened the way to the unknown world for the people of the Earth. But is it only? It seems that Gagarin did something more - he gave people faith in their own strengths, in their capabilities, gave them the strength to go more confidently, more courageously ... "

Think about where it is better to use the words of S.P. Queen in retelling. You can use any citation methods.
You have 2 minutes to prepare.
If necessary, you can use the Notes field.

Task 3. Monologue statement.

Choose one of the proposed conversation topics.

Topic 1. Holiday (based on photo description)
Topic 2. The hike (excursion) that I remember the most (narration based on life experience)
Topic 3. Is it always necessary to follow fashion? (argument on the question posed).

You have 1 minute to prepare.
Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

Task 4. Dialogue.

During the conversation, you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please give full answers to the questions asked by the interlocutor examiner.

Task 4. Topic 1. Holiday
Describe the photo.
1) What holidays do you like more and why (home, school, holidays with friends)?
2) When can we say that the holiday was a success?
3) Do you like the holiday or preparation for it more and why?

Interlocutor examiner card
Task 4. Topic 2. Hike (excursion)
Tell us about how you went on a hike (on an excursion).
1) How, in your opinion, are hiking (excursions) useful?
2) What would you recommend to your peers who are going to go on a hike (for an excursion) for the first time?
3) What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in a hike (on an excursion)?

Interlocutor examiner card
Task 4. Topic 3. Fashion
Is it always necessary to follow fashion?
1) What do you think the word "fashionable" means?
2) Do you listen to other people's advice? Whose advice is most important to you?
3) Give an example of the negative influence of fashion.

You can download the demo

Basic general education

English language

OGE 2020 in English. oral part

The oral part of KIM OGE-2018 in English includes three tasks.

Exercise 1 involves reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

Task 2 invites you to take part in a conditional questioning dialogue: answer 6 telephone survey questions heard in the audio recording.

AT task 3 it is necessary to build a coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on the plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

The total response time of one OGE participant in English (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. All responses are audio-recorded. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, speak clearly and clearly, do not deviate from the topic and follow the proposed response plan. This way you can get the most points.

1. Read the instructions for each task carefully.
2. While waiting for your turn, say out loud a few phrases or tongue twisters in English to hear your voice and “clear” it before your answer.
3. When answering task 3, carefully follow the plan

Exercise 1. Readingtextaloud.

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The ninth planet of the solar system was discovered not long ago. It happened in 1930. Scientists had been hunting for the planet for a long time. They had calculated its probable position but there was no proof that the planet really existed. It was too far away for the telescopes of that time to find it. It's worth mentioning that the first photos of the planet were taken by a very young researcher. He was only twenty-four and had no formal education in astronomy. However, he was deeply involved in the search for the ninth planet. The planet at the edge of the solar system was called Pluto, after the Roman god. The name for the planet was suggested by an 11-year-old British girl.

OGE 2018. Russian language. oral part. 10 options. Dergileva Zh.I.

M.: 2018. - 40 p.

This manual consists of 10 options created on the basis of samples of control measuring materials for conducting a final interview in the Russian language, posted on the FIPI website, and contains instructions for completing tasks and assessment criteria. Each option consists of tasks, including expressive reading, retelling of the text. It is also supposed to choose one of the options for tasks: description of the photo, narration based on life experience, reasoning on the question posed. One of the tasks is a conversation on the proposed topic. The manual is intended for teachers of grade 9, for anyone who seeks to improve their literate oral speech skills. It can be used both in the classroom and in the process of self-preparation for the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language.

Format: pdf

The size: 7.9 MB

Watch, download: drive.google

Introduction 3
Instructions for the implementation of options 1-10 4
Option 1 5
Option 2 8
Option 3 11
Option 4 14
Option 5 17
Option 6 20
Option 7 23
Option 8 26
Option 9 29
Option 10 32
Criteria for assessing the performance of tasks of control measuring materials for the final interview for options 1-10 35
References 38

The final interview in the Russian language consists of four tasks. Tasks 1 and 2 are performed using the same text.
Task 1 - reading aloud a short text. Preparation time - 2 minutes.
In task 2, it is proposed to retell the read text, supplementing it with a statement. Preparation time - 1 minute.
Tasks 3 and 4 are not related to the text that you read and retell while doing tasks 1 and 2.
You have to choose one topic for the monologue and dialogue.
In task 3, it is proposed to choose one of the three proposed conversation options: a description of a photograph, a narrative based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems. Preparation time - 1 minute.
In task 4, you will have to participate in a conversation on the topic of the previous task.
Your total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.
Audio and video recordings may be made throughout the response time. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, speak clearly and clearly, do not deviate from the topic and follow the proposed response plan. This way you can get the most points.

Option number 1
Exercise 1.

This is the only museum in the country about the life and tragic fate of a simple Russian woman - Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova, who laid on the altar of the Motherland the most precious thing she had - the life of her sons. A mother of many children raised nine sons, and all of them died on the fronts of various wars. The elder Alexander was taken away from his mother by the civil war, Fedor was killed by the Japanese in 1939, the rest of the sons died in the Great Patriotic War.
In the central exposition hall, each of the sons has a separate showcase that tells about their life and exploits. There are also nine busts of the Stepanov brothers, in the center - nine mangled shell casings - nine broken lives, and above them nine red crystal bells - nine drops of blood on the mother's heart.
And four kilometers from Timashevsk, in the Olkhovsky farm, a small house has been preserved, from where the mother escorted her sons to the front. Her eyes full of hope and fear looked through this window, the postman approached this gate with “funerals” ... Until the end of her life, Epistinia Fedorovna did not get tired of peering into the distance of roads until the pain in her eyes. Waiting for sons. Until the last hour.
The civil feat of Epistinia Stepanova was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, the medal of motherhood.
(179 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including the words of Maxim Gorky in the retelling:

"Mother is always against death."

Task 3.

1) Holiday (based on photo description). Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. place and time of the celebration;
2. an event to which, in your opinion, the holiday is dedicated;
3. those present at the celebration;
4. the general atmosphere of the holiday and the mood of the participants.

2) The hike (excursion) that I remember the most (narration based on life experience). Tell us about how you went on a hike (on an excursion).

Don't forget to describe:
1. where and when did you go on a hike (on an excursion);
2. with whom you went on a hike (on an excursion);
3. how did you prepare for the trip (excursions);
4. Why do you remember this hike (excursion).

3) Is it always necessary to follow fashion (reasoning on the question posed)?

Don't forget to describe:
1. What does it mean to follow fashion?
2. Is it important for you to follow fashion and why?
3. Is it possible to follow fashion only in clothes?
4. How do you understand the expression "good taste"?

Task 4.

1) Describe the photo.

1. What holidays do you like more and why (home, school, holidays with friends)?
2. When can we say that the holiday was a success?
3. Do you like a holiday or preparation for it more and why?

2) Tell us about how you went on a hike (on an excursion).

1. How, in your opinion, are hikes (excursions) useful?
2. What would you recommend to your peers who are going to go on a hike (for an excursion) for the first time?
3. What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in a hike (on an excursion)?

3) Is it always necessary to follow fashion?

1. What does the word “fashionable” mean, in your opinion?
2. Do you listen to other people's advice? Whose advice is most important to you?
3. Give an example of the negative impact of fashion.

Option number 2

Exercise 1. Read the text aloud expressively.

On February 13, 1934, the whole world learned about the tragedy in the Arctic Ocean. Then the ship "Chelyuskin", en route from Murmansk to Vladivostok, was trapped in the ice, involved in the drift. An eight-meter ice shaft was slowly moving towards the ship, the ship was cracking, it was threatened with imminent death. By order of O.Yu. Schmidt, 104 people were forced to leave the ship during the polar night and ended up on drifting ice. Pessimists predicted their imminent death. In world practice, there has never been a case of rescuing so many people who found themselves on the drifting ice of the Arctic Ocean. The optimists hoped for a favorable outcome and for the fantastic rescue of the participants in the ice epic. April 13 - exactly two months after the death of the ship - the rescue was completed.
In the 75 years that have passed since the sinking of the Chelyuskin steamer and the rescue of all the people on the ice, dozens of articles, legends, fantastic and pseudoscientific publications have appeared in the press on the preparation and progress of this unusual voyage for those times. Some blame the country's government, O.Yu. Schmidt, V.I. Voronin in adventurism, incompetence, frivolity, ill-considered decisions that led to the death of the ship. Others admire the courage and heroism of the people who found themselves in extreme conditions and the pilots who took part in the rescue operation.
(according to the Internet)
(176 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the words from the French newspaper "Tan":

“The Russian pilots put an end to the terrible drama, which, in moments, it seemed, should have led to a tragic denouement. Their courage, endurance, devotion to the cause deservedly arouse the admiration of the whole world.

Task 3. Choose one of the proposed conversation topics.

1) At a summer camp (based on the photo description). Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. who is shown in the photo;
2. where the event depicted in the photo takes place;
3. the general mood that is conveyed in the photograph;
4. Impressions of participants photos.

2) Common cause (narration based on life experience). Tell us about the business that united you with your friends.

Don't forget to tell:
1. what common cause did you decide to do with your friends;
2. what result did you get;
3. how your relationship has changed since then;
4. whether the common cause helped you personally to get to know your comrades better.

3) Why is kindness needed (reasoning on the question posed)?

1. What is kindness?
2. Is kindness an important human quality for you?
3. Is it easier to live when you are surrounded by kind people?

Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

Task 4. During the conversation, you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please give full answers to the questions asked by the interlocutor-examiner.

1) Describe the photo.

1. Have you ever been to a summer camp?
2. What do you think summer camps are good for?
3. What would you recommend to those who go to the camp?

2) Tell us about the case that united you with your friends.

1. When can a case become common?
2. Do you think collective leaving the lesson is a common thing?
3. Who can initiate a common cause?
4. Are you ready to unite friends around you and what joint business could you offer them?

3) Why is kindness needed?

1. Is it always necessary to be kind?
2. Have you often seen acts of kindness in your life?
3. Have you ever done good deeds?
4. How did you feel after that?
5. Why is it necessary to do good?

Option number 3

Exercise 1. Read the text aloud expressively.

“Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are,” says folk wisdom. The choice of friends can tell a lot more about a person than he would like to tell about himself.
Two boys met and became friends in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum: Sasha Pushkin and Vanya Pushchin. They seemed to be very different. Pushkin is impulsive and quick-tempered, Pushchin is balanced, stubborn, reasonable.
But now they have grown. The Lyceum years are behind us. And Pushchin and Pushkin were able to carry loyalty to the lyceum friendship until their last breath.
To the poet exiled for freedom-loving poems in January 1825, a faithful friend Ivan Pushchin came in a sleigh along a snowy road. More than a dozen versts had to be overcome in Pushchino to visit a disgraced friend in Mikhailovskoye.
After the Decembrist uprising, Pushchin was arrested. And a message from a friend reached him in the Chita prison. On the sheet handed to him by the wife of the Decembrist Muravyov, Pushkin's lines addressed to him, Pushchin.
“My first friend, my priceless friend!” Pushkin addressed Pushchin in poems sent to distant Siberian mines...
The ability to be friends is a gift and talent sent down from above. The ability to sincerely rejoice in the success of another person, without the slightest hint of envy, is also a rarity. These people are really good friends.
(182 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including the words of A.I. Herzen:

"Friendship must be a strong thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey."

Task 3. Choose one of the proposed conversation topics.

1) Snowboarding (based on photo description). Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. who is depicted, his appearance;
2. what the person does;
3. nature and landscape;
4. qualities that extreme sports develop in a person.

2) A bold act (narration based on life experience). Tell us about your brave act.

Don't forget to tell:
1. under what circumstances it happened;
2. how long did it take you to make the decision;
3. what did you feel;
4. How did your self-esteem change after such an act.

3) Does a person need to get rid of bad habits? (argument on the question posed).

Don't forget to answer the questions:
1. What habits are called bad and why?
2. Do a person's bad habits always harm only him?
3. How do bad habits interfere?
4. What qualities of character are needed to get rid of a bad habit?

Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

Explanation for task 3.

When choosing one of the three suggested topics for a monologue statement, consider which one is closer to you. Whatever topic you choose, there is a plan for it. Try not to miss any of the points of the plan. Adding something to these points on your own is quite acceptable and welcome. Allow no more than 1 minute for this task. You can take up to 3 minutes for the statement itself. During the monologue, use words correctly, put stress, make sure that sounds and words are pronounced clearly and correctly. Pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

When choosing topic number 1, you will have to create a text description for the proposed photo.
Description - this is a type of text that names, describes the signs of something or someone: objects, nature, places, people, animals. These signs appear in the same period of time. A large role in your descriptive text will be given to the object of the photograph: whether it is inanimate or animate, perhaps it is a landscape, portrait or event.

When choosing topic number 2, you have to create a narrative text. Narration is a message, a story about a certain event in its temporal sequence. A special feature of the narrative is that it talks about actions that follow one after another. Narrative texts are characterized by the presence of a plot (the beginning of an event), the development of an event, a denouement (the end of an event). In the text you create, the narration will go in the first person, because the task asks you to write a story based on personal impressions.

When choosing topic number 3, you will need to compose a reasoning text. Reasoning is a type of text that explains or proves something, talks about the causes of actions, events, phenomena, establishes relationships between actions, events, phenomena. Remember that reasoning text is always the unity of three components: thesis, evidence and conclusion. The presence in the text-reasoning of one's own point of view and the ability to defend it is welcome.

Task 4. During the conversation, you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please, give full answers to the questions asked by the interlocutor.

1) Snowboarding. Describe the photo.

1. Why do many people go in for extreme sports?
2. What is the danger of extreme sports?
3. What do you like more: watching sports on TV or playing sports yourself?

2) A bold move. Tell us about your brave act.
1. What is the difference between courage and recklessness?
2. Does a brave person experience fear? Why?
3. How would you comment on the statement: “It is enough to give up once, so that later there is no courage left”

3) Does a person need to get rid of bad habits?
1. Have you tried to get rid of bad habits? Why?
2. Are there people who have never had bad habits?
3. What bad habits are the most dangerous for a person?


During the dialogue with the examiner, try to give complete, detailed answers. Don't be afraid to give the "wrong" answer. dialogue implies the possibility of expressing different points of view, but remember that you must be able to justify your opinion. During the dialogue, your ability to communicate is assessed.

During the dialogue, use words correctly, put stress, make sure that sounds and words are pronounced clearly and correctly. Pay attention to the correct construction of sentences. This task takes 2-2.5 minutes.

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