Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The role of possessive pronouns. Everything you wanted to know about pronouns but didn't know how to ask. Translation of English possessive pronouns

The role of possessive pronouns. Everything you wanted to know about pronouns but didn't know how to ask. Translation of English possessive pronouns

According to their meaning and grammatical features, pronouns in Russian have categories: personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, relative, negative, indefinite, determinative and demonstrative.

Pronoun grades table

Discharge is a constant grammatical feature of pronouns.

In order to correctly determine the category of pronouns, we will find out what meanings they have in speech, and highlight their main grammatical features.

Examples ofSyntactic function
Personal me, you, we, you, he, she, it, they I went to the window.
My phone rang.
Returnable myself Look at yourself in the mirror.
Cats are able to live on their own.
Possessivemy, your, our, your, your I know your opinion.
His face turned sad.
Interrogative who? what? which? what?
which one? whose? how much?
Who's knocking on the door?
At whose window are the pigeons sitting?
How many apples are on the table?
Relative who, what, what, what, who, whose, how much I cannot understand what could have delayed them so.
Here is the house within the walls of which I spent my childhood.
Negative nobody, nothing, nobody,
nothing, nothing
nobody, not at all
Nobody answered me.
There is no one to ask about it now.
There is no mistake here.
Undefined someone, something, some,
someone, how much,
anything, someone,
any, any,
some, someone, someone
Someone was singing a song.
A voice was heard in the yard.
Mark the seedling with something.
Definitive himself, most, everyone,
any, everyone, whole,
other, all, other
Another path lies ahead for us.
Tomorrow everything will seem different.
Indicative this, that, such,
such, such, such, such,
so much, so much
There is a cafe behind that house.
There was so much joy in her eyes!
The crux of the matter is that it is better to solve it together.

In the table, we got acquainted with the categories of pronouns with examples of their use in Russian. We have previously learned.

Personal pronouns I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they indicate a person or object.

Pronouns "I", "we" belong to the first person; "you you"- to the second; "he she it"- to the third.

I climbed onto a tall pine tree and began to shout (K. Paustovsky).

We followed the moose trail (K. Paustovsky).

Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region? (K. Simonov)

Have you seen how under the coniferous roof walks in morocco mushroom boots ..? (A.Kovalenko)

Pronouns "he she it" male, female and neuter gender is determined.

He sang, and every sound of his voice breathed something familiar and boundlessly wide, as if a familiar steppe was opening up in front of you, going into an endless distance (I.S. Turgenev).

After Masha rummaged through the compositions, she settled on novels (A. Pushkin).

To the left, from the edge of the village, a field began; it was visible far to the horizon, and throughout the entire width of this field, flooded with moonlight, there was also no movement or sound (A. Chekhov).

Personal pronouns are singular and plural.

Let's compare:

  • I, you - we, you;
  • he, she, it - they.

However, we mean that the pronouns "I am" and "we" , "you and "you" are not singular and plural of the same word. Pronouns "we" and "you" do not mean "A lot of me" or "You are a lot"... They indicate the speaker or interlocutor along with other persons participating in the conversation or in a certain action.

All personal pronouns change in cases. When they are declined in indirect cases, completely different words appear:

  • I am me;
  • you - you;
  • she her;
  • they are theirs.

As soon as I touch on mathematics, I will again forget everything in the world (S. Kovalevskaya).

Reflexive pronoun "myself" indicates the person being spoken about.

Will you look into yourself? There is no trace of the past (M. Lermontov).

I erected a monument not made by hands (A. Pushkin).

This pronoun has no nominative case, grammatical categories of person, gender, number. It changes only in cases:

  • i.p. -
  • r.p. myself
  • etc. myself
  • vp myself
  • etc. by myself
  • p.p. About Me

horse (im.p.) (whose?) his (r.p.).

It happened like a nightingale to fly in on their noise (I.A.Krylov).

Noise (whose?) Them- inconsistent definition.

Possessive pronouns "Him", "her", "them" do not change.

Words answered by nouns ( who? what?), adjectives ( which? whose? what? which one?) and numerals ( how much?) are interrogative pronouns.

Who's knocking at the gate? (S. Marshak).

What will I do for the people? - shouted Danko (M. Gorky) stronger than the thunder.

Suddenly he turned to his mother: "Avdotya Vasilievna, how old is Petrusha?" (A. Pushkin).

"Why don't you understand?" - Pavel Vasilievich asks Styopa (A. Chekhov).

What news did you receive yesterday?

What is the answer to my question?

Which math lesson will be?

The same pronouns, only without a question, serve to connect simple sentences as part of a complex subordinate and are called relative:

Look how many flat-bottomed scows lie on my bank (A. Kataev).

A hundred paces from me the grove was dark, from which I just left (A. Chekhov).

He was not at all what Konstantin (L. Tolstoy) imagined him to be.

It was already getting dark, and Vasily could not understand who was walking (K. Paustovsky).

Often I wanted to guess what he was writing about (A. Pushkin).

I also thought about the person in whose hands my fate was (A. Pushkin).

Indefinite pronouns

Indicate unknown items, signs and quantities:

"Someone", "something", "some", "several", "someone", "something", "someone", "someone", "someone", "some ”,“ Some ”,“ some ”,“ some ”,“ someone ”,“ someone ”,“ someone ”,“ some ”,“ so much ”.

Someone played the violin ... the girl sang in a soft contralto, laughter was heard (M. Gorky).

It was getting scary, as if in this silence some danger was silently waiting for him (V. Kataev).

In the living room, something small fell from the table and broke (A. Chekhov).

You are not able to act from any motives (K. Fedin).

But, perhaps, in some ways he was right (M. Sholokhov).

Negative pronouns

Negative pronouns "Nobody", "nothing", "nobody", "nothing", "no", "nobody", "nothing" serve to deny the presence of an object, feature or quantity, or to strengthen the negative meaning of the entire sentence.

I do not want to sadden you with anything (A. Pushkin).

Nobody really knew anything (K. Simonov).

Vladik stood silently, not bullying anyone and not answering anyone's questions (A. Gaidar).

They are formed from interrogative (relative) pronouns using an unstressed prefix nor- or shock attachment not-.

Pronouns "Nobody", "nothing" do not have a nominative case.

They were silent, because there was nothing to tell each other (I.A. Goncharov).

There is no one to ask when he himself is to blame (proverb).

Pronouns "Nobody", "no", "nobody", "nobody", "nothing" can be used with a preposition after the prefix:

not from anyone, on anything, under any, not for anyone, not with anyone, not because of what, etc.

In nothing the folk character is manifested so freely as in song and dance (A. Fadeev).

I don't want to think about anything, to interfere with anything (M. Prishvin).

An attempt to intercept Masha on the way did not lead to anything (A. Fadeev).

"That", "this", "such", "such", "so much" serve to highlight among others a certain object, feature, quantity.

I would strictly forbid these gentlemen to drive up to the capitals for a shot! (A. Griboyedov).

All this would be funny if it were not so sad (M. Lermontov).

How many heads, so many minds (proverb).

In the dark, I climbed into such a windbreak, from which even in the daytime you will not get out soon. However, I managed to get out of this labyrinth (V. Arseniev).

Definitive pronouns - "All", "everyone", "himself", "most", "each", "any", "other", "other", "whole".

Everyone who is young, give us your hands - to our ranks, friends! (L. Oshanin).

Every work of the master praises (proverb).

Learn to rule yourself; not everyone will understand you like me; inexperience leads to trouble (A. Pushkin).

To the right the whole village was visible, the long street stretched for five miles (A. Chekhov).

These pronouns change in gender, number and case, like adjectives.

Video tutorial on the Russian language for 6th grade pupils “Pronoun. The categories of pronouns "

Possessive pronouns answer Whose questions? Which? and indicate that the item belongs to someone. This article describes the persons of possessive pronouns, the features of their declension, the syntactic role in the speech structure with examples and important points.

Possessive pronouns in Russian- a group of words that indicate the attribute of an object by its belonging (indicate that something belongs to someone) and answer questions Whose? Which? In phrases and sentences, they agree with nouns in gender, number and case.

Examples of possessive pronouns: my textbook, your table, our house, your breakfast, your phone.

At school, possessive pronouns are studied from grade 2.

Face of possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns correspond to personal pronouns and indicate to which person the designated object belongs.

Singular Plural
Personal Cling-s Meaning Personal Cling-s Meaning
1st person I am my indicates belonging to the speaker we our indicates belonging to a group of persons, including the speaker
2nd person you is yours indicates belonging to the person to whom they are addressing (interlocutor) you your indicates belonging to a group of persons to whom they are addressing (interlocutors)
3rd person he she it his her indicate belonging to a person who does not participate in the conversation they their indicates belonging to persons who are not involved in the conversation

Pronoun myself indicates that something belongs to any of the three persons.

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Declension of possessive pronouns

All possessive pronouns except him, her, them change in gender, number and case.

Cases Singular Plural
Husband. genus Wed genus Female genus
I. p. my, my, my, my,
R. p. my, my, my,
D. p. my, my, my,
V. p. my (my),

yours (yours)

our (our),

your (your),

his (his)

my, my (mine),

yours (yours)

our (our),

your (your),

their (their)

T. p. my, my, mine,
P. p. about my, about my, about my,

Note! Possessive pronouns are often confused with demonstratives, since they also change in number, gender and case and indicate a sign. However, unlike possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns do not have the meaning of belonging, but only indicate an object. (this road, that student).

The syntactic role of possessive pronouns

In a sentence, possessive pronouns usually fulfill the syntactic role of a concordant (mine, yours, yours, ours, yours) or inconsistent (him, her, them) definitions.

Examples of: Your the pictures are beautiful. My pencils are on the table. His everyone liked the poems.

Less commonly, possessive pronouns are used as part of a compound nominal predicate.

Examples of: Forgotten things were my... The best work turned out to be our.

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The pronoun is a special class of significant words that indicate an object without naming it. To avoid tautology in speech, the speaker can use a pronoun. Examples: me, yours, who, this, everyone, the most, all, myself, mine, other, other, what, in some way, someone, something, etc.

As you can see from the examples, pronouns are most often used instead of a noun, as well as instead of an adjective, numeral or adverb.

Pronouns are characterized by division into categories according to meaning. This part of speech is name oriented. In other words, pronouns replace nouns, adjectives, and numbers. However, the peculiarity of pronouns is that, replacing names, they do not acquire their meaning. According to the established tradition, only variable words are related to pronouns. All unchangeable words are considered as pronominal adverbs.

This article will be presented by meaning and grammatical features, as well as examples of sentences in which certain pronouns are used.

Pronoun table by category

Personal pronouns

me, you, we, you, he, she, it, they

Reflexive pronoun

Possessive pronouns

my, your, our, your, your

Demonstrative pronouns

this, that, such, so much

Definitive pronouns

himself, most, all, everyone, everyone, any, different, other

Interrogative pronouns

who, what, what, who, whose, how much, what

Relative pronouns

who, what, how, what, who, whose, how much, what

Negative pronouns

nobody, nothing, no, nobody, nobody, nothing

Indefinite pronouns

someone, something, some, some, a few, some, someone, someone, something, some, some

Pronouns are divided into three categories:

  1. Pronoun nouns.
  2. Pronoun adjectives.
  3. Pronouns.

Personal pronouns

Words indicating persons and objects that are participants in a speech act are called "personal pronouns". Examples: me, you, we, you, he, she, it, they. I, you, we, you designate the participants in speech communication. The pronouns he, she, they do not participate in the speech act, they are reported to the speaker as non-participants in the speech act.

  • I know what you want to tell me. (Speech act participant, object.)
  • You must read all of the fiction on the list. (The subject to which the action is directed.)
  • We had a wonderful vacation this year! (Participants of the speech act, subjects.)
  • You played your part beautifully! (The addressee, the object to which the address is directed in the speech act.)
  • He prefers a quiet pastime. (Not a participant in the speech act.)
  • Is she definitely going to America this summer? (Not a participant in the speech act.)
  • They jumped with a parachute for the first time in their lives and were very pleased. (Not a participant in the speech act.)

Attention! The pronouns him, her, them, depending on the context, can be used both in the category of possessive and in the category of personal pronouns.


  • He was not at school today, neither at the first nor at the last lesson. - His performance in school depends on how often he will attend classes. (In the first sentence it is a personal pronoun in the genitive case, in the second sentence it is a possessive pronoun.)
  • I asked her to keep this conversation between us. - She ran, her hair flew in the wind, and the silhouette was lost and lost with every second, moving away and dissolving in the light of day.
  • They should always be asked to make the music quieter. - Their dog very often howls at night, as if yearning for some of his unbearable grief.

Reflexive pronoun

This category includes the pronoun self - it indicates the person of the object or addressee, who are identified with the actor. This function is performed by reflexive pronouns. Sample sentences:

  • I have always considered myself the happiest in the whole wide world.
  • She is constantly admiring herself.
  • He does not like to make mistakes and trusts only himself.

Can I keep this kitten with me?

Possessive pronouns

A word indicating that a person or thing belongs to another person or thing is called possessive pronoun. Example: my, yours, ours, yours, yours. Possessive pronouns indicate belonging to the speaker, interlocutor or non-participant in the act of speech.

  • My the decision is always the right one.
  • Your wishes will certainly be fulfilled.
  • Our the dog behaves very aggressively towards passers-by.
  • Is yours the choice is yours.
  • I finally got mine present!
  • Their keep your thoughts to yourself.
  • My the city misses me and I feel like I miss it.

Words like her, him, them can act as a personal pronoun in or as possessive pronoun. Sample sentences:

  • Their the car is at the entrance. - They have not been in the city for 20 years.
  • His the bag is on the chair. “He was asked to bring tea.
  • Her the house is located in the city center. “They made her the queen of the evening.

The belonging of a person (object) to a group of objects also indicates a possessive pronoun. Example:

  • Our joint trips will be remembered for a long time!

Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative is the second name that bears the demonstrative pronoun. Examples: this, that, such, so much. These words distinguish one or another object (person) from a number of other, similar objects, persons or signs. This function is performed by the demonstrative pronoun. Examples:

  • This the novel is much more interesting and informative than all those that I have read before. (Pronoun this distinguishes one object from a number of similar ones, indicates the peculiarity of this object.)

Pronoun this is also performs this function.

  • it sea, these the mountains, this is the sun will forever remain in my memory the brightest memory.

However, you should be careful with the definition of the part of speech and not confuse the demonstrative pronoun with the particle!

Compare examples of demonstrative pronouns:

  • it it was excellent! - Did you play the role of a fox in a school play? (In the first case, this is is a pronoun and fulfills a predicate. In the second case this is- the particle does not have a syntactic role in the sentence.)
  • That the house is much older and prettier than this one. (Pronoun that highlights an item, points to it.)
  • No such, no other option suited him. (Pronoun such helps you focus on one of many subjects.)
  • So many once he stepped on the same rake, and again he repeats everything again. (Pronoun so many emphasizes the repetitiveness of the action.)

Definitive pronouns

Examples of pronouns: himself, most, all, everyone, everyone, any, different, other... This category is divided into sub-categories, each of which includes the following pronouns:

1.Himself, the most- pronouns that have an excretory function. They elevate the object in question, individualize it.

  • Myself director - Alexander Yaroslavovich - was present at the party.
  • He was offered the most highly paid and prestigious job in our city.
  • The most great happiness in life is to love and be loved.
  • Itself Her Majesty condescended to praise me.

2.The whole- a pronoun that has the meaning of the breadth of coverage of the characteristics of a person, object or feature.

  • The whole the city came to watch him perform.
  • All the road passed in remorse and a desire to return home.
  • Everything the sky was covered with clouds, and not a single gap was visible.

3. Everyone, everyone, everyone- pronouns denoting freedom of choice from several objects, persons or signs (provided that they exist at all).

  • Semyon Semyonovich Laptev - a master of his craft - this is for you any will say.
  • Any a person is able to achieve what he wants, the main thing is to make efforts and not be lazy.
  • Each blade of grass, each the petal breathed life, and this desire for happiness was transmitted to me more and more.
  • Anything the word he spoke turned against him, but he did not seek to correct it.

4.Different, different- pronouns that have the meaning of not being identical to what was said earlier.

  • I chose other a path that was more accessible to me.
  • Imagine another would you do the same in my place?
  • V other once he comes home, silently, eats and goes to bed, today everything was different ...
  • The medal has two sides - another I did not notice.

Interrogative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: who, what, what, who, whose, how much, what.

Interrogative pronouns involve the question of persons, objects or phenomena, quantities. A question mark is usually placed at the end of a sentence containing an interrogative pronoun.

  • Who was that man who came to see us this morning?
  • What will you do when summer exams are over?
  • What there should be a portrait of an ideal person, and how do you imagine him?
  • Which the of these three people could know what really happened?
  • Whose is it a portfolio?
  • How much is a red dress in which did you come to school yesterday
  • Which what is your favorite season?
  • Whose child I saw yesterday in the yard?
  • How Do you think I need to go to the Faculty of International Relations?

Relative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: who, what, how, what, who, whose, how much, what.

Attention! These pronouns can act as both relative and interrogative pronouns, depending on whether they are used in a particular context. In a complex sentence (SPP), only a relative pronoun is used. Examples:

  • How Are you making a cherry-filled sponge cake? - She told how she makes a pie with cherry filling.

In the first case how - pronoun, has an interrogative function, that is, the subject enters into a question about a certain object and about the method of obtaining it. In the second case, the pronoun how used as a relative pronoun and acts as a connecting word between the first and second simple sentences.

  • Who knows in which the Volga River flows into the sea? - He did not know who this man was to him, and what could be expected of him.
  • What needs to be done in order to get a good job? - He knew what to do in order to get a high-paying job.

What- pronoun - is used both as a relative and as an interrogative pronoun, depending on the context.

  • What are we going to do tonight? - You said that today we should visit grandmother.

To accurately determine the category of pronouns, choosing between relative and interrogative, you need to remember that an interrogative pronoun in a sentence can be replaced with a verb, noun, numeral, depending on the context. You cannot replace a relative pronoun.

  • What do you want for dinner tonight? - I would like vermicelli for dinner.
  • Which do you like the color? - Do you like purple?
  • Whose is this home? - Is this my mother's house?
  • Which the on the account are you in line? - Are you eleventh in line?
  • how many do you have sweets? - Do you have six sweets?

The situation is similar with the pronoun than. Compare examples of relative pronouns:

  • What to do on the weekend? - He completely forgot what wanted to do for the weekend. (As we can see, in the second variant the pronoun how enters the category of relative and performs a connecting function between the two parts of a complex sentence.)
  • How did you get to my house yesterday? - Anna Sergeevna looked inquiringly at the boy and did not understand how he got into her house.
  • How does it feel to know that you are in trouble? - I know from myself what it is like to realize that your plans are crumbling rapidly and irrevocably.
  • How many times do I ask you not to do this anymore? - She has already lost count, which time her son brought his class teacher to tears.
  • Whose car is parked at the gate of my house? - He was at a loss, so he could not figure out whose idea it was to provoke a fight.
  • How much is this Persian kitten worth? - He was told how much a ginger Persian kitten costs.
  • Who knows in what year the Battle of Borodino took place? - Three students raised their hands: they knew in what year the battle of Borodino took place.

Some scholars suggest combining relative and interrogative pronouns into one category and calling them "interrogative-relative pronouns". Examples:

  • Who is there? - He didn't see who was here.

However, at present, it has not yet been possible to come to a general agreement, and the categories of interrogative and relative pronouns continue to exist separately from each other.

Negative pronouns

Examples of pronouns: nobody, nothing, nothing, nobody, nobody, nothing. Negative pronouns mean the absence of persons, objects, and also to denote their negative characteristics.

  • No one did not know what to expect from him.
  • Nothing he was not interested so much that he could devote his whole life to this business.
  • No debt and none money could not keep him from escaping.
  • A lonely dog ​​ran along the road, and it seemed that it never had a master, a home, and tasty food in the morning; She was draw.
  • He tried to find excuses for himself, but it turned out that everything happened on his initiative, and no one was to blame for this.
  • He was completely nothing do, so he walked slowly in the rain past the glowing shop windows and watched the oncoming traffic.

Indefinite pronouns

An indefinite pronoun is formed from interrogative or relative pronouns. Examples: someone, something, some, some, a few, some, someone, someone, something, some, some. Indefinite pronouns contain the meaning of an unknown, indefinite person or object. Also, indefinite pronouns have the meaning of intentionally hidden information that the speaker does not specifically want to communicate.

Such properties have Examples for comparison:

  • Someone's a voice rang out in the darkness, and I did not quite understand who it belonged to: a man or a beast. (The speaker has no information.) - This letter was from my no one an acquaintance who was absent from our city for a long time and was now going to come. (Deliberately withheld information from listeners.)
  • Something the incredible happened that night: the wind tore metal leaves from the trees, lightning flashed and pierced the sky through and through. (Instead of something you can substitute indefinite pronouns similar in meaning: something, something.)
  • Some of my friends consider me a strange and wonderful person: I do not strive to make a lot of money and live in a small old house on the edge of the village . (Pronoun some can be replaced with the following pronouns: some, some.)
  • Several a pair of shoes, a backpack and a tent had already been packed and were waiting for us to pack up and leave the city far, far away. (Subject does not specify the number of items, summarizes their number.)
  • Some informed me that you received the letter, but do not want to admit to uh volume.(The speaker deliberately hides all information about the face.)
  • If anyone saw this person, please report it to the police!
  • Anybody knows what Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky were talking about at the ball?
  • When will you see anything interesting, do not forget to write down your observations in a notebook.
  • Some moments in learning English remained incomprehensible to me, then I returned to the last lesson and tried to go through it again. (Intentionally hiding information by speakers.)
  • Somehow I still had money in my wallet, but I didn't remember how much. (Lack of information about the subject from the speaker.)

Grammatical categories of pronouns

Pronouns are grammatically divided into three categories:

  1. Pronoun noun.
  2. Pronoun adjective.
  3. Pronominal numeral.

TO pronouns includes such categories of pronouns as: personal, reflexive, interrogative, negative, indefinite. All these categories are similar to nouns in their grammatical properties. However, pronouns have certain characteristics that a pronoun does not. Examples:

  • I came to you . (In this case, this is the masculine gender, which we determined by the past tense verb with a zero ending). - You came to me. (Gender is determined by the end of the verb "came" - feminine,

As you can see from the example, some pronouns lack the gender category. In this case, the genus can be restored logically, based on the situation.

Other pronouns of the listed categories have a gender category, but it does not reflect the real relationship between persons and objects. For example, the pronoun who always combined with the masculine past tense.

  • Who of women first visited space?
  • Ready or not, here I come.
  • She knew who would be the next contender for her hand and heart.

The pronoun that he uses with the neuter nouns of the past tense.

  • What allowed you to do this act?
  • He did not suspect that something similar to his story could be happening somewhere.

Pronoun he has generic forms, however, the genus here acts as a classification form, and not as a nominative.

TO pronominal adjective includes demonstrative, attributive, interrogative, relative, negative, indefinite pronouns. They all answer the question which? and are likened to adjectives in their properties. They have dependent forms of number and case.

  • This tiger is the fastest in the zoo.

Pronouns are pronouns as much as a few. They are likened in meaning when combined with nouns.

  • How many books have you read this summer?
  • So many opportunities now I had!
  • My grandmother left a few hot cakes for me.

Attention! However, when combined with verbs, the pronouns how much, how much, a little are used as adverbs.

  • How much is this orange blouse worth?
  • You can only spend so much on vacation.
  • I thought a little about how to live and what to do next.

Pronoun- a part of speech that indicates a person, object or sign, but does not name them. Pronouns are divided into:

    Personal: I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they.

    Returnable: myself.

    Possessive: my, our, your, your, yours.

    Interrogative-relative: who, what, what, what, who, whose, how much.

    Indicative: this, that, such, such, so much.

    Definitive: himself, most, all (all, all, all), everyone, each, any, different.

    Negative: nobody, nothing, nothing, nobody, nobody, nobody, nothing.

    Undefined: someone, something, some, some, a few, someone, something, some, some, some and etc.

1. Personal pronouns- pronouns indicating persons who participate in speech: these are noun pronouns. A constant morphological feature for all personal pronouns is a person (I, we are the first person; you, you are the 2nd person; he (she, it, they) is the 3rd person). A constant morphological feature of personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person is the number (I, you are the singular; we, you are the plural). All personal pronouns change in cases, while not only the ending changes, but the whole word (I - me, you - you, he - his); the pronoun of the third person changes in numbers and gender (in the singular) - he, she, it, they.

2. Reflexive pronoun- a pronoun that means that an action performed by someone is directed at the actor himself. This is a noun pronoun. The reflexive pronoun has no gender, person, number or nominative; the reflexive pronoun changes in cases (yourself, yourself, yourself).

3. Possessive pronouns- indicate the attribute of an object according to its belonging: these are adjective pronouns.

Possessive pronouns change in numbers, gender (in the singular), cases (mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, etc.). When indicating belonging to a third person, the frozen forms of the genitive case of personal pronouns are used - his, her, them.

4. Interrogative pronouns- are used in interrogative sentences. Who? what? - pronouns-nouns. They have no gender, person, number; change by case (who, whom, what, what, etc.). Which? whose? which the? - pronouns-adjectives, change in numbers, gender (in the singular), cases (which, which, which, which, which, etc.). How many? - pronoun-numeral; changes in cases (how many, how many, how many, etc.). Where? when? where? where? why? and others - pronominal adverbs; unchangeable words.

5 relative pronounscoincide with interrogative - who, what, which, whose, which, where, when, how much, where, where, where, why and others, but they are used not as interrogative words, but as union words in subordinate clauses (I know how much effort he put into this assignment; I know who is to blame for our failure; I know where the money is hidden. ). The morphological and syntactic characteristics of relative pronouns are the same as for interrogative pronouns.

6. Demonstrative pronouns- these are the means of indicating certain objects, signs, quantity (with a distinction between one and the other). That, this, this, such are adjective pronouns and change in numbers, gender (in the singular), cases (that, that, that, those; such, such, such, such, etc.). So many - a pronoun-numeral; changes in cases (so many, so many, so many, etc.). There, here, here, there, here, from there, from here, then, therefore, then others - pronominal adverbs; unchangeable words.

7. Definitive pronouns- serve as a means of clarifying the subject, the feature in question. Himself, most, all, everyone, each, different, other, any - pronouns-adjectives and change in numbers, gender (in the singular), cases (everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, etc.). Everywhere, everywhere, always - pronominal adverbs; unchangeable words.

8 negative pronouns- indicate the absence of objects, signs, quantities. Negative pronouns are formed from interrogative pronouns using the prefixes not-, no-: who → nobody, how much → not at all, where → nowhere, when → never. The morphological and syntactic characteristics of negative pronouns are the same as for interrogative pronouns, from which negative pronouns are derived.

9. Indefinite pronouns- indicate vague, unknown objects, signs, quantity. Indefinite pronouns are formed from interrogative pronouns with the help of prefixes some-, some- and postfixes -this, -or, -no: someone → someone, someone, someone, someone, someone, someone; how much → several, some, some; where → somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere. The morphological and syntactic characteristics of indefinite pronouns are the same as for interrogative pronouns, from which indefinite pronouns are derived.

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Possessive pronouns in English, these are pronouns indicating the belonging of objects or persons. There are two types of possessive pronouns:

  • Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their,
  • Possessive nouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.

There are other names for these types, for example, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, in English they are called possessive determiners (possessive determiners) and possessive pronuous (possessive pronouns).

Table: Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives indicate that something belongs to a person. They refer to the so-called determiners - words that clarify the meaning.

Sample sentences:

This is my house. - This is my house.

I know your name. - I know your (your) name.

That is his dog. - This is his dog.

What is her name? - What is her name? (lit .: what is her name?)

Our town is small. - Our city is small.

He is your teacher. - He's your teacher.

This is their choice. - This is their choice.

Features of possessive pronouns

Possessive adjective pronouns have several characteristics.

1. In English, possessive pronouns are used more often than in Russian: belonging is indicated where in Russian it is only implied.

He looked at his watch. He looked at his wristwatch.

I am walking my dog. - I'm walking the dog.

2. In the English language there is no analogue of the pronoun “your”, its role is played by one of the possessive pronouns-adjectives.

He knows his trade. - He knows his craft.

I forgot my password. - I forgot mine password.

3. A possessive pronoun cannot be used with either an article or a pronoun.

  • Perhaps: 1) I walked my dog 2) I walked the \ a dog.
  • Impossible: I walked the \ a my dog.

4. Don't confuse its and it's’s

Its is the possessive pronoun "him" (in relation to an inanimate object or animal), and it’s is short for “it is”. This error, by the way, occurs among native speakers.

Table: Possessive Nouns

Possessive pronouns - nouns replace a noun in a sentence with an indication of belonging, usually this is necessary to avoid repetition.

For example:

- Is it your suitcase? - This is your suitcase.

- Yes, it's my suitcase mine. - Yes, mine.

The pronoun “mine” replaces “my suitcase”.

All possessive nouns are shown in this table:

Difference between My and Mine, Your and Yours, etc.

The difference between the two types of possessive pronouns can be misunderstood due to the fact that in Russian my and mine are translated the same way - "mine". In fact, the functions of these pronouns are completely different.

  • Pronouns-adjectives are used as qualifiers for a noun - this is their only possible role.

This is my boat. - This is my boat.

Here is your passport. - Here's your passport.

  • Pronouns-nouns are never used as qualifiers for a noun. They are used like a noun - as the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

Let me remind you that a compound nominal consists of a linking verb to be +

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