Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Birth in November zodiac sign. Born in november zodiac sign - Scorpio or Sagittarius! Scorpio has such characteristics

Birth in November zodiac sign. Born in november zodiac sign - Scorpio or Sagittarius! Scorpio has such characteristics

When planning the future of the family, you need to remember that compatibility of partners is important. When a man and a woman start dating, they don't see each other's flaws. Feelings, romance make them look at the world through rose-colored glasses. But in a marriage, the relationship may not be so harmonious if the compatibility of partners is in question. For the family to survive, it is important to take note of the recommendations of astrologers. What do they say about the compatibility of the Goat (Sheep) and the Rat?

Character traits

To determine whether people born in the years of the Goat and the Rat are suitable for each other, you need to know the features of their character.


The Goat, or as it is also called, the Sheep, is a kind, positive sign. She is a symbol of obedience... Consider the main character traits.

  • He does not like to conflict, often compromises, yields to others, strives for a peaceful life.
  • Generous nature.
  • I am grateful for everything that they do for her.
  • Often led by other people.
  • The goat is a good diplomat.
  • She does not know how to quickly make important decisions, she needs a confident and strong person next to her.
  • This is a sign of a family man who loves his home and does everything for the happiness of loved ones.
  • She is sociable.
  • The Goat woman is a creative person, loves art, draws well.


The symbol of fertility and abundance is the Rat, whose hallmarks are cunning and dexterity.

  • Loves and knows how to communicate, charming, easily rubbed into trust.
  • She always does what she needs, acts only in her own interests. He often collects information about others in order to use it later. Doesn't spare even close people.
  • It achieves its goal imperceptibly.
  • The male rat is independent, changes women, because cannot live long with one single one.


Already reading the characteristics of people born in the years of the Sheep and the Rat, one can understand that they have little compatibility, it will not be easy for them in marriage. But astrologers claim that they are drawn to each other.

Rat man, Sheep woman

If a Rat man and a Sheep woman meet, then he does not want to let go of the quivering and naive girl, with whom he has fun and is easy. They can be together for some time, but if real feelings do not appear, then the couple will break up.

Difficulties in marriage

The problem is that these signs have no common interests. Both the Sheep and the Rat need a patron who would help in difficult times, support. In addition, the Sheep is not the person that the Rat needs. Often only the Rat loves in these relationships, and the Goat uses this feeling. This is a union where a man is rich, and a woman allows her to be pampered, to indulge her whims. But his patience is not unlimited. Over time, the Rat will become annoyed by the fact that the Goat cannot be subdued, that it is flighty, flies in the clouds. It all ends in a rupture.

What to do

If you believe the horoscope, in marriage, these signs will not achieve harmony, their compatibility is zero. But life is not a set of rules. Lovers can live a long and happy life in marriage if the Rat forgets about its principles and begins to provide for the Sheep. She will be able to create comfort in the house.

Goat man, Rat woman

Having met at a party, the Rat woman and the Goat man will immediately pay attention to each other. Falling in love, flirting - all this is going well, they quickly get closer, they believe that they were made for each other. Difficulties begin in marriage when it comes to a serious relationship.

Union difficulties

It is impossible to say that the union between people born in the years of the Goat and the Rat will be successful or life in marriage will be difficult. Sometimes the Goat and the Rat form a happy family. But difficult relationships can also develop. The Goat man prefers financial independence, but he loves to spend money. It is difficult for a rat to understand the extravagance of her husband, that is, she needs stability in the money issue. But the compatibility of the couple is at risk not only because of finances.

The rat has great intuition and often gives helpful advice. The goat, adhering to selfish views, perceives this as pressure on her and a manifestation of distrust. Both signs are pessimists, they look at the world in the same way. It is difficult for them to be close to each other, in marriage. The Rat loves noisy parties, and the Goat would like to stay at home. And a little quarrel leads to a breakup.

How to solve them

To maintain a relationship, you need to support each other. People born in these years should reconsider some of their principles. If a man and a woman make an effort, the marriage will last. Compatibility is not very good, but people can be happy with each other. The goat must listen to the Rat so that the family has a wealth. The rat will be forced to become the head of the family, besides, to do all the housework. But in intimate relationships they will not have problems.

The compatibility of the Goat and the Rat always causes a storm of controversial opinions. The main reason for such disagreements is the nature of the behavior of both signs. These signs of the eastern horoscope are so different that no one can understand how they can be together. The Sheep has a more complex character. There is no room for optimism in her soul. But with the Mouse everything is exactly the opposite. People born in the year of the Rat are always open to new acquaintances, and can find a common language with any sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Goat traits

People born in the Year of the Sheep have conflicting traits. We can say that they combine incompatible things. On the one hand, they have a sense of elegance and good talents. On the other hand, they tend to be pessimistic. For this reason, even the smallest difficulties can cause them a storm of panic and confusion. A sheep quite often experiences mood swings, and it dumps all the nervous state of mind on close and dear people. It is for this reason that it is difficult for her to find a life partner.

But, as soon as she meets a person who is faced with even greater difficulties in life, she will throw all her strength into helping him. Despite her negative attitude towards life, there is still room for beauty in her soul. A sheep is not a person who longs for freedom or independence. With great pleasure she will cease to control her life and will completely trust her beloved. It is more important for her to feel completely protected and to find peace of mind. Therefore, the compatibility of the Rat and the Goat will be positive if the second gives her partner a strong shoulder.

Rat traits

Rat or Mouse can have 2 sides of character.

  1. On the one hand, she will always come to the aid of her loved ones, and with great pleasure she will share her disappointments in life with them.
  2. On the other hand, she will always find an opportunity to benefit from the people around her.
  3. In some cases, she may even use a partner to achieve her own goal.

If we consider the Rat from the outside, then it has a pleasant and attractive appearance. But, you should be more careful with her, because she tends to show aggression. Although, during the first acquaintance, you might think that she has a balanced and pleasant character.

As soon as she realizes that her plans are beginning to collapse, the "beast" wakes up in her. With its character, it resembles changeable weather. At times, the Rat can blindly trust people, making it easy to deceive. But on the other hand, sometimes she herself begins to blatantly lie, and for this she may not have good reasons.

Sheep Woman and Rat Man

Such signs of the zodiac can create a lasting union in love only if they correctly distribute their responsibilities. Between the female Goat and the male Rat, responsibilities should initially be assigned in order to avoid the intensity of passions.

Marriage compatibility

In marriage, there will be ideal compatibility only if the Mouse man earns money for living, and the Sheep woman sits at home and creates comfort. Rat man and Goat woman in a relationship can still find a compromise and make concessions to each other. But each of them should understand that speculation with such an attitude should not be. You need to thank your loved one every day for your understanding and trust. Otherwise, you can lose your husband or wife.

The Rat man and the Goat woman only in this case will be able to experience all the beauty of life. After all, people born in the year of the Sheep will never take the reins of government in marriage. It is vitally important for them to be provided for, and to mentally help their partner, to achieve their goal. But the man will feel like the head of the family, so his high self-esteem will play for the good of the relationship. These signs, surprisingly, have rather passionate sex that satisfies both partners.

Are they compatible in friendship

Friendship between these zodiac signs is simply not acceptable. The Rat man and the Goat woman will always be on the verge of conflict. They have different views on life, and their connection has the right to exist only if she mutually decides to take such a step, because both partners must work on themselves in order to find a trusting and calm relationship.

Experts are convinced that these symbols are destined to be only in friendly relations and no more - a strong friendship is not for them. They should be around as little as possible so as not to provoke conflicts.

Rat Woman and Goat Man

Guys born in the year of the Sheep live in their own "cocoon", from which they emerge only in the rarest of cases, so the question often arises of why lead the case to marriage, if the Rat girl will bear the brunt of the relationship on her fragile shoulders.

Marriage compatibility

Family compatibility has two sides. Such a union in love can bring a lot of trouble. The girl will face such a problem as a misunderstanding of the guy. She should be prepared for the fact that he will never come to her aid. As a result, this relationship will not last long.

It's another matter if a man is fully realized in life. In this case, there is a good prospect of a successful marriage, which can last a lifetime. The wife will be able to forgive such a husband for all his dreaminess and emotionality, because such people tend to look for their place in art, or a creative profession.

Compatibility horoscope: November 23 which zodiac sign is scorpio or sagittarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
  • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
  • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
  • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
  • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
  • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

This day, curious innovators are born, striving for vivid impressions and ready to sacrifice the stability of their position for the sake of knowledge. They broaden their understanding of the world by constantly learning, traveling and taking life as an amazing adventure. According to the horoscope, those born on November 23 under the zodiac sign Sagittarius want to improve the world, challenging traditions, but in their love of freedom they tend to overlook practical everyday needs. They are real researchers who try to try everything, throw themselves into adventures without hesitation, always preferring experience and practice to theory.

Representatives of this day are extraordinary personalities with a controversial but outstanding character. They love to learn and are able to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Their innovative nature actively fights stereotypes and strives for independence in their struggle. Fate is usually supportive of those born on November 23, but they often miss luck, being carried away by their cognitive activities and forgetting about the need to solve practical problems. Therefore, success in life is usually achieved by those who know how to control their desires and look at the world more realistically.

Most of the representatives of the date are rebels and rebels, striving for independence and defending freedom, but only their own. From those who are near, they demand unquestioning obedience and do not allow the manifestation of independence in anything. These unstable natures rarely follow the rules and conventions, they may be ready for a slight restriction of their self-will only for the sake of the good of the cause. At the same time, in their hearts they will quietly hate those who are higher in rank and have established these frameworks. Such people desperately strive for leadership, because they cannot be subordinate.

According to the horoscope, Sagittarius, whose birthday falls on November 23, have a good sense of humor. With its help, they skillfully manage the situation and are able to relieve any tension, even in a very tense environment. A big advantage of the representatives of the zodiac sign born on this day is their ability to laugh at themselves. Despite the tendency to eccentricity, these people in the most critical conditions know how to maintain composure. Some of them lack discipline, clear organization of affairs and harmony in relationships.

Many of those born on the twenty-third of November have enormous potential, contributing to the acquisition of stability and authority not only at work, but also in the family. Such qualities are of great importance for the spiritual growth of these people. The correct organization of life is a guarantee of their vital peace and the possibility of suppressing violent instincts.

Relationships with others.

In relations with those around them, the Sagittarius of this birthday are quite domineering and demanding natures, but they become extremely vulnerable when some painful topics for them are touched upon. Those from their inner circle who know such a weakness often use it to put some pressure on these people.

Individuals born on November 23 are extremely distrustful and in any situation try to make sure that the beliefs they accept are justified and true. They often do not have respect for the rules imposed by society. In these matters, they tend to provoke conflicts and skirmishes.

In general, they have a rather pugnacious nature, which is most pronounced in relations with those whose society they dislike. Most of them do not get along well with their parents in their youth, and this spirit of contradiction does not disappear even with age. Often they become capable of conflict-free communication only by the age of forty.

In love, Sagittarius of this date are very sublime and even enthusiastic, they can idealize their chosen one. In a relationship, they count on complete sincerity, they themselves show maximum openness and are often able to surprise a partner with straightforwardness, without thinking that you can offend or offend him with the truth. Many Sagittarius men and Sagittarius women born on this day are alien to romance and sentimentality, they do not show their feelings in public. Refusal is very painful, perceiving it as a personal insult. The ability to establish full-fledged relationships appears rather late in them, they prefer to let the development of events take their course, value freedom and do not accept haste.

A productive professional activity for birthday people of the date is a common thing, regardless of whether they work alone or in a team, supervise or are performers. They maintain neutral relations with colleagues, do not conflict, but also do not consider it appropriate to be friends at work. It is difficult to convince such people of something or to win over to their side. But they always defend their own views to the bitter end.

When choosing an occupation, individuals born on November 23 are guided by personal interest, do not listen to anyone's recommendations, and even avoid the advice of their parents. At the beginning of their working life, they can change several professions until they decide what they need. Having made the final choice, they approach their occupation very seriously, try to improve their professionalism in order to become the best in their field.

Nature endows the representatives of this date and zodiac sign with excellent physical health, but not too stable psyche. They are characterized by nervousness, self-isolation, detachment from the world. It is very difficult for these Sagittarius to maintain emotional balance. They react sharply to criticism, are touchy and vindictive, which poisons their souls and negatively affects their general well-being. The accumulation of negativity often leads to nervous disorders and psychosomatic diseases.

Life Improvement Tips

In defending your own freedom, do not demand unquestioning obedience from others. Give everyone around you the opportunity to decide their own destiny on their own. Be more disciplined, be able to clearly organize your affairs.

Try to respect the rules set by society. Do not provoke conflicts and skirmishes on this basis. Calm your pugnacious nature.

Get rid of nervousness, do not allow self-isolation and detachment from the world. Learn to maintain emotional balance. Are less sensitive to criticism, do not be touchy and vindictive. Do not accumulate negativity in yourself or get rid of it in time.

November 23 - Zodiac Sign

Those born on November 23 believe that vivid impressions and experience are much more important than stability and reliability. You strive to expand your understanding of the world through study or travel and treat life as an amazing endless adventure. Innovation is your strength, and you are not afraid to challenge established traditions to make the world a better place. However, the love of freedom and the tendency to violate the foundations sometimes blind you, and you cease to notice the practical needs of everyday life.

Born 23 november are nervous and may be subject to a complex of self-isolation and rejection. Maintaining mental and emotional balance is an extremely difficult task for them, but at the same time grateful. Those born on this day should be open to criticism, because critical arrows will always be directed at them, whether they like it or not. Their mental health will become extremely vulnerable if they do not at least occasionally restrain themselves in the endless search for a philosophical, religious and spiritual basis for life. As a rule, those born on November 23 love all kinds of earthly pleasures, especially those that they can enjoy at the table and in bed. Their diets can become completely disorganized if they succumb to the passion for high-calorie and fatty foods. Although they find it difficult to exercise regularly, they should do it whenever possible (without being too zealous, though).

Born 23 november always openly express their displeasure with various forms of power and oppression. They don't take anything for granted. This does not mean that they are organically incapable of keeping the generally accepted commandments - they just need to make sure that their faith is justified and true. If they have no respect for the rules imposed from the outside, their reaction will be either tacit, or laconic, or they will simply get by with an eloquent gesture. As a rule, such people are always inferior in arguments, but their main problem is the tendency to provoke conflicts and skirmishes. Those born on this day demonstrate an unusually pugnacious nature in dealing with those whose company they cannot stand, therefore, it is better for them, with rare exceptions, to be left alone altogether.

Zodiac sign November 23 - Sagittarius

Sign Release: Fire. Your zodiac sign is directly related to the signs of Fire, which have the following qualities: irresponsibility, logic, rudeness. Sagittarius is a cheerful and cheerful person, honest and fair, has a great thirst for personal independence.

Planet Ruler: Jupiter. It predetermines a passion for everything solid, success in learning foreign languages, an interest in what is happening far away. Jupiter's influence is ideal for university professors. The planet in exile is Mercury. Is responsible for the lack of objectivity, as well as the perception of only that information that corresponds to beliefs.

Sagittarius is born on November 23. They are extraordinary personalities, with an enviable set of conflicting qualities. Sagittarians, born on November 23rd, strive to expand their understanding of the world through cognition. They love and know how to learn. But at the same time, theory is always preferred to practice. In fact, for Sagittarius, profile master classes and courses are much more interesting than standard university lectures. Representatives of the sign tend to trample on the foundations. They can actively fight stereotypes. Sagittarius are freedom-loving personalities. They tend to fight alone against traditions and customs.

Born 23 november usually firmly believe in the principle of "live yourself and let others live", but if you piss them off, the consequences can be unpredictable, and sometimes even startling in their cruelty. At the same time, they are extremely vulnerable when it comes to certain topics that others, unfortunately, often use as leverage. Most of those born on Disrespectful Day experience significant friction with at least one parent in their youth. The spirit of contradiction inherent in their childhood years usually does not disappear in adulthood. Often they manage to reprogram themselves for conflict-free communication only by the age of forty or fifty. The death of a parent with whom it has never been possible to reconcile or achieve full understanding can have a devastating effect on these people. Therefore, those of them who have not yet fully settled conflicts with their elders should hurry, not postponing the solution of this most important problem until tomorrow.

Born 23 november usually have a quick reaction and a good sense of humor. If they do not have a sense of humor, then it must be developed, since it helps to relieve tension in many explosive situations. When those born on this day can laugh at themselves, they will take a step forward in their evolution. Usually they begin to think about the spiritual in one form or another only after thirty years, but they come to the final conclusions even after ten or twelve years.

Born 23 november should resort to meditation in order to finally free themselves from the most negative personality traits. Paradoxical as it may seem, they have a truly enormous potential to acquire stability and even authority. For the spiritual growth of those born on November 23, consistency in work and family life is extremely important. The correct organization of life contributes to the acquisition of peace of mind and the suppression of wild instincts. At the same time, in order to achieve higher goals, they still need to be intransigent - otherwise they may stop developing and stagnate.

Sagittarius male - born on November 23

Men born on November 23 can boast of the following qualities: such a gentleman is enthusiastic, straightforward, expansive, reliable, successful. Sagittarius men are sociable, open and spontaneous. They love new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate boredom and banality. Men born under this sign tend to be great speakers, they love to tell stories and be the center of attention. Sagittarius are the darlings of fate, any undertaking is given to them easily and effortlessly. They often take risks, but, as a rule, this risk is justified and brings good dividends.

Sagittarius woman - born on November 23

Women born on November 23 are characterized by such differences of nature: such a lady is philosophizing, optimistic, respecting traditions, natural. The Sagittarius woman is an independent, strong and domineering person. She does not follow the lead of others, lives by her own rules and does not depend on the opinions of others. She is creative and multifaceted, easily captivates others with her ideas and inspires them to accomplishments. Such women are accustomed to being leaders in both profession and in relationships. They do not tolerate control and strive for freedom.

Birthday November 23

Nothing is taken for granted - so, in one sentence you can characterize the Sagittarius zodiac sign born on November 23. Individuals with a complex character and a difficult disposition, they need to check everything themselves. The natures are expressive and rather harsh in their statements, they will not be pretentious or shy, but they will immediately express to your face everything that is boiling. These people will never break under the yoke of society, because they are endowed with an iron character. Their zeal and will to win inspire respect and admiration. These qualities help them achieve everything on their own.

Even from adolescence, persons celebrating the birth of the zodiac sign Sagittarius on November 23, show their character. They rebel, they contradict the established dogmas and rules. There is no limit to their willfulness when they are eager to prove something to the world. They vividly demonstrate the age-old conflict between parents and children. Their intransigence and desire to persist against the older generation subsides only when they grow up themselves. A sense of tact is not inherent in the 23 november born Sagittarius zodiac sign. They are intolerant, impulsive. In addition, they never hold back their emotions, and if they do not like you, they will openly demonstrate their hostility and antipathy. Astrologers advise such unrestrained personalities either to significantly reduce communication with others, or to learn to control oneself.

These people are patronized by the constellation Sagittarius from birth, which automatically makes you an extraordinary person. As a rule, others do not understand you, because you have your own view of the world. Moreover, your intelligence and the way you express yourself are incomprehensible to many. You hate the mundane and prosaic. You always have your own special approach to solving problems. This and make you unique. The complex nature of those born on November 23, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, dooms them to loneliness and asceticism. After all, the Sagittarius of this day are trying to contradict everyone, they enjoy life in opposition. It will be very difficult for them through their stubbornness. Indeed, some situations could be easily avoided if it were not for the desire of these people to prove their case everywhere.

People who were born on November 23, the Sagittarius zodiac sign live with an eternally dissatisfied character. Moreover, they never hold back their impulses. Their excessive directness and desire to speak out is perceived by others as bad manners and tactlessness. “Don't feed such people with bread, as they say,” just let them start a dispute or a grandiose scandal. But despite the fact that these Sagittarius adore plotting various kinds of provocations, in the end it all turns against them. When they get into conflict, they give up very quickly.

The only thing that improves their situation in the event of an argument is a great sense of humor. The ability to joke helps people of this day out of conflicts, which, as a rule, they themselves start. With their extraordinary humor and funny remarks, they win people over to themselves. Any ice can melt Sagittarius if desired, and once their enemies turn into allies. Therefore, those born on November 23 zodiac sign Sagittarius, it is necessary to develop this skill in oneself. And most importantly, try to look with humor at all the imperfections of the world.

Love and Compatibility

In the realm of emotions, you show yourself from an unexpected side. You love to flirt, go to parties, and romantic hobbies seem more attractive to you than a long-term lasting union. Love is a great experience, but you need freedom, so loyalty and loyalty are not among your virtues.

Leo and Aries are the most suitable pair for the Sagittarius sign. They will be able to coexist on equal terms, without suppressing each other's freedom. In such unions there is no place for jealousy, together they form a strong tandem, inspiring each other to new achievements. With Pisces and Virgos, Sagittarius can show their leadership qualities by playing first fiddle in a relationship. Scorpios find it difficult to get along with Sagittarius because of their desire to always be the best in everything. And Libra will not be able to understand the constant desire of Sagittarius for change and craving for adventure, so such a relationship is likely not to be harmonious.

Work and Career

For those born on November 23, reliability and stability in life are far from being in the first place. Experience is much more important, whatever it may be, vivid impressions. Such people are born explorers. They tend to try whatever they can. It doesn't always end well. For a person born on November 23, the most important thing in life is knowledge. Such a person thirsts for adventure, without hesitation rushes into adventures. A strong personality trait for those born on November 23rd is innovation. A person who is not afraid to challenge traditions and foundations can achieve great success in life.

Sagittarius can work productively both independently and in a team. Representatives of the sign are kind of employees. They are not inclined to take anything for granted. Such people are difficult to win over to your side. Often in the team, Sagittarius adheres to a neutral position. If the dispute concerns him personally, he will defend his interests to the bitter end.

Health and Disease

Sagittarius tend to be nervous. Typical for them is also a complex of self-isolation, detachment from society. The process of maintaining emotional, psychological balance is very difficult for the representatives of the sign. They are extraordinary, but extremely unstable personalities. Sagittarius react sharply to criticism, even constructive and tactful. They are touchy, can be vindictive. Such emotions poison the soul. Their accumulation can cause psychological problems, including depression.

Fate and Fortune

On this day, strong-willed people with a complex character are born. They are mobile, active, prone to reckless actions, sometimes aggressive. They have original, non-standard thinking, in connection with which those around them are often not taken seriously, they are considered strange and do not understand. This causes them resentment and leads to isolation and alienation. They find it difficult to get along with people, are prone to suspicion and caution in relationships. Their life is like an intense struggle for survival. There will be ups and downs in the financial sector.

Sagittarius, born on November 23rd, is a fighter by nature. He tends to provoke conflicts. Fights may not necessarily be physical. The thirst for victory over an opponent often overshadows the mind of Sagittarius. It is necessary to learn to argue soberly. Manage your reactions. Don't let others push the levers of your mood. Develop objectivity - take a step back and look at yourself from the outside. Never stop growing.

Horoscope by Date of Birth

November what sign of the zodiac, 22 and 23 November what sign of the zodiac - calculate by date of birth online for free. Ophiuchus.

November what zodiac sign? To find out which zodiac sign is in November, you can use a free online service, and calculate under which zodiac sign a person was born in November of a certain year. The beginning of the month November corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, the middle also, and the end of November corresponds to the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Now consider November 22 and 23 what sign of the zodiac may be. The transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius may vary slightly from year to year. The sun passes into the zodiac sign from Scorpio to Sagittarius on November 22 or 23, which also depends on the place of birth. And in order to find out what zodiac sign a person born on November 22 or 23, it is very important to know the time of birth. To find out everything about a person born in November, you can calculate for free who he is by horoscope, i.e. his Sun zodiac sign (in which zodiac sign is the Sun in his birth chart):

To understand the needs of the soul of a person born in November, calculate what sign of the zodiac the moon was in:

To find out how much energy, strength and endurance a person born in November has, calculate Mars in the zodiac sign at the time of his birth:

In order to understand what kind of person was born in November in a relationship, whether he knows how to love and what needs he has in the sphere of feelings, calculate Venus in the signs of the zodiac

To find out what kind of mindset a person born in November has, calculate Mercury in the zodiac sign

To understand if a person born in November is lucky, calculate Jupiter in the zodiac sign

All online services are free, no SMS and no registration.

After going through all these online services, you will learn a lot of new and interesting about a person who was born in November on any day of this month, including November 22 and 23... To do this, follow the links for calculating the planets and enter the birth data: date, time and place of birth. The time of birth is very important in the service for calculating the moon, because The moon moves faster than other planets and changes its zodiac sign every 2.5 days. Also, the time of birth of a person will be important if he was born on the border of the transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius, i.e. November 22 or 23.

Also now often mentioned 13 zodiac sign Ophiuchus... The fact is that such a zodiac sign does not exist, but the influence of the constellation Ophiuchus on people born in the transition from the zodiac sign of Scorpio to the sign of Sagittarius is. The constellation Ophiuchus is located from 23 degrees of the zodiac sign Scorpio to 7 degrees of the zodiac sign Sagittarius inclusive. people born from November 14 to November 29 can feel the influence of Ophiuchus precisely through the Sun in their birth chart. But even if any personal planet (Moon, Mars, Venus or Mercury), and not just the Sun, falls into a given interval of the zodiac, then the person will somehow be related to the symbolism of Ophiuchus. Asclepius is the symbol of the constellation Ophiuchus.- a doctor who could heal and even raise from the dead. And if this constellation participates in a person's birth chart (personal planets are located on this site of Ophiuchus), then such a person in a past life, most likely, was related either to medicine or to magic. In this life, he may have a gift for healing or magical abilities, or he may engage in some kind of cleansing or transforming practices, in some way a person will be able to help other people, or perhaps he will simply choose the profession of a doctor, the field of medicine.

Everything in the world is interconnected. The signs of the zodiac, which are tied to a specific season and month, are no exception. November presents amazing characters to the world. Zodiac signs born at the beginning of this rainy month are Scorpio. Like the weather itself at this time, the symbol appears to the world uncompromising and cold.

general characteristics

November is the time when the harvest has long been harvested. It's time to sum up and analyze the past year. Wise and thoughtful Scorpios are born at this time. The sign has remarkable analytical skills. He is able to get to the bottom of events as accurately as if he knew some secret of the universe.

However, most likely, he really knows it, since no other sign is distinguished by such a mystical and mysterious filling.

Scorpio is under the auspices of the element of Water. She endows representatives with qualities that fully characterize the features of the element:

  • emotionality;
  • susceptibility;
  • the ability to compassion;
  • vulnerability;
  • daydreaming.

In addition to the element of Water, Scorpio is patronized by the planet Pluto. This is the most unknown and controversial heavenly body. In astrology, Pluto personifies rebirth. Death and rebirth are in his power.

Like the patron planet, Scorpio resembles the Phoenix bird. He is now and then burnt in trouble, after which he is reborn from the ashes. At the same time, the sign is more loyal to women. But men, as a rule, he tests the strength of his whole life. Even small accomplishments are given to them with great difficulty.

The Release of Water endowed Scorpio with a subtle mental organization and increased emotionality. At the same time, Pluto makes his pet secretive and silent. As a result, the sign appears in front of the world as a person deepened into itself. Hurricanes are raging in his soul, but outsiders will not know about it.

All the powerful energy of Scorpio is directed to his inner world. He ponders, analyzes, worries, but rarely expresses his feelings. It is a dark pond, the waters of which are never clear or calm.

Description of water Scorpio

The exciting and emotional element of Water is exactly described by those born in November. According to the horoscope, what sign do astrologers consider to be the strongest element of Water, if not Scorpio. He is extremely strong and resilient. Any difficulties only temper his powerful disposition, although in a fit of emotion, the sign may well fall into a short-lived apathy.

Foundation of disposition

Like any other sign, Scorpio is woven from several basic traits that move him along the path of life. All these qualities add up an amazing pattern of the temperament of the sign.

Scorpio has the following characteristics:

  • Passion. The sign loves to go to extremes, so any business either captures him headlong, or is generally indifferent to him. There are no halftones for a sign.
  • Rage. His inner energy is extremely strong. There is also poison in it. Scorpio does not forgive anyone, because his mental wounds never heal. For the slightest offense, he is ready to take revenge even years later.
  • Self-control. With age, most representatives of the sign somewhat pacify their hot temper. Scorpio learns self-control from his own mistakes. This is how Pluto manifests itself, thirsting for new knowledge and improvement.

The sign has a pronounced ego. His opinion of himself is strong and unshakable. No amount of criticism or flattery will make him doubt his own abilities. He is firm in judgment and decisive in actions.

Scorpio's reactions are always minimal. His restraint is visible in his behavior, manner of speaking and moving. He simply does not want to waste valuable energy on the world around him. However, his emotions are always sincere. If the sign speaks, then it is true. If he smiles, then only truthfully.

Society and friendship

In communication, Scorpio also adheres to minimalism. As a rule, he has few friends: a couple of good acquaintances who have long been tested by time. He doesn't care about the rest. He is self-sufficient and does not need a team.

Part of the reason for the hermit's lifestyle lies in the straightforwardness of the sign. He will never be silent if he knows some truth. His comments always look like caustic remarks, because he is not used to embellishing reality. As a result of this straightforwardness, only the strongest and most sincere characters remain with Scorpio. Lovers of sweet lies and flattery simply do not pass this casting.

Scorpio, a lover of extremes, often attracts either loyal admirers or ardent enemies. But both of them will have respect for him.

Love and relationships

Outwardly, the representatives of the sign look cold and indifferent. But on closer inspection, Scorpio doesn't seem so distant. This is a loyal friend and a reliable soul mate. The love of the sign is sincere, like a tear of a baby. But in interpersonal relationships of this kind, he acts as a rather difficult partner.

Born to be a loner Scorpio carries the banner of the egocentric in love... He is focused on himself and his feelings. He is not indifferent to the half, but one should not expect a complete dedication to her interests.

In a couple, he prefers to lead, although he can agree to equality if he meets a worthy partner. By the way, he often falls in love with the strong in spirit, since he simply despises the weak.

The initiative in a relationship usually comes from Scorpio. In love, he is a predator and needs prey. Moreover, the more inaccessible the object of his adoration is, the more heat will kindle his feelings.

In love, he is gentle and caring. The venomous shell and caustic character remain on the shelf when the Scorpio is in the arms of a loved one. Feeling loved, the sign is transformed beyond recognition. At the same time, he deftly sneaks into the soul of his partner, himself remaining a secret behind seven locks.

Scorpio prefers to throw out unspent energy in intimate affairs. This sign is passionate and sexy. Feels real depression when it is impossible to love and receive love. At the same time, its manner of expressing feelings depends on the internal state of the sign. Weak and unfulfilled Scorpios gravitate towards violence and rude domination. The strong in spirit prefer competent equality.

Influence of the decade

As with any constellation, Scorpio's time is divided into three equal parts. Occupies this zodiac sign October, November. Scorpio reigns from October 24 and lasts until November 22:

  1. First decade: October 24 - November 2.
  2. Second: November 3-12.
  3. Third: November 13-22.

Clean representative of the sign

Representatives of the first decade are the purest Scorpions. They do not have the features of their natural neighbors.

This Scorpio saves his emotions more than others. Silent and restrained. Knows his own worth. Demanding to himself and others. Passion drives him in everything. If the business really captures him, he is ready to improve for days in order to achieve a result.

Independent. Can work in a team, but prefers to lead rather than obey. He is partial to power and longs for self-respect. At the same time, he does not pay attention to the opinions of others, guided by his own feelings.

Scorpios are competitive and are ready to compete in everything. They remember the offense for a long time and are able to relive it again, only remembering the unpleasant event.

At the same time, the representative of the first decade is gentle and attentive in relationships. The sign never directs its poison to loved ones. He is careful in words and deeds. In love, he prefers to dominate. Able to take responsibility for a soul mate. His love is all-consuming, tries to completely possess the chosen one.

The strong point of the sign is sharp intelligence. He knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations, plunging into his favorite analysis and search for truth.

Manifestation of Pisces features

Scorpio of the second decade contains the features of his sign, as well as some of the habits of Pisces. This person has a pronounced creativity. He is dreamy, but, unlike real Pisces, he clearly distinguishes between dreams and reality.

Intellectual. This Scorpio is interested in art, music and has many talents himself. Well-read and erudite. He has a lively and active mind, with the help of which he generates unusual ideas and plans.

Persistent and active. Loyal to his ideas and able to lay his bones in order to achieve what he wants. Unshakable. On the way to the goal, he cleverly bypasses obstacles and avoids clashes of interests. Of all Scorpios, the least conflicted.

Pisces taught this character to subtly feel those around him. But, unlike the owner of fins, he knows how to protect himself from other people's experiences.

Independent and prefers to control his own destiny. He is skeptical about the rules adopted in society. Doesn't like to depend on someone.

Pisces brought tenderness to the character of this sign. and a quivering sensation of love. Scorpio of the second decade is devoted to the half and seeks to share all her experiences with her. Often unpredictable, because it is guided by the voice of the heart. Often, his actions are incomprehensible to others.

His vindictiveness is somewhat leveled under the influence of Pisces. He is still keenly aware of the experience, but he is more inclined to accumulate resentment than to rush at the offender with his fists. Primal rage can only awaken an offense inflicted on his loved ones. The anger of the sign will be terrible.

Under the influence of Cancer

Undoubtedly, the most amazing personalities are brought to light by the end of November. This person's zodiac sign is Scorpio-Cancer. The elemental neighbor endowed the stinging sign with incredible determination. He is still sensitive, but already knows how to control his emotions from an early age.

Knows exactly what he wants. He achieves goals stubbornly, like a Sagittarius born in December. At the same time, he still loves to analyze and reflect. Until middle age, he forms his own philosophy, which he follows throughout his life.

Interested in politics and history. He himself is a strategist and tactician, like his favorite historical figures.

Cancer endowed this character with heightened expressiveness. The stinger carrier may ignite out of the blue. Its edge is always ready. Especially such hot temper is characteristic of women, because in a beautiful field, a feminine Cancer manifests itself very brightly and emotionally..

An adventurer and a risky person. Able to instantly decide on a dubious deal and cooperation, having an excellent flair for human feelings.

The complexities of his character lead to a long search for a half. In relations with the opposite sex, he acts as an idealist. Does not forgive mistakes and does not tolerate halftones. The representative of the third decade is either selflessly in love or fiercely hates. Very jealous. But it is exemplary faithful and crystal truth.

Astrologers believe that most Scorpios are great people. Those born in November, as well as at the end of October, are the strongest personalities, and it would be worthwhile for many representatives of the horoscope to learn the power from them.

Attention, only TODAY!

On October 24, the Sun enters the constellation Scorpio and "stays" there until November 22. This is a strong fixed sign under the influence of the element of Water.

Those born in November in the sign of the zodiac Scorpio enter life with the look of a boxer rising into the ring. It is in the struggle that people of this sign develop their will, endurance and stamina.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign of November - a characteristic of Scorpio

Those who were born in the zodiac sign of Scorpio in the month of November, individualists, constantly strive for, someone else's opinion does not matter to them. Outwardly, they are serious, silent, collected, internally, while the personality is emotionally explosive, passionate - this is the zodiac sign that reigns in November.

It can be argued that this is the most secretive sign of the entire zodiac. Its representatives have magnetism, attractiveness, very developed intuition. People of the zodiac sign born in November are able to see what others do not see.

For all their ostentatious rigidity and inaccessibility, these people are extremely sensitive, touchy and vulnerable. This is true for all signs of Water. It is believed that the signs of the zodiac born in the month of November are extremely vindictive, although this statement is not entirely correct. They are not so much vindictive as vindictive and take into account the mistakes of others with these people. They are ironic, sharp-tongued, merciless to enemies. They rarely attack first, but, responding with blow for blow, they exceed the limits of permissible defense.

Zodiac sign of November - horoscope of professions

The representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio, whose birthday is in the month of November, are given many talents, but how these people can use their extraordinary abilities depends on their level of self-reflection.

When choosing a profession, those born in November in the zodiac sign Scorpio give preference to those spheres of activity where individual efforts, decisive, independent actions and the ability to take responsibility (firefighter, surgeon) are important. Occasionally, they choose professions associated with risk, such as, for example, the profession of a rescuer or an investigator.

A deep understanding of the transcendence of the most complex shades of feelings, the ability to perceive and interpret them, the ability to unravel webs of reflections, strange concepts give a person born in November the opportunity to achieve success in the field of psychology and literature, helping to create new forms, new genre trends.

Born in November under the Scorpio zodiac sign in love

In love and relationships, personalities born in the month of November under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio are passionate, very jealous, incredibly demanding and persistent. They do not recognize semitones, calm love for them is not love at all, relationships are always on the brink, they love and hate with all their hearts, and from one state of mind to another is one step for them.

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