Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Russian-Japanese War 1904 1905 by. Reasons for the beginning and defeat of the Russo-Japanese War: briefly. Causes of the Russo-Japanese War

Russian-Japanese War 1904 1905 by. Reasons for the beginning and defeat of the Russo-Japanese War: briefly. Causes of the Russo-Japanese War

Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 - one of the main events of the reign of Nicholas II. This war, unfortunately, ended in the defeat of Russia. This article summarizes the reasons, the main events of the Russo-Japanese War and its results.

In 1904-1905. Russia waged an unnecessary war with Japan, which ended in defeat due to command errors and underestimation of the enemy. The main battle is the defense of Port Arthur. The war ended with the Peace of Portsmouth, according to which Russia lost the southern half of Fr. Sakhalin. The war aggravated the revolutionary situation in the country.

Causes of the war

Nicholas II understood that further advancement of Russia in Europe or Central Asia was impossible. The Crimean War limited further expansion in Europe, and after the conquest of the Central Asian khanates (Khiva, Bukhara, Kokand), Russia reached the borders of Persia and Afghanistan, which were in the sphere of influence of the British Empire. Therefore, the king decided to focus on the Far Eastern direction of foreign policy. Relations between Russia and China were developing successfully: with the permission of China, the Chinese Eastern Railway (Chinese-Eastern Railway) was built, connecting the lands from Transbaikalia to Vladivostok.

In 1898, Russia and China signed an agreement, according to which the fortress of Port Arthur and the Liaodong Peninsula were transferred to Russia for 25 years on the basis of a free lease. In the Far East, Russia met with a new adversary - Japan. This country underwent rapid modernization (Meiji reforms) and was now tune in to an aggressive foreign policy.

The main reasons for the Russo-Japanese War are:

  1. The struggle between Russia and Japan for dominance in the Far East.
  2. The Japanese were outraged by the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway, as well as the growing economic influence of Russia in Manchuria.
  3. Both powers sought to bring China and Korea into their sphere of influence.
  4. Japanese foreign policy bore a pronounced imperialist tone, the Japanese dreamed of establishing their dominance in the entire Pacific region (the so-called "Great Japan").
  5. Russia was preparing for war not only because of foreign policy goals. There were internal problems in the country, from which the government wanted to distract the people by organizing a "small victorious war." This name was invented by the Minister of the Interior Plehve. It means that, having defeated a weak adversary, the people's confidence in the king will increase and the contradictions in society will weaken.

Unfortunately, these expectations did not come true at all. Russia was not ready for war. Only Count S.Yu. Witte opposed the coming war, proposing peaceful economic development of the Far Eastern part of the Russian Empire.

Chronology of the war. The course of events and their description

The war began with an unexpected Japanese attack on the Russian fleet on the night of January 26-27, 1904. On the same day, an unequal and heroic battle took place in the Korean Bay of Chemulpo between the cruiser Varyag, commanded by V.F. Rudnev, and the gunboat "Koreets" against the Japanese. The ships were blown up so as not to get to the enemy. However, the Japanese managed to gain naval superiority, which allowed them to subsequently transfer troops to the continent.

From the very beginning of the war, the main problem for Russia was revealed - the inability to quickly transfer new forces to the front. The population of the Russian Empire was 3.5 times that of Japan, but it was concentrated in the European part of the country. The Trans-Siberian Railway, built shortly before the war, could not ensure the timely dispatch of fresh forces to the Far East. It was much easier for the Japanese to replenish the army, so they had a superior numerical strength.

Already in February-April 1904... the Japanese landed on the continent and began to push the Russian troops.

31.03.1904 a terrible tragedy, fatal for Russia and the further course of the war, happened - Admiral Makarov, a talented, outstanding naval commander who commanded the Pacific squadron, died. On the flagship Petropavlovsk, he was blown up by a mine. Together with Makarov and "Petropavlovsk" V.V. Vereshchagin is a famous Russian battle painter, author of the famous painting "The Apotheosis of War".

V May 1904... General A.N. Kuropatkin takes command of the army. This general made many fatal mistakes, and all his military actions were characterized by indecision and constant hesitation. The outcome of the war would have been completely different if this mediocre commander had not been at the head of the army. Kuropatkin's mistakes led to the fact that the most important fortress in the region, Port Arthur, was cut off from the rest of the army.

V May 1904... the central episode of the Russian-Japanese war begins - the siege of Port Arthur. Russian troops heroically defended this fortress from the superior forces of Japanese troops for 157 days.

Initially, the defense was led by the talented general R.I. Kondratenko. He took competent actions, and inspired the soldiers with his personal courage and valor. Unfortunately, he died in the beginning December 1904., and his place was taken by General A.M. Stoessel, who shamefully surrendered Port Arthur to the Japanese. Stoessel more than once during the war was noted for similar "exploits": before the surrender of Port Arthur, which could still fight the enemy, he surrendered the port of Dalny, without offering any resistance. From Far the Japanese supplied the rest of the army. Surprisingly, Stoessel was not even convicted.

V August 1904... the battle of Liaoyang took place, in which the Russian troops led by Kuropatkin were defeated, and then retreated to Mukden. In October of the same year, an unsuccessful battle took place on the river. Shahe.

V February 1905... Russian troops were defeated at Mukden. It was a large, difficult and very bloody battle: both troops suffered huge losses, our troops managed to retreat in perfect order, and the Japanese finally exhausted their offensive potential.

V May 1905 the last battle of the Russo-Japanese War took place: the Battle of Tsushima. The second Pacific squadron, led by Admiral Rozhdestvensky, was defeated at Tsushima. The squadron has come a long way: it left the Baltic Sea, rounded the whole of Europe and Africa.

Each defeat painfully affected the state of Russian society. If at the beginning of the war there was a general patriotic upsurge, then with each new defeat, confidence in the tsar fell. Moreover, 09.01.1905 the First Russian Revolution began, and Nicholas II needed an immediate peace and an end to hostilities in order to suppress the uprisings inside Russia.

08/23/1905... in the city of Portsmouth (USA) a peace treaty was concluded.

Portsmouth world

After the Tsushima disaster, it became obvious that peace must be made. Count S.Yu. Witte. Nicholas II insistently demanded that Witte adamantly defend Russia's interests in the negotiations. The tsar wanted Russia not to make any territorial or material concessions under the peace treaty. But Count Witte realized that he would still have to concede. Moreover, shortly before the end of the war, the Japanese occupied Sakhalin Island.

The Portsmouth Peace Treaty was signed on the following terms:

  1. Russia recognized Korea in the Japanese sphere of influence.
  2. The fortress of Port Arthur and the Liaodong Peninsula were ceded to the Japanese.
  3. Japan occupied southern Sakhalin. The Kuril Islands were left to Japan.
  4. The Japanese were granted the right to fish on the shores of the Okhotsk, Japanese and Bering Seas.

It is worth saying that Witte was able to conclude a peace agreement on fairly lenient conditions. The Japanese did not receive a penny of indemnity, and the concession of half of Sakhalin was of little significance to Russia: at that time this island was not actively developed. A remarkable fact: for this territorial concession S.Yu. Witte was nicknamed "Count Polusakhalinsky".

Reasons for Russia's defeat

The main reasons for the defeat were:

  1. Underestimating the enemy. The government was in the mood for a "small victorious war" that would end in a quick and triumphant victory. However, this did not happen.
  2. Support for Japan by the United States and England. These countries supported Japan financially and also supplied her with weapons.
  3. Russia was not ready for war: not enough troops were concentrated in the Far East, and the transfer of soldiers from the European part of the country was long and difficult.
  4. The Japanese side had a definite superiority in military-technical equipment.
  5. Command errors. Suffice it to recall Kuropatkin's indecision and vacillations, as well as Stoessel, who betrayed Russia by surrendering Port Arthur to the Japanese, who could still defend himself.

These points determined the loss of the war.

The results of the war and its significance

The Russo-Japanese War has the following results:

  1. Russia's defeat in the war, first of all, "added fuel" to the fire of the revolution. The people saw in this defeat the inability of the autocracy to govern the country. It did not work to arrange a "small victorious war". Confidence in Nicholas II dropped significantly.
  2. Russia's influence in the Far Eastern region has weakened. This led to the fact that Nicholas II decided to shift the vector of Russian foreign policy to the European direction. After this defeat, tsarist Russia no longer accepted any operations to strengthen its political influence in the Far East. In Europe, Russia took part in the First World War.
  3. The unsuccessful Russo-Japanese War led to instability within Russia itself. The influence of the most radical and revolutionary parties increased, giving a critical description of the autocratic government, accusing it of inability to lead the country.
Event Participants Meaning
Japanese attack on the Russian fleet on 26-27.01.1904. Fight at ChemulpoV.F. Rudnev.The Japanese achieved naval superiority, despite the heroic resistance of the Russian fleet.
The death of the Russian fleet 03/31/1904S.O. Makarov.The death of a talented Russian naval commander and a strong squadron.
May-December 1904 - Defense of Port Arthur.R. I. Kondratenko, A. M. Stoessel.Port Arthur was taken after a long and bloody struggle
August 1904 - Battle of Liaoyang.A.N. Kuropatkin.The defeat of the Russian troops.
October 1904 - battle at the river. Shahe.A.N. Kuropatkin.The defeat of the Russian troops and their retreat to Mukden.
February 1905 - Battle of Mukden.A.N. Kuropatkin.Despite the defeat of our soldiers, the Japanese have exhausted their offensive potential.
May 1905 - Battle of Tsushima.Z.P. Rozhdestvensky.Last battle in the war: After this defeat, the Peace of Portsmouth was concluded.

The main events of the RUSSIAN-JAPANESE War of 1904-1905 January 26 - 27, 1904 March 31, 1904 February 1904 April 1904 July 17, 1904 July 28, 1904 August 1904 August 11 - 21, 1904 September - October 1904 October 1904 December 20, 1904 February 1905 February 25, 1905 May 14 - 15, 1905 June 1905 August 23, 1905 A surprise attack by Japanese destroyers on a Russian squadron on the outer roadstead of Port Arthur. Mine approaches to the port → The Russian fleet cannot influence the course of hostilities. Two Russian ships (the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets") opposed 15 enemy warships near the port of Chemulpo (Korea). In an unequal battle, the commander of the cruiser V.F. Rudnev ordered to leave the ship; "Varyag" was sunk, and "Korean" was blown up. The flagship battleship "Petropavlovsk" ran into a mine in battle: Vice-Admiral S.O. Makarov, his headquarters (281 people) and V.V. Vereshchagin A series of defeats of the Russian army in unequal battles near the town of Turenchen → rus. troops retreated to Laoliang. Japan captured the port of Dalny (Liaodong Peninsula) - a bridgehead for operations against Port Arthur. The Japanese siege of Port Arthur. Rus. the military base was defended for 7 months under the leadership of General R.I. Kondratenko, having withstood 4 assaults The Russian fleet, which tried to break through to Vladivostok, is defeated. Japan struck a forced attack on Port Arthur, but met stubborn resistance → the end of the assault, the siege of the fortress. Liaoyang battle: three Japanese armies attacked Rus. positions, but faced fierce resistance and suffered heavy losses. Commander of the Manchurian Army A.N. Kuropatkin, reinsured, decided to retreat north to Mukden. Battles on the Shakh River (heavy losses on both sides) an attempt by the ground army to help the besieged Port Arthur → The battle on the Shakh River ended unsuccessfully The 2nd Pacific Squadron left the Baltic port of Libava under the command of Admiral Z.P. Rozhdestvensky to the rescue of Port Arthur (she had to go around Africa) Capitulation of Port Arthur (General A.M.Stessel surrendered, despite the decision of the Fortress Defense Council to continue resistance) Fighting near Mukden → threat of complete encirclement Rus. army → order (February 22) Kuropatkin's immediate encirclement The Japanese occupied the Mukden Tsushima battle: the Japanese fleet, which had superiority in forces, artillery and speed, defeated the 2nd Pacific Squadron Landing of two Japanese divisions on about. Sakhalin → unequal struggle of militias from hard labor lasted for two months Portsmouth m / d (mediated by US President T. Roosevelt; Portsmouth - USA; head of Russian delegation - S.Yu. Witte): - loss of Port Arthur and the southern part of Sakhalin Island; - the evacuation of the troops of both countries from Manchuria; - Russia's refusal of claims; - the right to fish along the Russian coast.

Many serious works and no less frivolous fiction have been written about the Russian-Japanese battles. However, even today, more than a century later, researchers argue: what was the main reason for the shameful and fatal defeat of Russia? Complete unpreparedness of a huge, disorganized empire for decisive military operations, or mediocrity of the generals? Or maybe politicians' miscalculations?

Zheltorussia: a failed project

In 1896, the current state councilor, Alexander Bezobrazov, presented the emperor with a report in which he proposed colonizing China, Korea and Mongolia. The Zheltorosiya project sparked a lively debate in court circles ... And a nervous resonance in Japan, which, in need of resources, claimed dominance in the Pacific region. Britain played the role of catalyst in the conflict, not wanting Russia to turn into a gigantic colonial power. The diplomats recalled that all the Russian-Japanese negotiations that took place on the eve of the war were attended by the British - advisers and consultants to the Japanese side.

Nevertheless, Russia was consolidated on the east coast: the governorship of the Far East was established, Russian troops occupied part of Manchuria, resettlement to Harbin and the fortification of Port Arthur, which was called the gateway to Beijing, began ... Moreover, preparations for the incorporation of Korea into the Russian empire. The latter became the notorious drop that overflowed the Japanese cup.

A minute before the attack

Actually, the war in Russia was expected. Both the "obrazovskoy clique" (as they called those who financially supported Mr. Bezobrazov's projects) and Nicholas II soberly believed that a military competition for the region, alas, was inevitable. Was it possible to pass it? Yes, but at a too high price - at the cost of the refusal of the Russian crown not only from colonial ambitions, but from the Far Eastern territories as a whole.
The Russian government foresaw the war and even prepared for it: roads were built, ports were strengthened. The diplomats did not sit idly by: relations with Austria, Germany and France improved, which should have ensured Russia, if not support, then at least European non-intervention.

However, the Russian politicians still hoped that Japan would not risk it. And even when the cannons rumbled, the country was reigned with a hatred: right, that some kind of Japan in comparison with the huge, mighty Russia? Yes, we will smash the foe in a matter of days!

However, was Russia so powerful? The Japanese, for example, had three times more destroyers. And battleships built in England and France were superior to Russian ships in a number of the most important indicators. The Japanese naval artillery also had an undoubted advantage. As for the ground forces, the number of Russian troops beyond Lake Baikal was, including border guards and the protection of various objects, 150 thousand servicemen, while the Japanese army after the announced mobilization exceeded 440 thousand bayonets.

Intelligence reported to the tsar about the superiority of the enemy. She argues: Japan is fully prepared for a skirmish and is waiting for an opportunity. But it seems that the Russian emperor has forgotten Suvorov's behest that delay is like death. The Russian elite hesitated and hesitated ...

The feat of ships and the fall of Port Arthur

The war broke out without announcement. On the night of January 27, 1904, an armada of Japanese warships attacked the Russian flotilla in the roadstead near Port Arthur. The second blow was struck by the Mikado warriors near Seoul: there, in the Chemulpo Bay, the cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Korean, who were guarding the Russian mission in Korea, took an unequal battle. Since ships from Britain, the United States, Italy and France were nearby, the duel, one might say, proceeded before the eyes of the world. Having sunk several enemy vessels,

"Varyag" with "Korean" preferred the seabed to Japanese captivity:

We did not let go before the enemy
Glorious St. Andrew's flag,
No, we blew up the Koreyets,
We sunk "Varyag" ...

By the way, a year later, the Japanese were not too lazy to raise the legendary cruiser from the bottom to make it a training craft. Remembering the defenders of the Varyag, they left the ship its good name, adding on board: "Here we will teach how to love our Fatherland."

The heirs of the busi did not succeed in taking Port Arthur. The fortress withstood four assaults, but remained unshakable. During the siege, the Japanese lost 50 thousand soldiers, however, the losses of Russia were extremely tangible: 20 thousand killed soldiers. Would Port Arthur survive? Perhaps, but in December, unexpectedly for many, General Stoessel decided to surrender the citadel along with the garrison.

Mukden meat grinder and Tsushima defeat

The skirmish near Mukden broke the military population record with over half a million people on both sides. The battle lasted 19 days almost without interruption. As a result, the army of General Kuropatkin was completely defeated: 60 thousand Russian soldiers died a heroic death. Historians are unanimous: the closeness and negligence of the commanders (staffs gave contradictory orders), their underestimation of the enemy's forces and blatant sloppiness were to blame for the catastrophe, which had a detrimental effect on the provision of the army with material and technical means.

The "control" blow for Russia was the battle of Tsushima. On May 14, 1905, 120 brand new battleships and cruisers flying Japanese flags surrounded the Russian squadron that had arrived from the Baltic. Only three ships - including the Aurora, which played a special role years later - managed to escape from the ring of death. 20 Russian battleships were sunk. Seven more were taken on board. More than 11 thousand sailors became prisoners.

In the deep Tsushima strait,
Far from native land
At the bottom, in the deep ocean
Forgotten are ships
There the Russians sleep admirals
And the sailors doze around,
They sprout corals
Between the fingers of outstretched hands ...

The Russian army was crushed, the Japanese one was so exhausted that the proud descendants of the samurai agreed to negotiations. Peace was concluded in August, in American Portsmouth - according to the agreement, Russia ceded Port Arthur and part of Sakhalin to the Japanese, and also abandoned attempts to colonize Korea and China. However, the unsuccessful military campaign put an end to not only Russia's expansion to the East, but, as it turned out later, to the monarchy in general. The “small victorious war,” which the Russian elite so hoped for, toppled the throne forever.

Noble enemies

The newspapers of that time are replete with photographs from Japanese captivity. On them, high-cheeked and narrow-eyed doctors, nurses, military men and even members of the Japanese imperial family willingly pose with Russian officers and privates. It is difficult to imagine something like this later, during the war with the Germans ...

The attitude of the Japanese towards prisoners of war became the standard on the basis of which many international conventions were created years later. "All wars are based on political differences between states," said the Japanese military, "therefore, hatred of the people should not be inflamed."

The 28 camps opened in Japan contained 71,947 Russian sailors, soldiers, and officers. Of course, they were treated differently, especially since becoming a prisoner of war for a Japanese means tarnishing his honor, but on the whole, the humane policy of the War Ministry was respected. The Japanese spent 30 sen on the maintenance of the Russian prisoner-soldier (twice as much for an officer), while only 16 sen for their own Japanese soldier. The prisoners' meals consisted of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tea, and, as eyewitnesses noted, the menu was varied, and the officers had the opportunity to hire a personal chef.

Heroes and traitors

More than 100 thousand privates and officers were buried in the graves of the war. And the memory of many is still alive.
For example, the commander of the Varyag, Vsevolod Rudnev. Having received an ultimatum from Admiral Uriu, the cruiser captain decided to go for a breakthrough, which he informed the team about. During the battle, the crippled, shot through "Varyag" managed to release 1105 shells at the enemy. And only after that, the captain, having transferred the rest of the crew to foreign ships, gave the order to open the Kingston. The courage of "Varyag" amazed the Japanese so much that later Vsevolod Rudnev received from them the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun. True, he never put on this award.

Vasily Zverev, mechanic of the destroyer "Strong", did something completely unprecedented: he closed the hole with himself, allowing the ship, destroyed by the enemy, to return to the port and save the crew. All foreign newspapers, without exception, reported about this unthinkable act.

Of course, among the many heroes were the rank and file. The Japanese, who value debt above all else, admired the steadfastness of the intelligence officer Vasily Ryabov. During interrogation, the captured Russian spy did not answer a single question and was sentenced to be shot. However, even at gunpoint, Vasily Ryabov behaved, in the opinion of the Japanese, as befits a samurai - with honor.

As for the criminals, the public opinion declared the Adjutant General Baron Stoessel as such. After the war, the investigation accused him of ignoring orders from above, not taking measures to provide Port Arthur with food, in reports he lied about his personal, heroic participation in battles, misled the sovereign, handed out awards to senior officers who did not deserve them ... And Finally, he surrendered Port Arthur on conditions humiliating for the Motherland. Moreover, the cowardly baron did not share the burden of captivity with the garrison. However, Stoessel did not suffer any special punishment: after serving a year and a half in domestic confinement, he was pardoned by the tsar's decree.

The indecision of military bureaucrats, their unwillingness to take risks, their inability to act in the field, and their unwillingness to see the obvious - this is what pushed Russia into the abyss of defeat and into the abyss of cataclysms that happened after the war.

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One of the largest confrontations is the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The reasons for it will be discussed in the article. As a result of the conflict, the guns of battleships, long-range artillery, and destroyers were used.

The essence of this war was which of the two belligerent empires would dominate the Far East. The Emperor of Russia Nicholas II considered it his primary task to strengthen the influence of his state in East Asia. At the same time, Emperor Meiji of Japan sought to gain complete control over Korea. The war became inevitable.

Preconditions for the conflict

It is clear that the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 (the reasons are related to the Far East) did not start immediately. She had her own prerequisites.

Russia advanced in Central Asia to the border with Afghanistan and Persia, which affected the interests of Great Britain. Unable to expand in this direction, the empire switched to the East. There was China, which, due to complete exhaustion in the opium wars, was forced to transfer part of its territory to Russia. So she got control of Primorye (the territory of modern Vladivostok), the Kuril Islands, partly the island of Sakhalin. To connect the distant borders, the Trans-Siberian Railway was created, which, along the railway line, provided communication between Chelyabinsk and Vladivostok. In addition to the railroad, Russia planned to trade on the ice-free Yellow Sea via Port Arthur.

In Japan, at the same time, its own transformations were taking place. Having come to power, Emperor Meiji stopped the policy of self-isolation and began to modernize the state. All his reforms were so successful that a quarter of a century after their beginning, the empire was able to seriously think about military expansion to other states. Its first targets were China and Korea. Japan's victory over China allowed her to get the rights to Korea, the island of Taiwan and other lands in 1895.

A conflict was brewing between the two powerful empires for domination in East Asia. The result was the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The causes of the conflict should be considered in more detail.

The main reasons for the war

It was extremely important for both powers to show their military achievements, so the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 unfolded. The reasons for this confrontation lie not only in the claims to the territory of China, but also in the internal political situations that had developed by that time in both empires. A successful campaign in a war not only provides the winner with economic benefits, but also increases its status on the world stage and silences the opponents of the existing power in it. What did both states count on in this conflict? What were the main reasons for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905? The table below reveals the answers to these questions.

Precisely because both powers sought an armed solution to the conflict, all diplomatic negotiations did not bring results.

The balance of forces on land

The reasons for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 were both economic and political. The 23rd artillery brigade was sent to the Eastern Front from Russia. As for the numerical superiority of the armies, the leadership belonged to Russia. However, in the East, the army was limited to 150 thousand people. Moreover, they were scattered over a vast territory.

  • Vladivostok - 45,000 people
  • Manchuria - 28,000 people
  • Port Arthur - 22,000 people
  • Protection of the CER - 35,000 people.
  • Artillery, engineering troops - up to 8000 people.

The greatest problem of the Russian army was its remoteness from the European part. Communication was carried out by telegraph, and delivery - by the CER line. However, a limited amount of goods could be delivered by rail. In addition, the leadership did not have accurate maps of the area, which negatively affected the course of the war.

Japan before the war had an army of 375 thousand people. They studied the area well, had fairly accurate maps. The army was modernized by British specialists, and the soldiers are loyal to their emperor to death.

The balance of forces on the water

In addition to land, battles took place on the water Admiral Heihachiro Togo was in charge of the Japanese fleet. His task was to block the enemy squadron near Port Arthur. In the other sea (Japanese), the squadron of the Land of the Rising Sun opposed the Vladivostok group of cruisers.

Understanding the reasons for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the Meiji state prepared thoroughly for battles on the water. The most important ships of its United Fleet were produced in England, France, Germany and significantly outnumbered Russian ships.

The main events of the war

When in February 1904 Japanese forces began to cross over to Korea, the Russian command did not attach any importance to this, although they understood the reasons for the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

Briefly about the main events.

  • 09.02.1904. Historical battle of the cruiser "Varyag" against the Japanese squadron near Chemulpo.
  • 27.02.1904. The Japanese fleet attacked the Russian Port Arthur without declaring war. The Japanese used torpedoes for the first time and disabled 90% of the Pacific Fleet.
  • April 1904. The clash of armies on land, which showed Russia's unpreparedness for war (inconsistency of form, lack of military cards, inability to fence). Due to the fact that the Russian officers had white jackets, the Japanese soldiers easily figured out and killed them.
  • May 1904. The capture of the port of Dalniy by the Japanese.
  • August 1904. Successful Russian defense of Port Arthur.
  • January 1905. Surrender of Port Arthur Stoessel.
  • May 1905. The naval battle near Tsushima destroyed the Russian squadron (one ship returned to Vladivostok), while not a single Japanese ship was damaged.
  • July 1905. Japanese invasion of Sakhalin.

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the reasons for which were of an economic nature, led to the exhaustion of both powers. Japan began to look for ways to resolve the conflict. She resorted to help from Great Britain and the United States.

Battle of Chemulpo

The famous battle took place on 02/09/1904 off the coast of Korea (the city of Chemulpo). Captain Vsevolod Rudnev commanded two Russian ships. These were the cruiser Varyag and the boat Koreets. The Japanese squadron under the command of Sotokichi Uriu consisted of 2 battleships, 4 cruisers, 8 destroyers. They blocked the Russian ships and forced them to join the battle.

In the morning, in clear weather, the Varyag with the Koreyets weighed anchor and tried to leave the bay. In honor of leaving the port, music played for them, but after only five minutes an alarm was sounded on the deck. The battle flag was raised.

The Japanese did not expect such actions and hoped to destroy the Russian ships in the port. The enemy squadron in a hurry raised anchors, battle flags and began to prepare for battle. The battle began with a shot from the Asama. Then there was a battle with the use of armor-piercing and high-explosive shells on both sides.

In unequal forces, the Varyag was badly damaged, and Rudnev decided to turn back to the anchorage. There, the Japanese could not continue shelling because of the danger of damaging the ships of other states.

Having lowered the anchor, the Varyag's team began to investigate the state of the ship. Rudnev, meanwhile, went for permission to destroy the cruiser and transfer his team to neutral ships. Not all officers supported Rudnev's decision, but two hours later the team was evacuated. They decided to sink the "Varyag" by opening its airlocks. The bodies of the dead sailors were left on the cruiser.

It was decided to blow up the boat "Korean", having evacuated the crew before that. All things were left on the ship, and secret documents were burned.

The sailors were received by French, English and Italian ships. After carrying out all the necessary procedures, they were delivered to Odessa and Sevastopol, from where they were disbanded by the fleet. By agreement, they could not continue to participate in the Russian-Japanese conflict, so they were not allowed on the Pacific Fleet.

Results of the war

Japan agreed to sign the peace treaty with the complete surrender of Russia, in which the revolution had already begun. According to the Portsmoon Peace Treaty (23.08.1905), Russia was obliged to fulfill the following points:

  1. Renounce claims to Manchuria.
  2. Refuse in favor of Japan from the Kuril Islands and half of Sakhalin.
  3. Recognize Japan's right to Korea.
  4. Transfer to Japan the right to lease Port Arthur.
  5. Pay an indemnity to Japan for "keeping prisoners."

In addition, defeat in the war had negative economic consequences for Russia. Some industries stagnated as foreign bank lending curtailed. Life in the country has risen significantly. The industrialists insisted on the speedy conclusion of peace.

Even those countries that initially supported Japan (Great Britain and the United States) realized how difficult the situation in Russia is. The war had to be stopped in order to direct all forces to the fight against the revolution, which the world states were equally feared.

Mass movements began among workers and military personnel. A striking example is the uprising on the battleship Potemkin.

The reasons and results of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 are clear. It remains to find out what the losses were in human terms. Russia lost 270 thousand, of which 50 thousand were killed. Japan lost the same number of soldiers, but more than 80 thousand were killed.

Value judgments

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the reasons for which were of an economic and political nature, showed serious problems within the Russian Empire. The war also wrote about this and revealed the problems in the army, its weapons, command, as well as blunders in diplomacy.

Japan was not entirely happy with the outcome of the negotiations. The state has lost too much in the fight against the European adversary. She hoped to get more territory, but the United States did not support her in this. Discontent began to mature within the country, and Japan continued on the path of militarization.

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the reasons for which were considered, brought many military tricks:

  • use of spotlights;
  • the use of wire barriers under high voltage current;
  • field kitchen;
  • radiotelegraph for the first time made it possible to control ships from a distance;
  • switching to fuel oil, which does not produce smoke and makes ships less visible;
  • the appearance of minelaying ships, which began to be produced with the proliferation of mine weapons;
  • flamethrowers.

One of the heroic battles of the war with Japan is the battle of the cruiser Varyag at Chemulpo (1904). Together with the ship "Koreets" they opposed the whole squadron of the enemy. The battle was deliberately lost, but the sailors made an attempt to break through. It turned out to be unsuccessful, and in order not to surrender, the crew led by Rudnev sank their ship. For their courage and heroism, they were awarded the praise of Nicholas II. The Japanese were so impressed by the character and stamina of Rudnev and his sailors that in 1907 they awarded him the Order of the Rising Sun. The captain of the sunken cruiser accepted the award, but never wore it.

There is a version according to which Stoessel handed over Port Arthur to the Japanese for a fee. It is no longer possible to verify whether this version is correct. Anyway, because of his act, the campaign was doomed to failure. For this, the general was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in the fortress, but he was pardoned a year after his imprisonment. He was stripped of all titles and awards, while leaving his pension.

The article briefly talks about the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. This war has become one of the most shameful in Russian history. The expectation of a "small victorious war" turned into a disaster.

  1. Introduction
  2. The course of the Russo-Japanese war
  3. Results of the Russo-Japanese War

Causes of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905

  • The main prerequisite for the outbreak of the war was the growth of imperialist contradictions at the turn of the century. The European powers were eager to partition China. Russia, which had no colonies in other parts of the world, was interested in the maximum penetration of its capital into China and Korea. This desire ran counter to Japan's plans. The rapidly developing Japanese industry also demanded the capture of new territories for the placement of capital.
  • The Russian government did not take into account the increased combat capability of the Japanese army at all. In the event of a quick and decisive victory, it was planned to significantly reduce the revolutionary mood in the country. The Japanese elite relied on chauvinistic sentiments in society. It was planned to create a Greater Japan through territorial conquests.

The course of the Russo-Japanese war

  • At the end of January 1904, the Japanese attacked the Russian ships based in Port Arthur without declaring war. And already in June, the successful actions of the Japanese led to the complete defeat of the Russian Pacific squadron. The Baltic Fleet (2nd Squadron) sent to the rescue, after a six-month march, was utterly defeated by Japan in the Battle of Tsushima (May 1905). The dispatch of the 3rd squadron was becoming pointless. Russia has lost its main trump card in its strategic plans. The defeat was the result of an underestimation of the Japanese fleet, which consisted of the latest warships. The reasons were insufficient training of Russian sailors, outdated Russian warships at that time, and defective ammunition.
  • In military operations on land, Russia also lagged behind in many ways. The General Staff did not take into account the experience of recent wars. Military science adhered to outdated concepts and principles of the era of the Napoleonic wars. It was supposed to accumulate the main forces followed by a massive strike. Japanese strategy, led by foreign advisers, relied on the development of agile operations.
  • The Russian command under the leadership of General Kuropatkin acted passively and indecisively. The Russian army suffered its first defeat at Liaoyang. By June 1904, Port Arthur was surrounded. The defense lasted six months, which can be regarded as the only success of the Russians in the entire war. In December, the port was handed over to the Japanese. The decisive battle on land was the so-called "Mukden meat grinder" (February 1905), as a result of which the Russian army was practically surrounded, but managed to retreat at the cost of heavy losses. Russian losses amounted to about 120 thousand people. This failure, combined with the Tsushima tragedy, showed the futility of further hostilities. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the "victorious war" caused a revolution in Russia itself.
  • It was the outbreak of the revolution and the unpopularity of the war in society that forced Russia to agree to peace negotiations. The Japanese economy was severely damaged by the war. Japan was inferior to Russia both in terms of the number of armed forces and material capabilities. Even a successful continuation of the war would lead Japan to an economic crisis. Therefore, Japan, having won a number of spectacular victories, was content with this and also sought to conclude a peace treaty.

Results of the Russo-Japanese War

  • In August 1905, the Peace of Portsmouth was concluded, containing conditions humiliating for Russia. The structure of Japan included South Sakhalin, Korea, Port Arthur. The Japanese gained control of Manchuria. Russia's authority on the world stage has been severely undermined. Japan has demonstrated that its army is combat-ready and armed with the latest technology.
  • On the whole, Russia was forced to abandon active operations in the Far East.

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