Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Download the program to accelerate the intel processor. The best overclocking software for intel processor (i3, i5, i7). Windows optimization programs

Download the program to accelerate the intel processor. The best overclocking software for intel processor (i3, i5, i7). Windows optimization programs

Processor performance is calculated in the number of operations per second. The quantitative indicator of the operations performed is the frequency, measured in hertz. The larger this value, the faster the system as a whole works. As a rule, processor manufacturers never use the maximum clock frequency capabilities and leave a certain reserve in order to increase the service life of a component part and save energy. However, there are special Intel processor overclocking software, which can significantly increase the performance of the entire system, and in this case the software (game) will start and work much faster. This allows you to improve your computer without buying new components and use their maximum capabilities.

Before you start overclocking a processor, you must definitely know the limits of the reserve balance of the clock frequency and the real indicators. If this is neglected, the processor may burn out and cannot be repaired. Intel in new lines releases processors in which the frequency change in the BIOS is provided. It is these models that lend themselves best to overclocking.

Do not set the clock speed to the maximum allowed value. And although the system will work much faster, the intensity of the work will entail increased heating of the component part and may lead to a malfunction. In this case, be sure to take care of installing a powerful cooler that will cope with the heat generated. And if the power supply was bought without a power reserve for the system unit, it is also recommended to replace it with a more powerful one.

In order to overclock the processor without any difficulties, you need to perform three steps:

  • update the BIOS to the latest available version;
  • qualitatively install a good cooling system;
  • with the help of special programs (or in BIOS), view the initial value of the frequency.

In order to find out the current (factory) clock frequency of the processor and check the limits to which you can overclock, you can use the free CPU-Z utility, which can be downloaded from the official website.

Before overclocking the processor, you can also use the S&M program, which can demonstrate the behavior of the processor under maximum loads.

If you have followed all the prescribed steps, you can start overclocking the Intel processor directly. This can be done using one of three special programs, which are the most secure and will not cause any harm to the system. Let's consider them in more detail.

This program allows almost any user to overclock, because its interface is intuitive. But the developers recommend that inexperienced users not experiment in order to avoid possible troubles. SetFSB allows you to overclock any processor, but it is not suitable for all motherboards, on which a lot also depends when increasing the clock frequency. Before starting the process, on the official page of this utility, make sure that your motherboard is supported.

Among the advantages of this program should be noted the small size (only 300kb), regular release of updates and ease of management.

  • select your motherboard clock generator model from the Clock Generator pop-up list;
  • click on the "Get FSB" button in order to display two sliders displaying the clock frequency of the processor and the system bus;
  • gradually move the slider at small intervals and monitor the current temperature of the processor using additional utilities;
  • after finding the optimal border, click on the "Set FSB" button.

It should be noted that when you restart your computer, these settings will be reset and to increase the frequency, you will need to restart the program with the saved settings. To avoid this, you can put this program in autorun.

This program has a lot of tools and supports many more motherboard models than the previous program. Also, due to the presence of a Russian version, the interface will be as clear as possible. But CPUFSB is a paid product and you need to purchase it to use it.

To overclock a processor using CPUFSB, follow these steps:

  • using the drop-down lists, select your model of the motherboard and PLL chip;
  • click on the button "Take frequency" and you will see the current frequency of the processor and bus;
  • by moving the slider, select a value that will correspond to the allowable heating of the processor;
  • click on "Set frequency".

This program, like the previous one, resets the system settings after rebooting the system and to increase the processor frequency, you need to perform the operation again.

This utility also helps in solving the issue of overclocking the processor. A significant disadvantage of SoftFSB is the fact that it is not supported by developers, and it is not a fact that it will fit new models of processors and motherboards. Also, its interface is completely in English (there is no support for the Russian language) and it is designed for advanced users.

To overclock the processor, all actions are performed similarly to the previous program.
If you have never overclocked a processor, experts strongly recommend using utilities that are written by component manufacturers and for specific models.

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Any equipment tends to become obsolete over time and, accordingly, it ceases to satisfy the user's needs. In such a situation, you can simply change the outdated processor to a new version or go the other way using overclocking programs. With the help of such utilities, you can significantly improve the performance of your device.

There are two methods that can help you overclock your processor. The first is to change parameters in the BIOS, and the second is to use specialized programs. This article will focus on the latter method.

SetFSB utility

This program is primarily used by the owners of fairly new models of computers, but which have very weak power. Modern processors do not use all their resources to the fullest, and such an application can speed up your PC as much as possible. Another advantage of this program is the large list of motherboards that it supports.

Among other things, the utility helps to determine the available PLL. Without knowing your own ID, it will be simply impossible to accelerate the processor. You can find out the PLL in another way, but for this you have to completely disassemble the computer in order to read the inscription on the chip. This procedure is simple enough for stationary PCs, but laptop users will have great difficulty disassembling.

After the computer restarts, all configurable acceleration parameters are lost. On the one hand, this causes difficulties, because every time all the work has to be done anew, but on the other hand, you can be sure that there will not be any irreparable failure in the system. Then when you are sure that the optimal overclocking settings are indicated, the utility can simply be added to autorun when the computer boots.

Sorry, this app is paid. In order to use its functionality, you will need to pay for a subscription costing about $ 6.

CPUFSB program

This utility almost completely repeats the functionality of the previous application. But, it also has its own unique features. One of the invaluable advantages is the availability of a Russified version, which greatly simplifies the work with the program. Also, the utility's functionality allows you to set many additional settings and change frequencies for operation. Moreover, the frequency changes with just a few clicks, which allows you to overclock the processor only at certain required periods of time.

The application has a huge list of supported motherboards, much larger than the previously reviewed utility. Therefore, users of rare and rare devices also get the opportunity to overclock their processor.

A significant drawback is the lack of an automatic ability to determine the PLL. Because of this, laptop owners will face great difficulties if they decide to use such a program.

SoftFSB application

Today, there are still quite old devices for which there is practically no software. It is for the owners of such computers that this program was created. It supports almost all obscure motherboard types.

This application independently finds out the available PLL, thus avoiding the need to disassemble the computer. The utility can be added to autorun, which will greatly simplify the work, since there will be no need to re-set the parameters each time the PC is booted.

Unfortunately, this program has long been abandoned and no updates are released for it. Due to this, users who use modern computers most likely will not be able to use this application.

The article analyzed the most optimal programs that will help to overclock the processor as much as possible and significantly speed up the computer. The main thing, when carrying out such a procedure, is to choose the utility that supports exactly your type of motherboard.

Overclocking the CPU is a forced increase in the clock frequency. Increasing the clock speed, in turn, increases the processor's performance. Thus, you can get rid of unnecessary spending on the purchase of a new processor. And, nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand that it is impossible to outwit the laws of physics! Overclocking entails an increase in power consumption, CPU wear and an increase in heat dissipation.

What measures should be taken before overclocking?

Each processor has its own limit for increasing the clock frequency, exceeding it will lead to a failure. If we talk about Intel processors of the popular Core i3, i5, i7 series, they can be overclocked by a maximum of 15 percent. K-series processors are the best overclocked, but only with an unlocked multiplier.

In addition, it is worth knowing that after passing a certain temperature threshold, an overclocked processor starts to skip clock cycles, which decreases performance. From this it follows that you will have to check and, if necessary, improve the cooling system and, possibly, replace the power supply. Therefore, it is better to calculate all costs in advance, it may be more profitable to simply replace the processor.

Before overclocking, you need to check:

  • BIOS version, it must be up to date;
  • the reliability of the cooling system;
  • availability of overclocking software;
  • test the processor, for example, using the S&M utility ( download).

Intel processor overclocking software

SetFSB - download

The main advantage of the program is that overclocking can be done on the fly by moving the sliders. After changing the clock frequency, you do not need to restart your computer. Using the utility, you can overclock both outdated and newer processor models.

The program does not support all motherboards, you can find out which models are supported on the official website of the program. Of course, if you do not consider yourself an advanced user, it is better to forget about this matter.

After starting the program in the Clock Generator menu, you need to select the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard. Then click the Get FSB button, the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and processor will be displayed in the window that opens. Carefully, move the window slider in the smallest possible steps, checking the current temperature of the processor. Having chosen the optimal clock frequency, you can press the Set FSB key.

The disadvantage, and maybe the advantage of SetFSB, is that the settings are saved until the computer is restarted. You will have to overclock the processor every time the ambassador starts Windows.

CPUFSB - download

Best of all, this program overclocks processors. Intel Core i5, i7... It works with a variety of motherboards, there is a Russian-language version, and the interface is as simple as possible.

In the main menu, you need to select the manufacturer of the motherboard and the model of the chipset. The next step is to press the "Get Frequency" button, after which the current processor clock frequency will be displayed. The clock speed is increased in small steps, but this must be done carefully. As in the previous application, the overclocking is maintained until the system is rebooted.

SoftFSB - free download

Another handy application for increasing the clock speed on the fly. It also supports most mainstream motherboards. However, unlike the two previous programs, this one is free. The main disadvantage of the utility is that it is no longer supported, therefore, it will not work with the new hardware.

In the FSB select menu, you must specify the model of the board and the clock generator. Next, press the GET FSB button to capture the current clock frequency. The frequency is also increased using the sliders.

All of the above programs are easy to use. Of course, advanced users overclock the processor in the BIOS, but this requires knowledge and patience - you need to restart the computer every time after making changes. All three programs allow you to overclock Intel processors on any computer, but if you have a laptop, you should be careful not to push the frequency to the limit.

Overclocking is a forced increase in the processor clock frequency above the nominal. Let us immediately explain what these concepts mean.

A cycle is a conditional, very short time period during which the processor executes a certain number of program code instructions.

And the clock frequency is the number of clock cycles in 1 second.

The increase in the clock frequency is directly proportional to the speed of program execution, that is, it works faster than an unclocked one.

In short, overclocking allows you to extend the "active life" of the processor when its standard performance no longer meets the user's requirements.

It allows you to increase the speed of your computer without spending on buying new equipment.

Important! The disadvantages of overclocking are an increase in computer power consumption, sometimes quite noticeable, an increase in heat dissipation and accelerated wear of devices due to abnormal operation. You should also know that by overclocking the processor, you also overclock the RAM along with it.

What should be done before overclocking?

Each processor has its own overclocking potential - the clock frequency limit, exceeding which leads to the inoperability of the device.

Most processors, such as intel core i3, i5, i7, can be safely overclocked by only 5-15% of the original level, and some even less.

The desire to squeeze the maximum clock frequency out of the possible does not always justify itself, since when a certain heating threshold is reached, the processor starts to skip clock cycles in order to reduce the temperature.

It follows from this that good cooling is necessary for stable operation of an overclocked system.

In addition, given the increased power consumption, it may be necessary to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.

There are three things you need to do just before overclocking:

  • Update your computer to the latest version.
  • Make sure that the installation is in good condition and reliable.
  • Find out the initial clock speed of your processor (look in the BIOS or through special utilities, for example).

Also useful before overclocking test the processor stability at maximum load. For example, using the S&M utility.

After that, it's time to start the "sacrament."

Overview of overclocking programs for Intel processors


An easy-to-use utility that allows you to overclock the processor "on the fly" by simply moving the slider.

After making changes, it does not require restarting the computer.

The program is suitable for overclocking both old processor models like Intel Core 2 duo and modern ones.

However, it does not support all motherboards, and this is an absolute necessity, since overclocking is carried out by increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

That is, it affects the clock generator (PLL chip or, as it is called, clocker) located on the motherboard.

You can find out if your board is included in the list of supported ones on the program's website.

Advice! To avoid processor failure, it is recommended to work with SetFSB only for experienced users who understand what they are doing and are aware of the possible consequences. In addition, an untrained user is unlikely to be able to correctly determine the model of his clock generator, which must be specified manually.

So, to overclock the processor using SetFSB, you need:

  • Select from the "Clock Generator" list the model of the clocker installed on your motherboard.
  • Click the "Get FSB" button. After that, the SetFSB window will display the current frequency of the system bus (FSB) and processor.
  • Carefully move the slider in the center of the window in small steps. After each movement of the slider, you need to control the temperature of the processor. For example, using a program.
  • Having chosen the optimal position of the slider, you need to press the Set FSB button.

The plus (and for some minus) of the SetFSB utility is that the settings made in it will be valid only until the computer is restarted. After restarting, they will have to be reinstalled.

If you do not want to do this every time, the utility can be placed at startup.


CPUFSB is the next program in our review for overclocking processors Intel core i5, i7 and others, which can be downloaded from the developer's website.

If you are familiar with the CPUCool utility - complex tools for monitoring and overclocking a processor, then you should know that CPUFSB is a dedicated overclocking module.

Supports many motherboards based on Intel, VIA, AMD, ALI and SIS chipsets.

Unlike SetFSB, CPUFSB has a Russian translation, so it's much easier to understand how to handle it.

The principle of operation for these two programs is the same: increasing the reference frequency of the system bus.

Operating procedure:

  • Select your motherboard manufacturer and type from the list.
  • Select the make and model of the PLL (clock generator) chip.
  • Click "Get Frequency" to display the current system bus and processor frequencies in the program.
  • It is also necessary to increase the frequency in small steps, while controlling the temperature of the processor. After choosing the optimal setting, click "Set Frequency".

CPUFSB allows you to set the FSB bus frequency at the next program start and at the exit. The current settings are also saved until the computer is restarted.


Our review ends with the utility SoftFSB - another tool for overclocking the processor "on the fly". It is no more difficult to use than previous programs.

As well as them, it supports many models of motherboards, various models of clock generators and any processors.

Unlike the paid SetFSB and CPUFSB, you can use SoftFSB free of charge.

However, there is no guarantee that it will run on your computer as it is no longer supported by the author.

To overclock a processor with SoftFSB, you also need to know your motherboard model, PLL chip and be a fairly experienced user.


  • In the "FSB select" section, specify the model of the board and clock generator.
  • Press the "GET FSB" button to capture the processor and bus frequencies.
  • While controlling the temperature of the processor, find the optimal frequency by moving the slider in the middle of the window.
  • After choosing a suitable value, press the "SET FSB" button.

As you can see, everything is the same here. A lot of other programs for overclocking processors under Windows work by a similar algorithm.

In addition to the universal ones, there are overclocking utilities that are produced by the motherboard manufacturers themselves.

They are somewhat easier and safer to use, since they are designed for a simple user and certainly cannot harm the system.

Important! All considered programs allow overclocking both on laptops and on stationary PCs. But if you have a laptop, you should be very careful not to raise the system bus frequency to high values.

Processor manufacturers during production always set the average frequency selected during testing. That is, you can slightly change the frequency and thereby increase the processor performance by 15 percent.

There are a huge number of different programs that allow you to overclock your computer's processor.

To overclock, we need:

  1. the computer itself;
  2. CPU Tweaker program;
  3. the SetFSB program.

Overclocking instructions

So, before starting the overclocking process, you need to install the SetFSB program. This program is considered the most secure and allows you to easily change the system bus frequency.

Next, start the program you installed by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. Study the program well. As you can see, the program has a very simple and intuitive interface and even novice users should have no problems using it.

Go to the second tab, which is called "Control" and you will see the current frequency of the system bus of your processor and a little lower a slider that allows you to change its value.

On the third tab, which is called "Customize", you can change additional parameters of the system.

Try experimenting with the program settings, but be careful when changing the processor bus frequency. The frequency must be increased a little bit, for example, increased by 50 MHz, immediately check the temperature of the processor and if everything is fine, then add 50 MHz and so on.

In order to tune the parameters of your processor directly from the operating system, install the CPU Tweaker program. This program allows you to change the settings of your computer without increasing heat dissipation and power consumption.

The main thing when overclocking and tuning do not overdo it, so that later you do not have to buy a new processor or computer.

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