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Modern problems of remote sensing. Modern problems of remote sensing of the earth from space

Symposia, conferences, congresses

Anniversary conference "Modern problems of remote sensing of the Earth from space"



Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics) IKI RAS

Observing the state of the land, ocean and atmosphere, controlling the geophysical parameters of the natural environment, studying their space-time dynamics are some of the main tasks of the earth sciences. Satellite remote sensing of the Earth (ERS), that is, space-based methods for studying the environment, is the most important means of obtaining information about the state of the land, the oceans and the atmosphere at various spatio-temporal scales. In the last decade, ERS satellite systems have reached a fundamentally new level of development. They are distinguished by high stability and multiple observations, globality,

the presence of sufficiently long data series, the possibility of restoring the quantitative characteristics of the state of the environment. At the same time, modern equipment is being developed for surveying the Earth from space, and completely new methods and technologies for processing satellite data are being created. This allows, on the one hand, to create applied systems to solve the urgent needs of society, on the other, to solve numerous scientific issues related to the observation of the state and dynamics of natural objects at a new level. This is what the All-Russian open conferences "Contemporary Problems of Remote

remote sensing of the Earth from space (Physical foundations, methods and technologies for monitoring the environment, natural and anthropogenic objects). "Since 2003, conferences have been annually held in the second half of November in Moscow at the IKI RAS with the support of the Russian Fund for Fundamental Research (Earth and Universe, 2008, No. 5; 2011, No. 3) These conferences have become prestigious scientific forums that bring together specialists whose scientific work expands and deepens our knowledge about the Earth and the world around us, lay the foundations for solving fundamental

© Lavrova O.Yu., Mityagina M.I.

Physical foundations, methods and technologies for monitoring the environment, potentially dangerous phenomena and objects

Space Research Institute RAS

scientific, national economic and applied problems.

On November 12-16, 2012, the 10th All-Russian Open Conference "Modern Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space" was held at the IKI RAS. For many years the Program Committee of the Conference has been chaired by the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician N.P. Laverov. Its opening took place in the Big Concert Hall of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Deputy Director of IKI RAS addressed the participants of the Conference with welcoming words

E.A. Lupyan, deputy head of Roskos-mos A.E. Shilov, Head of Roshydromet

A.V. Frolov, Head of the Cluster of Space Technologies and Communications of the Skolkovo Foundation S.А. Zhukov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.S. Isaev. Before the start of the meeting, a film was shown, prepared by the Roskosmos studio, telling about the successes in this area.

At the first plenary session, review reports were made by members of the Roskosmos collegium (M.N. Khailov and

B.A. Zaichko), Roshydromet (A.B. Uspensky,

FBSI "Research Center" Planeta ") and joint reports of the leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (E. A. Lupyan, IKI RAS). The overview reports considered the achievements of the industry in the field of remote sensing of the Earth and discussed plans for the future. The second plenary session was devoted to new scientific results in oceanology, geology and geophysics, in the study of atmospheric processes, ecosystems and heliophysical conditions through the use of Earth remote sensing data.It was noted that the use of satellite information made it possible to reach a new qualitative level of understanding of natural processes; could not be solved earlier, but also to trace the temporal changes for large territories, since sufficiently complete archives of satellite data for 20 years have been accumulated practically throughout the entire globe.

504 reports were announced at the Conference, of which 302 were oral and 202 were posters. The number of registered participants and listeners reached a record number - 707 people from 204 organizations located in 53 cities of 7 countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany, Switzerland and

Opening of the Conference. Academician A.S. Isaev, Deputy Head of Roscosmos A.E. Shilov, head of Roshydromet A.V. Frolov, Chairman of the Program Committee, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician N.P. Laverov, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Deputy Director of IKI RAS E.A. Lupyan. Photo by S.V. Makogonov.

USA). All Russian regions were represented. In addition to scientists from Moscow (417 participants and listeners), St. Petersburg (51), scientific centers near Moscow (60), scientists from Vladivostok (14 participants), Krasnoyarsk (13), Novosibirsk (13), Arkhangelsk (11) and Khabarovsk (9). The topics of the reports covered all areas of remote sensing of the Earth from space, both fundamental research and scientific developments brought to practical application. The work of the sections was carried out in the following areas:

Methods and algorithms for processing satellite data;

Technologies and methods of using satellite data in monitoring systems;

Issues of creation and use of instruments and systems for satellite monitoring of the state of the environment;

Remote sensing methods for observing atmospheric and climatic processes;

Remote sensing of the ocean surface and ice sheets;

Remote sensing of the planets of the solar system;

Remote sensing methods in geology and geophysics;

Remote sensing of vegetation and soil cover;

Remote sensing of the ionosphere.

The reports presented at the section "Remote sensing of the ocean and ice sheets" and the discussions held there showed that at present satellite methods are actively developing in relation to the study of the World Ocean and inland seas, and significant progress has been made in this area of ​​their use.

Today, the creation of the foundations of new technologies, the development of space monitoring methods and the creation on their basis of a system for operational satellite monitoring of the state and pollution of Russian seas are coming to the fore. In particular, the synthetic aperture radars installed on the satellites "U18AT", "BaSageaM and -2", "EVE-2" and "TeggaEAV-X" have become an indispensable tool for monitoring oil pollution of the oceans and seas. The ability to quickly survey huge water areas, as well as repeated observations of the same region with a short time interval, make the use of space information the cheapest, operational and objective.

Executive Director of the Space Technologies and Telecommunications Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation S.А. Zhukov welcomes the participants to the Conference. Photo by S.V. Makogonov.

by the method of environmental monitoring. Analysis of the information received allows you to quickly monitor the environmental situation of the water area, assess the degree of its pollution and study the physical processes that determine the transfer of pollution, and sometimes identify the culprits of oil pollution. The results devoted to satellite diagnostics of oil pollution of the sea surface are already in demand in various projects.

Another example: a high content of suspended matter and an intense bloom of phytoplankton can be caused by both natural factors (river runoff, removal from lagoons

and estuaries) and anthropogenic impact (discharges of industrial enterprises, discharge of fertilizers from fields). Since outbreaks of phytoplankton blooms are the most obvious consequence of eutrophication, that is, deterioration of water quality due to excessive intake of nutrients into the reservoir, satellite observation data (for example, scanning spectro-radiometers MODIS and MEIE) have a huge advantage for environmental monitoring of the seas compared to shipborne ones. observations. The section discussed the problems of using satellite methods for observing the bloom of blue-green algae in the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, improving regional algorithms for assessing chlorophyll concentration from satellite color scanners.

Advances in technologies for remote sensing of the ocean from space have made it possible to study various types of meso-scale and small-scale eddies and jets. The resulting water movements not only contribute to the transfer of pollution, but can also contribute to the "self-purification" of coastal waters from pollution of various nature.

Ice is an important component of the Earth's climate system, at the same

time they can serve as an indicator of the changes taking place in this system. To a large extent, the importance of the role of sea ice in climatic processes is due to the presence of a positive feedback between changes in the temperature of the ocean - atmosphere system and the area of ​​sea ice. At the section, reports were made on the identification of the dynamics of the properties of sea ice, the establishment of spatio-temporal variability of the concentration of sea ice in the ocean and the determination of sea ice types based on the use of satellite information.

As follows from the reports, scientists are actively developing methods and technologies that make it possible to use satellite information in fundamental science, nature management and environmental activities. Most of the reports reflected the results of work carried out within the framework of initiative, regional, expeditionary and oriented fundamental projects supported by the RFBR. As a rule, these results are important for the development of fundamental science and at the same time can be used for practical applications. It should be noted that the developments of Russian scientists correspond to world trends in the development of


    Lavrova O. Yu. Mityagina M. I. - 2012

  • The jubilee, fifteenth, All-Russian open conference "Modern problems of remote sensing of the Earth from space" was held at the IKI RAS and JSC "RKS".

    I must say that for the first time, Academician Nikolai Laverov, the permanent head of the program committee since 2004, who died a year ago, did not take part in the conference. Academician Lev Zeleny, Director of the IKI RAS, spoke about Nikolai Pavlovich, opening the first plenary session. This conference, perhaps, was also noted by the fact that for the first time it was held as a joint event of IKI and RKS.

    On the first day of the conference, Olga Lavrova, the head of the aerospace radar laboratory of the "Exploration of the Earth from Space" department of the IKI RAS, spoke about the history and prospects of the conference.

    This year the conference was attended by over 750 people from 52 cities and more than 200 organizations from Russia, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the United States. The participants presented 269 oral and 240 poster presentations, and the number of sections increased to ten. The directions of most interest to the researchers who presented the reports concerned remote sensing methods for studying atmospheric and climatic processes, studying the ocean surface and ice sheets, and probing vegetation and soil covers. According to the press service of the institute, about half of all the speeches presented were devoted to these topics.

    The scientific part of the conference at the IKI RAS was traditionally completed by a thematic plenary session. Long-term observations of the Earth from space were discussed there.

    It should be said that in the last decade, ERS (Earth remote sensing) satellite systems have reached a fundamentally new level of development. They are distinguished by high stability and frequency of observations, globality and rather long series of data - in some cases, there are data on changes in the parameters of an object for almost several decades.

    "The development of remote sensing systems today requires the creation of new approaches and methods of working with them, including the creation of various scientific and applied information systems that could provide effective work with this remote sensing", - reports IKI RAN. The directions of work in this area were discussed at the conference, and this was also discussed at a visiting session at the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth (NTs OMZ) of JSC RKS.

    So, in the report of Yevgeny Lupyan "Modern challenges and priorities for the development of remote sensing systems" it was noted that if last year there were about 200 remote sensing satellites in orbit, then in 2017 their number approached 400. According to various forecasts, after another 9 years the number of simultaneously operating ERS satellite satellites will approach a thousand. At the same time, the volumes of supplied data that are received from these systems have been growing almost exponentially in recent years. Conclusion: without the rapid creation and implementation of new approaches and methods of working with remote sensing data, their effective use will be practically impossible.

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