Home Garden on the windowsill Stylistic affiliation. Functional and stylistic aspect of the meaning of the word. What are stylistically colored words

Stylistic affiliation. Functional and stylistic aspect of the meaning of the word. What are stylistically colored words

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language is stylistically heterogeneous: some words are of a common use, others are used in a specific speech situation. Therefore, the same information can be conveyed by different lexical means:

Dear comrade, Ivanov!
I bring to your attention that I will not be able to arrive at my destination at the time indicated by you and start performing my official duties, as my health condition has deteriorated. I am in dire need of treatment. I ask you to grant me a vacation at your own expense.
Sidorov's assistant.

Dear Vityusha!
I'm sorry to upset you, but I won't be able to come when you want and go to work. I'm tired as a dog, I feel disgusting, even worse than before. I will ask you to give me leave to heal. Even if they gave, even without payment, it does not matter!
Kiss. Your tick.

In an official letter, bookish vocabulary prevails: dear, I bring to your attention, arrive, destination, specified date, begin to perform official duties, etc. In a private letter, it is not there, commonly used words are used here: come, you want, go to work , feel worse than before, ask for a vacation without pay, colloquial words and expressions: tired like a dog, at least they would give, it doesn’t matter, heal, don’t grieve, emotional vocabulary - dear, Vityusha, sorry, upset, disgusting, kiss, Checkmark . Such a selection of lexical means is socially conditioned by the addressing of texts. Consequently, the stylistic features of words leave a visible imprint on their functioning in speech. In the stylistic assessment of vocabulary, two criteria are the most important: 1) the word belongs to one of the functional styles of the Russian language or its absence, and 2) the emotional coloring of the word, its expressive possibilities.

Functional-style fixedness of words

By functional and stylistic affiliation, all the words of the Russian language can be divided into two large groups: 1) commonly used, appropriate in any style of speech (person, work, good, a lot, home) and 2) assigned to a certain style and perceived outside of it as inappropriate (different style): face (in the meaning of "man"), work hard (in the meaning of "work"), cool, plenty, living space, structure. The second group of words is of particular stylistic interest.

Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication. In modern Russian, the following book styles are distinguished: scientific, journalistic, official business. Some linguists also refer to literary styles as literary styles, however, in our opinion, the language of fiction is devoid of any stylistic isolation. It is distinguished by a variety of individual-author's means of creating imagery and the freedom to choose vocabulary dictated by specific artistic tasks. This puts the language of fiction, more precisely artistic speech, in a special position in relation to functional styles.

The bookish styles are opposed to the colloquial style, which appears mainly in oral form. Outside the literary and linguistic norm is vernacular.

The functional and stylistic fixation of words is facilitated by their thematic relevance. So, the terms, as a rule, belong to the scientific style: assonance, metaphor, quantum theory, synchrophasotron; journalistic style includes words related to socio-political topics: pluralism, democracy, publicity, citizenship, cooperation; as official business words used in jurisprudence, office work are distinguished: presumption of innocence, incompetent, victim, notify, prescribe, proper, residence.

However, the differentiating features of scientific, journalistic, official and business vocabulary are not always perceived with sufficient certainty, and therefore, when stylistically characterized, a significant number of words are evaluated as bookish, in contrast to their commonly used and colloquial synonyms. Let's compare, for example, such synonymic rows:

Due to semantic and stylistic differences, bookish and colloquial (colloquial) words are most clearly opposed; cf .: invade - get in, get rid of - get rid of, get rid of, sob - roar; face - muzzle, mug.

The functional-stylistic stratification of vocabulary is only partially fixed in explanatory dictionaries by stylistic marks to words. Book words, special, colloquial, vernacular, rude vernacular stand out most consistently. The corresponding marks are used in the Big and Small academic dictionaries of the Russian language. In S. I. Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language, stylistic marks indicate the functional fixation of words: “abusive”, “high”, “ironic”, “bookish”, “disapproving”, “official”, “colloquial”, “colloquial” , “special”, etc. But there are no marks that would highlight journalistic vocabulary.

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov, stylistic marks are more diverse, they represent the functional stratification of vocabulary in a more differentiated way. Here such marks are given: “newspaper”, “stationery”, “folk poetic”, “special”, “official”, “poetic”, “colloquial”, “journalistic”, etc. However, in some cases these marks are outdated. So, contractual, recalculation, re-register in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov are given with the mark “official”, and in the dictionary of Ozhegov - without marks; chauvinism - respectively: "political" and - without marks. This reflects the real processes of changing the functional and stylistic affiliation of words.

In contrast to the functionally fixed, commonly used vocabulary, or interstyle, is used in any style of speech without any restrictions. For example, the word house can be used in any context: in an official business document (House No. 7 is to be demolished); in an article by a journalist who owns a journalistic style (This house was built according to the project of a talented Russian architect and is one of the most valuable monuments of national architecture); in a comic song for kids [Tili-bom, tili-bom, the cat's house caught fire (March.)]. In all cases, such words will not stand out stylistically from the rest of the vocabulary.

Common vocabulary underlies the vocabulary of the Russian language. It is interstyle, neutral words that are, as a rule, the main (pivot) in the synonymic rows; they constitute the most important fund of generating bases around which various derivational connections of related words are formed.

Common vocabulary is also the most frequent: we constantly refer to it both in oral and written speech, in any style where it performs a primary function - nominative, naming vital concepts and phenomena.

Emotionally expressive coloring of words

Many words not only define concepts, but also express the speaker's attitude towards them, a special kind of evaluativeness. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, you can call it snow-white, white, lily. These words are emotionally colored: a positive assessment distinguishes them from the stylistically neutral definition of white. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of what is called understood: fair-haired, whitish. Therefore, emotional vocabulary is also called evaluative (emotional-evaluative).

At the same time, it should be noted that the concepts of emotionality and evaluativeness are not identical, although they are closely related. Some emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain evaluation; and there are words in which evaluation is the essence of their semantic structure, but they do not belong to the emotional vocabulary: good, bad, joy, anger, love, suffer.

A feature of the emotional-evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring is "superimposed" on the lexical meaning of the word, but is not reduced to it: the denotative meaning of the word is complicated by the connotative one.

As part of the emotional vocabulary, three groups can be distinguished.

  1. Words with a bright connotative meaning, containing an assessment of facts, phenomena, signs, giving an unambiguous description of people: inspire, delightful, daring, unsurpassed, pioneer, predestinate, herald, self-sacrifice, irresponsible, grouch, double-dealer, businessmanship, antediluvian, mischief, defame, fraud , sycophant, windbag, slob. Such words, as a rule, are unambiguous, expressive emotionality prevents the development of figurative meanings in them.
  2. Polysemantic words, neutral in the main meaning, receiving a qualitative-emotional connotation when used figuratively. So, about a person of a certain character, one can say: a hat, a rag, a mattress, an oak tree, an elephant, a bear, a snake, an eagle, a crow, a rooster, a parrot; verbs are also used in a figurative sense: saw, hiss, sing, gnaw, dig, yawn, blink, etc.
  3. Words with subjective assessment suffixes that convey various shades of feelings: son, daughter, granny, sun, neatly, close - positive emotions; beards, kid, bureaucracy - negative. Their evaluative meanings are determined not by nominative properties, but by word formation, since affixes give emotional coloring to such forms.

The emotionality of speech is often conveyed by especially expressive expressive vocabulary. Expressiveness (expression) (lat. expressio) means expressiveness, the power of manifestation of feelings and experiences. There are many words in Russian that have an element of expression added to their nominative meaning. For example, instead of the word good, getting excited about something, we say beautiful, wonderful, delightful, wonderful; I can say I don't like it, but it is not difficult to find stronger, more colorful words I hate, I despise, I abhor. In all these cases, the semantic structure of the word is complicated by connotation.

Often one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of emotional stress; cf .: misfortune - grief, disaster, catastrophe; violent - unrestrained, indomitable, frantic, furious. Vivid expression highlights solemn words (herald, accomplishments, unforgettable), rhetorical (comrade-in-arms, aspirations, announce), poetic (azure, invisible, silent, sing). Words are also expressively colored playful (believing, newly minted), ironic (deign, don Juan, vaunted), familiar (good-natured, cute, mumble, whisper) Expressive shades delimit disapproving words (mannered, pretentious, ambitious, pedant), dismissive (painting, pettiness ), contemptuous (to slander, toady), derogatory (skirt, squishy), vulgar (grabber, lucky), abusive (boor, fool). All these nuances of the expressive coloring of words are reflected in stylistic notes to them in explanatory dictionaries.

The expression of a word is often superimposed on its emotional and evaluative meaning, and in some words expression prevails, in others - emotionality. Therefore, it is often not possible to distinguish between emotional and expressive coloring, and then one speaks of emotional-expressive vocabulary (expressive-evaluative).

Words similar in expressiveness are classified into: 1) vocabulary expressing a positive assessment of the called concepts, and 2) vocabulary expressing a negative assessment of the called concepts. The first group will include words high, affectionate, partly playful; in the second - ironic, disapproving, abusive, contemptuous, vulgar and so on.

The emotional and expressive coloring of a word is influenced by its meaning. Thus, such words as fascism, Stalinism, and repressions received a sharply negative assessment from us. A positive assessment was attached to the words progressive, peace-loving, anti-war. Even the different meanings of the same word can diverge noticeably in stylistic coloring: in one meaning, the word acts as a solemn, lofty one: Wait, prince. Finally, I hear the speech of not a boy, but a husband (P.), in another - as ironic, mocking: G. Polevoy proved that the venerable editor enjoys the fame of a learned man (P.).

The development of expressive shades in the semantics of the word is also facilitated by its metaphorization. So, stylistically neutral words used as metaphors get a vivid expression: burn at work, fall from fatigue, suffocate under totalitarianism, flaming gaze, blue dream, flying gait, etc. The context finally shows the expressive coloring of words: it contains neutral in stylistically, units can become emotionally colored, high - contemptuous, affectionate - ironic, and even a swear word (scoundrel, fool) can sound approving.

Correlation between functional and stylistic fixation and emotional and expressive coloring of words

The emotionally expressive coloring of a word and its belonging to a certain functional style in the lexical system of the Russian language, as a rule, are interdependent. Emotionally-expressive words that are neutral are usually included in the layer of commonly used vocabulary. Terms are an exception: they are always stylistically neutral, but have a clear functional fixation.

Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book and colloquial (colloquial) vocabulary.

The book vocabulary includes words high, giving solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive, expressing both positive and negative assessment of the named concepts. So, in book styles, ironic vocabulary is used (beautiful soul, words, quixotic), disapproving (pedantic, mannerism), contemptuous (mask, corrupt), etc. Therefore, it is sometimes incorrectly believed that book vocabulary consists only of words of positive evaluative value, although such, of course, prevail in it (all poetic, rhetorical, solemn vocabulary).

Colloquial vocabulary includes affectionate words (darling, mommy), playful (butuz, laughter), as well as some units expressing a negative assessment of the concepts called (but not too rude): zealous, giggle, brag, small fry.

The colloquial vocabulary includes sharply reduced words that are outside the literary norm. Among them, there may be forms containing a positive assessment of the named concepts (hard worker, brainy), but there are much more forms expressing the speaker’s negative attitude towards the concepts designated (leftist, go crazy, flimsy, shrill, etc.).

The word often intersects functional features and emotionally expressive and other stylistic shades. For example, the words satellite epigone, apotheosis are perceived primarily as bookish. But at the same time, the word satellite, used in a figurative sense, we associate with the journalistic style; in the word epigone we note a negative assessment, and in the word apotheosis - a positive one. In addition, the use of these words in speech is influenced by their foreign language origin (the phonetic design that is not characteristic of the Russian language can lead to their inappropriateness in a certain context). And the affectionately ironic words of sweetheart, winding, zaleka, drol combine colloquial and dialectal coloring, folk poetic sound. The richness of stylistic shades of Russian vocabulary requires a particularly careful attitude to the word.

The use of stylistically colored vocabulary in speech

The stylistic coloring of the word indicates the possibility of using it in one or another functional style (in combination with commonly used, neutral vocabulary). However, this does not mean that the functional attachment of words to a certain style excludes their use in other styles. The modern development of the Russian language is characterized by the mutual influence and interpenetration of styles, and this contributes to the movement of lexical means (simultaneously with other linguistic elements) from one style to another. Thus, in scientific works journalistic vocabulary often coexists with terminology. This can be seen in the example of literary works: The publication of the "Northern Tale" by K. G. Paustovsky dates back to 1939. This is a romantic story about people of different generations and nationalities, whose fates are closely and sometimes intricately intertwined. The heroes of the story are united by common features - the struggle for social justice and freedom, moral purity. ...The ideological concept of the writer determined the features of the composition and plot of the story. The plot parallelism of the first and second-third parts, a kind of repetition of the plot line are not accidental (L. A. Novikov). The scientific style does not exclude emotional speech, and this determines the use of evaluative vocabulary, high and low words in it.

The journalistic style is even more open to the penetration of foreign-style vocabulary. In a newspaper article, you can often find terms next to colloquial and even colloquial vocabulary: The word "perestroika" entered many languages ​​​​without translation, like "satellite" in its time. However, it is much easier for a foreigner to learn this word than to put into practice everything that stands behind it. I will show this on the facts from the sphere of management... Planning, as you know, is based on standards. I hasten to immediately and clearly make a reservation so as not to be accused of being against any standards in general. No, of course! And at the enterprises, I am sure, they will not reach the point of stupidity indiscriminately denying their necessity. It just depends on what standards. When, for example, the percentage of deductions from profits to the budget is set, or the payment for the consumption of natural resources, or the amount of payments to the bank for a loan received, who will be against it? But when the entire internal life of enterprises is regulated by standards: the structure and number, salaries and bonuses, deductions for all kinds of needs (up to the purchase of pens and pencils), this is, excuse me, utter nonsense, which leads to results that are often funny, sometimes dramatic, and sometimes tragicomic (P. Volin). Here, scientific, terminological vocabulary is intertwined with expressively colored colloquial, which, however, does not violate the stylistic norms of journalistic speech, but, on the contrary, enhances its effectiveness. Here, for example, is a description of a scientific experiment that appeared on a newspaper page: At the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry ... thirty-two laboratories. One of them studies the evolution of sleep. At the entrance to the laboratory there is a sign: "Do not enter: experience!" But from behind the door comes the clucking of a chicken. She's not here to lay eggs. Here is a researcher picking up a Corydalis. It turns it upside down... Such an appeal to foreign-style vocabulary is quite justified, colloquial vocabulary enlivens speech, makes it more accessible to the reader.

Of the bookish styles, only the official business style is impervious to colloquial vocabulary, to emotionally expressive words. Although in the special genres of this style it is possible to use journalistic elements, and, consequently, evaluative vocabulary (but from the group of book words). For example, in diplomatic documents (statements, notes of the government), such vocabulary can express an attitude to the discussed facts of international life: find a way out of an impasse, look with optimism, a giant evolution in relations.

The use of terminological vocabulary outside the scientific style in a figurative sense has become a sign of the times: another round of negotiations, a virus of indifference, new rounds of endless disputes, a coefficient of sincerity, euphoria has passed (it became clear that there will be no easy solutions), etc. In this case, there is not only a metaphorical transfer of meaning, resulting in determinology, but also a stylistic transfer: the word goes beyond the terminological system that gave rise to it and becomes commonly used.

However, the use of foreign-style vocabulary does not always fit into the stylistic norm. Significant damage to the culture of speech is caused by the inappropriate use of: 1) high book vocabulary (“Zhuravlev acted as an advocate of saving building materials”); 2) contrived, artificial terms that create pseudo-scientific speech (“One head of female cattle [i.e. cow!] Should be used, first of all, for the subsequent reproduction of offspring”); 3) journalistic vocabulary in a neutral text, giving a false pathos to the statement (“The staff of store No. 3, like all progressive mankind, stood on a labor watch in honor of May Day”).

Violation of the stylistic norm becomes: 1) unreasonable mixing of vocabulary of different styles, as a result of which inappropriate comedy arises (“In order to obtain strong evidence of abuse of power, they took a photojournalist with them”; “The management of the enterprise clung to the rationalization proposal”); 2) the introduction of colloquial elements into book speech (“Voskreskniki laid the foundation for the improvement of the regional center, but in this matter we still have a lot of work to do”; “Grain harvesting in the region was overwhelmed, referring to bad weather conditions”).

The comic effect of mixing linguistic means of different styles is used by comedians, deliberately using words that contrast in stylistic coloring: A few days later, a young doctor was walking with a girl along rugged terrain on the seashore (I. and P.); In the forgotten side, in the Zabolotsky volost, oh, I liked you completely and completely. How it came - I don’t know myself - this is a hobby, we walked through the forests of local significance (Isak.).

The bureaucratization of all forms of life in our society during the stagnant period has led to the fact that the influence of the official business style has increased excessively in the Russian language. Elements of this style, unjustifiably used outside of it, are called clericalisms. These include characteristic words and expressions (presence, in the absence of, in order to avoid, due, the above, at the moment, a period of time, today and so on.), A lot of verbal nouns (taking, blowing up, living, finding, withdrawing, absenteeism , walking, understaffing, etc.); denominative prepositions (in the case, in part, for purposes, along the line, at the expense, etc.). The wording, replete with clericalism and speech clichés, helped to get away from a direct conversation on sensitive topics, to call a spade a spade: There were some shortcomings in the development of public animal husbandry; The negative side in business of activity of the enterprise consists in cases of release of defective products.

Chancery penetrates not only into bookish, but also into colloquial speech, in which sometimes ridiculous combinations of stylistically incompatible words can be noted: [in an address to a child] What question are you crying about? (example of K. I. Chukovsky); [in a domestic environment] If I have a wife, I will not wash the dishes! The absurdity of saturating colloquial speech with clericalism becomes apparent when we encounter their parodic use: “Let's imagine that a husband asks his wife at dinner what she did today. In response, he hears: In the first half of the day, I quickly ensured the restoration of proper order in the living area, as well as in the communal utility room intended for cooking. In the subsequent period, I organized a visit to a retail outlet in order to purchase the necessary food products ... ”(example of V. G. Kostomarov).

Another distinctive feature of the colloquial speech of our time was its saturation with diminutive forms without stylistic motivation. Researchers note the "stylistic simplification" of this group of evaluative vocabulary, which is often perceived by speakers as a kind of sign of a casually colloquial speech: Hello!; Have you prepared the material?; Give me a hint; Pour half a ladle of soup; Half a kilo of sausages, etc. In such cases, we are not talking about the size of objects, nor is a particularly tender attitude towards them expressed, in other words, the evaluativeness of expressively colored words is lost. The appeal to such forms is due either to a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"polite style", or the belittled position of the petitioner, who is afraid of being rejected by the person to whom he is forced to turn. Such use of expressive-emotional vocabulary often reflects the distribution of social roles in society.

For writers, journalists, diminutive forms of evaluative words become a source of ironic, satirical coloring of speech (at the same time when mixing styles): Well, how good we are all! How beautiful and pleasant! And there is the one who pushed the old woman away with his elbow, and he got into the bus instead of her! And the one over there that has been sweeping the alley for three days with a broom ... (From the gas.).

There is also a high degree of use in colloquial speech of lowered words, which in this case lose shades of contempt, rudeness (girls, boys, grandmother, aunt, etc.): My grandmother is good; My boy from the army is back; The girl with him was beautiful.

The trend towards stylistic simplification of evaluative vocabulary does not, however, give us the right not to take into account the emotional and expressive coloring of words when they are used.

Questions for self-examination

  1. What are the most important criteria that determine the stylistic stratification of vocabulary?
  2. What are the stylistic features of the words that are part of the common vocabulary, and those that do not belong to it?
  3. How is its regular functioning in a certain style reflected on the stylistic coloring of the word?
  4. What is the functional style of a language?
  5. What is the classification of functional styles of the Russian language?
  6. What are the features of colloquial and colloquial styles?
  7. What is the reflection in explanatory dictionaries of the functional and stylistic fixation of words?
  8. What distinguishes emotionally and expressively colored words?
  9. What words are included in the evaluation vocabulary?
  10. What groups of words stand out in the emotional-evaluative vocabulary?
  11. How do you understand the term "expressivity"?
  12. What marks are provided with emotionally expressive words in explanatory dictionaries?
  13. What is the speech use of words that have one or another stylistic coloring?
  14. What leads to a violation of stylistic norms when using stylistically colored vocabulary?
  15. In what cases can mixing stylistically contrasting words be justified?


37. I. Write out five words from S.I. Ozhegov’s “Dictionary of the Russian Language” with stylistic marks: swearing, high, ironic, bookish, affectionate, disapproving, official, contempt., neglected, simple. , colloquial, special, unique Check what marks these words have in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by D. N. Ushakov.

II. Write out five words from the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by D. N. Ushakov, with marks: vulg. Indicate with what marks these words are given in the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S. I. Ozhegov. Comment on the discrepancies in the stylistic assessment of vocabulary, if you are faced with this phenomenon.

38. Highlight the words in the text that have one or another stylistic coloring, define it. For reference, refer to explanatory dictionaries.

Look for a cat

Once, when I was doing an internship at a local newspaper, I was summoned by the editor. He pointed to a piece of paper lying on the table and said: “Here are all the numbers. You will write about the construction of residential buildings. I immediately sat down to work. But the more I thought about the future text, the more clearly I understood that I was burning like a Swede near Poltava.

I twisted my pen this way and that, but for some reason my first words always formed the following phrases: “In our district, as in our entire region, special attention is paid to the construction of new apartments for the working masses. This year, hundreds of families will celebrate housewarming in comfortable apartments.” And so on.

I felt that this article, if it were printed, I would not really strive to show my classmates at the institute, because we were taught to be afraid of the stamp and find only fresh and poetic lines. And then, as if a demon grabbed me by the rib and forced me to write a different opening paragraph: “He who did not sit astride pots, overturned chairs, cribs and other household belongings, somehow thrown into the back of a truck that rushes along green boulevards with chirping sparrows - he never felt the full charm of moving to a new apartment.

Then I perked up: not so hot, but acceptable, humanly. After all, this is a jubilant flight to a new life! .. And then everything went like clockwork for me: there was a place for inspirational figures, and for words of gratitude to the builders. And I ended the article with a story about a good old sign - when moving into a new house, you must definitely let the cat in front of you. Then there will be happiness and comfort.

And the last chord: "It's a pity, of course, but we have to upset the reader a little: this year there will obviously not be enough cats for all those who move."

The editor read my opus and, chewing his lips, asked:

- How long did you think?

“Today is a full day and three years!”

This material is familiar to me. I have been waiting for a new apartment for three years.

- Well, I understand...

And let's call the article - "Where to get a cat?"?!

In a word, the article was ordered to another. The next morning I read in the newspaper: "This year, hundreds of families will celebrate housewarming in comfortable, new apartments ..." And so on.

(From newspapers.)

39. Highlight stylistically colored vocabulary in the text, distinguishing between bookish and colloquial words, high and low.

What his bride was so indifferent to made an impression on him that could not have been foreseen. The notorious apartment, in which the very air was word of mouth, Luzhin visited immediately after he got his first point, having finished with a very tenacious Hungarian; the game, it is true, was interrupted on the fortieth move, but what happened next was perfectly clear to Luzhin. He read aloud to the faceless driver the address on the postcard (“We have arrived. We are waiting for you in the evening”) and, imperceptibly overcoming a foggy, random distance, carefully tried to pull the ring out of the lion's mouth. The bell had an immediate effect: the door was flung open. “How, without a coat? I won't let you in..." .. "Again in this black hat... Well, why are you frozen? Right here.” The cane dipped safely into the vase-like thing; wallet, after the second scoop, got into the right pocket; the hat hung on a hook. “Here I am,” said Luzhin, “poof, poof.” She was already far away, in the depths of the hallway, she pushed the door sideways, stretching her bare hand along it and looking merrily at Luzhin from under her brows. And above the door, just above the jamb, a large, bright, oil-painted picture beat into the eyes. Luzhin, who usually did not notice such things, drew attention to her, because the electric light doused her fatly and the colors struck him like a sunstroke. A woman in a kerchief to her eyebrows was eating an apple, and her black shadow on the fence was eating a bigger apple. “Baba,” Luzhin said deliciously and laughed: “Well, come in, come in. Don't mess with this table." He entered the living room and somehow all went limp with pleasure, and his stomach under the velvet waistcoat, which for some reason he always wore during tournaments, trembled touchingly with laughter.

(V. Nabokov.)

40. Highlight the evaluative vocabulary in the text, indicating its expressive coloring and functional and stylistic affiliation. For reference, refer to explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.

The Siberian Kolka met Valyusha in the most idiotic way - in absentia. He served with her brother in the army, he showed a photograph of his sister ... Immediately several soldiers' hearts were excited - Valya was beautiful. They asked for an address, but brother Valin gave the address only to his best sidekick, Kolka. Kolka sent his photograph to Moscow and with the photograph there were many “different words”. Valya answered. A correspondence ensued. Kolya was a year older than Valya's brother, he was demobilized earlier, and went to Moscow alone. All Valina's relatives gathered to watch Kolka. And everyone liked Kolka, and Valya too. Where with good! .. Thank those Lord! And live. She is a butterfly, with a carachter, it’s true, but such and such is better than some kind of weakling. Mistress. Live with God!

And so the mother left with the thought that her son was living well.

When the spouses, after her departure, quarreled over something, Valya bit her husband in the sick:

- What is your mother? .. She arrived and sit-it, like ... this one ... She never cooked dinner, she didn’t take a walk with her granddaughter ... The lady is askew.

Kolka hit his wife on the back of the neck for the first time. She, without saying a word, ran away to her. Kolka took Nina, went to the store, drank, came home and waited. And when the father-in-law and mother-in-law appeared, it seemed not so hard to talk to them.

- Look, look, boy! - the father-in-law and mother-in-law said in two voices and tapped their fingers on the table. - You look and! .. You - for assault - in an instant will fly out of Moscow. Found! .. We raised her for you, so that you open your hands here? Not mature! What guys were friends with her, engineers, not like you ..

- What did you do wrong? It was necessary to grab the first one who got into the registry office - an engineer. Or are they smarter than you? How did you get so screwed up?

To avoid mistakes in determining the style of the text, it is necessary to answer a number of questions. They will help to identify extralinguistic (extralinguistic) and proper linguistic (linguistic) specific features of style. We present these questions (together with answers) in the form of a memo:

1. The sphere of communication (where this style is common: everyday life - conversational style; scientific activity - scientific style; official sphere (legislation, office work) - official business style; mass communication (newspaper, radio, television, etc.) - journalistic style; aesthetic sphere (fiction) - artistic style).

2. The function of speech [informative (message of objective generalized knowledge) - in a scientific style; prescriptive-stating (voluntarily) - in official business; informative and influencing - in journalistic; aesthetic (creation of an artistic image) - in the artistic].

3. Specific features of the style [logicality, conclusiveness, dispassionateness, accuracy (uniqueness), ugliness, hidden emotionality - in a scientific style; formality, accuracy, unambiguity, standardization - in official business; information content, evidence, accuracy, "open evaluation of speech", standardization, expressiveness - in journalistic; figurativeness, concretization (translation of the word-
concepts into a word-image), emotionality, expressiveness, dynamism, the inadmissibility of the standard, a pronounced individuality of the author - artistic].
Based on the analysis of the text on the proposed questions, it is possible to determine to which style of speech it belongs. In addition, the characterization of the method of presentation chosen by the author will help determine the style of the text. To characterize the method of presentation, the following questions can be used as reference:

What features are inherent in the method of presentation: objectivity, "dryness", rigor, emphasized logic; officiality, standardization; emotionality, pronounced author's individuality; pronounced author's evaluation of speech, expressiveness, standardization.

To whom the text is addressed: a wide range of readers of the newspaper, fiction; a narrow circle of specialists; those who are associated with the execution of documents (clerical work), the issuance of decrees, laws (legislation), etc.

What is the nature of the presentation: personal, abstract, combining generalization with the author's individuality.

What means are used to achieve: a) a personal way of presentation (using personal pronouns and personal forms of verbs, personal syntactic constructions, etc.); b) an impersonal way of presentation (with the exception of the use of the forms of the 1st and 2nd person of the verb and the corresponding personal pronouns, the use of impersonal syntactic constructions and constructions with a weakened meaning of the syntactic person);

§ What is the emotional plan of presentation.

§ What determines the choice of the method of presentation (specific features of the style of speech).

The specific features of the style and the way of presentation determine the choice of language means in the text, therefore the next point of stylistic analysis is the characterization of the language means of style, the speech system of the style, which is manifested in the frequency of the use of certain lexical, morphological and syntactic means. Since the most striking linguistic features of style are lexical and syntactic, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the characteristics of the lexical and syntactic means of style, as well as on the figurative means of the language (tropes and stylistic figures).

Let us give an example of reasoning on a specific language material. A similar text (in a slightly modified form) was offered to students at the Unified State Examination in 2003 and caused certain difficulties in its qualification: some attributed it to the scientific style, others to the journalistic style, still others to the artistic style, and still others to the colloquial one. What style of speech does this text belong to?

In my opinion, nettle is one of the most curious plants. First, why should she complain? Meanwhile, nature does nothing in vain... The bee sting is explained, snake venom is understandable, the poisonous spines of some fish do not cause any rumors. But why does nettle sting? Protecting yourself? From whom? Why do other neighboring herbs go without such protection and thrive? And what is the harm to the nettle if some herbivore eats it? To lime it, one needs not a benevolent cow, not an elk, not a goat, but iron, fire, patience, and many years...

As soon as there is a sign of any human activity, as soon as human habitation, the nettle is right there. Dig a well in the middle of a clear meadow, around which not a single nettle grew for a kilometer, immediately your well will be surrounded by a green crowd of nettles that have come from nowhere. Put up a log house, build a cellar, raise a fence, stack a pile of firewood, pour out a basket of wood chips or other garbage, nettles are right there!

Perhaps she knows that where there is a person, various human disasters are also possible: fire, war, famine, disease? Maybe she offers herself to the rescue in advance, as a very nutritious and healing herb (many times more nutritious than cabbage)? After all, it is especially rampant where human disaster, trouble is really noticed. Oh, the expanse of nettles from edge to edge of Russia in the place of disappearing houses, villages and villages! .. Well, let's say that many peasants ... leave for the cities ... but nettles, of course, cannot understand all the sociological subtleties . She sees that houses are disappearing, leaving behind pits and brick chimneys, she thinks that there is a disaster, trouble, and she pounces, and grows, and grows fat in abandoned ashes, while the former owners of houses work safely in factories, go to movies... sipping beer at plywood stalls.

Or maybe the nettle pounces on the traces of human activity from other motives? Maybe nature tells her: “Go and fix everything. Do it the way it was." And in the abandoned places... nettles will grow until every trace of a person is recycled in itself so that it will be here again... a garbage-free place. The wound heals. The trace will be erased...

(According to V. Soloukhin).

9. Stylistic stratification of Russian vocabulary.

The words are stylistically unequal. Some are perceived as bookish (intelligence, ratification, excessive, investment, conversion, prevail), others - as colloquial (realistic, blurt out, a little); some give speech solemnity (predestinate, will), others sound at ease (work, talk, old, cold). “The whole variety of meanings, functions and semantic nuances of the word is concentrated and combined in its stylistic characteristics,” wrote academician. V.V. Vinogradov.

In the stylistic assessment of vocabulary, the most important are two criteria:

1) The word belongs to one of functional styles of the Russian language or its absence;
2) Emotionally expressive coloring of the word, its expressive possibilities.

functional style is called a historically established and socially conscious system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication.

By functional and stylistic affiliation, all words of the Russian language can be divided into two large groups:
1) commonly used, appropriate in any style of speech (person, work, good, a lot, home)
2) assigned to a certain style and perceived outside of it as inappropriate(different style): face (in the meaning of "man"), work hard (in the meaning of "work"), cool, plenty, living space, building.

In modern Russian, book styles are distinguished:
- scientific,
- journalistic
- official business.

Book styles opposed colloquial style, speaking mainly orally.

A special place, in our opinion, in the system of styles is occupied by the language of fiction, or art style(fiction-fiction).
The language of fiction, or rather artistic speech, is not a system of linguistic phenomena, on the contrary, it is devoid of any stylistic isolation, it is distinguished by a variety of individual authorial means.

Functional-style stratification of vocabulary

The stylistic characteristic of a word is determined by how it is perceived by speakers: as assigned to a certain functional style or as appropriate in any style, commonly used. The stylistic fixation of the word is facilitated by its thematic relevance. We feel the connection of words-terms with the scientific language (quantum theory, assonance, attributive); we attribute to the journalistic style words related to political topics (world, congress, summit, international, law and order, personnel policy); we single out as official business words used in office work (the following, proper, victim, residence, notify, prescribe, forwarded).

In the most general terms, the functional-style stratification of vocabulary can be depicted as follows:

Bookish and colloquial words are most clearly contrasted (cf .: intrude - get in, meddle in; get rid of - get rid of, get rid of; criminal - gangster).

As part of book vocabulary, one can single out words characteristic of book speech as a whole (subsequent, confidential, equivalent, prestige, erudition, presled), and words assigned to specific functional styles (for example, syntax, phoneme, litote, emission, denomination tend to scientific style; election campaign, image, populism, investments - to journalistic; action, consumer, employer, prescribed, above, client, forbidden - to official business).

The functional fixedness of vocabulary is most definitely revealed in speech. Book words are not suitable for casual conversation (the first leaves have appeared on green spaces), scientific terms cannot be used in a conversation with a child (It is very likely that dad will come into visual contact with Uncle Petya during the coming day), colloquial and colloquial words are inappropriate in official - business style (On the night of September 30, racketeers ran into Petrov and took his son hostage, demanding a ransom of 10 thousand dollars).

The ability to use a word in any style of speech indicates its general use. Thus, the word house is appropriate in various styles: House No. 7 on Lomonosov Street is to be demolished; The house was built according to the project of a talented Russian architect and is one of the most valuable monuments of national architecture; Pavlov's house in Volgograd became a symbol of the courage of our fighters, who selflessly fought against the Nazis in the slots of the city; Tili-bom, tili-bom, the cat's house caught fire (March.). In functional styles, special vocabulary is used against the background of common language.

Emotionally expressive coloring of words

Many words not only name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, you can call it snow-white, white, lily. These adjectives are emotionally colored: the positive assessment contained in them distinguishes them from the stylistically neutral word white. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of the concept called (white-haired). Therefore, emotional vocabulary is called evaluative (emotionally-evaluative).
However, it should be noted that the concepts of emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain evaluation; at the same time, words in which evaluation constitutes their very lexical meaning (moreover, the evaluation is not emotional, but intellectual) do not belong to emotional vocabulary (bad, good, anger, joy, love, approve).

A feature of the emotional-evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring is “superimposed” on the lexical meaning of the word, but is not reduced to it, the purely nominative function is complicated here by evaluativeness, the attitude of the speaker to the phenomenon being called.

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Subject: Stylistics

1. Determine which functional style the following texts belong to

Individual differences in people's memory are manifested both in the features of its processes, i.e. in how memorization and reproduction is carried out in different people, and in the features of the content of memory, i.e. in what is remembered. These twofold changes from different sides characterize the productivity of the memory of each person.

Answer: the functional type of speech is scientific. The function of the language implemented in the text is informative. The scope of the implementation of speech is educational and scientific. The main form of speech is written. Type of speech - monologue. The nature of the relations of communicants is official, mediated, distant, mass. Style dominants - accuracy, consistency, abstract generalized character.

In accordance with the task of the Main Directorate and your letter, the association carried out the following work:

Organizational preparations for the implementation of a set of calculations were carried out, including:

A merger order was issued and a working group of specialists was formed;

A calculation technique has been developed.

A set of calculations of economic efficiency has been made.

In order to normalize the teaching load of students in educational institutions

I order:

When developing curricula, the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should ensure that subordinate educational institutions that implement general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education comply with the requirements for organizing the educational process in accordance with clause 2.9 of the Sanitary Rules and Norms ( SanPin 2.4.2.-576-96), approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia dated 10.31.96 No. 49.

Answer: the functional type of speech is official business. The function of the language implemented in the text is informative and motivating. The scope of speech implementation is official business. The main form of speech is written. Type of speech - monologue. The nature of the relations of communicants is official, indirect, indirect-contact. Style dominants - accuracy, not allowing interpretation, standardization.

A unique anti-theft system was invented by one London "left-hander". Not only does it surpass all devices known so far in reliability, but it also does its job absolutely silently and imperceptibly. The patented device threatens to oust loud fellows from the market, and then not only the owners of homeless cars, but also their neighbors will sleep peacefully at night.

The principle of operation of the supersystem is as follows: as soon as an uninvited guest gets behind the wheel, the windshield instantly becomes opaque - until the owner sends a coded signal to the device.

You can't just call these kids geeks. They amaze with their diligence, purposefulness, perseverance.

So the encyclopedists, apparently, will not be transferred to Russia in the near future. A student of the Lyceum-College of Applied Sciences Dima Shchegolev has four diplomas from various Olympiads, he is even a winner of the Soros Olympiad. But this is not the main thing, from his point of view, not diplomas - but the knowledge that stands behind them. I am convinced that in every situation there is a way out. He does not like reasoning "about nothing" and meanness in people.

Answer: the functional type of speech is journalistic. The language function implemented in the text is informative and impact function. The scope of speech implementation is ideology, mass communication. The main form of speech is written. Type of speech - monologue. The nature of the relations of communicants is official, mass, indirect, indirect contact. Style dominants - a combination of expression and standard - social appraisal.

Horror gripped all those in the hut. Kum with his mouth open turned into stone; his eyes bulged, as if they wanted to shoot; open fingers remained motionless in the air. The tall brave man, in invincible fear, jumped up to the ceiling and hit his head on the crossbar; the boards slipped, and the popovich flew to the ground with a thunder and crack.

Answer: the functional type of speech is artistic. The function of the language implemented in the text is aesthetic, influencing. The sphere of speech realization is verbal art. The main form of speech is written. Type of speech - monologue. The nature of the relations of communicants is official, mass, mediated. Style dominants - expressiveness, figurativeness.

The spring was not large and not a striker, it made its way from the inside of a pine bush not at all impudently. In the summer it was all overgrown with grass, sandy, quietly flowing water onto the main road. In winter, the wind swept the snow aside here, only slightly covered it, as if for warmth, and it did not freeze. The water was so clear that it seemed that it was not there, this water.

Answer: the functional type of speech is artistic. The function of the language implemented in the text is aesthetic, influencing. The sphere of speech realization is verbal art. The main form of speech is written. Type of speech - monologue. The nature of the relations of communicants is official, mass, mediated. Style dominants - expressiveness, figurativeness.

2. Read the texts below. Specify their style dominants. Name the language means used in texts of different styles

Different words. Miscellaneous warmth. Different culture. Different grass in the morning on the green grass.

We talked with Irina Antonova, director of the Museum of Fine Arts, about the beauty and ugliness of a city house, an entrance, about how one and the other add up and what follows from this for people who live either in beauty or in ugliness. Broken light bulbs, painted and scratched elevators, prints of not only hands - shoes on the walls. Not mine. The forcible exclusion of a person from his private property turned into not only bureaucracy and philistinism, which has soaked into our pores, but also vandalism. Who will grow up on the soil of vandalism? Next vandal.

Answer: style dominants - a combination of expression and standard, social appraisal (journalistic style). Language means implemented in the text - rhetorical question, antithesis, gradation, evaluative vocabulary, comparison, synecdoche.

How strange the human soul is...

For hours, days, weeks we lived with news from the depths of the Barents Sea, shuddering from the understanding of the inevitability of death for some of our sailors, passionately hoping for the salvation of others and deeply compassionate for the relatives who remained on the shore. And today we clung to the television screen again - what is there on this tragic submarine?

But it's not a boat, it's a plane. Crashed and claimed many, many human lives. Why didn’t it chain us to the screen, and the screen, as if nothing had happened, entertained us, as on ordinary days, and, as usual, frightened us with cinematic deaths? Why didn't our soul start up with the same former strength? Is death in the sky easier than at the bottom of the sea? Immediately learned - there is no hope for the salvation of the survivors? Didn't they see, as then, those who said goodbye to life? Or just the soul, protecting itself, is no longer capable - after all, death after death! - accommodate other suffering?

I don't know... Probably both, and the other, and the third. But there is another, and very dangerous. Psychologists have a term: banalization. Narcologists say: you can not endlessly show the horrors of drug addiction - then drug addiction becomes commonplace. It enters consciousness as something usual: gray rain outside the window, the whining of a discarded dog, the shuffling of old man's steps on the asphalt. It’s scary to say it, but death becomes a commonplace for us…

Answer: style dominance - a combination of expression and standard, social appraisal (journalistic style). Means of expressiveness - rhetorical question, rhetorical exclamation, evaluative vocabulary, expressive vocabulary, gradation, polyunion, comparison, neologism.

Getting smaller and smaller, the pillars near the village disappeared, and then again appeared in the distance in the form of very small, thin sticks, similar to pencils. style text language dominant

Eyes again inadvertently opened, and Yegorushka saw a new danger: three huge giants with long pikes were following the wagon. They were people of enormous size, with closed faces, drooping heads and heavy tread. Yegorushka opened his eyes. Below, near the wagon, stood Pantelei, Emelyan's triangle, and the giants. The latter were now much shorter, and when Yegorushka peered at them, they turned out to be ordinary peasants, holding on their shoulders not peaks, but iron pitchforks (A.P. Chekhov).

Answer: style dominants - expressiveness, figurativeness (artistic style). Means of expressiveness - gradation, antithesis, hyperbole, litote, comparison.

The aunt's garden was famous for its neglect, nightingales, doves and apples, and the house for its roof. He stood at the head of the yard near the garden, - the branches of lindens hugged him, - he was small and squat, but it seemed that he would not live forever - he looked so thoroughly from under his unusually high and thick thatched roof, blackened and hardened with time. Its front façade always seemed to me alive: it was as if an old face was looking out from under a huge hat with hollow eyes, windows with mother-of-pearl glasses from rain and sun. And on the sides of these eyes were porches - two old large porches with columns. Well-fed pigeons always sat on their pediment, while thousands of sparrows rained from roof to roof ... And the guest felt comfortable in this nest under the turquoise autumn sky (I.A. Bunin).

Answer: style dominants - expressiveness, figurativeness (artistic style). Means of expressiveness - metonymy, personification, epithet.

A. Hello!

B. Hello, Tan!

A. Why don't you call, tomorrow is Thursday, remember?

B. I remember, I remember, of course. We'll talk tomorrow. I don’t know, because I got busy, that’s all.

A. Well, you are businesslike, Galina.

B. What to do? Now I can forget about Thursday, I forgot about Sunday a long time ago. But no, no, tomorrow at five we meet where we usually do, and to Anna Timofeevna, everything, everything, bye, see you.

Answer: Style dominants - spontaneity, situationality. Means of expressiveness - jargon, expressive vocabulary, anaphora, compositional joint.

Oh, here this year the son ... in the spring he brought such ... He is a passionate fisherman, son, he was on this ... not Ladoga, but Lake Peipsi, he fished and brought from there, among the fish - a kitten, a small black kitten. He was fed from a pipette for the first days. And then I, having looked closely at this kitten, began to say that it was obviously a cross between a cat and a pike, the kitten turned out to be so strange. Just fear. He rushed at everyone who entered and tormented him.

Answer: style dominants - expressiveness, figurativeness. Means of expressiveness - expressive vocabulary, comparison, silence, epiphora.

3. Pick up on your own several texts related to various functional styles of the literary language

They said that a new face appeared on the embankment: a lady with a dog. Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov, who had already lived in Yalta for two weeks and was used to it, also began to take an interest in new faces. Sitting in Vernet's pavilion, he saw a young lady walking along the embankment, a short blonde woman in a beret: a white Spitz was running behind her.

Answer: artistic speech

Family relationships are the fundamental basis of human development and socialization of the individual. The family is the first and main social institution that a person enters. Everything that is laid down by family relationships predetermines relationships with other people, with the surrounding society. As a rule, the type of relationship formed in the parental family is modeled on one's own family.

Answer: scientific speech.

4. Perform a stylistic analysis of texts related to scientific speech, guided by the diagram below

Approximate scheme of functional-stylistic text analysis

1. Extra-linguistic style-forming factors in relation to this text (the sphere of public consciousness reflected in the text: scientific, business, everyday; form and type of speech: written / oral, monologue / dialogue; communication method of communicants: official / private, contact / distant, interpersonal /mass, direct/indirect).

2. The language function that dominates in this text (informative, influencing, motivating, communicative, aesthetic).

3. Dominant style features that appear in this text.

4. Language means of their expression (lexical, morphological, syntactic).

5. Conclusion about the belonging of the text to the style, sub-style, genre.

1. The group of factors associated with the social conditionality of speech, its tasks and extralinguistic characteristics cannot be considered as homogeneous - for example, extralinguistic characteristics in the field of written speech appear in the form of thinking properties (logicality, accuracy, coherence, consistency, economy, etc.) , characteristic at the same time for business and official publicistic speech, and in the form of situational conditions for the flow of speech in the field of oral literary speech that are not comparable with them. This also includes the factor of taking into account the properties of the addressee - the addressee of the speech. It is not necessary to consider them as distinguishing features.

Stylistic analysis of the text.

2. Informative.

4. Lexical means of expressiveness: the unambiguity of the word, stylistically neutral words (generally used), terms, the predominance of vocabulary of abstract meaning (logicality, accuracy, coherence, etc.), the absence of non-bookish vocabulary and emotionally-evaluatively colored vocabulary.

Morphological means of expression: the predominance of nominal words over verbs, the widespread use of constructions with genitive forms of the noun.

Syntactic means of expression: 1st sentence is grammatically complete narrative with a direct word order, complex, strict structure of the text.

5. Scientific style; substyle - scientific and educational; genre - methodical manual.

Features of the adaptive potential of plants can be identified by considering representatives of different kingdoms. Most interesting is the comparison of the two most highly organized higher taxonomic categories: the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. The following main similarities can be distinguished:

* plants and animals have approximately equal adaptive capabilities - the areas of their settlement cover all natural zones, although the life expectancy of plants, as a rule, is longer than that of animals;

* the complexity of the organization of both plants and animals is quite high: both have 50 - 100 cell types and about the same number of tissue types; in organisms, millions and billions of cells function in a coordinated manner;

* the integrity of the multicellular organization in both plants and animals is maintained through the interaction of individual cells, as well as the presence of integrating systems for information transfer and resource exchange (hormonal; vascular system of substance transfer; system of electrophysiological mechanisms for information transfer).

Similarities are not limited to those listed. There is much in common in the biochemistry of plants and animals, the structures of cells are close, there are many fundamentally close features in the organization of the hereditary apparatus.

Stylistic analysis of the text.

1. Scientific speech; form of speech - written; type of speech - monologue; the nature of the relationship of communicants - official, distant, mass, mediated.

2. Informative.

3. Accuracy, consistency, abstract generalized character.

4. Lexical means of expression: terms, the use of general scientific vocabulary, the predominance of vocabulary of abstract meaning (integrity, complexity), the absence of non-bookish vocabulary and emotionally-evaluatively colored vocabulary.

Morphological means of expression: the predominance of nominal words over verbs, the widespread use of constructions with genitive forms of the noun, the predominance of verbs of the 3rd person of the imperfect present tense, the use of relative adjectives.

Syntactic means of expression: strict structure of the text, introductory constructions.

5. Scientific style; substyle - educational and scientific; genre - article.

5. Select an excerpt of 3-4 pages of printed text in your specialty and indicate what features of the scientific style are reflected in it

In the system of Russian syntax, complex sentences of an undivided structure are distinguished by a number of specific features. Firstly, these are constructions that reveal in their structure some signs of a simple sentence and thus constitute a kind of transitional zone from one syntactic unit to another. Secondly, this is the area of ​​the syntax of a complex sentence, which is distinguished by the heterogeneity of the methods of communication and the means of their expression, and within each individual type (and in some cases even within wider limits) these means are in a certain way correlated with each other, that is, they are connected by relations opposition or substitution. These properties not only clearly distinguish sentences of an undivided structure from the total mass of complex sentences, but also characterize them as a kind of internally organized unity.

Answer. Style dominants - accuracy, consistency, abstract generalized character; the nature of the relationship of communicants - official, mediated, distant; informative function of the language; means of expression - terms, the use of general scientific vocabulary, the absence of non-bookish vocabulary and emotional-evaluative colored vocabulary, the predominance of nominal words over verbs, the strict structure of the text, complex sentences.

6. Read the summary of the book by L.G. Pavlova "Dispute, discussion, controversy" and a review of it. Point out how these texts differ. Find signs of a scientific style in the texts of annotations and reviews

In the book of L.G. Pavlova "Dispute, discussion, controversy" in an accessible, popular form tells about the basic rules and principles of conducting a public dispute, various polemical techniques. The author gives advice and recommendations for improving polemical skills. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers, primarily to high school students.

L.G. Pavlova. Argument, discussion, controversy.

The book by L.G. Pavlova "Dispute, discussion, controversy" is very timely. Teaching high school students polemical skills is an urgent task. Young people should be able to reasonably defend their beliefs, prove the correctness or fallacy of the put forward point of view, justify a certain understanding of new phenomena of reality. After all, the fate of our Fatherland will depend on the civic position of young people, their social activity.

In the book of L.G. Pavlova is given the basics of polemical skill. The author begins the presentation of the material by defining the very concept of "dispute", clarifying its essence, describing different types of public discussion. The book contains interesting information from the history of the art of dispute, introduces young readers to outstanding representatives of the theory and practice of public debate of different times.

The book discusses the basic requirements of the culture of the dispute and the rules of its conduct. The author shows how to choose the subject of the dispute and not lose it in the process of discussion, how to operate with concepts, how to answer questions, etc. A special chapter is devoted to the ability to listen, which is no less important than the ability to speak.

Much attention is paid in the book to the art of argumentation, which is necessary both for proving the truth of the propositions put forward, and for refuting the opponent's point of view, exposing the opponent's statements. The author gives examples of various polemical techniques and tricks, characterizes various logical and psychological arguments, analyzes logical errors in the course of proof and refutation.

The book is easy to read. The catchy chapter titles have subheadings that accurately reflect the content of the subsequent text. Each chapter concludes with a "polemist's memo", which briefly formulates the main conclusions, gives advice and recommendations to the participants in the dispute. The Dictionary of the Controversial contains interpretations of the main terms of the art of argument.

The undoubted advantage of the book is the use of numerous examples from works of fiction by domestic and foreign authors. This allows you to visually and convincingly present various situations in a dispute, broadens the horizons of students, and enhances the educational value of the book.

"Dispute, discussion, controversy" is a good guide for self-education. Book L.G. Pavlova will be read with interest not only by high school students and teachers, but also by everyone who is concerned about the problems of communication, oratory, and polemical skills.

Answer: the review indicates the subject of analysis, a brief summary of the work, and gives a general assessment of the work. The abstract discusses in more detail the issues that the author outlined in his book.

Signs of a scientific style - accuracy, consistency, abstract generalized character; the nature of the relationship of the communicants - official, mediated, distant; informative function of the language; means of expression - terms, the use of general scientific vocabulary, the absence of non-bookish vocabulary and emotionally-evaluative colored vocabulary.

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According to the function-style affiliation, all the words of the Russian language can be divided into two large groups: 1) commonly used, appropriate in any style of speech (person, work, good, a lot, house) and 2) assigned to a certain style and perceived outside of it as inappropriate (different style): face (in the meaning of "man"), work hard (in the meaning of "work"), cool, plenty, living space, structure.

The second group of words is of particular stylistic interest.

Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication. In the modern Russian language, the following book styles are distinguished: scientific, journalistic, official business.

The bookish styles are opposed to the colloquial style, which appears mainly in oral form. Outside the literary and linguistic norm is vernacular.

The book vocabulary includes words high, giving solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive, expressing both positive and negative assessment of the named concepts. So, in book styles, ironic vocabulary is used (beautiful soul, words, quixotic), disapproving (pedantic, mannerism), contemptuous (mask, corrupt), etc. Therefore, it is sometimes incorrectly believed that book vocabulary consists only of words of positive evaluative value, although such, of course, prevail in it (all poetic, rhetorical, solemn vocabulary).

Colloquial vocabulary includes affectionate words (darling, mommy), playful (butuz, laughter), as well as some units expressing a negative assessment of the concepts called (but not too rude): zealous, giggle, brag, small fry.

The functional stylistic fixation of words is facilitated by their thematic relevance. So, the terms, as a rule, belong to the scientific style: assonance, metaphor, quantum theory, synchrophasotron; journalistic style includes words related to socio-political topics: pluralism, democracy, publicity, citizenship, cooperation; as official business words used in jurisprudence, office work are distinguished: presumption of innocence, incompetent, victim, notify, prescribe, proper, residence.

However, the differentiating features of scientific, journalistic, official and business vocabulary are not always perceived with sufficient certainty, and therefore, when stylistically characterized, a significant number of words are evaluated as bookish, in contrast to their commonly used and colloquial synonyms. Let's compare, for example, such synonymic rows:

Due to semantic and stylistic differences, bookish and colloquial (colloquial) words are most clearly opposed; cf .: invade - climb in, get rid of - get rid of, get rid of, sob - roar; face - muzzle, mug.

Functional-style stratification of vocabulary is only partially fixed in explanatory dictionaries by stylistic marks to words. Book words, special, colloquial, vernacular, rude vernacular stand out most consistently.

The corresponding marks are used in the Big and Small academic dictionaries of the Russian language. In the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov, stylistic marks indicate the functional fixation of words: "abusive", "high", "ironic", "bookish", "disapproving", "official", "colloquial", "colloquial" , "special", etc. But there are no labels that would highlight journalistic vocabulary.

In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by D. N. Ushakov, stylistic marks are more diverse, they represent the functional stratification of vocabulary in a more differentiated way. Here such marks are given: "newspaper", "stationery", "folk poetic", "special", "official", "poetic", "colloquial", "journalistic", etc. However, in some cases these marks are outdated. So, contractual, recalculation, re-register in the dictionary of D.N. Ushakov are given with the mark "official", and in the dictionary of Ozhegov - without marks; chauvinism - respectively: "political" and - without marks. This reflects the real processes of changing the function-style belonging of words.

The emotionality of speech is often conveyed by especially expressive expressive vocabulary. Expressiveness (expression) means expressiveness, the power of manifestation of feelings and experiences. There are many words in Russian that have an element of expression added to their nominative meaning. For example, instead of the word good, getting excited about something, we say beautiful, wonderful, delightful, wonderful; I can say I don't like it, but it is not difficult to find stronger, more colorful words I hate, I despise, I abhor. In all these cases, the semantic structure of the word is complicated by connotation.

The bureaucratization of all forms of life in our society during the stagnant period has led to the fact that the influence of the official business style has increased excessively in the Russian language. Elements of this style, unjustifiably used outside of it, are called clericalisms. These include characteristic words and expressions (presence, in the absence of, in order to avoid, due, the above, at the moment, a period of time, today and so on.), A lot of verbal nouns (taking, blowing up, living, finding, withdrawing, absenteeism , walking, understaffing, etc.); denominative prepositions (in the case, in part, for purposes, along the line, at the expense, etc.). The stamp appears with the loss of expressive and evaluative qualities by speech clichés. The desire for figurative speech, for the novelty of expressions, can also be a source of clichés. Due to frequent repetition, these linguistic means lose their expressive properties: white gold, get a residence permit.

As a result of the frequent use of the same image, the means of expression are universalized, the word is devalued, cf.: white gold (cotton), black gold (coal), green gold (wood, tea).

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